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Lesson Observation Form K.

Teacher Candidate: \n Vn Evaluator:
UNC Supervisor, OR Coooeratins teacher
School, district: V\ DIJ Subject/Grade: i, r;;'. :, t /ihal.r ii|tr,
Lesson t o ic and mn
Aligned to the Colorado Quality Teacher Standards Rubric htrp:// and
the UNC Proqram Completer Survey. Hiehlieht appropriate box.
PLANNING / Instruction lacks focus and/or Instruction is adequate, aligned to CAS, Instruotion is confident, uses CAS based
CONTENT response to student needs. Methods, and enrploys appropriate technology. lesson plan and appropriate technology;
KNOWLEDGE content, and/or technologies rray not Lesson plan reflects diversity and is flexible and differentiated, lbcuses on
be developmentally lppropriate. specific to individual students' needs. appropnate Ieaming objectives. Advanced
Student learning is evident in few. Student learning is evident in most. snrdent leaming is evident.

LEeRNnic Behavior problems in classroonl Manages most behavioral problems Discipiine problems are prevented through
ENVIRONN,IENT negatively altect learning. Little and marntains control of the engaging instruction and building a safe,
conlrol orer classrour:t. Has classroom. Intentronally creates a respectful, and tolerant classroorn
dilficulties relating to students. healthy classroom community community. Appropriate interr ention
Management rnay be where students are treated witlr strategies are evident. E,ffective use of time
developmentally inappropriate. sensitivity and respect. and classroom stmctures apparent.
I N STRU CTION/A SS ES No evidence ofassessment, or no Periodically assesses student performance Consistently assesses student perfbmance
MENT connection betrveen assessment and including fonnal and irrformal methods; both lormally and infomrally; assesslrlent
instruction. nrinor adjustnrents of instruction. drives insh'uction and is directly linked to
Objectives and assessment align. age and content appropriate objectives.

REFLECTION ON inellectively links student lean-ring to Periodically refl ects on professional Evidence ofreflection and analysis olstuden
PR.ACTICE own practice. Does not establish practice and the impact on student leaming with links to goals tbr teacher
professional goals through reflection. learnrng. Able to respond to a conrplex, professiorral practice. Thrives in the complex
Discomfort in school climate. dynamic enviror.u.nent. dynamic environrnent ola school.

PnorEs stoNaLtsl,tlc Lacks evidence of consrstent Reliable, punctual, and collaborative. Consistently reliable, punctual, willing and
OMMLI}iICATION reliability, collegiality, and Willing to leam from criticism. Adheres to able to collaborate. Actively seeks critical
communication. Does not always
adhere to professionalisnr standards.
startdards ol prolessional practice.
Cornrnunicates proi'essionally.
feedback. Exceptronally adheres to standards
ol' prol'essional practice and cornrnunic:rtiorr. I
qnEClFrC CoNrBbli Instruc.tlonal Plannmg and lmplementatroo (w1th lndlvrdual students, small groups, or entfe class) demonsffates an abtlrty s
K}IOWLEDCE:.] i to guide students' proces$es of artrnaking and art interpretation at an age appropriate level defined by the Colorado >d
Academic Standards, National Cprq Arts $tandards, and the CDE Rules for Art Licensure. Highlight D (Developing), P
(Proficient), or T(Target) content knowledge and level ofability to assess student learning and guide instruction.
nstructional Planning and Implementation demonstrates a working knowledge of a student's ability to observe and me background
inowledge to make art and interpret aft. This includes knowledge of compositional principles, functions of the visual arts in a society
rr culture. identification of subiect matter. exDressive content and meaninss of works of art. Hishlieht f-
LEARN TO lntroduction of terms and facts without
iate box.
nstruction adequately engages students in .nstruction synthesizes students
COMPREHEND rontextual applications. rpplication oflesson concepts as defined rnderstanding r isual ani compositions. 7
rbove. neanings, & functions with reflectron, [+
)reation & transfer.
Instruction guides students in to generating artistic ideas and work. Students demonstrate ability to define criteria and make
ENVISION AND reasonedjudgments about the significance oftlreir art and the arl olothers works. Students are guided into making connections
CRITIQUE TO between visual arts and other disciplines (math, literacy, social sciences, and history etc.) TE
REFLECT Instruction minimally offers str,rdents
to ct-rnceptualize or er aluatc artistic
Students are able to defrne criteria and
connect among other disciplines.
Instruction guides students'
refl ection-based observation, creation
liA t
rdeas. & transler among disciplines. It
Demonsrates knowledge of art teaching methods, age appropriate delivery of art instmction. Uses krowledge of media, tools,
.echniques and processes design to help students solve specific visual arts problems. Assists students as they organize, develop,
INVENT AND ;omplete artistic ideas including consideration of meaning and function. Final works are refined lor presenlation.
instructor's ability to convey knorvledge of Students are adequately guided in Students show independence with aft
lrt teaching methods, art media or rrtmaking processes but may have minimal naking along with demonstrated
lrocesses at an age approprrate level is :pporlunity lor age appropriate self- <nowledge of content and skill.
nadequate. liscovery or personal creation. fppomrnirv lor student agency is apparenl
Instruction demonstrates a knowledge and respect for art forms that reflect diversity including various functions and meanings
of art works within diverse groups. Students are able to sl,nthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art
and to apply societal, culturil and historical context to deepen understanding. Instructo-r and students demonstrate awareness
ofthe need for continuing study. reflection. and professional qrowth in the field ofart education.
Connections are not made to other are made to diverse Connections are respectfully n-rade
ideas and diverse experiences or are culture groups and corrtexts. that reflect diverse culture groups and
stereotypical and mdiuentary. Opportunities lor reflection and the contexts. Students conuect arlrlaking
There is little evidence of desire for extension of Ieaming are present. to personal experience, There is
futr-rre growth. evidence of continuing growth,
Lesson Observation Form K.Lz PTEP, UNC

Focus on student o Lesson Objective: . SE -.\\^r* ftrr-r s,r\.5U^o_- yh

What leaming objective(s) did
1ud ,,0-\$r.\4-4
you target? Did your students Student progress toward objective: u lecvte\^r ? r''c., **"*t{:}
master the objective(s)? How Pdl
' L t'm*r $*nltslt"s"t
do you know?
How standards are aligned
*txtt finr{ {eF yl'rutm
Focus on the artistic

How did students evidence

behavrors described by more
than one of the CAS in the
process of art making?

Areas of strength: Teacher Candidate: Observer: r.,r t,,r{

' Sa^Kh{\^+ ga'nz o y1\r,q.Sr'.1 r' \*{ - c,l"'r'Vit r.i t[ Y'uh'c]ta $-t
What are your areas of . \tu't tl;:i*,-'"t-*,'"r' ni 1gge,ft$u'*
stre ngth? tr"r
ir*udift.*^-tw \ " v$1 ng\ i,16..r\,^-{\ i eajlr }=+\ r! I th,l+v'\j1
rI U
.\NMf.sX o,/\a o,\ o{<-- ' ,*-.iv*1','.., A( oi'r" Vzu'rc\5*6'
t) Stvrtr'lfi

Areas of growth: Teacher Candidate: Observer: \

. \s{, t"w*rtof- Bi;r6runm, o pinowe\] erirbu.{(
What are your areas of , tPsh.rd**rt> IotF'0"l^G \*u,-tA
growth? trful*ul 1g0n%h}.,W\t1^
W [r....f ,r, 1-g5$ ftal L']
,A 1.,eoPu (r'-r *3 t"u-(
Goals: . fi.-Q-$', *'t.,&L{ tr,tuErL'

What are goals to

'-grnW^1J ot%r^i^l
improve your instruction ,'-,
and increase student
learning and artistic

Evaluator signature:

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