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Advanced Proficient Partially Proficient Unsatisfactory

Exceeds Meets Is progressing towards Does not meet Insufficient evidence at this
standards/checkpoints for standards/checkpoints for standards/checkpoints for standards/checkpoints for time. Additional work is
this grading period this grading period this grading period this grading period required by the student
4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0
a. State the hypothesis a. State the hypothesis a. State the hypothesis a. State the hypothesis a. Additional work must
and analyze all the and interpret all the and report all the data and state all the data be completed and
data to determine if it data to determine if it to determine if it is to determine if it is turned in before
is supported or is supported or supported or supported or student’s progress can
unsupported. unsupported. unsupported. unsupported. be determined
b. Justify how unplanned b. Analyze how b. Demonstrate how b. State but do not b. Additional work must
variables may have unplanned variables unplanned variables demonstrate how be completed and
affected the results of may have affected the may have affected the unplanned variables turned in before
the experiment results of the results of the may have affected the student’s progress can
experiment experiment results of the be determined
c. Justify how the
experiment could be c. Analyze how the c. Demonstrate how the c. Additional work must
extended or changed experiment could be experiment could be c. State but do not be completed and
to learn additional extended or changed extended or changed demonstrate how the turned in before
information about the to learn additional to learn additional experiment could be student’s progress can
topic. information about the information about the extended or changed be determined
topic. topic. to learn additional
d. Justify how the d. Additional work must
information about the
experiment relates or d. Analyze how the d. Demonstrate how the be completed and
could relate to a real experiment relates or experiment relates or turned in before
life situation. could relate to a real could relate to a real d. State but do not student’s progress can
life situation. life situation. demonstrate how the be determined
experiment relates or
could relate to a real
life situation.

Verbs: Demonstrate: to illustrate and explain especially with many examples; to

show clearly; to prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence
State: to declare definitely or specifically
Interpret: make sense of; assign a meaning to
Report: to relate, as what has been learned by observation or
Analyze: to examine critically, carefully and in detail so as to identify
investigation; an account or statement describing in detail an event,
causes, key factors, possible results
situation, or the like, usually as the result of observation, inquiry
Justify: show to be right by providing justification or proof; show
reasoning for a certain argument or statement

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