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B.Sc. (AG)
8 Agriculture

Oyster Mushroom

Binomial Name : Pleuratus Ostreatus

Kingdom : Fungi

Division : Basidiomycafa

Class : Agaricomycetes

Order : Agaricales

Family : Plenrotaceae

Genus : Pleuratus

Species : P.Ostreatus

Mashroom is a fungus which is found in two forms are edible mushroom

types and non edible mushroom types.

Edible Mushroom is used for the eating purpose and medicinal uses also in
India. Some edible species are used for food materials, as and this species are
button mushroom, white button mushroom and oyster mushroom (dhingri)
History :

P.Olearius and P.midiformis

Bengal and most of the earth eastern hill states.

Species:- (Grow in summer)

1. P. Flabellum
2. P. Sajor Cajo
3. P. Sapidus
4. P. Membranaceaus
5. P. Citrinopileatus
6. P. Cous etc.
(Grow in winter)

1. P. Ostreatus
2. P. Florida
3. P. Carnucopiae
4. P. Fossalatus & P. eryngii etc.

1. 10-15 days for mycelia growth

2. Jowar and bajra grains are superior over wheat grain.
● Ivesh – 1-2 week - at low temp
● Dried – 3-4 months - " "
● Weight of mushroom around 8.5 cups of mushroom has 7 grm of protein
with only 56 callories.
Oyster Mushroom

Oyster Mushroom (pleurotus sp.) to class Basidionycetes & family,

Agaricaceae is papularly k/s "Dhingry" in India and grows naturally in the
temperate and tropical forests in dead and decaying wooden logs or sometimes on
dying trunks on deciduous or coniferous woods. It may also grow on decaying
organic matter.

The fruit bodies of this mushroom are disirething shell or spatula shaped
with different shades of white, cream, grey, yellow pink or light brown depending
upon the species. It is one of the most suitable fungal organism for producing
protein rich food from various or forest wastes without composting.

ORIGIN: Cultivation of a sp. of oyster mushroom (pleuratus ostreatus) was

pritiated on experimental based in Germany by flack during the year 1917 on tree
stumps and wood logs. Growing technology was perfect in USA by Block Tsao
and has cultivation of different variations of oyster mushroom was initiated in
India in the early sixties commercial cultivation lugan in mid – seventies.


The Oyster mushroom have 3 spatula shaped cap (pious) a short or long
lateral or central stalk called stipe and long ridges and furrous underwater the
pileus called or camella. The gills stretch from the edge of the Ca down to the stalk
of bear the spares.

The spores are smooth, cylindrical and germinate very easily on any kind of
mycological media with in 48-96 hrs. The mycelium of pleurtus is pure white in
Production :-

Oyster mushrooms are the 3rd largest cultivated mushroom chain, the ward
leader in oyster production, contributes nearly 85% of the total world production of
about a million tones. The other countries producing oyster mushroom include
Korea, Japan, Italy, Taiwan, Thailand and Philippines.

The present production of this crop in India is only around 1500 tones due to
low domestic demand another factor is that export demand orders are large and can
be met only if a linkage is developed below producer, cooperatives and exporters.
Economics Imp.:-

● Vit C and B Complex

● Protein content varies between 1.6 to 2.5
● It was most of n salts required by the human body.
● It contact about ten times higher than any other vegetables.
● Folic acid present help in cure anemia.
● Good for peoples those who have hypertension. Obesity is dia. due to its law
sodium; potassium ratio, starch, fat & calorific value.
● Alkaline ash and high fibre content makes than suitable for consumption for
those having hyperacidity and constipation.
● Polycyclic aromatic pleuratin found in p.griseus which posses antibiotic

● Grow on agri-wastes containing and cellulose

Total cropping period is 60 days.

Production tech

Agro – Climatic requirements

(i) It can grow at moderate temp. from 20 to 300ºC and humidity 55 – 70% for
a period of 6 to 8 month in a year.
(ii) In hilly areas the best season is during March/April to Sep./ Oct. and in
lower region from Sep/Oct. to March/April.
(iii) Growing and potential belts:
● Orissa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, MP, West
3. Types of Mushroom

1. Button mushroom (Khumbi)

2. Oyster mushroom (Dhingri)
4. Edible Species in India

1. White mushroom
2. Aqarious bisporus (portobello)
3. Pleurotus citoinopileatus (oyster)
4. Volvariella volvacea
5. Botton mushroom
6. Chanterelle
7. Shiitake
8. Cremini
9. Enokitake
10. Porcini
11. Morel
12. Black Pruffies

Calories 35.1 g.
Protein 3.4 g.
Carbohydrate 6.8 g.
Fat 0.7 g.
Fibre 2.0 g.

6. Medicinal Value Oyster

Most of the benefits that have been attributed to mushroom and that have been
attributed to mushroom and that have been investigated and studied through the
scientific method are those that have been recognized to produce metabolites
that inhibit or can destroy cancer cells. Most species that produces these novel
compound do so by what is reffered to as immunomodulation , the modification
by suppressing or enhancing immune system and is utilized in treatment of
cancerous growth. This compound include.

Mushroom Immunomodulating Compound

1. Lentinula Edodes Centinan

2. Schizophyllum Commune Schizophyllan

3. Grifola Frondosa Fraction

4. Cariolus versicolor PSP and PSK (Peptide & Krestin)

5. Galdorma Iucidium Saccharide (GLPs Fractions)

Physical Properties

1. Ph Value:-

They concluded that an approximated neutral soil (pH 7.0) gave better yield than
excessively acid or alkaline soils, but that pH value betweeen pH 5.;5 and
8.0 seemed suitable.

Mushroom – 6.00 – 6.70

2. Temperature:-

Temperature of 10ºC to 24ºC (50ºF to 75ºF) for oyster mushroom (winter) is

10ºC to 30ºC (50ºF to 85ºF) Pleurotus Pulmonarius (summer) should be
available depending on stage of growth.

3. Humidity:-

Oyster mushroom can grow 20 to 30ºC and humidity 55 – 70% for a period
of 6 to 8 months in a year, it can also be cultivated in summer month by
providing the extra humidity required for its growth.
Natural Source:-

It is also a good source of protein, Thiamin, Vitamin B6 Folate, Iron,

Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese and a very good source of Dietary fiber, Riboflavin,
Niacin, Potassium and Copper.

List of Known Nutrients

● Iron
● Niacin
● Potassium
● Protein
● Vitamin B2
● Vitamin B3
● Vitamin D
Oyster Mushroom

1. Steam Pasteurization

In this method pre-wetted straw is packed in wooden trays or boxes and

they kept in a pasteurization room at 60-80ºC for few floor temp. at the
pasteurization room is manipulated with the help of steam through a boiler.
Substrate after cooling at room temperature is seeded with spawn. The entire
process take 3-5 days.

2. Flat Water Predement

The Substrate after chapping (5- 10 cm) is soaked in hot water (65 – 70ºC)
for one hour or 60 to 120 minutes at 80ºC so in case of paddy straws at 85ºC for
30-445 minutes. After draining excess water spawn is added. The leached water
contains a lot of soluble sugars and phenolic compounds. Hot water treatment
makes the hard substrate like maize cabs, stems etc.
Spawn production Technology

Spawn is the vegetative nycelium from a selected mushroom grown ona medium
like wheat, pearl millet, sorghum, etc. for raising mushroom crop.

Steps in spawn production

Fruit body


Mother Spawn

Commercial Spawn
Spawn Production Cycles

1. Preparation of mother spawn

Step – 1 (Healthy & cleaned Cereal grains)

Step-2 Boil Grains in watere (15- 20 min.)

3. Remove Excess Water in Sieve

4. Dry Grains in shade (4 hrs)

5. Mix CaCO3 (0.5%) and CaSO4 (2%)

6. Fill 200 grains in glucose/milk bottle.

7. Plug cotton and autoclave at 22 p.s.i. for 1.5 to 2 hrs.

8. Inoculate growing mycelium of desired strain using laminar flow.

9. Incubate in BOD at 23 to 25ºC for 20-25 days

10. Master Spawn is ready

BOD – Biological Oxygen Demand.

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