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Food Research International 40 (2007) 1087–1097

Granulometry of bread crumb grain: Contributions of 2D and 3D

image analysis at different scale
Nejla Lassoued , Perrine Babin a,c,e, Guy Della Valle a, Marie-Françoise Devaux a,*
Anne-Laure Réguerre a
INRA, UR1268 Biopolymères, Interactions et Assemblages, BP 71627, F-44316 Nantes, France
Laboratoire de Biophysique, UMR-INRA SCALE 1211, ENSIA, 1 av des Olympiades, 91744 Massy, France
Génie Physique et Mécanique des Matériaux, INPG, BP 46, 38402 Saint Martin d’Hères, France
Centre Technique de Conservation des Produits Agricoles, Rue Marcel Luquet, 32000 Auch, France
Science Computers Consultants, 8 Rue la Richelandière, Parc Giron 42100 St Etienne, France

Received 26 January 2007; accepted 5 June 2007


Six bread crumbs were prepared from three different recipes and three baking procedures. Images of crumb were acquired in 2D at a
macroscopic scale by using a flat bed scanner (resolution 85 lm) and in 3D at a local scale by X-ray tomography (resolution 10 lm). The
cellular structure was assessed by mathematical morphology. 2D image analysis was completed by principal component analysis. The
first principal component was found to reflect crumb fineness, in agreement with the mean cell size determined in 3D at a local scale.
3D mean cell wall size were about 220 lm and were not significantly different. The second principal component was linked to the 2D
macroscopic heterogeneity of the crumb and to the macroscopic cell wall thickness. 2D images can be applied to the rapid control of
crumb grain and could be used to quantify the cellular structure for the calculation of mechanical properties.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bread crumb; Image analysis; X-ray tomography; Mathematical morphology; Image texture; Cell size

1. Introduction Rouillé, Della Valle, Devaux, Marion, & Dubreil, 2005)

and 3D visualisation was investigated using X-ray tomog-
Mechanical properties of baked products strongly raphy (Falcone et al., 2005). Objective assessment of visual
depend on their cellular structure (Scanlon & Zghal, features is obtained using image processing and analysis.
2001). Crumb grain, defined by the size, the distribution Two approaches have been developed in 2D image anal-
and the shape of cells and cell wall thickness (Kamman, ysis of baked products. The first one, based on cell segmen-
1970) largely governs sensory properties (Baardseth, tation, aims at determining the cell size and shape
Kvaal, Lea, Ellekjær, & Færgestad, 2000) and influences distributions. Cells are identified in the image using a thres-
consumer purchase (Pyler, 1988). The characterisation of holding operation. Sapirstein, Roller, and Bushuk (1994)
crumb grain structure of baked products can be obtained applied the k-means clustering algorithm to determine a
using imaging techniques. Among various devices, flatbed grey level threshold for each bread type studied. A satisfac-
scanner, CCD camera and magnetic resonance imaging tory characterisation of images based on crumb cells and
were used to generate 2D images (Naito, Ishida, Takano, cell walls was obtained, but the procedure tended to
Koizumi, & Kano, 2003; Rogers, Day, & Olewnik, 1995; slightly underestimate the void fraction and overestimate
cell wall thickness. This deficiency was confirmed by Zghal,
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 2 40 6751 93; fax: +33 2 40 6750 84. Scanlon, and Sapirstein (1999), who showed that the inter-
E-mail address: (M.-F. Devaux). connection of cells and the complexity of cellular structure

0963-9969/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1088 N. Lassoued et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 1087–1097

of breads were probably responsible for the over-estima- 28 mm3 from the same bread, with a resolution of 14 lm.
tion of cell characteristics by this method. Gonzales-Barron Indicators of cell and wall sizes were determined and quan-
and Butler (2006) compared the k-means clustering algo- titative analysis of the crumb anisotropy was carried out.
rithm to six other thresholding techniques and found sub- Babin, Della Valle, Dendievel, Lassoued, and Salvo
stantial variations in crumb features such as cell (2005) have also investigated X-ray tomography, with a
uniformity and void fraction according to threshold varia- resolution of 10 lm, to link mechanical properties of
tions. Cell segmentation is probably not appropriate for breads and their crumb cellular structure by finite element
2D image analysis of the complex and non-uniform cellular analysis. More recently, the potential of fast X-ray tomog-
structure of baked products (Scanlon & Zghal, 2001). raphy for the dynamic follow-up of dough during proofing
The second approach is based on image texture analysis and baking was demonstrated by determining bubble
directly applied on grey level images. Image texture can be growth kinetics and evidence of coalescence phenomena
defined as the spatial distribution of grey levels and be (Babin et al., 2006). All these studies focused on small sam-
described as fine, smooth, coarse, grainy etc. Images dis- ples in order to obtain a high spatial resolution.
playing small cells produce frequent grey level changes The 2D and 3D imaging techniques were applied at
and therefore a fine texture, while those with large cells different scales, whole cut section being analysed in 2D
generate a coarser texture. Several techniques have been and crumb sub volumes in 3D. Both 2D and 3D images
applied to quantify image textures resulting from various allowed the assessment of useful crumb characteristics.
crumb grain structures. Images of French breads crumb No studies were reported comparing results obtained for
manufactured with different surfactants were classified the same samples. Therefore, the aim of this work was
using six texture characteristics extracted by two-dimen- to compare 2D results to those obtained by 3D X-ray
sional Haar transform (Bertrand, Le Guernevé, Marion, tomography. Methods were applied on breads made from
Devaux, & Robert, 1992). Zayas (1993) determined the different dough compositions and mould baked in order
fineness of crumb from commercial breads by analysis of to modify crumb grain whilst limiting loaf volume
a (64)2 pixel subimages of a whole slice. Rogers et al. changes. Mathematical morphology was retained as 2D
(1995) extracted features from the frequency domain, by image texture analysis to quantify cell and wall size vari-
processing sub-images of bread slice to characterise crumb ations. Multivariate data analysis was applied to interpret
fineness and crumb cell elongation. They compared their the differences between samples. 3D granulometric analy-
results with expert crumb scores. Kvaal, Wold, Indahl, sis of cell and walls was achieved by 3D mathematical
Baardseth, and Næs (1998) compared different methods morphology.
of extracting features from images and tested their ability
to predict the porosity of wheat baguettes. Although all 2. Material and methods
these features were suitable to predict sensory properties,
results are somewhat difficult to interpret because their 2.1. Samples
physical meaning is not clear. Rouillé et al. (2005) evalu-
ated crumb grain of French breads manufactured with dif- The wheat flour was a standard commercial bread flour,
ferent flours, by a granulometric method using grey level granted by Grands Moulins de Paris (92238 Gennevilliers,
mathematical morphology. The morphological operators France). Its protein content was 10.2% and initial moisture
used, i.e. erosion, dilation and their combination, opening content 15% (total wet basis). It was mixed with sucrose,
and closing, modify images according to the size and inten- salt, yeast and water, in a Brabender Farinograph (Brab-
sity of bright and dark regions. The method made possible ender, USA) for 9 min. Four minutes before the end of
to define a crumb fineness index, related to cell size. All mixing, oil was added to the blend. At the end of mixing,
these studies show that image texture analysis has potential dough was placed in a cylindrical glass mould (Ø
for determining some cellular structural features, whilst 140 mm, 70 mm high) to rest in a proofing room (Sepco,
avoiding thresholding and cell segmentation. France) at 25 C for 90 min, and was finally baked during
The analysis of bread cellular structure from 2D images 60 min at 180 C in the pilot electric oven (Bongard, 67810-
is limited because cells are truncated due to bread section- Holtzheim, France) described by Sommier, Chiron, Col-
ing. Visualisation of bread structure in 3D can eliminate onna, Della Valle, and Rouillé (2005). Proofing and baking
this drawback and show the connection of cells. Recently, conditions were fixed for all compositions as indicated in
magnetic resonance imaging with a spatial resolution of Table 1. Sample D1 was baked in an open mould. Samples
100 · 100 lm2 and slice thickness from 0.25 to 0.4 mm D2 and D3 had the same composition as D1 and were
was applied to non-frozen and frozen dough and breads baked in covered moulds. In addition, D3 dough has been
with a measuring time of 20 min by Naito et al. (2003). separated in 4 pieces, the pieces being reassembled side by
X-ray tomography can provide high quality 3D images of side into the mould. The objective was to generate different
cellular structure of food foam products, thanks to the crumb structures with a same composition. After baking,
strong contrast between void and matter within the mate- products were cooled for 2 h in a room with controlled
rial (Lim & Barigou, 2004; Trater, Alavi, & Rizvi, 2005). temperature at 25 C. Loaf volume was measured by the
Falcone et al. (2005) analysed two crumb samples rapeseeds displacement method.
N. Lassoued et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 1087–1097 1089

Table 1 ID19) as described by Babin et al. (2005). A tomographic

Bread composition and density (contents are given in % based on flour; scan is composed of several hundred radiographs, taken
yeast and salt contents were 3% and 2% respectively)
for different orientations of the sample placed on a rota-
Name Water Sucrose Oil Loaf density Solid material tion stage. 3D reconstruction is performed using an
(g m3) density (g m3)
appropriate algorithm. The very high intensity of the
A 60 2 2 0.21 1.18 X-ray beam and its monochromatic character allow quan-
B 65 10 10 0.33 1.21
C 55 15 2 0.40 1.26
titative analysis. About 1 cm3 of each bread crumb sample
D1 55 2 10 0.24 1.20 was placed on the rotating plate stage. Images were
D2 – – – 0.26 1.18 acquired to get a spatial resolution of 10 lm. Each scan
D3 – – – 0.26 1.18 was composed of 900 two-dimensional shadow X-ray
D2 and D3 were baked in closed moulds. 2D–3D crumb grain Lassoued images and took less than 10 min. Grey levels were coded
et al. using 256 grey levels. A 700 · 700 · 700 voxels volume of
interest was selected from the reconstructed 3D images to
2.2. 2D image acquisition be located at the centre of the specimen to eliminate any
edge effects, artefacts and damage from sample cutting
Two or three vertical and central slices (10 mm thick- (Fig. 1).
ness) were selected from each bread. Slices were positioned
at the centre of a flatbed scanner (CanonScan D125U2) 3. Image processing
and covered by a black box to obtain a good contrast
between the black background and the bright slices of 3.1. 2D image processing
bread. Colour images were captured using ScanGear CS-
U software acquisition. The resolution was 300 dpi, i.e. 1 Colour images were converted into monochromatic
pixel = (85)2 lm2, and was therefore improved compared images with grey levels ranging from 0 to 255. Grey level
to the (177)2 lm2 per pixel, reached by Rouillé et al. histograms of all scanned slices were examined altogether.
(2005) that used a CCD camera. An example of image is A grey level threshold of 100 was visually chosen to extract
given in Fig. 1. the slices from the background. The final region of interest
corresponding to crumb was obtained by erosion of the
2.3. 3D image acquisition mask of the slice using a squared structuring element of size
21 · 21 pixels (Soille, 2003). Bread crumbs have been char-
The characterisation of the cellular structure by X-ray acterised within the region of interest by grey level granul-
tomography was performed at ESRF (European Radia- ometry based on mathematical morphology as described in
tion Synchrotron Facility, F-38 Grenoble, beamline detail by Rouillé et al. (2005). The method is recalled in the
Erosion–dilation curves: Mathematical morphology is a
set of transformations based on probing images with masks
of given size and shape called ‘‘structuring elements’’ (Serra,
1982). The basic transformations are erosion and dilation
with squared structuring elements. The size n of erosion
or dilation defines the side size of the square as 2n + 1.
An example of erosion and dilation of size 5 is shown in
Fig. 2. After erosion, cell walls thinner than the structuring
element are removed and the sum of grey levels decreases.
Dilation makes cells smaller than the structuring element
disappear and the sum of grey level increase (Fig. 2).
Applying erosion and dilation of size 15 makes most walls
and cells, respectively disappear. A grey level granulometry
can be achieved by applying successively erosion or dila-
tion of increasing size and by measuring at each step the
sum of grey levels. This sum continuously decreases from
the last dilation step to the original image and from the ori-
ginal image to the last erosion step. This decrease will
depend on the amount of walls and cells modified at each
step. A granulometric curve is obtained by normalizing
the sum of grey level, separately for dilations and erosions,
Fig. 1. 2D and 3D images of bread crumb sample D1 obtained using a according to:
flatbed scanner (14.8 · 8.7 cm2) and X-ray tomography (6.7 · 6.7 ·
6.9 mm3) (ESRF-Grenoble). GðiÞ ¼ j½V ðiÞ  V f   100=½V 0  V f j
1090 N. Lassoued et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 1087–1097

Fig. 2. Illustration of erosion and dilation treatments applied to crumb from bread dough D1 image shown in Fig. 1. First line: erosion and dilation of size
5, second line: erosion and dilation of step 15.

where i is the dilation or erosion step, V0 and Vf are the

sum of grey level for the original image and after the last
dilation or erosion step, respectively. The final curve,
called ‘erosion–dilation’ curve, is obtained by assessing
the derivative of G for erosions and dilations and by join-
ing the two resulting curves from f to 1 for dilation and
from 1 to f for erosion, f being the largest transformation
applied (Fig. 3). Erosion–dilation curves therefore mea-
sure the proportions of grey level that are modified be-
tween two successive erosion or dilation steps. In the
present work, 30 erosion steps and 30 dilation steps were
Erosion–dilation curves were analysed by principal com-
ponent analysis. A data table was built in which each row
represents an image and each column one of the erosion or
dilation steps. The values in the data table are the grey level
variations observed at each step. Principal component
analysis assessed synthetic uncorrelated components that Fig. 3. Examples of granulometric curves for crumb A (coarse) and crumb
revealed similarities between images by taking all erosion C (thin). The right part of the curve corresponds to erosion steps from the
smallest to the largest one and therefore characterises grey level variations
and dilation steps into account. Similarity maps of images due to bright cell walls. The left part of the curve corresponds to dilation
can be drawn from principal component scores. Principal steps from the largest to the smallest step, characterising grey level
components are interpreted by looking at loadings that variations due to cells. Step units are given in mm, one step corresponding
reveal the weight of each erosion or dilation step in their to a variation of 2 · 85 = 170 lm.
Fineness index: In the preceding study (Rouillé et al., of size lower than 1 mm2, but describes the variation of
2005), we defined a fineness index for the crumb cells from grey level caused by the occurrence of these small cells.
morphological ‘‘closing’’. Closing consists in applying a The more small cells are observed, the higher will be this
dilation immediately followed by an erosion of the same index.
size and can be compared to a sieving of dark objects in Image processing program was written using procedures
the image, i.e., crumb cells in our case. Fineness was of the Aphelion software (ADCIS, France). Calculation of
defined as the percentage of grey level variations measured the granulometric curves and principal components analy-
after a closing corresponding to a square of size 1 mm2. sis were performed with Matlab 6.0 software (the Math
This index is not a measurement of the actual area of cells Works, France).
N. Lassoued et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 1087–1097 1091

3.2. 3D image processing objects, the walls in our case. This procedure actually esti-
mates variations of cell wall thickness. The volumic means
Due to the good contrast of the images (Fig. 1), cell seg- of cell size and cell wall thickness were computed from
mentation could be performed using a single threshold these distributions.
automatically determined by the ImageJ software. It was Image analysis procedures were developed at the GPM2
checked that a variation of ±10 in the threshold selected laboratory using ImageJ (Rasband, W.S., US National
generated only 1% deviation in the 3D characteristics Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, http://
measured., 1997–2006) and Aphelion (ADCIS,
The fraction of voxels segmented as cell walls and con- France) software.
sidered as a wall volumic fraction is usually called ‘‘relative
density’’. It is comparable to the ratio (q*/qs), q* being the 4. Results and discussion
density of the crumb and qs the density of the material of
the cell walls. A range of bread crumbs was obtained with densities
Volumic distributions of cell size were determined by 3D varying from 0.21 to 0.40 g cm3 (Table 1). Breads A and
morphological granulometry, performed by iterations of D had close values whereas larger densities were obtained
closing using octahedral structuring elements of increasing for recipes B and C, which had larger sucrose contents
size. Closing can be compared to a 3D sieving of black (10 and 15% flour content). This result may be explained
objects in the images, black objects being removed from by the depressing role played by a large concentration of
the image according to their size. Volumic distributions sugar on yeast, due to osmotic constraints. Examples of
by closing are similar to usual granulometric distributions. images obtained in 2D and 3D are given in Figs. 4 and 5.
Volumic distributions of cell wall size were obtained by Images in Fig. 4 show that cells and walls were nicely vis-
‘‘openings’’ (i.e. successive application of erosion and dila- ualised by using a flat scanner with a better resolution than
tion of the same size) of increasing size. Similarly to clos- the one obtained in a previous study using a CCD camera
ing, opening can be compared to a sieving of white (Rouillé et al., 2005). Images in Fig. 5 show sections

Fig. 4. Examples of scanned images of bread crumb samples. From top to bottom and left to right: breads A, B, C, D1, D2 and D3. All images are
represented at the same scale and size of image A was 15.0 · 8.9 cm.
1092 N. Lassoued et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 1087–1097

Fig. 5. Sections (7 · 7 mm2) of the 3D images obtained by X-ray tomography (ESRF-Grenoble) of the six bread crumb samples. From top to bottom and
left to right: breads A, B, C, D1, D2 and D3.

extracted from the 3D images obtained by X-ray tomogra- ple A for dilation steps over 1 mm, reflecting a higher
phy; they all displayed a good contrast between cells and content of large cells in its crumb.
cell walls allowing cell segmentation. Eighteen images have been acquired in total for the
Different cellular structures were obtained. Samples A tested products and their erosion–dilation curves were pro-
and D1 had crumbs with larger cells than the other samples cessed by principal components analysis. Though the num-
(Fig. 4). Some cells appeared opened and connected with ber of images was not very important, the method provides
their neighbours. B and C had a finer cell structure with a synthetic comparison of the images by taking into
smooth cell walls. D2 and D3 samples had also a fine cell account all erosion and dilation steps. The first two princi-
structure. 3D X-ray tomography images corresponded to pal components took into account 82.3 and 11.8% of the
a smaller field of view than 2D images. 7 · 7 mm2 examples total variance. The corresponding similarity map (Fig. 6)
of sections are shown in Fig. 5. 3D resolution allows visu-
alising cells as small as 30 lm. Connections between cells
were observed and, like 2D flat scanner images, larger cells
were observed for samples A and D1.

4.1. 2D image analysis

Examples of erosion–dilation curves are represented in

Fig. 2 for samples A and C. The left side of the curve, cor-
responding to dilations, and the right side, corresponding
to erosions, give information about cell size and cell wall
thickness, respectively. Sizes were analysed between 0.255
and 5.185 mm for both cell and wall thickness. A higher
peak was obtained for sample C indicating that more grey
level variations were measured for the first three erosion
and dilation steps. These steps corresponded to sizes smal-
ler than 600 lm. This result evidences the finer texture of Fig. 6. Similarity map from principal component analysis of the erosion–
sample C, suggesting a large content of small cells. Con- dilation curves. Components 1 and 2 accounted for 82.6 and 11.8% of
versely, more grey level variations were observed for sam- total variance.
N. Lassoued et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 1087–1097 1093

shows that samples coming from the same kind of bread Table 2
were mainly clustered. Samples B and C were found on Crumb grain features of breads obtained by image analysis
the positive side of principal component 1 while samples Name 2D image analysis 3D image analysis
A, D1 and D2 were found on the negative side, D3 spread- Average Fineness Relative Estimated Mean Mean wall
ing on both sides. Observing crumb grain images and their PC1 (<1 mm) density density value cell size thickness
localisation on the similarity map showed that the first (g cm3) (mm) (mm)
principal component classified crumbs from finer to coarser A 2.30 33 0.19 0.22 1.47 0.24
texture, from right to left. This is confirmed by looking at B 1.11 39 0.25 0.30 1.12 0.25
C 2.27 42 0.31 0.39 0.84 0.21
the corresponding loading (Fig. 7). Positive values were D1 1.53 35 0.17 0.20 1.50 0.19
found for the first erosion and dilation steps and negative D2 0.88 37 0.23 0.27 1.15 0.22
values for the largest erosion steps. This reveals that sam- D3 1.11 40 0.21 0.25 1.14 0.20
ples on the positive side of component 1 had more grey 2D–3D crumb grain Lassoued et al.
level variations associated to small size of erosion and dila-
tion, i.e. a finer crumb texture. Indeed, in the case of parti- thinner walls and larger cells were observed for sample
cle size analysis, principal component 1 has already been A. Moreover, samples B and C displayed cells of much dif-
correlated to the average cell size (Devaux, Robert, Mel- ferent sizes (Fig. 4). All these results contribute to suggest
cion, & Le Deschault de Monredon, 1997). that principal component 2 is an indicator of wall thickness
A crumb grain fineness was defined in the preceding and crumb homogeneity.
study (Rouillé et al., 2005) as the grey level fraction of cells Some scatterings of the samples coming from the same
with a size < 1 mm. In the present work, average fineness bread loaf were observed on the similarity map, for compo-
values were found to vary between 33 and 42% (Table 2). nents 1 and 2 (Fig. 6). These variations are linked to the
Fineness and component 1 gave the same classification of differences of texture between different slices in the bread
the samples (Table 2) with a correlation coefficient loaf: the spreading of sample A according to component
r2 = 0.96 pointing that erosion–dilation granulometric 1 would reflect variations along the direction orthogonal
curves contained the same information than this closing to the slicing plane. It does not reflect an artefact, but
index. In addition, erosion–dilation curves also take into rather an intrinsic feature of the bread itself, namely axial
account cell walls. Looking at component 1 provides a heterogeneity. Sample C had a constant score for compo-
sample classification based on the fineness of cells without nent 1, but presented significant variations of crumb heter-
defining any arbitrary limit value for fineness like the 1 mm ogeneity. Sample D3 displayed variations for both
chosen formerly. components 1 and 2. Mean sizes and size distributions both
Principal component 2 (11.8% of total variance) varied according to the slice observed, within the same
revealed differences between samples A and the other sam- bread. Internal variability has been described as typical
ples, mainly B, C and D2. The right part of the second of French breadmaking (Baardseth et al., 2000). Accord-
loading (Fig. 7b), suggest that crumbs with positive 2nd ingly, this variability was also observed for the breads ana-
component scores contained more thin cell walls. The left lysed in the present work.
part (dilation) of the second loading revealed positive val-
ues for intermediate sizes (0.5–1.5 mm) and negative values
for both large (size >1.5 mm) and small size (size 4.2. 3D image analysis
<0.5 mm). This could be related to the homogeneity of cell
size distribution. Indeed, in samples B, C and D3, small Sections of 3D images of crumbs issued from X-ray
cells were observed together with larger cell walls whereas tomography are presented in Fig. 5. These images show

Fig. 7. First and second loadings corresponding to principal components 1 and 2 of the similarity map of the erosion–dilation curves.
1094 N. Lassoued et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 1087–1097

that the resolution allows analysing cell size, cell shape and Cell size volumic distributions were computed by mor-
also wall thickness. For instance, the smaller cells appeared phological granulometry using closing operator for each
more spherical than the larger ones (Fig. 5). These 2D bread (Fig. 8). In the present case, the cells were highly con-
images also suggest that most of the cells were separated nected, so the size analysed by closing actually corre-
from each other. In fact, connection between cells was sponded to their smallest dimension, i.e. their breadth in
investigated by 3D image analysis. The 3D connectivity 3D. Smallest cell sizes (<2 mm) were observed for crumb
index computed by the ratio of the largest cell volume to C and B and largest ones (1–3.5 mm) for samples A and
the total void volume, according to Babin et al. (2006), D1, which reached the largest size values. In addition, size
was close to 100%. This result proved that cells were highly distribution was narrower for sample C and B than for
connected to each other, i.e. bread crumbs had an open cel- sample A and D1. Samples D2 and D3 displayed interme-
lular structure. This result is not surprising when consider- diate features. The mean cell size was computed from the
ing the large relative density values, which varied between distributions (Table 2). Values varied between 1.5 mm for
0.19 (A) and 0.31 (C) (Table 2). Crumb porosity, i.e. cell samples D1 and A and 0.84 mm for sample C.
volumic fraction, therefore varied between 0.81 and 0.69. Volumic distributions of wall thickness have been calcu-
The connection of cells thus addresses a sterical constraint lated by morphological granulometry by opening. This
since maximum random packing fraction is 0.68, for spher- method analyses the smallest dimension of the wall corre-
ical shaped elements of the same size and arranged without sponding to the thickness. The curves (Fig. 9) were some-
order. what similar, with a large peak around 200 lm, spreading
Relative density values computed from 3D images were to 500 lm. Mean values of cell wall thickness were reported
compared to the loaf density measured by the rapeseed in Table 2 and ranged between 0.19 for sample D1 and
method. Loaf density values were estimated from images 0.25 lm for sample B. Relative density was inversely corre-
by multiplying the relative density value by the solid mate- lated (r2 = 0.86) to mean cell size (Table 2) and was not
rial density. This density (Table 1) was estimated by the correlated to wall size. The presence of large cells led to a
additive rule: low relative density value of the 3D images. Wall sizes
X did not vary significantly from one bread to another. In
1=qs ¼ ci =qsi
other words, and contrarily to the results obtained when
where ci and qsi were respectively the concentration and the adding ingredients with tensioactive properties (Rouillé
density of each component – flour, water, sucrose and oil – et al., 2005), no fine cellular structure could be obtained
included in the bread, water content being measured after for crumbs of low density, under our experimental
baking. A good agreement (r2 = 0.91) was found between conditions.
the two sets of density values (Tables 1 and 2). This result Overall, the orders of magnitude were within the same
suggests that, at least from the density point of view, the range as those found by Falcone et al. (2005) for cell wall
measurements made by X-ray tomography at local scale sizes but somewhat larger for cell sizes than those found
(sample  1 cm3), were representative of the whole crumb. by Scanlon and Zghal (2001), both for pan bread. In the

Fig. 8. 3D granulometric distribution of the cell size of bread crumb samples.

N. Lassoued et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 1087–1097 1095

Fig. 9. 3D granulometric distribution of the wall thickness of bread crumb samples.

last case, the difference is in agreement with French bread that was interpreted as heterogeneity in the axial direction,
crumb, expected to be coarser. caused by variability of crumb texture according to the
slice observed. This makes the average score for one type
4.3. Comparison between 2D and 3D analyses of bread crumb somewhat imprecise. Another reason
may be explained by the different scales of observation of
Imaging in 2D corresponded to a macroscopic scale the two techniques as illustrated in Fig. 1. Smaller cells
allowing to observe whole bread slices while tomography are finally taken into account in tomography that could
images described a 1 cm3 part of the sample with a higher not be detected by the macroscopic 2D imaging technique
resolution (Fig. 1). 2D images were several cm large and while larger cells were taken into account in the 2D scan-
the resolution was 85 lm · 85 lm per pixel while 3D images ning method.
were 700 · 700 · 700 lm3 large with 10 lm for voxel size. The standard deviation of 3D granulometric curves was
For both scales, granulometric analyses were performed not correlated with the second principal component
by mathematical morphology to characterise cell and wall obtained from 2D images, although this component
size variations. In 2D, erosion–dilation curves were described partly cell size heterogeneity. This result is not
obtained for sizes ranging from 0.255 to 5.185 mm within surprising since heterogeneity at the macroscopic scale is
a frame of grey level texture analysis and without any seg- hardly comparable to the one defined at the local scale.
mentation steps. The principal components extracted from In addition, component 2 described also some variations
these curves were interpreted as describing variations in cell in macroscopic wall thickness in the 2D images. In the
size for component 1 and cell heterogeneity and wall size for 3D images, mean wall thickness values varied between
component 2. In 3D, opening and closing were applied on 0.19 and 0.25 mm and were not found highly different from
binary images leading to granulometric curves directly one image to the other. Such size values can hardly be char-
interpretable as volumic distribution ranging from 0.040 acterised using the current 2D images for which the resolu-
to 4.320 mm for cells and from 0.040 to 0.840 mm for walls. tion was 85 lm. The large variability between slices of same
Mean size values were extracted from these curves. bread does not allow further interpretation.
The average scores of each type of bread obtained for In 3D, only a small (700 · 700 · 700 lm3) and localised
component 1, after 2D image analysis, were well correlated part of the bread was analysed. The strong correlation
to the 3D mean cell size (r2 = 0.86). For both sets of between loaf density estimated by the rapeseed method
images, samples A and D1 had larger cells and samples C and the one estimated from 3D images could suggest that
and B smaller cells than the others. However, differences the crumb densities were uniform. However, heterogeneities
for component 1, between samples D2 on one hand, and were observed within the slices in 2D (Fig. 4). For example,
B and D3 on the other hand are large with respect to the in sample C, large cells are scarcely observed here and there,
values of mean cell size found by 3D analysis. Such lack and smaller cells can be observed near the crust. In fact,
of fit between the results obtained by the two techniques macroscopic variations of the density measured at the local
can be due to several causes. A large variability was scale might be expected according to different processing
observed on the similarity map assessed from 2D images conditions, for instance the heating mode during baking
1096 N. Lassoued et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 1087–1097

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issue, the relation between local and macroscopic density CTCPA (F33-Auch) for financial support of this study,
should be checked, for instance through an X-ray tomogra- and respectively, Ch. David and I. Goullieux for helpful
phy of the cellular structure of samples taken at different discussions.
locations, core and periphery of the same slice.
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