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Campus journalism

1. A concept of broadcasters' responsibilities to opposing viewpoints when expressing their own

opinions over airwaves is called _____.

A. cylinder press

B. formal balance

C. fairness doctrine

D. fresh air

Correct answer: Letter C. FAIRNESS DOCTRINE

(Fairness Doctrine was a policy in the US requiring television and radio broadcasters to present
contrasting viewpoints on controversial issues of public importance.)


2. The "Fake News" of the 19th century. It is called as a sensational story; the policy of publishing
sensational stories.

A. red journalism

B. yellow journalism

C. black journalism

D. blue journalism

Correct answer: Letter B. YELLOW JOURNALISM

(Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a US term for a type of journalism that presents little or no
legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.)

3. ______ covers same teritory regularly, in contrast with general assignment reporter who covers
specific and changing type.

A. rim man

B. dogwatch

C. news editor

D. beat reporter

Correct answer: Letter D. BEAT REPORTER

(Beat reporters are journalists who have been assigned a particular area of interest, such as sports, from
which they are expected to generate stories. A beat is considered a certain area or topic.)


4. It is a socially conscious journalism with the intent to correct wrongs wherein journalists are searching
out and publicly exposing real or apparent misconduct of a prominent individual or business.

A. muckraking journalism

B. backpack journalism

C. think tank journalism

D. non-profit journalism

Correct answer: Letter A. MUCKRAKING JOURNALISM

("Muckraker" was a term used in the Progressive Era to characterize reform-minded American journalists
who attacked established institutions and leaders as corrupt.)


5. The practice of journalism as a non-profit organization, also referred to as 'think tank journalism' is
also called as ______.

A. Tabloid journalism
B. Philanthrojournalism

C. Junk journalism

D. Gonzo journalism

Correct answer. Letter B. PHILANTHROJOURNALISM

(Philanthrojournalism is the practice of journalism as a non-profit organization. Like all non-profit

organizations, NPJs depend on private donations or foundation grants to pay for operational expenses.)


6. The line that tells you who wrote an article is called ______.

A. dateline

B. masthead

C. byline

D. subhead

Correct answer: Letter C. BYLINE

(Byline a line at the beginning of a newspaper or magazine article that gives the writer's name.)


7. _______ is a written defamation of character.

A. Slander

B. Libel

C. Recognition

D. Critics

Correct answer: Letter B. LIBEL

(The term "defamation" is an all-encompassing term that covers any statement that hurts someone's
reputation. If the statement is made in writing and published, the defamation is called "libel." If the
hurtful statement is spoken, the statement is "slander.")


8. ______ is a form of journalism in which a reporter tries to infiltrate in a community by posing as

somebody friendly to that community.

A. broadcast journalism

B. yellow journalism

C. tabloid journalism

D. undercover journalism

Correct answer: Letter D. UNDERCOVER JOURNALISM

(Undercover journalism exposes a lot of truths that would otherwise stay under the radar.)


9. It is less than a full sentence taken word-for-word from a source and placed in quotation marks; used
in conjunction with paraphrase.

A. direct quote

B. quote formula

C. partial quote

D. indirect quote

Correct answer: Letter C. PARTIAL QUOTE

(Clue: "less than a full sentence")

10. ______ are quotation marks placed around a word or phrase from which you, the writer, wish to
distance yourself because you consider that word or phrase to be odd or inappropriate for some reason.

A. scare quotes

B. direct quote

C. cutlines

D. cutoff rule

Correct answer: Letter A. SCARE QUOTES

(Scare quotes-also called 'shudder quotes', 'sneer quotes', and 'quibble marks'-are quotation marks a
writer places around a word or phrase to signal that they are using it in a non-standard, ironic, or
otherwise special sense.)


11. ______ is the second paragraph of a news story that finishes giving the 5 W's & H that were not
presented in the lead.

A. Transition paragraph

B. Body paragraph

C. Bridge

D. Attribution

Correct answer: Letter C. BRIDGE

(Bridge is also defined as words that link pieces of narration or sound bites to another. On the other
hand, body paragraphs follow the lead and bridge which give readers information, transitions and quotes
in descending order of importance.)


12. Also called as 'drop intro', _______ is a style of intro writing when a writer keeps the most important
information of the story until later in the story in order to arouse the interest of the reader and create
some mystery.
A. hard news

B. delayed lead

C. death-knock

D. float

Correct answer: Letter B. DELAYED LEAD

(Delayed leads start with a little something to catch the reader's attention, and therefore they delay the
real stuff of leads -- the 5W's, the message and the angle.)


13. It is considered as the 'First Daily Newspaper' during the Spanish Period.

A. Dyaryong Tagalog

B. La Solidaridad

C. La Esperanza

D. La Independencia

Correct answer. Letter C. LA ESPERANZA

(The first daily newspaper, La Esperanza (1846), also catered to the Spanish elite. It dealt with non-
controversial subjects such as religion, science, and history.)


14. The most read newspaper during the Spanish Period is ______.

A. La Independencia

B. El Ilocano

C. La Esperanza

D. Diaryong Tagalog
Correct answer: Letter D. DIARYONG TAGALOG

(Marcelo H. Del Pilar founded "Diaryong Tagalog" in 1882. It is the first daily published in the Tagalog


15. The best edited newspaper, ______, was suppressed by the Governor General after 38 years of
publication, allegedly for inciting the Filipinos to rebel against the Spaniards.

A. Diario de Manila

B. Del Superior Govierno

C. Kalayaan

D. La Libertad

Correct answer: Letter A. DIARIO DE MANILA

(Diario de Manila was a Spanish language newspaper published in the Philippines, founded on October
11, 1848, and closed down by official decree on February 19, 1898, after the colonial authorities
discovered that its installations were being used to print revolutionary material.)


16. He is considered as the "Father of Philippine Journalism."

A. Tomas Pipin

B. Fernandez del Folgueras

C. Marcelo H. del Pilar

D. Gregorio del Pilar

Correct answer: Letter C. Marcelo H. del Pilar

(For his 150 essays and 66 editorials mostly published in La Solidaridad and various anti-friar pamphlets,
del Pilar is widely regarded as the "Father of Philippine Journalism.")


17. The "Freest Press in the World" is _______.

A. Golden Age of Philippine Journalism

B. Silver Age of Philippine Journalism

C. The Philippine Herald

D. Marcos Era


(The post-war era to the pre-martial law period (1945-1972) is called the golden age of Philippine


18. Stories that fit with the media's expectations receive more coverage than those that defy them (and
for which they are thus unprepared).

A. Composition

B. Continuity

C. Conflict

D. Consonance

Correct answer: Letter D. CONSONANCE

(Consonance also refers to the media's readiness to report an item.)

19. In journalism, impact, timeliness, prominence, proximity, oddity, conflict, and currency are classified
as ______.

A. group of words

B. copy flow

C. summary lead

D. news values

Correct answer: Letter D. NEWS VALUES

(Also referred to as 'news elements.')


20. ______ use specific nouns: poodle instead of dog, oak instead of tree. If you use specific nouns, it
reduces the need for adjectives which take up space.

A. common nouns

B. proper nouns

C. colorful nouns

D. abstract nouns

Correct answer: Letter C. COLORFUL NOUNS

(Colorful nouns can help a writer in adding energy to his/her writing by subtracting unnecessary

1. The inability to produce or comprehend the speech because of damage to certain parts of brain is
a. Anaphora

b. Aphasia ✔

c. Cataphora

d. Diexes

2. When the baby is three month old, they can produce velar

sounds /k/, /g/ and vowels /i/ and /u/ this stage is known as

a. Cooing ✔

b. Babbling

c. Holophrastic

d. Telegraphic

3. By the six month, a baby can produce nasal and fricative

sounds. This stage is called

A. Cooing

B. Babbling ✔

C. Holophrastic

D. Telegraphic

4. What is difference between acquisition of a language and

learning of a language?

a. Learning is natural while acquisition is conscious way of

getting language

b. Acquisition is natural and learning is conscious effort to get language✔

c Acquisition focuses on grammar while learning not

d. None

5. Which one is a traditional method of learning a language?

a. GTM ✔

b. Audio lingual

c. Silent

d. Drill method

6. When you mix L1 and L2 and make another language is called

a. Interlanguage ✔

b. Forelangue

c. Post language

d. Coding

7. While speaking one language if we shift to another language it

is called

a. Code Mixing

b. Code Switching ✔

c. Coding

d. None

8. In conversation, if we use the words of two languages it is


A.Code Mixing ✔

B. Code Switching
C. Coding

D. None�

9. English is derived from which of the following major language

a. Latin

b. Greek

c. German ✔

d. French

10. A particular form of a language which is peculiar to a

specific region or social group is called

a. Accent

b. Dialect ✔

c. Bilingualism

d. Pidgin

11. Dialect is peculiar to vocabulary while accent is peculiar

to _______ of a specific group of people

a. Grammar

b. Spelling

c. Pronunciation ✔

d. Tenses

12. A variety of language developed for some practical

purpose among groups of people who don’t know each other

languages is called

a. Pidgin ✔

b. Creole

c. Dialect

d. Accent�

13. When a language developed for some practical purpose

goes beyond that purpose and becomes the first language of

social community, it is called

A. Pidgin

B. Creole ✔

C. Dialect

D. Accent

14. The personal dialect of each individual speaker of a

language is called

a. Register

b. Jargon

c. Diglossia

d. Idiolect ✔

15. Variations in a language according to use in specific

situations is called

A. Register ✔

B. Jargon
C. Diglossia

D. Idiolect

16. Technical vocabulary associated with a specific field or

group is called

A. Register

B. Jargon ✔

C. Diglossia

D. Idiolect�

17. When we speak two varieties of one language in a society,

one is formal and other is informal, it is called

A. Register

B. Jargon

C. Diglossia ✔

D. Idiolect

18. The study of language in relation to brain is called

a. Sociolinguistics

b. Psycholinguistics

c. Neurolinguistics ✔

d. Applied linguistics

19. The study of language in relation to society is called

A. Sociolinguistics ✔
B. Psycholinguistics

C. Neurolinguistics

D. Applied linguistics

20. Scientific study of production, transmission, reception of

speech sounds is called

a. Phonetics ✔

b. Linguistics

c. Phonology

d. Anthropology�

21. According to Chomsky, the native speakers knowledge of

his language, the system of rules he has mastered, his ability

to produce and understand a vast number of new sentences is

a. Competence ✔

b. Performance

c. Both none

d. None

22. Who gave the concept of competence and performance?

a. Chomsky ✔

b. Sapir

c. D e Saussure

d. Watson
23. The concept of language and parole is given by

A. Chomsky

B. Sapir

C. De Saussure ✔

D. Watson

24. The set of all possible grammatical sentences in the

language is called

a. Langue ✔

b. Parole

c. Performance

d. Non�e

25. The set of all utterances that have actually been produced

in the language is called

A. Langue

B. Parole ✔

C. Competence

D. None

26. The major names related to the theory of Behaviorism


a. Chomsky and De Saussure

b. Watson and De Saussure

c. Fried and Chomsky

d. Skinner and Watson ✔

27. “Big” and “small” are the examples of________ antonyms

a. Gradable ✔

b. Non-Gradable

c. Both

d. None

28. According to_____________ we perceive the world as our

language leads us to perceive it.

a. Sapir- Whorf hypothesis ✔

b. Behaviorism

c. Performance and competence

d. Launge and parole�

29. The forms of verb ‘to be” (is, are, am, was, were) are technically known as

a. Anaphora

b. Aphasia

c. Copula ✔

d. Cataphora

30. The originator of theory of Structuralism is

a. De Saussure ✔

b. Chomsky

c. Skinner
d. Watson

31. “Language may be defined as the expression of thought

by the means of speech sounds”. Who defines language in

these words?

a. Chomsky

b. Skinner

c. Henry Sweet ✔

d. De Saussure

32. The study of language ignoring its history is called

a. Diachronic study

b. Synchronic study ✔

c. Both

d. None

33. The study of language through different periods of its

history is called

a. Historical linguistics

b. Diachronic linguistics

c. Synchronic linguistics

d. A and B✔

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