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Ncf 2005 and social science position paper

1. 1. National Curriculum Framework 2005 (NCF 2005) In our relationship with children and
young people, we are not dealing with mechanical devices that can be quickly repaired,
but with living beings who are impressionable, volatile, sensitive, afraid, affectionate; and
to deal with them we have to have great understanding, the strength of patience and
love... - J.Krishnamurti
2. 2. Background of NCF 2005 ● ● ● ● Focus of the Indian Education System had been
access and attendance for all. NCF 2005 shifting its focus to addressing quality and
equal education for all Written in a rapidly developing post-independence India to
address problems of high stake examinations and curriculum overload Drawn upon older
policies NPE – 1986,reports -
3. 3. Aims of Education – NCF 2005 ● Nurturing a Democratic Identity ● Being sensitive to
her environment ● Children learn to accept different cultures ● Children to be able to
participate in productive work
4. 4. Pedagogical Practices – NCF 2005 ● ● ● ● Learning without burden and without fear
Develop critical thinking and enhance Creativity Gain knowledge through life experiences
and from skills related to work Not indoctrinate specific cultural practices
5. 5. Social Concerns – NCF 2005 ● Addressing the most vulnerable Girls – SC/ST – Below
Poverty Line – ● ● With many private schools running, variation at the state level,
creating a common national aims of education is a challenge Teacher Availability versus
Multi Grade
6. 6. NCF 2005 – Social Science Position Paper ● ● Why Social Science? Purpose of
education to enable children to face and negotiate society ● Understanding contexts ●
Crisis of values in society
7. 7. Problems of Social Science Teaching Learning ● Focus on factual information ●
Children consider it boring ● Considered far away from 'reality of child', no application in
day to day life ● Behaviorist model (Only delivery of content) ● Curriculum Overload – too
many topics ● System driven by competition and examinations
8. 8. Recommendations ● Social Science should focus on discussing social justice,
equality, respect for diversity etc. ● Understand socio-economic problems of India ●
Should encourage debate and discussion on above issues ● Focus on child's own
context and environment ● Relation between concepts and daily life of child ● Encourage
children to form their own opinions
9. 9. Thank You
10. 10. Thank You

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