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Schools Division Office – Manila

Manila Public Schools Secondary Mathematics Teachers Association



Detailed Descriptions
• Equalizer Game is an incomparable educational board game where numbers are
manipulated on the game board to exploit their full potential.

• An exciting pastime for any occasion, it is just the right game for anyone who
understands the rudiments of mathematics.

• It is designed to develop interest and mental agility in arithmetic.

• The game is played by building numerical equations with number-tiles arranged

horizontally or vertically on the game board in a manner similar to that of the
crossword puzzle.

Rules of the Game

Setting up the Game
• Players of the Game – Grades 7 to 10 students, and Mathematics Teachers

• Number of Players – 3 to 4 players per board.

• Order of Play – drawing of lots; clockwise seating arrangement.

• Distribution of Tile Racks – 1 tile rack per player; papers and pencils for computation

• Drawing of Tile – 7 number tiles and 2 operation tiles per player in every turn.
“EQUAL” (=) sign tiles is drawn only whenever an equation is formed on the game
board and if necessary. Only one tile per turn is allowed.

Game Proper
Starting the Game
1st round – 30 minutes
2nd round – 30 minutes
3rd round – 30 minutes
4th round – 30 minutes
1 minute is allotted per move including computations.
The first player forms an equation and place it on the game board in such a way that
one of the tiles must rest on the square with the star figure. The Scorer then computes for
the total value score and records. The succeeding players form an equation crossing the
previously formed equation.
Starter’s Premium
• The first player’s first accepted equation is awarded additional 30 or 50 points which
will be added to its equation score.

• 30 points – when the last tile rests on the square with star figure

• 50 points – when all 9 tiles are used and one tile rests on the star figure.

Forming an Equation
From the 9 tiles drawn by the players, a well thought equation is formed following
the MDAS Rule. The players must also plan the best positioning of the equation formed to
earn the highest possible score.
Fraction/s in the Equation
• When fraction/s is used in the equation, the player must read the formed equation
accordingly or correctly (from left to right or from top to bottom).

1 6 4 5 2
3 =1
1 4 3 3 1
Challenging an Equation 0
Every player must announce the mathematical value of the equation formed. There
upon the equation is open for a challenge. An equation formed may be challenged by any
opposing player who finds the equation erroneous immediately after the announcement or
before the next player’s turn. An official arbiter will decide on the correctness of an equation
being challenged.
Rejected Equation
If the equation is proven to be mathematically incorrect, the player’s equation is
rejected and removed from the game board. The player has the option of replacing three (3)
of its number tiles.
Replenishing the Tile Rack
After the player’s equation is accepted on the game board and its total score value is
recorded, the player’s turn ends, thus the player must immediately replenish its tile rack
with the same quantity and type of tiles (number & operation tiles) used in its equation.
Losing a Turn
A player may lose a turn when he/she is unable to form an equation in the allotted
time, 1 minute.
Time Keeping
A time keeper is tasked to keep the time set for each player to make his/her
equation. Each player is given a maximum of 1 minute to make his/her equation each turn.
The game ends when all the tiles have been drawn then final scores are computed. In case of
a tie, the player with the least total value of tiles unused will be declared as winner.
An Official Scorer
An Official Scorer is assigned to compute and record the equation values of each
player as well as the reward and penalty points. The final score of each player and the
winner will also be determined by the official scorer.
Tile Values
Each number and operation tile is given a corresponding value.
Number tiles
1 point – Numbers 0 and 1
2 points – Numbers 2 and 3
3 points – Numbers 4 and 5
4 points – Numbers 6 and 7
5 points – Numbers 8 and 9
Operation Tiles
1 point – equal (=) signs
2 points – plus (+) signs
3 points – minus (–) signs
4 points – multiplication (x) signs
5 points – division (÷) signs
20 points – decimal point (.) signs
30 points – fraction (/) signs

Equation Value
The value of each tile of the accepted equation is added to get the equation value.

85 x2 43 / 11 64 =1 22
The score will be 5+2+3+30+1+4+1+2 = 48

Challenger’s Reward
When a challenged equation is proven incorrect, the challenger receives 20 points
reward to be added to his/her final score at the end of the game.
Challenger’s Penalty
When a challenged equation is proven correct, the challenger receives 20 points
penalty to be deducted from his/her final score at the end of the game.

Extra Point Values

Special squares on the game board enable the player to maximize the total score value
of its equation. When one or more of the tiles on an equation rest on these squares, extra
points are earned.
a.) “BOOSTER – 3” – equation value times 3
b.) “BOOSTER – 2” – equation value times 2
c.) “BONUS – 3” – tile value times 3
d.) “BONUS – 2” – tile value times 2
Final Score
To get the final score, each equation value of the player is added together with the
reward points and then deducted by the sum of the penalty points and total value of the
unused tile/s.

Determining the Winner

The player with the highest final score will be declared winner for the round/s.
The game ends:
• After 30 minutes (for each round)
• If there is no operation chips at all;
• There are no more equal signs;
Should there be a tie, the player with the lowest sum of scores of the chips will be
declared as the winner.
Top 2 players for each set will move on to the next round.

Additional Rules
 Remaining chips – not counted. In case of a tie, remaining chips will matter.
 Unlimited pass
 Changing of chip/s – all chips must be replaced
 Trainers are not allowed to approach the player in the duration of the game.

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