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What Disney Character do you think represents you the best and why?

I would say Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, because I have been told many times that I remind
people of him.

What about you do you think makes them think of Eeyore?

Um, we just have similar personalities; similar interests.

Em hum, sad, depressed

If you could have any superpower which would you choose?

Telekinesis, because I saw x-men one time and I think that that would be a really cool power to

If you had to watch a movie for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

Um, any Quiet Catania movie, because he’s my favorite director

What song do you say best represents your personality?

Miss intro pic loner, no miss intro drunken loner, by days and days, self explanatory.

If you could travel through time where would you go?

Um, I would go back in time to see woodstock, or back to the 90’s to see Pearl Jam, or
something like that.

What is something people don’t expect about you?

Um, that I’m not as mean as I look.

What stereotype do you think people label you by?

Um, people think that, I don’t know...just because of the music I that listen to that I’m like
automatically do, gonna do, on drugs.

If you could trade lives with any person for a day, who would you choose?

Um, I would trade lives with Madison Tesche, because she’s just a cool girl, so so cool, cool girl.

She really is, She’s so cute, okay.

She’s so cute.

Where do you want to travel the most and why?

I want to go to Fuji, because my grandpa told me one time that it was the most beautiful place
he has ever seen.

Would you say that your more of a man or a muppet?

Oh a muppet 100%.

What is the number one thing on your bucket list?

To get a tattoo.

What would you get a tattoo of?

Um I really want the album cover of one of my favorite bands, joy division.

How do you spend your free time?

Um, I like to sleep and to listen to music, and to hang out with friends, and to go to shows.

What genre of music do you enjoy listening to the most?

The most…um, probably like, I don’t know that’s a hard one. Cause I like, it just depends what
kind of mood I’m in.

Could you elaborate?

Just depends what kind of mood I am.

What kind of music do you listen to when you are in a happy mood?

Um, Um, assuming I’m in a happy mood, like ever, no um, probably somethi- um, um, like scah.



Do you enjoy working at Michaels Arts and Crafts?

I do. My Coworker’s are really cool.

...Like Madison Tesche.

What is your school life like?

Um, I show up and then I go home.. yep, that’s pretty much it.

Do you enjoy going to school?

Who- No, I would not say that I enjoy going to school.

What class that you are currently in do you enjoy the most?

I like my science fiction literature class, because we watch a lot of movies.

Describe your family life in three words and describe why you chose each of them

Um, that’s a very personal question Madison, but I would say, chaotic, um, loud, um,
unorganized, because I have a lot of family members.

Are you and your sister more similar to best friends, or is it hard to get along?

We are best friends.

How would you describe your childhood?

Um, happy, I did a lot of things like with my dad and sister, we like traveled.

What was your favorite toy to play with as a child?

My favorite thing to play with as a child was- I had this little witch finger that I would run around
and take with me everywhere, and like poke people with.

What scent would best represent your childhood?


How do you believe that hardships you have experienced in your life have shaped you as a

Um, well I’ve learned a lot from them, and they’ve just helped me grow as a person.

What scares you the most about life?

Not knowing like what’s going to happen.

What are your plans after high school?

I want to travel.

Where do you anticipate you’ll end up?

I think that I will live a very comfortable life. Um, I’m just going to do everything I need to do, I’m
going to go to college, get a job, just everything I need to do.

Okay, thank you.

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