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Computational Thinking with Scratch 

Vocabulary Quiz 
Erika wants her cat to dance to some music. But the cat is dancing after the music 
is over! What’s going on? How would you write the code? 

Write your code here: 


Computational Thinking with Scratch 

Vocabulary Quiz 
Fill in the blanks with one of the following computational terms. 
collaborate  remix  script  debug  instructions 
Sacha’s Scratch project is not working the way he planned. Sacha will 

have to test his project again to find and fix problems to be able to 

__________ it. First he should review his ____________. If he needs 

help he could_______________ with someone else or he could read 

the ___________ sheet the teacher handed out to everyone. Sarah 

liked Sacha’s project idea so she downloaded it to her computer and did 

a ___________ of it, changing it around to make it her own. 



Computational Thinking with Scratch 

Vocabulary Quiz 
Match the letter with the correct definition. 
A.  B.  C.  D.  E.  F.  G. 
if  Scratch  forever   stage  Boolean  import  variable 
________1. A coding block which is used to allow an action to 

repeat indefinitely 

________2. To bring in 

________3. A visual programming language developed at MIT 

________4. The background of a project 

________5. A type of data storage device that allows the program to 

store a value, e.g. number or text  

________6. This data type has two values: true or false  

________7. A coding block which allows for decision-making  

Computational Thinking with Scratch 
Vocabulary Quiz 
Circle the correct answer choice 
1. Carrie browses through Scratch and finds a project that she likes. She takes a 
copy of the project and tweaks the code to make it her own. When we do this, it is 
important to _______ the creator of the original Scratch project.  
a. message 
b. copy 
c. credit 
2. Frank wanted to build a Pac-man game with Scratch. He broke the project 
down into smaller parts and created a plan of action. He listed all of his project 
________ in his design notebook. 
a. steps 
b. issues 
c. problems 

3. To find Scratch online you can type in this____ in the address bar. 

a. word 
b. URL 
c. link 

4. When Samantha made her final Scratch project, she developed a little bit and 
then tried it out and then developed some more. She created her project step by 
step. Samantha was… 
a. being safe 
b. being iterative 
c. being collaborative 

5. What is the name of the objects that perform actions in a Scratch project? 

a. icons 
b. sprites 
c. stu  

Let’s start from Scratch and learn to code

We only need 20 blocks in ​​ to create digital solutions.

Block categories
Build these three beginner activities using only the 20 blocks identified.

1. Simple sequence: ​Program cat to say ‘hello’, displayed as a speech bubble for 2
seconds, when user clicks on the green flag. Tip: you only need two blocks. What are
the two actions that happen? 1) User clicks on green flag. 2) Cat says ‘hello’ in a
speech bubble. We place the coding blocks in the correct sequence, from top to
bottom. Finished solution: ​

2. XY coordinates:​ Program cat to be controlled with arrow keys. Tip: you only need
two blocks per arrow key (up, down, left, right). What are the two actions that
happen? 1) User clicks on arrow key. 2) Cat moves in that direction (along X or Y
axis) The user can control the movement of the cat by pressing keys. Finished
solution: ​

3. Maze game: ​This is a great Digital Technologies project for Year 5 students. ​ ​Create
a maze game where a monkey has to go through the maze to reach bananas to win.
When the monkey touches the maze wall, it is sent back to the start position.
○ Program monkey to be controlled with arrow keys
○ Place banana in finish position.
○ Draw maze as backdrop.
○ Program monkey to say “You win” when monkey touches banana. (see tip
below for this step)
○ Send monkey back to the start position when you touch the maze. (see tip
below for this step)
Finished maze game: ​

The code above tells the monkey:

- When green flag clicked, go to coordinates (-194, -154)
- If monkey is touching colour purple (i.e. colour of maze), go to coordinates (-194,
-154) which is the monkey’s starting position. I.e when monkey touches the maze, it
will go back to the starting position.
- If monkey is touching bananas, then monkey will say, “You Win!” for 2 seconds as a
speech bubble, then it will play the clapping sound.

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