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Post-Health Assessment and Behavior Change Assignment – 15 points

Step 1. Take the Health Assessment Survey again. The survey is posted on Canvas above this
assignment link. (Do NOT submit your entire survey; only the scores!)
Step 2. Type in your Pre-Health Assessment scores for each wellness category in the table below. (Your
Pre-Health Assessment and Behavior Change assignment is on Canvas on the Grades page if you need to
view it.) Next, you will type in your NEW Post-Health Assessment survey scores.
Category of Wellness Ideal Score Pre-Health Post-Health
Assessment Assessment
Scores Scores
Physical Health 40 33 37
Intellectual Health 40 32 39
Emotional Health 40 34 35
Social Health 40 37 37
Spiritual Health 40 34 36
Environmental Health 40 36 38

Step 3. Answer the following questions for parts A and B. Make sure that you type in complete sentences
and adhere to the minimum word count.

A. Compare and contrast your Pre and Post Category of Wellness scores, briefly discussing why you
think your scores increased, decreased, or stayed the same. (2 pts. each = 12 points)

Physical Health (answer below in a minimum of 50 words)

I believe that my score improved because have been going to the gym more often since first taking the

health assessment. My friends now go to the gym with me. I still do not do many strength exercises which

could help boost my score even higher. I have also been meal prepping to avoid skipping meals or having

very small meals.

Intellectual Health (answer below in a minimum of 50 words)

I am in a much more secure place in my life now than I was a couple months ago. I have always struggled

with making wise decisions. For example, taking on jobs and gig that stressed me out or would leave me
Post-Health Assessment and Behavior Change Assignment – 15 points

very little time for myself. I have now begun to say no to a lot more things because it is important for me

to take care of my mental health.

Emotional Health (answer below in a minimum of 50 words)

My emotional health stayed about the same. I believe one area I need to improve is how I handle stress. I

could spend more time discovering activities that help me deal with stress. I also need to create better

habits in my life that avoid stress. I can also work more on worrying less. However, I know I’m in a way

better place now than I was a few years ago, and it is important to thank myself for that.

Social Health (answer below in a minimum of 50 words)

My social health stayed the same. I believe that I have made it a priority to make time for friends

throughout the week even if it’s a short phone call. I still do not have a ton of friends who are “different

from me.” However, I believe that is very hard as a music major. We are constantly surrounded by people

who do the same activities as us.

Spiritual Health (answer below in a minimum of 50 words)

I believe my score improved because I have been spending more time outside lately. Even though it is

cold, I have made time to go for walks or go to the park. I notice that my mood is enhanced when I do

these activities outdoors. I have tried to use each challenging experience this semester into an opportunity

to learn and grow.

Environmental Health (answer below in a minimum of 50 words)

My score improved. My roommate and I make a weekly trip to the recycling center in Harrisonburg, and

we try to live as waste-free as possible. However, that is very challenging. It can be really challenging

when you are short on time and need to find something quick to eat. We have been keeping the heat off as

much as we can to conserve energy, and we never use the dishwasher.

B. Briefly discuss the Behavior Change Plan that you selected in your Pre-Health Assessment and
Behavior Change assignment. Did you reach your goal? If your answer is yes, explain why and discuss
how you plan to maintain this health behavior. If your answer is no, explain why and what you can do to
get back on track. (Answer below in a minimum of 100 words) (2 pts.)
Post-Health Assessment and Behavior Change Assignment – 15 points

My goal was to Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week or 75 minutes of
vigorous-intensity aerobic activity a week. I believe I have meet that goal. Some weeks are better than others, but I
have created a healthy habit of it. My friends and I go to the gym together, and we make sure to plan our physical
activity time together. Making it into a social activity helps motivate me to go. I have also noticed that my overall
mood is better, and I have lost about 7 or 8 lbs since January. Those results have been great incentives to keep
going to the gym.

Step 4. Submit your assignment to Canvas by the end of the day on the designated due date stated on
your course schedule. Make sure your assignment is in a doc, docx, or pdf format.

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