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HSER-303 50 Disability Awareness

Assignment 4 -Arts and Sports

October 2015

Vue Vang
Arts and sports

Question 4A: Performing Arts

I knew about the Anjali Dance Company, because a few years ago I saw a video of them

performing, it was floating around Facebook at the time and people were just amaze about how

these disability performers can actually perform better than them. I do have to agree that some of

their moves and actions was really nice. I like how they are able to express it very well, who

even knew they had a disability especially on those acrobatic moves they do. I think this dance

company was one that had a young group of audience.

I looked at the Infinity Dance Groups picture first as I look at their pictures, no one looked like

they had a disability. I like there quote “expanding the boundaries of dance and changing

perceptions of what a dancer is” because as a dancer I think the best way to express oneself is

through dance. Dance express emotions and messages, and I think it is perfect that allowing

people with disability to dance and express what they trouble in is a great ideal.

US Handicapable Square Dance Association, I was once in a wheelchair for just a week when I

broke my leg during soccer and maneuvering it takes a lot of energy. I think that dancing in a

wheelchair is amazing, it requires so much strength so I applaud them. This shows that when we

think of people with disability we think of them as weak people, but seeing these performers

perform in wheelchair, we realize how much strengths they have and that there not weak people

after all. They might even have more strengths then us.

Born from the stage video, looks so fun! I like how everyone was in smiles, and really helps us

understand that these people who we all have stereotype them to not be talented, are actually full

of talent.
Question 4B: Visual Arts

Assignment question 4B:

I looked at Minnesota’s Arts in Education, on the side, there was a picture on a blind student

weaving, I looked at that and I think that it was amazing, even with eyes, I probably couldn’t

even weave but here we a have a young man who is blind, learning to weave and using his other

senses. I think many of us, don’t take advantage of all the senses we have and just take it for

granted. I saw that VSA-MN had grants available for students with disabilities, I like how the

criteria’s are not like paragraphs but through art that they can actually do and submit, which I

think is very good.

In The Value of Art video, I was amaze at the amazing art that these artist with disabilities can

show. Especially William Scott, who sells his art for thousands, and I am proud that famous

people have used his art for fashion creations. From this video I think it was nice that Dan was

able to express his words through art, and this also goes to show how great and powerful art can

do with communication.

Question 4C: Sports

Assignment question 4C:

I YouTube some videos on the Deaflympics, and I think it is so nice how this is as big as the

actual Olympics. I didn’t see any difference in them compare to other athletes when they are

playing their sports. They all seem like just like athletes. What’s so nice about this is that so

many countries support this, even the UN, this goes to show that sports is universal.
I thought the Deaflympics was amazing, the Paralympics’ is even more amazing! I think it takes

great courage for these people who have a physical disabilities to be able to go so far with it,

when most people would have lost fate. This is inspiring! This makes me wonder, if these

athletes were to go up against our Olympic athletes, how much of a difference that would make.

I’ve done bungee jumping and tightrope, and my first experience was scary but as you do it more

it actually becomes fun. Many people tell me that it is dangerous and I should value my life

more, but I think experiencing something so close to or near death like this, makes you value

your life more. So seeing Marty Rondeau rappelling down a 29 story building and being in a

wheelchair, he definitely is living his life. It’s not an easy thing and takes a lot of courage and

strengths! I think it was nice of him to help raise money back as a way of saying thank you, this

shows that he have a big heart and hopefully will bring more awareness to people that these

people is disability have emotions as well and they are not just some doll who can’t do anything.

Watching the video of Terry Fox, made me think of Forest Gump. But I think many would agree

that he is a hero, he started the race to help bring awareness to help cancer research. And even

after his death people are still carrying on his legacy.

Question 4D: Your Research

Assignment question 4D:

In my younger years as a dancer in a Hmong dance group, we had a dancer who was deaf but she

was still able to perform beautifully, and no one beside the dance team knew that she was deaf.

She was able to feel the beat because the music is loud so the bass created this beat that she can
follow. Now only that but she had us to follow so when she missed a beat she just looked at us.

We dance with her for 4 years and we didn’t treat her any different by giving her the easy dance

moves, she was actually the most acrobatics in the team and did most of the flips and twirls. This

shows how talented she was regardless of her being deaf.

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