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DIKW – 6 Thinking Hats

- Radical improvements by changing the way to think

- Thinking is ultimate human resource
- Thinking right things in right direction
- Multitasking is good once in a while; hence there are specializations in organizations. Hence the
clutter needs to be cleared
- We have to focus on “What can be”
- Edward Bono – Expert in creative and lateral thinking
- Elephant tale
- All aspects of different situations
- Learn how to switch your vision
- Lateral thinking – thinking out of box, different perspectives, different solutions
- Parallel thinking – All possible resources can be used
- Someone speaking through emotions, facts
- Explore all possible solutions
- Ego is taken care of and you look through various aspects of situations
- “put on your thinking caps”- This phrase hats have come
1. ABB – Reduced project discussion time from 30 days to 2 days
2. IBM – recued meeting time by 1 quarter
3. Australian cricket team – 2003 world cup winning

White hat – Lot of logic, data. If you in car business. 200 customers purchase this car

Red Hat – Emotions , I think, I am passionate, emotional are integral part .

Black hat – Negative logic , other side of every situation

Yellow hat – positive thinking

Green hat – Creative, stuck in a rut. Expand from that plateu – u stary being creative. Happens in PR, ad

Blue hat – control in a positive sense. Bigger picture. Monitoring other hats


Y axis – Success

X axis – Self development

At the nascence inexperience – you will use emotions, i.e. red hat. When you graduate you start using
black hat- get into negative logic , some more experience now you will have more data of past
performance. Now you have data. Once you have data – more rational , yellow – More and more ,
delivering , only brighter side of things., positive thinking , Green – Plateau which u need to break, what
DIKW – 6 Thinking Hats

do I do next- creative hat – assess and identify lot of areas. Blue hat – control, in command, business
doing well, start bigger planning. Putting in structures. Stage or frame of mind will happen, then
consciously implementing

Blue – Planning, getting people back in line, when everything is all about the place.cannot think too
many things at one time. Managing people. Manages and organizaes resources, processes. You might do
a blue hat session- not to bring emotions. Rules of games are observed.Audit function – Blue hat
function, It will get you back

White hat – 2 types of data, first class ,verifiable- existing data, second class – we think we know, no
hard facts statistical analysis , It is neutral. Starts distinguishing, no opinions facts are always neutral.
Blue dart – If you are not at home call us

Black Hat – Start thinking caution. Start doing constructive criticism. Risk Managers role. Somethinh not
fitting in values of organizations . Not used for negative feelings, When you have black hat meeting do
not start the meeting with black hat, post brainstorming wear the black hat. It should draw a thin line

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