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Transfer function method of measuring in-duct acoustic properties. I.

J. Y. Chung and D. A. Blaser

Citation: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 68, 907 (1980); doi: 10.1121/1.384778
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Transfer function method of measuring in-duct acoustic
properties. I. Theory
J. Y. Chungand D. A. Blaser
(Received10 December1979;acceptedfor publication5 June1980)

The theory of a transferfunctionmethodof measuringnormal incidentin-duct acousticpropertiesis

presented.In this method, a broadbandstationaryrandom acousticwave in a tube is mathematically
decomposed into its incidentand reflectedcomponents usinga simpletransfer-functionrelationbetweenthe-
acousticpressureat two locationson the tubewall. The wavedecomposition leadsto the determinationof the
complexreflectioncoefficientfrom which the complexacousticimpedanceand the soundabsorption
of a materialandthe transmission lossof a silencerelementcanbe determined.Also presented are
the theoriesof two techniques for improvingtransferfunctionestimates:a sensor-switching techniquefor
automaticsystemcalibrationand a coherence functiontechniquefor signalenhancement.

PACS numbers: 43.50.Yw, 43.20.Mv, 43.55.Ev, 43.20.Bf

INTRODUCTION and the sound absorption coefficient are evaluated. A

similar procedure for determining the transmission
In duct acoustics, the media through which the plane
loss of silencers was reported previously by Blaser
wave propagates is characterized by the normal
and Chung.s
acoustic impedance• which, along with other acoustic
properties such as the transmission loss of a silencer
ofa material,can COEFFICIENT
be determined by the well-known Standing-Wave-Ratio
(SWR) method? The SWR method requires: (a)a With reference to Fig. 1, let s be the separation dis-
single frequency operation, (b)a traveling microphone rance between the microphones which are flush mounted
inside the impedance tube to record the amplitudes of on the tube wall. The test sample is shown to be placed
the maximum and minimum acoustic pressures, and at the end of the tube. Let p•(t) and p2(t) be the random
(e) a means of accurately measuring the location of the acoustic pressures at the first and the second micro-
minimum acoustic pressure. The method is relatively phone locations, respectively. Each pressure can be
time consuming due to these requirements. In recent written as the sum of its incident and reflected com-
years, measuring of reflection coefficients using the ponents, or
correlation functions and the cross-spectral density
p• (t) =p•, (t) +P•r(t) , (1)
function4 were reported. The new method presented
here uses a measurement of the transfer function be- and

tween the acoustical pressure at two locations in a

p2(t) =p2•(t) +p2r(t). (2)
tube to determine all normal incidence acoustic
properties. The following convolution integrals with impulsive re-
sponsesr•, r•., hi, h•, and h•. are introduced to relate
The theory underlying the new technique involves the their respective random acoustic pressures, or
ofa broadband
(generated by an acoustic driver) into its incident and
p•(t) = r•(r)p•i(t- r)dr, (3)
reflected components using a simple transfer-function

relation between the acoustic pressure at two locations

on the tube wall as depicted in Fig. 1. This wave de-
p•,(t) = r•.(r)p•.i(t- r)dr, (4)
composition leads to the determination of the complex
reflection coefficient from which acoustic properties
such as the acoustic impedance, the transmission loss,
P•.i(t)= h,(r)pxi(t- r)dr, (5)

p•.•(t)= hr(,)p•r(t- r)dr, (6)



p•.(t)= h•..(r)p•(t- r)d,, (7)

where the following definitions are used:

r• and r•.: the impulsive responsescorrespondingto

the reflected wave evaluated at the first and the second
FIG. 1. Testapparatus
for thet•'ansferfunctiontechnique
of microphone locations, respectively.
measuring acoustic impedance and sound absorption coeffi-
cient. hi and h•: the impulsive responses corresponding to

907 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 68(3), Sept. 1980 0001-4966/80/090907-07500.80 (D 1980 AcousticalSocietyof America 907
the incident and the reflected waves, respectively,
evaluated between the two microphone locations. .= R•i,i(r/)
dr/ [h,,.(r)
-hi(r)]e' •"'½*dr
h,2: the impulsive response correspondingto the
combined incident and reflected waves evaluated be- : oo
a,• ,•(r/)e'•"'•drl 0 [hr(r)-h,,.(r)]e'•'-•'dr,
tween the two microphone locations.
It should be noted that for convenience, the system or
input and output implicit in Eq. (6)was made opposite
to the actual physical condition (see Fig. I for the S•,,•(f)f •[h•,.(r)
order of the microphone locations relative to the di- s,,•,'(f):f;[h•(r)-h•,.(r)]e
-•"•dr ' (15)
rection of propagation of the reflected wave). It can
be shown, however, that the impulsive response so whereSt• t•(f), the Fourier transform of R,• t•(r/) is the
auto-spectral density of the incident pressure compo-
defined (i.e., hr) is related to that obtainableby re-
versing the system input and output through a simple nent at the first microphone. Similarly, St• tr(f) is the
cross spectral density between the incident and reflect-
convolution integral i.e., the convolution of the two
quantities is a delta function. ed pressure components at the same microphone loca-
tion. The quantity at the left side of Eq. (15) is de-
We find from Eqs. (1), (2), and (7) that fined as the complex reflection coefficient* at the first
microphone location, or
p•.•(t)+p•,(t) = h•.(r)[p•i(t - •) +p•r(t- •)]d•. (8)
Using the relations in Eqs. (5) and (6), Eq. (8) be- Using the relation in Eq. (3), one has
= rt(rl)E{Pti(t)Pt,(t+r-rl)}drl.
r)[h•,.(r)-hi(r)]dr It can be shown from Eq. (17) that

r)[h•(r)-h,,.(r)]dr. (9) S•i•(f)= r,(rl)e.•,.,•,r
S• •(f)
I' (18)
Multiplying both sides of Eq. {0) by p,•(t- a), then tak- Thusfrom Eqs. (16) and (18), it is seenthatR,(f) is
ing expectedvalues6 we have the following relation: the Fourier transform of r,(r/), or

E P,i(t- r)P,i(t- a)[h,,.(r)-hi(r)]dr

,•(I)' (19)
Similarly, it can be shownfrom Eqs. (5) to (7) that
=E p•r(t - r)p,i(t - a)[h•(r) - h,,.(r)]dr ,
Hi(f)= o h•(r)e'•'•*dr=S,• •i(f)
$,• •i(f)'

- r)p,•(t
- a)}[h,,.(r)
- )= •o
Hr(f hr(r)
tr(f), (21)

- r)p,i(t
- a)}[h•{,)-
h,,.(r)]dr. (lO)
H,:(f): h,,.(r)
Sz•.(f) (22)
But, S,,(f) '
where Hi, Hr, and Hxaare the acoustical transfer func-
E{p,•(t - r)p•i(t- a)}=R,i•(a- r) (11)
tions corresponding to the impulsive responses hi, hr,
and hx,., respectively.
E{p•(t- r)P•i(t- a)}=R•i•(a- r), (12) From Eqs. (15) to (22) the expression of the complex
where R,i,i and R,•r are the auto- and cross-correla- reflection coefficient becomes,
tion functions, respectively. SubstitutingEqs. {11) R•.(f)= [H,:(f) - Hi(f) ]/[Hr(f) -H•.•.(/)]. (23)
and (19.)into Eq. (10)andtakingFourier transforms,
Equation (23) is the basis of the new transfer function
we obtain,
technique for determining the acoustic impedance and
other acoustic parameters. From the definition in Eq.
e'•"•drda (16), the magnitudeof Rt representsthe amplituderatio
of the reflected and incident pressure components at the
first microphone location.
= It• ,•(a- r)[h•(r)- h•,.(r)]e'•"*• drda.
The relation between R• and the reflection coefficient
at the second microphone, R,. can be found from the
following relations:
Letting a- r =r/and da=dr/, then Eq. (13) can be re-
written as, From Eqs. (4)and (6), it is shown,

908 J.Acoust.
1980 J.Y.Chung
I 908
r•.(r)p•.i(t- r)dr= hr(r)P•r(t- r)dr. (24)
- r)[hr(r)
- r)
Substituting Eqs. (3)and (5) into Eq. (24), one has x[h,(r)-h•2(r)]
-p•(t- r)[h,O')-hi(r)]}dr=O, (32)
• fo•r2(r)hi(•)P•i(t-
r-•)d•dr or

= r•(•)hr(r)p•i(t- r- •)d• dr. (25)

Multiplying both sides of Eq. (25) by p•i(t-a), and tak-
ing expected values, we obtain = o
r)[hr(r)-hi(r)]dr. (33)
dr Substituting the relation of Eq. (1) into Eq. (33), one

= r•(•)h•(r)R• •,(a- r - •)d• dr.. (26) 'P•(t

- r)[hr(r)-h•2(r)]dr
Taking the Fmrier transform of Eq. (26) and e•nging
the variable, a - r- • = •, da =d• we •ve• = p•(t - r)[h•(r) - h•(r)]ar. (34)

R•i •i(•) e'•2'•rd• Multiplying both sides of Eq. (34) by p•(t- a) and taking
expected values, we have, in terms of auto- and cross-
correlation functions,
x hi(•) e'j2'•td• = Rxi•(•7)e'•2'sc
- r)[h•(r)-h•2(r)]dr
x rx(•)e'•2'S•d• h•(r)e'•2'•*dr. (27) = R•i(a- r)[hr(r)-h•(r)]dr. (35)
Taking the Fourier transform of Eq. (35), one shows,
Sxixi(f)'R2(f)'Hi(f)=Sx• x,(f)'Rx(f)'Hr(f) Hr -H•2 =(S• •i/S•)(Hr-Hi). (36)
A similar derivation leads to

Rx(f )/R2(f ) =Hi(f )/Hr(f ) . (28) Hx2-Hi = (Sxxr/Sn)(Hr-Hi). (37)

Assuming plane-wave propagation, no mean flow,

From Eqs. (23), (36), and (37), it is seen that the re-
flection coefficient Rx becomes indeterminate if Hr
and neglecting losses at the tube wall, we may express
=Hi. This conditionoccurs, accordingto Eqs. (29)
H i and H r by
and (30), when
ks=m•, m=1,2,3,... , (38)

u,(f) =e (30)
s =m(X/2), rn = 1, 2, 3, .... (39)
where k is the wavenumber and s is the microphone
Equation (39) indicates that the reflection coefficient
spacing. Eqs. (28) to (30) show that the magnitude of
cannot be determined from Eq. (23) at discrete fre-
the reflection coefficient is independent of the location
quency points for which the microphone spacing is an
at which it is measured. Physically, this should be
integer multiple of the half-wavelength of sound. In
obvious since the magnitude of the reflection coefficient
order to avoid these points up to a frequency fro, the
represents the ratio of the reflected and the incident
microphone spacing s must be chosen such that
sound power components in the tube. Provided the
losses at the tube wall are negligible, these components
[accordingto Eq. (39)],
are not functions of position along the tube. s •<c/2f.,, (40)
The expression of the reflection coefficient in Eq. (23) where c is the speed of sound. In order to determine
becomes indeterminate when H,-H•2 = 0. This singular the reflection coefficient R on the surface of a test
condition can be further investigated as follows: material which is not at the microphone location, Eq.

From Eq. (9), it is seen, (28) can be applied, or

' ' (41)



x (r)- at=0, (31) H• =e'• , (42)

or (43)

909 J. Acoust.Soc.Am.,Vol.68, No.3, September

1980 J.Y. ChungandD. A. Blaser:In-ductacoustic
properties.I 909
and I is the distance from the first microphone to the TL = 101Oglo(Wa/Wt)
'surfaceof thetest material'.Usingtheaboverelations
we have,

=20loglo Ht[
H,-//•2- 201Oglol
Ht[+10loglo ,
Using Eqs. (23) and (44) and the standard relation where H u 12and H a12are the transfer functions measured
between the complex acoustic impedance and the re- at the upstream and downstream locations, respectively,
flection coefficient, one can obtain the complex acoustic also
impedance on the cross-sectional area of the tube at a
distance l from the first microphone, or
z/pc = (1 +R)/(1-R) is the transfer function of the acoustic element, which
canbe determinedindependently
from H •2andH •.,
Hi•sin(k/) sin[k(/-s)] (45) within the range of linear acoustic propagation. It
- H12
cos(kli" shouldbe noted that the final form for TL in Eq. (51) is
with its real and imaginary parts being, valid only if the nondimensional wavenumberks [see
Eqs. (29) and (30)] is the same for both upstream and
sin[k(2/- s)] - 1/2{sin[2k(l- s)] downstream' measurements.

+I sin(2kl)})/Ha, (46)


r/pc = [- Im(H12)sin(ks)]/Ha, (47)
The sound absorption coefficient of a material is
respectively, where pc is the characteristic impedance defined as the fraction of the total sound power that
of air and
is absorbed by the material in the tube (see Fig. 1 for
Ha= cos2[k(l-s)] - 2Re(H12)
cos(k/) the test configuration). It can be shown easily that the
absorption coefficient a is related to the incident-wave
x cos[/,(/-s)] + I (48)
auto-spectrum S1•1, and the reflected-wave auto-spec-
with Re and Im representing the real and imaginary trum S•, lr (bothbeing evaluated at the first micro-
parts, respectively. All quantities on the right side of phonelocation) by the following expression;
Eqs. (45) to (48) except for HI•. are knownconstantsfor ot=
a given measurement configuration. Thus, evaluation
of the acoustic 'impedance of a given material becomes = 1-Sl,, 1,,/S•i1•' (53)
a relatively simple problem of determining HI•., the But from Eq. (3), it is seen that
transfer function between the two microphone signals.

E{px,(t).pl,(t +r)} = r 1(i)r 1(•)E{px,(t- •)

III. THE TRANSMISSION LOSS xpli(t+ r- •)}d•d<,

The transmission loss of an acoustic element in a
duct system can be determined using the complex re-
fleetion coefficients measured at two locations upstream
Ri, 1,(r)= rl(•).r•(•)Rl•l•(r+•-•)d•d•. (54)
and downstream of the acoustic element. Let Ru and
Taking the Fourier transform of Eq. (54), it can be
Rd be the upstream and downstream complex reflection
shown that,
coefficients, respectively, then the sound power inci-
dent on the acoustic element can be shown to be
12 r•(• ) ' r•(•) e'•'•( •'•)d•d•
Wi =S.,. A./(pc[ 1+R.12), (49)
where S.u and A. are the auto-spectrum s and the cross-
=S• •/S• • . (•)
sectional area respectively at the upstream measure-, Using Eq. (55) in Eq. (53), the absorption coefficient
ment location. Similarly the sound power transmitted can be expressed in terms of the reflection coefficient
through the element can be determined at the down-
stream location using the auto-spectrum Sad, the cross-
sectional area A d and the reflection coefficient as
a = 1 - [R•I . (56)

w, =s,, .A,/(pcl 1 +Ra12). (50) Thus usingRt in Eq. (23), the soundabsorptioncoef-
ficient shown in Eq. (56) can be rewritten as,
The transmission loss can then be defined using Eqs.
(49) and (50) as, a = 1- - . (sv)

910 J. Acoust.Soc.Am., Vol. 68, No. 3, September

1980 J.Y. ChungandD. A. Blaser:In-ductacoustic
properties.I 910
V. THEORETICAL BASIS OF A SENSOR-SWITCHING tained from the geometric mean of H•. and H•., or
H•. =(//•. ß•s
As mentioned earlier, the determination of the =(s ). ' '
[Eq.(51)]or thesound
[Eq.(57)] =S•/S n . (62)
using the new technique amounts to measuring the
transfer function between acoustic pressures at two
It is obviousfrom Eq. (62) t•t the quantityH• is the
closely spaced microphones. Using a modern spectral
desired ratio of the cross spectral densi• S• and the
auto-spectral density Sn without the effect of the in-
analyzer, the measurement of transfer functions is a
routine matter. An accurate determinationof the trans-
stmment gain and p•se factors (i.e., independent of
fer function, however, requires a careful calibration
H•x and H•). This means any c•nge in the amplinde
and p•se response characteristics of the sensor sys-
of not only the gain factor, but also the phase factor of
tem would not affect the mea•rement result. This is
the entire measurement system. This calibration pro-
very impor•nt, because in practice both gain and p•se
cedure is generally quite difficult in practice, es-
error in transfer-function estimates could induce sig-
pecially when it becomes necessary to use microphone
nificant inaccuracy in the subsequent compu•tion of '
adaptors to measure pressures remotely from the sys-
quantities such as the absorption coefficient.
tem in question.
It should be noted that the switching technique de-
A sensor switching procedure was therefore devel-
scribed here is more effective than the calibration pro-
oped to eliminate the difficult task of calibrating both
cedure described earlier in Ref. 5. In the earlier
the gain factor and the phase factor of the measure-
procedure, the microphone responses were calibrated
ment system. In this procedure, the measurement of with the relative transfer function between the two
the transfer function is made with an initial microphone
microphone systems, which was pre=determined by
configuration and a second measurement is made with
exposing the two microphones to the same sound field.
the microphone sensing locations switched or inter-
The pre-determined transfer function is then used to
changed. The final result of the measurement is then
correct the error in estimating the phase factor of a
obtained from the geometric mean of the original and
the switched results.
transfer function or a cross-spectral density. The
switching procedure, however, eliminates the re-
The theory behind a related switching technique for quirement of exposing the two microphones to the same
estimating a cross-spectral density was presented pre- sound field. This latter requirement can be difficult
viously by Chung.9 It was demonstrated in Ref. 9 that to fulfill for a broadband analysis.
the technique can eliminate the phase-mismatch error
Another calibration procedure without the need of
in estimating the cross spectral density. When the
switching technique is applied to estimating the trans- exposing the two microphones to the same sound field
is to make corrections using the instrument frequency
fer function, not only is the measurement error due
response obtained by a variation of the sensor-switching
to phase-mismatch between the two microphone chan-
procedure. In this procedure, the relative phase factor
nels eliminated, but also the result becomes inde-
pendent of the gain factors of the two measurement
of the two instrument systems is obtained from the
channels. square root of the ratio of the original and the switched
cross-spectral densities. The relative gain factor in
The theoretical basis of the sensor switching tech- addition to the phase factor is obtainable from the same
nique for measuring the transfer function is shown in procedure, if the cross-spectral densities are replaced.
the following: Let Hx, and Hx•.be the complex instru- by the transfer functions. The above correction meth-
ment frequency responses associated with the first and ods, however, are not as convenient to apply as the
the second microphone channels. From linear theory, geometric-mean switching technique.
the transfer function measured from two microphone
signals with the original microphone configuration can
be written as
= ,, ) . i-i?, (58) FUNCTIONS

where In the present method, the acoustic impedance and the

absorption coefficient can be evaluated most convenient-
H• = (H,*t ß . (59) ly by a programmable digital spectral analyzer. In
and where * denotes the complex conjugate. If the two digital spectral computation, however, the signal-to-
microphone channels are interchanged or switched, the noise ratio is one of the most important factors af-
measured transfer function becomes, fecting computational accuracy. In general, the compu-
tation of a transfer function based on Eq. (62) will be
H•. = (St•./Sn ) ' HI , (60) erroneous if signal interference is present. The. inter-
•here ference is usually greater within frequency regions
where the signal amplitude is relatively low. In an
H• =(H•*•-H•t)/I H,,•.
i•'o (61) impedance tube system, the signal dynamic range is
Since/•o H• = 1, the transfer function,H•. canbe ob= relatively wide, due to the longitudinal resonances of

911 J. Acoust.Soc.Am.,Vol.68, No.3, September

1980 J.Y. ChungandD. A. Blaser:In-ductacoustic
I 911
the tube, thus signal enhancement is generally useful and
in this case.
a= 1- I(C '•,•-Hi)/(H,.- C 'Ex2)], (71)
A signal enhancement technique similar to the one
previously reported'ø can be used to improve the where

signal-to-noise ratio in the experimental evaluation of (72)

the transfer function. This new procedure is based
on the following analysis. and

It has been shown in Ref. 10, that using three pres- -

H•.=(H•. ßu s W•',
--•2, (73)
sure sensors, the auto-spectral densities of the sig-
and where superscripts o and s represent quantities
rials, Su, S22, and Saawithout noise contaminations can associated with the original and the switched micro-
be expressed in terms of the contaminated auto spectral
phoneconfigurations, respectivelyß Also H",9. and H,2
densities S•,, S•.•.,
½ and Saaby the following relations: in Eq. (70) are determined respectively at the upstream
=sh ß (63) and downstream locations with a switching procedure
shownin Eq. (73). It shouldbe notedthat {Ht{ canbe
u,•.)/va,, (64) determinedby means of auto spectra [Eq. (52)] when
- ½(rs,' Y•.s)/Y,•.
$as-$ss , (65) the microphone systems have matched amplitude re-
sponses. To eliminate the calibration for the gain
where e.g. u,•. is the positive square root of the or- factor in determiningIH, I, however,the samesensor
dinary coherence function between the first and the
may be used to measure both the upstream and the
second sensors or
downstream auto spectra in two measurements pro-
=[is.iV(s11*S22)F ß (66) vided a stationary sound field is maintained during the
entire measurement period.
It can be shown from Eqs. (62) to (65) that
H,2 --H,2 ßC, , (67)
where The formulas shown in Eqs. (69) to (73) conclude the
theoretical development of the transfer function method
= ß (68) of determining in-duct acoustic properties. Both the
is the coherencefactor and H•. is the measuredtrans- coherence-function method for signal enhancement and
fer function with contamination.u Equations (67)and the microphone switching procedure for automatic
(68) are the basis of the signal enhancement technique system calibration are implemented in the formulae.
using coherence function relations of a three-sensor When signal interference may be considered to be in-
system. significant, the signal enhancement procedure may be
omitted, since it requires an additional microphone
The three sensors must be placed in the coherent channel in the method. The microphone switching pro-
sound field. Also it is necessary to place the micro- cedure, however, should always be employed, since it
phones close to each other relative to the wave length is easy to use and it effectively eliminates all the dif-
to satisfy the linearity requirement between the micro- ficult tasks of correcting for the gain and phase factors
phone signals. 'ø It should be noted that in a noise-free of the instrumentation.
condition, all three coherence functions become unity;
thus it is seen from Eqs. (67) and (68) that the signal
enhancement scheme remains valid. 1For the definition of normal acoustic impedance and trans-
mission loss, see, e.g., Noise and Vibration Control, edited
VII. NEW FORMULAE FOR PRACTICAL by L. L. Beranek (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1971).
AND SOUND ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT C384-77, "Standard Test Method for Impedanceand Absorp-
tion of Acoustical Materials by the Tube Method," revised
When the sensor switchingprocedure [Eq. (62)] and 1977.
the coherencefunction technique [Eqs. (67) and (68)] 3W. E. Schmidt and J.P. Johnston, "Measurement of Acoustic
are employed in the transfer function estimate, a new Reflections from Obstructions in a Pipe with Flow," NSF Re-
expression for the measurement of the acoustic im- port PD-20 (1975).
perlance, transmission loss and sound absorption coef- 4A. F. SeybertandD. F. Ross, "ExperimentalDetermination
of Acoustic Properties Using a Two-Microphone Random-
ficient can be obtained. From Eqs. (45), (51), (57), Excitation Technique," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 61, 1362-1370
(62), and (67), an expression for the acoustic impe- (1977).
dance z, the transmission loss TL and the sound ab- 5D. A. Blaser and J. Y. Chung, "A Transfer-Function Tech-
sorption coefficient • can be rewritten respectively nique for Measuring the Acoustic Characteristics of Duct
as, Systemswith Flow," Proc. Inter-Noise '78, 901-908 (1978).
C '•,a' sin(kl,)-,,sin,[k(1-s)] 6For the definition of expectedvalue, see, e.g., A. Papoulis,
(69) Probability, Random Variable and Stochastic Processes
- C.•,2 cos(k/)
' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965).
H r - C. VThereflection coefficient so defined applies to both stationary-
IHr- C •/•.
TL=20logxo -"1- 201Og,
HtI+101Og,o(A•) random and deterministic signals. In the case of determin-
istic signals, it becomes identical to the classical definition
i7o) of the complex reflection coefficient.

912 J. Acoust.
Soc.Am.,Vol.68, No.3, September
1980 J.Y. Chung
andD.A. Blaser:In-duct
I 912
SHerethe auto-spectrumis definedas the auto spectral density ence Function Method," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 62, 388-395
multiplied by the frequency resolution bandwidth. (1977).
sJ.Y. Chung,"Cross-SpectralMethodof MeasuringAcoustic l•Thecross spectraldensityS•2in Eq. (66)is notcontaminated.
Intensity Without Error Caused by Instrument Phase Mis- Also the contaminations of the auto-spectral densities are
match," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 64, 1613-1616 (1978). assumed to be mutually uncorrelated.
10j. y. Chung, "The Rejectionof Flow Noise Usinga Coher-

913 J. Acoust.
Soc.Am.,Vol.68, No.3, September
1980 J.Y. ChungandD. A. Blaser:In-ductacoustic
I 913

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