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Version 7.16.23 db3.44

Time & attendance and access control program

User manual

Tel: +381 21 443-516, +381 21 443-265
Josifa Marinkovića 44, Novi Sad

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1

2 Starting the program for the first time ................................................................................... 1

2.1 Registering the program ................................................................................................. 1

2.2 Datebase ........................................................................................................................ 2

2.3 Logging in ...................................................................................................................... 2

3 Using the program ............................................................................................................... 2

3.1 Selecting the database ................................................................................................... 3

3.2 Users .............................................................................................................................. 3

3.3 Employee tables............................................................................................................. 3

3.4 Reader configuration ...................................................................................................... 8

3.5 Zones – access control ................................................................................................ 11

3.6 Clockings ..................................................................................................................... 12

3.7 Reports ........................................................................................................................ 15

3.8 Calendar configuration ................................................................................................. 18

3.9 Generating reports ....................................................................................................... 26

3.10 Other features ............................................................................................................ 33

3.11 Saving the database .................................................................................................. 35

3.12 Exiting the program .................................................................................................... 36

1 Introduction
KatzeReports is a time&attendance and access control program. Some of the features:

 Unlimited types of schedules (fixed single, fixed dual, flexi-time, part-time, shifts, overtime, etc. ...)
 Unlimited number of presence types that can be measured and reported
 Unlimited number of events can be recorded via the program
 Evidenting absences and vacations
 Separating clocked physical presence into various presence-types (the program differentiates day shifts
from night shifts, regular hours from overtime etc.)
 Two-tier client-server architecture (the server is Microsoft SQL Server i.e. SQL Express)

KatzeReports works with all CardWare S-8x T&A and access controllers with iButtons or RF tags as ID badges.
The installation of KatzeReports7 is detailed in the section Installing KatzeReports in the Annex.

2 Starting the program for the first time

KatzeReports7 is started from the Start menu by clicking on:
Programs->CardWare->KatzeReports7->KatzeReports7 or double-clicking on the KatzeReports7 icon.
If you get an error as in Fig. 2-1 after starting, you need to click on the Start menu item: Programs->CardWare-
>KatzeReports7->Local SQL Authentication on the PC that hosts the database. Fig. 2-1
Note: SQLServer/MSDE 2000
supports two types of user
authentication: NT authentication and
mixed-mode, which enables both NT
and SQL authentication.
KatzeReports7 connects to the SQL
server using SQL authentication. We
have noticed that SQL server can, for no Fig. 2-1
apparent reason, change from mixed-mod
e to NT authentication, thereby blocking KatzeReports7. In these cases the same step has to be repeated on
the dabase hosting PC i.e. click on Start/Programs/CardWare/KatzeReports7/Local SQL Authentication, which
will put the SQL server into mixed mode.

2.1 Registering the program

When first started, the program
informs the user that it's a demo
version. This version allows max.
5 employees, and works for 30
days after installing.
When the trial period expires and
the program hasn't been
registered, a message such as
Fig. 2.1-1 will appear. Click on OK, Fig. 2.1-1 Fig. 2.1-2
which will get you into the
registration request form (Fig. 2.1-
3). You need to enter data on the
number of employees in the
company and choose the program
version: Lite-no configuratiion
possible Fig. 2.1-1 or Full-all
options available. Checking HR
data will enable extra employee
data fields in the program. An
example of a registration request is
given in Fig. 2.1-4. When all data
has been entered, click on Save
and a dialogue for saving the file
with a kr7req extension and a name Fig. 2.1-3 Fig. 2.1-4

depending on the PC and domain name . The saved file i.e. the registration request should be sent to by email
to You will shortly receive a key file (kr7key file). This file needs to be copied into the
application folder (by default, this is C:\Program Files\CardWare\KatzeReports7) Fig 2.1-2. The key file is valid
only for the PC where the request file was made.

2.2 Datebase
When first starting the program, a dialogue will appear stating that a database hasn't been selected (Fig. 2.2-1),
then a dialogue for database selection (Fig. 2.2-2).
The procedure for
creating and initialising
the database is explained
the Annex, in
KatzeReports installation.
Database selection
means: Fig. 2.1-3 Fig.
2.1-4 Fig. 2.2-1
Server: a list of found local SQL/MSDE servers is offered,
but manual entry of a server is also possible.
User name: User name for accessing the SQL Server.
Default: cardware. Fig. 2.2-1
Password: Password for accessing the SQL Server.
Default: cardware.
Database: select the database from a list in the combo-box.
Manual entry also allowed. Fig. 2.2-2
If connection to the database is successful, clicking on the Test button will show a connection message. If not,
an error message will be shown.. Fig. 2.2-2

2.3 Logging in
When the database has been selected, a window appears
for entering the user name and password to log into the
program. The default user name is administrator and there is
no password (Fig. 2.3-1). Clicking on Cancel will abort the
program.Clicking on OK, if the user name/password
combination is incorrect will show the warning in Fig. 2.3-2,
and if it's correct the KatzeReports7 program starts.

Fig. 2.3-1

3 Using the program Fig. 2.3-2

When the program is first started, data has to be entered to tell it how various events will be treated, how
calculations will be made and reports will be compiled.
The program's main window comprises:
- menu bar and two toolbars in the upper part of the screen,
- employee table (central part),
- employee data editing (right side) and
- detailed clocking view for selected employee (lower part).
Adding or editing data is done by the selected menu item, clicknig on the toolbar or right-clicking on a specific
part of the main program window.

Information on the program version, used database name and registration data can be seen in Help/About.

3.1 Selecting the database

All data is written into the selected database. Changing the database is possible with File/Database/Selection,
which will result in the window of Fig. 2.2-2. The fields are filled as described in 2.2 Database.

3.2 Users
Several users with varying authorisation levels can use the program. Each user is given a user name, password
and authorisation type. The menu option File/Users opens the window of Fig. 3.2-1.
Here you can see a
table of all user
names, passwords
and authorisation
types. New users
can be added and
deleted here, and
changes can be
made by typing
directly into the
A user can be
assigned seven
levels of
operator, Guest,
and Zone-operator. Fig. 3.2-1
Administrator has two application authorities: viewing and saving of all data and reports and their editing.
Operators, as opposed to administrators, can't do a backup of clocking data, nor change employee data.
Department-operator has the same privileges as an operator but can only access data of the department
assigned to them in the Department column.
Users logged in as Guests can only create reports. Department-Guests can only create reports with data of the
department assigned to them in the Department column.
Zone-administrators can only see their own reports, as all other users. Apart from this, they can add, delete and
edit employee data and assign employees to zones.
Zone-operators can also see their own reports. Apart from this, they can change PIN codes assign employees
to zones. They can't change any other data.
Checking the check-box in the Calculation column, the user is granted the right to start calculations.
Clicking on the √ button will save the change and clicking on the X button will discard it. Clicking on Accept
saves all changes made, while clicking on Cancel discards them all even if they were saved with the √ button..

3.3 Employee tables

3.3.1 Departments
Before entering employee data, it is necessary to define existing departments (at least one). Choosing the
Departments option will open the windows of Fig. 3.3.1-1. Clicking on + will add a new department, its ID, name
and, if it exists, the parent department. The parent department can be a real department that contains other sub-
departments but can also be fictitious, formed only to group together a certain number of departments. In this
case, a department is made (like any other), and then is entered as the Parent to all departments that belong to
it. In this way, a user with Department-Guest or Operator-Guest privileges who has been assigned the parent
department (see section 3.2 Users) can work with data belonging to all the departments belonging to the parent
department. Adding, deleting and editing departments is done in the previously defined way.

3.3.2 Groups
As opposed to
creating employee
groups based on a
chosen criterion is
not compulsory, nor
is it necessary to
choose a group
when entering a
new employee. This
option enables
grouping employees
based on arbitrary
criteria and
organisation and
viewing report data.
The dialogue for
entering groups is
shown in Fig. 3.3.2-
1. The upper table is
for goups entered in
the usual way, with
the + button. Delete
a group with the - button. Fig. 3.3.1-1
The lower table is used to add employees to
the selected group in the top table. When
you click on the + button, a dialogue with the
list of all employees opens (Fig. 3.3.2-2).
This dialogue contains various options for
quick selection of employees.
The data in the employees table can be
grouped by the desired column. So, if you
need to assign a few departments to a
group, you can 'extract' the Department
column and the data will be grouped by
Multiple selection is also enabled by Ctrl or
Shift, as is right-clicking with the mouse. The
drop-down menu otpions are like Fig. 3.3.2-

3.3.3 Towns
Places of residence are not compulsory
data. If you need to enter places of
residence for employees, a list of all
selectable places must be made. We get
this list by Employees/Towns in the dialogue
of Fig. 3.3.3-1. New towns can be added
(click on the + and fill in the fields) and
deleted (by the - button).

3.3.4 Religions Fig. 3.3.2-1

Clicking Employees/Religions will show the dialogue of Fig. 3.3.4-1.
Available religions should be entered here so that they may be assigned to employees. Religions are optional
and are used as HR data.

3.3.5 Adding employees
If employees are not available for import from another database, they must be entered manually. Selecting
employee shows the
dialogue for adding
employees of Fig.
3.3.5-1. ID, department,
surname and name are
compulsory, the rest
(place, address...) is
optional. A PIN is
entered if access
control with PIN
keyboards is used.
Employees can be
assigned photographs
(.jpg or .bmp format) by
clicking on Set (right
part of the screen). The
photo size will be
adapted automatically.
Clicking on OK saves
the entered data.
A review of general
employee data can be
seen by clicking on the
Data tab on the right
side of the main
program window. Fig. 3.3.2-2

3.3.6 Assigning mediaID

Each employee must
be assigned a mediaID
(iButton or RF badge
code). The program
recognizes employee
clockings on various
readers based on this
/Assign mediaID opens
the window for entering
the mediaID for a
specific employee
(Fig.3.3.6-1). The code
is entered manually or
with the relevant media
reader. The entered
time represents the
start of the mediaID code's Fig. 3.3.3-1 Fig. 3.3.4-1
validity. An employee may
have several mediaIDs assigned (e.g. when a card is lost or broken and a new one must be issued), but not at
the same time.
An overview of all the mediaIDs issued to an employee can be seen with MediaID on the right side of the main
program window. Fig. 3.3.6-1
Note: in case an employee loses an ID badge or stops using it for any reason, the ID media code is not deleted
from the table. If it were deleted, all the clockings the employee made with it would become lost to the program.

3.3.7 Importing employees
If employee data already exists (name,
surname, department, mediaID) in any
type of database supported by ODBC and
OLE DB drijvers on the PC, choosing the
Fig. 3.3.7-2
File/Import/Import employees from
database option starts the import wizard.
Click on Next on the starting page like Fig.
3.3.7-1. Clicking on Select opens the
database selection window (Fig. 3.3.7-2).
To import data from another
KatzeReports7 database, select Microsoft
OLE DB Fig. 3.3.7-5
Provider for SQL Server and click on Next.
The dialogue of Fig.3.3.7-3 opens. Enter
or select the PC which hosts the
SQLServer/MSDE with the KatzeReports7
database in the Select or enter a server
name tield. In Enter information to log on
to the server, select Use Windows NT
integrated security. In Select the database Fig. 3.3.5-1
on the server you need to select or enter the name of the database
used by KatzeReports7. Then click on OK. The method is similar for
importing data from a user database, but the provider selection must
be appropriate for the database in question. When the source
database has been selected, click on Next. What follows are the
dialogues for selecting departments, employees, employee
department membership (optional) and mediaID codes issued to
employees (optional). The selection of tables and fields for importing
employees from another KatzeReports7 database is shown
sequentially in Figs. 3.3.7-4, 3.3.7-5, 3.3.7-6and 3.3.7-7. The
Dialogue for starting the import procedure is the last one and here
you just need to click on Import.
If the employee data was generated by the IDInput program, importing Fig. 3.3.6-1
is done with File/Import/Import employees from ID input file which will
start the necessary wizard. The wizard will ask for the usual file selection and the selection of the source .idi file
and, finally click on Import.

Fig. 3.3.7-1

Fig. 3.3.7-2

Fig. 3.3.7-4

Fig. 3.3.7-3

Fig. 3.3.7-5

Fig. 3.3.7-6

3.3.8 Editing data

By clicking on an employee in the employee table, then
on Employees/Edit, a window such as Fig. 3.3.5-1 open
which contains all the editable data of the employee. Fig. 3.3.7-7

3.3.9 Deleting employees

Deleting an employee from the table is done by selecting an employee and the menu item Employees/Delete

3.3.10 Displaying employess

Selecting Employees/Columns will show the window (Fig. 3.3.10-1), which enables the user to choose columns
for a more detailed display. If it's necessary for the employee table in the central program view to contain
additional columns (e.g. Address), the desired column is dragged to the employee table. If the program was
registered with HR data, the Columns Settings window will have more options.

Data in the employee
table can be grouped
by dragging the
desired grouping
column onto the grey
area appearing
above the table when
field is selected.
The employees view
is refreshed by

3.3.11 Exporting
to Excel
If it's necessary to
export data from the
employees table Fig. 3.3.10-1
(only displayed
columns) into an Excel Fig. 3.3.8-1
file (.xls), the menu item
Employees/Excel opens a dialogue which does this.

3.4 Reader configuration

KatzeReports is mainly adapted to CardWare SL-83 and SL-84 controllers. This is why CommService also
needs to be installed. The basic function of CommService is the downloading of clocking records and their
storage into the KatzeReports databas. Each clocking on the controllers is defined by 5 parameters: mediaID,
date of clocking, time of clocking, controller ID and event code.
Data has to be entered into KatzeReports that defines the connection between controllers, events and doors
(entry/exit points), which are written into the database with each clocking record. This is done by selecting the
appropriate items (Controllers, Hardware Event Codes and Event Codes Association History) of the
Configuration menu. The initial values of these parameters, which can be changed if necessary, are formed
when the database is initialised (Annex, KatzeReports installation).

3.4.1 Controllers
Choosing Configuration/Controllers will show a window (Fig. 3.4.1-1) with a list of controllers. Each controller in
the system must have a different ID, which is set by a DIP switch on the board. ID codes can be 00 to 63. This
window enables the addition, deletion and editing of controllers.
When adding, the
following fields
must be filled:
 ID - controller
ID can be seen
on the
controller itself
(DIP, LCD) or
from Fig.
aplication (last
part of clocking
record or from
Status. See
manual for
 Description –
description/name of controller; Fig. 3.4.1-1

 Type – choose one of the offered types of controller in the combo-
 Address – name or IP address of the PC hosting CommService;
 IP Port – IP port of the PC hosting CommService;

3.4.2 Event codes

Clicking Configuration/Event codes shows the window of Fig. 3.4.2-1
which contains the controller's event codes. The initial setting is usually
enough, but you can add and delete event codes in the usual way. Fig.
Note: Controllers record different event codes depending on which
reader the clocking was made on or setting/user selection in case of
AUX readers. Most events are clockings i.e due to an reading an
employee badge, but there are non-ID events like a door opening,
pressing an egress button etc. KatzeReports7 only uses ID-events i.e.
clockings which have an associated meaning i.e. activity.

3.4.3 Activities Fig. 3.4.2-1

There are calendar (K) activities and real (R) activities. Calendar activities are virtual or desired activities (e.g.
Calendar In), while real ones
are the result of employee
clockings i.e. activities that
really happened (e.g. In -
clocking). A pair of
subsequent activities define
states. Configuration/Activities
shows a window (Fig. 3.4.3-1)
containing all defined activities
(clockings). This window
allows adding and deleting
activities in the usual way. The
Calendar column denotes if
it's a calendar activity. If the
box isn't checked, it's a real
activity. A real activity can be
invisible i.e. the employees
can make certain types of
clockings that aren't taken into
account for T&A calculations. Fig. 3.431-1
This property is selectable when entering activities
for a controller in the Event Codes Association
History (see 3.4.4. Event Code Association History).

3.4.4 Activity groups

This option, in the dialogue of Fig. 3.4.4-1, enables
you to group activities. The upper table contains the
group names, which can be added in the usual way,
clicking on +. Clicking on - will delete a group.
Activities are added in the bottom table to groups
from the top table. Adding an activity is done with
the + in the bottom table, then one is selected from
the appearing list (Fig. 3.4.4-2). All entered non-
calendar activities are shown in the selection list
(see 3.4.3. Activities).
The bottom half - button is used to remove an
activity from a selected group.
An example of the use of groups is a group called
presence, which contains only the In clocking and a
group called absence, which contains the Out,
LunchBreak and OfficialOut activities. Fig. 3.4.4-1

3.4.5 Event code association history
Codes Association
History opens the
window of Fig. 3.4.5-1.
When an employee
clocking occurs on a
controller, the program
knows which activity to
choose based on the
Event Code and the
Controller ID. This
window defines the
connection between
controllers, event codes
and activities. It's
possible do define time
spans when a certain
controller, event code
combination produces
one or the other activity.
This means that you
can e.g. use a single
reader to generate In
clockings in the
morning and Out clockings in the afternoon, Fig. 3.4.5-1
but it's best not to do this and keep the
reader function the same all day.
This event code/activity association has
to be done for all controllers used in the
company. Fig. 3.4.5-1
The window (Fig. 3.4.5-1) is divided into
three parts. The left part is used to
enter all the doors where clocking
occurs (ID and name). The upper right
part is (for a selected door) for entering
the associated controllers, event codes
and the starting date of validity.
There's also a PIN checkbox and a Bit
column whose function is linked to
access control, if used. The lower right
table is used to associate one or more
activities to a selected controller and Fig. 3.4.6-1
event code. Enter time span, activity name
and visibilty.Checking the Invisible
checkbox means that the activity will not
be included in the T&A calculations.

3.4.6 KatzeEvents SL-8x

Configuration/KatzeEvents SL-8x is for
those who have installed the
KatzeEvents program. It's for
configuring the names of events which
are displayed by KatzeEvents.
Choosing this will display the dialogue
of Fig. 3.4.6-1. The event code column
is used to select one of the supported
event codes suipported by the SL-8x
controllers. The description field should
give a meaningful description of the
event. Values entered here will be used
by KatzeEvents. Fig. 3.4.7-1

3.4.7 KatzeEvents SL-53
Configuration/KatzeEvents SL-53 is the same as the previous option, but for the SL-53 devices (Fig. 3.4.7-1).

3.5. Zones – access control

This option enables the operator to create a table of users for upload into the controllers thereby enabling their
access control function i.e. to activate a relay output as a result of a clocking (open door, rotate or raise turnstile,
The access tables in the controllers are used decide who can gain access, where and when. The controllers
decide autonomously, without need for network/database connection at the time of clocking.
For this option to function, the CommService communication program must be active (anywhere in the network)
during upload and the controllers must have been entered into the CommService controller list.
This option can be used by users with the following authorisation levels:
 Administrator;
 Zone-administrator zone (can add, remove or delete employees, assign employees to zones and
upload to controllers);
 Zone-operator (can only assing employees to zones and upload to controllers).

3.5.1 Configuring Zones Configuring the communication parameters
The controllers need to be set up as described in 3.4.1 Controllers. Configuring access points (doors)

This is described in 3.4.5 Event code association history. Configuring zones

A zone is a
virtual area,
which can be
made up of
one or more
rooms which
are equivalent
from an access
Each zone has
at least one
access point
Zone -> Zone
opens a
window as in
with two tables.
The left one is
for zones and
the right one is
for access
points doors) to
the selected zone. Fig.

3.5.2 Adding employees to zones

Zone -> Display shows a windows with 5 tabs (Fig. 3.5.2-1):

1. Employee – this table shows access rules from an employee perspective. Selecting an employee in the
right-side table will show which zones he/she may enter. If the employee is red, no access is granted to
any zone.
2. Zone – this table shows access rules from a zone perspective. Selecting a zone in the right-side table
will show which employees have access rights to the selected zone.
3. Overview – tab enables creating a report of ZONES <-> EMPLOYEES relationship
4. Details – tab shows a table containing data on which employees will be written to which controller (this
tab is needed only for tech support and debugging in case the system doesn't allow access in desired
5. Changes – a list of records that should be added or removed. These are the changes that are
necessary due to operator-entered changes in the access rules, but have not yet been uploaded to the
controllers. If this window is empty, no uploading is necessary.

Fig. 3.5.2-1

3.5.3 Uploading employees to controllers

Every change mentioned in 3.5.2 Adding employees to Zones will be made in the database. When the operator
finishes assigning employees to zones, the changes need to be uploaded to the controllers. This is done by:
 Zones –> Write - this clears the access tables in all controlers and uploads new ones according to the
database. (This can last quite a long time 10s of minutes if there are a few thousand employees, during
which time employees may not gain access until the tables are completely uploaded. Fig. 3.5.3-1
It's important not to interrupt the program during the upload, because then only a part of the tables may end up
uploaded to the controllers. If the upload process is interrupted for any reason, you can re-start it with this

3.6 Clockings
Employee clockings can be made in two ways: with their ID badges on readers and manually - in KatzeReports.
With the Employee/Clockings menu option, you can manually add, delete or edit clockings. These options are
also availabIe by right-clicking on the clockings pane (lower part of main window). The clocking options will now
be explained.

Fig. 3.5.3-1

Fig. 3.5.3-2

3.6.1 New clocking

Clocking/New clocking makes a new clocking for a selected employee with a specified activity and time/date
(Fig. 3.6.1-1). It's also possible to add a comment and make the clocking invisible (so it doesn't affect T&A
calculation). Clicking on Activities shows a list of defined activities (see 3.4.3 Activities).
Note: The program only shows the last clocking made within the same minute. All invisible clockings with
different activities, made in the same minute, will be shown.

Fig. 3.5.3-3

3.6.2 Importing clockings from datebase

File/Import/Import clockings from database will start start a wizard for selecting the source database with the
employee clockings which are to be imported into KatzeReports. Clicking on Next opens a dialogue for
importing from another KatzeReports7 database, needs to be filled out like Fig. 3.6.2-1. Clicking on Next, then
on Import starts the process.

Fig. 3.6.1-1 Fig. 3.6.2-1

3.6.3 Edit clocking

Clockings/Edit clocking (Fig. 3.6.3-1) allows editing a single clocking The edit is done by choosing the desired
activity from the combo-box. The date & time of the clocking can't be edited. Comments can be added or edited.

3.6.4 Delete clocking

The selected clocking can be deleted with Clockings/Delete clocking.

3.6.5 Show clockings

Clicking on Clockings/Columns will show a window (Fig. 3.6.5-1) which enables the user to select desired

columns for detailed
clocking information. If
the user wants more than
the standard clocking
columns, e.g. the day-
type when the clocking
was made, clicking on
Fig. 3.6.3-1
the Day column and
dragging it to the clocking
table's header will
achieve this.
Clockings/Grouping field
enables clocking data to
be grouped by a certain
criterium set by the user.
Setting the criterium is
done by dragging the
desired grouping column
to the grey area above
the clocking window.
Clockings/Refresh refreshes Fig. 3.6.3-1 Fig. 3.6.5-1
the clockings list with any newly arrived
ones.ig. 3.6.2-1

3.6.6 Backup/restore clockings

The program has an option to back up
clockings of a certain period. When this is
done, these clockings will not be visible
any more. If any of these clockings is
needed at a later time, a restore must be
performed. This is done with
Clockings/Backup/Restore which will open
the window of Fig. 3.6.6-1.
The options for Backup/Restore are:
specifying an interval (From..To), clockings
older than a date (Older than) or newer
than a date (Newer than).

3.7 Reports Fig. 3.6.6-1

It's possible to make simple reports not dependent on calendars an calculations, based only on reader
configuration, employee table data and clockings. The Reports menu allows selection of options (reports) such
as: Employees, Event history, Last
activity, Overview by readers and

3.7.1 Employees
Reports/Employees opens a window
(Fig.3.7.1-1) for creating a report of
employees. Choose who the report
should encompass by clicking on the
appropriate radio button. The next
window appears for employees (Fig.
3.7.1-2) and departments (Fig. 3.7.1-
3). Click on Show to create the
The Custom report checkbox
enables the loading (... button) of a
report other than the default one.
Fig. 3.7.1-1

Fig. 3.7.1-2

3.7.2 Activities history

Reports/Activities history is used for creating quick reports giving an overview of all activities for a given period,
grouped by department. Choosing this command will open a window (Fig. 3.7.2-1) comprising three parts:
Employees selection – this part of the window is used to determine if the selection is for a single or multiple
employee/department or for the whole company.
Span – this part is used to select the time span for the activities.
The Summary check-box means that only the sum of all selected activities are shown, not the activities
Activities – choice of activities (clocking types) to show in the report. Clicking on the √ button selects all activities
and clicking on X clears all selections.
You can use combinations of checked activities called groups by clicking on the Groups combo-box and
selecting a group.
The Show button creates and shows the report.

3.7.3 Last activitiy

Reports/Last activity opens a window like Fig. 3.7.3-1 enabling the creation of reports showing the last activities
of employees, made in a selected time span. As with other reports, employees are selected in the usual way.
Then select the time span in which the last activity is to be looked for (the Clockings' age in days field). Clicking
on Now sets the current date and time.
The other half of the window (Activities) is used to select the activities that need to be taken into account for the
report. Grouping of activities has been explained earlier (3.7.2 Activities history).

3.7.4 By readers
This option creates reports that show the clockings made by employees on a selection of readers for a selected
timespan. To make a report like this, the following must be done (Fig. 3.7.4-1):

Fig. 3.7.2-1 Fig. 3.7.3-1

- Select employees (upper left part,

Employees selection).
- Select the timespan of clockings for
report (Span).
- Select controllers (left part of
window, (Controllers).
- Select event codes - also called
hardware codes (right side of window
Hardware codes).
- Clicking Show will generate the
report in a new window.

3.7.5 By doors
This creates reports that show
clockings by selected doors. As with
the previous reports, apart from the
doors, you must select employees,
departments ot the whole company,
the interval and activities to be
shown in the report (Fig. 3.7.5-1).

3.7.6 Day tipes

This command generates a list of
day types (based on calendars)
assigned to employees for a
specified interval (Fig. 3.7.6-1).
Reports are made in the same way as Fig. 3.7.4-1

the previous ones. You need to select
a time interval.
Grouping defines the hierarchy of the
displayed data:
- Departments – displays employees
grouped by departments and their
assigned day-types;
- Day types – dates, employees – day
types are at the top of the hierarchy,
sorted by date, then for each day-type
are listed all the employees who have
that day-type;
- Day types – employees, dates –
employees are at the top, and for
each date, the day-type of the
employee is shown.
Refresh day types – this check-box
must be checked when a change
occurs in the calendars, e.g. an
employee is on sick-leave (he has
been assigned an exception in his
Summary – if this box is checked, the
reports don't contain a time-sorted list
based on the selected grouping,
instead of this a sum of categories is
displayed. E.g. if By day types –
dates, employees is selected, then Fig. 3.7.5-1
instead of chronologically displaying
the dates on which the employee
works by that day type, only the total
number of days in the interval, on
he/she works by that day type is
Clicking on Show opens the report in
a new window, Cancel closes the

3.8 Calendar
The most important feature of
KatzeReports is its universal
configurability. This means that any
company can use the program and
the implementation of the company's Fig. 3.7.6-1
T&A rules can be adapted to by
configuring the program. The configuration is done on the basis of CardWare's questionnaire and is usually
ready by the time of installation, but later corrections and alterations are possible.
The Configuration option editing of the configuration as well as saving, reading and sending configurations. To
understand the configuration of KatzeReports, please see the Annex to get acquainted with the terms used in
these menu items.

3.8.1 Presence/absence types

One can define any number of states based on real (R) and calendar (K) activities (see section 3.4.3
Activities) e.g. absence, tardiness, overtime etc.). Just as there are real and calendar activities, there are real
and calendar states. Calendar states (K-states) are “virtual”, desired states, which should happen, a real (R-
states) are what really do happen. A pair of calendar activities define a K-state. E.g. the Calendar presence

state is defined by a starting activity, Calendar in and
an ending activity, Calendar out. A pair of real activities
define R-states. E.g. the R-state presence starts with
the R-activity In and ends with Out.
There is a special kind of K-state, so called markers,
which are used to define daily work obligations for an
employee (more on markers in the Annex). For
example, the marker EO8 is for defining a daily
obligation of 8 hours.
The window of Fig. 3.8.1-1 shows a list of all states
with their starting and ending activities.
States can be added and deleted as described in
previous sections.

3.8.2 Overlaying states (RxK)

By overlaying R-states (real) and K-states (states that
are supposed to happen), we get resulting intervals
that tell us how working time was spent (RxK-states).
This command opens the window of Fig. 3.8.2-1 in
which RxK states are created, edited and deleted. The
upper part of the window contains the names of
defined RxK states, while the bottom part shows the
definition of the selected RxK state,
The first column Expected (K-state) describes the
calendar state, which is expected, whereas the
Clocked (R-state) shows what really happened
according to employee clockings. Fig. 3.8.1-1
The third column
(Starting activity)
shows which
activity starts the
RxK state, while
the fourth column
(Ending activity)
shows which
activity ends it.
The third and
fourth columns
are necessary to
completely define
an RxK state and
between similar
RxK states like
tardiness (late
arrival) and early
Both of these RxK
states are defined
by the same
overlay of K-state
and R-state
(overlay of
presence and
absence) but they
differ in their
starting and
ending activities. Fig. 3.8.2-1
RxK states can be added and deleted. To add an RxK state, the following must be done:

Click on the + button in the upper part of the window and write the name of the new RxK state in the
Interpretation field. Click on √.
Now click on + in the lower pane and select the desired K-
state for Expected (K-state) and R-state for Clocked (R-
state) from the list of defined presence/absence types (see
previous section). Starting and ending activities are
optional, but sometimes necessary to distinguish between
similar RxK states as we saw in the example. Click on √,
then on OK.
Deleting RxK-states is possible in the following way: select
the RxK-state we want to delete and click on -. Editing is
done in a similar way; choose an RxK state and change
the data. After making the changes, click on √. If it's
necessary to cancel any changes and adding, click on X.

3.8.3 Attributes
Attributes (Fig. 3.8.3-1) to distinguish between certain
parts of the day or days of week (e.g. night, morning,
satruday). Adding, changing and deleting is done in the
usual way.
Attributes are used for more detailed calculations of work time. Fig. 3.8.3-1

3.8.4 Qualifiers
Qualifiers (Fig.
3.8.4-1) are used
for more detailed
calculations of work
time types such as
night work,
tardiness in the
morning, overtime
on Saturdays etc.
Qualifiers get
attributes, which
describe certain
time periods. E.g.
the qualifier
day/night is divided
into three
attributes: 00:00-
06:00 is the
attribute night,
06:00-22:00 is the
attribute day and
22:00-00:00 is
again the attribute
night. The fields
From and To
denote the dates
between which the
qualifier will be
valid. Fig. 3.8.4-1
Using this qualifier, any type of working time can be calculated with day/night distinction e.g. night overtime, day
tardiness etc. Qualifier definitions have a global scope and don't depend on the employee calendars.

3.8.5 Conditional qualifiers

Conditional qualifiers can be added with Configuration/Conditional qualifiers, which opens a window such as
Fig. 3.7.5-1. This defines the conditions for qualifier validity, depending on the existence of other qualifiers. They
are valid for all workdays.

Fig. 3.8.5-1

3.8.6 Orders
The program calculates working hours using accounts and orders. E.g. if we want to calculate how late
employees were (in minutes), for a given interval (say one day), we need to create an order, which will be called
late arrival and which will transfer all data (minutes) from the RxK state late arrival into the Tardiness account

Fig. 3.8.6-1

(see next section for Accounts). Data from the RxK-states (work, tardiness, prolonged work etc.) is transferred
to (time) accounts with the relevant orders. E.g. if the employee was 20 minutes late for work, the late arrival will
transfer 20 minutes to the relevant account, Tardiness in this case.
Checking the Default box enables assigning a group of accounts (default) to all day types.
Ne orders are defined in a window such as Fig. 3.8.6-1 as well as edited and deleted as explained in the
previous sections.
There are two types of orders as can be chosen with the radio buttons to the right under the list of orders. One
type of order takes data from an RxK state, the other from an account:
1. RxK order – takes a value from an RxK-state. E.g. if the program discovers the RxK-state late arrival
then the order assigned to this RxK-state will transfer the number of minutes the employee was late. An
attribute can be set to the order. This option is useful if we want to see the amount of „late arrivals“ at
night, for example, and we can assint the night attribute to the order. One order can have many
attributes assigned to it (from different qualifiers). Attribute assignment is done in the bottom right part of
the window with the + button.
2. Account order – the order takes a value from a defined account.
Name – name of the order.
Multiplication factor – factor used to multiply the amount taken by the order from the RxK state or the account.
Division factor – amount taken from the RxK state or account is divided by this factor.
Calculation period:
- At the end – denotes that the order transfers the total amount at the end of the period.
- Daily – denotes a daily transfer to the account, not once at the end of the period (e.g. if the period is a month,
then the order will transfer to the account every day in the month). transfer and Max. To transfer denote conditions to be fulfilled by the amount in order to be transferred
(e.g. if we want tardiness to be transferred only if the employee is at least 15 minutes late, then we put 15 in
Min. to transfer).
Fixed to transfer – this field specifies a fixed amount to transfer if the min and max conditions are fulfilled (min.
to transfer and max. to transfer).
 No – the amount transferred by the order to the account is not rounded.
 Down – the amount is rounded down, depending on the value in the Rounding value field. E.g. if the
Rounding value field is 60 and the order has 70 to transfer from an RxK state or an account, the
transferred amount will be 60 minutes.
 Up – the amount is rounded up, depending on the value in the Rounding value field. Taking the
previous example, the order will transfer 120 minutes, because that is the next highest multiple of 60
 Nearer – the amount is rounded to the nearer number, depending on the value of the Rounding value
field. In the previous example, the order would transfer 60 minutes because 70 is closer to 60 than 120.
If the amount is right in the middle, the order will round down or up according to the field If equal.
Rounding value: value used for rounding the amount being transferred to an account.
If equal: determines how to round if the amount is right on the boundary of the rounding rule
 Down – the order will round down. E.g. the amount is 30 minutes, and the Rounding value is 60, the
amount is rounded down to 0.
 Up – the order will round up. E.g. the amount is 30 minutes, and the Rounding value is 60, the amount
is rounded up to 60.
Transfer variable value with fixed amount: if the box is checked, the fixed amount in the table is added to the
amount taken from the RxK state or an account. So, if the fixed amount value is 20 minutes and the RxK state is
30 minutes, the destination account will get 50 minutes transferred. If the box isn't checked, only the fixed value
will be transferred, so using the previous example, 20 minutes would be transferred.
Decrease source account by transfer amount – This option is only visible for account orders.

3.8.7 Accounts
All data (minutes) that are collected by orders are stored in accounts. The reports show these accounts and this
data is the end result of KatzeReports.
This command shows the window (Fig 3.8.7-1) with the list of all created accounts (left side). The right side
shows all the orders assigned to a selected account. The account columns are:

Fig. 3.8.7-1

Name – account name.

Alias – account name shown in the report. If this field is left blank, the real account name will be shown in the
Type – type can be:
 Personal – the account is manually assigned to each employee.
 Departmental – the account is assigned to departments (see next section).
 General – the account is valied for all employees and doesn't need to be assigned manually.
Validity – defines if the account will be one of the following:
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Annual
Initial value – this is the initial value of the account, which must be entered manually. The initial value will later
be changed by the orders associated to the account.
Transfer – this option means that the previous period's end value (e.g. previous month) will be transferred to the
next period.
Manual – if this box is checked, the value of the account can be entered manually (right side of main window).
Control – checking this box means that this account (column-in the report) will be shown during the calculation's
control (Calculation/Calculation control option)
Amount – checking this box means that the value in this account (column – in the report) doesn't represent time
(minutes/hours) as is default, but other units (quantity).
When a new account is added, orders need to be assigned to it. Orders are assigned by selecting an account
on the right side and clicking on the + on the top right side of the window, then choosing an order from the
combo box. Several orders can be assigned to an account. This window also allows editing and deleting
accounts and orders in the same way as mentioned earlier.

3.8.8 Day types
Day types are actually types of working days in an employee's calendar. The day types defined here are used to
make calendars by which employees are expected to work. Fig. 3.8.8-1 shows a list of existing day types (left
side) and, for the selected day type, a list of intervals for that day (top right) and their graphical representation
(bottom). Qualifiers and orders assigned to the selected Day type are listed in the bottom right part of the
window. A button on the order/qualifier pane lets us assign default qualifiers (to default orders valid for all day

Fig. 3.8.8-1

E.g. a Day type named 07:00-15:00 defines the following intervals:

1. calendar absence from 00:00 to 07:00, current day;
2. calendar presence from 07:00 to 15:00 present day;
3. calendar absence from 15:00, current day to 00:00, next day;
4. EO8 15:00 – marker denoting daily duty of 8 hours
Time entered can be from the previous, the current and the next day (Day from and Day to).
This Day type has been assigned the default qualifiers and orders as well as specific orders for the day type.
Graphically, intervals for which the selected calendar expects presence is depicted in green and absence in
dark blue.
Make sure the intervals don't overlap and that the whole period of 24 hours is covered with a previously defined
absence/presence type. Day types can be added, deleted and edited.
A specific part of the window is devoted to the table of invalid activities. These activities are assigned to the day
type selected in the left pane as is shown in Fig. 3.8.8-2. Data paired in such a way (day types, invalid activities)
are used in the KatzePanel program: when if the situation arises that an employee makes a clocking which is
invalid for his/her current day type, the operator gets a warning.

To add a day type (click on the + on the left side) enter the name in the Name field and click on √. Next you
need to define intervals and their presence/absence types. Adding an interval is done with the + in the right half
pane. Now choose the presence type duration in the interval (presence type, from, to).

3.8.9 Calendars
Calendars are made up of day types and are assigned to employees. Any days that don't adhere to the
calendar can be manually entered as „exceptions“.
It's possible for several groups to work in shifts (e.g. the first group is in shift1 for a week and the other group is
in the opposing shift, then they switch shifts). In this case you define as many calendars as there are groups
and give them differing reference (starting) dates.
The left pane of the window in Fig. 3.8.9-1. shows the list of defined calendars, the right pane shows the
assigned day types for the selected calendar.

Fig. 3.8.9-1

Name: this field contains a descriptive name of the calendar.

Reference date: a date which „starts“ the cycle. This date must be before the validity of the calendar and must
fall on a Monday.
Duration: This field lets us make calendars with different day types. E.g. in Fig 3.8.9-1 the calendar called
Standard has a duration of 7 days, the first five of which are (right pane) 07:00-15:00 day types, and the 6th and
7th days are noduty.
This window also allows entering exceptions (days that diverge from calendars) and they are entered in the
same way as described earlier. Exceptions have a higher priority than calednar day types.
Check-boxes under the list of calendars define which Saturdays and Sundays in the month enter into the
calculation. By default all boxes are checked, so all Saturdays and Sundays are included in the calculation.

3.8.10 Activity pair substitution

This option (Fig. 3.8.10-1) lets you define a pair of activities, i.e. R-events (columns A1 and A2) with a duration –
time difference between the activities- of n minutes (Duration) that will be changed to a different pair (B1 and
B2). The fields to be added or edited are as follows:
 A1 activity is changed to B1.

 A2 activity is changed to B2.
 The change will happen if the
Duration is greater or equal to
the stated value (e.g. 720
minutes = 12 hours).

3.8.11 Departmental accounts

This window (Fig. 3.8.11-1) shows a list
of all departmental accounts as well as
their assignment to departments. When
assigning an account to a department,
take care of the date of assignment.If
you do a calculation for a date before the
assigment date, the account will have a Fig. 3.8.10-1
zero value.

3.8.12 Debug
This option opens a new window giving
detailed calculation results (R-events, R-
states, RxK-states and account results)
for a selected employee (combo-box in
upper part of the window). This option is
used during the configuration of the

3.8.13 Saving configurations

This option allows saving of a
configuration to a file on the PC.
Note: if the program and the database
are on different PCs, the file must be
saved on the PC hosting the
KatzeReports database. The destination
folder must be shared where all users
have read, write and delete rights. If the
database and program are on the same
PC, the destination if the configuration
file is irrelevant.

3.8.14 Reading configurations

For reading previously saved
KatzeReports configurations. A dialogue
appears to choose the location of
configuration file you wish to load.into
the program.
Note: if the program and the the database Fig. 3.8.11-1
are on different PCs, the file must be on
the PC hosting the KatzeReports database and the containing folder must be shared with all users having read,
write and delete privileges. If the database and program are on the same PC, the location of the configuration
file is irrelevant.

3.8.15 Sending configurations

This option lets you send configurations by e-mail. Choosing this option first saves the configuration as a file
(the same method as previously described), then the deafult e-mail client appears so you can send the file.

3.9 Generating reports

The end result of collecting clockings and entering all previously mentioned data is generating reports. To arrive
at this goal, we need to assign calendars to employees, exceptions too, if necessary, manual accounts and
qualifiers, then tweak the calculation parameters and do the calculation.

3.9.1 Calendar assignment
By assigning calendars to employees, you define the rules by which
they work. Calendars can be assigned to an employee, a group of
employees, selected departments or the whole company. Calendar
assignments are done with Employees/Assign/New calendar in a
window such as Fig. 3.9.1-1. The top part of the window specifies to
whom we are assigning. The lower part (combo-box) specifies the
calendar and the starting date from which the assigment is valid.
You can get an overview of calendars assigned to an employee by
clicking on the Calendars tab on the right side of the main window.

3.9.2 Exception assignment

Whenever there are days when the rules by which an employee
must work differ from the assigned calendar, exceptions must be
The exception assignment window (one-day divergence from
calendar) is opened with Employee/Assignment/New exception (Fig.
3.9.2-1). Data is entered as when calendars are assigned but an
exception is a day-type valid only for a single day while the calendar
is valid for all the rest. An overview of exceptions assigned to an
employee is available with the Exceptions tab on the right of the
main window.

3.9.3 Assigning manual accounts Fig. 3.9.1-1

If there already exists data on the working hours workers have collected (e.g. manual addition prior to
KatzeReports7), it's necessary to enter this data into the program via manual accounts.
Manual entry is only possible for accounts, which had the option enabled during calendar configuration (see
3.8.7 Accounts).
Employees/Assignment/New manual account opens a windows- (Fig. 3.9.3-1) with the following fields:
Account –
field for
choosing the
account for
adding a
value in
Date – enter
the date when
the amount
will be added:
Amount –
amount in
minutes to
The amount
entered with
this window
will be added
to the amount
calculated by
the program
for the
date. Fig. 3.9.2-1 Fig. 3.9.3-1

An overview of manual accounts assigned to an employee can be seen with the Manuual accounts tab on the
right side of the main window.

3.9.4 Assigning qualifiers
The Employees/Assign/New qualifier menu item opens a dialogue
as in Fig. 3.9.4-1 for assigning qualifiers to employees. They need to
be added to employees if we need a more specific distribution of
work time, based on time of day or other factors. An overview of
qualifiers assigned to an employee can be seen with the Data tab on
the right side of the main application window.

3.9.5 Configuring the calculation

The menu item File/Application settings, with the Calculation tab,
(Fig. 3.9.5-1) enables setting calculation related parameters. The
default values of these options are usually used, but they may be
changed if necessary.
Database exchange folder on server – select the PC and folder
(click on ∙∙∙ ) to set the exchange folder.
Note: the PC that hosts the KatzeReports database must be
selected and the folder must be shared with all users having read,
write and delete privileges.
Temporary database name – before it starts the calculation,
KatzeReports first makes a copy of the current database and only
then starts the calculation. The name of this copy is entered into this
field. If more than one PCs are used for the calculation, then this
field must be different on each PC.
Time-out – maximum time in seconds between two consecutive
steps in the calculation. If this time is greater than specified here, the
calculation is interrupted for the current employee and continues with Fig. 3.9.4-1
the next employee. If the time-out is set
to zero, the calculation is never
Automatic start of calculation – if this box
is checked, KatzeReports will start the
calculation at a specified time every day
for the selected period in the current
month: whole month, until previous day
or until current day. There is also an
option of including the previous month in
the calculation. Of course, KatzeReports
has to be started for the automatic
calculation to start.
Min. time in minutes between clockings –
if the time (minutes) between an
emplyee's two consecutive clockings is
less than here specified, only the latter is
included in the calculation.
(Calendar) presence type to substitute
non-working hours in calendar – if a day-
type definition has intervals not covered
by a defined presence/absence type,
then this presence/absence type will be
assigned to those intervals.
E.g. if the k-state noduty is selected in
the combo-box and there is a day type
with the following interval:
07:00-15:00-duty, then the uncovered
intervals: 00:00-07:00 and
15:00-00:00 are assumed to contain the
k-state noduty.
Fig. 3.9.5-1

Type of RxK state to be optimised – this option is used for automatic shift detection (ASD), i.e. when there are
several shifts in a day and the program must decide, based on a criterion, which shift the employee worked in.
E.g. if you choose the RxK state work and Optimisation method Max, then the shift is chosen in which he spent
the most minutes. There are other ways to choose a shift e.g. use the RxK state tardiness and Optimisation
method set to Min. This means the shift in which he was the least late will be chosen.
Presence type to substitute non-working hours in clockings – default presence type (R-state), which will be
assigned to the intervals before the first and after the last clockings in the time-span for which the calculation is
being made.
Optimisation method – this defines how to optimise the RxK state chosen in Type of RxK state to be optimised.
E.g. if the optimisation method selected is Max, and Type of RxK state to be optimised is work and there is a
day-type with automatich shift detection, the system will recognise which of the possible shifts will be valid for an
employee, based on clocking data.

3.9.6 Setting calculation parameters

The menu item Calculation/Show (or clicking on the Calculation tab), will show a window that enables setting
calculation parameters, starting calculations, saving and viewing various calculatio-based reports (Fig. 3.9.6-1).

Fig. 3.9.6-1

Calculation parameters are set in the following way::

1. in the upper left part of the window, select the scope of the calculation (certain employees, departments
or the whole company).
Click on the check-boxes to select the employees/departments for the calculation, then click on the Selection
button to see how many employees/departments have been selected. Groups of employees/departments can
be made as described in 3.3.2 Employees (Groups). The combo-box allows selection of created groups.
Clicking on the - button deletes a group.
2. In part named Period select the period for the calculation. This can be a day, week, month, arbitrary
period or one day before the current date. The From to goursi denotes the time interval during the day,
for which the calculation will be done. If the Previous day box is checked, then the time in the From field
denotes that time in the previous day. If the box Next day is checked, then the end of the interval (To
field) denotes a time in the following day. If the calculation period is the current month, the calculation is

done from the 1st. of the month to the current date. For any other month, the calculation is done for the
whole month.

3.9.7 Calculation
To get the desired report, you must first do a
calculation. The result depends on correct
clockings, the configuration and calendar
When all the parameters have been selected,
clicking on the Calculate button or selecting the
Calculation/Calculate menu item, Fig. 3.9.7-1 will
appear. Two types of calculation can be selected,
along with an added option that can be chosen.

Selecting calculation type

Fig. 3.9.7-1
The first type of calculation (Delete all previous results and start new calculation) creates a new calculation with
the proposed name (which can be changed) on the basis of the chosen period.

Fig. 3.9.7-2

he second type of calculation (Join new calculation's results...) (Fig. 3.9.7-2) means that new results for the
selected employees will be merged with existing results for all the other (unselected) employees. The existing
data is taken from the
calculation given in
Select calculation. This
means that the interval
for which the
calculation is made will
be the same as in the
existing calculation,
but the results will be
new only for the
currently selected
employees (added or
Additionally, at the
bottom of the dialogue,
the option is given to
transfer values from a
selected calculation Fig. 3.9.7-3

into the currently starting calculation (Fig. 3.9.7-3). Value
transfer is only done for transferrable accounts (marked as
such during creation).

Calculation monitor
When the the calculation is started with OK, the
Calculation monitor window appears in the bottom part of
the Calculation window (Fig. 3.9.7-4). It shows information
about the calculation process.
Steps leading up to the calculation are reported in the left
pane and steps in the calculation itself in the right pane.
During the calculation, in the status line at the bottom of
the window, you can see how many employees are
waiting for calculation, how many have been processed
and in what time. The calculation can be interrupted with
When the calcualtion is finished, the monitor will show the
message Done.

The List of calculations

Each new calculation is kept in the database and can be
seen in the program under Saved calculations in the upper
part of the window (Fig. 3.9.7-5). Each item in the list
shows the name of the calculation, From/To - the interval
for which it was made, the time when it was made, who
made it (user) and if it was an automatic calculation. Fig. 3.9.7-4
Right clicking on a calculation in the list enables you to view reports, both table and csv formats.
In order for a report to be shown, it's necessary to create one or more templates that will determine the way the
report will be displayed.

Fig. 3.9.7-5

The window for creating templates (Fig. 3.9.7-6) appears from the main menu Calculation/Templates or by right
clicking on part of the Calculation window with the list of calculations. Select Show/Templates.
The left part contains a list of templates and the right pane, for a selected template, lists the columns/accounts
to show in the report.
Templates are added with +. You must enter:
 Name of template
 Time Format – can be minutes (Minutes), hours and minutes (HH:MM) and decimal (Decimal)
 By days – show calculation values for each day (when selected) or as a sum for the whole period (when
not selected),
 Clockings – selection shows clockings in the report.
The right pane contains a list of columns (accounts), which will be displayed in the report selected on the left.
Adding is done with a click on +, then selecting an account from the list of all existing accounts. Clicking on Add
all adds all acounts to the report.

Displaying reports
A report can be displayed for the selected calculation from the list. As was shown in Calculation settings, a
right click on calaculation will open a list of options for working with existing calculations.
Choosing Show or CSV opens a list of existing templates for reports.
The difference between these two is that the first is a tabular display and CSV (comma separated values) is a
text file which is saved somewhere for importing into Excel or payroll software. Examples of reports are given in
report-table and report-csv
The separator in CSV reports can be changed in File/Application settings...) on the CSV tab, as shown in
settings csv.

Calculation control
Some columns (accounts marked as control) can be controlled.
First, select the employees and click on the Calculation control option. A window such as Kontrola proračuna
Values can be examined and, if necessary, clockings, assigned calendars and exceptions can be edited. The
editing options are reachable by right-clicking on a clocking or calendar/exception. The same options are
available in the window's tool bar.
If any data of an employee is changed, his/her name will be shown in red.
All changes are confirmed by clicking on OK or cancelled by clicking on Cancel. If the changes are confirmed,
they are immediately visible on the Employees tab.

Printing reports
Right-clicking on a report displayed in the program gives you two options:
CSV – saving the report as a CSV file and
View – view the printable report. The printer settings are standard.

Calculation/Servers is used during multiprocessing i.e. the use of multiple PCs simulataneously to speed up the
calculation. The window (Fig. 3.9.7-3) contains a list of selected PCs which will take part in multiprocessing.
To add a new PC, click on + . The window in Fig. 3.9.7-4 appears, in which you need to:
- select a PC from the combo-box.
- Enter the name of a temporary database which will be used on that PC.
- Select a data exchange folder on the selected PC. Make sure it is a shared folder with read, write and delete
privileges for all users.
- Select a folder on the selected PC to place the temporary database.

By clicking on OK,
the PC is added to
the list of PCs
allowed to perform
the calculation.
Clicking the box in
the Use column, you
can determine if the
PC will be used in
the next calculation.
Click on Edit to
change parameters
of the selected PC
and Delete to
remove the PC from
the list.
Settings – opens a
window for editing
calculation settings
(see section 3.9.5
Calculation settings)
Get data – get
calculation results
from PCs taking part
in the calculation.
This is done
atuomatically, so this
command is for
diagnostic purposes

Calculation log
All calculation details
are saved in the (Fig.
3.9.7-5) kr7log file,
which is created
automatically for each Fig. 3.9.7-5
PC on which calculation was started. These kr7log files are
created on a daily basis. Selecting this option will display a
Windows dialogue for opening a specific kr7log file from the
KatzeReports installation folder.

3.9.8 Reports
Reports based on SQL queries
Reports/SQL enables the overview of data in the
KatzeReports database by issuing queries. Selecting this
option displays a new window (Fig. 3.9.8-1), which is in fact
an SQL editor. By entering the desired query in the upper
pane and selecting SQL/Execute or clicking on F9, the query
is performed and the result is placed in the bottom pane. The
program will report an error if there was an SQL syntax

3.10 Other features

3.10.1 Application appearance
File/Settings, then the Appearance tab opens the dialogue of
Fig. 3.10.1-1. This tab contains options for the appearance of
windows, odd and even rows in tables, colour selection for
manual clockings and configuration parameters(RxK orders,
Fig. 3.10.1-1

account and undefined orders, markers and
manual accounts). You can show a company
logo in the reports by clicking Set. Clicking on
Delete will remove it.

3.10.2 Startup appearance

The dialogue of Fig. 3.10.2-1 will be shown with
File/Settings then the Start tab. It deals with the
program's appearance when starting
The tab has three check-boxes:
Show employees – if checked, the employee
table will be shown in the central part of the main
Show calculation – if checked, the Report
Generator (calculation) pane will be shown when
the program is started.
Check for new version – If checked, a folder is
selected tho check for the existence of a newer
version. If one is found, the program will display
an appropriate message and stop execution.

3.10.3 Windows display

Windows/Tile gives an overview of all open
windows in KatzeReports, arranged side-by-side
on the screen.
Windows/Cascade arranges all open windows
one behind the other. Fig. 3.10.2-1
When all windows in the program are minimised,
Windows/Arrange icons arranges them on the
Windows/Close all reports closes all reports.
Windows/Employees shows the employee pane
(opened by default when KatzeReports is
Windows/Calculation opens the report

3.10.4 Messages
File/Messages opens a window that enables
users to exchange messages. It's a usual
display of the sender, the recipient, the tiime the
message was sent and the message contents
(Fig. 3.10.4-1).

3.10.5 Languages Fig. 3.10.4-1

File/Languages opens the dialogue for language selection (Fig. 3.10.5-1).

3.10.6 Log
Each starting of the program and manual clockings (adding, deleting, editing,
see Clockings) are logged in a file in the KatzeReports7 installation folder -
the log file. The File/Log menu item opens a log as in Fig. 3.10.6-1.
The file contains the date and time, account and PC from which the program
was opened, as well as the user name. It also contains adding, deleting and
editing clockings and the time and date of these activities. Log files are
monthly. Fig. 3.10.5-1

Fig. 3.10.6-1
Viewing a log file is done with Log/Read.
Refreshing a log file is done with Log/Refresh .
Clicking Log/Search shows a usual dialogue for serching in the log file.

3.10.7 Registering the program

Sometimes it may be necessary to re-register the
program with different parameters such as the
number of employees, version (Lite or Full) or
availability of the HR data option. Registration is
possible via Help/Registration but this must be
done before the existing resitration expires.
The procedure has been explained in 2.1
Registering the program.

3.11 Saving the database

Configuring database backup
File/Settings, then the Backup tab opens a
dialogue for setting the backup parameters (Fig.
Backup folder on server – select a PC and folder
where the backup will be placed.
It's best to place the backup on the PC that hosts
the KatzeReports database. If the program and
database are not on the same PC, the selected
folder must be shared and all users must have
read, write and delete privileges.
Backup on close – if this is checked, a backup of
the database is made each time KatzeReports is
Daily backup – if this is checked, KatzeReports
will make a backup of the database every day at
the specified time, which is set in the next field.
Of course, the program must be active at the time. Fig. 3.11-1

Faile/Database/BackUp will start the backup procedure straight away (Fig. 3.11-2).

You can save the database to any location
on the PC. Click on File/Database/Save
database and a standard Windows save
dialogue appears to select the location to
save the database.

Save and send

File/Database/Send database lets you send
the database via email. The option saves
the database (the same procedure as
previously explained), then the default
email client offers to send it. Note that email
programs and servers usually have a small
limit (around 10Mb) for attachments!

3.12 Exiting the program Fig. 3.11-21

3.12.1 Log out

When a user wishes to stop working in KatzeReports7, he/she should
log out by File /Logout from the main menu. The dialogue for the next
user's login appears, as described in sectiion 2.3.

3.12.2 About
Help/About opens the dialogue of fig. 3.12.2-1. It contains 3 groups of
 At the top is data about the application version, period of
creation and copyright holder;
 data about the SQL server, name of the PC which hosts the
database and database version;
 data about the user's licence. Company name, maximum
number of employees and licence duration.

3.12.3 End
Fajl/End closes the program. Fig. 3.12.2-1


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