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‘Chapiar 7. Collection manping Chapter 7. Collection mapping 7.2, Persistent colections 7.2. Mow to map collections 7.2.1. Collection forelgn keys 7.2.2. Indexed collections 7.2.3, Collections of basic types and embeddable objects 7.3. Advanced collection mappings 7.3.1. Sorted collections 7.3.2. Biciectional associations 7.313. Bidirectional associations with Indexed collecions 7.34. Temary associations 7:3:5.Using an 7.4, Collection examples 7.1, Persistent collections Naturally Hivemate also allows to persist collections. These persistent collections can contain almost any other Hibernate type, Including: basic types, custom types, components and references to other entities. The distinction between value and reference semantics Is in this context very important. An object in a collecion might be handled with "value" semantics (ts Ife cyde fully depencs on the collection owner), or t might be a reference to anather entity with its own lifecycle. In the latter case, only the "ink" between the two objects is considered to be a state held by the collection. [As 2 requirement persistent collectionvalued fields must be dedared as an interface type (see Example 7.2, "Collection mapping using @OneToMany and @JoinColumn") The actual interface might be Jova.ut.Set, java Collection, java. List, Jove.ut. Map, java. SortedSe, Jave.utlSortectsp of anything you tke ("anything you ke" means you will have to write an implementation of org ibernate.userype.UserClectionType) Notice how in Example 7.2, "Collection mapping using @OneToMany and @2oinColumn” the instance variable pers was intialzed with an instance of HasnSet. Ths fs the best way to Intialze collection valuee properties of newly instantiated (non-persistent) instances, When you make the instance persistent, by calling persist), Hibernate will acually replace the HeshSet with an instance of Hibernate's ‘own implementation of Se. Be aware of the folowing error ‘The persistent collections injected by Hibernate behave tke HashMap, HashSet, TreeMap, TreeSet oF Arrayust, depending on the interface type, Collections instances have the usual behavior of value types. They are automatically persisted when oes jboss rgihibernalorn/.Brlerencolen-UStmlcoectons Hint +120 seas ‘Chapiar 7. Collection manping referenced by a persistent object and are automatially deleted when unreferenced. Ifa collecton is passed fromone persistent object to another, its elements might be moved from one table to another. ‘Two entities cannot share a reference to the same collacton instance. Que to the underiing relational ‘model, eollection-valued properties do not support null value semantics. Hibernate does not distinguish between a nul collection reference and an empty collection. Note Use persistent su Understand the semantics of bid “igrectional associations") 7.2. How to map collect ns Using annotations you can map Collections, Lists, Maps and Sets of associated entities using @OnetoMany and @ManyToMany. For collecvons of a basic or embeddable type use (@ElementCollection. In the simplest case a collection mapping looks like this: Example 7.2. Collection mapping using @OneToMany and @3oinColumn public SetcPare> get2arts(} | return parte: testeey past | Product describes a unidirectional relationship with Part using the join colums PART_ID. In this Unidirectional one to many scenario you can also use a join table as seen in Example 7.3, “Collection ‘mapping using @OneTeMany anc @loinTable” Example 7.3. Collection mapping using @OneToMany and @JoinTable public clans eect | oes jboss rgihibernalorn/.Brlerencolen-UStmlcoectons Hint seas ‘Chapiar 7. Collection manping Without describing any physical mapping (no ioinColuma or @uoinTable), a unidirectional one to many with Join table is used. The table name isthe concatenation of the owner table name, _, and the other side table name. The foreign key name(s) referencing the owner table is the concatenation of the owner able, _, and the owner primary key colurm(s) name, The foreign key name(s) referencing the other side 's the concatenation ofthe owner property name, _, and the other side primary key colurmn(s) name. A ‘unique constraint fs added to the foreign key referencing the other side table to reflec the one to many, Lets have 2 look now how collections are mapped using Hibernate mapping les, In this case the fst step is to chose the right mapping element. It depencs on the type of interface. For example, a Clement Is used for mapping properties of type Set Example 7.4. Mapping a Set using In Example 7.4, “Mapping @ Set Using " @ one-to-many association links the Product and Part lentes. Ths association requires the existence of a foreign key column and possibly an index column to the Part table. This mapping loses certain semantics of normal Java collections: » An instance of te contained entity dass cannot belong to more than one instance ofthe collection. > An instance of the contained ently class cannot appear at more than one value of the collection Index. Looking doser atthe used tag we see that It has the following options. Example 7.5. options of element lass (Fequired): the name of the assocated dass not~ound (optional - defaults to exception): species how cached identifies that reference rmssing rows willbe handled. anor will treat a missing row as a null association, enity-name (optional): the entity name of the associated class, as an alternative to class The element Goes not need to declare any colurms. Nor is it necessary to specify the ‘able name anywhere. Warning column jon is dedared No ‘rue’, See Section 7.3.2, ‘Bidirectional associations ‘Apart from the tag as shown in Example 7.4, "Mapping @ Set using ", there is also , -, , and mapping elements. The element is representatve: Example 7.6. Elements of the mapping oes jboss rgihibernalorn/.Brlerencolen-UStmlcoectons Hint

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