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All of these items suitable served with coffee or tea

Tape goreng = traditional fermented preparation of rice or other starchy foods that is fried in a very
hot oil with flour

Pisang Goreng Coklat Keju = fried bananas sprinkled with cheese and chocolate

Pisang Goreng Keju = fried bananas sprinkled with cheese only

Nanas Goreng = deep fried pineapple which has a unique blend of flour and fruit itself

Nangka Goreng = deep fried jack fruit in flour, also known as jack tree, is commonly used
in South and Southeast Asian cuisines

Singkong Goreng = deep fried cassava accompanied by a typical Segoan sambal

Sukun Goreng = fried breadfruit, the name breadfruit is derived from the texture of the moderately
ripe fruit when cooked, similar to freshly baked bread and having a potato-like flavor

Rujak Serut = grated jicama, ambarella, pineapple, guava served with Javanese sugar and
peanut sauce

Tempe Mendoan = fermented soy bean cake that fried in flour

Tahu / Tempe Goreng = fried tofu / fried fermented soy bean cake

Telor Ceplok Rica = sunny side up egg watered with Rica sauce ; Rica-rica uses a lot of
chopped or ground red and green chili peppers, bird's eye chili, shallots, garlic, ginger, and a pinch
of salt and sugar. Usually found in Manado cuisine of North Sulawesi.

Bakwan Jagung = fritter that is made from fresh corn kernels, wheat flour, rice flour, celery, scallion,
eggs, shallots, garlic, salt and pepper, and deep fried in oil. They are a popular snack in Indonesia.

Kangkung Goreng Kering = dry fried water spinach

Tumis Kangkung Tauco = sautéed water spinach mixed together with tauco sauce. Tauco is paste
made from preserved fermented yellow soybeans in Chinese Indonesian cuisines.

Tumis Kacang Panjang = sautéed long beans

Tumis Daun Singkong Teri = sautéed cassava leaves with anchovies

Tumis Daun Pepaya = sautéed tropical fruit plant papaya leaves.

Tumis Kembang Pepaya = sautéed papaya flower, originally from Manado, North Sulawesi.
Balado ikan asin = stir fried salted fish mixed with Balado sauce, Balado is a type of hot and
spicy bumbu (spice mixture) found in Minang cuisine of West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Pecak Gurame = Fried Carp fish served with sambal Pecak

Kulit Ayam Goreng Kering = deep fried chicken skin served with traditional Bangkok sauce

Ayam Bakar / Goreng Rica Rica = grilled / fried chicken mixed with Rica Sauce. Rica-rica uses a lot
of chopped or ground red and green chili peppers, bird's eye chili, shallots, garlic, ginger, and a
pinch of salt and sugar. Usually found in Manado cuisine of North Sulawesi.

Tahu telor

Omelette tofu served with vegetable and petis sauce. Petis is black colored shrimp paste. In
Indonesia it is particularly popular in East Java. Major producer of petis are home industries
in Sidoarjo, Pasuruan and Gresik area in East Java.

Daging bakar tumbar

sliced meat marinated with coriander spices

Cumi tinta

squid cooked with its own ink until it's black tasted umami

Udang goreng kering

shrimp covered with flour then cooked to dry

Udang balado

shrimp covered with flour then cooked with balado sauce


Beef stew with kluwak paste that originally come from East Java also served with sambal and salted

Sop buntut
Oxtail cooked with special spices from segoan

Soto ayam

Slice chicken, cabbage, vermicelli, bean sprouts, which doused with yellow spices

Soto betawi

pieces of beef doused with coconut milk sauce

Selat solo

western-derived Javanese cuisine specialty of Solo city, Central Java

Tongseng sapi

Tongseng sapi with special spices from segoan

Sego Goreng Cumi Ireng = Black fried rice with rich flavor and special color is obtained
from squid ink, one of Segoan’s specialities.

Sego Goreng Jowo = fried rice with a typical village taste that is complemented by chili

Sego Goreng Teri = Fried rice equipped with a more flavorful anchovy taste

Sego Goreng Kulit Ayam = fried rice stirred together with chicken skin

Sego Goreng Pete Ikan Asin = rice which is processed with stink bean and salted fish, giving
rise to a savory aroma that is unique to the lover of stink bean

Mie Goreng Jowo = village fried noodles with delicious and savory Javanese flavor

Mie Godog Jowo = Javanese boiled noodles with a mixture of delicious savory vegetables,
suitable for cool atmosphere

Tahu Gejrot = slices of tofu served with cayenne pepper onions and tamarind water, with a
choice of spicy or less

Tahu Petis = fried tofu slices served with East Java style black shrimp paste

Gado – gado Petis = vegetables such as cabbage, tofu potatoes mixed with black shrimp
paste from East Java
Kering Tempe = dried tempeh

Serundeng = Indonesian spicy fried coconut flakes, which is made from sautéing grated coconut, and
is often used as a side dish to accompany rice.

Teri Polos = dries anchovies

Kering Rebon = dried acetes, is a genus of small shrimp that resemble krill, which is native throughout
the seas of Asia.

Ayam bumbu rujak

Fried/grilled spicy coconut chicken. The chicken is marinated with mixture of spice pastes, sweet soy
sauce, and then fried/grilled.

Ayam cabe hijau

Fried/grilled chicken served with green chilli sauce special made by Segoan

Ayam lengkuas
Fried chicken that slow cooked with the galangal herb which creates a delicious savory taste

Ayam bakar segoan

Chicken that grilled with Segoan’s special spices

Paru goreng pedas

fried beef lungs that has been slow cooked with the several spices before, served with chili

Bebek matah kecombrang

Fried duck served with special chilli sauce that added with this one particular ingredients,
Kecombrang that makes it so special

Iga penyet
fried cow rib that is smashed with the pestle against mortar to make it softer, served with sambal

Garang asam iga

ribs served in gravy containing slices of tomato carrot and sliced chili

Lidah susu
Special menu of Segoan that has been served from generation to generation in our family,
sliced tongue with the creamy sauce consists of our secret ingredients

Kremgseng lidah
Stir fried cubed tongue served with spices from segoan

Lidah mata kecombrang

Fried cubed tongue served with the special sambal kecombrang that is so tasteful

Kopi susu
Served with coffee, milk,& hot water

Espresso with filtered coffee

Italian coffee drink that is traditionally prepared with double espresso, hot milk, and steamed
milk foam on top

Cafe latte
A coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk

A single espresso topped up with steamed milk

Caramel coffee
Mix from arabica coffee fresh milk ice cube caramel powder&simple syrup

Red velvet
Mix red velvet powder with fresh milk simple syrup and ice cube

Green tea latte

Mix green tea powder with fresh milk simple syrup and ice cube

Choc hazelnut
Mix cocholate&hazelnut powder with fresh milk simple syrup and ice cube

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