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The German load curve in 2050: Structural changes through energy efficiency
measures and their impacts on the electricity supply side

Conference Paper · January 2013


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4 authors, including:

Tobias Boßmann Rainer Elsland

Artelys Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI


Martin Wietschel
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI


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The German load curve in 2050: structural
changes through energy efficiency measures
and their impacts on the electricity supply side

Tobias Boßmann Fridolin Lickert

Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI
Breslauer Straße 48 Breslauer Straße 48
D-76139 Karlsruhe D-76139 Karlsruhe
Germany Germany

Rainer Elsland Martin Wietschel

Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI
Breslauer Straße 48 Breslauer Straße 48
D-76139 Karlsruhe D-76139 Karlsruhe
Germany Germany

electricity use, long-term scenarios, consumption dynamics, vestigate a scenario with high share of fluctuating renewable
electricity load curve, long-term electricity demand energy sources. The analyses indicate that the load dislocation
entails an increased number of hours with negative residual
load as well as an increasing amount of curtailed renewable
Abstract electricity. Hence, demand side related energy saving options
The shape of the electricity load curve has crucial impacts on complicate the integration of renewable electricity sources,
the design of the future electricity supply system with regard increasing the urgent need for integration strategies through
to capacity dispatch, need for storage and grid investments demand side management, grid extension or additional stor-
or demand side management measures. Assessing historic age capacities.
load curves of Germany shows that their shape changes over
time, e.g. volatility is continuously decreasing. Reasons for
load curve deformation result from changes in technology Introduction
and application specific electricity demand or from modifica- The German government has committed to reduce greenhouse
tions in the respective electricity consumption pattern. When gas emissions by at least 80 % until 2050 compared to the level
estimating the future load curve it is crucial to take into ac- of 1990 (BMU & BMWi 2010). It combines two major strate-
count such deforming effects. Hence, we develop a partial gies in order to achieve the desired objective: the application
decomposition approach that generates national hourly load of low carbon electricity generation technologies and the more
curves based on the annual electricity demand projection of efficient use of energy sources, in particular of final energy car-
the bottom-up simulation model FORECAST. Applications riers such as heat and electricity.
featuring the most significant change in demand over time However, the simple outline of such strategies neglects the
are modelled in a separate manner by means of technology question whether the conceived electricity generation mix is
specific load profiles. In the framework of a case study, we first actually fitting the future electricity demand structure. Indeed,
analyse the deformation of the German load curve when ap- hourly electricity demand has crucial impacts on the dispatch
plying the partial decomposition approach. Compared to this of power plants, the integrability of electricity from fluctuat-
calculation, the most common approach of load curve fore- ing renewable energy sources (RES) and the requirements
cast – the simple scaling of a historic load curve – underesti- for investment in electricity generation capacity. At the same
mates volatility and load in evening hours but overestimates time, the application of energy saving options implies changes
load in morning hours. Secondly, we assess the impacts of an in overall electricity demand, triggering a deformation of the
introduction of energy saving options on the load curve. We hourly consumption structure, i.e. the load curve. Hence, the
observe a further increase of load volatility as well as a dislo- aim of the present work is to analyse changes in the load curve
cation of load into evening and night hours. The load curves through energy saving options and their impacts on the elec-
are applied in the electricity market model PowerACE to in- tricity supply side.

ECEEE SUMMER STUDY proceedings  1199

5A-206-13 Bo SSmann et al 5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies

In a first step we specify criteria for the evaluation of load between consecutive hours. The ramp rate factor rrf is defined
curves. They are applied on historic load curves in order to as- as the sum of positive or negative ramp rates2, i.e. the sum of
sess potential deformations over the past years. Subsequently hourly load increase (or decrease), divided by the maximum
we develop an approach that allows for considering changes in load and the total number of hours. It serves as an indicator for
annual electricity demand when estimating future load curves. the overall volatility of the load curve, is a measurement
This approach is then applied in the framework of a case study. of the cumulated hourly electricity demand increase (or de-
We analyse two scenarios applying two approaches. By using crease). The average, µrr,pos and µrr,neg, and the standard deviation
the evaluation criteria we are able to analyse the resulting dif- of the positive and negative ramp rates, σrr,pos and σrr,neg, charac-
ferences. The load curves then serve as input for an electricity terise the irregularities of the fluctuations. When plotting the
market model to quantify the impacts on the electricity supply ramp rate in descending order, the intersection of the curb with
side. In the last step we draw our conclusions and give a short the x-axis, xy=0, represents the share of hours featuring a de-
outlook. crease in load compared to the previous hour. The third type of
criteria is related to the average duration of specific load levels.
Defining different load levels in the range between the mini-
Assessment of historic load curves mum and the maximum load of a load curve permits determin-
In order to detect potential shape deformations over the past ing the mean duration, e.g. µ∆t,90%-100%, of such load situations as
years we analyse historic German load curves. We assess the well as the standard deviation, e.g. σ∆t,90%-100%. They indicate the
deformation regarding different aspects and identify continu- frequency and statistical dispersion of specific load situations
ous developments – if existing. In order to carry out the analy- such as base or peak load.
sis a number of evaluation criterions are introduced. They are The before mentioned criteria are extended by the introduc-
also applied when assessing the shape of the future load curve tion of two additional types of criteria. Apart from the assess-
(cf. case study section). The hourly German electricity load ment of concrete stable load situations, we assess the continu-
curves (only available from the year 2006 onwards) are pro- ous change of load situations. Relevant indicators are the mean
vided by the Entso-e platform (ENTSO-E 2013). They serve as duration of continuous load increase, µ∆t,pos, (or decrease, µ∆t,neg),
the basis for the analysis. the mean as well as maximum load change over several hours,
Before assessing the load curves we ensure comparability of µ∆P and Max∆P,pos (Max∆P,neg respectively) as share of the maxi-
the time series data. Given the fact that we focus on the impacts mum load and the number of alternations from load increase
of structural changes in electricity demand on the shape of the to decrease and vice versa, naltern. The other type of criteria
electricity load curve, we need to clear up the load curves from concerns the assessment of load situations with regard to their
side effects. The most prominent disturbing factor is electric- specific temporal occurrence in specific seasons, days or hours
ity based heat generation that strongly depends on the ambi- of a day. Therefore we use the mean distribution of load on
ent temperature. Since the ambient temperature significantly the 24 hours of nine specific typical days that are distinguished
varies among the different years, hourly electricity demand for by season (summer, winter, transition period3) and weekday
heat generation is removed from all load curves. This is done by (working day, Saturday, Sunday).
generating load curves for heat pumps, direct electric heating Table 1 gives an overview of the evaluation criteria applied
and night storage heating based on assumptions regarding the on the temperature adjusted and normalized load curves for
annual electricity demand for heat generation (Enerdata 2012), Germany from the year 2006 until 2010. In the following, we
the market shares of the different technologies (IWU 2012), the analyse the load curves by illustrating and interpreting the five
technology specific temperature-based load profiles1 (EnBW types of criteria. The short observation period of five years
2012) and the hourly mean temperature for Germany (NASA makes it difficult to derive concrete trends for the evolution of
2012), for every single year. The impact of inter-annual outside the load curve. Hence we limit ourselves to a simple identifica-
temperature variations on the electricity consumption of other tion of variabilities and continuous developments, if existing.
applications such as air-conditioning, refrigeration and specific Figure 1 depicts the load duration curves for the years 2006
industry processes is neglected in the present case. The subse- until 2010. While there is hardly any change observable during
quent normalization of the load curves permits a comparative the first three years, the intermediate load range is considerably
assessment regarding specific electricity demand patterns and decreasing in the year 2010. This is confirmed by the decline of
load situations. the capacity factor from 69.0 % in 2006 to 66.6 % in 2010 and
As basis to evaluate a load curve (Dallinger et al. 2013) pro- the general shift towards lower load situations observable in the
pose three types of criteria. The first type relates to the load last two years. The most frequently occurring load situations
duration curve and disregards the chronological order of the experience a dislocation from the range of 50 % and 80 % (of
hourly load situations. It contains the capacity factor cf as quo- the normalized load difference between maximum and mini-
tient of the annual electricity consumption, the maximum load mum load) towards the range of 40 % and 70 %.
and the number of hours per year. It gives information about On the one hand the assessment of load change between con-
the mean distribution of occurring load situations in compari- secutive hours reports a steady reduction (cf. Figure 2, left side)
son to the maximum load. Moreover the ratio of minimum and
maximum demand, Pmin/Pmax, defines the overall range of load
situations. The second type of criteria refers to the load change
2. Assuming a nearly congruent load level at the beginning and at the end of a year,
the positive ramp rate factor approximately equals the negative ramp rate factor.
3. According to (Eon 2012) winter period is defined from 1st of November until
1. These load profiles differ among municipal utilities. The applied profile has 20th of March, summer period from 15th of May until 14th of September and transi-
proved being representative. tion period equals the time between summer and winter period.


5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies 5A-206-13 BoSSmann et al

Table 1. Evaluation criteria for the German load curves for the years 2006 until 2010. Source: own calculations based on data from (ENTSO-E 2013).

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Load duration Capacity factor cf 69.0% 69.9% 69.9% 67.2% 66.6%
curve Minimum load Pmin/Pmax 25.1% 28.1% 27.7% 24.7% 31.6%
Ramp rate factor rrf 0.90% 0.88% 0.83% 0.87% 0.76%
Mean ramp rate µrr,pos 4.06% 3.89% 3.64% 3.77% 3.24%
Load change
µrr,neg -3.23% -3.23% -3.08% -3.25% -2.84%
Standard deviation σrr.pos 3.0% 2.9% 2.7% 3.0% 2.6%
σrr,neg 3.5% 3.4% 3.4% 3.3% 2.9%
Intersection with x- xy=0 55.4% 54.4% 53.5% 53.1% 52.7%
Stable load Mean duration µ∆t,90%-100% 2.8 h 3.1 h 2.8 h 3.6 h 2.8 h
situations Standard deviation σ∆t,90%-100% 2.5 h 2.5 h 2.0 h 2.8 h 2.2 h
Mean duration µ∆t,pos 4.9 h 5.0 h 4.9 h 4.8 h 4.9 h
µ∆t,neg 6.1 h 6.0 h 5.8 h 5.6 h 5.6 h
Standard deviation σ ∆t,pos 3.1 h 3.2 h 3.2 h 3.1 h 3.1 h
σ ∆t,neg 3.9 h 3.8 h 3.6 h 3.1 h 3.2 h
Mean load change µ∆P 19.8% 19.4% 17.9% 18.2% 15.8%
load change
Maximum load Max∆P,pos 55.1% 53.6% 50.6% 52.2% 46.0%
change capacity Max∆P,neg -51.7% -49.7% -48.0% -51.7% -42.8%
Number of naltern 1591 1590 1636 1678 1677

Figure 1. Normalized load duration curve and frequency of load situations for Germany for the years 2006 until 2010. Source:
own illstration.

as indicated by the decreasing ramp rate factor from 0.90 % to the maximum load) in 2006 to 15.8 % in 2010, the maximum
in 2006 to 0.76 % in 2010. This is synonymous to a declining continuous load increase and decrease decline by 19  % and
volatility in terms of cumulated load change. In every analyzed 37 %, respectively. At the same time the number of alternations
year load reduction dominates the number of load changes (xy=0 from continuous load increase to decrease and vice versa (1591
being larger than 50 %) while occurring at lower step size (µrr,neg in 2006, 1677 in 2010), confirms the observation that volatility
smaller than µrr,pos). On the other hand, especially the year 2010 is decreasing over time in terms of amount of varying electric-
features a shortened duration of stable load situations which ity demand, but not in terms of load change frequency. Con-
can be explained by a more frequent switch between different tinuous load decrease occurs over much longer time periods
load levels. than load increase (µ∆t,pos is smaller than µ∆t,neg). This is mainly
With regard to the dispatch of conventional power plants, it related to the fact that load decrease frequently appears during
is even more important to assess the continuous load change night times, from evening hours until morning hours of the
sequences, since they determine what kind of power plants are subsequent day. The duration of the continuous load decrease
required to cover the load change. The right hand side of Fig- periods exhibits a marginal reduction. The significant standard
ure 2 depicts the average and maximum positive and negative deviation of load change periods compared to the mean value
load change capacity, plotted over the duration of load change signals a high variability. Hence, we assess the load curves on
sequence. One can primarily observe a steady decline of the a daily level.
maximum as well as average continuous load increase. The The temporal occurrence of load proves a constant increase
mean load change capacity decreases from 19.8 % (compared during morning hours (second until fifth hour of the day), like-

ECEEE SUMMER STUDY proceedings  1201

5A-206-13 Bo SSmann et al 5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies

Figure 2. Sorted normalized ramp rate and continuous load change capacity for Germany for the years 2006 until 2010. Source:
own illustration.

wise in all seasons and typical days. Instead, constant decrease curves are then scaled according to the application-discrete an-
of distributed load occurs for all typical days in function of nual electricity demand projection and set together again. On
the season: in summer time during morning hours (8th until the one hand this approach features the drawback of requiring
11th hour), in transition period during midday hours (10th un- knowledge about the specific load profiles of every single ap-
til 14th hour) and in winter times during late afternoon hours plication which is very difficult to obtain. On the other hand,
(17th until 19th hour). the use of synthetic load profiles for every single application
The reasons for the load curve deformation are diverse. We leads to a synthetisation of the aggregated load curve. Hence,
distinguish two types of reasons. This is on the one hand the characteristic outliers and irregularities are neglected.
technology or application specific electricity demand intensity The approach that is developed and applied in the present
which can be influenced through fuel substitution, technol- case represents a combination of the two before mentioned
ogy substitution, efficiency measures, macro-economic effects procedures (cf. Figure 3). It is referred to as partial decompo-
etc. A change in electricity demand intensity implies that the sition approach, PDA (see also (Boßmann et al. 2013)). The
contribution of the respective technology/application specific calculation of the future electricity load curve is primarily
consumption pattern to the overall load curve occurs with a based on a technology discrete forecast of the annual electric-
different weighting. On the other hand, the weighting can re- ity demand, e.g. from the electricity demand projection model
main constant if the technology/application specific electricity FORECAST. FORECAST is a bottom-up simulation model
demand remains the same but the consumption pattern might (Elsland, Boßmann & Wietschel 2012), (Fleiter et al. 2012),
vary over time, e.g. through changes in individual behavior pat- (ESA2 2013). It calculates the future annual energy demand
terns or the explicit modification of load patterns via demand for all countries of the European Union as well as for Norway,
side management (DSM) measures. Switzerland and Turkey until the year 2050 based on assump-
tions on socio-economic data (such as growth of GDP and
population as well as evolution of energy carrier prices) and
Methodology: Partial decomposition approach (PDA) techno-economic data (e.g. specific consumption, equipment
As described at the beginning, knowledge about the electricity rate, operation time, life time, investment cost). The deter-
load curve is crucially important for the design of the future mined electricity demand projection is distinguished by coun-
electricity supply system since the power plant park needs to try, year, sector, application and technology. Thus it allows for
cover the electricity demand at any time of the year. In the con- calculating the application specific electricity demand evolu-
text of energy system modelling, the most common method in tion between the base year and a future year (in the following
long-term forecasting of load curves consists of scaling a his- named as projection year) wherefore we want to determine
toric load curve according to the assumed future annual elec- the load curve.
tricity consumption (this is for instance done in (SRU 2010), In a first step we cluster all applications that feature a sig-
(Ramachandran Kannan 2012), (Fraunhofer IWES 2009)). This nificant change in annual electricity demand between base
approach implies that the shape of the future load curve exactly and projection year in the group of relevant applications. All
correlates with the shape of the historic load curve. As shown remaining applications belong to the group of less relevant ap-
in the previous section, the shape of the load curve is chang- plications. To distinguish the applications, the absolute change
ing over time. Hence, the scaling approach represents a very in electricity is compared to the sum of changes of all applica-
simplified estimation of the future load curve that implies a tions. The definition of a specific threshold determines which
specific error. and how many applications are rated as relevant. A high thresh-
The full decomposition of the historic load curve by means old leads to a small number of relevant applications and hence
of application specific electricity load profiles represents an to a limited requirement for application-specific load profiles.
alternative approach. In this case, the historic load curve is A low threshold triggers a high number of relevant applica-
split up into a number of individual load curves for specific ap- tions and a more holistic coverage of all appearing application
plications (Elsland, Boßmann, Hartel, et al. 2012). These load specific demand changes.


5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies 5A-206-13 BoSSmann et al

Figure 3. Overview of the partial decomposition approach for determination of future load curves (exemplarily shown for two relevant
applications and a time slot of 24 hours). Source: own illustration.

We assume that the relevant applications have a significant The scheme in Figure 3 depicts the before-mentioned pro-
impact on the shape of the future load curve. Hence, they are cedure exemplarily, assuming two relevant applications (heat
treated in a particular manner. In step two we construct load pumps and night storage heaters) and showing only a 24 hour
curves for every single relevant application by using load pro- section of the entire load curve.
files. These profiles exist for entire years or for specific typical The presented approach implies that the structure of the pro-
days (distinguished by season and weekday) that need to be jection year with regard to the distribution of weekdays is iden-
assembled to yearly load profiles (cf. (Fünfgeld 2001), (Lübke tical to the base year. This simplification is acceptable given the
et al. 1998)). Some profiles, e.g. for heat generation or air-con- fact that we aim on estimating a representative load curve for a
ditioning applications, do additionally depend of the ambient specific long-term scenario instead of predicting the load curve
temperature. The load profiles as well as the temperature time as close to reality as possible, as it is done in short-term forecast4.
series are included in a data base. The yearly load profiles are The same applies for the ambient temperature profile and the
scaled according to the application specific change in electricity application specific load profiles which are assumed to be the
demand between base and projection year. Hence, the result- same in base and projection year. Nevertheless, a calculation of
ing load curves consist of negative values in case of decreasing varying ambient temperature time profiles (e.g. in the case of a
annual energy demand and vice versa. In a third step, the load scenario assuming temperature increase as a consequence of cli-
curves of all relevant applications are summed up to a single mate change) is feasible. In this case, the electricity load curves
load curve. Its integral equals the cumulated change in annual of all applications depending on the outdoor temperature need
electricity demand of all relevant applications. to be extracted from the historic load curve in the base year
The less relevant applications are assumed to have a minor and need to be calculated separately for the projection year, con-
impact on the shape of the future load curve. Hence, in step sidering the new temperature profile and annual electricity de-
four we simply scale the historic load curve of the base year ac- mand. The obstacle for using different load profiles for base and
cording to the cumulated change in annual electricity demand projection year does not consist in the calculation procedure but
of all less relevant applications. This step corresponds to the in the estimation of future load profiles. Determining the defor-
scaling approach which is commonly applied in various elec- mation of load profiles due to changing consumer behavior or
tricity market models (see beginning of this section). demand side management measures requires profound research
In a final step, we add the aggregated load curve of the rel- on the evolution of electricity consumption patterns.
evant applications on top of the scaled historic load curve of
the less relevant applications. This gives the total load curve for
the projection year. 4. Further information on the differences between short-term and long-termload
forecast are given in (Srinivasan & Lee 1995).

ECEEE SUMMER STUDY proceedings  1203

5A-206-13 Bo SSmann et al 5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies

Generally speaking, for estimating the shape of the future wise continuously growing due to the enhancement of energy
load curve the PDA features the advantage of considering taxes and levies.
structural changes in the evolution of annual electricity de- The DS follows an explorative approach. It is mainly charac-
mand through explicit modeling of change in electricity de- terised through an intensified diffusion of energy saving tech-
mand of the most relevant applications while preserving the nologies (e.g. more efficient household appliances, more ambi-
characteristic abnormalities and outliers of historic load curves tious insulation of new and existing buildings, technology shift
by scaling the remaining part. The distinction of applications towards efficient industry processes such as the use of mem-
regarding the significance of their impact on the deformation brane technology in chlorine production), the increased use of
of the load curve reduces the need for research of application recycling products (e.g. in aluminium or paper production), an
specific load profiles on a minimum. Finally, using the results increase of the refurbishment rate of existing buildings and a
of bottom-up electricity demand projections entails benefitting comprehensive introduction of new technologies such as heat
from the strengths of this approach, such as the representation pumps and electric vehicles.
of a variety of applications and technologies being used, the dif- With respect to the electricity supply side, we do not dis-
fusion of new technologies, the evolution of technology specific tinguish between a RS and a DS capacity mix (for the purpose
characteristics (e.g. the specific electricity consumption) and of assessing the impacts of the modified load curves ceteris
the impact of policy measures and macro-economic drivers on paribus). Instead we use just a single mix in order to ensure
the before-mentioned issues. comparability of results. The power plant mix that is used in
To assess the impacts of load curve deformations on the the PowerACE model is given in Table 3. It is based on figures
electricity supply side, we use the electricity market optimi- from (ESA2 2013). Conventional power plants represent 35 %
zation model PowerACE (Power Agent based Computational of the overall installed capacity. Due to the nuclear phase out in
Economics). It aims to match hourly demand and supply while Germany, all nuclear power plants are shut down. Lignite and
considering reserve markets and power flows between coun- hard coal based power plants only exist in combination with
tries (Sensfuß 2007), (Genoese 2010). The model is linked to carbon capture and storage technology5 (CCS). Only oil and
extensive databases for power plants, electricity demand and the majority of gas power plants are not equipped with CCS
installed capacities of renewable energy sources, for which gen- technology. Given the high share of renewable energy sources
eration profiles based on detailed meteorological data are used. (65 % of the overall capacity) flexible oil and gas turbines (with-
The model can be used to simulate the whole electricity sector out CCS) account for nearly two thirds of the installed fossil ca-
of the EU-27 plus Norway and Switzerland and specific coun- pacity. In terms of RES capacity, wind power clearly dominates
tries of Northern Africa until the year 2050. with more than 50 %, directly followed by photovoltaic instal-
lations of about 40 % of all RES capacity. The installed capacity
of RES electricity and the respective generation profiles give the
Case study electricity generation that serves as an input for the PowerACE
In the following we apply the before mentioned methodology model. More than 60 % come from wind power plants, about
in the framework of a case study. This case study has three ob- 16 % each from photovoltaic and biomass. The energy carrier
jectives. We demonstrate to what extent the results from the prices used in the PowerACE model equal the ones from the
partial decomposition approach differ from the simple scal- Reference scenario in Table 2.
ing approach. Moreover, we assess the impacts of ambitious The results from FORECAST are shown for both scenarios
energy saving options (Decarbonisation scenario, in the fol- in Figure 4. In the RS annual electricity demand will increase
lowing named as DS) on the shape of the future load curve in by 2 % between base and projection year to 564 TWh in 2050.
comparison with a business as usual development (Reference The demand reduction in the households, tertiary and agricul-
scenario, in the following named as RS). In both scenarios we ture (cf. “Others”) sector is compensated by growing industrial
apply the two approaches. Finally, we evaluate the impacts of electricity demand and the introduction of electric vehicles
these load-curves on the dispatch of a given power plant park. that increase annual electricity demand in the transport sector
The case study is carried out for Germany. The base year is (cf. Figure 4). Between RS and DS there is an electricity saving
2008, the projection year is 2050. For the calculation of the gap until the year 2030, which is continuously diminishing in
electricity demand with the FORECAST model, we assume the subsequent years through an even stronger increase of demand
socio-economic parameters in both scenarios being the same. in the transport sector as well as a renewed growth in the in-
The GDP features an average annual growth rate of 1.1 % per dustry sector. By 2050, electricity demand in the DS is about
year. Since population is in total declining by 12 % between 0.5 % below the base year value, at 554 TWh. Hence, the goal
2008 and 2050, the average annual growth of GDP per capita of the German government to reduce electricity consumption
mounts up to 1.4 % (cf. Table 2). These inputs serve as input for by 25 % compared to 2008 is not met in this scenario, given its
the determination of the sectoral drivers. explorative character. The main reasons are represented by the
Energy carrier prices feature a further increase in both sce- comprehensive electrification of heat generation in the house-
narios until the year 2030. Up to the year 2050, in the RS, prices holds and tertiary sector as well as in the transport sector.
are further augmenting, while in the DS we assume a global In order to identify relevant applications that trigger the most
action for climate protection triggering a reduced demand for significant electricity savings and increases, we apply the selec-
fossil energy carriers and hence stagnating or even declining
prices (following assumptions for the decarbonisation sce-
narios of the Energy Roadmap 2050 (European Commission
5. CCS power plants are assumed to feature a 10 percentage point loss in conver-
2011)). However, end consumer prices for final energy are like- sion efficiency and a capture rate of 95 %.


5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies 5A-206-13 BoSSmann et al

Table 2. Overview of main assumptions for the FORECAST model for Germany for the year 2050. Source: based on (European Commission 2011), partially

2050 Reference scenario Decarbonisation scenario

GDP Bn €2008 3531
Population M 72.1
Wholesale energy Uranium €2008/GJ 0.8 0.8
carrier prices Lignite €2008/GJ 1.6 1.6
Hard coal €2008/GJ 3.8 3.0
Natural gas €2008/GJ 10.9 6.9
Crude oil €2008/GJ 14.1 10.4
Emissions allowance price €2008/tCO2 50.0 292.3

Table 3. Overview of main assumptions for the PowerACE model for Germany for the year 2050 for the RS and DS. Source: own calculations, conventional
capacity data based on (ESA2 2013).

Conventional power Installed capacity Renewable energy Installed capacity Generation [GWh]
plants [GW] sources [GW]
Lignite CCS 12.4 Wind onshore 50.5 116.4
Hard coal CCS 16.9 Wind offshore 36.3 131.9
Natural gas CCS 7.4 Solar 63.5 67.3
Natural gas without CCS 22.1 Biomass 10.6 62.8
Oil 30.9 Hydro 4.2 23.4
Geothermal 0.1 1.1

Figure 4. Annual electricity demand projection from the FORECAST model for Germany for the years 2008 until 2050.
Source: own illustration.

tion criterion (relative change in annual demand compared to steel production, as well as the increased use of recycled mate-
the sum of all changes) to all applications. The selection crite- rial, e.g. secondary instead of primary aluminium or recycled
rion is s et at 0.8 %. Hence, 33 applications are labelled as rel- paper instead of production of new pulp and paper.
evant in the RS and 30 applications in the DS. Table 4 displays Based on the selection of relevant applications and respective
the most significant of the relevant applications, their change in load profiles that are contained in our internal data base, we
annual demand and their share of total changes. are able to construct load curves for both scenarios by applying
In the RS, the exhaustive introduction of electric vehicles the partial decomposition approach (PDA). In the following
and heat pumps in the household and tertiary sector represents we assess the resulting load curves for the projection year and
the most important driver for electricity demand increase. On compare them with the load curves generated by simple scal-
the other hand, the phase-out of night-storage heaters and the ing (SCA) of the historic load curve of 2008. Table 5 shows the
improved efficiency of residential and tertiary lighting limit a results of the evaluation criteria being applied on all four load
further demand growth. In the DS, these phenomena occur at curves6.
an even higher intensity. Both scenarios also have in common
the technology shift from diaphragm and mercury to mem-
brane technology in chlorine production, a fuel shift through 6. All load curves are based on the same temperature time series and feature the
the substitution of blast furnaces with electric arc furnaces in same composition of weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Hence, an adjustment is
not required and absolute values are included in the overview.

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5A-206-13 Bo SSmann et al 5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies

Table 4. Examples for relevant applications in the Reference and Decarbonisation scenario, comparing the annual demand of 2008 and 2050. Source: own

Sector Application Reference scenario Decarbonisation scenario

Change in Compared to Change in Compared to
demand [TWh] sum [%] demand [TWh] sum [%]
TR Electric mobility +30.5 14.6% +68.5 22.3%
HH Heat pumps for space heating +7.6 3.7% +29.3 9.5%
TE Lighting -14.4 6.9% -19.6 6.4%
HH Night storage heater for space heating -7.0 3.4% -7.7 2.5%
HH Heat pumps for sanitary hot water +6.3 3.0% +8.2 2.7%
HH Lighting -5.9 2.9% -6.7 2.2%
IN Membrane process for chlorine +5.9 2.8% +5.9 1.9%
IN Primary aluminium for aluminium -5.5 2.7% -5.7 1.9%
TE Heat pumps for space heating +4.7 2.3% +4.4 1.5%
Others Agriculture, forestry, fishery -4.7 2.1% -4.7 1.5%
IN Pumps in paper industry -4.2 2.0% -3.8 1.2%
HH TV sets -3.0 1.5% -4.3 1.4%
All All relevant applications 83.5% 84.1%
HH: households; TE: tertiary sector; IN: industry sector; TR: transport sector; Others: other sectors

Table 5. Evaluation criteria for the German load curves for the year 2050. Source: own calculations.


Load Capacity factor cf 71.9% 66.4% 71.9% 61.4%
duration Maximum load Pmax 89.8 GW 97.3 GW 87.7 GW 102.7 GW
curve Minimum load Pmin 39.0 GW 34.6 GW 38.1 GW 33.6 GW
Minimum load Pmin/Pmax 43.4% 35.6% 43.4% 32.7%
Load Ramp rate factor rrf 0.58% 0.70% 0.58% 0.78%
change Mean ramp rate µrr,pos 2.67% 2.62% 2.67% 2.71%
between µrr,neg -2.07% -2.98% -2.07% -3.65%
consecutive Standard σrr.pos 2.45% 2.05% 2.45% 1.91%
hours deviation σrr,neg 1.55% 2.48% 1.55% 2.87%
Intersection with xy=0 56.3% 46.7% 56.3% 42.6%
Stable load Mean duration µ∆t,90%-100% 2.2 h 1.8 h 2.2 h 1.6 h
situations Standard σ∆t,90%-100% 1.35 h 0.49 h 1.35 h 0.57 h
Continuous Mean duration µ∆t,pos 4.4 h 4.6 h 4.4 h 4.7 h
load change µ∆t,neg 5.6 h 4.0 h 5.6 h 3.5 h
sequences Standard σ ∆t,pos 2.9 h 2.8 h 2.9 h 2.6 h
deviation σ ∆t,neg 3.6 h 2.7 h 3.6 h 2.6 h
Mean capacity µ∆P 10.5 GW 11.6 GW 10.2 GW 13.1 GW
Maximum Max∆P,pos 31.9 GW 35.8 GW 31.2 GW 38.5 GW
capacity Max∆P,neg -30.3 GW -40.2 GW -37.5 GW -48.9 GW
Number of naltern 1759 2051 1759 2138

Applying the PDA leads to an increase of maximum load the right part of Figure 5. While the scaling approach leads to
which is even reinforced in the DS. The reverse trend applies an identical distribution of load situations, the RS-PDA case
for the minimum load which is diminished by the PDA and features a shift from peak towards intermediate load situations.
in the DS. This results in a larger variety of load situations In the DS-PDA case, this shift is further enhanced and the fre-
(e.g. between 39 and 90 GW in the RS-SCA case and between quency of base load situations increases, too.
34 and 103 GW in the DS-PDA case, see also left part of Fig- One can observe an increase of volatility in terms of cumu-
ure 5) which has significant impacts on the requirements of lated change of load between subsequent hours. The ramp rate
electricity generation capacities. At the same time the reduced factor under the PDA is 0.70 % and 0.78 % in the Reference
capacity factor indicates that the utilisation of power plants will and Decarbonisation scenario, respectively, instead of 0.58 %
differ from their nowadays use. Peak load situations are occur- under the scaling approach. While the mean positive ramp rate,
ring less frequently when applying the PDA, as can be seen in µrr,pos, is only marginally influenced through the PDA and the


5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies 5A-206-13 BoSSmann et al

introduction of energy saving options, we notice a considerable duration of continuous load increase, but only of 12 hours.
increase of the mean negative ramp rate, µrr,neg, from -2.07 % in Max∆P,pos is about 39  GW in this case. For continuous load
the RS-SCA and DS-SCA case to -2.98 % in the RS-PDA case decrease, the maximum duration is shortened from 19 hours
and to -3.65 % in the DS-PDA case (cf. left part of Figure 6). in the SCA cases to 13 hours in the PDA cases. The maximum
This means that under the scaling approach, load increase oc- load reduction, Max∆P,neg, is further increasing from 30  and
curs in shorter time steps than load decrease (in 56.3 % of all 38 GW in the SCA cases to 40 and 49 GW in the RS-PDA and
hours we observe a load decrease, as indicated by the intersec- DS-PDA case.
tion with the x-axis, xy=0, in the left part of Figure 6). This trend The reduced duration of continuous load change sequences
is reversed when applying the PDA, where load decrease takes is also proven by the number of alternations between load in-
place more rapidly, in particular in the DS (46.7 % in the RS and crease and decrease and vice versa. It increases from 1,759 al-
42.6 % in the DS, respectively). ternations in the SCA case to 2,051 in the RS-PDA case and
The increase in volatility implies a diminished mean dura- to 2,138 in the DS-PDA case, underlining that the introduc-
tion of stable load situations. For all load levels above 20 % of tion of energy saving options, as assumed in the DS, has a
the normalized load difference, the mean duration in the RS- driving effect on the volatility of the load curve. To under-
PDA case is about 23 % lower and in the DS-PDA case about stand, which technologies and changes in annual electricity
39 % lower than the mean duration in the SCA cases (see for demand trigger a deformation of the load curve, we have a
instance µ∆t,90%-100%). detailed look on the load curve on a daily level. The left part
When having a look on the continuous change of load of Figure 7 illustrates the mean daily load distribution in the
situations, there is likewise a trend reversion between load RS-PDA case (for every weekday in every season and the
increase and decrease. Comparing PDA with the scaling ap- 24 hours per day) minus the daily distribution of the RS-SCA
proach shows an extension of mean duration of continuous case. Negative values represent lower values in the RS-PDA
load increase, µ∆t,pos, but in particular a significantly dimin- case and positive values the opposite. The general appearance
ishing mean duration of load decrease. Continuous load in- of the table plot underlines that a simple scaling of the load
crease takes place during not more than 10 consecutive hours curve (SCA case) significantly underestimates the load in
with a maximum load increase, Max∆P,pos, of 31 to 32 GW in evening hours. Due to the PDA we observe a strong increase
the SCA case. In the RS-PDA case, load increase can take up in the period between hour 17 and 21 due to the charging of
to 17 hours with Max∆P,pos of 39 GW (see right part of Fig- electric vehicles after their last journey. This additional load
ure 6). Likewise, the DS-PDA case reports a higher maximum would prove more severe if there was no simultaneous load

Figure 5. Load duration curve and frequency of load situations for Germany for the year 2050. Source: own illustration.

Figure 6. Sorted normalized ramp rate and continuous load change capacity for Germany for the year 2050. Source: own illustration.

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5A-206-13 Bo SSmann et al 5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies

Difference  between  RS-­‐SCA  and  RS-­‐PDA Difference  between  RS-­‐PDA  and  DS-­‐PDA
Summer Transition Winter Summer Transition Winter
Hour We Sa Su We Sa Su We Sa Su We Sa Su We Sa Su We Sa Su
1 1,5% 3,1% 2,3% -­‐2,4% -­‐3,7% 5,1% -­‐5,7% -­‐5,3% 3,8% 2,6% 8,4% 8,8% 3,7% 8,4% 9,5% 3,3% 7,3% 7,6%
2 -­‐2,6% -­‐2,0% 0,0% -­‐7,6% -­‐8,3% 2,1% -­‐8,0% -­‐8,2% -­‐4,6% 1,4% 5,2% 8,0% 2,5% 5,4% 9,1% 2,7% 5,0% 7,4%
3 -­‐6,2% -­‐6,8% -­‐1,9% -­‐7,0% -­‐7,4% -­‐7,9% -­‐6,6% -­‐7,2% -­‐9,9% 0,5% 3,0% 6,7% 2,1% 3,8% 7,2% 3,1% 4,2% 7,2%
4 -­‐6,0% -­‐5,8% -­‐4,2% -­‐4,6% -­‐3,8% -­‐11,8% -­‐3,8% -­‐3,9% -­‐11,8% 1,4% 2,8% 6,0% 3,0% 4,1% 6,7% 4,3% 4,5% 6,9%
5 -­‐5,8% -­‐4,7% -­‐7,3% -­‐3,6% -­‐1,7% -­‐11,1% -­‐2,7% -­‐1,4% -­‐9,5% 2,3% 2,6% 4,5% 3,9% 4,4% 6,2% 5,7% 5,3% 7,0%
6 -­‐6,3% -­‐5,0% -­‐7,3% -­‐4,1% -­‐2,0% -­‐6,8% -­‐3,7% -­‐1,3% -­‐5,3% -­‐2,3% 0,1% 2,1% -­‐0,3% 2,5% 4,9% 2,3% 4,8% 7,0%
7 -­‐6,1% -­‐5,6% -­‐6,3% -­‐4,3% -­‐3,2% -­‐4,3% -­‐3,9% -­‐2,3% -­‐1,9% -­‐9,1% -­‐4,5% -­‐3,0% -­‐7,4% -­‐2,5% 0,0% -­‐7,1% 0,5% 4,8%
8 -­‐5,7% -­‐5,2% -­‐5,5% -­‐4,4% -­‐3,6% -­‐3,4% -­‐3,9% -­‐2,6% -­‐0,9% -­‐8,5% -­‐7,3% -­‐6,5% -­‐7,7% -­‐6,5% -­‐4,7% -­‐7,5% -­‐4,7% -­‐0,7%
9 -­‐4,9% -­‐4,3% -­‐4,4% -­‐4,3% -­‐3,7% -­‐3,2% -­‐3,7% -­‐2,9% -­‐1,7% -­‐9,0% -­‐10,5% -­‐10,1% -­‐8,8% -­‐10,8% -­‐10,2% -­‐7,5% -­‐10,3% -­‐9,3%
10 -­‐4,3% -­‐3,6% -­‐2,8% -­‐4,0% -­‐3,7% -­‐2,1% -­‐2,8% -­‐3,2% -­‐0,9% -­‐7,9% -­‐9,0% -­‐11,4% -­‐8,3% -­‐10,2% -­‐12,2% -­‐7,1% -­‐9,7% -­‐12,2%
11 -­‐3,1% -­‐2,8% -­‐1,9% -­‐3,8% -­‐3,4% -­‐1,6% -­‐3,6% -­‐2,1% 0,0% -­‐7,4% -­‐6,8% -­‐10,4% -­‐9,0% -­‐8,6% -­‐12,0% -­‐8,1% -­‐6,5% -­‐10,4%
12 -­‐2,9% -­‐1,5% -­‐2,4% -­‐4,2% -­‐2,6% -­‐2,7% -­‐4,6% -­‐2,1% -­‐1,0% -­‐8,4% -­‐7,7% -­‐12,1% -­‐11,0% -­‐9,6% -­‐13,7% -­‐12,2% -­‐7,8% -­‐11,1%
13 -­‐1,4% -­‐1,6% -­‐1,3% -­‐2,5% -­‐3,0% -­‐2,2% -­‐2,4% -­‐1,0% -­‐0,2% -­‐9,6% -­‐8,0% -­‐10,8% -­‐11,1% -­‐9,8% -­‐12,6% -­‐10,8% -­‐7,4% -­‐9,4%
14 -­‐1,0% 0,4% -­‐0,4% -­‐1,6% -­‐1,2% -­‐1,5% -­‐0,1% -­‐0,5% 0,5% -­‐6,5% -­‐3,5% -­‐5,9% -­‐6,8% -­‐4,5% -­‐7,2% -­‐4,3% -­‐2,6% -­‐4,4%
15 -­‐1,0% 1,7% 1,5% -­‐1,4% 0,5% 0,5% 0,1% 2,5% 3,0% -­‐2,8% 0,4% -­‐1,1% -­‐2,9% -­‐0,3% -­‐2,1% 0,5% 3,1% 1,4%
16 0,4% 3,2% 2,2% 0,3% 2,3% 1,9% 0,9% 3,2% 3,7% 0,3% 3,6% 1,7% 0,9% 3,7% 1,9% 4,9% 7,3% 5,5%
17 2,9% 4,4% 3,3% 2,9% 4,3% 3,7% 2,9% 5,1% 6,0% 5,5% 5,9% 5,4% 5,7% 6,1% 5,3% 8,5% 7,8% 7,2%
18 6,8% 7,3% 5,9% 6,5% 7,2% 6,3% 5,2% 6,1% 6,0% 9,7% 7,8% 6,1% 8,4% 6,9% 5,0% 6,9% 4,0% 1,1%
19 9,9% 8,4% 7,7% 9,7% 8,4% 7,7% 7,8% 5,7% 5,4% 13,1% 7,6% 7,1% 11,0% 6,1% 5,0% 6,2% 0,3% -­‐1,9%
20 11,6% 8,3% 7,5% 11,5% 8,4% 7,5% 10,6% 4,4% 5,2% 14,2% 7,7% 6,3% 12,0% 6,6% 4,2% 4,1% -­‐1,4% -­‐3,5%
21 8,2% 4,6% 4,7% 8,9% 5,5% 6,0% 9,4% 2,6% 4,2% 10,1% 3,8% 4,5% 8,9% 3,8% 4,1% 3,1% -­‐1,4% -­‐1,6%
22 5,7% 2,1% 2,7% 6,9% 3,4% 4,6% 7,4% 2,7% 4,3% 5,8% 0,1% 2,0% 5,7% 0,7% 2,4% 4,1% -­‐0,3% 0,8%
23 5,2% 1,7% 1,8% 6,5% 3,9% 4,2% 5,2% 3,8% 1,9% 3,4% -­‐1,3% 0,9% 3,8% -­‐0,2% 2,0% 3,9% -­‐0,7% 2,8%
24 4,4% 3,3% 1,3% 3,4% 5,2% 2,5% -­‐1,7% 4,1% -­‐3,7% 2,1% 2,4% 2,8% 3,0% 2,9% 4,4% 2,5% 1,7% 5,1%

Figure 7. Differences in mean load distribution in 2050 over the typical days between RS-SCA and RS-PDA (left) and between RS-PDA and
DS-PDA (right). Source: own illustration.

reduction through increased efficiency in residential TV sets carry out three different runs, using the load curves from the
as well as in residential and commercial lighting. At the same RS-SCA, the RS-PDA and the DS-PDA case, ceteris paribus
time, the scaling approach overestimates load in early morn- (i.e. same generation capacities, fuel prices, generation from
ing hours. In the period between hour one and seven, load renewable energy sources and import/export with neighbour-
is actually diminishing given the phase-out of night storage ing countries). Table 67, 8 gives an overview of the main results
heaters, the reduced use of direct electric heating, efficiency from the RS-SCA case (in absolute terms) and shows on the
improvements in lighting technologies but also reduced load one hand the relative difference between the RS-PDA and the
from energy intensive industries (e.g. chlorine and alumini- RS-SCA case in order to highlight the effects deriving from the
um production) and agricultural companies that are also run- two different approaches. On the other hand it provides the
ning in night times. In other periods of the day the differences relative difference between the DS-PDA and the RS-PDA case
appear to be lower which can be explained by compensation to assess the effects of a distorted load curve due to energy sav-
effects of various simultaneously occurring load curve defor- ing measures on the demand side.
mations. In the RS-SCA case, renewable energy sources represent
The right part of Figure 7 displays the differences in the mean 70 % of the entire electricity generation9. Since they are sup-
load distribution between RS and DS, both applying the PDA. posed to have feed-in priority, full load hours of base load
Hence, it shows the additional load increase/decrease (posi- technologies such as lignite CCS and hard coal CCS equal
tive/negative values) in the DS compared to the RS due to the only 5,482  and 4,521  hours, respectively. Peak load capaci-
diffusion of energy saving technologies. The increased load in ties (gas turbines without CCS and oil) feature 500 full load
night times stems from the extensive diffusion of heat pumps hours. The relatively high share of RES implies even in this
for space heating and sanitary hot water generation. From hour case 1,669 hours where RES generation exceeds load (nega-
seven onwards, the increasing trend reverses into a decrease of tive residual load). This results in 11.3 TWh or 2.8 % of all
load that persists until hour 15. This development is driven by RES generation that needs to be curtailed. When looking at
the limited use of direct electric heating, the efficiency increase the results of the Reference scenario based on the PDA, one
in household appliances (driers, washing machines, dish wash- can observe a decrease in full load hours of base load capaci-
ers, and in particular electric stoves in Sunday midday hours) ties of about 1 % and an increase for peak load capacities of
and ICT appliances as well as efficient commercial refrigeration about 10 %. Reasons are the enhanced volatility as well as the
and industry processes. In the evening hours, the reduced load
is compensated by an even stronger diffusion of electric vehi-
cles and heat pumps, triggering a load increase that takes until 7. For RES, the value represents the available amount of energy based on the in-
stalled capacity and the generation profiles, disregarding curtailment.
midnight or even the next morning.
8. The mean energy conversion efficiency of hydro pump storage assets of 71 %
In order to answer the question how these load curve de- results in losses of 4.6 TWh in the RS-SCA case.
formations impact the electricity generation mix, we use them 9. This value falls below the aim of the German government of a 80 % RES share in
gross electricity consumption by 2050 (BMU & BMWi 2010) due to the explorative
as an input for the electricity market model PowerACE. We approach of the scenario.


5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies 5A-206-13 BoSSmann et al

Table 6. Overview of main results from PowerACE for Germany for the year 2050. Source: own calculations.


Total electricity demand 563.7 TWh ±0% -1.7%
Generation [TWh] / Lignite CCS 73.8 TWh / 5482 h -1.0% -6.8%
full load hours [h] Hard coal CCS 80.1 TWh / 4521 h -0.4% -4.0%
Gas CCS 19.4 TWh / 2601 h +0.3% -1.2%
Gas without CCS 8.6 TWh / 508 h +9.9% +18.1%
Oil 12.2 TWh / 507 h +9.5% +18.5%
Import -17.8 TWh ±0% ±0%
RES 402.9 TWh / 2439 h ±0% ±0%
Total input into pump storage 15.7 TWh +3.8% +10.6%
Number of hours with negative residual load 1669 +3.1% +16.3%
Share of curtailed RES 2.8% +7.6% +41.5%

Figure 8. Excerpt of electricity generation curves for four days (Fri, 25th–Mon, 28th of April) for Germany for the year 2050. Source: own

higher maximum load but also the dislocation of load towards Conclusion and outlook
evening hours (cf. left part of Figure 7) which diminishes the The results of the case study can be summarized as follows:
use of midday power generation from photovoltaic plants (cf. When estimating future load curves it is crucial to reconsider
chart on bottom left of Figure 8). The total amount of curtailed the shape. A simple scaling of historic load curves neglects
RES electricity increases by 7.6  %, the use of pump storage transformation processes due to changes in technology and
capacities by 3.8 %. application specific electricity demand and consumption
The before mention phenomena appear even more explic- patterns. By applying the partial decomposition approach
itly when comparing the two scenarios. In particular base load on the German load curve10 we take into account the evolv-
capacities experience an additional increase of full load hours ing annual electricity demand through the use of technology
by 18 %. Simultaneously, the temporary displacement between specific demand projections from the bottom-up simulation
RES generation and peak load situations aggravates (cf. chart model FORECAST. Using the partial decomposition approach
on bottom right of Figure 8), driving a further increase of cur-
tailed RES electricity by 42 %. The need for balancing pump
storage capacity increases by 11 %.
10. The presented approach is likewise applicable on any other national load curve
provided that the required information is available.

ECEEE SUMMER STUDY proceedings  1209

5A-206-13 Bo SSmann et al 5A. Cutting the energy use of buildings: Projects and technologies

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