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Case Study 1-Sarah

Sarah was recently promoted to a managerial position at her industrial engineering company. With
her new position, she is now responsible for overseeing the company’s production factory,
meaning approximately 50 factory workers now report to her. Although Sarah previously worked
as an engineer and does not have any experience running a factory, she is excited to begin her new
position. At the end of her first day, Sarah is confused to see her factory workers continuing to
work well past the end of their 8-hour shift. She then goes to the factory supervisor (who reports
to her) to express concern because the factory does not have the budget to pay so many workers
overtime. The supervisor smiles at Sarah and explains that the factory meets production goals by
making the factory workers work off the clock. The workers are well aware of this expectation and
went along with it in order to keep their jobs. Sarah is shocked to learn this illegal practice had
become part of the company culture, but the supervisor explains that the company’s CEO (who is
Sarah’s boss) is well aware of this expectation. What should Sarah do?
Case Study 2-Sherry
Sherry has been working at a computer hardware company for over 25 years. In recent years, many
recent college graduates (approximately 100 per year) have been hired into the company. This
year, 3 new hires were introduced into her group.
Occasionally, Sherry must train these hires by leading technical workshops and giving one-on-
one advice. However, she feels that, instead of growing from within, the company has spent a lot
of resources finding young and talented employees to increase its development of new products.
Although she is not a manager, established employees, like her, must often assume responsibility
for these hires. Sherry is unhappy because she feels that the time used to train these new employees
could have been spent completing her projects. Sherry wants to bring her concerns up to her
manager or ethics department, but is unsure if it is necessary. What should she do?
Sherry must confront her boss and tell him or her that because of train new emoloyees, the time
for her family, job and other things has been reduced. She should ask for extra incentives for the
good work she’s been doing by working and training the employees. A Capitalist Justice must be
implemented in all members of the group. Meaning pay must be based on work done. By doing
this Sherry and the other employees will not be complaining and it would be easier for them adapt
to this situation for they are being paid for it.
Case Study 3-Rachel
Rachel works as a Quality Assurance Engineer at a large electronics company. She is responsible
for the final testing of her company’s servers and is part of a team, which decides when new
products will be shipped to distributors for sale.
Rachel’s company has a contract with another company, which makes the chips, which are
incorporated into the servers Rachel’s company makes. The business model for this product is to
release a new generation server approximately every six months, meaning Rachel has a limited
timeframe to conduct her Quality Control tests.
Because there is such a short amount of time between the release of each next new product, the
Quality and Assurance department cannot perform every possible test on the servers to ensure they
are defect free. Rachel will not ship a product if there is any possibility that the server could
malfunction and cause physical harm to the customer. However, she will ship a product that has a
higher likelihood of failure resulting in data loss for the customer, because she knows that if she
does not, her company's competitor will.
Is this an ethical way to conduct business? How should she determine when to ship a product with
known defects?
Rachel can try to ask the higher executive to extend the timeline to 8 months, so they could
properly check the products if they have no defects, and if it is working perfectly. Revamping the
model would now ensure the quality to defect free products. Extend the timeline also would protect
the customer’s right to have a defect free product and a harmless one. Although it would take a
longer time, but making customers wait for a longer time in order to ensure the quality and safety
of the product would be worthy.

Yes, It cares about the customers who will be the one who purchases the products of the company
and the one who will be affected the most. That you care more about the well-being of the customer
and stakeholders not just your competition.

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