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High stenghth concrete with high cement

substitution by adding fly ash, CaCO3, silica

sand, and superplasticizer
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1818, 020068 (2017);
Published Online: 10 March 2017

Muchammad Ridho Sigit Wicaksono, Amelia Qoly, Annisaul Hidayah, and Endah Kanti Pangestuti


The maximum percentage of fly ash to replace part of original Portland cement (OPC) in
producing high strength concrete
AIP Conference Proceedings 1903, 030012 (2017);

The potential use of silica sand as nanomaterials for mortar

AIP Conference Proceedings 1903, 050010 (2017);

Implementation of Industrial Work Practice management at vocational high school

AIP Conference Proceedings 1818, 020069 (2017);

AIP Conference Proceedings 1818, 020068 (2017); 1818, 020068

© 2017 Author(s).
High Stenghth Concrete with high cement substitution by
adding Fly ash, CaCO3, Silica sand, and Superplasticizer
Muchammad Ridho Sigit Wicaksono1,a), Amelia Qoly1,b), Annisaul Hidayah1,c),
Endah Kanti Pangestuti1,d)
Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Concrete is a mixture of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water with or without additives. Concrete
can be made with substitution of cement with materials like Fly Ash, CaCO3 and silica sand that can increase the binding on
pasta and also increase the compressive strength of concrete. The Superplasticizer on a mixture is used to reduce the high
water content, improve concrete durability, low permeability concrete by making it more resilient, and improve the quality
of concrete. The combination between Fly Ash (30% of cement required), CaCO3 (10% of cement required) and silica sand
(5% of cement required) with added MasterGlenium ACE 8595 as much as 1,2% from total cement will produces
compressive strength of up to 1080 kN/cm2 or 73,34 Mpa when the concrete is aged at 28 day. By using this technique and
innovation, it proves that the cost reduction is calculated at 27%, which is much more efficient. While the strength of the
concrete is increased at 5% compared with normal mixture.


The development of materials technology of the 21st century is growing. In the world of building construction,
research to obtain better construction product continues. Concrete is one of the important building materials. Basically
concrete made up of two main parts: the paste of cement and aggregate. The paste of cement composed of Portland
cement, water and additional mixed material (admixture). While the aggregate consists of coarse aggregate (crushed
stone) and fine aggregate (sand). Concrete is a structural element that is most widely used as the strengths, such as high
strength concrete compressive strength, the material is easy to get, easy to make, easy to set up as needed.
In manufacturing concrete, composition of mixture must be calculated carefully. In addition to the power sought,
economical rates also need to be considered. Nowadays, there are many additional ingredients (additives) that can be
used to mix concrete. Among them there is Fly Ash, superplasticizer (Master Glanium ACE 8595), Silica Sand and
Fly ash is the material of power plant waste that can supplement or replace in part for the use of cement in the mix
concrete maker. Certainly the use of this material can be used to lower costs. The problem is how to compose pasta,
aggregate and auxiliary materials, in order to become concrete with the precise forces as planned in the most
economical prices. For that reason this paper will present how to make high strength concrete with limited fund,
according to the purpose to reduce cement in concrete.

High quality concrete (high strength concrete) is a concrete compressive strength of more than 40 MPa and has
high cement content, water-cement ratio is low, the use of aggregates with stronger quality and low moisture content,
as well as adding other additives such as pozzolan material, fly ash, silica fume, etc. (Wahyudi, G., Et al (1999).
Concrete is used as a high quality construction materials for high building because it has a high compressive strength

Engineering International Conference (EIC) 2016

AIP Conf. Proc. 1818, 020068-1–020068-5; doi: 10.1063/1.4976932
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1486-0/$30.00

and capable of withstanding heavy loads on the high building.

a. Cement
The function of cement is to react with water to the paste of cement. The paste of cement is used to glue the grains
aggregate so that there is a compact mass. The paste of cement also fills the cavities between the grains of the
aggregate (Tri Soni Zuliyanto, Thesis Unnes 2010).

b. Aggregate
Aggregate is one of the filler materials in concrete; however, the role of the aggregate in the concrete is very
important. The content of aggregates in concrete is up to 60% - 75% of the volume of concrete. Aggregate influencing
on the properties of concrete, so the selection of aggregates is an important component in the manufacture of concrete.
Aggregates are divided into two kinds of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate which are obtained naturally or
Large maximum aggregate size affects the compressive strength of the concrete. On the use of grain size maximum
aggregate larger require the amount of the cement paste less for filling cavities between grains, mean little pores of the
concrete (because pores of the concrete are mostly located in the pasta, not in the aggregate), so the compressive
strength higher , On the contrary, because the grain of the large aggregate surface area becomes more narrow so that
the bond between the surface of the aggregate and the paste is less strong. (Kardiyono, 1992).

c. Water
The water in concrete production is used to trigger a chemical process to cement, aggregate wetting and provide
convenience in concrete work.

d. Master Glenium ACE 8595

Superplasticizer is a material powder or liquid that added into the concrete mix during mixing in a certain amount
to change some characteristic, (SNI 03-2049-1991). Some advantages of using Master Glenium 8595
ACE in the concrete mixture is as follows:
-High water reduction capacity over conventional superplasticizers.
-Low permeability and high durability concrete.
-Flow ability for easy placement and compaction.
-Optimize the curing cycles by shortening the curing time curing temperature decrease.
-Improved performance and quality of concrete surface.

e. Fly Ash
Fly ash has pozzolan properties consisting of elements of silicate and aluminate reactive and these elements are also
present in Portland cement when reacting with water will become the glue that solidify and form a hard mass. Reaction
to form adhesive media called hydration. (Arka Shaha, 2014).

f. Silica Sand
Silica sand is a combination of silicon and oxygen. Silica (SiO2) is the main compound in silica sand. By using
silica sand, concrete workability decreases with increasing reimbursement rates. (Jyotsana Lalit Chaudhary, Alvin
Harison, Vikas Srivastava, 2015). Concrete Compressive Strength Increases in the addition of up to 12% but the
increase in the compressive strength of concrete optimum occurs on the addition of ± 6% of cement demand.

g. CaCO3
CaCO3 is a natural limestone building materials derived from natural excavation. Natural limestone is white or
yellowish-white and has a grain similar to sand. CaCO3 function is used as a partial replacement of cement in concrete
production. In the study Deny Wijaya (2013) known that the compressive strength of concrete with the addition of 10%
increases the compressive strength of concrete at test hammer by 7.5% during the 28-day compressive strength of
16.50 MPa without CaCO3 and when add CaCO3 increase to 17.74 MPa.

Plan a mixture (Mix Design) by using a water-cement factor of 0.38 as well as the use of superplasticizer Master
Glenium ACE 8595 and added material or other substitute materials. Of the mix design will produce high concrete
compressive strength at 28 days.

a. Specification of Materials
TABLE 1. Material specification
Name Material Specific gravity
Coarse Agregate (local) 2.6
Sand 2.6
Cement 3.1
Water 1.0
Fly Ash 2.45
Silica Sand 2.63
b. Mix Design
To create high strength concrete, we use guide from
SNI 03 – 6468 – 2000 “Perencanaan beton mutu tinggi dengan penambahan fly Ash dan Superplasticizer”.
From the guidelines we get the proportions for normal high strength concrete (NC) and our innovation high strength
concrete (IC) of

TABLE 2. Material requirement for a cylinder

Material NC (kg) IC (kg)
Coarse Agregate 6.636 6.636
Sand 2.947 2.947
Cement 3.050 1.677
Water 0.904 0.904
Fly Ash - 0.915
Silica sand - 0.152
CaCO3 - 0.305
Superplasticizer 0.03659 0.02
Total Mass 13.573 13.556

TABLE 3. Material requirement per m3

Material NC (kg) IC (kg)
Coarse Agregate 1088 1088
Sand 483.15 483.15
Cement 500 275
Water 148.2 148.2
Fly Ash - 150
Silica sand - 25
CaCO3 - 50
Superplasticizer 6 3.3
Total Mass 2225.35 2222.65

c. Difference with High Strength Concrete Conventional

Our innovation high strength concrete with normal high strength concrete is seen by High Strength, Slump,
Price, Total Mass in the Table 4 and Figure 1 - 4 below.

TABLE 4. Material requirement per m3
Name NC IC
Strength 69.2 MPa 73.2 Mpa
Slump 60 – 80 mm 200 – 600 mm
Price IDR 990,000 IDR 725,000
Total Mass 2225.35 kg 2222.65 kg
(per m3)

FIGURE 1. Result of slump test

FIGURE 2. Result of strength

FIGURE 3. Result of concrete price per m3

FIGURE 4. Result of total mass per m3

d. Curing
In the real condition, concrete must have curing with whole water soaked or using curing machine from 2 days
till 7, 14 or 28 days.

e. Initial Properties
In essence, the use of cement has a relatively expensive price compared using fly ash. Initiatives replacing
cement with fly ash content of 30% provides increased compressive strength in the long term. The use of fly ash is
also decrease prices so much cheaper than using cement.
In the coarse and fine aggregates are certainly levels of mud, it can be minimized by the use of silica sand, so
that the aggregate levels of mud in relatively reduced without having to wash aggregate beforehand. Silica sand also
mempuyai benefits to improve the compressive strength with the addition of ± 6% by weight of cement. With the
reduction of cement it reduces binding to the concrete mix, with the addition of CaCO3 that its usefulness as a
partial substitution of fine aggregate allows the pasta has a relatively higher binding with the addition of this
From the test results with the addition of admixtures such as fly ash, CaCO3, silica sand and MasterGlenium
ACE 8595 as much as 1.2% from total cement produce concrete characteristics reach 1040 kgf / cm2 or equivalent
73 MPa. The initial target for the manufacture of concrete that we determined was 60 Mpa. This shows that the
manufacture of concrete as expected, because the function of MasterGlenium ACE 8595 for the reduction of
relatively high water content, low permeability concrete by making resilient, and improve the quality of concrete.

f. Residual Properties
Disadvantages of the manufacture of concrete mix
design that we use is not achieving value slump because of not knowing the specifications superplasticizer
MasterGlenium ACE 8595 in very detail.

Based on the description above, it was concluded that Composition of High Strength Concrete with a
combination of Fly Ash (30% of cement), CaCO3 (10% of the required cement), silica sand (5% of the cement
demand) and superplasticizer (1.2% of total cement) can make high strength concrete up to 73 MPa.
In the manufacture of concrete with a design composition as it decomposes above showed a more economical
design compressive strength reached 73 MPa and the price of a m3 is Rp. 725 000, -. In the large-scale manufacture
of concrete will reduce costs significantly. So to create a high quality concrete, the composition of the mixture must
be calculated carefully. In addition to the power sought, economical rates also need to be considered.

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Cement Concrete" SHIATS, 2015 SK SNI 03-2049-1991
2. Tri Zuliyanto, Soni. "The Effect of Adding Pieces Newsprint On Perforated Concrete Bricks", Semarang, 2010
3. Shaha, Arka. Samaresh, Pan. Pan, Soumen. "Strength Development Charateristics Of High Strength Concrete
Incorporating An Indian fly ash", Indian,2014
4. Deny, Wijaya. "Study Of Concrete Compressive Strength With Calcium Carbonate Substitution As Part Of
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