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Nama : Nur Infita Kamelia

Nim : 1730205100

Kelas : PBI D

Advantages of apply to the college outside of Indonesia

for a graduate degree

- Brainstorm

- Dari kecil kepengen sekali ke inggris, lalu les bhs inggris agar bisa berbicara bahasa
- Untuk daftar kuliah di oxford dan membanggakan orang tua
- Keuntungan daftar kuliah di oxford : kita mendapatkan teman baru bule, jika waktu
libur kuliah telah tiba kita bisa jalan jalan, ke museum inggris tuk mempelajari sejarah
dari inggris, kita bisa bekerja part time, kita bisa bekerja guru privat, atau jadi guide
turis tuk keliling untuk mengisi hari libur kita.

I have been interested in England since i was junior high school, when I watched television
because the place was so clean, good, and the building looks like luxurious. I think that, if I
wanted to go in England I should speak English. From 1st grade, I did not understand about
English subject, so when I was 3rd grade, I joined English course near from my house. Then
when I graduated from junior high school, I started to speak and learnt English.
Since that, I always wanted to be colleger in England especially university of Oxford. I really
want it because this university is the best university in England and there are many people who
eager to join in it. The department in this university is also good, has spacious place, and there
is no essay at Oxford, just an exam.
Apply to the college outside of Indonesia is going to give me various advantages if I can pass
and be the colleger there. Some of them are like I can make my parents proud because i can
pass into this prestigious university in the world, get new friend from various nationality,
extending knowledge, can manage my time. I also want to do part time or volunteering there.
I know that learning while working or volunteering can be so though. So that, I must be able
to balance my time between study, part time, volunteering, socializing, and me time. By study
a broad, it can also teach me to live more independent & responsible in the same time. And
last reason because it can provides a great opportunity to get the best job after graduated from
this university.
At university, I would like to study about English or History of England. Actually, I also like
to discuss about history with my friends because it’s fun and remember us to history. if during
the college holiday, I will work at a cafe, private lessons, walk to the museum become a tourist
companion to surround the museum or historical place of England and provide information
about English history to tourists to fill our holiday. InI KENAPA U JADI NGOMONGIN

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