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Dear Friend,

I am so excited to share this eBook with you. This is just a quick, very personal note
from me before you even get started.

Just to let you know, this eBook is for everyone and will always be free. Please share it
with as many loved ones and colleagues that you feel may benefit from it.

Your future is so bright and letting go of the past will enable you to move forward with
even more power and purpose. For me it was one of the most powerful things I ever did
and I hope and pray that you have the same experience as part of your journey.

I wanted to let you know about something else that may help you. In an eBook, it would
look odd to include tools or worksheets or videos although I know that many people
would like extra help in taking the steps in the eBook. Personally, I appreciate somebody
taking me by the hand and guiding me, especially through a journey that will move my
life forward. For that reason, I have also created both a number of free tools and a very
low cost course that goes along with the eBook that may interest you. You will be
receiving these free tools and a great video about the steps in the eBook and the course
through your email.

Oh, if you want to access the video even faster, simply click on this link right now and
you can go straight there:

I so look forward to serving you and to hearing about your victories.

Live Your True Self,


Learn about the companion course at 2

This eBook is dedicated to my wife, Jessica, and my daughter, Jane, the two powerful
women that inspire and motivate me every day to be the best man I can be.

Learn about the companion course at 3

I’m delighted to give you this eBook and hope it helps you as much as it has helped me.
Far too often, our past holds us back, acts like a huge weight or an albatross that hangs
around our neck and stops us from revealing our True Self. You have so much good and
beauty within you, so much that only you can contribute to the world. I’ve included a
number of quotes to inspire you along your journey as you take the 5 Steps To Letting
Go Of Your Past.

Along your journey of letting go, there will be ideas, feelings and beliefs that you adopt
and allow to influence the way you view the world around you. Some of these ideas,
feelings and beliefs are quickly and naturally outgrown if they limit you in any way.
However, sometimes we get emotionally attached to them and forget what life was like
or could be like without some of these ideas, feelings and beliefs that don’t serve you.

For example, you may currently think that you need to let go of a person, but it’s your
idea of that person and your feelings towards that person and your beliefs about that
person that you need to let go of. That’s why at the end of any relationship, you desire
closure. You want to close off a relationship and end it on a positive feeling, idea and
belief about that person. Without closure, you carry negative ideas, hurt feelings and
limiting beliefs with you into your next relationship. It’s less about the other person and
more about how you think, feel & believe.

Within you is a light. I know this light to be “Your True Self” and you may know this
light as your intuition. It’s what connects us to the infinite source of creation. This light
is constantly looking to provide you with purpose & clarity so that you can understand
and move on in your journey learning, growing & evolving.

Within the pages of this E-Book, I will be relying on my True Self to provide you with the
5 Steps To Letting Go Of The Past so that you can thrive, grow & better understand your

My name is Shawn Fontaine, I am an adventurer of life and have been on a journey of

self-discovery for quite some time. My mission is to live through my True Self and allow
the truth being shared through me to be spread to all fellow adventurers.

Please receive this gift with the spirit intended - to help you bring your blessings to the
world, live your biggest dreams and allow your True Self to shine for all of us. You
deserve it and you are worth it.

Learn about the companion course at 4

Step One Lesson
Ground Yourself In Your Truth
Ground yourself with deep breathing exercises to what is truly important in
your life, so that you can let go of the little things and focus on the big ones.

Your True Self is Saying to You Today:

Your journey may feel like it has

just begun because of all of the
new ideas, opportunities & people
that have recently entered your
life. Your past hasn’t been the
easiest, and it was never meant to
be. However, the fact that you can
still smile & be positive about your
future means that nothing can
permanently bring you down, and
you will continue to rise and live a
new day creating the life of your
dreams. ~ Shawn Fontaine

Learn about the companion course at 5

There are times along your journey, when you will feel lost & confused. The emotions
that visit you when you are in the state of feeling lost may make you feel even more lost
and confused. You may get anxious, self-conscious that you aren’t good enough, or even
feel like there is no hope. This is where grounding yourself comes into play and will
provide the comfort you need to calm down and get realigned.

Before I describe what I’ve discovered as “getting grounded in your truth”, there is a key
that you must be aware of. Thoughts and ideas are visitors to your mind that cause a
feeling the moment they enter. Not all thoughts that come in to your head are meant to
be entertained. Some thoughts are meant to be guided right back out the door they came
in. If you act on a thought you give it permission to stay. However, at the end of the day,
your mind and body is your temporary home, and it’s up to you if a visitor stays or
leaves. If someone enters your home and bring value to it, you welcome them with open
arms. If someone disrespects your home or makes you feel unsafe, they won’t be
welcome again. I hope this makes sense.

“Getting grounded in your truth” is the act of finding silence and peace within one’s self
to disconnect from all current feelings, and be present with nothing more than one’s
breath and one’s consciousness. In simpler words, getting grounded means to find a
quiet and safe place within ourselves. I’ve found that everyone has this skill inherently--
almost like an (escape) or (home) button on a computer or an iPhone. This skill can be
strengthened by trusting it and having faith in it.

Within you is a deep desire to be at peace and feel positive about every aspect of your
life. You deeply want to feel good about yourself, make decisions that your future self
will be proud of and commit to relationships with people who value you and desire to
grow alongside you. In order to grow you must also face the obstacles that challenge
you. There will be times when you find yourself unsure, wondering if you took the right
turn. What do you do? How do you find that sense of peace and purpose that reassure
you that you’re back on the right path?

I always start by closing my eyes to connect with my most valuable human skill, my

Why do I do this?

Our eyes perceive the outside world as real. However, everything happens within us
before it is seen outside of us. Therefore, I close my eyes.

Our breath is the most fundamental faculty we process that keeps us alive, living this
human experience. When I reset, I always feel the most called to return to step one, the
basics, which is the breath, through a breathing exercise.

Your first step is critical. Take a step away from the noise. Honor yourself by finding a
place where you can be quiet and still. Begin to breathe. Open your mind. Ground

Learn about the companion course at 6

Step One Exercise
Find a quiet place. Breathe and open your
mind. Get Grounded in Your Truth.
You are invited to learn more about Step One in the “Ground Yourself in
Your Truth” bonus video at

Your True Self is Saying to You Today:

Forgive yourself for your

shortcomings, free yourself from
guilt & let your past be your past.
Every learning lesson is valuable,
and you wouldn’t be where you are
today without them. You have
grown so much so far this year.
Your future self will be incredibly
grateful that you let go of what’s
no longer in your control, so you
could move forward a stronger &
wiser you. Receive, believe &
accept. ~ Shawn Fontaine

Learn about the companion course at 7

Step Two Lesson
Brainstorm Your Blessings
Brainstorm your blessings, starting with the opportunity to be alive today,
in a gratitude exercise. Open up your heart and receive the blessings that
are already there for you.

Your True Self is Saying to You Today:

Your story is going to inspire so many

people. Twenty years from now, all of the
hard times & obstacles you are facing in
these recent chapters in your life will be a
part of stories you tell. Every obstacle you
conquer will inspire somebody someday
to keep moving forward when they’ve
had enough. Go into this new week with
this mindset. Everything you endure is
going to be a part of a story that helps
someone keep their head high and their
heart filled with hope. Receive this,
accept this & believe this. ~ Shawn Fontaine

Learn about the companion course at 8

You always attract more of what you already are. If you are feeling angry, you will notice
more things from an angry perspective which can make you even angrier. If you are
grateful and thankful, you will see through the lens of gratitude and in turn, will always
find things to be thankful for.

What does this have to do with letting go?

From my experience, when I need to let go of something, often times, it’s because I want
what I don’t have or what’s not good for me. It’s when I realize how blessed I am to have
everything around me that I’m able to let go with a great ease and trust the process and
all that is coming my way. The key is to focus your thoughts on what you are grateful for.
It’s about returning to the basics. What are the most simple things that you feel
gratitude for? Are you thankful to be alive? Are you grateful for your home? Are you
thankful for your family?

It’s the feelings of gratitude that truly matter. We want to become accustomed to living
in a space of gratitude. We want to replace that feeling of negativity and train ourselves
to feel gratitude.

Feelings act like lenses. We see things through our feelings. When you are angry,
everything you see and encounter is colored by that anger.

Personally, I learned this skill because of extremely tough times that I went through. I
suffered from anxiety, experienced the dark nights of the soul and somehow survived. I
don’t want to go there again. I don’t want to be pulled back into my past.

There are two things that I do. First, I say certain things in my head. Second, I do certain
visual exercises.

I have identified words that feel powerful and strong for me, phrases that evoke feelings,
that take me away from the negative and into the positive. I want to strengthen my
ability to direct my feelings and choose them--and at the same time, leave certain
feelings behind. I want to find new feelings that help me let go of my past and become
the author of a new story.

For example, in my relationship with my wife, I tell myself the following daily: “As a
husband, I honor my wife and seek to be a better man each and every day. I learn from
every fault and am growing into the man I need to be every day.” These words take the
feeling of doubt inside me and replace that with hope and faith--which act as a bridge to
growth and breakthroughs in my relationship. Because feelings are the secret, it all
starts within each of us and it is up to us to guide those.

When it comes to visual exercises, I believe in day dreaming. Feelings also evoke visuals.
Again, as an example, if I am angry, the visuals that come to me are filled with anger.
When that happens, in my head I will drop into a meditative state with crossed legs and
the visual becomes like sitting in a grass field. It’s almost as if I’m aborting the negative,
undesired feeling and entering a desirable state of peace.

Learn about the companion course at 9

Happiness is being on the right path. Things are going to get rough. We are all going to
have challenges but if we know that we are on the right path, we can proceed forward.
When you find purpose, you find your place on the path and are no longer lost.
Gratitude leads us to solutions and leads us to purpose.

This is why brainstorming my blessings gives me that sense of purpose, that everything
is happening for a reason.

Your second step is so important. Get a piece of paper or your favorite journal. Ask
yourself “What am I grateful for?” Be quiet and listen to what comes. Write it down. You
will amaze yourself every time.

Step Two Exercise

Find a place of gratitude. Be thankful.
Brainstorm Your Blessings.
You are invited to learn more about Step Two in the “Brainstorm your
Blessings” bonus video at

Learn about the companion course at 10

Your True Self is Saying to You Today:

Trust yourself. You have an important

decision to make in your life. A door is
closing and another one is opening.
Don’t be afraid to let go of what was
comfortable, so you can pursue what you
believe is right for you. A feeling of peace
will overwhelm you shortly after you have
made this decision, giving you the
confidence you need to commit to the
path ahead. You know what feels right,
trust that. ~ Shawn Fontaine

Learn about the companion course at 11

Step Three Lesson
Confirm Your Purpose
Confirm your potential and purpose through affirmations. Start with “I
am….” statements. Declare to yourself the vast potential you have.

Your True Self is Saying to You Today:

What you fear most isn’t happening.

What seems unfixable will soon fall into
place. Every doubt you have about your
future will be proven wrong. You’re
meant to thrive & come out of this
chapter of your life a winner. Believe in
yourself & trust that today’s obstacles are
preparing you for this week’s blessings.
Receive and believe this. ~ Shawn Fontaine

Learn about the companion course at 12

It is important to remember that we are all born with freedom of choice. This is not just
what food you are going to eat for breakfast or where you are going to lunch. It’s the
freedom to choose which feelings and what things we are going to give energy to and
devote ourselves to. Our fear of personal downfall exists within us as does our hope for
our uprise.

Affirming yourself of your purpose fuels your uprise. Getting better and evolving is our
uprise. A seed sprouts, sinks roots, breaks ground and grows into a mighty tree. Human
beings do the same. Affirmations are reminders, and if you say the right ones that evoke
a feeling from within, they can be powerful in helping you create a positive mindset to
both push you forward and help you let go of what no longer serves you.

Faith and hope give your past purpose. They enable you to see where you have been and
affirmations help guide you to where you are going.

When I do affirmations, it is one of the quickest ways I know to reverse a negative mood,
get out of a mental fog and jumpstart my passion for making today a great day. At first,
affirmations may feel awkward or odd. As I grew up, I treated things as if they were
happening to me, as if I had no control, like a victim. More recently, I realized that there
is a true light within me and that there are greater powers at work, even when it seems
like my world is crashing down. Affirmations help me remember that. Affirmations help
me look for that light and believe in it. Because of that, they also help that light grow
bright and shine forth. In so doing, they make the positive manifest and the negative

Affirmations are like a positive dialogue with ourselves, one that we can have every day,
regardless of circumstance.

Know this: You are already everything you need to be, and within you is a potential that
you are growing into. Remind yourself of that every day.

Your third step is all about you. Find the words that evoke strong feelings and passion
for you. Write them down beginning with “I am…”

Step Three Exercise

Honor yourself daily. Talk to your True Self
every day. Confirm Your Purpose.
You are invited to learn more about Step Three in the “Affirm your
Purpose” bonus video at

Learn about the companion course at 13

Your True Self is Saying to You Today:

What you truly desire is real &

possible for you. You’re on the
right path, and as it may not
always be clear, everything in your
life is aligning in your favor. Keep
your chin up in tough times & find
purpose for why things are
happening for you. When things
seem the most confusing &
difficult for you, a breakthrough is
close by. Have faith & trust the
process. You are where you need to
be, believe that. ~ Shawn Fontaine

Learn about the companion course at 14

Step Four Lesson
Confront Your Fears and Give Them Purpose
Confront your fears by giving them purpose. Write out what you have
learned from your fear and what purpose each fear has had in your life.

Your True Self is Saying to You Today:

Continue to understand that you have

incredible potential. You’ve come a
long way and have grown so much in
the process. However, you are just
scratching the surface of how far you
are going to go. The lessons you are
learning now are positioning you for
the great opportunities in the near
future. Exciting times are ahead for
you. Believe in yourself & trust that
everything you experience is helping
you evolve. You are ready for what’s
coming your way. ~ Shawn Fontaine

Learn about the companion course at 15

You confront your fears by giving them purpose. We want to address whatever it is that
lurks in the dark. Personally, I find myself to be the most afraid or lost when things
appear to be in the dark, when things are uncertain. It’s scary to not know what’s out
there. By shining light on that darkness, we realize that what we most fear usually isn’t
even there. The monster in the closet is hardly ever real.

I’ve experienced financial downfalls that were quite rough. A few years ago, I went six
months without a paycheck. Periodically, that fear comes back. What if I have to
experience that again? Those times from the past show up when things don’t go the way
I think they should or I hit a little dip. Those same thoughts creep back in again. The
uncertainty of the future can also scare us and fear sneaks in like a weed when we lack
faith and hope. For example, the fear that I’m going to be broke is not real. In the past, I
faced rough financial hurdles. I survived and I learned from those. I apply those lessons
now. Because of that, I am becoming more today and into the future. If I made it
through the past, I can make it through today and tomorrow, whatever the challenges I

What do you need to let go of? What do you need to release? What is the fear that is
emotionally draining you? Whatever it is, you can address it with your purpose.

When I’m feeling the anxiety of things from the past revisiting as possible fears that
might show up in the present, I know that I must let go of those and trust what I am in
control of, which is the now, the moment I’m living in.

I sit down after brainstorming my blessings. I know that I’m blessed. I know that I have
so much more in my life than I ever had. I know that the experiences that I have been
through are my biggest asset. This is the perfect time to write out the things that I have
learned from my biggest obstacles in the past. When I do that, it gives me a refresher on
how much I have gained from that past. It is quite empowering to see that. It shows me
how much purpose came from what I went through. It helps me realize that what I look
at as big obstacles are really opportunities to learn those lessons. I would never have
learned the lessons without the obstacles.

Everything happens for me, not to me. There is no need to fear what is ahead because
whatever it is, it will shape me into becoming a better person.

The past prepares me for the future. When I learn from it and acknowledge it, I
understand that life is about learning. When we mature and grow to realize this, there is
nothing to fear, no limitation to be afraid of.

Often, we are afraid to let go because we lack the faith that we are strong enough to
make it through anything else based on how hard that past may have been. This is like a
weakness that is residual from the past. In order to let go of the past, we have to write
down what we have learned and allow these lessons to give us purpose moving forward.

Your fourth step continues the work. Be honest with yourself in this moment. Write
down your lessons and the purpose they had for you. Acknowledge their power for you.

Learn about the companion course at 16

Step Four Exercise
Confront your fears. Write down the lessons.
Acknowledge Your Purpose.
You are invited to learn more about Step Four in the “Confront your Fears”
bonus video. Visit

Your True Self is Saying to You Today:

All of the fears & worries that have

been crossing your mind aren’t real.
New chapters bring new discomforts
& unfamiliar situations. It’s okay that
you’re nervous, just know that things
are going in the right direction and
you have nothing to fear. As you
continue to give more energy to
better thoughts, you will notice a
positive shift in how you feel and see
the world around you. Trust &
believe. ~ Shawn Fontaine

Learn about the companion course at 17

Step Five Lesson
Affirm Your Future Direction
Affirm your readiness and awareness for new blessings. Write affirmations
that tell your true self where you WILL be in the near term so that you can
powerfully move in the direction of your dreams.

Your True Self is Saying to You Today:

You have entered a time in your life

where you desire nothing more but to
grow and embrace all the good things
in your life. Enjoy each moment & be
present with those you have gotten
close to. Teamwork and building
relationships is your theme for this
new season. Incredible breakthroughs
are on the horizon. ~ Shawn Fontaine

Learn about the companion course at 18

In Step 3, you affirmed who you are. Through those affirmations you acknowledged who
you are, where you are, what your blessings are, all those that you brainstormed in Step
2. This gave you the strength and purpose to let go of the past in Step 4 through the
exercises we did there. As you can see, all of these steps work perfectly together to
prepare you for your future--which is what we will work on now.

It’s time to accelerate your life. There are amazing benefits that happen when you let go
of something from the past. In that moment, you value yourself the most and this
enables you to move forward with power and purpose. Your True Self comes out.

In these times you are the most willing to value yourself and move forward quickly.
Energy comes from that decision within and fuels you toward your future. This is where
your future affirmations are so important. You need to tell the world what you want
from it so that you can find the right path. If you seek you shall find. You become the
most passionate and excited about it. The happier you are, the harder you will work. The
harder you work, the quicker you attain results. It all works together and begins with
your affirmations. I get excited even sharing this with you. It is so powerful. Everyone
benefits from you spreading your happiness and light--the person giving, YOU, and the
people receiving, those around you.

We are all meant to grow and we are all meant to grow together.

Future affirmations help foster the feeling, that feeling of growing--and the feeling is
where the action comes from. We need that feeling first so that we can act on it. Every
affirmation that we choose to say puts us in that state. It all starts with “I am...” This is
the deepest commitment you can make. You are putting a positive character trait on
yourself, making a positive judgment about yourself which naturally raises your belief
level about you. These affirmations are tailor-made for you and will be all your own
because you are the author of them - and in turn you are the author of the script that you
are writing for your future.

All I am doing with you is sharing a piece of my script in the hopes that it serves you. We
are all adventuring forward together in this powerful time. I love saying: “I am where I
need to be.” As a father and husband, I want to put my WHY into all that I do. I say to
myself: “The person that I am becoming is better serving my wife and my daughter so
that they, too, can live out their purposes.” It is up to you to create your own
affirmations that perfectly serve you and your purpose. When you take what you say to
yourself seriously, you are committing to your future. You can grow to stick to these
affirmations, to trust your own word, fully focus and make it happen. Your vision gets
bigger each time you commit to yourself in this way.

This final step ties everything together. Focus on your future. Decide what it will be.
Craft it for yourself. Write it down in the form of affirmations that you can repeat every
day. Design your life. You are the author and main player in it.

Learn about the companion course at 19

Step Five Exercise
Trust yourself. Commit to your True Self.
Affirm Your Future.
You are invited to learn more about Step Five in the “Affirm your Future”
bonus video. Visit

Your True Self is Saying to You Today:

What’s ahead is better than what’s

gone. Let go of what could be and
fully embrace what is here now.
Perspective is everything. Live in the
present moment today and see your
life as a continuous work in progress.
Every lesson & experience matures
you and prepares you for something
new to enter your life. Distractions &
fears have no power over you other
than the power you give them. Today
is the beginning of something great.
~ Shawn Fontaine

Learn about the companion course at 20

Want to make your process even easier?
Let Shawn be your personal guide! Watch
this webinar interview on the 5 Steps to
Letting Go of Your Past.
Dive further into each of the 5 steps with Shawn. View a very informative
interview right now at

About Shawn Fontaine

Shawn’s father died when he was 13 and for a number of years, he felt lost. His search
led him in many directions, often down the wrong road. After a bit of a rough journey, at
the age of 17, Shawn had a spiritual awakening that changed his life. He woke up to God
and the spirit inside of him. He knew that he wanted to bring awareness to the world
and give back in a big way.

At the end of the year following his awakening, Shawn met his life partner Jessica, who
became his wife. They have since been blessed with a daughter Jane. As a strong
believer in the value of relationships, connection and especially family, Shawn strives
every day to be the best husband, father and human being - both at home and at work.
He began Vybe Source as a vehicle to bring mindfulness and personal development to
people around the world. He feels as if Vybe Source is an extension of his core family,
one that continues to grow on a daily basis.

Today Vybe Source has more than half a million followers and is growing faster than
ever. It feels almost like destiny, as if it was meant to be. Shawn loves his Instagram
followers and the impact he can have for so many of them. Instagram has changed his
life and he now lives his dream every day. For Shawn, he wants to use his platform to
help anyone and everyone build their hope and faith--for a better future, bigger dreams
and more meaning and purpose. He firmly believes that the world will be a better place
when we all discover and live our True Self.

Learn about the companion course at 21

“Thank you, my friend, for reading my book!” ~ Shawn

Learn about the companion course at 22

© 2019 by Shawn Fontaine. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or

photocopying without written permission of the publisher or author. The exception
would be in the case of brief quotations embodied in the critical articles or reviews and
pages where permission is specifically granted by the publisher or author.

Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information
contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or
omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of
information contained within.

Send support or sales questions to

Additional copies of this ebook can be requested at

A special video bonus is available from Shawn Fontaine that walks you through the 5
Steps. He also gives you details about the companion course. Access it at this url:

Learn about the companion course at 23

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