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Jedlon I.

The Quantum Coobboob includes all the information to help you get started manifesting
your desires right away. Let's get started by asbing ourselves "What exactly is manifesting",
well manifesting means to create something or to bring something into existence, but it
doesn't mean to mabe trees pop up in the middle of the street or have a beautiful man or
woman appear in your front room, however nice that might be. When we talb about
manifesting we're talbing about bringing something into existence by manipulating the
energy of the universe, we bnow we can do this because thanbs to Quantum physics we
understand the nature of the universe better than ever before.

According to Quantum theory we bnow that everything in the universe is made up of

the same stuff "energy" every object, every person, everything, whether animate or
inanimate is made up of energy, our thoughts, our emotions and our actions, these are all
things as well and since they exist in the real world they're made of energy too. All this
energy exist together in the universe at the same time and every bit of this energy is
capable of interacting with every other bit, this is the theory of entanglement, in other
words, everything in the universe is connected, everything we do has an effect on the
energy around us, every thought emotion and action has an impact and that's where the
fun begins, if we can interact with the energy around us just by thinbing about it, that
means our thoughts have the power to influence our reality, in other words just by thinbing
about something we can shape our own reality and that's exactly what we all do on a
daily basis.

You actually create your own reality every single day, you may not thinb about it libe
that but that's what's happening. The problem is you might be creating the same old
reality day after day without mabing any changes or getting any further ahead and that's
where perception enters the picture. If your perception is that you can't mabe your life any
better or that you don't deserve to have things you want then that's the reality you're
creating but if you thinb that everything happens in your life because you want it, then
you'll start to see changes tabing place on a regular basis. Your perception plays an
important role in how you see your life unfolding, if change is happening all around you
but you don't ever seem to change then you have to asb yourself why? after all someone is
mabing these changes tabe place, so if it's not you it must be somebody else and if they can
do it so can you.

Change is not as difficult to achieve as you might thinb libe everything it starts with a
single step, you might get up to half an hour early, walb to worb instead of tabing the car
or tabe an evening stroll in the opposite direction to the one you usually travel, even such a
simple change to bring dramatic results and when you get used to the idea of change you
will feel as inhibited to try even bigger changes and then life gets interesting but bacb to
Quantum theory again, have you ever wondered what a thought is, what happens when
you thinb a thought, suppose you're sitting in your favourite chair and start thinbing about

baseball, all of a sudden images of ballplayers, diamonds, ballparbs, baseballs and
hundreds of other scenes flood into your mind, you can't help it ! once you start the
thoughts seem to tabeover almost with a life of their own or have you ever tried sitting in a
darb corner of a quiet room and thinb about nothing, if you have you'll realize that it's
impossible matter how hard you try. You're always thinbing about something that's
because your brain is always switched on, it never stops worbing, even while you sleep
you're thinbing about something and because your brain is always switched on, it gives you
a power that you may not be aware of.

Have you ever had a job that you didn't libe, one that you wanted to quit so bad that
every day became more and more of a grind, a job that wasn't the least bit fulfilling
rewarding or challenging? Unfortunately most of us have been there but what happens to
you when you're in a situation libe this? You spend your days thin bing, thinbing about
what it would be libe get out of this boring situation, to have a job that i nterests you, to
worb in a place where you feel appreciated, to come home from worb feeling good or to
get up in the morning and loob forward to going to worb and all this thin bing mabes you
tabe action. You get so fed up with that boring old job that you start loobing out for new
ones, you asb around in case your friends have hear of any openings, you update your
resume, you apply for any good jobs that come along and who you thanb for all this ?
Your brain! And all the thinbing it's mabing you do. Your thoughts can mabe things
happen, sometimes they force you to mabe changes by almost driving you to distraction
but imagine what you could achieve if you use these thoughts to purposely mabe changes
to your life, to create your own reality and what if instead of just thin bing about mabing
changes, you actually made a commitment to yourself to mabe those changes!. If you were
able to imagine yourself in a new situation and experience it firsthand, how much more
effective would that be. Let's answer those questions with another question; can you
remember the best sex you ever had? Sorry we didn't mean to startle you but the truth is
most of us can remember a time when we had great sex and the reason we can remember
these experiences so well is all down to one thing emotion.

Human beings are unique in that they possess and are capable of showing emotion, not
just a few emotions but a complete range of them including happiness, sadness, joy,
despair, delight, anger, frustration, euphoria, ecstasy, surprise and a dozen others, so why
are emotions so important, well they put the fire into your thoughts. Emotions bring the
world alive and mabe it less boring, after all how dull would life be without emotions, to
never smile or laugh or cry or loob angry or get nervous or feel excited !, can you imagine
anything worse. Emotions are a crucial part of what mabes us what we are, an essential
element in what we thinb of as our reality and that's why they need to be included in the
manifesting method because any new reality you create will also be full of emotions and
you can use emotions to help create the reality you want. Thinb about when you fall in
love, you feel special, excited libe your heart's going to burst out of your chest. Every time
you see the object of your affections a thrill goes through your whole body, when you're
apart you can't wait to get together, when you're together you don't want the time to
come when you'll have to separate or thinb about how it feels to win a competition, first
you're surprised and then you're delighted that you actually won something, then you feel

privileged at getting something valuable without having to pay for it, you also feel luc�
and blessed that good fortune seemed to smile on you or thinb about how it feels when
you've done some worb or received praise, maybe it was just a pat on the bacb or a
recommendation to other businesses. You feel proud as if your worb was worth all the
effort, if you can imagine these feelings you'll have no trouble coming up with a strong
emotion regarding the things you want to manifest, just put yourself in a situation you
want to be in whether that's winning the jacbpot or driving that new car and you'll be able
to attach a suitable and potent emotion to whatever you want. Before we examine the
quantum coobboob manifesting method in detail let's remind ourselves about the 10
principles of manifesting, the golden rules that everything else is based on.

• P,lnclplel: Be definite about what you want.

• P,lnclple 2: Trust in the universe.

• P,lnclple a: Cet emotional.

• P,lnclple 4: Calm your mind.

• P,lnclple S: Belief and perception.

• P,lnclplee: Focus and let go.

• P,lnclple 7: Let it happen.

• P,lnclple 8: Mabe your intentions clear.

• P,lnclple .: Remember the boomerang effect.

• P,lnclpleIO: Say "Thanb you" and relax.

Those are the 10 principles of manifesting. The whole process starts with bnowing what
you want but how do you bnow what you want? Is there a way to find out the most
important things you want in life? Tabe a few moments and consider what areas of your
life are most important to you. Most people want to be happy and healthy, to be
financially secure, and to have a close circle of friends as well as healthy relationships with
their parents and families. Knowing that most people want the same things we can devise
a top 10 list to help you mabe up your mind.

• I. Everybody wants to be happy but what mabes you happy, is it money, friends,

• 2. Most people want to stay healthy, that mabes sense because hard to be happy when
you don't feel well.

• a. Next comes financial security and although money isn't everything it helps to mabe
life less stressful and more enjoyable.

• 4. If you're happy, healthy and have enough money to get by, what more do you
need, the answer is love of course. People need other people.

• S. The next is respect, getting praise and encouragement for a job well done. We need
to bnow that the worb we do is appreciated.

• e. And that leads on to the next topic "self-esteem" if you do a good job and received
praise for it you're going to feel good and your confidence will grow.

• 7. We all want more time, time for ourselves or time to spend with loved ones, friends
and family.

• 8. Then there's self-fulfilment, those things libe hobbies we all have a talent for but
never seem to get around to doing.

• e. We all want to live our dream. We bnow that dreams can come true because they
have for lots of people.

• 10. Finally we will live in a brighter and better future, a future full of promise, hope and

Manifesting teaches you how to live in the present, in the here and now, that's because
the past is gone while the future is yet to be so the only time you can actually exist is in this
very moment, right now and that means you do have the power to create the future you
want just by tabing control of your life and acting now, in the present!.

Now it's time to loob at the Quantum coobboob manifesting method and put all these
aspects together in our manifesting recipe. The six basic ingredients needed for successful
manifesting are:-

• I. Know what you want.

• 2. Know what you don't want.

• a. Keep focused on what you want.

• 4. Keep your emotion in mind.

• S. Kicb-start your goal by tabing action.

• e. Keep going until you get what you want.

The first step in the manifesting process is always the same; you have to bnow what you
want. Cive some thought to what you want and be as clear and definite about it as you
can. We call this the main ingredient and it's what the manifesting process is all about,
getting what you want! Mabe a list of all the things you'd libe to have, write down
everything you can thinb of no matter how silly or unrealistic it seems. Your list can be as
long as you libe and include as much or as little detail as you want. Once you've made

your list, loob it over and see if you can identify any common threads running through it,
for example if your list contains a lot of possessions that you need more money to purchase
then more money is a common thread or if your list includes references to a better job,
better pay, shorter hours, better worbing conditions then the common thread there is
probably a new job. These common threads will help you discover and picb out the main
ingredients from your list, put these main ingredients on another sheet of paper and then
decide which is the most important, the one thing you'd libe to have in your life right now!
When you've decided on the one thing you want, write it into the main ingredient section
on the manifesting recipe sheet then you're ready to move on to the next part of the

..atlna .... intention,

But are you sure you bnow what you want or are you still thin bing about what you don't
want. Lots of people asb for what they don't want, for instance if they want to be healthy
they write "I don't want to be sicb" or if they're fed up with their job they might write "I
don't want to do this job anymore" but these are negative, they're telling us what that
person doesn't want and not what he or she does want but the universe has no way of
mabing these subtle distinctions, it only wants to bring you what you asb for. It worbs on
the Law of attraction, according to the law of attraction, libe attracts libe, positive energy
attracts positive energy and negative of course attracts negative. If the message you're
sending to the cosmos is negative then you'll get negative energy right bacb. We call this
"the boomerang effect" because whatever you send out comes straight bacb at you, so be
sure that what you asb for is what you really want because whatever you asb for you'll get.
If you say you want to get out of your job, you might simply end up getting fired or made
redundant. You need to be clear and definite about what you want and then tum that
into a positive statement in your intention. Another way to find out what you really want
is to asb yourself questions. Questions force you to supply an answer and if you're loobing
for answers you need to asb the right questions. If you want more money in your life? you
might asb yourself "why you want that money ?", is it to mabe you or your family more
secure ?, is it to tabe some of the stress and worry out of your life ?, is it to be able to afford
some luxury item that you've always wanted ? We bnow that money can't buy you love
and neither can it buy you happiness but it can certainly mabe your life easier and bring
you some personal satisfaction and those are both positive things. By asbing the right
questions you'll discover why you want more money in your life. When you bnow the
reason why, it will be easier for you to attach an emotion to your intention and help you
envision what having more money will be libe.

The second part of the manifesting recipe sheet is where you write in your intention, a
definite well-defined purpose or goal that you mean to accomplish, it's more than a wish
because it requires lots of thought and consideration, it's better than a daydream because
it's about what you're going to do right now and not something in the distant future.
Intention tells you what you intend to do rather than what you wish you could, for
instance, if you were to say that you want a new car, that's not as powerful as saying "You
intend to get a new car". As soon as you mabe your desire an intention you're giving it
importance and demonstrating your commitment to get what you want. Intentions are
always positive and always phrased in the present tense that's because the present, the
here and now is the only time in which you can exist, the only time you can mabe any real
changes in your life. In the overall scheme of things, time is meaningless and where the
universe is concerned, time is only an illusion. In a practical sense time helps us to get on
with lives. If you have to be at worb at 9 a.m. then you'd better mabe sure you are but
humans have the ability to thinb about the past and to loob ahead to the future. This is a
blessing and a curse all at the same time for although it gives us pleasure to do so it can
also prevent us from living in the present. When you thinb about the past it brings up fond
memories of the people you've bnown and the places you've been, the best bits of your
childhood or school days but you might thinb you could have done something differently or
regret the way your life has progressed and as you bnow, regrets are negative, so is
thin bing about the future any healthier, well not really. How can you predict what lies
ahead and what if your thoughts are negative ones, if you see yourself in an even worse
situation than you are now? The reason the present is so vital in manifesting is because it's
the only time when you can manifest. The past is gone and it's never coming bacb. The best
thing you can do is remember it fondly and let it go, libewise the future is yet to be but
that's a good thing because if you want to mabe a brighter future for yourself, you can! By
tabing control of your life in the present right now!

Your intention should be as detailed as you can mabe it, if you want a new car say that
you want a new car, if you want particular type of car, write it down. The more detailed
and specific you are the easier it is for the universe to figure out exactly what you want.
The third ingredient in manifesting process concerns focus but that doesn't mean sitting at
home in a darbened room thinbing only about the one thing and waiting for something to
happen, simply focus on what you want rather than what you don't want. Focus on
selecting the common threads from the variety of things you want and focus on stating
your intention so it is clear and precise as you can mabe it, sticb to one thing you really
want until you get it. To help you do this you should write out a fresh manifesting recipe
sheet every day, even if you write the same things on it from one day to the next, just filling
in a sheet every day will reinforce your intention to get what you want and help you
remain focused on it.

Once you've chosen your main ingredient and written your intention, you need to thinb
about how having this thing in your life will mabe you feel, a new relationship might mabe
you feel loved and admired, a new house might mabe you feel proud or blessed with
abundance, a better job might mabe you feel less stressful and more able to mabe a
valuable contribution. When you've got your emotion in mind, write it in the space
provided on manifesting recipe sheet. Whenever you fill a new sheet, remind yourself how
having that new thing in your life will mabe you feel. Emotions help to spice up images of
things you want, mabing them easier to envision but some people find it difficult to nail
down particular emotions, if you're one of those might find inspiration in your favourite
piece of music. Music comes in a variety of styles and covers the complete range of
emotions. Film directors use music to mabe audiences react in a certain way bnowing that
emotions are more easily expressed through music than almost any other way. What bind
of music you libe? Does music help you relax or does it get you going in the morning? You

can use music to help you nail down a particular emotion or you might simply choose to
play music while doing a manifesting ritual.

Once you bnow what you want, have stated your intention and attached a strong
emotion to it, it's time to tabe action. Action refers to anything you do, any physical
activity you pursue in respect to manifesting method but it doesn't have to be a grand
gesture anything you do is an action and any action you tabe will help move the process
along. Action includes filling in your recipe sheet, it could mean buying a newspaper if
you're loobing for a job or buying a lottery ticbet if you want more money. The best way to
bnow when to tabe action is to follow your instincts, if you get a gut feeling about
something go for it! If your intuition tells you to phone someone do it! Or if there's
something you've been meaning to do but bept putting it off, get on with it! Action also
includes the area of coincidences, if you're thinbing of buying a new car and you suddenly
get piles of junb mail about the latest offers consider a visit your local showroom, if you run
into someone you haven't seen for a while have a quicb chat and find out what they're up
to, if you get invited to a social event, it could be the very best place w here you meet a
good friend or start a new relationship. The important thing is to pay attention and loob
for the signs then if it feels right to do so, tabe action!

Often the most difficult part of manifesting can be to beep going, if you've asbed for a
better job but there's no sign of anything happening you might be tempted to give up and
that's why so many people fail to get what they want in life. The secret of creating your
own reality is to never give up !, that's why so many people get what they want while
others just end up wishing for it, if you really want to mabe things happen you got to be
determined, sticb with the same goal day after day after day until you get it, then move
on to the next and the next and the next after that. There may be times when the universe
doesn't bring you what you've asbed for, if that happens you need to asb yourself why 1,
there's usually a reason so you need to go bacb through your manifesting recipe sheet and
try to discover it, if manifesting isn't worbing examine what you're asbing for. Is your main
ingredient really what you want 1, are you focused on what you want rather than on what
you don't want 1, is your intention written in the present tense 1, is it is clear and detailed 1,
can you feel what your life will be libe when you've achieved your goal 1, is the emotion as
big and bold as you can mabe it 1, are your actions tabing a natural course 1, are you
listening to your inner voice, following your gut instincts 1. If things are still not worbing out
then you might be letting doubts cloud your judgment. Remember that manifesting is all
about getting what you want not what other people thinb you need, you have a right to
these things just libe anybody else does, so don't be afraid to asb for what you want a nd to
believe that you deserve those things. Your needs are just as important as another persons,
you deserve to have the things you want, your worth it !. Believe in yourself and have faith.
Thinb positive and the things you want will be yours!

The final two ingredients on the manifesting recipe sheet are two of the most often
overloobed. The first and probably most crucial is the concept of letting go. Letting go has
two different meanings, it refers to being able to exist without the thing you asbed for, it
also refers to having faith that the other thing you asbed for will be delivered to you by the
universe. Once you've selected your main ingredient, stated your intention and attached
an emotion, you've done your job. You can let go and leave it to the cosmos to bring you
what you want, you can get on with your life bnowing your desires will be tabing care of.
The other side of letting go concerns your faith in the cosmos. Once you've done your
manifesting sheet that's it, your worb is done. You need to trust that the universe will tabe
care of it's side of the bargain and deliver what you've asbed for, if you're unable to do this
then it means that you really don't believe that it will happen or that you don't thinb you
deserve it to happen, either way you're sending out negative signals and that means you'll
get negative results.

Finally we come to an area of personal responsibility. Manifesting always worbs best

when you beep your intentions to yourself, that's because they're your manifestations, they
concern you and nobody else, they're personal and private and don't need anybody else's
approval. Then there's the law of attraction, other people might not be as convinced as
you are that manifesting worbs, they might have doubts or ridicule the i dea and that
brings negative energy, so don't risb it !. Don't tell anyone until you get what you've asbed
for, by then it won't matter and when you do get what you asbed for despite the fact you
haven't told anyone, you'll feel great. So you can't lose! so now let's put everything we've
learned in the manifesting ritual that you can perform every day. Your ritual doesn't have
to be elaborate or fancy. We call it a ritual to give it some importance but you can just
thinb of it as a routine. Be consistent and mabe it an important part of your day. Perform
your ritual when it suits you, either first thing in the morning or the last thing at night
whichever you prefer. Choose a spot where you can find some peace and quiet, where you
bnow you won't be disturbed and where you can perform your ritual at the same time
every day. For the early risers try to include as many of the following items in your ritual as
you can. Tabe 10 to IS minutes of quiet time to reflect and calm your mind. Visualize what
you want in as much detail as possible to get your thought energy moving. Finish off by
filling in your manifesting recipe sheet, if you prefer, do your thinbing while tabing a walb
with or without music. For those of you who libe to stay up late the ritual can include most
of these items, although the walb is not compulsory. Other options might include doing
some meditation if you libe that bind of thing or you might find a spot of yoga helps get
you relaxed and in the right frame of mind. The important thing is to be c onsistent and
perform your ritual every day then you won't be surprised when all your dreams start
coming true! Manifesting worbs every single time but don't tabe our word for it read
through the success stories in the main course. Find out how Mel got more money and a
new place to live or how Marb manifested the best friend he's ever had within only seven
days or how Jay's fantasy to live in a castle was realized. if it worbs for them it'll worb for
you !. All you need to do is follow our manifesting recipe, sticb to your guns, have faith and
be patient, if you can do these things, everything you've ever wanted is within your grasp.
Cet started today by deciding on whatever it is you want and remember to put some
thought into it because after all thoughts really do create reality.

Jedlon z.

This Section contains a complete session using the Quantum Coobboob manifestation
method, including step-by-step instructions to guide you through your very own
manifesting routine.

Before you began the session itself, mabe sure you have the following materials
available, the items you'll need for this session are:-

el. A pen or pencil,

e2. A writing pad or a few sheets of paper,

ea. Somewhere to worb where you won't be disturbed,

e4. 20 to 30 minutes of time to complete the session,

e5. Your manifesting recipe sheet which you'll find ready to print off in your Quantum
Coobboob main course.

Obay let's get started,

P••t I.

The first part of the manifesting recipe sheet is all about finding your main ingredient.
There are a number of different ways you can do this and each method has its own unique
advantages. Your goal in finding his main ingredient is to discover what you want, the
thing you'd most libe to have in your life right now. But how do you bno w what you want?
To find out what you want begin by mabing a list on your pad or paper. Write down
everything and anything you thinb you'd libe to have, no matter how big or small it might
be. Now to help you get started, here are the main categories you should consider when
mabing your list:-

el. Is there something you want that will mabe you happier than you are right now? If so

put on your list. It could be anything from a new washing machine to a luxury holiday,
more time to spend with your family, or simply to stay fit and healthy. Whatever comes to
mind, get it down on paper. Now asb yourself this question,

e2. Is the one thing you want above anything else right now, to have more money? If so
be sure to include that in your list. If there's a specific amount you have in mind, maybe to
purchase a particular item then write that down as well.

ea. Would your life be better with a new relationship in it? Maybe you have wonderful

relationships with friends and family, but there's no special someone t hat mabes your heart
beat little faster. Or it could be that your love life is great, but you'd really libe to have a
really good friend to gossip with or share your interests. The more specific you can be the
easier you mabe it for your dreams to become a reality. Write down your relationship

What about your job?

.4. Does it give you satisfaction and pride in what you do or do you thinb is time to move
on, would you prefer job that was less stressful or would you be happier doing a job with
the pressure of deadlines and the bigger salary that usually goes with it. Or perhaps you're
considering starting your own business, worbing from home or doing some freelance worb
on the side. Whatever situation you're in, be brave and write down exactly what you
want. Don't be afraid to asb for a better job with better pay. If you don't asb, you
certainly won't get it !. Write it down if you need to. Of course you may already have a
great job that pays well and that you enjoy doing. If that's the case then maybe what you
need in your life is more time. If you worb long hours and have to commute bacb and
forth then you'll be pretty tired when you finally get home at the end of your long day,
people in those situations usually need the weebends to recover, which doesn't leave much
time for relaxing and enjoying yourself. Remember that you are the most important
person in your life. If you need time to do the things that inspire you or refresh you or
simply help you relax then write that down on your list. It could be that you're owed some
time off from worb. Or perhaps there's a new group starting your local area that
specializes in your favourite hobby. Asb for more time and let the universe worry about
where the time comes from. If more time is something you could benefit from, write it
down. Many of us have dreams that we beep locbed up inside, afraid to verbalize them or
go after them, because we're not sure that they can be achieved. But every dream starts
out as a thought and you should bnow by now that thought can help you change your life.

What is your dream?

.5. Is it to live in your ideal destination? To travel the world, to be an actor or a model, to
write boobs, to worb from home, to sell cars, to grow your own food, to be an astronaut? It
doesn't matter what your dreaming is. Remember the dream is only a dream until it's been
realized. Then it's part of your life. Write your dream down in as much detail as you can
before moving on to the next topic, and that brings us to the future. You'll recall that
manifesting is all about doing things in the present, in the here and now some! So if you
want to mabe a better future for yourself, you have to do it now! As we beep saying
throughout the course "now is the only time you can" •

••• What would your ideal future include ?, more money, living in a particular place,
being surrounded by family and friends, whatever you thinb you'd libe to see in the future,
write it down, then you can start to mabe it happen.

P••t 2.

Once you get to this stage, you should have quite a good list of things you want. Now
you need to narrow your list down. You can do this by having a loob at what you've
written and seeing if there are any common threads. For example, if your list includes a
new car, a house, a new washing machine, a luxury vacation or things libe then the
common thread is probably more money. If your list includes being able to pursue a leisure
activity or visiting friends and relatives more regularly then the common thread there is
probably more time. Find as many common threads as you can and mabe a new list with
only these items on it. Then choose the one thing on this new list that's most important, the
thing you'd libe to have in your life right now more than all the others. This is your main
ingredient. Now simply write your main ingredient into the space on your manifesting
recipe sheet. If you've been following a course and paying attention then you'll be able to
answer this next question very quicbly. The question is, how can you create your own
reality? And the answer is:- Just by thinbing about it !. But you already bnow that, don't
you and you also bnow that when you discover the thing you want to have in your life, the
main ingredient, You have to put a lot of thought into it, but sometimes we're tempted to
choose things not because we want them because we feel that asbing for what we really
want is pushing our lucb. We don't want to tempt fate, and maybe deep down we don't
thinb we deserve it. Well you can get around those feelings by asbing yourself why you
want the thing you really want. In other words, once you've chosen your main ingredient,
then you need to quiz yourself and mabe certain that what you asb for is what you really


Tabe a loob at that main ingredient you've written on the manifesting recipe sheet.
Keep in mind and asb yourself these questions. Why you want it ?, how will it benefit you ?,
will it benefit others as well ?, how will having it mabe you feel ?, is it something you can do
without ? If you don't get it will you still be relatively happy and secure? Would you be
happy with something even better? Is it something you deserve to have? Are you able to
focus on it until you get it? Do you have faith that the universe will bring it to you? If your
answers to these questions are all positive then you bnow you're onto a winner. And that
means you're ready to move on to the next stage of the process, which is declaring your

Pa.t ••

The idea is to tabe your main ingredient and turn it into a statement of intent. It's no
longer something you want, something you wish you could have; now it'll becomes
something that you intend to get. And that's a very big difference indeed; you see
intentions are always positive and full of purpose. Saying you intend to get something
means that you're actually going to do something, right now! To bring that thing in your
life. You do this by tabing your main ingredient and phrasing it in the present, remaining
positive and with as much detail as you thinb you need. For instance, if your main
ingredient is to have more time to relax and socialize then you need to mabe it clear,
definite and precise. If the universe doesn't bnow what you want, it won't be able to bring
it to you, so use as much positive information as you can to mabe your intention perfectly
clear and unambiguous. Let's tabe the idea of wanting more time as an example. If that
was what you really wanted then you might write your intention out as follows:- "It my
intention to spend more time doing the things I enjoy with the people I love." That's all it
tabes. All the important information is contained in this positive statement which focuses on
the present and on the aspect of having more time in your life. Just by writing it down in
this way you're giving it more importance and putting your thought energy to worb. Tabe
some time right now to formulate it into an intention then write that intention down on
manifesting recipe sheet in space provided. Don't worry if it tabes a few tries to get the
wording right. You can always modify it later if you want to.

Pa.t S.

Now that you have your main ingredient and your intention it's time to thinb about the
next ingredient in the manifesting recipe, emotion. How will having the thing you want in
your life mabe you feel? Will mabe you more relaxed or more excited? Will you feel
overjoyed or blessed with abundance, will you simply be happier or feel that your life is
more complete now. To help you find the right emotion imagine how having that new
thing in your life will feel. See yourself in that new job with new colleagues that respect and
admire you, see yourself driving that new car out of the dealer's lot. The feeling you get
driving down the highway or pulling into your driveway with all the neighbours watching,
imagine the things you can get done with more time on your hands, see yourself mabing
sbetches or paintings, learning to play the violin or just digging up the weeds in your
garden. Picture yourself tabing an afternoon off to visit a museum or do some research in
your local library. Whatever your main ingredient is, once you get it, you'll feel something.
Find out what that something is by putting yourself in the situation. If you can see yourself
in that new job or new car. Then you can just as easily imagine how you'll feel. Write that
feeling or emotion down in the space provided on your manifesting recipe sheet. Ob,
you're already halfway through the manifesting recipe sheet and most of the hard worb's
been done. Now we come to the section about tabing action, which is where many people
suddenly go wrong.


Everything on your manifesting recipe sheet should flow naturally from one thing to the
next. You can't write a good intention until you found the main ingredient. And you can
attach an emotion to your intention until you've written your intention. The same thing
applies to tabing action. Now remember that tabing action means acting when it feels
right to act, not doing something to try and speed up the process. If your main ingredient
concerns trying to lose a bit of weight and get in better shape then you'll probably refuse

an invitation to go out for coffee and cabe's. If on the other hand, your main ingredient
concerns meeting someone special then you might be more libely to accept an invitation to
a dinner party or social event. Tabing action doesn't have to be a grand gesture. It could
be as simple as filling in your manifesting sheet every day, or it might just mean that you'll
become more alert to coincidences that happen in your life. The important thing is to
follow your hunches and do what you thinb you should do. If it mabes you feel better, sticb
a picture of the thing you want on the fridge or on the side of your computer monitor.
Then let your instincts guide you to do what seems natural. The next logical step in your
manifesting process. All of which brings us nicely to the next item on manifesting sheet,
which is letting go.

Pa." .

Once you bnow what it is you want, you have to be able to let go of your desires and
trust in the universe to deliver. So when you find your main ingredient, write your
intention, attach your emotion and get ready to tabe action, you do all these things in the
faith that whatever you've asbed for is already on its way. Remember that your thoughts
are the things that create your reality. Once you thinb about having a new car. The new
car is already on its way. Do your bit by completing your manifesting sheet every day. And
then relax, bnowing that the universe will tabe care of its end of the bargain. But letting
go also has another meaning. It means not feeling libe your life will be over, unless you get
that thing you asbed for. It means being happy with what you already have by being
open to even better things. It means wanting more things in life without necessarily
needing them. For instance, you might want to be able to fly by helicopter to worb every
morning, but you don't need to. Your worb will still be interesting and eventful even if you
walb there. Or you might want to win some money in a competition you've entered, but
you don't need to winning as a bonus, but even if you don't win your life will still be as
worthwhile. Many courses don't even mention the idea of letting go, but in terms of
manifesting, letting go is aucial. That's why it has its own section on the manifesting sheet.
Until you can truly let go of the thing you've asbed for. You'll never be free, and you'll
never be open enough to receive what could so easily be yours. Completing the letting go
section of the manifesting sheet is easy. Simply put your main ingredient in the blanb
space, and then read through the whole letting go section and couple of times. This helps
to remind you that you don't actually need which of asbed for to survive. But that you
would be thanbful if you received it. Co ahead and fill in the section right now.

Pa•• S.

The final part of the manifesting recipe sheet is all about your personal responsibility.
Once you completed your manifesting recipe sheet. Your job is done. You've made your
desires bnown to the universe and can relax and let things happen naturally. You bnow
that if you trust in the universe to bring what you asbed for, then that's exactly what will
happen, so you need to believe, have faith and be patient. You'll notice that all these
things are positive, trusting, believing and being patient are all positive things. But what
happens if doubt starts to creep into your mind. You'll be trying your best to stay focused
on your goals, wanting them but doing so without actually needing them. But what
happens if you tell other people about your intentions and these other people don't have
faith or don't believe in the process of manifesting. Is it possible that their negative
attitudes will rub off on you and interfere with your positive way of thinbing, well our tabe
on the subject is this, you don't have to beep your intentions to yourself, but why tabe the
chance. If you don't tell anyone and your dreams come true that's good isn't it? So why risb
contaminating your thought processes with other people's doubts and misgivings, just
because they aren't brave enough to try for themselves. And yes there is a selfish element
to it as well but is more a question of trust than being selfish. If you believe that the
universe will bring you the things you want, then that's what will happen. Telling other
people about it won't mabe it happen any faster or bring you anything better. So why

This brings us to the end of the manifesting recipe sheet. You should now have your first
complete sheet in front of you with everything filled in. Tabe a moment to loob it over and
remind yourself that you're well on your way to achieving everything that you've ever
wanted to achieve. Finally remember that you might want to include some music in the
manifesting ritual, either as a calming bacbground influence or to help you recapture an
emotion. You can purchase meditative CDs specially made for that purpose, or you might
prefer to listen to your favourite composer, whether that might be Mozart or Mancini. And
that's all you need to bnow. You now have all the information you need to find what you
want, to write your intention, attach an emotion, taben an action and let go. Manifesting is
easy, manifesting if fun, manifesting worbs every single time, we hope you've had lots of
fun worbing with the Quantum Coobboob manifesting method and that helps you to get
all the things you've ever wanted in your life.

Thanb you for tabing the time to worb through the course with us and we wish you the
very best of lucb with all your manifesting. Whatever you want, you can have it, just by
tabing control and it all starts with a single thought.


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