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iversit San Francisco State Un Interlibrary Loan 13oso IMMUN TIN ILLiad TN: Borrower: SOI Londing String: *CSF.GZN,CLU,CLU,GZM Patron: ;DIVISION; Wienke, Christopher Journal Title: Sexuaiites. Volume: 13 Issue: 6 Month/Year: 2010Pages: 748-772 Article Author: Barker, Meg Article Title: Whatever happened to non- ‘monogamies? Critical reftections on recent research and theory Imprint: London ; Thousand Oaks, CA ; ‘Sage public ILL Number: 109228568 CANA Call #: ON-LINE Location: Sage Mait Charge Maxcost: 35.001FM Shipping Address: MORRIS LIBRARY - interlibrary Loan ‘SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY MAILCODE 6632 CARBONDALE IL 62901 Notice ‘This matorial may be Protected by copyright law Title 17.U.S. Code), Sexualities Whatever happened to non-monogamies? Critical reflections on recent research and theory ‘Meg Barker and Darren Langdridge Sexualities 2010 13: 748 DOI: 10.1177/13634607 10384645 The online version of this article can be found at. http://sex.sagepub.convcontent/13/6/748 Published by: SAGE http://www Additional services and information for Sexuafities can be found at: Email Alerts: htip:/sex ‘Subscriptions: http:/ Reprints: htip,/ Permissions: htt:;www sagepub.comjoumalsPermissions.nav ‘Citations: htip:/sex.sagepub.corn/content/1 316/748. refs. htm >> Version of Record - Dec 16, 2010 What is This? ‘State of the Field ‘Whatever happened to © Tre Ader) 280 F agen snd prone non-monogamies? sep cateriterannr riti 7 2047 Critical reflections on coe recent research and theory Meg Barker and Darren Langdridge ‘The Open University, UK Abstract ‘The last decade has seen an explosion of interest in consensually non-monogamous. relationships. This article critically reviews current research and theory in this area, focusing particularly on polyamory, swinging, and gay open relationships. The sociohis- ‘torical context in which these forms of relating emerged is considered and discussed in order to better understand why there has been such a significant increase in scholarly ‘work on non-monogemies at this moment. Furthermore, we categorize the extant Tiverature into two groups, ‘celebratory’ and ‘critica’, and argue that such polarization frequently works to reinforce partial and dichotomizing understandings of the topic. Research so far has primarily concentrated on the rules and boundaries which people ‘employ to manage such relationships and we contend that future work needs to pay ‘more attention to diversities of meanings and practices, intersections with other iden titles and communities, and the troubling of dichotomous understandings. Keywords mononormativiy, non-monogamy, open relationships, polyamory, swinging Nearly a decade ago, Roger Rubin's (2001) article posed the question ‘whatever happened to swingers, group marriages and communes” He bemoaned the lack of popular and scholarly consideration of ‘alternative lifestyles’ since the 1960s and 1970s, within which he included non-traditional family forms, multiple and open relationships, We are now in a position to answer Rubin's question: all of the Corresponding author: "Meg Barter Prycholy n Socal Sdences. The Open Universi, Walton Hal, Mizon Keys, MKT 6AA, UK malt mybarker@openacuk

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