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Determining the relationship of speed and kinetic

Patricio Jose H. Najeal

In classical mechanics, kinetic energy is defined to be the energy of an object resulted from its movement.
Kinetic energy can be transferred between objects and can transform into other forms of energy.
Theoretical data assumes that no other force acts upon the object, therefore calculations made with ideal
conditions vary from experimental data. Using a cart rolling upon a runway, with different setups varying
the distance in which the cart is allowed to accelerate due to gravity, the speed of the cart was recorded
with the use of a photogate. When the distance of the cart from the photogate was 20 cm, the theoretical
value for kinetic energy was 0.092 J while the actual value for kinetic energy was 0.087 J. When the distance
of the cart from the photogate was 30 cm, the theoretical value for kinetic energy was 0.14 J while the
actual value for kinetic energy was 0.13 J. When the distance of the cart from the photogate was 40 cm, the
theoretical value for kinetic energy was 0.18 J while the actual value for kinetic energy was 0.17 J. When the
distance of the cart from the photogate was 50 cm, the theoretical value for kinetic energy was 0.23 J
while the actual value for kinetic energy was 0.21 J. When the distance of the cart from the photogate was 60
cm, the theoretical value for kinetic energy was 0.27 J while the actual value for kinetic energy was 0.25 J.
Reports show that there is a difference between theoretical data and actual data, which may be attributed to friction
being present in the set-ups. Despite this, both theoretical and experimental data show that kinetic energy is directly
proportional to the square of the speed of a certain object.
Introduction Table 2: Theoretical and experimental values for kinetic
energy of the different setups
Torque is any force that causes an object to rotate
[1]. The concept of torque is used in machines [2-6], Mean
which stresses testing the validity of the theoretical Experimental
Setup Number Kinetic Energy
Kinetic Energy
definition. (J)
Methodology Setup 1 0.092 0.087
Setup 2 0.14 0.13
Setup 3 0.18 0.17
Setup 4 0.23 0.21
Data Analysis Setup 5 0.27 0.25

The experimental value for the kinetic energy of the

cart (Eka), and the theoretical value of the kinetic Collected data from the setup occasionally steep lower
energy of the cart (Eka), was calculated using than other values (see Appendix), which can be attributed
Equation (1): to the uneven surface of both the wheels of the cart and
the runway in which the wheels roll upon.
𝐸𝒌 = 𝑚𝑣 2 Equation (1) Theoretical values for velocity differ from the mean
experimental values for speed. This is because the
The mass of the cart (m) is given as 266.31 mg. theoretical data does not account for friction in the system
Equation (1) is used in calculating rigid non- acting upon the cart. The difference in velocity thereby
rotating bodies that move at speeds much less than affected their respective kinetic energies.
the speed of light. Since the cart is rigid and non-
Despite the differences in the theoretical and experimental
rotating throughout the data-collection process,
values of speed, and in the theoretical and experimental
Equation (1) can be used to find Eka. values for kinetic energy, the relationship between
velocity and kinetic energy remains well-established:
kinetic energy is directly proportional to the square of the

The value used for v in finding the experimental Conclusion

value for kinetic energy is the mean experimental Kinetic energy was defined to be directly
speed of the respective setup. The value used for v proportional to the square of the speed. There were
in finding the theoretical value for kinetic energy is differences observed in the projected or calculated
the calculated value for speed of a certain setup speed, thereby changing their respective kinetic
using Equation (2): energy. Friction affected the recorded data, making
the experimental values for speed, and its respective
𝑣𝑏 = √2𝑔𝑑𝑠𝑖𝑛∅ Equation (2)
kinetic energy lower than that of the theoretical data.
Where the acceleration due to gravity (g) was The researcher suggests calculating the gravity of
estimated to be 9.8 m/s2, d is the distance the cart the location where the experiment will take place in
travels before it passes the photogate, and ∅ is given order to achieve more accurate projections.
as 10°, the angle that the runway was elevated at.
Results and Discussions References
Table 1: Theoretical and experimental values for speed of
1. Giancoli, D. C. (2016). Physics: Principles
the different setups
with applications. Boston: Pearson.
Theoretical Acknowledgements
Setup Number Experimental
Speed (m/s) The researcher expresses their sincere appreciation
Speed (m/s)
Setup 1 0.83 0.81 for the Philippine Science High School - Central
Setup 2 1.01 0.99 Visayas Campus for supporting this research and for
Setup 3 1.17 1.14 allowing me to use the facilities for data gathering,
Setup 4 1.30 1.26 and the adviser of the Experimental Physics elective,
Setup 5 1.43 1.38 Mr. Benito A. Baje.


Graph 1: Scatterplot of collected data for speed of the different setups

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