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Questions and Answers

 1. Because of public need for salvage zone, how far should a residential property be from the banks of rivers, streams and waterways in a
rural farming area?
o A. 5 meters
o B. 20 meters
o C. 40 meters
o D. 100 meters
 2. What would be the most suitable land use of geologic fault with buffer strip of at least 5 m on both sides from the line?
o A. Aqueduct or tunnel
o B. Floodway
o C. Venice-like canals
o D. Open space or farm
o E. Wildlife refuge
 3. What kind of use would be most compatible around a huge oil depot and Petrol-LPG gas depository?
o A. Transport terminals
o B. Commercial
o C. BPO call centers
o D. Open space
o E. Hospitals
 4. The following data help planners identify the appropriate industrial areas in an LGU, except one.
o A. Indicated as Class A in SAFDZ/NPAAAD maps of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management
o B. Part of growth area or growth corridor as stated in the Medium-Term National Development Plan
o C. Among sites previously identified in 1970 NPFP national policy on industrial dispersal & decentralization of development
o D. already surveyed and positively evaluated by PEZA under RA 7916
 5. Which of the following is not a factor to determine suitability of land for heavy industrial use?
o A. Load-bearing capacity
o B. Location
o C. Slope
o D. Soil characteristics
 6. Which of the following is not considered a criterion to select industrial estates in the Philippines?
o A. Presence of natural resources
o B. Physical boundary
o C. Availability of labor
o D. Existing infrastructure and utilities
o E. Logistics or efficient movement of goods and products
 7. This document serves as basis for adopting land use and physical planning-related guidelines and standards to guide the formulation of
long-term framework plans and particularly city/municipal land use plans and zoning ordinances.
o A. Long-Term Philippine Investment Plan
o B. Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan
o C. National Framework for Physical Planning
o D. Regional Physical Framework Plan
 8. In the National Framework for Physical Planning 2001-2030, "Settlements","Production","Protection," and "Infrastructure" are
discussed as
o A. Key Economic Functions of any Local Government Unit
o B. Land Use Zones that exclude one another
o C. Land Use Policy Areas whose functional relationships have to be fleshed out at the local level
o D. Primary Districts in urban design that have to be delineated in each town or city
 9. One goal of land use planning as stated in the 'National Framework for Physical Planning 2001-2030' is the utilization of the country's
land and water resources in a manner that provides sufficient and affordable food products to all Filipinos of the present and future
generations through local production and/or importation.
o A. "Green Revolution"
o B. "Agricultural Development"
o C. "Food Security"
o D. "Self-Sufficiency in Grains"
 10. 'National Framework for Physical Planning 2001-2030' notes a shift from rural resource-based environmental problems to urban-
based man-made environmental problems. Which of the following NFPP measures pertains to development control and urban growth
management (UGBs)?
o A. Delineate land available for or restricted from settlement expansion
o B. Identify and manage environmentally critical areas
o C. Match land uses and densities with environmental capacities and service capacities of infrastructure
o D. Encourage appropriately planned mixed use developments, transit use, pedestrianization and cultural/ historical preservation
in large urban centers
 11. Which of the following is not a basic step in preparing a CLUP?
o A. Identify stakeholders and analyze the situation
o B. Develop a detailed organizational management profile
o C. Formulate goals and translate them into strategies
o D. Anticipate economic trends and build scenarios
o E. Identify the needed infrastructure and utilities
o F. Involve participants in Goals Achievement Matrix
 12. Which of the following steps are common to both CLUP and Comprehensive Development Plan?
o A. Urban morphology and physiognomy
o B. Data collection, problem analysis, sectoral forecasting, formulation of overall vision, goals, objectives
o C. Investment programming, zero-based budgeting, earmarking and appropriation
o D. Community-based monitoring system, local government poverty monitoring system
 13. All of the following tools are relevant to land use planning but one is least used in land use allocation?
o A. Land Use Accounting
o B. Scenario Analysis
o C. Life Cycle Analysis
o D. Spatial Modeling
 14. In Ernesto Serote's land use accounting, the following measures increase overall land supply for planning, except one.
o A. Reclamation of coastal area
o B. Infill and densification
o C. Urban renewal and redevelopment
 15. In Ernesto Serote's method of estimating land supply, the following are deducted from total, except one.
o A. Environmentally critical areas
o B. Grasslands and idle lands
o C. High-risk geohazard zones
o D. Military and civil reservations
 16. UN-FAO standards state that at least 5.7 hectares of aggregate urban land (residential, commercial, industrial, etc) and 6 hectares of
farmland need to be reserved for every 1,000 population. How much urban land is needed for a town of 22,000?
o A. 62.7 hectares
o B. 125.4 hectares
o C. 220 hectares
o D. 11.4 hectares
 17. UN-FAO standards state that at least 0.60 hectares should be devoted to educational space (public and private) per thousand
population. How much combined area of schools is the minimum for a town of 40,000 people?
o A. 40 hectares
o B. 24 hectares
o C. 10 hectares
o D. 240 hectares
 18. HLURB standards state that at least 2.5 hectares of industrial land needs to be reserved for every 1,000 population. How much total
industrial land is needed for an independent chartered city of 200,000 people?
o A. 200 hectares
o B. 400 hectares
o C. 500 hectares
o D. 2,500 hectares
 19. Like a mould needed to control shape, the spatial strategy in CLUP is the creative physical arrangement of space- using activities used
to influence the shape, direction, and intensity of the built environment so as to preserve and conserve the unbuilt environment.
o A. City Image
o B. City Metaphor
o C. Spatial Modeling
o D. Urban Form
o E. Urban Template
 20. According to Kevin Andrew Lynch (1961), a good 'urban design' is one where residents and visitors can use a 'cognitive image' or
'mental map' of the city as they navigate through the territory in the process of 'wayfinding·. He identified the elements of legibility of place
o A. Circumferentials, arterials, radials, crossroads
o B. Skyscrapers, skyways, multi-nodals, junctions
o C. Arched gateways, waterfronts, boulevards, anci promenades
o D. Paths, edges, nodes, districts, and landmarks
 21. Under the design elements of Kevin Lynch, 'Quiapo church' would be a landmark while Divisoria would be termed as
o A. Flea Market
o B. Icon
o C. District
o D. Nodule
o E. Transshipment
 22. Under Kevin Lynch's scheme (1961), what would best describe Rockwell Makati and Ortigas Center?
o A. Landmark
o B. Cosmopolitan
o C. District
o D. Downtown
o E. Estate
 23. What are the elements of 'urban form'?
o A. Infill, densification, property conversion, retro-fitting
o B. Vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curvilinear
o C. Beauty, amenity, safety, convenience, functionality
o D. Land use, transport network, layout, building types, density
 24. Which the following indicates good site planning?
o A. Best orientation to sun, sea and wind
o B. Congruence and compability with its surrounding
o C. Proactive features to anticipate possibility of disaster
o D. Maximized space
o E. Efficient circulation
o F. All of the choices
 25. 'Smart Growth USA,' with its ten declared principles, deliberately combats 'amorphic sprawl' by means of
o A. Mixed use zoning rather than conventional exclusionary zoning
o B. Design of walkable, bikable, sociable, health-oriented settlements
o C. Residential, commercial, institutional uses are integrated & clustered
o D. Interconnected modes of transport
o E. Compact development through infill in􀀌
o F. All of the choices
 26. Which one is not an innovative element of 'Planned Unit Development'?
o A. Cul de sac, horseshoe design, and motorcourt
o B. Usable open space
o C. Complementarity of building types
o D. Preservation of significant natural land features
 27. This refers to the establishment of mini-forests or small nature parks, lining roads and highways with trees, shrubs, or ornamental
plants, and ground landscaping of schools, hospitals, and other government agencies in order to improve the environment in built-up
o A. Reforestation
o B. Miniature Forestry
o C. Urban Forestry
o D. Silvicuture
o E. Agro-f􀀌orestry
 28. This spatial strategy deliberately directs growth towards major roadways that emanate from a center like rays of a star
o A. Radial/axial/sectoral
o B. Central & nodal
o C. Multi-centric & poly-nodal
o D. Concentric
o E. Bi-polar & tri-polar
 29. A 'tri-polar' or 'bi-polar' form in municipal CLUP would focus on comprehensively developing new sections as magnets or complete
attractions for population and business, inorder to ease pressure on· traditional center, and is an example of
o A. Simple Dispersion
o B. Concentrated Dispersion
o C. Simple Concentration
o D. Compact Development
 30. Which of the following urban street layout creates the most severe transport congestion?
o A. Grid-iron or rectilinear
o B. Circumferential & radial
o C. Uni-linear or strip development
o D. Irregular free pattern
 31. What are the tools or levers of authority of city/town Local Government Units to implement their local plans?
o A. Clearance, non-conformance, variance, exemptions, licenses, and permits
o B. Condemnation, legal expropriation, seizure, confiscation, closure and takeover of property
o C. Zoning and regulation, subdivision controls, taxation, public investment, incentives to private investment
o D. Levies, duties, charges, tolls, and tariffs
 32. Under Philippine zoning codes, a family-run commercial-scale piggery with more than 10 heads of swine should be properly located in
o A. General residential zone (R-1)
o B. Slaughterhouse and abbatoir zone
o C. Agro-industrial zone
o D. Rangeland and pastureland
 33. Under Philippine zoning codes, a mixed-use seven-storey structure with residential condominiums, offices, gyms, shops and boutiques
should be properly located in -
o A. General residential zone R-1
o B. Commercial zone C-3
o C. Tourism recreational zone
o D. Special economic zone
 34. An area within an LGU where the average density is 35 dwelling units per hectare or below. with majority of lot sizes between 120 to
800 square meters or more, is zoned as·
o A. R-1
o B. R-2
o C. R-3
o D. R-4
o E. Mixed Use Zone
 35. An area in certain cities with regional shopping centers, huge consumer malls, sports stadiums, high-rise hotels, office towers, is
zoned as
o A. C-1
o B. C-2
o C. C-3
o D. Tourism zone
o E. Financial District
 36. What color is used to represent industrial areas in zoning map?
o A. Black
o B. Gray
o C. Violet
o D. Yellow
 37. What color is used to represent institutional areas in zoning map?
o A. Brown
o B. Beige
o C. Blue
o D. Maroon

38. What color is used to represent tourism areas in zoning map?

o A. Orange
o B. Red
o C. Purple
o D. Fuchsia
 39. An example of positive easement is one that
o A. Preserves a certain habitat
o B. Protects a certain stream
o C. Allows the right to harvest a natural crop
o D. Stipulates not to drain a wetland
 40. Exemptions, special permissions, and relief from provisions of land use and zoning ordinance are obtained from
o A. Office of the Mayor/ Local Chief Executive
o B. Planning Commission or Planning & Dev't Office
o C. Local Board of Zoning Appeals and Adjustments
o D. Office of the Vice Mayor as head of Sanggunian
 41. A type of land use control where there may be no possibility of the application of the 'right of reverter' is called
o A. Restrictive covenants
o B. Telluric
o C. Deed of sale
o D. Monolithic
 42. The total area of permitted building space expressed as a proportion of the total site is known as:
o A. Gross Leasable Area
o B. Buildable Site Formula
o C. Floor Area Ratio
o D. Location Quotient
 43. When a proponent of a proposed project applies for 'locational clearance,' which consideration is first and foremost from the
perspective of the approving authority?
o A. Community disruption, relocation and the required land acquisition
o B. Consistency with local land use plan and with zoning map
o C. Likely impacts on town traffic and local parking
o D. Carbon Footprint from the use of fossil fuels in power generation, company bus shuttles, executives' luxury cars
o E. Amount of tax and non-tax revenues to be received by the Local Government Unit
o F. Consumption of power, water, and other utilities
 44. A mixed-use building has 6 storeys of 1,000 sq.m each, on a lot area of 2,000 sq.m. What is the FAR?
o A. 2:1
o B. 3:1
o C. 4:1
o D. 5:1
o E. 6:1
 45. Floor Area Ratio of 1.5 and below is considered as low density. What FAR is labeled as 'very high density'?
o A. 2 and above
o B. 3 and above
o C. 4 and above
o D. 5 and above
 46. This refers to a kind of ad-hoc or arbitrary zoning that allows a small piece of land to deviate from the district or zone regulations for
reasons not found in the officially-approved CLUP.
o A. Flexible zoning
o B. Mixed use zoning
o C. Euclidean zoning
o D. Spot zoning
o E. Optional zoning
 47. A device usually given at the enactment of Zoning Ordinance which grants property owner relief from certain provisions of ordinance
because the application of the same would result in a particular hardship to the owner.
o A. Exceptionality
o B. Certificate of Non-Conformance
o C. Quasi-judicial relief
o D. Variance
 48. If there are 12 signatures needed to approve construction of a building and 32 signatures needed to thoroughly develop a parcel of
non-agricultural land, whose signature is needed for the issuance of a development permit?
o A. Planning Consultant
o B. Real Estate Broker
o C. Natural Scientist
o D. Head Local Planner
o E. Legislator-Sponsor
 49. What document makes possible that funds for priority projects enumerated in LDIP are budgeted and re:eased yearly?
o A. Special Allotment Release Order (SARO)
o B. Notice of Cash Availability (NCA)
o C. Annual Investment Plan
o E. Memorandum of Undertaking
o F. Program of Work and Expenditure Plan
 50. Land use conversion is limited by reclassification ceilings under various legal issuances. Under AFMA, only 5% of the SAFDZ areas may
be converted to other uses, while RA 7160 Local Government Code Sec. 20 limits it to
o A. 15% of the agricultural land in highly urbanized and independent chartered cities
o B. 20% of total arable land in any LGU
o C. 10% of total cultivable land in any city
o D. 25% of total alienable and disposable land

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