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Limpeza matutina diária para o fígado

Faça uma porção – para ser usado diariamente por 19 dias
1 CS de suco de lima da pérsia
1 CS de vinagre “Apple cider” – aquele com uma névoa no fundo
1 CC de mel puro
1/8 CC de cúrcuma
1/8 CC de pimenta caiene
1/8 CC de alecrim
Agite todos os ingedientes em um copo com “8ounce” de água morna e beba.
Em jejum, 30 minutos antes do café da manhã.
Vitamina E 150 IU
Zinco 50-80mg por dia
100mg de
Pycnogenol: Pycnogenol is made from the bark of the Pinus pinaster tree

Daily Morning Cleaning for the Liver

Makes one serving – to be used daily for 19 days
1 Tablespoon lime juice
1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon pure honey
1/8 teaspoon turmeric
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/8 teaspoon rosemary
Stir all ingredients together in an 8-ounce glass of warm water and drink.

Comprar Stevia

Para ter sucesso, para curar seu fígado, pancreas e rins e alcançar seu objetivo de curar o
diabetes, você não pode jejuar ou ficar sem comer por mais de quarto horas enquanto
estiver acordado.


In order to be successful, to heal your liver, pancreas and kidneys and

to achieve your goal of curing your diabetes,
you cannot fast or go without eating
for more than four hours at a time while you’re awake.

Choose one 4-ounce serving of poultry, lamb, fish, or eggs per day
Banana Strawberry Shake
1 1/2 cup pure water
2 Tablespoons hemp seeds
1 cup unsweetened frozen strawberries
1 frozen banana, cut into bite-sized chunks 79 2014
Combine all ingredients in blender and process on high speed until smooth. Pour
into a tall glass and enjoy immediately. Serves one.
A tablespoon of hemp seeds has 4 grams of protein.

One tablespoon of chia seeds has 2 grams of protein.

A handful of romaine lettuce has 1 gram of protein. Make a fresh vegetable salad, using a
couple of handfuls of romaine lettuce and adding fresh carrots, cucumbers, peppers,
celery, onions or whatever you like. Sprinkle with seeds and top with sliced or chopped
nuts. Adding croutons made from whole grain bread, will give you even more protein! Top
with a honey-lemon poppy seed dressing and you will have more than enough healthy
protein on your plate! If it’s more convenient for you, stir the seeds into the dressing
before topping your salad.

Mullaca: Mullaca is another powerful healer for diabetes. It’s used extensively in
Peru and in Brazil as an herbal medicinal plant for a variety of illnesses. Sometimes
the plant is known as bolsa mullaca. Almost all parts of the plant serve a unique
purpose in Peruvian herbal medicine. The leaves are used to make an infusion
which to treat hepatitis and the stems are brewed in a tea to treat malaria and
asthma. In Brazil herbalists use the plant to treat rheumatoid arthritis, skin
disorders and diseases, fever, kidney, gallbladder and liver diseases. It is also used
as a diuretic and as a sedative.
The treat diabetes, three mullacThe treat diabetes, three mullaca plants are
harvested, the roots are thinly sliced and covered with 1/4 of a liter of rum. The
roots are allowed to marinate in the 91 2014

rum for one week before honey is added. 1/2 glass of the mixture is taken twice

Canary Seed Meals: Canary Seeds are surprisingly high in the health benefits they
provide. They are loaded with lipase, an enzyme which helps your body purify
harmful fat deposits, they are high in protein and stable amino acids and they leave
behind no harmful antioxidants. They are full of fiber, potassium and calcium and
a rich source of magnesium and folic acid.
Canary seeds contain more potassium than bananas and more calcium than many dairy
products. They are particularly effective in cleansing and detoxifying the liver and
pancreas. They have been shown to effectively increase the number of hepatocytes (liver
cells) in the body which helps to lower blood sugar and cures diabetes. They lower
cholesterol levels and help to reduce inflammation. They are noted to help people who
suffer from gout and rheumatoid arthritis and gastric ulcers.











Use canary seeds, mullaca, neem for their special healing effects. Find them in
food stores or order them online

Continue with the other healthy habits you have learned:

Daily Morning Cleaner for the Liver: Continue with this every morning
without fail!

Drink Water: 10 glasses of mineral water a day, every day. If you are drinking
filtered water instead of mineral water, take a daily multivitamin with minerals.
95 2014

Avoid Sugar: Remove all forms of sugar and unhealthy sugar from your diet.
This includes diet sweeteners like aspartame, saccharine, agave, rice malt syrup
and high fructose corn syrup. Use only healthy sugar-substitutes: honey, stevia,
fruits and spices to flavor and sweeten foods.

Avoid White flour, rice, pasta and MSG: Replace refined flour and grains with
whole grains.

Reduce Protein in your Diet: Don’t eat red meat. Eat only poultry, lamb, soy or
fish daily and get the rest of your healthy protein from nuts, seeds, lentils and
beans, grains and fruits and vegetables.

You Must Eat: No skipping of meals is allowed. You absolutely must eat a
nutritious meal or healthy snack at least every four hours while awake!

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