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VCS admini
Build Tools
Deployment Process Automation:
-> Copying the raw artifacts to the server and make sure the service is running
Prior knowledge of
- Application( Front end: war; backedn : *.sql)
- App/Web server knowledge
App: Apache Tomcat, Weblogic, Web sphere, Glash fish, Jetty ..
web: apche httpd/ ngnix
- DB : mysql, sql server, oracle, DB2 : RDBMS ( queries of deployment and backups)
mongo, ravendb, cassandra : Documented db's

Deploy the app manually:

100, 100 , 4-10

-> Time consuming

-> Errors/ Complexity
-> No tracking

DevOps Engineer to automate the Deployment Process

LeadApp: ( 2 server )
leadapp.war ( 1 -server + Apache tomcat)
leadapp.sql (1 -server + mysql)
Is my application running ?
smoke test:
loging with : javachap
My Environment is up and running / Deployment is success full

App servers:
- pre-requsiite
1. Start/stop a app sever
2. How to deploy an app
- Console deploy (soft) + no need of app server restart
- Direct deploy ( hard) + restart app server
3. How to change configs
how to change the port no of tomcat
app base
4. How to look at the logs

Mysql DB:
- Open source
- Relation DB ( tables)
- Installation
$sudo yum install mysql-server
$mysql --version
$sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld status
$sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start
$mysql -u root
mysql> show databases ;
mysql> create database HelloWorld ;
mysql> use HelloWorld
mysql> show tables;
mysql> create table
select, create, insert, update, alter, drop , date, count, orderby
create mysql account:
CREATE USER 'leadapp'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'leadapp';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'leadapp'@'localhost';
- mysql runs on 3306 port by default

- how to take backup of a DB

$mysqldump -u leadapp -pleadapp HelloWorld > HelloWorld.sql
- Load sql database
$mysql -u leadapp -pleadapp Hello < HelloWorld.sql

Deployment process automation:
- scripting
Perl, Python, Ruby ,Powershell, Bash Shell...
automate leadapp app deployment with scripting
- Tools ( DevOps tools)
Chef, Puppet, RunDeck, Deploy it, Octopus Deploy....
automate leadapp app deployment with Opscode Chef
- Containers
automate leadapp app deployment with Docker

Continuous Delivery with Jenkins Pipleline

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