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By Bobby Rio,

1. What are some of the major mistakes guys make in their conversations?

It’s funny…because when you finally figure this out- you’ll look back and see that there were just
a handful of tweaks you needed to make… and these tweaks vary from guy to guy.

Some guys spend too much time trying to appear “cool” to a woman- and wind up coming across
as stiff and boring. For these guys, they need to learn how to inject some fun and playfulness
into their conversations.

Some guys tend to get stuck at a “friendly” level. These guys need to learn how to spot when
there is “too much” rapport happening. Attraction is a balancing act between “tension” and
“comfort.” And a lot of the guys who get stuck at a friendly level are so afraid of the “tension”
that they spend way too much time building rapport thinking it will make the woman like them.
– And it will… as a FRIEND.

Some guys have no clue what to say to a woman. These guys need to learn how to spot the
hooks a woman is giving him. Every time a woman opens her mouth and says something it
should be triggering three or four things you can say back.

The problem a lot of these guys face (and I suffered this for YEARS) is that they spend too much
time in their own head trying to think of what to say next. A woman will give you all the material
you need. You’ve just got to learn to spot it. But the biggest mistake most men are making is that
there conversation are one dimensional and flat. This is because they don’t have enough
“weapons” in their arsenal.

Maybe they are comfortable at telling stories… so that’s all they do. Or maybe they spend the
entire time asking questions. Or maybe they are funny – so they rely too much on humor. The
fact is, you need to always have about five techniques you “whip out” to keep the conversation
flowing and EXCITING.

A conversation should be like a rollercoaster- where the woman doesn’t know what twist and
turn will come next.

2. How can a guy avoid awkward silences and “running out of things to say?”

Ah… my biggest fear. For me, I was more afraid of the awkwardness of having nothing left to say-
than I ever was of rejection. In fact, if a woman openly rejected me- I could take it.

What I couldn’t take was standing there not knowing if I should keep talking to her, or give up. I
hated thinking the woman was just being polite and really wished I would leave. But here is

The easiest way to completely eliminate awkwardness is to acknowledge it in a humorous way.

By calling out the “elephant in the room” and saying what you’re both thinking… it demonstrates
that you are socially intelligent.

And social intelligence is EXTREMELY attractive to a woman. It’s sort of like if you’ve ever had a
girl turn her cheek when you went for the kiss. The worse thing to do is pretend it didn’t happen.
Because the both of you know you tried to kiss her- so you’re not fooling anyone by acting “cool”
about it. Just say (in a mocking ‘announcer type’ voice) “And she slips him the cheek”.

This sort of humorous response will put you both back at ease. Women fear awkwardness even
more than men do… so by showing a woman you have enough social intelligence not to let
things get awkward… you become a lot more attractive in her eyes.

3. What are some of the important concepts and techniques that you cover in Conversation
Escalation Make Small Talk Sexy?

Well, my goal with this program is to show you how to get your mind to explode with things to
talk about, that continues to flow so that you feel more confident, natural, and relaxed- when
standing in front of a beautiful woman.

Now, in order to get you to that point, you’re going to have to learn a few things. And these are
probably things you’ve never heard before…because most of the “gurus” like to avoid the subject
of “small talk.”

In this program we are going to show you how to “steer” a conversation along.

How to spot the “hooks” a woman is giving you.

You’ll learn how to “bait” a woman into asking you about things you want to be talking about.

You’re also going to learn how inject “sexuality” into a conversation.

Because ultimately- you can have an hour long amazing conversation with a woman- but if you
don’t get her thinking about you in a “sexual” way- it will be impossible to ever kiss her.

Now there are a ton of techniques you’re going to learn that almost force you to become a more
attractive talker… but more important than the techniques, I’m going to teach you a “specific”
practice routine- so that this new way of communicating comes natural to you- and you
remember to use the information when it counts- when you’re talking to a woman.

The one thing I want to leave you with is: No matter how intimidated you are by the thought of
becoming a “smooth talker”… you really are a lot closer than you think.

Once you make a handful of “tweaks” you’ll find that you actually enjoy talking to women- and
will begin to see how easy it is to create attraction.

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