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Are You Suffering from High Self-Actualization (High

Achiever) Personality Disorder)


High Self-Actualization personality disorder, also known as High

Achiever’s Disease Disorder, is characterized by an extremely high
need for achievement, growth and fulfillment that is distinguished or
characterized by obsessive workaholic, overloaded workloads,
stretching targets and high achiever’s disease, to what extent causes
stress, anxieties, anger, depression both at home and at work due to
an off balanced life.

Obsessive Workaholic

You are addicted to work. You work all day, night and during
weekends. You rush for time. You are in a hurry to do your to do lists.
You have no time to rest. You get irritated when someone interrupt s
you in the middle of working something. You are married to your

Overloaded workload

You are overloaded with too much work. This is because you are too
obliging and continue to help others with their work. As a result, you
tend to receive more work than you can handle. You work under
extreme pressure throughout the day. Sometimes, you don't know
where to start. At other times, you continue to procrastinate because
of fatigue and stress.

Goals/Target Stretching

Even if you are overworked, you are never satisfied with your
performance goals. You set challenging and unrealistic performance
targets. You continue to increase your target higher and higher. Soon
you find yourself very busy but produce little results

High Achiever Disorder

You aspire to look successful in the eyes of your friends and

community. When you fail to meet your expectations, you start putting
more hours to your work. Soon you begin to suffer from mental and
physical fatigue. You get irritable and offended easily. You become a
slave driver and pressure others to meet your expectations regardless
of their feelings and well-being. You become difficult at work and at
home. You have an unbalanced life. You are a dysfunctional high

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