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What is the State of the Stone Analysis

Techniques in Urolithiasis?
Abbas Basiri,1 Maryam Taheri,1 Fatemeh Taheri2

1Urology and Nephrology

Purpose: To compare and evaluate the mostly used methods of urinary stone anal-
Research Center, Shahid ysis.
Labbafinejad Medical
Center, Shahid Beheshti
University of Medical Sci- Materials and Methods: We searched PubMed and Google Scholar for “urolithi-
ences, Tehran, Iran
2Department of Clinical asis, nephrolithiasis, renal stone, and kidney stone” combined with “stone analysis,
Biochemistry, Faculty of
Medical Sciences, Tarbiat
spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, chemical analysis, mass spectrometry, and laser-
Modares University, Teh- induced breakdown spectroscopy, review article, and quality control assessment.”
ran, Iran

sis techniques and their quality control trials. Seven articles were not in English
language; hence, were omitted from this review. The remaining 17 articles and
their related references were studied thoroughly. There are various chemical and
physical techniques available for urinary stone analysis. The correct stone analysis
has to identify not only all stone components, but also the molecular structure and
Corresponding Author: crystalline forms of them with the exact quantitative determination of each com-
Maryam Taheri, MD
Urology and Nephrology
Research Center, No.103, Conclusion: The knowledge of urinary stone composition is important for un-
9th Boustan St., Pasdaran
Ave., 1666677951,
derstanding pathophysiology, choice of treatment modality, and prevention of re-
Although there are many techniques available for identifying the urinary stone
Tel: +98 21 2256 7222
Fax: +98 21 2256 7282 composition and structure, no single method can provide all the requiring informa-
E-mail: taheri233@yahoo. tion. Therefore, a combination of structural and morphological tests is needed for
this purpose.
Received April 2012
Accepted April 2012 Keywords: kidney calculi, chemical analysis, spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction

UROLOGY JOURNAL Vol. 9 | No. 2 | Spring 2012 | 445

INTRODUCTION mogravimetry, optic polarizing microscopy, scan-

he incidence of nephrolithiasis has consid- ning electron microscopy, and different methods
erably increased throughout the world in RIVSHFWURVFRS\$W¿UVWZHGHVFULEHWKHSULQFLSOHV
the last twenty years.  The treatment of of these methods and then, compare their accuracy
urinary stone can be painful, stone removal often and practical application according to our literature
requires surgery, and renal failure occurs in about review.
3% of patients.  Furthermore, the recurrence rates Wet Chemical Analysis
PD\EHDVKLJKDVWRSHU\HDUDQGPD\ Although wet chemical technique is the most
reach 50% within 5 years if a proper management, widely used approach for stone analysis in routine
stone analysis, and follow-up are not applied.  laboratories, it can only identify the presence of
The most frequent component of urinary calculi is individual ions and radicals without differentiat-
calcium, which is the major constituent of nearly LQJDVSHFL¿FFRPSRXQGLQPDQ\VWRQHW\SHVDQG
75% of stones. Urinary stone is mostly composed mixtures.  An external quality assurance scheme
of calcium oxalate about 60%, mixed calcium oxa- showed relatively poor performance of qualitative
ODWH DQG K\GUR[\ DSDWLWH  XULF DFLG DSSUR[L- and semi-quantitative wet chemical tests, includ-
mately 10%, struvite (magnesium ammonium ing commercial kits.  However, its performance
SKRVSKDWH  DERXW  EUXVKLWH  DQG F\VWLQH can improve by using quantitative wet chemical
1%.  The purposes of stone analysis are qualita- approach, in which the same routine quantitative
tive differentiation of all stone components and chemical analysis methods for blood and urine are
their semiquantitative determination.  The aim of used for a suitably prepared solution of the stone. 
this review is to compare the principles and prac- Thermogravimetry
tical application of various chemical and physical Since the 1970s, thermogravimetric analysis (TG
techniques used for urinary stone analysis. RU7*$ KDVEHHQH[WHQVLYHO\DSSOLHGIRUDQDO\]-
ing kidney stones.  Thermogravimetry is a viable,
MATERIALS AND METHODS fast, and simple technique based on continuous re-
According to our search on PubMed and Google cording of both the temperature and weight loss of
Scholar for “urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, renal the material during a progressive temperature in-
stone, and kidney stone” combined with “stone crease to 1000 ºC in an oxygen atmosphere.
analysis, spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, chemi- $V HDFK VXEVWDQFH KDV LWV RZQ VSHFL¿F W\SH RI
cal analysis, mass spectrometry, and laser-induced transformation, the starting and ending tempera-
breakdown spectroscopy, review article, and qual- ture of transformation, the amount of change in
ity control assessment.” weight, and enthalpy, the nature of the substance
RESULTS and the magnitude of this change indicates the pro-
ciples of stone analysis techniques and their quality Optic Polarizing Microscopy
control trials. Seven articles were not in English The base of this technique is the interaction of po-
language; hence, were omitted from this review. larized light with crystals of stones. After the stone
The remaining 17 articles and their related refer- is fractured and the material is removed from vari-
ences were studied thoroughly. ous points of it, it can be assessed under the polar-
Currently, the following methods are available izing microscope using a drop of the appropriate
for stone analysis: Wet chemical analysis, ther- refractive index liquid.  Parameters which iden-

446 | Review
Stone Analysis Techniques in Urolithiasis | Basiri et al

tify the stone minerals include the color, refraction however, it has become as a popular reliable meth-
of light, and double refraction.  od for in-vitro quantitative stone analysis in the last
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) decade.  ,QIUDUHGVSHFWURVFRS\LVDVSHFL¿FUDS-
Scanning electron microscopy is a precise tech- id, and versatile method, which uses IR radiation in
nique for the study of morphology of urinary cal- order to cause atomic vibrations, consequently, en-
culi. This technique is non-destructive and reveals HUJ\DEVRUSWLRQDQG¿QDOO\DSSHDUDQFHRIDEVRUS-
details about stones 1 to 5 nm in size,  without tion bands in the IR spectrum of stone samples. 
FKDQJLQJ WKH VSHFL¿F PRUSKRORJ\ RI WKH FRPSR- Two different IR spectroscopy approaches are
nents.  Furthermore, it can produce very high-res- common: The direct IR transmission, in which, the
olution images of a sample surface. stone material is mixed with potassium bromide
Spectroscopy and compressed to form a disc, which is used for
Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction be- the analysis. Therefore, stone material cannot be
tween matter and radiated energy. Spectroscopy recovered for further supporting analysis, such as
WHFKQLTXHVFDQEHFODVVL¿HGLQVHYHUDOZD\VZKLFK wet chemical tests.  But in non-destructive ap-
are summarized in Table 1.  Here the principles proach, such as photo-acoustic detection,  recov-
and practical application of mostly used methods ery of the sample is possible.
of spectroscopy will be presented. A more recent technique in IR spectroscopy is the
Table 1. Classification of the spectroscopy techniques.
1. Type of radiated energy

Electromagnetic radia- Classified by the wavelength region of the spectrum and includes micro-
tion wave, terahertz, infrared, near infrared, visible and ultraviolet, x-ray, and
gamma spectroscopy.
Particles Electrons and neutrons can also be a source of radiative energy
Acoustic spectroscopy Involves radiated pressure waves
2. Nature of the interaction

Elastic scattering and Determines how incident radiation is reflected or scattered by a material,
Reflection spectros- such as X-xay Diffraction
Impedance spectros-
Inelastic scattering Raman scattering
Coherent or resonance Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
3. Type of material

Atoms Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS)

Atomic emission spectroscopy (AES)
Flame emission spectroscopy
Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy
X-ray spectroscopy
X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
Molecules Infrared and Raman spectroscopy
Nuclei NMR spectroscopy

UROLOGY JOURNAL Vol. 9 | No. 2 | Spring 2012 | 447

thermore, sample preparation for this technique is lyze small amounts of stones, and the rapidity of
very easy, as it does not require mixing the sam- polarizing microscopy are the advantages of this
ple with an IR inactive material, such as potassium technique over chemical analysis. Silva and col-
bromide, prior to analysis. leagues studied a sample of 50 stones retrieved
X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) from patients in Brazil in order to compare the
X-ray powder diffraction uses monochromatic chemical with morphological kidney stone com-
X-rays for identifying the constituents of a renal position analysis. They found that unlike morpho-
stone based on the unique diffraction patterns pro- logical analysis, chemical analysis can only detects
duced by a crystalline material. Crystal moieties of calcium and oxalate separately without differenti-
DVWUXFWXUHGLIIUDFWRUUHÀHFWWKHSHQHWUDWHG;UD\V ating the crystalline types. Identifying the crystal-
in particular patterns.  line form is very useful for planning therapy, eg,
Elementary Distribution Analysis (EDAX) FDOFLXP R[DODWH GHK\GUDWH &2'  LV DVVRFLDWHG
(OHPHQWDU\GLVWULEXWLRQDQDO\VLV ('$; LVXVHG with hypercalciuria while calcium oxalate mono-
to obtain the percentage of composition of all stone K\GUDWH &20 LVPRUHFORVHO\UHODWHGWRK\SHUR[-
VDPSOHHOHPHQWVDQGLVVLJQL¿FDQWO\XVHIXOIRUUHF- aluria. Therefore, they offered using both types of
RJQL]LQJXQNQRZQFU\VWDOVQRWLGHQWL¿HGE\RUGL- analysis routinely for a better understanding of the
nary light microscopy or SEM alone. Elementary mechanisms involved in lithogenesis. 
GLVWULEXWLRQ DQDO\VLV FDQ EH XVHG WR FRQ¿UP WKH Jhaumeer-Laulloo and Subratty employed wet
SEM results and also evaluate the percentage of chemical tests and IR spectroscopy techniques to
the different elements present in a sample.  DQDO\]HNLGQH\VWRQHVIURPSDWLHQWV7KHLU¿QG-
ings revealed that the chemical analysis method
Nephrolithiasis is a recurrent condition with con- clinical errors. They also showed that the spec-
siderable morbidity. While in symptomatic stone troscopic methods were applicable for smaller
episodes the appropriate treatment is necessary, amount of sample and were able to identify the dif-
prophylactic workup to prevent recurrences is also ferent constituents of the renal stones. 
of great importance, which is possible by a com- Singh analyzed urinary stones of 50 patients by
plete metabolic workup and a suitable stone analy- )RXULHU7UDQVIRUP,5 )7,5 DQGRIIHUHGWKDW)7
The chemical composition of urinary calculi was mine urinary stone composition. He also mentioned
¿UVWO\UHSRUWHGDWWKHHQGRIWKHth century, when that using computerized IR spectrophotometer and
important chemical components of urinary calculi, large reference library enable us to determine ex-
VXFKDVXULFDFLG 6FKHHOH DQGF\VWLQH :RO- act quantitative stone composition, and this meth-
ODVWRQ ZHUHGLVFRYHUHG$IWHUWKHV\VWHPDWLF od should be extended to all urolithiasis centers.

VWXGLHVE\+HOOHU  DQG8OW]PDQQ  WKH While Estepa and coworkers depicted the pos-
chemical analysis of urinary calculi was presented VLELOLW\RIIDOVHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQGXULQJXVLQJ,5EH-
as an established routine.  cause of library incompleteness and also consider-
,Q  3ULHQ DQG )URQGHO LQWURGXFHG WKH SRODU- able differences between the spectra of natural and
izing microscopy as an analytical tool for identi- synthetic compounds. For example, they observed
¿FDWLRQ RI WKH FU\VWDOOLQH FRQVWLWXHQWV RI FDOFXOL that the spectrum of human whewellite shows a
by refractive index measurements.  The ability peak at 1315 cm–1 while the peak is at 1319 cm–1
WRLGHQWLI\VSHFL¿FPLQHUDOVWKHFDSDELOLW\WRDQD- for the synthetic one. On the other hand, a peak at

448 | Review
Stone Analysis Techniques in Urolithiasis | Basiri et al

1319 cm–1 in human stone samples corresponds to cording to these results, Rebentisch offered that
a mixture of whewellite and weddellite in 50/50 X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy methods
proportions.   7KHUHIRUH IDOVH LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ RI give comparable and highly acceptable analytical
weddellite may occur using the search procedure UHVXOWVDQGFDQEHFODVVL¿HGDVUHIHUHQFHPHWKRGV
if synthetic whewellite is included as a reference for the analysis of urinary calculi.  The fourth In-
in libraries. ternational Ring Test for checking the quality of
5RVHDQG:RRG¿QHXVHG7*$IRUWKHDQDO\VLVRI methods for urinary calculus analysis, conducted
stones and supported its ability to produce fast by Rebentisch and colleagues in 1988, demon-
and quantitative results.  However, limitations of strated that the method of XRD is clearly superior
TGA require relatively large amount of material to IR spectroscopy.  Also in external quality as-
for optimal resolution and non-recovery of sample. sessment of analysis of urinary calculi, which was
Furthermore, similarity in ignition temperatures commenced in 1991, they suggested that the use of
and rates of disintegration of some closely related chemical methods should be discontinued because
compounds, such as purines, may make the identi- RILWVXQDFFHSWDEOHTXDOLW\LQDSSUR[LPDWHO\
WKH EUXVKLWH IRUP &D+32+2  VLOLFD DQG Hesse and associates designed a twice-yearly ring
calcium pyrophosphate display very little weight trials quality control survey to examine the quality
change on heating, TGA cannot convincingly iden- of urinary stone analysis based on synthetic prod-
tify them from each other.  ucts in averagely 100 laboratories since 1980. The
Since 1970s, physico-chemical techniques have methods employed for these analyses were based
been increasingly employed for urinary stone anal- on chemical analysis, IR spectroscopy, and X-ray
ysis, which resulted in discovering numerous crys- GLIIUDFWLRQ 7KH UHVXOWV RI  ULQJ WULDOV  WR
talline elements in urinary stones.  Many clini-   LOOXVWUDWHG WKDW DW ¿UVW WKH DQDO\VHV ZHUH
cal laboratories employed X-ray diffraction and carried out using chemical methods for more than
IR spectroscopy as reference techniques for stone  RI WKH SDUWLFLSDQWV7KLV ¿JXUH FRQVLGHUDEO\
analysis. Thereafter, a lot of studies were designed GHFUHDVHGWRLQ2QWKHFRQWUDU\WKHXVH
to compare the quality of these methods  in ad- of IR spectroscopy progressively increased to 79%.
dition to quality control surveys that were conduct- The number of specialized laboratories which used
ed for improving the standards of them,  some of X-Ray diffraction was constantly about 5% to 9%.
which are presented as follows. Additionally, these ring trials revealed that error
Rebentisch presented the result of six external rates for IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction
TXDOLW\DVVHVVPHQWVXUYH\VRIDYHUDJHO\ODER- were only limited to individual substances, where-
UDWRULHV IURP  FRXQWULHV WKDW XVHG VL[ TXDQWLWD- as for the chemical methods very high proportion
tive and various qualitative analytical techniques of errors occurred with both the pure substances
during 1983 and 1988. He used both standard of DQGELQDU\PL[WXUHV WR 7KHUHIRUHWKH
quality and the mean deviation as two determining majority of laboratories stopped using chemical
parameters for ranking the methods, which were analysis, which is now considered to be obsolete.

from the best performance to worst in the follow-
ing order: X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, ul- Kasidas and associates analyzed the results of ex-
WUDPLFURFKHPLFDO DQDO\VLV 80&$  SRODUL]DWLRQ ternal quality assurance for urinary stone analysis

UROLOGY JOURNAL Vol. 9 | No. 2 | Spring 2012 | 449

WRULHV  XVHGZHWFKHPLFDODQDO\VLVZLWKRQO\ visualize even small struvite regions in stones. 
55% to 65% accuracy versus IR with 85% to 90% Siritapetawee and Pattanasiriwisawa used X-ray
correct analyses.  Another study in china con- DEVRUSWLRQQHDUHGJHVSHFWURVFRS\ ;$1(6 DQG
¿UPHG WKH UHOLDELOLW\ DQG DFFXUDF\ RI ;UD\ GLI- XRPD for analyzing 15 human urinary stones.
fraction for qualitative and quantitative analysis of Comparing the result of XANES spectra of un-
urinary stones.   known compounds from human kidney stones with
7KHEHQH¿WVDQGGLVDGYDQWDJHVRIWKHPRVWFRP- the diffractogram data of the XRPD, it was shown
mon techniques based on the reviewed studies are that these two techniques agreed well with each
VXPPDUL]HGLQ7DEOH  other, while XANES required a smaller amount of
In addition to the most common techniques that each sample than XRPD for analysis. 
were mentioned above, there are other techniques In 1995, the use of nonenhanced computed tomog-
which may have in-vivo application in practice UDSK\ &7  LPDJLQJ WR LGHQWLI\ XUROLWKLDVLV ZDV
lecular structure or several unexpected trace ele- has become the standard diagnostic tool for evalu-
ments mainly in the nuclear region of the stones. ation of patients with renal colic.  Due to the
Meanwhile, often these techniques are not useful HPHUJHQFH RI QRQFRQWUDVW &7 1&&7  LQ WKH DV-
in routine laboratory for being costly and requiring VHVVPHQW RI DFXWH ÀDQN SDLQ DQG WKH VXEVHTXHQW
special expertise or sample preparation. DYDLODELOLW\RIWKHDWWHQXDWLRQFRHI¿FLHQWPHDVXUH-
Kim and colleagues analyzed 86 consecutive uri- ment, several groups were interested in comparing
nary stones by X-ray analysis and compared the attenuation and stone composition in vitro. Studies
¿QGLQJVZLWKWKRVHRIWKUHHRWKHUPHWKRGV;UD\ involving the use of single-energy CT technology
diffraction, IR spectrometry, and chemical analy- have shown that some information about stone
sis. This study indicated that the sensitivity of X- composition may be gained, enabling differentia-
ray analysis was several times more than other tion between uric acid and calcium stones on the
three methods, especially in detection of apatite. basis of their different attenuations, with lower at-
This study also offered X-ray analysis as a particu- WHQXDWLRQYDOXHV LQ+RXQV¿HOGXQLWV IRUXULFDFLG
larly suitable method for detection of rare inorgan- stones.  7KHGLI¿FXOW\LQWKHVHVWXGLHVZDVUHODWHG
ic components of urinary stones, such as silica and to the considerable overlap of attenuation values,
Batchelar and coworkers revealed that the X-ray Dual-energy CT by low and high-energy scanning
coherent scatter analysis is a novel technique for is capable to differentiate various materials with
intact stone analysis using monoenergetic X-ray similar electron densities, but different photon ab-
from the standard diagnostic X-ray equipment.  sorption.  Therefore, it may not only contribute
Because the coherent scatter properties is related to WRWKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQEXWDOVRWRWKHFKHPLFDOFKDU-
the molecular structure of the scattering media of acterization of stones in the urinary tract, which
each of the stone components, COM, cystine, mag- could be useful in surgical or medical treatment
nesium ammonium phosphate, and calcium phos- decisions. Hidas and coworkers used dual-energy
phate showed a distinct coherent scatter pattern, CT to pre-operatively assess the composition of
which matches that of a pure chemical sample. XULQDU\VWRQHVLQSDWLHQWVDQGFRPSDUHGWKHUH-
Wignall and associates suggested that coherent X- sults with postoperative in-vitro X-ray diffraction
ray scatter would be useful in future studies of the analysis. They found that dual-energy CT was able
ability of commercial laboratories because it can to characterize the kidney stone composition with

450 | Review
Stone Analysis Techniques in Urolithiasis | Basiri et al

DFFXUDF\%XWWKLVWHFKQLTXHFRXOGQRWLGHQ- transported to the plasma often by argon as a car-

tify struvite stones which had attenuation ratios rier gas. The plasma causes the material to be ion-
WKDWRYHUODSSHGZLWKFDOFL¿HGVWRQHUDWLRVDQGWKXV ized and moved through to the mass spectrometer,
could not be assessed reliably.  which selectively detects ions at a given mass-to-
By combination of X-ray attenuation values and charge ratio.  
morphological appearance, micro CT can identify Kontoyannis and colleagues analyzed mineral
¿QHVWRQHVWUXFWXUHDQGLWVPLQHUDOFRPSRQHQW  components of a urinary stone forming layers with
especially for apatite.  Furthermore, detection the use of three spectroscopic methods: Raman
of the following 6 minerals, uric acid, COM, COD, VSHFWURVFRS\ 56 )7,5DQG;5'5DPDQVSHF-
cystine, struvite, and hydroxy apatite, in pure or troscopy could analyze the various mineral layers
heterogeneous urinary stones is possible without in the kidney stones by focusing the laser beam
having overlapped ranges of micro attenuation at the desired layer, whereas application of FT-IR
values.   However, the study by Krambeck and produced overlapping broad bands and XRD could
DVVRFLDWHVUHYHDOHGWKDWWKHLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIPLQHU- not analyze the mineral components of the various
als with lower X-ray attenuation, such as struvite, layers of small stones precisely since the material
is not always possible as a minor inclusion in par- FRQWDLQHGLQWKHVHVWRQHVZDVQRWVXI¿FLHQW 
ticular mineral. In addition, its use in routine labo- In the study by Cytron and associates, analysis of
ratory has not been exploited because it costs 10 chemical composition of the stones and their con-
times more than FT-IR.   centrations were determined by analysis of the
a simple, rapid, and remote technique, which per- IR spectroscopy. The urine samples were collect-
cation of the major and trace elements present in the OLWKRWULSV\7KLVVWXG\RIIHUHGWKDW¿EHURSWLF,5FDQ
calculus.  In this technique, a pulsed laser beam be applied as an alternative method for complete
is focused on the surface of the sample in order and quick metabolic evaluation of patients without
to produce high-density plasma that excites vari- sample preparation. 
ous atomic elements and elemental transitions in According to the studies described above, there
the focal volume. Singh and associates performed are many different methods available for urinary
LIBS to estimate the quantitative elemental con- stone analysis, but the fact is that no single method
stituents distributed in different parts of the kidney LVVXI¿FLHQWWRSURYLGHDOOWKHFOLQLFDOO\XVHIXOLQ-
stones obtained directly from 5 patients by surgery, formation about the structure and composition of
and compared the results with that of inductively the stones. Therefore, a combination of these tech-
FRXSOHG SODVPD PDVV VSHFWURPHWU\ ,&306  niques is advised. Fazil Marickar and coworkers
Both LIBS spectra and ICP-MS analysis showed revealed that the combination of optical micros-
that the major constituent of the kidney stones was copy and IR spectroscopy of core, cross section,
calcium.  and surface of calculi is an accurate and reliable
Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass PHWKRGIRULGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHVWRQHVWUXFWXUHLWV
for the study of biological and geological sam- components while being highly cost-effective. 
ples,  which uses a focused laser beam issued Uldall showed that combination of X-ray diffrac-
to mobilize sample material as droplets or vapor tion or IR spectrometry and wet chemistry may be
from the sample surface. Thereafter, the material is suitable as reference methodology. 

UROLOGY JOURNAL Vol. 9 | No. 2 | Spring 2012 | 451

In the literature, other combinations of methods, the calculus are analyzed separately. 
such as TGA with X-ray diffraction by Konjiki and
colleagues,  and TG with FT-IR spectroscopy by CONCLUSION
Materazzi and associates,  have been mentioned. In this review, we observed that although wet
Also, Fazil Marickar and coworkers analyzed 10 chemical analysis technique of urinary stone is the
mixed stones using FT-IR spectroscopy and SEM- traditional gold standard, it has been replaced with
EDAX combination in order to get a thorough more accurate spectroscopy techniques, such as
understanding of mixed stone morphology, and FT-IR, XRD, CT scan, etc. Also we believe that
concluded that although FT-IR analysis is more our current results provide compelling evidence
modern, less time-consuming, and more precise, to support the notion that in addition to applying
combination of SEM-EDAX will give a clear in- combination techniques, analysis of different parts
dication of the structure of the stone on the surface of stone separately is of utmost importance.
all stone elements.  More importantly, the study CONFLICT OF INTEREST
by Schubert revealed that useful results of any of None declared.
these methods are obtained when different areas of
Table 2. Comparison of the stone analysis techniques.
Test Advantages Disadvantages
rather than a specific compound, eg, unable to distinguish between
the two commonly occurring calcium stones (monohydrate/dihydrate)
t1PTTJCJMJUZUPBOBMZ[FWFSZTNBMMTBNQMFT of uric acid, purine derivates, and calcium phosphates
ponents in the stone*
copy t1PTTJCJMJUZUPFYBNJOFTNBMMTBNQMFT may affect the Infrared spectroscopy spectrum quality
Reflection technique bands may affect its reliability
ing search–match functions eg, whewellite in weddellite or reverse, or urates and uric acid dihy-
nents or noncrystalline substances, eg, purines, t %JóDVMUZ JO EFUFDUJPO PG TPNF DPNQPOFOUT EVP UP PWFSMBQQJOH PG
proteins, or fat and drug metabolites their absorption band, such as carbonate in struvite stones or cystine
in whewellite or uric acid stone
nents is possible
microscopy altering their spatial orientation and specific
* Whereas Kasidas and colleagues in another study showed that the Polarization microscopy cannot identify small amounts of crystal-
line material in mixtures. 

452 | Review
Stone Analysis Techniques in Urolithiasis | Basiri et al

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