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From the movie of “Confucius”, there consist of a lot of topics that can be used to

describe the “human behavior in organization” which located inside the movie. For me, I have
choosing the topic of personality to describe the “human behavior in organization” in the movie
of “Confucius”. I have found a scene from movie which is related with the topic of personality.
The scene is started from 16:03 to 19:15. For that scene, it is started with an assembly which
consists of much of people debate over whether a pheasant should be killed in the winter
ceremony or be granted its freedom. In this scene, I can see that there consists of several good
personality that shown by Confucius and his personality can be described more deeply with the
Big Five personality model.

Firstly, Confucius shows a high level of openness during that scene. Even though he
knows about the young boy that he want to save is a burial slave, but he still open to get the
request from Duke Lu Dinggong, ruler of Lu to save the young boy. Although he knows that is a
big challenge for him, but he still open to try new things and did not have any feeling of afraid
about that. Secondly, I also can see that Confucius has a high degree of conscientiousness from
that scene. A people with high degree of conscientiousness tend to be having a good impulse
control and goal-directed behavior. Confucius shows that he is a well preparing people from that
scene. From the starting, he already has a good preparing and knows how to deal with the people
who have objections regarding his idea of saving the young burial slave in that assembly. He
plans ahead and stating his idea to affects the thinking of everyone which located in that
assembly. With his good preparing and well plan, he successful persuades everyone in that
assembly and save the young burial slave. Thirdly, from the scene of saving the young burial
slave, Confucius also show a high degree of extraversion. He is a talkativeness and assertiveness
man when he debate with someone in the assembly. He seems like enjoy to being the center of
attention and get the support from everyone in the assembly for saving that young boy. Besides
that, he is a person with highly agreeableness. He is very care about the young boy and feels
empathy about him. He shows his kindness and tries to save the young boy. The scene can show
that he is enjoying helping the person who located in a difficulty situation. Lastly, Confucius also
shows that he has a low neuroticism trait in that scene. This trait can be seen when he receive
many objections for his idea of saving that young burial slave in that assembly. But, he still has a
stable emotion and stay calm to deal with them. He does not worry about that and keep calm to
persuade everyone for affecting their thinking.

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