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The Learner’s Development and Environment

Episode 1

Name of FS Student: :__________________________________________________________________________

Course : ______________________________________ Year & Section:_________________________________

Resource Teacher : _______________________Signature:__________________ Date:______________________

Cooperating School: ____________________________________________________________________________

My Target

At the end of this activity, I will be competent in determining a school environment that provides social,
psychological, and physical environment supportive of learning.

 My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

Field Study 1 Episode 1- The School as a Learning Environment
Focused on: Determining a school environment that provides’ social, psychological, and physical environment
supportive of learning

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1

Observation/ All tasks were done All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of tasks
Documentation with outstanding were done with high were done with were done; or most
quality, work quality acceptable quality objectives met but with
exceeds poor equality.

My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis Analysis questions were

were answered were answered questions were not answered.
completely, in completely. not answered
depth answers; completely.
thoroughly Clear connection with Grammar and spelling
grounded on theories Vaguely related to unsatisfactory.
theories the theories.

Grammar and spelling Grammar and

Field Study 1

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Exemplary grammar Spelling are superior Acceptable

and spelling
4 3 2 1
Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements are Reflection statements
My reflection are profound and are clear, but not shallow; supported by are unclear and
clear, supported by clearly supported by experiences from the shallow and are not
experiences from the experiences from the episode. supported by
episode episodes. experiences from the
4 3 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is incomplete; Portfolio has many
My Portfolio clear, well-organized clear, well-organized supporting lacking components;
and all supporting and most supporting documentation is is unorganized and
documentation are documentation are organized but is lacking. unclear.
located in sections available and/or in
clearly designated. logical and clearly
marked locations.
4 3 2 1
Two days of more
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the deadline
after the deadline
Sub Totals

Over-all Score (Based on

Prof. Emily C. Togores ___________________

Signature of FS Teacher Date
Above Printed Name
Transmutation of score to grade/rating

Score Grade Score Grade

20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81

18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.50 - 72 and
15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below
14 - 2.25 - 84

Field Study 1

My Map

A general observation of the campus and the classroom is an exciting way to start my observation

My mission is to do the following tasks.

1. Visit a school. Look into facilities 2. Accomplish the checklist as

and support learning areas in the you move around the premises.
campus, then in the classroom.

4. Make a reflection on the 3. Based on your gathered data in the

characteristics of a school checklist, describe the school
environment that promotes learning. environment.

5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:

a) Descriptive Paragraph b) Photo Essay

c) Sketch or drawing: d) Poem, song or rap

Field Study 1

My Tools

As you move around the campus, activity forms are provided for you to document your observations. It is
advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the school site. A good understanding of the
activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better learning results.


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to indicate their availability.
Give a brief description of those that are available on the last column.

Facilities Available Not available Description

Office of the Principal 

Library 

Counseling Room 

Canteen/Cafeteria 

Medical Clinic 

Audio Visual/ Media Center 

Reading Center 

Speech Laboratory 

Field Study 1
Facilities Available Not Available Description

Science Laboratory 

Gymnasium 

Auditorium 

Home Economics Room 

Industrial Workshop Area

PTA Office 

Comfort Room for Boys 

Comfort Room for Girls 

Others (Please specify)

Field Study 1

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided space.

1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the school is found.

2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see?
What is the condition of the buildings?
3. Pass by the offices. What impression do you have of these offices?
4. Walk through the school halls, the library, the cafeteria. Look around and find out the other
facilities that the school has.

Name of the School Observed: _________________________________________________________________

School Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date of Visit: : _______________________________________________________________________________

Field Study 1

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record your data.
1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious figures, lessons, visual
aids, announcements, do you see posted?
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located? How are the tables and
chairs/desks arranged?
3. What learning materials/ equipments are present?
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
5. Is the room well-lighted and well-ventilated?


Classroom Facilities (location, number, arrangement, condition)

1. Wall Displays

2. Teacher’s Table

3. Learner’s Desks

4. Blackboard

5. Learning Materials/ Visual Aids





Field Study 1

Write your observation report here.

Name of the School Observed : _________________________________________________________________

School Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

Date of Visit : _______________________________________________________________________________

My Analysis

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact on the learning of the students going to school?
What are your conclusions?

How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/ How does this relate to your
knowledge of facilitating learning?

Field Study 1
My Reflections

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?
2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?
4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?
5. Write your additional learning’s and insights here.

Field Study 1

My Portfolio


Field Study 1
The Learner’s Development and Environment

Episode 2

Name of FS Student :

Course: Year & Section:

Resource Teacher: Signature: Date:

Cooperating School:

My Target

At the end of this activity, I will gain competence in differentiating the characteristics and needs of learners
from different developmental levels.

 My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

Field Study 1 Episode 2- The Learners’ Characteristics and Needs

Focused on: Differentiating the characteristics and needs of learners from different developmental levels

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
Observation/ All tasks were done All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks were Fewer than half of
Documentation with outstanding were done with high done with acceptable tasks were done; or
quality, work exceeds quality quality most objectives met
expectations but with poor equality.

4 3 2 1
My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions were Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered answered completely. were not answered were not answered.
completely, in depth completely.
answers; thoroughly Clear connection with
grounded on theories theories Vaguely related to the Grammar and
theories. spelling
Grammar and spelling Grammar and spelling

4 3 2 1
Field Study 1
Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Exemplary grammar Spelling are superior Acceptable
and spelling
4 3 2 1
My reflection Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection
are profound and clear, are clear, but not clearly are shallow; supported statements are
supported by supported by by experiences from the unclear and shallow
experiences from the experiences from the episode. and are not
episode episodes. supported by
experiences from
the episode.
4 3 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is incomplete; Portfolio has many
My Portfolio clear, well-organized clear, well-organized and supporting lacking
and all supporting most supporting documentation is components; is
documentation are documentation are organized but is lacking. unorganized and
located in sections available and/or in logical unclear.
clearly designated. and clearly marked

4 3 2 1

Two days of more

Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the deadline
after the deadline
Sub Totals

Over-all Score (Based on

Prof. Emily C. Togores ___________________

Signature of FS Teacher Date
Above Printed Name
Transmutation of score to grade/rating

Score Grade Score Grade

20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81

18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.50 - 72 and
15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below
14 - 2.25 - 84

Field Study 1

My Map

To reach your target, do the following tasks:

Step 1 Step 3

Observe 3 groups of Validate your observation

learners from different levels by interviewing the
(Pre-school, Elementary and
High school).

Step 2 Step 4

Describe each of learners Compare them in terms of

based on your observations. their interests and needs.

Field Study 1
My Tools

Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.


Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided space. Your teacher
may also recommend another observation checklist if a more detailed observation is preferred.

1. Observe their gross motor skills. How they carry themselves. How they move, walk, run, go up the stairs, etc.
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth?
3. How about their fine motors skills? Writing, drawing, etc.

1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their concerns?

1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners. ( happy, sad, easily cries, mood-shifts)
2. How they do express their wants/needs? Can they wait?
3. How they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they self-conscious?

1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language proficiency.
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for evidence of their thinking skills.
3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how did they show problem solving abilities.

Field Study 1


Record the data you gathered about the learner’s characteristics and needs in the matrix. This will allow you to
compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The items under each domain are by no means
exhaustive. These are just sample indicators. You may add other aspects which you may have observed.

Development Domain Preschooler Elementary High School

Indicate age range of Indicate age range of children observed: Indicate age range of
children observed: _________________ children observed:
________________ _____________
Gross-motor skills

Fine-motor skills

Self-help skills

Interaction with Teachers

Interaction with



Moods and temperament, -
expression of feelings

Emotional independence

Communication Skills

Thinking skills


My Analysis

Write the most salient development characteristics of the learners you observed. Based on these characteristics,
think of implications for the teacher.


Level Salient Characteristics Implications to the Teaching-Learning

Observed Process

 
Age range of learners observed:
5-6 yrs. old


Age range of learners observed:

7-8 yrs. old

High school
Age range of learners observed:

Field Study 1

My Reflection

1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you were
their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help or
not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)? How did it affect

3. Share your other insights here.

Field Study 1

My Portfolio

Which is your favorite theory of development? How can this guide you as a future teacher?

Clip some readings about this theory and paste them here.

Field Study 1

The Learner’s Development and Environment

Episode 3

Name of FS Student:: _____________________________________________________________________

Course: ________________________________________ Year & Section : __________________________
Resource Teacher: _____________________________Signature: _________________Date: ____________

Cooperating School: ______________________________________________________________________

My Target

At the end of this activity, I will be competence in managing time, space and resources to provide an environment
which is appropriate to the learners and conducive to learning.

 My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

Field Study 1 Episode 3- Classroom Management and Learning

Focused on: competence in managing time, space and resources to provide an environment which is appropriate to the
learners and conducive to learning.

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1

Observation/ All tasks were done with All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks were Fewer than half of
Documentation outstanding quality, were done with high done with acceptable tasks were done; or
work exceeds quality quality most objectives met
expectations but with poor equality.

4 3 2 1
My Analysis Analysis questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions Analysis questions
answered completely, in answered completely. were not answered were not answered.
depth answers; completely.
thoroughly grounded on Clear connection with Vaguely related to the Grammar and
theories theories theories. spelling

Grammar and spelling Grammar and spelling

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Exemplary grammar Spelling are superior Acceptable

and spelling

4 3 2 1
My reflection Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements
are profound and are clear, but not are shallow; supported are unclear and
clear, supported by clearly supported by by experiences from the shallow and are not
experiences from the experiences from the episode. supported by
episode episodes. experiences from the

4 3 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is incomplete; Portfolio has many
My Portfolio clear, well-organized clear, well-organized supporting lacking components; is
and all supporting and most supporting documentation is unorganized and
documentation are documentation are organized but is lacking. unclear.
located in sections available and/or in
clearly designated. logical and clearly
marked locations.

4 3 2 1

Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the deadline Two days of more after
the deadline
Sub Totals

Over-all Score (Based on

Prof. Emily C. Togores ___________________

Signature of FS Teacher Date
Above Printed Name
Transmutation of score to grade/rating

Score Grade Score Grade

20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81

18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.50 - 72 and
15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below
14 - 2.25 - 84
Field Study 1
My Map

To reach your target, do the following tasks:

 Observe a class.
 Using a checklist, find out the evident classroom
 Describe how the classroom is structured/
designed to allow everyone to participate in the
learning activities.
 Relate the data in your checklist to the learners’
 Reflect on how classroom management affects

Field Study 1

My Tools

Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.


Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided space.

1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages.
2. How many boys are there? How many are girls?
3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?
4. Can the learners already work independently?
5. Describe their span of attention.
6. Look into their listening skills and ability to concentrate.

Name of the School : __________________________________________________________________

Observed __________________________________________________________________________

Location of the School _________________________________________________________________

Date of Visit _________________________________________________________________________

Field Study 1


Be guided by these questions as you do your observation of the classroom management. It is also good to
ask the teacher for the additional information so you can verify your observation. Write your notes below;
and then organize your data that follows.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids, book, students’ belongings,
supplies.)Describe these areas.

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room?

3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? (Ask the resource teacher.)

4. What are the daily routines done by the teacher? (Prayer, attendance, assignment of monitors, warm-up
activities, etc.) How are they done?

5. Is there a setting arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement?

Field Study 1

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

7. If a learner is not following instructions or off-task, what does the teacher do? Describe the behavior
strategies used.

8. What does the teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors?(behavior strategies).

Observation notes:

Field Study 1


Aspect of Classroom Management Description Effect on the Learners

(to be filled up after you answer the
analysis questions)

1. Specific Areas in the Classroom

2. Classroom Rules

3. Classroom Procedures

4. Daily Routines

5. Seating Arrangement

6. Handling misbehavior/off-task

7. Reinforcement of Positive

8. Others



Field Study 1
My Analysis

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learner’s behavior?

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization and routines? What
theories and principles should you have in mind?

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In motivating students?
Why were they effective?

Field Study 1
My Reflection

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future; in what grade/year level do you see yourself? What
routines and procedures would you consider for this level? Why?

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these rules?

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

Field Study 1
My Portfolio

Include here pictures of the classroom/s you observed. Write descriptions/annotations about what you observed in
each photo.

Field Study 1

The Learner’s Development and Environment

Episode 4


Name of FS Student : ________________________________________________________________________

Course: ___________________________________Year & Section: ___________________________________

Resource Teacher : ___________________________Signature: ________________ Date: ________________

Cooperating School: _________________________________________________________________________

My Target

At the end of this activity, I will gain competence in determining, understanding and accepting the learners’
diverse backgrounds.

 My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

Field Study 1 Episode 4- Individual Differences and Learner’s Interaction

Focused on: Differences in gender, racial, religious backgrounds

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
Observation/ All tasks were done All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks were Fewer than half of
Documentation with outstanding were done with high done with acceptable tasks were done; or
quality, work exceeds quality quality most objectives met
expectations but with poor equality.

4 3 2 1
My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered were answered were not answered were not answered.
completely, in depth completely. completely.
answers; thoroughly
grounded on theories Clear connection with Vaguely related to the Grammar and
theories theories. spelling
Grammar and spelling
Grammar and spelling

Field Study 1

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Exemplary grammar Spelling are superior Acceptable

and spelling

4 3 2 1
My reflection Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements
are profound and are clear, but not are shallow; supported are unclear and shallow
clear, supported by clearly supported by by experiences from the and are not supported
experiences from the experiences from the episode. by experiences from the
episode episodes. episode.

4 3 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is incomplete; Portfolio has many
My Portfolio clear, well-organized clear, well-organized supporting lacking components; is
and all supporting and most supporting documentation is unorganized and
documentation are documentation are organized but is lacking. unclear.
located in sections available and/or in
clearly designated. logical and clearly
marked locations.

4 3 2 1
Two days of more after
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the deadline
the deadline
Sub Totals

Over-all Score (Based on

Prof. Emily C. Togores ___________________

Signature of FS Teacher Date
Above Printed Name
Transmutation of score to grade/rating

Score Grade Score Grade

20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81

18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.50 - 72 and
15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below
14 - 2.25 - 84

Field Study 1

My Map

The learners’ individual difference and the type of interaction they bring surely affect the quality of teaching
and learning. This episode is about observing and gathering data to find out how student diversity affects learning.

To reach your target, do the following tasks:

Step 1. Observe a class in different parts of a school day.

(beginning of the day, class time, recess, etc.)

Step 2. Describe the characteristics of the learners in terms of

age, gender, and social and cultural diversity.

Step 3. Describe the interaction that transpires inside and

outside the classroom.

Step 4. Interview your Resource Teacher about the principles

and practices that she uses in dealing with diversity in the

Step 5. Analyze the impact of individual differences on learners’


Field Study 1

My Tools

Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report on the space
provided on the next page.

1. Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, gender, racial groups, religious, and ethnic

During Class:

1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students interact with one another and with
the teacher. Are there groups that interact more with the teacher than others.

2. Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do they behave and interact

3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with or compete against each other?

4. Who among the students participate actively? Who among them ask for most help?

5. How a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the classmates try to help him? Or do
they raise their hands, so that the teacher will call them instead?

Outside class:

1. How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogenously, by age? by gender? By racial or ethnic
groups? Or are the students in mixed social groupings? If so, describe the groupings.

2. Describe how the learners interact with each other. What do they talk about?

Field Study 1

Name of the School ______________________________________________________________________

School Address _________________________________________________________________________
Date of Visit ____________________________________________________________________________

Field Study 1

My Analysis

1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions in the
classrooms. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the leader, a
mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?

2. Are students coming from the minority group accepted or rejected by others? How is this shown?

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual differences of the

4. What factors influence the grouping of learners outside the classroom?

My Reflection

1. How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or unity among the
learners and between the teacher and the learners?

2. In the future, how would you want the learners in your classroom to interact? How will you
make this happen?

Field Study 1
My Portfolio

Post a collection of quotations advocating for celebrating diversity in the classroom. Using these quotations, explain
how will you encourage all learners regardless of religious, ethnic or racial background to interest and participate

Field Study 1

The Learner’s Development and Environment

Episode 5


Name of FS Student : ________________________________________________________________________

Course: ___________________________________Year & Section: ___________________________________

Resource Teacher : ___________________________Signature: ________________ Date: ________________

Cooperating School: _________________________________________________________________________

My Target

At the end of this activity, I will gain competence in determining teaching approaches and techniques
considering the learners’ differences in level of abilities.

My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

Field Study 1 Episode 5- Individual Differences and Learner’s Interaction

Focused on: Determining teaching approaches and techniques considering the learners’ differences in level of abilities.

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
Observation/ All tasks were done All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks were Fewer than half of
Documentation with outstanding were done with high done with acceptable tasks were done; or
quality, work exceeds quality quality most objectives met
expectations but with poor equality.

4 3 2 1
My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered were answered were not answered were not answered.
completely, in depth completely. completely.
answers; thoroughly
grounded on theories Clear connection with Vaguely related to the Grammar and
theories theories. spelling
Grammar and spelling
Grammar and spelling

Field Study 1
Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Exemplary grammar Spelling are superior Acceptable

and spelling

4 3 2 1
My reflection Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements
are profound and are clear, but not are shallow; supported are unclear and shallow
clear, supported by clearly supported by by experiences from the and are not supported
experiences from the experiences from the episode. by experiences from the
episode episodes. episode.

4 3 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is incomplete; Portfolio has many
My Portfolio clear, well-organized clear, well-organized supporting lacking components; is
and all supporting and most supporting documentation is unorganized and
documentation are documentation are organized but is lacking. unclear.
located in sections available and/or in
clearly designated. logical and clearly
marked locations.

4 3 2 1
Two days of more after
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the deadline
the deadline
Sub Totals

Over-all Score (Based on

Prof. Emily C. Togores ___________________

Signature of FS Teacher Date
Above Printed Name
Transmutation of score to grade/rating

Score Grade Score Grade

20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81

18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.50 - 72 and
15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below
14 - 2.25 - 84

Field Study 1

My Map

To reach your target, do the following tasks:

1. Observe two or more

learners of different
abilities but from the
4. Write a narrative report
same grade or year level.
and a brief reflection on
your experiences

3. Observe them as they

participate in a
classroom activity.

2. Find out some information

about their background.

Field Study 1

My Tools

Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report on the space

1. Observe the class to see the differences in abilities of the learners.

2. Try to identify the students who seem to be performing well and those that seem to be behind.

3. Validate your observations by asking the teacher about the background (family, socio-economic, presence
of some learning disability, etc.) of these children.

4. Observe the behavior of both the high achieving and low-achieving learners. Note their dispositions, pace in
accomplishing tasks, interaction with teacher, interaction with others.

5. Observe the teacher’s method in addressing the individual learning needs of the students in his/her class.

Field Study 1

Name of the School ______________________________________________________________________

School Address _________________________________________________________________________
Date of Visit ____________________________________________________________________________

Field Study 1

My Analysis

1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher? Were you able to correctly
identify who among the students performed well and who did not? What behavior helped you
identify them?(volunteering to answer, responding to teacher’s directions, etc.)

2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class. Is there a wide gap between the students
who are performing well and those that are not?

3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students’ differences in abilities. How did the students
respond to the teacher?

Field Study 1

My Reflection

1. Recall the time when you were in the elementary or high school. Recall the high and low achievers in your
class. How did your teacher deal with differences in abilities? Was your teacher effective?

Field Study 1
My Portfolio

With the principle of individual differences in mid, what methods and strategies will you remember in
the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of both the high and low achievers in your

Field Study 1

The Learner’s Development and Environment

Episode 6


Name of FS Student : ________________________________________________________________________

Course: ___________________________________Year & Section: ___________________________________

Resource Teacher : ___________________________Signature: ________________ Date: ________________

Cooperating School: _________________________________________________________________________

My Target

At the end of this activity, I will gain competence in identifying and describing the influencing factors in the
home environment that impact students’ learning.

 My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

Field Study 1 Episode 6- Home – School Link

Focused on: Identifying and describing the influencing factors in the home environment that impact students’ learning.

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
Observation/ All tasks were done All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks were Fewer than half of
Documentation with outstanding were done with high done with acceptable tasks were done; or
quality, work exceeds quality quality most objectives met
expectations but with poor equality.

4 3 2 1
My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered were answered were not answered were not answered.
completely, in depth completely. completely.
answers; thoroughly
grounded on theories Clear connection with Vaguely related to the Grammar and
theories theories. spelling
Grammar and spelling
Grammar and spelling

Field Study 1

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Exemplary grammar Spelling are superior Acceptable

and spelling

4 3 2 1
My reflection Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements
are profound and are clear, but not are shallow; supported are unclear and shallow
clear, supported by clearly supported by by experiences from the and are not supported
experiences from the experiences from the episode. by experiences from the
episode episodes. episode.

4 3 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is incomplete; Portfolio has many
My Portfolio clear, well-organized clear, well-organized supporting lacking components; is
and all supporting and most supporting documentation is unorganized and
documentation are documentation are organized but is lacking. unclear.
located in sections available and/or in
clearly designated. logical and clearly
marked locations.

4 3 2 1
Two days of more after
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day after the deadline
the deadline
Sub Totals

Over-all Score (Based on

Prof. Emily C. Togores ___________________

Signature of FS Teacher Date
Above Printed Name
Transmutation of score to grade/rating

Score Grade Score Grade

20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81

18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.50 - 72 and
15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below
14 - 2.25 - 84

Field Study 1

My Map

To reach your target, do the following tasks:

Select a learner from the class whom you have observed.

Interview the teacher about the learner’s characteristics.

Conduct a home visit to your selected learner’s residence.

Interview the parents about

 the rules they implement at home concerning their child’s schooling.
 the learner’s activities and behavior while at home.

Describe the family in terms of

 number of siblings.
 number of siblings in school.

Identify the factors in the home environment that might affect the learner’s school performance.

Reflect on how a teacher can communicate effectively with the home.

Field Study 1
My Tools

Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.


Read the following carefully before you begin to observe/interview. Then write your observation report on the
provided space.

The Learner

1. Make a general observation of the learner. Describe him/her in each domains of development.
 Physical-body built and height (thin, chubby, underweight, overweight), level of physical activity (fast,
slow, lethargic, active, etc.)
 Social – interaction with teachers and classmates (loner, shy, sociable, friendly, gets into fights, liked
by others, etc.)
 Emotional moods, temperament, cries easily, loses temper, happy, shows enthusiasm, excited,
indifferent, etc.
 Cognitive (appears to understand lessons, copes with the lessons, excels, lags behind, shows
reasoning skills, turns in assignments and requirements, etc.)

Interview the Teacher

1. What are the most noticeable characteristics of the learner? (emotional disposition, behavior and discipline,
sense of responsibility, study habits, academic performance, relationship with peers, relationship with adults,
social adjustment)

2. How does the teacher communicate with the parents? How often? What do they discuss? Agree on?

Interview with Parents

1. Conduct a home visit. Once there, observe the home set-up. (Home is orderly, family pictures in the living

2. Use the Interview Questions on the next page. Just ask the questions with which you feel comfortable.

Field Study 1
Suggested Parent Interview Guide

Your teacher may ask you to use a more detailed interview guide. Be free to translate the questions, if necessary.

Name of Learner :

Date of Birth : Age :

Grade/ Year Level : Gender :
Number of Siblings :
Birth Order :

Parents :

Mother :
Age :
Occupation : Educational Attainment :
Father :
Occupation : Educational Attainment :

Learner’s Physical Aspect :


Mother’s Health during pregnancy with the learner :

Ailments or health problems of the learner as a child :

Age of the learner when he/she started to walk/talk :

Food preferences of the learners as a child and at present :

Who took care of him/her as a child?

Field Study 1
Learner’s Social Aspect :

Describe your child’s sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner)

Who were the learner’s playmates?

As a child then was he/she allowed to play outside?

Is he/she allowed to go out with friends?

Do you have rules for him/her to follow regarding going out?
What are these rules?

Emotional – Moral

What are your expectations of your child?

How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child?

Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem? What do you do to meet his/her emotional

What do you do when he/she is not successful in something?

Field Study 1

How do you discipline your children?

Do you have rules in the house? What are they?

How do you impose the rules?

What are the consequences of breaking the rules?

Learner’s Cognitive Aspect :

What are the child’s interests?

What is he/she good at in school?

In what subject/s does he/she have difficulty?

How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate him/her?

Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits?
What are these rules? How are they implemented?

Field Study 1

After you have gathered all the necessary data. Write the Learner’s development profile using the outline
below. Type the profile in a separate sheet and attached it to this learning episode.


The Learner’s Development Profile

Name of the Learner : ___________________________________________________

School : ______________________________________________________________
Date of Home Visit : _____________________________________________________
Date of Birth : ______________________________ Age : _______________________
Grade/Year Level : __________________________ Gender : ____________________

Family Profile
Number of Siblings :
Birth Order :
Parent :
Mother :
Age :
Occupation : Educational Attainment :
Father :
Occupation : Educational Attainment :

Physical Development
In paragraph form, describe the physical development of the learner. Combine the
teacher’s, parents’ responses, and your own observations.

Social Development
In paragraph form, describe the social development of the learner. Combine the
teacher’s, parents’ responses, and your own observations.

Emotional – Moral Development

In paragraph form, describe the emotional – moral development of the learner.
Combine the teacher’s, parents’ responses, and your own observations.

Cognitive Development
In paragraph form, describe the cognitive development of the learner. Combine the
teacher’s, parents’ responses, and your own observations.

Write here your salient findings about the learner.

Write your conclusions after you have analyzed the impact of the school and the
home on the learner’s development. The questions in the Your analysis portion of this
learning episode can help you.

Write your recommendations.

Field Study 1
My Analysis

Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you answer the
questions here.

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting experienced by the learner?
Explain your answer.

2. Relating your data with what you have learned from child development, what family factors do you think
contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school?

3. Does the communication between the home – school have an effect on the learner? If yes, what are these

Field Study 1
My Reflections

1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you experience? How
did it affect you?

2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration? How can you
work well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they help you?

Field Study 1
My Portfolio


2. H –



Field Study 1


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