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Mr, Azis Pondak, MP


Yoga Denhas



Study Program NURSING II B 2017/2018


The definition of nursing home according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, said nursing
home is defined as a place to care for and accommodate elderly people, and Regional Regulation
No, 15 of 2002 concerning Amendment to Perda No. 15 of 2000 concerning Regional Services,
the Tresna Werdha Social Institution was renamed the Social Protection Center of Tresna
Werdha. But in this thesis still using nursing homes as the object of research.

This is where the importance of the Nursing Home as a place for maintenance and care for the
elderly in addition to being a long stay rehabilitation that continues to maintain community life.
On the other hand it is necessary to disseminate information to the community that life and life in
the social environment of the Elderly Home is better than living alone in the community as an
elderly person.

Something must have a positive and negative side, as well as a nursing home. Until now, the
tresna werdha social care institution (PSTW) is still rather negative. Aside from being a place
that is connoted with slum, the orphanage is also touted as a place of disposal for the elderly.
And one of the positive sides of a nursing home is a place to socialize seniors so that it can make
seniors not feel lonely or feel discarded. In addition, this place also has a lot of elderly people or
involved in an activity that involves physical and mental to always be maintained as well as a
means of entertainment, for example healthy gymnastics, doing hobbies such as crafts or just

The main purpose of the Nursing Home is to accommodate humans elderly in healthy and
independent conditions who do not have a place to live and family or who have a family but
deposited because of the inability of the family to care for seniors

Elderly or old age is a closing period in a person's life span, that is, a person's period has moved
away from the previous period which is more pleasant, or moving from a full time of benefit.
Caring for the elderly is not only limited to physical health care but also to psychological and
sociological factors. It should be borne in mind that the quality of life of elderly people continues
to decline as we get older. Decreased mental capacity, changes in social role, dementia (senility).


Position and Role of elderly people in family and society are considered as people who
must be respected and valued, especially considered to have high prestige in the community
making the elderly psychologically healthier mentally. Feelings of being accepted by others will
influence their responses in entering old age, and also affect the health status of the elderly.
Unlike the case if the elderly are considered unwanted roles in society.

Along with the development of the era, the view of the elderly and the position of the elderly in
the community also experienced a significant change. In most countries, especially developed
countries, the elderly are no longer considered as people who must be respected and valued.
Elderly tend to be considered to be a burden of life for those who bear it. Elderly people become
a burden of life because of their declining abilities and unproductive. Coupled with the physical
decline which caused them to be sick, causing the elderly to be considered as wasteful of money
and increasing the economic burden on the families who bear it. Although there are still many
countries that still uphold respect for the elderly, there are also some countries that have
opposing views of the state that respect the elderly, especially those who adhere to eastern

"Giving parents to the institution is not our culture," said Zulkifli Hasan


The emergence of the Western concept of social security by the government through the
presence of nursing homes invites polemic in Islamic countries

There is no justification to encourage the optimization of nursing homes. Support for this activity
can actually trigger a child's lawlessness towards his parents. Children and families should be
more concerned with parents who are responsible for raising them. The density of work is not the
right reason to leave them in a home.

Jurisprudence experts in the Qatari Waqf Ministry, Sheikh Abdullah al-Faqih, argued that
establishing a legal nursing home fardhu kifayah, the obligation was dropped as long as it was
fulfilled by certain parties, the government, for example. In fact, under certain conditions it can
change mandatory. This is because not a few parents are displaced. At the same time, they don't
have a single family that cares anymore. The existence of a nursing home should accommodate
and provide a decent livelihood for the elderly.

However, the caretaker of the fatwa rubric in the Alarab website stressed that it would be very
unethical and despicable if a child or family "threw away" their parents or relatives who had
aged to a certain shelter. In fact, the family concerned is able to take care of it. "Very inhumane,"
he stressed.

This is why Islam strongly emphasizes the importance of good treatment of both parents or
relatives in old age. This demand is as stated among others on QS al-Israa 'verse 23

"And your Lord has commanded that you do not worship other than Him and should do your
best to your father as well as possible." He stated, leaving parents to the institution without for
what is strong is the form of disobedience to both”

Surah Al Israa verse 70

“every human being has the right to a dignified and honorable treatment. This is because in
essence, a human being is greatly glorified by Him. "And verily We have glorified the sons of

If it is not possible to take care of parents at home for legitimate reasons according to the Shari'a,
such as the child's rude or lawless attitude, or acute poverty experienced by the child, then it may
leave parents to a nursing home. However, the institution in question should guarantee the
quality of service. If not then it may not lead parents to the institution.
Why They Children Ignore Then

Elderly people who enter social care institutions are those who are neglected or known to
have no family. Social institutions that are actively involved include these neglected elderly
people. Whereas if the elderly are in paid nursing homes - or even just day care for the elderly,
the fall is not neglect or as many people think, the form of "throwing away" parents.

Maybe some children or families have several reasons why leave parents to nursing homes.

1. Inability to care for seniors

2. Following a husband or wife

3. Work busyness

4. There is no time

5. Don't want to be bothered

and other

In contrast to the elderly who chose to live in the orphanage because, among others, they already
knew the advantages and benefits of living in a home, such as good care (ranging from physical
health to psychology), friends of the same age, and busy activities, elderly who lived alone or
with children (and grandchildren) are more vulnerable to stress or depression due to friction with
the environment, including their own families, whether intentionally or not.

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