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Int J. Refrig. Vol. 19, No. 1, pp.

43-51, 1996
Copyright (C~1996ElsevierScienceLtd and IIR
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
ELSEVIER 0140-7007(95)110059-3 0140-7007/96/$15.00 + .00

Knowledge base for the systematic design of wet cooling towers.

Part I: Selection and tower characteristics
A. K. M . M o h i u d d i n
D e p a r t m e n t o f M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g , B a n g l a d e s h Institute o f T e c h n o l o g y , D h a k a ,
G a z i p u r 1700, B a n g l a d e s h

K. K a n t
D e p a r t m e n t o f M e c h a n i c a l Engineering, I n d i a n Institute o f T e c h n o l o g y , K a n p u r
208 016, India
Received 21 June 1994; revised 26 July 1995

This paper describes part of the detailed methodology for the thermal design of wet, counterflow and
crossflow types of mechanical and natural draught cooling towers. Starting with a brief introduction, an
attempt is made here to present different steps of cooling tower design. The steps include: selection of a
cooling tower; determination of tower characteristic ratio; computation of moist air properties;
determination of the ratio of the water-to-air loading; integration procedure for the tower characteristic
ratio. The design of a cooling tower needs the use of different logical decisions, empirical relations and
assumptions. The choice of a proper tower and its proper design would increase its efficiency and help
conserve energy.
(Keywords: cooling tower; mechanical draught; natural draught; thermal design; tower characteristic ratio; water-to-air

Base de connaissances pour la conception methodique des tours de

Premiere partie: S61ection et caract6ristiques des tours
Cet article d~crit une partie de la m~thodologie d~taillOe de la conception thermique des tours de refroidissement
h tirage mOcanique et ?l tirage naturel, de type humide, h contre-courant et courant transversal. Aprks une
introduction brkve, on pr~sente les diff~rentes ~tapes de la conception des tours de refroidissement." sOl~ction
d'une tour de refroidissernent; d~termination du rapport earact~ristique de la tour; calcul des propriktOs de l'air
humide; ealcul du rapport entre d~bit eau et d~bit air; procedure d'int~gration du rapport caract~ristique de la
tour. La conception d'une tour de refroidissement demande que soient prises des d~cisions logiques et que soient
prises en eompte des relations et des hypothbses empiriques. Le bon choix d'une tour de refroidissement et sa
bonne conception permettent d'accroitre son efficacitd et de faire des ~conomies d'~nergie.
(Mots-cl6s: tour de refroidissement;tirage m6canique;tirage naturel; conceptionthermique; rapport caract+ristiquede la
tour; rapport entre charge en eau et charge en air)

In a large number of industrial applications, the process number of different ways, such as the method of air
heat is removed using cooling towers, through which the circulation, the relative direction of air and water flow,
hot water from the plant is continuously recirculated to the shape of the tower, and the method of heat transfer.
cool the water using the principle of evaporative cooling. Cooling towers are broadly classified on the basis of air
The most commonly used type of cooling tower is one in circulation (i.e. the type of draft): natural draught
which the temperature of the circulating water is reduced (natural convection), mechanical draught (forced con-
by bringing it into direct contact with air. Such towers vection), and mechanical and natural. On the basis of the
are called wet. cooling towers: the cooling is achieved relative movement of air and water, these towers can be
partly by the evaporation of a fraction of the circulating grouped as crossflow or counterflow. According to the
water and partly by the transfer of sensible heat. method of heat transfer, cooling towers are classified into
As cooling towers are generally separate from the three different types: wet (using evaporative cooling), dry
main plant, they are usually ignored until a crisis occurs. and wet-dry.
Much attention is being paid nowadays to their design, Mechanical draught towers (MDCT) use fans or
to ensure effective performance. blowers to provide the required volume of airflow
The types of cooling tower can be characterized in a through the tower. They are subdivided into forced

44 A. K. M. Mohiuddin and K. Kant

a Surface area of water droplets per unit WI' ~ W2 Specific humidities of entering and leaving
volume of tower (m 2 m -3) air (kg,, kg~aa)
CI ...C25 Constants in Equations (7), (8), (10) and (11) Ws Specific humidty of moist air saturated at t~
£ Specific heat (kJkg 1°C l) (kgw kg~)
Cpa Specific heat of dry air (kJ kg-l°C 1)
Fo Correction factor defined by Equation (25) Greek letters
G Air loading (kg h lm 2)
i Enthalpy (kJ kg- 1) 6 A variation
Specific enthalpy of inlet moist air (kJ kgda1) Pl Density of entering moist air (kgda m 3)
Specific enthalpy of saturated air leaving the P2 Density of the saturated air leaving the
/2 tower (kgda m -3)
tower (kJ kgdal)
ls Specific enthalpy of saturated moist air at
the water temperature tw (kJ kg~) Subscripts
/wi' ~ two Specific enthalpy of inlet and exit water a Moist air
(kJ kg 1) w liquid water
K Mass transfer coefficient (kgh-lm-Z(kgw/ wi Inlet water
kgda)-1) WO Outlet water
L Water loading (kgh lm-2) 1 Air inlet condition
Pt Total pressure (bar) 2 Air exit condition
Pws Partial vapour pressure at saturation (bar)
Ra Gas constant for dry air (kJ kg-lK -1 ) Abbreviations
So Defined by Equation (25a)
T Absolute temperature (K) CTI Cooling Tower Institute
Temperature (°C) DBT Dry-bulb temperatue
Dry-bulb temperature of entering air (°C) FD Forced draught
FDCT Forced draught cooling tower
t7 Wet-bulb temperature of entering air (°C)
ID Induced draught
t~ Temperature of saturated air leaving the
IDCT Induced draught cooling tower
tower (°C)
V Active tower volume per unit plan area MDCT Mechanical draught cooling tower
(m 3 m -2) NDCT Natural draught cooling tower
NTU Number of transfer unit
W Specific humidity (kgw kgda1)
WBT Wet-bulb temperature

draught towers (FDCT) and induced draught towers

(IDCT), depending upon the location of the fan or
Natural draught towers (NDCT) use the density
difference that exists between the heated, moist air
inside the shell (built above the cooling tower packing)
and the air outside the shell (ambient air). Typically,
these towers tend to be quite large, and are frequently
built in a hyperbolic contour for structural reasons. Fan-
assisted hyperbolic towers combine the features of both
In crossflow towers, the air generally travels horizon-
tally across the falling water, while in counterflow towers
it travels vertically upwards through the falling water.
In wet cooling towers, cooling is achieved partly by the
evaporation of a fraction of the circulating water and
partly by the transfer of sensible heat. In dry cooling C
towers, cooling is achieved by the transfer of heat energy
by convection and radiation from a hot metal surface to
an air stream moving across the surface and finally
dissipating the heat into the atmosphere. Wet-dry
towers have the combined features of both dry and wet
towers. These not only conserve water, but also minimize
plume formation. This paper discusses the design PERCENT DISTANCE THROUGH TOWER
methodology of wet cooling towers only, including Figure 1 Temperature relationship between water and air in a
both MDCT and NDCT. counterflow cooling tower
Figure 1 shows the temperature relationship between Figure 1 Rapport de tempOrature entre l'eau et Fair clans une tour de
water and air as they pass through a counterflow cooling refroidissment h contre-courant
Knowledge base for the systematic design of wet coofing towers. Part I 45

tower. The curves indicate the drop in water temperature equation (with head loss included). FACTS has the
(point A to point B) and the rise in the air wet-bulb capability to model towers containing hybrid fill or fills
temperature (point C to point D) in their respective that have voids or obstructions. To a limited extent, it
passages through the tower. The difference between the can account for flow non-uniformities, for which FACTS
water temperatures entering and leaving the tower is offers the option of specifying a flow distribution of
defined as the range. The difference between the leaving water at the tower inlet. It allows for the input of
water temperature and the entering air wet-bulb tem- separate heat-mass transfer and pressure drop correla-
perature (WBT) is known as the approach to the wet-bulb tions for spray and rain regions in counterflow towers.
or simply the approach of the cooling tower. The The FACTS code package calculates the outlet condi-
approach is a function of cooling tower capability, and tions of the cooling tower using the operating parameters
a larger cooling tower will produce a closer approach for L and G and known (or assumed) values of Ka.
a given heat load, flowrate, and entering air condition.
The thermal performance of a cooling tower is affected
by the entering air WBT.
This code treats the flow of water in the cooling tower as
one-dimensional and the flow of air as two-dimensional
Analysis of mechanical and natural draught wet cooling and steady v. Two-dimensional, partial differential equa-
towers tions are solved for the conservation of mass and energy
The physical situation within a cooling tower is very for both air and water and the conservation of
complex (films and droplets of water in air are in a momentum for moist air. It also calculates the distribu-
constantly changing configuration). There is no mathe- tion of airflow throughout the tower. The VERA2D
matical model that is capable of simulating every detail code, because of the two-dimensional flow calculation,
of the simultaneous heat and mass transfer process includes the following generalities. Non-uniform inlet air
occurring within the tower. Consequently, simplifying and water temperatures and flowrates may be specified.
assumptions must be made for the analysis. The variation of air density through the tower is included
Eight numerical models are available in the literature: as a function of T and p. Evaporation of water (which
ESC code; FACTS; VERA2D; STAR; Sutherland's leads to non-uniform water distribution) is modelled.
model; model by Fujita and Tezuka; Webb's model: Heat transfer is related to both water temperature and
model by Jaber and Webb. Each model makes use of a ambient pressure. Turbulence is simulated by a local
somewhat different set of assumptions (a comprehensive equilibrium model.
list of assumptions used for the different models is given
in ref. l). Consequently, the results of calculations of
heat-mass transfer coefficients from each one of the
models also differ. This code is applicable to counterflow and crossflow
The basic theory of cooling 2tower operation was natural and mechanical draught cooling towers. It solves
first proposed by Walker et al., who developed the two-dimensional differential equations of the fluid
basic equations for total mass and energy transfer, dynamics and the thermodynamics by applying a
and considered each process separately. Merkel 3 com- method of finite differences to a grid of rectangular
bined the coefficients of sensible heat and mass transfer mesh using a fractional step algorithm s.
into a single overall coefficient based upon the
enthalpy potential as a driving force. The theory
Sutherland's model
proposed by Merkel requires a few simplifying
assumptions, which have been almost universally This is a one-dimensional model developed for mechan-
adopted for the calculation of cooling tower perfor- ical draft counterflow cooling towers 9.
Model by Fujita and Tezuka
ESC code
This model l° calculates the thermal performance of
The ESC code is based on the classical Merkel model 4 for counterflow and crossflow M D C T using the enthalpy
counterflow and on the Zivi Brand model 5 for cross- potential theory. The method recommends the calcula-
fow. It is a one-dimensional model, although for tion of NTU (number of transfer units) = (KaV/L) for
crossflow configurations it uses a two-dimensional counterflow towers by the CTI (Cooling Tower Institute)
matrix of air and water flow, but treats the flow as one- method ll. Then the NTU for the crossflow tower can be
dimensional (uncoupled). Thus it is appropriate to calculated using a correction factor.
classify this code as one-dimensional for both counter-
flow and crossflow.
Webb's model
This model ~2 outlines an exact design procedure for
Facls cooling towers. It is a one-dimensional model, which
This code is more sophisticated than a one-dimensional considers water loss by evaporation. The Lewis number
model, yet it contains simplifications that prevent it from is taken to be 0.87.
being classified as a true two-dimensional code 6. An
integral formulation of the conservation equations
Model by Jaber and Webb
(conservation of mass and energy for both air and
water) is applied, in conjunction with the Bernoulli This model t3 gives an effectiveness-NTU design method
46 A. K. M. Mohiuddin and K. Kant

for both counterflow and crossflow cooling towers. materials than an NDCT, but the fan cost is an
Attempts to apply the F - L M E D or c-NTU methods to additional expenditure incurred in the former system.
cooling tower design use the enthalpy driving potential. The total operation and maintenance cost favours an
The operating efficiency of each code is treated as a NDCT. In an MDCT, even though the power cost for
combination of computational efficiency and the 'user- circulating the water is less as the pumping head is less,
friendliness'. Computational efficiency involves a com- the power cost for fans and the cost of maintaining the
parison of CPU time requirements and run-time memory fans and associated equipments are considerable. Recir-
requirements for each computer model. It is difficult to culation and fogging are the major problems associated
draw general conclusions concerning the comparative with MDCTs. Design restrictions on tower dimensions,
merits of the correlations, or of the codes, yet an effort orientation with the direction of the prevailing wind and
was made by Mohiuddin and Kant 14 to compare the added capacity for recirculation can boost tower cost in
different models from the viewpoint of design, computa- the case of an MDCT. Because of the elevated discharge
tional error, computational time, simplicity of usage and in an N D C T , it rarely has the problems of recirculation
practicability. and fogging. Close control of cold water temperature can
be achieved in an MDCT, as the air supply in the tower
can be controlled. A closer approach and a longer range
Selection of a cooling tower
are possible in an MDCT, but in an N D C T exact control
Many factors influence the selection of the type of tower; of outlet water temperature is difficult to achieve.
most of them are very general at the outset of the A selection procedure for the type of tower, based on
selection procedure. A simple but effective selection these major differences, was adopted by the authors for
process is mentioned here, which is based upon some of development of an expert system for the thermal design
the major differences 15 existing between an M D C T and of wet cooling towers, and is summarized in the
an NDCT. fowchart of F i g u r e 2.
For very large installations, N D C T s are preferred. Choice of the flow type in a cooling tower depends on
Nowadays, an N D C T is selected for power plants having several factors. Recirculation of outlet air, maintenance
a capacity of 500 MWe and above. The initial investment cost and cooling per unit volume of the tower are
on an M D C T is much lower than that on an NDCT. An considered to select the proper type of flow. A crossflow
M D C T can be built with relatively less expensive tower is thermally less efficient, owing to recirculation of
outlet air. In a crossflow tower, an insufficient pressure
head on the distribution pans also clogs the orifices
because of algae and other debris that ordinarily collect
in the system 16. So crossflow towers have higher
maintenance costs than counterflow towers. A counter-

of flow accord
to user's
~ Counterf[ow ]


eCircu[ation o
onsidera -
-~.~ Counterftow 1

cost an

Counterftow I

I .o //; ....
MDCT" Mechanical Draft Cooling Tower ' '

NDCT Natural Draft Cooling Tower

Figure 2 Selectionof the type of cooling tower. MDCT, mechanical

draught cooling tower; NDCT, natural draught cooling tower Figure 3 Selection of the type of flow in a cooling tower
Figure 2 SElEction du type de tour de refroidissement. MDCT, tour de Figure 3 SdlEction du type d~coulement dans une tour de refroidiss-
refroidissement it tirage rnEcanique; NDCT, tour de refroidissement it ment. FDCT, tour de refroidissement h tirage forcE; IDCT, tour de
tirage nature1 refroidissement h tirage par aspiration
Knowledge base for the systematic design of wet coofing towers. Fart I 47

flow tower produces more cooling per unit volume for important in the case of close-approach towers, justify-
less cost than a crossflow tower under the same design ing, in general, the selection of an IDCT. In the case of
conditions. large approaches, it is advantageous to choose an FDCT.
Based on the above factors, the selection procedure of Another important criterion in the selection is the level
the flow type in a cooling tower is considered. The of noise intensity. If the noise intensity at ground level is
flowchart of this selection procedure is shown in Figure 3. a major consideration, an IDCT should be preferred. But
When an M D C T is selected, the location of the fan an F D C T should be preferred if the vibration is a major
determines whether the cooling tower is a forced draught consideration. In an FDCT, vibration is kept down
(FD) or an induced draught (ID) type. Generally, because the mechanical equipment is installed near the
crossflow M D C T s are provided with ID fans. The ground on a solid foundation.
draft in an M D C T is selected on the basis of the The maintenance cost of an ID fan, which is located at
following considerations 17. the top of the tower, is higher than that of an F D fan. If the
In an FDCT, the fan equipment is located on the volume of water to be cooled is large, then economics shifts
ground and is easily accessible. The fans blow the air in favour of an IDCT. The selection procedure based upon
through the tower and discharge it at a relatively low these considerations is shown as a flow chart in Figure 4.
velocity. In an IDCT, the fan is located on the top of the
tower, which induces the flow of air through the tower
T h e t o w e r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c ratio
and discharges it with a relatively high velocity. So, in an
IDCT, because of its high discharge velocity, recircula- The generally accepted concept of cooling tower
tion is considerably reduced compared with an FDCT. performance is in terms of the tower characteristic ratio
Recirculation occurs under unfavourable wind condi- (KaV/L).
tions when part of the hot discharge air of the tower is Consider a counterflow tower of unit plan area
sucked back into the tower, which when mixed with the through which an amount of air G ( k g h - l m 2) is
fresh air raises the WBT of the entering air, and thus flowing upwards and an amount of water L (kg h-i m-2)
reduces the tower performance. The high velocity is flowing downwards. The counterflow tower can be
discharge in an I D C T represents wasted energy in so resolved into a one-dimensional problem 18, with the
far as the tower performance is considered. The power assumption that the flow pattern is vertical, with the
requirement of an IDCT is therefore greater than that of water falling downwards through the tower and the air
an FDCT. But the effect of recirculation is more flowing upwards.
Each water particle is surrounded by a film of
saturated air at the bulk water temperature, as shown
in Figure 5. The air is heated and becomes saturated with
moisture as it passes through the tower. The heat is
transferred from the water to the air stream partly as
sensible heat and partly as latent heat equivalent to the
fraction of water evaporated at the water-air interface.
The two processes were combined by Merkel into a single

L c w dt w = K a d V (i's - ia) = G di a (1)

which upon integration yields

Ka V f tw, Cw dtw
aZwo ils - ia
KaV_ ~iz di a
, ls -- 1a

Moist air stream i,t

Saturated vapour

FDCT: Forced Draft Cooling Tower

IDCT: Induced Draft Cooling Tower
Figure 4 Selection of the type of draught in an MDCT. FDCT, forced
draught coolingtower; IDCT, induced draught cooling tower
Figure 4 S~l~ction du type de tirage dans une tour de refroidissement h
tirage m(canique. FDCT, tour de refroidissement it tirage forc~; IDCT, Figure 5 Heat and mass transfer at the water-air interface
tour de refroidissement a tirage par aspiration Figure 5 Transfert de chaleur et de masse h l'interface eau-air
48 A. K. M. Mohiuddin and K. Kant

The final forms of the Merkel equations are given as temperature range of 0-200°C is given by
Equations (2) and (3), which were obtained by neglect-
ing: any resistance to mass transfer at the water-air ln(105 × Pw~) = Cs
interface; the temperature differential between the bulk
water and the interface; and the effect of evaporation. T+C9+GoT+Cll T 2 +C12 T 3 +C13 In(T) (8)
The fight-hand side of Equations (2) and (3) contains
only the thermodynamic quantities for the cooling where C 8 = -5800.2206; C9 = 1.391 499 3;
process, and is determined wholly by the initial and G0 = -0.048 640239; Cll = 0.417 647 68 × 10-4;
end temperatures of the water and by the initial and end C12 = -0.144 52093 × 10-7; C13 = 6.545 967 3. In both
conditions of the air flowing through the tower. The left- equations (7) and (8), Pws is the saturation pressure (bar),
hand side of the equations is independent of the and T is the absolute temperature (K).
thermodynamic conditions in the tower and is deter- The density of moist air mixture Pl (kgoam 3), is
mined by the characteristics of the tower design, Ka V, calculated using the following equation:
and the flowrates of water (L) and air (G). The diffusion
coefficient for a given G depends only upon the type of Pt
Pl = RaT( 1 + 1.6078w) (9)
packing provided in the tower. Equations (2) and (3) are
the basic equations for calculating cooling tower where, Ra is the gas constant for dry air = 0.287055
performance. The ratio (KaV/L) is referred to as the kj k g - l K 1.
tower characteristic or NTU, as mentioned earlier 1°. The specific enthalpy of saturated air leaving the
tower, iz (kJ kgd2 ) at temperature t~ (°C) is calculated
Moist air properties using the following equations, which are obtained by
fitting a polynomial to the enthalpy data.
Moist air properties are calculated by using the following For the temperature range 10-35°C, the specific
equations 19. enthalpy of the saturated air is given by
The specific enthalpy of moist air il (kJkgd1) is
calculated using the equation iz = C14

iI = Cpa" t~ + W(2501 + 1.805 tl) (4) t~ -'}-C15 + C16t~ + Clvt~2 + C18/'~ 3 -4- CI9I~ 4 (10)

where C14 = 53.525 15; Cl5 = -3.517334; C16 =

where epa is the specific heat of dry air = 1.004 kJ kg I 2.809715; Ct7 = -0.1669836 x 10-1; C18 =
° c - l ; tl is the dry-bulb temperature (DBT) of moist air 0.924304 1 x 10-3; Cl9 ----0.9275973 x 10-5 .
(°C); and w is the specific humidity of moist air For the temperature range 35-60°C, the specific
(kgw kgda1). enthalpy of the saturated air is given by
The specific humidity of moist air, w, is given by
i 2 = C20
(2501 - 2.381t~)w s - (q - t;)
w = (5) t~ + C21 + C22t ~ q- C23t~2 + C24t~3 + C25t~4 (11)
2501 + 1.805tt -4.186t]
where C20 -- -263 25.88; C21 = 3174.125; C22 =
where t~ is the moist air WBT (°C); w~ is the specific -151.3213; C23 = 3.762619; C24 = -0.046 17667;
humidity of moist air saturated at temperature t~ C25 = 0.249 5032 x 10-3. In both Equations (10) and
(kgw kgdal). In terms of the partial pressure of water (11), t~ is the WBT of the saturated air leaving the tower
vapour, w~ can be written as (°C).
Referring to Figure 6, t I and t~ are the inlet air DBT
ws = 0.62198 Pws (6) and WBT respectively. The temperature of the outlet air,
Pt - Pws
where Pt is the total pressure (bar); Pws is the partial
vapour pressure at saturation (bar). twi t1'i2 'P2
The water vapour saturation pressure Pws in Equation r
(6) can be calculated using one of the following two
inlet lAir outlet

The saturation pressure over ice for the temperature

range of -100°C to 0°C is given by

ln(105 Xpws) = C]
T + C2 + C 3 T + C4T 2 + CsT 3 //////////P////~

+ C6 T4 q.- C71n(T) (7)

* IAir /woter
where, C1 = -5674.5359; C2 = 6.392 524 7; C3 = tl'tl /inlet ~ outlet
-0.9677843 x 10-2; C 4 = 0.622 1570 x 10-6; Cs = il, Pt two
0.20747825 x 10-8; C6 = -0.9484024 x 10-12; C7 =
4.163 501 9. Figure 6 Thermal analysisof a coolingtower
The saturation pressure over liquid water for the Figure 6 Analyse thermique d'une tour de refroidissement
Knowledge base for the systematic design of wet coofing towers. Part I 49

assumed saturated, is t~. The inlet and outlet water method:

temperatures are twi and two respectively. n

The specific enthalpy of the inlet moist air, il, is _if(x) dx = 2-E f ( x j ) (15)
calculated using Equations (4)-(8). The density of moist l n j= 1
air at the tower inlet is calculated using Equations (5)-
(9). where xj indicates the real roots of the Tchebyshev
In the specific case where the outlet water temperature quadrature polynomial for different values of n.
two is not known to the designer, the empirical relation For n = 4, the roots xj are given as ±0.187 592 (~- ±0.2)
given below can be used to determine it2°-: and ±0.794 654 (-~ ±0.8). According to Equation (2):

twi + 2t~ + tl (12) K a V l'tW' cw

7 -dtw
- - -- Cw f ~i (16)
two = 4 Jtwo ls -- la o
Again, in the specific case where the temperature of the For the above integral one can write
saturated air leaving the tower, t~, is not known to the
designer, it can be approximated by the average of the twi + two twi -- two (17)
tw - - - - -~
inlet and outlet water temperatures. This is substantiated 2 2
by the experiments carried out by the authors and also by where
the data of Hutchison and Spivery 21 and McKelvey and
Brooke 16, shown in Figure 7. 6 = -1, tw = two
6 = +1, tw = twi
Determination of the ratio of the water-to-air loading, L/G
Heat balance for the tower gives
dtw - twi - two d6
L c w ( t w i - two) = G ( i 2 - il) (13) 2
Now, substituting tw in terms of 6 from Equation (17)
Therefore into Equation (16), and inserting the corresponding
L i2 - il (14) limits for 6, one obtains the value of the integral I, as
- - z

G C w ( t w i - two) [twidtw twi - two fld6

In general, this ratio lies between 1 and 3. MDCTs are atwo Ai ~ J-l Ai
normally designed for L/G ratios ranging from 0.75 to Using Equation (15), one obtains
1.50; for NDCTs this ratio usually lies in the range 0.5-
3.0. , 1 ,18,
5 /=1 A!/
Integration procedure for the tower characteristic For n = 4, therefore,
The tower characteristic is calculated using Tchebyshev's
method as suggested by the CTI 1°'22'e3. According to this
z~ij (19)

• Hutchison and Spivey 9 /
4C o Mckelvey ond Brooke /

i2 twi
t.) i1+0.9(i 2- i 1) two'l- 0-9 (twi-two)

E 25 i14-0.6(i2-i 1) two+0.6 (twi-two)

t~ i ÷ 0 . 4 ( i 2 - i 1) two÷0.4 (twi - two)

g 15

i +0.1 (i 2 - i 1 ) two4"0-1 ( twi - two)

5 20 30 40
it two
Average of inlet and outlet water tempo'C

Figure 7 Variation of outlet air temperature with average water Figure 8 Enthalpy and temperature distribution in a counterflow
temperature tower
Figure 7 Variation de la temperature de l'air ~ la sortie par rapport ~ la Figure 8 Distribution de I'enthalpie et de la temp&ature dans une tour il
tempdrature moyenne de l'eau contre-eourant
50 A. K. M. Mohiuddin and K. Kant

Table 1 Calculation procedure for the counterflow tower characteristic

Tableau 1 Procedure de calcul pour la caract~ristique d'une tour de refroidissement h contre-courant

Enthalpy of
saturated air E n t h a l p y of
Water at water air at air
temperature temperature temperature
(°C) i~(kJkg~) ~(kJkg,~2) •


two = -- il --
two + 0.1 (twi - two) i~, ij + 0.1 (i 2 - ij)
=t A =i A
two + 0.4(twi - two) i~ i I + 0.4(i 2 - i]) L

= tB = iB
two + 0.6(twi - two) i~ il + 0.6(i2 - i!) L

= tC =i c
two + 0.9(twi - two) i~ il + 0.9(i2 - il)
: lD = iD

/wi = -- /'2 - -

Therefore j=!

KaV /"w~ dt w 4
t ~ i - two ~Z'_I__I
L =Cw Jtwo i's-ia Cw 4 ~_lAij

Consider the height of a counterflow tower, such that Tezukal°:

twi and two represent the temperatures of the inlet and
outlet water (Figure 8). These temperatures correspond Crossflow tower characteristic =
to the points +1 and - 1 respectively in the interval Counterflow tower characteristic
( - 1 , + 1) considered in the integral of Equation (8).
Correction factor (24)
In order now to determine the temperature at the four
specified points in the interval ( - 1 , + 1), we use Equation The value of the correction factor [o is given by
(17), for the values
F o -- 1 - 0.106(1 - So) 3"5 (25)
= -0.8, to get tw = two + 0.1 (twi - two) (20a) where
6 = -0.2, to get tw = two + 0.4 (twi - two) (20b)
So - (iwo
i = -) (25a)
= +0.2, to get tw = two + 0.6 (twi -- two) (20c) (iwi - il )
6 = +0.8, to get tw = two + 0.9 (twi -- two ) (20d)

Similarly, the enthalpy can be written as

i -- ~ + (5 (21) ° 3"/, J
1.5 _. 2%
Following the same procedure, the enthalpy at the z
corresponding sections of the tower can be obtained.
o ~
For: if-
1.0 2
1 Twt = 30 - 50"C

6=-0.8; i=i]+0.1(i 2-i1) (22a) i-

ITwB2=5 27"C -

6 = -0.2; i = i1 + 0.4 (i2 - i]) (22b)

--- +0.2; i = i 1 + 0.6 (i2 - il) (22c) /

6 = +0.8; i = il + 0.9 (i2 - i]) (22d)

05 1.0 2.0 2.5
To calculate the enthalpy of saturated air at water
temperatures, one can use Equations (10) or (11) by Figure 9 Error m a p for crossflow N T U calculated using counterflow
replacing t~ by water temperatures in Equation (20). N T U and the correction factor F 0
These results are arranged in Table 1 for the calculation Figure 9 Recapitulation des erreurs commises dans le calcul du nombre
d'unit~s de transfert constat~ lors du fonctionnement h courant
of the counterflow tower characteristic (see Equation transversal, operation faite h l'aide du nombre d'unitOs de transfert
(23)). The crossflow tower characteristic can be constatd lors du fonctionnement ~ contre-courant, ainsi que le facteur de
calculated using the relation obtained by Fujita and correction Fo
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