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The article Im going to give a review of is it taken from web-site www.ukessays.

com The headline

of the article is Culture in South Korea.The author is unknown american student. It is written by
in publicistic style The article under disscusion is about culture in South Korea,also about korean
economy,politic, holidays,necessary and important facts about South Korea and also about
differences between Korea and USA The headline foreshadows topic this article.What'll be to is
discussed in this article. i think that the key issue of the article is What is South Korea

The article under disscusions is devoled to the problem is general information about this
country and its features.I'd like to metion briefly that all is in this article is popular and ........

The author starts by telling the reader that ,After World War II and the Korean War, the United
States is currently at peace with South Korea. The relationship with the United States is just one
of the many things that South Korea can offer from it’s country. From the amazing physical
features, exciting holidays and traditions, and also to the government and economy, this is just
one of the beautiful countries to look into.

The author explains the small amount natural resources in Korea, by the fact that Korea used
them and also got rid of some of them to build factories and other buildings in their place.THe
author mentions that the South Korea has very different climates all throughout the 4 seasons.
The spring and fall are very short with temperatures that are between summer and winter. On
the other hand, summer is very humid and hot while winter is long, cold, and dry.

the author also describes the economic situation of South Korea as favorable. This is due to the
fact that a large part of the population works in business, and only a small part in agriculture.
The Korean form of government is parliamentary democracy. The currency for South Korea is
called out won. The country was created around the 1950s after the war between North and
South Korea.

Also author mentions that Korean is the main language for Korea, but other languages are
beginning to appear, such as English. I would also like to add that in Korea there is a term like
Konglish that are English words that are written in Korean letters and are pronounced in Korean
dialect. He is introducing us with a little piece of Korean History, that Korean or Hangul was
created by King Sejong in 1443 to help ordinary people speak and write. He is giving to
important facts to us such as the capital of South Korea is Seoul. Big cities are populated mostly
by young people, and rural areas are old. South Koreans eat many different kinds of food. The
two most basic foods they eat are kimchi and rice, and they also eat all kinds of seafood.

There are a lot of different holidays and events in Korea. The author outlines korean main
traditional holidays such as Choesok is the Korean version of Thanksgiving Day and Solal is
Korean Lunar New Year. Both holidays are celebrated with families and eating many different
kinds of food on both holidays. Koreans respect their elders and their ancestors and wear
traditional Korean clothes called hanbok. Both holidays do not have an exact date and change
every year depending on the lunar calendar. In addition to these holidays, Koreans have a lot of
senseless and special holidays like Pepera's Day.

Author dont forgetting to mention that even during this fun holiday, education still plays a big
role for Korean people, and these holidays should not distract students from their studying. In
Korea, one of the highest literacy in the world. Most high school students in Korea attend school
from 9 am to 5 pm, and also attend additional evening schools and after school.

He is highlighting unusual facts about korea like seaweed soup for a birthday instead of a cake,
also a ban on marriage of namesakes, very strict attention to celebrities who make even the
slightest mistakes.


The author describes to us Korea as a country with a good economy, in which the majority of the
population works in business, only the smallest part of the population is engaged in agriculture,
as a country with a small area but a very large population, as a country with a lack of resources
due to intensive mining and - for a huge urbanization. The author also gives us several important
facts that need to be known that the Korean form of government is parliamentary democracy.
The currency for South Korea is called out won. The country was created around the 1950s after
the war between North and South Korea,that the spring and fall are very short with
temperatures that are between summer and winter. On the other hand, summer is very humid
and hot while winter is long, cold, and dry.. He is giving to important facts to us such as the
capital of South Korea is Seoul. Big cities are populated mostly by young people, and rural areas
are old. South Koreans eat many different kinds of food. The two most basic foods they eat are
kimchi and rice, and they also eat all kinds of seafood. Also that korean currency is won. Also,
the author introduces us to the historical facts about the Korean language and traditional
holidays, which are celebrated throughout the country oh to this day. He also does not forget to
mention the importance of Korean education in the country and gives proof of one significant
fact about education. He also highlights some unusual facts about Korea that may surprise a

The article describes in details that Korea has a lot of different holidays and events in Korea. The
author outlines korean main traditional holidays such as Choesok is the Korean version of
Thanksgiving Day and Solal is Korean Lunar New Year. Both holidays are celebrated with families
and eating many different kinds of food on both holidays. Koreans respect their elders and their
ancestors and wear traditional Korean clothes called hanbok. Both holidays do not have an exact
date and change every year depending on the lunar calendar. In addition to these holidays,
Koreans have a lot of senseless and special holidays like Pepera's Day.

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