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IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam

Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756




1. Name

Who gave you your name?

Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning?

Do you like your name?

In your country, do people feel that their name is very important?

Would you like to change your name?

Is it easy to change your name in your country?

Who usually names babies in your country?

Do you have any special traditions about naming children?

What names are most common in your hometown?

2. Study

What’s your major?

Do you like it?

How do you like your courses?

Which major do you want to choose in college? Why? (if you do not have a major yet)

Will you change it if you have the chance?

Which major will you change it to?

Is it different from what you had in mind?

Why did you choose that major?

3. Work

Do you work or are you a student?

What work do you do?

What specific things do you do on your job?

IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

Why did you choose that job?

What do you like most about your job?

Would you recommend that job to others?

What did you do on the first day of your job?

Do you think this job has a bright future?

What are the most interesting and the difficult part of your job?

4. Hometown

What's (the name of) your hometown (again)?

Is that a big city or a small town?

Please describe your hometown a little.

How long have you been living there?

.Do you like your hometown?

Do you like living there?

What do you like (most) about your hometown?

Is there anything you dislike about it?

Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

5. Your living area

Where are you living at the moment?

Do many people live in your neighbourhood?

Do you have many friends there?

How long have you been living there?

What changes would you like to see in this area?

Who do you live with?

What do you like about the area around where you live?

Are you planning to move to another area to live?

Do you know many people living nearby?

What changes have you seen in this area since you have been living there?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

6. Study & Travel

What do you like about your course? Why?

How much time do you spend on studying at school?

How do you travel to school?

How did you travel to school when you were a child?

What kind of transportation do you want to travel to school?

7. Reading

Do you like reading?

How often do you read?

Do you usually read for leisure or for work purposes?

What kinds of book do you like to read?

What was your favourite book or story when you were a child?

Do you like E-books?

Do you ever read professional books?

8. Apps

What apps do you often use?

Which do you prefer, an information app or a chat app?

Do you want to develop an app yourself?

Do you often use apps on mobile phones?

What kinds of apps do you expect in the future?

9. Litter/ Rubbish

Do you think it’s important to keep the city clean?

What do you do when you see rubbish on the street?

Can you suggest why some people throw their litter on the ground?

Do you think plastic bags are a serious environmental problem?

Why do some people throw garbage on the street?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

What do you do with the garbage when you are on the street?

How do you feel when you see other people throw garbage on the street?

Do you think your city is clean or not?

10. Smiling

Do you like to smile?

How often do you smile?

Do you smile when you are having your picture taken?

When do people smile to others?

Can you sense (or feel, or tell) if someone’s smile is fake?

11. Equipment

When it broke, how it was broken?

Consider to fix or buy a new one?

How can you compare with other countries?

Music? Which equipment you use to listen to music? When are you listen?

Live concert - prefer it or not? - been there? - how you feel about live concert outside?

Book ? Children prefer read book to enrich knowledge in science? Or not?

12. Weather

What's the weather like today?

What kind of weather do you like (best)? (Why?)

What's your favourite weather? (Why?)

What do you usually do during your favourite weather (or season)?

What's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?

Do you like that weather (or, that kind of climate)? (Why?/Why not?)

How often is the weather good in your hometown?

What did you do the last time the weather was good?

Are there any bad points about the weather in your city?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

What is the typical weather in your country like?

Have there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?

Does the weather ever affect what you do?

How does the weather affect people (or, you)? (If yes, how?)

How do you feel when the weather is cloudy?

Do you always pay attention to the weather forecast?

Can you give any examples of unusual weather?

Do you like snow? (Why?)

Would you prefer to live in a place that has just one, warm season that lasts the

whole year or a place with different seasons?

Do people in your country play the same sports in different seasons of the year?

What’s the weather like in your city?

Are there four different seasons in your hometown?

Would you move to another city because of the weather?

Do you do different things in different weather (or different seasons)?

Would you prefer to live in a place that has the same weather all year, or a place that has four seasons?

Does the weather in your country change often?

Do you like it when it’s raining?

Do you feel the climate is changing?

Do you think the weather is more important to people who play sports?

13. Cities

Do you like the city you are living in now?

Which city do you want to go to?

Which city have you been to recently?

What kinds of city do you like?

Do you prefer the city or the countryside?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

14. Sleep

How many hours do you sleep every day (or, every night)?

Do you think it’s good to have a nap during the day?

Did you sleep more in the past than you do now?

Do you think old people need more sleep than young people?

Have your sleeping habits changed since you were younger?

Do you think it’s important to have enough sleep (each day/night)?

15. Pets/ Animals

Have you ever had (or, raised) a pet?

Do many people in your country have a pet?

What kind of pets do people like/dislike to have?

What kind of pets are common in your country?

16. The sky

Do you often look at the sky? (Why?)

Do you know much about the stars and planets?

Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?

Do you prefer to look at the sky in the daytime, or at night?

Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?

Did you learn anything about the planets and stars at school?

17. Films/ Movies

Do you like to watch movies? (Why?)

What types of films do you like to watch?

Do you often watch a movie (a film)?

Do you like going to the cinema?

Do you prefer to (or usually) watch a film alone or with others?

How often do you go to a cinema?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

Has your taste in movies changed since you were younger?

Are any foreign movie stars famous in your country?

Do you have a favourite movie star?

Have you ever seen a movie star in real life?

Would you like to be a movie star?

18. Crowded places

Do you like crowded places?

How do you feel in crowded places?

What are the most crowded places in your hometown (or where you are living now)?

Do you prefer to go to crowded places or places that have few people?

When was the last time you were in a crowded place?

Would you say people with the same interests usually get along with each other when they are in a


19. Patience

Are you a patient person?

When are you impatient?

Do you think you are more patient now than when you were younger?

Do you think you will be more patient in the future?

Are you patient in your work or study?

Can you explain why some people are not very patient?

Do you think people should be patient?

How do you feel when other people are impatient?

Would you say young people are more patient than older people?

Can you give any examples of work that require patience?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

19. Sharing

Do you like to share things with your friends?

When you were young, did your parents teach you to share with others?

Is there anything that you would not share with others?

How do you think parents could encourage their children to share?

Are you willing to share your favourite possessions?

Do you think there will be a car sharing in the future?

20. Tea & Coffee

Do you prefer to drink tea, or coffee?

When you go out do you most often drink tea, or coffee?

When was the last time you drank some tea or coffee?

Which is more popular in your country, drinking tea or drinking coffee?

Do people in your country ever give tea as a gift?

When people in your country entertain guests do they usually drink tea, or coffee?

22. Letters & Emails

Do you use email?

How often do you use email (or, write emails)?

Do you prefer to use email or text messaging?

Do you think it’s important to reply to emails immediately (or, quickly) after you receive them?

Do you like to receive handwritten letters and cards?

Would you say your handwriting is easy for others to read?

Do you prefer to write on a computer or to write using a pen?

Do you think a person’s handwriting reflects their personality?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

23. Public Holidays

Does your country have many public holidays?

Do you have a favourite holiday?

Do you think there should be more public holidays?

What public holidays do you have in your country?

Would you say most people in your country know why you have those holidays?

What do people in your country do during holidays?

Do you think these holidays are important?

24. Plan

Do you make plans every day?

Are you good at managing your time?

What is the latest plan you made?

What is the hardest part about making plans?

25. Drinking water

Do you like to drink water?

Do you prefer to drink bottled water or tap water?

Do you drink much water every day?

Do you prefer to drink hot water or cool (or cold) water?

How often do you have a drink of water?

Is bottled water very expensive in your country?

Would you say it’s important to drink water?

Have you ever had an experience of being thirsty, but not having any water to drink?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

26. Visiting relatives

Do you often visit your relatives? (Why?)

What do you do when you visit them?

When was the last time you visited them? what did you do?

Do you prefer visiting your relatives, or your friends?

Do you take anything when you visit your relatives?

27. Transports

Do you know how to drive?

Do you have a car?

Do you drive your car very often?

Do you think everyone should get a drivers’ license?

Do you think driving skills are important?

How often do you hire a taxi?

When was the last time you travelled by taxi?

28. Music

Do you often (like to) listen to music?

When do you listen to music?

How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

What’s your favorite kind of music?

Have you ever been to a concert before?

Do you like to listen to live music?

When did you start listening to this type of music?

Where do you listen to it?

How do you feel when you listen to this music?

Have you ever been to a musical performance?

Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

Is music an important subject at school in your country ?

Did you often listen to music when you were a child? (If yes give details.)

What kinds of music are (most) popular in your country?

29. Teachers

Do you have a favourite teacher?

What makes a good teacher?

Do you think teachers should be strict?

In what ways do you think teachers and parents are different when teaching young people?

Would you like to be a teacher?

30. Sharing

Do you like to share things with your friends?

Do you have anything to share with others recently?

Did your parents teach you to share with others when you were a child?

How do you think parents could encourage their children to share?

What kinds of things do you like to share with others?

Are you willing to share your favourite possessions?

Is there anything that you would not share with others?

Do you think there will be a car sharing in the future?

31. Sport

Do you like sports? Do you often watch sports on TV?

How often do you play sports?

Do you prefer watching or playing sports?

What’s the most common sport in your country?

Do you think it is difficult to learn a new sport?

Are there many celebrity athletes in your country?

Did you prefer team sports or individual sports when you were young?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

32. Time Management

How do you organize you time?

Do you make plans every day?

Would you say you manage your time well?

Are you ever late for anything?

Do you think young people organize their time in the same way?

What’s the biggest difficulty you have when managing time?

33. Travel

Do you like travelling?

Where would you like to travel for a vacation? (Why?)

Who do you often spend holiday with?

Do you prefer traveling alone or in a group?

How much traveling have you done?

What kind of places have you visited in your life?

When you visit new places, what do you like to do?

In which seasons do you prefer to travel?

What is the best season to travel in your country?

34. Maths

Do you like maths?

Do you think females are good at maths?

How often do you use a calculator?

Do you think maths is important?

Some people think that maths isn’t needed in our life. What do you think?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

35. Watches

Do you usually wear a watch?

What kind of watch do you wear?

Do most people in your country (still) wear a watch nowadays?

36. Borrowing/lending

Have you ever borrowed books from others?

Have you ever borrowed money from others?

Do you like to lend things to others?

How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?

37. Pollutions

Is there anything being polluted in your hometown?

What are the common types of pollutions in the countryside?

What are the causes of those pollutions?

Have you ever done anything to help the environment?

38. Social network

How often do you use social networking applications?

Why do you use social networking apps?

What are the disadvantages of social networking apps?

Do you think it is good to make friends?

39. Painting/Drawing

Are you interested in painting and drawing?

What do you like to draw?

Did you ever learn how to draw or paint ?

Do you like to have pictures in your home?

If someone wanted to draw a picture of you, would you agree?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

40. Efficiency

Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the evening?

Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?

What do you do to improve your efficiency?

41. Street markets

What do street markets sell? Are street markets common in your country?

Do you think people like street markets? Why?

What are some differences of street markets and supermarkets?

Do you often go to supermarkets?

42. Parks/ Gardens

Do you often go to a park or a public garden?

When was the last time you went to a park / public garden?

Can you suggest how parks in your city could be improved?

Do you prefer a park with open space or recreational facilities?

43. Photos

Do you like taking photos?

How often do you take a photo?

How do you keep your photos?

Do you prefer to take pictures by yourself, or to have others take them for you?

Do you like to take pictures of your hometown?

44. Shoes

How often do you buy shoes?

Do you ever to buy shoes online? How many shoes do you have?

Do you prefer comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes?

Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756



Describe a subject you didn’t like before but have interest in now.

You should say:

- What it was

- Why you didn’t like it before;

- When you studied the subject;

- and explain why you have interested in it now


1. Describe a person who helps others in his spare time.

You should say:

who he or she is:

what he or she always does to help others:

why he or she always helps others:

and explain how you feel about this person.

2. Describe someone you know who has interesting ideas or opinions.

You should say:

who this person is;

how you got to know each other:

what ideas or opinions this person has;

and explain why you think they are interesting.

3. Describe a band or singer you like.

You should say:

who they are:

what kind of music they play;

when and where you usually listen to their music;

and explain why you like them.

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

4. Describe a famous person from another country that you would like to meet

You should say:

who the person is;

what the person does:

how you got to know about him or her:

and explain why you would like to meet him or her.

5. Describe a person you know who speaks a foreign language well

You should say:

who this person is;

what foreign language he or she knows;

how often he or she uses this language;

and explain why you think this person can speak this language well.

6. Describe a person you know who is beautiful or handsome.

You should say:

who this person is:

when and where you first met;

what personality he or she has:

and explain why you think this person is beautiful or handsome

7. Describe someone you would like to work or study with.

You should say:

who this person is:

what you would like to work on with this person: whether you've worked together before

and explain why you would like to work with this person.
8. Describe an intelligent person you know.

You should say:

who the person is;

how old this person is:

what he does;

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

and explain why you think he or she is intelligent.

9. Describe an interesting old person you met.

You should say:

who this person was:

how you met this person:

what you did or talked about:

and explain why you think this person was interesting.

10. Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up.

You should say:

who the person was;

how you got to know this person:

what impressed you most about this person;

and explain why you wanted to be like this person.


1. Describe a park or garden you visited and liked.

You should say:

where it was;

what it looked like;

what you did there;

and explain why you liked lit there.

2. Describe a historical building you visited.

You should say:

where it was;

what it looked like;

what it was used for when you visited it;

and explain what you learnt there.

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

3. Describe a new public facility, such as a road, a park, or a shopping center, which improves

your local area.

You should say:

what facility it is;

where it is located;

who uses this public facility;

and explain how it improves your local area.

4. Describe a perfect house you saw.

You should say:

when and where you saw it;

what it looked like;

what special features it had;

and explain why you liked it.

5. Describe a time you visited a place with friends.

You should say:

where you went;

what you did there;

who you were with:

and explain why it was a memorable experience.

6. Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home.

You should say:

where it would be;

how you would like to go there;

what you would do there;

and explain why you would like to go there.

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756


1. Describe a TV show that make you laugh a lot

You should say:

What is the program?

When and whom you watch with?

What are the characters?

and explain why does it make you laugh?

Xem bài mẫu: TẠI ĐÂY

2. Describe a time you felt proud of a friend’s success.

What it was

When your friend did

How it made you feel

What effect this achievement had on your life

3. Describe a good law in your country.

You should say:

what the law is:

how you first learned about it;

who the law affects:

and explain why you think this is a good law.

Xem chữa bài mẫu: TẠI ĐÂY

4. Describe an important plant in your country

You should say

What it is

Where you see it

What it looks like

Why it is important
5. Describe a game that you played in your childhood

You should say

What the game was

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

When you played it

Who you played it with

How you felt about the game

6. Describe a time you gave advice to others.

You should say:

who you gave the advice to:

what advice you gave:

why this person needed your advice;

and explain how useful the advice was.

7. Talk about a healthy lifestyle that you know.

You should say:

What is it?

How do you know it?

When you do it?

and explain why do you think it is healthy?

8. Describe something special you brought back home from a holiday.

You should say:

what it was;

when and where you bought it;

why you bought it:

and explain how you felt about it.

9. Describe a piece of clothing you often wear.

You should say:

what it looks like;

how often you wear it:

where you got it;

and explain why you like it.

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

10. Describe a party / describe a party you attended or joined

You should say:

When was it

Who joined you?

What happened in the party

11. Describe something a child did that made you laugh

You should say:

who the child was;

how old he or she was:

what he or she did;

and explain why it made you laugh.

12. Describe a prize you would like to win.

You should say:

what it is;

how you got to know about it;

what you need to do to win this prize; and explain why you would like to win it.

13. Describe a time you got up extremely early.

You should say:

when it was;

what time you got up;

how you felt when you got up:

and explain why you got up early.

14. Describe a meal you invited others to have at your home or in a restaurant

You should say:

who you invited;

where you ate:

what you ate;

and explain how they felt about this meal.

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

15. Describe a practical skill you leant.

You should say:

what the skill was;

who you learnt it from;

how you learnt it;

and explain how useful it was.

16. Describe something you do regularly that helps your work or study.

You should say:

what it is;

how you do it;

when and where you usually do it:

and explain how it helps your work or study.

17. Describe a situation when you didn’t have enough time

- When it was

- What you tried to do or finish

- Where you were

- And explain why you didn’t have enough time

Xem bài mẫu: TẠI ĐÂY

18. Describe a time you solved a problem online.

You should say:

when and where it happened:

what problem you solved:

how long it took you to solve the problem:

and explain how you felt about it.

19. Describe a time you heard someone you didn’t know talking on the phone in a public place

You should say:

when and where it was:

what the person was about;

what you were doing at that time:

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

and explain how you felt about it.

20. Describe a time you got incorrect information.

You should say:

when you got the information;

who gave you the information;

how you found out the information was incorrect; and explain how you felt about it.

21. Describe a water sport you would like to try.

You should say:

what sport it is;

where you would like to try it;

whether it is difficult to do:

and explain why you would like to try it.

22. Describe a time you enjoyed a free day off work or school.

You should say:

when it was:

what you did:

how long the free time lasted;

and explain how you felt about it.

23. Describe a time the vehicle you were travelling in broke down

You should say:

where you were going;

who you were with;

how long it took to fix the vehicle

and explain how you felt about it.

24. Describe a kind of food people eat on special occasions

You should say:

what it is;

how it is cooked

why people eat it;

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

and explain how you feel about this kind of food.

25. Describe something you bought but don't use very often

You should say:

what it is;

when and where you bought it;

why you bought it;

and explain why you don't use it very often.

26. Describe a time you found something someone lost

You should say:

what it was;

when and where you found it;

what you did after you found it;

and explain how you felt about finding it.

27. Describe a friend's success/achievement that you were proud of.

You should say:

what he or she did

why he or she did this

what difficulties he or she had to overcome

and explain why you were proud of his or her success.

28. Describe a time you received bad service at a shop or a restaurant.

You should say:

what goods or services you bought

who you were with when you were served

why you went there

and explain how you felt about the service.

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

29. Describe an outdoor sport you would like to fry for the first time.

You should say:

what sport it is

how you got to know it

whether it is difficult to do

and explain why you would like to try it.

30. Describe an activity you do to stay healthy.

You should say:

what you do

when you started doing it

how much time you spend doing it

and explain how this activity helps you stay healthy.

31. Describe a period of time in the history of your country that you want to know more about

You should say:

when it was

what happened during that period of time

who played an important role in this period of time

and explain why you want to know more about the time period.
32. Describe a subject you didn't like before but have interest now.

You should say:

what it is;

when you studied the subject

why you didn't like it before

and explain why you have interest in it now.

33. Describe a situation that others didn't tell you the whole truth.

You should say:

what the situation was

who was involved

why they didn't tell you the whole truth

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

and explain how you felt when you found out you were not told the whole truth
34. Describe something you want to do but don’t have time for

You should say:

what it is

why you would like to do it

how easy or difficult it is to do it

and explain why you don't time for it.

34. Describe a job your grandparent did.

You should say:

what job it was

when and where your grandparent did the job

how long he or she did the job

and explain how you think about this job.

36. Describe a party you enjoyed.

You should say:

when and where it took place

who held the party

what people did at the party

and explain why you enjoyed it.

37. Describe a piece of good news you recently heard on TV or the internet.

You should say:

what the news was about

when you got this news

where you got this news from

and explain why you think it was a good piece of news.

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

38. Describe an important decision you made with the help of others

You should say:

what it was about

who helped you make this decision

what happened after the decision was made

and explain how you felt about the decision.

39. Describe a time you changed your plan.

You should say:

what the plan was

why you changed it

what you did instead

and explain how you felt about changing the plan

40. Describe a teenager you know

You should say:

Who is he/she?

How you know this teenager?

What this teenager likes to do?

How you feel about this teenager?

41. Describe a book you have read recently

You should say:

What type of book do you like?

Which one do you read recently?

Where did you hear about it?

42. Describe an unusual vacation you had.

You should say:

when and where you went

who you went with

what you did there

and explain why it was unusual.

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756


1. Teenager

What is the difference between teenagers and children?

Why do you think this difference can classify teenagers and children?

Who do you like teenager or children?

What is the attitude of teenagers towards old people in your country?

Do you think teenagers today are better than those 30 years ago?

What are the differences between teenagers and old people?

2. Invironment

What kinds of pollution are serious in your country

So what can individuals do to protect our environment?

Why is there a need to involve government in environment protection?

In the future, what do you think some of the effects of global warming?

Is it important to teach students environmental protection at school?

Xem bài mẫu: TẠI ĐÂY

3. Historic Buildings

Do many people in your country visit historical buildings?

In general, what types of historical buildings do most people visit?

Why do they visit these buildings?

What do people learn from visiting these buildings?

What gives people the idea of visiting a historical building? (Or: Where do they get information about
historical buildings?)

What kinds of people like to visit historic buildings?

What do you think are the differences between actually visiting a historic place and reading about it in a
book (or seeing pictures of it on the internet)?

Do you think people should have to pay to visit these historic buildings?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

Do you think these historic buildings should be preserved (or, reparations should be made to these

4. Sport

Why do you think sport is important?

Is it dangerous for people to spend too much tim on sports?

What are advantages and disadvantages of watching games?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing games / sports?

Do you think which sports demand enough courage?

Do you think famous sportspeople are good role models for children?

Do you agree that sports stars earn too much money?

5. Internet

Which websites are popular among your generation?

Is using the internet a social or solitary activity?

How has the internet changed social behaviour?

Should companies check job applicants’ online profiles?

What will be the next big development online?

6. Public transport

Do you think public transport in your country is more for elderly or youngsters?

Do you often use public transport?

What kinds of public transport that your country has?

7. Beauty

What is beauty for you?

Do you think the media influences our idea of beauty?

Do you think advertisement's portrayal of beauty is correct?

How has people's idea of beauty changed over the last few decades?

Do you think beauty only relates to a person's appearance?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

Do people in your country like to buy luxury clothes?

What are some drawbacks of being beautiful?

Is goodness better than beauty?

8. Education

What is the difference between the role of a teacher and a parent in the education of children?

What suggestions would you give to teachers to improve education?

What is the best way to educate children in your opinion?

How can we help children realize their talents?

Does the government provide enough support to education in your view?

9. Old person

What are the advantages of having an elderly person at home?

Is there anything that older people should learn from younger generation?

What can younger generation learn from the older generation?

What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?

Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work?

Do you think that elderly people should be taken care of at home?

Why do old people today live longer than in the past?

Are the attitudes of young people today towards old people the same as they used to be years ago?

10. Role models

What type of people influence the young in your country?

Why it is important to have role models in our life?

Do you think the education system in your country influences young people's behaviour?

What types of person (parents, teachers, friends etc.) are best to influence young people's behaviour?

What do you think young people will be most influenced by it the future?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

11. Interesting places

Do you think cities worth visiting is also suitable to live in?

What is the difference between the people living in the city and people living in the countryside?

What is the difference between big cities and small cities?

What is the difference between north and south part of your country?

What makes one country different from the other?

12. Beautiful places

What are some ancient cities in your country?

Why do they attract tourists?

How to preserve these cities?

Do you think modern cities are built the same now?

How will cities look like in the future?

What are some improvements taking place in your cities?

13. Photography and the image

Is it easy to take good photographs?

What are the pros and cons of digital photography?

Should people share their photographs online?

When can an image be worth a thousand words?

Is a photograph a reliable form of identification?

14. Children and money

When do children start feeling interested in money?

Are all children interested in money because they want to buy their own stuff?

Why do children want to have money instead of asking parents for it?

Should children be given money as a reward when they do something?

In VN, people prefer using cash or credit card? Why?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

15. Borrowing something/money

Why do people borrow things instead of buying?

What are the problems if people forget to bring back things they borrow?

What would you do if people don't return the money they borrowed from you?

Why are people embarrassed when they borrow money from others?

16. Inventions and copyright

Which invention has transformed your country most?

Would you like to be an inventor?

How long should someone be able to profit from an idea?

Do you think intellectual property laws are too strict?

Should all medicines be free to manufacture?

17. Employment

Why do some people keep changing their jobs?

What changes have occurred in your country in the last few decades?

Do young or people complain more?

Is it important for companies to deal with complaint from customers?

Why do most companies in Vietnam refuse to deal with complaints?

18. Compliment and punishment

Do people in your country like to give other people compliment?

Do you think children need encouragement?

Whether it is necessary to punish children?

Do adult need feedback on their work?

Which one do you think it more important? Encouragement or punishment?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

19. School

What courses/subjects you think will be added in your high school?

What courses/subjects will be helpful in the future work?

Will it be more effective to read online than books?

What do students do after school in your country?

Do you think students should choose subjects they like?

Can the Vietnamese students choose their favorite subjects?

20. Something you made

Have you received any handmade gifts?

Do you prefer store bought gifts or handmade?

Who are better at making handicraft, boys or girls?

What kinds of traditional handicrafts are there in your country?

What are the differences between handicrafts and products made by machines?

Will handicrafts disappear or be replaced by machine made products in the future?

Have you received anything that was made by the giver?

21. A skill needs long time to learn

What age will make it difficult for a person to learn a skill?

Who will you learn a skill from, friends, teachers or parents?

What's the difference between children learning what they like and learning what they have to learn?

22. Game

Do Vietnamese people like to play indoor sports or outdoor sports?

What are the benefits for children to play outdoor games?

What kinds of games do children play these days?

Why do people play different kinds of games after they grow up?

Do parents in your country encourage children to play games?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

23. Computer

Do you think we need to know much about computers?

What is the most impactful piece of technology in our lives?

How computers affect our everyday life?

How effective is the use of computers in the classroom?

24. Technology

What are the advantages of smart phones these days?

In the future people’s work are heavily affected by technology. Do advantages outweigh the

It is predicted that in the near future, the technology will replace the role of the teachers in the classroom.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays, people are using mobile phones and computers to communicate with each other. Do the
advantages outweigh the advantages?

Is the modern technology in your country changing rapidly over the years?

25. Law

Are police officer popular in your country?

Do people like being a police officer in your country?

What qualities should a police officer have?

Why some people prefer to be a lawyer?

Do you think that people in Vietnam obey the law all the time?

26. Time management

What is the main reason people cannot have enough time to do?

How can people balance their time for working and their private life?

Do people nowadays have more pressure time than before?

Do you think it is important for people to relax during a day?

Do people can control their time wisely when they are older?

Modern technologies make people use time up or reduce time?

How to better our time management?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

27. Shopping/ Customer service

Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?

What products or services do people in your country like to complain about?

Would you buy things in the shops which you have made complaints before?

Do you think customers' complaints will improve products or services?

Are there any disadvantages to set up customer service?

28. Working

What are the disadvantages of working overtime?

Do people in your country like to have holidays?

What kinds of activities do people like to do for holidays?

Where do Vietnamese people like to travel to?

Why do some people prefer to stay at home during holidays?

29. Toys

Are there differences between toys for girls and for boys?

Why do parents buy lots of toys for their children?

What are the differences between today's toys and old toys?

What factors should you keep in mind while purchasing toys?

Do you allow children to buy toys of their choice?

30. Plants

How do schools teach students to grow plants?

Do old people grow plants?

Do people in your country like to grow plants at home?

What is the main plant in your country?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

31. Buying

Is consumption important to a country?

What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have?

What things do young people like to buy?

What the benefits of the shopping in supermarkets?

How often do people go to the supermarket?

Do you think recycling is important and how to encourage recycling in your community?

32. Universities

Is higher education too expensive in your country?

Should all students pay for their university education?

What advantages do universities bring to society?

Which is more important, research or teaching?

How should students spend their summer vacations?

33. Book

What kinds of book are popular among children in your country?

Do children like fairytale? Why?

How to encourage children to read?

Do people teach children to read at home or send them to school? Why?

34. Learning

What's the difference between learning face-to-face with teachers and learning by yourself?

Do you like to learn on your own or with others?

Do you prefer to study at home or study in other places?

35. Celebrities

Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?

Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp
IELTS Fighter - Trung Tâm Luyện Thi IELTS Hàng Đầu Việt Nam
Website: | Hotline: 0963 891 756

In general, how do people become famous?

What kinds of people become famous?

Do you think, to be famous, a person needs to have some special talent(or ability)?

Should celebrities be a role model for children to look up to?

What are some benefits of being celebrities?

36. Public Speaking

Why do people feel nervous when they are giving a speech to others?

How can people improve their public speaking skills?

Can you suggest any methods that would help reduce nervousness?

Is it good for people to visit schools and give a talk to children about different things?

What type of person is best suited to give a talk to a group of students?

37. Party

Which types of parties are popular in Vietnam?

Is it true that everybody likes parties? Why?

Is it true that children always like birthday cakes with candles on top? Is receiving birthday cakes
important in a birthday party?

Do you prefer receiving emails or birthday cards on your birthday?

How does alcohol affect the atmosphere of a party?

Is music important to a party?

For those who do dislike parties, what should they do?

Why do old people also like parties?

38. Routines

Do you think have a set routine is good?

What do young people usually do?

What do parents usually do?

How to be creative but still keep a routine?

What can people do to increase their creativity?

Dự đoán xu hướng ra đề quý 3 – 2019, IELTS Fighter tổng hợp

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