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Royea 1

Kady Royea

Jennifer Debock

English 4 Honors

28 Febuary 2019

Essential Question: How does organ donation benefit the donor and the receiver?

Working Thesis: Organ donation positively affects the donor and receiver.

Refined Thesis: Organ donation positively affects the donor and the receiver by helping the

family of the donor cope, giving the donor a sense of purpose, and giving the recipient a

second chance at life.

Annotated Bibliography

“Baby Who Lived Just 9 Days Saves Another through Organ Donation.” Fox News, FOX News


The article discusses a tragic situation that turned into a memorable story. Jessica and

Sampson were devastated when they discovered at their 13-week ultrasound that their baby girl

was developing a large fluid filled cyst on the top of her spine. This would keep the young

Lilah's spinal cord from fully developing thus her quality of life after the womb was going to be

sort. Jessica and Sampson made the heavy decision to carry their baby full term in hopes to

donate her organs and save another baby's life. When Lilah was born, her parents describe that

moment as astounding, they expected baby Lilah to be born stillborn but she came out with a big

cry. The young couple was able to take her home and spend time with her and their 2-year-old

son Abel. Lilah soon died 9 days after her birth. Lilah's heart valves were donated and her lungs

were sent for scientific research. Jessica and Sampson were joyful being able to spend a few
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hours with their little girl let alone 9 days. Though they will never be content with loosing there

young daughter they find peace in knowing her purpose was to save another babies life.

Bever, Lindsey. “A Bride Gave Bone Marrow to Save a Stranger's Baby. The Child Lived - and

Was Her Flower Girl.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 3 July 2018

The article describes a young woman who registered as a bone marrow donor in 2016,

she was struggling to find her purpose in life. Exactly a year later she got a call about an infant

needing a bone marrow transplant and the young women Hayden was a perfect match for young

Skye. Hayden jumped on the opportunity to save a strangers baby girl. Skye developed juvenile

myelomonocytic leukemia at age one and was in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant.

Hayden donated enough bone marrow for 2 procedure. the first procedure didn't stay in Skye's

body, cancer fought its way through it. The second procedure saved young Skye's life. The two

families stayed in contact for the next 2 years. Hayden adores Skye and refers to Skyes as her

lifesaver because Skye gave her a purpose. Skye's parents would disagree because in their eyes

Hayden saved Skye's life. Hayden then requested Skye to be her flower girl in her wedding.

There was not a dry eye in the church as young Skye walked down the aisle beside Hayden.

Children's Hospital. “Liver Transplant: Josie's Story.” Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, The

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 31 Mar. 2014,

This article tells the story of young Josie, she was born with enlarged organs and liver

function failure. When she was born the young girl seemed healthy until her parents Jamie and

Jon noticed a yellow tint in Josie's skin little over 4 months after she was born. Josie was soon
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put on the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) waiting list. 2 months later the

unthinkable happened for the Lin and Ron Moyer, their 20-year-old son passed away in a terrible

car accident. Soon after they discovered he requested to be an organ donor if something had ever

happened to him. Obeying their deceased sons wishes, 20-year-old Ethan's organs were going to

be donated. Jamie and Jon then recived news that would transform their families lives. 20-year-

old Ethan's liver was a perfect match for young Josie. Soon after the transplant, the family of

Ethan wrote letters to the individuls that received there sons organs, trying to find a way to cope

with the loss of their young son. Josie's family reached back to them and now they meet every

summer to spend time together and give Ethan's family a sense of peace that their son lives on

through a beautiful, cheerful little girl.

“Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic Revision of Rochefortia Sw.

(Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7720

. Https://” doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f.

The journey of organ donation is long and painful, the author of the article tells his story

of losing his wife due to a car accident and donating her organs. The author emphasizes how the

donation did not heal his grieving but gave him a sense of peace knowing his wife's legacy lives

on, saving more than 8 peoples lives. Few years after he lost his 20-year-old daughter due to a

car accident as well. The desition was clear to him, donating her organs was a way to keep his

daughters legacy alive. The young female's death was a devastation to the author, but her ability

to give life to individuals who were close to seeing their own death gave him peace. Both the

author's wife and daughter unexpectedly died too early, from this tragedy over 16 lives were

saved by 2 astonishing women who will forever be remembered and live on through the 16
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people that now have a second chance to live.

“‘I Want to Make a Difference in This World.".” Organ Donor,

The article describes a young lady names Carlee, she has been through two heart

transplants in her life. The first when she was a small infant, she does not remember this surgery

but her parents do. The procedure was successful but the parents of Carlee knew there was a risk

this heart to could give out on the young girl later in her life. She grew strong, doing every sport

she could until everything came crumbling down on the young girl once again. Carlee needed

another heart transplant at around the age of 13. The waiting list was long and took months to

find a perfect match. The day finally came when the worry and panic went away. There was a

perfect match for young Carlee. Although she never found out who she had to thank for saving

her life, she did all she could to raise awareness of organ donation. Carlee has been saved twice

by an organ donor and looks forward to the day she may save someone else by simply being an

organ donor.

TodayShow. “Bride Gets Wedding Day Surprise from Man Who Received Late Son's Heart.”, TODAY,

The article expressed a symbolizing moment between two people. Becky has lost her 19-

year-old 2 years prior to her wedding. Becky allowed her son to be an organ donor in the hope

his legacy would live on. On her wedding day, she left an open chair to symbolize her son's

presence. The groom of Becky, Kelly knew the heavy weight on his bride's heart. Becky's son

Tristan's heart was transplanted into 21-year-old year Jacob, who had a heart defect since birth
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and finally need a transplant. Kelly flew Jacob in for the wedding as a surprise for his bride.

Hiding Jacob was difficult but the expression on Becky's face was priceless, seeing the man who

had received her son's heart in person. The two had only been emailing and a phone call here and

there but had never met in person. Becky got to listen to her son's heart and spend time with a

man who holds a piece of her son.

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