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The next type of semiconductor is made by tacking on another type P or type N junction to the
diode structure. It is called a BJT, for bipolar junction transistor, or transistor for short. When a
current is applied to the base, the junction is energized and current flows through the transistor.
The other connections on the transistor are called the collector and the emitter. The NPN needs
current to be pushed into the base to turn the transistor on, whereas the PNP needs current to be
pulled out of the base to turn it on. In other words, the NPN needs the base to be more positive
than the emitter whereas the PNP needs the base to be more negative than the emitter. Transistors
are current-driven devices; they require significant current flow to operate. Most times the current
flow needed in the base is 50 to 100 times less than the amount flowing through the emitter and
collector, but it is significant compared to what are called voltage-driven devices. Transistors can
be used as amplifiers and switches. We should consider both types of applications. Transistors are
often used as switches amplifying the output capability of a microcontroller for example. When
you use a transistor as a switch, always consider if you are driving the device into saturation.
Saturation occurs when you are putting enough current into the base to get the transistor to move
the maximum amount through the collector. Use an NPN to switch a ground leg and a PNP to
switch a Vcc leg. They are like a switch, but the diode drop in the base causes an important
difference, especially when you only have 0 to 5 V to deal with. Let’s do a little ISA on the less
robust circuit. As you decrease the voltage at the input, current will flow through the base, but the
emitter base junction is a diode. That means that whatever voltage the base is at, the emitter is
always 0.7 V higher. Even if you get the input to 0 V exactly, since current has to flow, the voltage
at the base will be a little higher. The voltage at the emitter will be 0.7 V above that. Notice now
that any voltage change at this point will be reflected at the output. Now contrast that with the
more robust design. When you pull the signal at the input low, current will flow through the base
just like the other design. In the second design, the input voltage can vary quite a bit, and as long
as the transistor is in saturation, the voltage drop at the output from collector to emitter will remain
the same. For a switching application it is more robust when it controls the Vcc leg of the load. In
both cases turning the transistor off is not too difficult; just get the base within 0.7 V of the emitter
and the current will stop flowing.

Nama: 1. Hilda Rifky S.W. (P2783811027)

2. Rifqi A. (P27838117028)
3. Deny Elfredo T. (P27838117032)
4. M. Frisdyanata D.H. (P27838117039)
Kelas: 2B2

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