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“Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which You have done, and Your

thoughts toward us; there is none to compare with You; if I would declare
and speak of them, they would be too numerous to count” (Ps. 40:5).

Beloved, what do you rehearse in your mind? What do you meditate on? Are you
taking captive every thought to the obedience of God? Are you thinking of those
things that are pure and lovely? Or are you rehearsing past hurts, past mistakes
you have made? Are you thinking over and over in your head the plans of the
wicked that someone has professed with insolent pride? Do you rehearse the
worries and threats spoken to you?

Beloved, there are so many wonders that the Lord has already done for you! Why
do you not rehearse, meditate on, and proclaim these things? Have you a place
to write them down so that the enemy cannot steal them in times of despair?
Write them down now. Are there not numerous wonders that He has already
wrought on your behalf? Now write down all the thoughts that the Lord has toward
you, the promises that He has given you in His Word. Write them down and read
them throughout the day, every day.

Beloved, tell God how good He is for all that He has done for you. And every
blessing, every wonder that He does, add it to your list. Soon, oh so soon, they
will be too numerous for you to count. He delights in blessing you and loving you.
Give Him room in your heart—He longs to bless you. Begin today to count your
blessings one by one and show others by your joy what God has already done.


Read how God is blessing and

answering the prayers of
others to strengthen
YOUR faith in GOD!

Submitted by: ~ Heather in Massachusetts; I'm currently building my Local

Fellowships in and around the East Coast.
Where to begin....... PRAISING THE LORD ALMIGHTY, thats where!!!!! He is
Perfect, Wonderful, Awesome, Amazing, Kind, Gentle, Caring, Loving, and so
much more!! Ladies embrace Him for all that He is, He wants your full attention

My journey has been BEAUTIFUL, HARD, TRYING, EMOTIONAL but worth every
minute of it.
" You have removed lover and friend far from me; My acquaintances are in the
dark"(Psalm 88:18 NASB)

He did this for me, to bring me back to my FIrst Love, Him. It has not been easy,
no not at all.
The knowledge I have now, I know I would not have if He did not take such drastic
measures, removing my husband.

" My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge."( Hosea 4:6a ESV)

He now has removed, for a time, my family. Many nights I had prayed asking the
Lord to only have those that are supportive stay in my life. Slowly I have seen
friends and family leave. Then He took my summer job away, that was a
blessing. My mom and I work together but I know my mom is needed at the
home. I pray for her everyday and when God has us together again it will be
perfect, because it will be His timing not ours. Then the Lord told Erin to have the
Ministers rest. Now I was a little worried, and we know not to worry. What would I
possibly do with my "free" time? I have two young adults home that don't need me
every minute, but need me LOL! No physical out of the house job and now no
ministering. Oh me of little faith..... God has a plan. A plan to rest....

Now at first I took it as rest-to do NOTHING but lounge on the couch (shaking my
head) that lasted 1 day, then I was bored (now I sound like my children). So then I
tried to be busy. I started to call people, well God had the lines busy, no answer,
or the call would not go through. I heard the Lord say" Am I not enough" that was
day 2.

By day 3 I did something AMAZING, something we have been taught time and
time again. I LET GO OF TRYING TO CONTROL and asked the Lord "What do
you want me to do?" Now 3 months ago the Lord told me I could not go to the
gym. See I made it an idol, so He took it from me. So on this day when I asked "
what do you want me to do?" He answered " take a walk with me." So I put my
sneakers on and we walked and talked. I cried a lot but what a beautiful time we
had with each other.
He began to give me visions and He began to place people on my heart. Oh how I
want to tell you all about the vision but for now I just want you to feel my JOY.
When the timing is right, He will let me tell you all.

So we walked a few days with each other in the morning. Then it happened, the
ATTACK. It was a Thursday and I was not feeling well inside. I had some errands
to run but no joy, I felt turmoil and I did not know why. I started to think maybe it
was because we did not walk that morning. I just could not grasp it. I was verbally
attacked and felt I was being spiritually attacked. After the errands, I said to the
Lord " I have $5 on my starbucks card. I would like to sit with a cup of coffee with
You". So I did exactly that, I asked all sorts of questions such as, Where do you
want me? Is ministry for me? How will you use me? Am I worthy enough? Will I
ever go back to church? Oh you can imagine all my questions, see I began to
doubt (shaking my head). As soon as I was done asking and crying, I did get
answers and I was excited BUT there was something still bothering me, so I
stopped and opened my email. There was one from the ministry asking me to
reach out to a Beautiful Lady who had requested an E-Partner and this one lives
near me.

See God has BLESSED me with 3 E-Partners and each one is BEYOND SPECIAL
to me!!! There is one that lives in a different time zone but in the States. We talk
on the phone or text each other. It does not matter what time of day it is. We
know if the other does not respond, in God's timing we will. She encourages me
so much. She is PRECIOUS to me. God has worked through both of us and
together. I love her and I am so grateful God placed her in my life. My other E-
Partner, also in a different time zone but not in the States, we skype each
other. She encourages me with her gift of singing and her radiant smile. She has
helped me in more areas than she knows. I love her so much and I know God is
going to use her mightily.
Now my new E-Partner, She is a BLESSING to me. We met and had dinner
together. I talked, I talk a lot, but I felt connected, that is from God. She is a GEM
to me a SHINY BEAUTIFUL GEM. Her love for God, her obedience to Him I
see. She has sent me words of wisdom. God's timing is perfect, as she has read
or heard a sermon, she has passed it on to me and you know what?
It has confirmed what God has spoken to me or answered a prayer that I just said
to the Lord.
God has sent me 3 BEAUTIFUL woman. 3 FRIENDS that will be in my life for a
very long time. Lord I thank you for HONORING me with each of them. I LOVE
them Lord BUT You love them more ;).

So back to Thursday, after I read my emails, I wrote to my 3rd E-Partner and I was
excited. I finished my coffee and as I was leaving, I felt this overwhelming feeling
inside me, like I was being torn apart. I continued to walk but began crying asking
" Lord I want to move FWD with You, I want to minister,I want to stay on Your path
but why do I feel torn apart? and He said " You are afraid you are leaving your
loved ones behind, let them go!! You are not leaving them behind they will
follow." So with major sobbing I said " with honor Lord I will walk with You, Lead
Me. You have my love ones," and I drove home. Over the next several weeks I
walked with God and prayed.

God is moving. I had a family over for dinner and I was able to just talk about what
God is doing in my life. The couple and their family have just been given the
opportunity to pastor the church my family attended together. The same church we
were married in. I was asked the question " why are you not attending?" and God
helped me answer that question, where the pastor, my friend, answered and said "
I know God is working in you and through you, selfishly I want you at church but I
see the changes in you." God has opened the door :-).

Then almost everyday I have been given the opportunity to help a friend. Guiding
her to take EVERYTHING to God first. Talking about being “help meet" and asking
the Lord for a " quiet and gentle spirit", " winning without a word." Oh how the Lord
is using me and I am honored.

A Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you for this journey. I thank you for my trials, Lord may I never take my
eyes off of You. Lord use me. I was perishing for the lack of knowledge.

Heavenly Father BLESS Erin Lord. She has been a blessing to me and
others. Lord her obedience to You is beyond words. If it be Your will Lord the 2 of
us will meet one day. Lord she is a beautiful woman and her love for you has been
poured out to us. Lord comfort her, keep her, hold her in ways no one else can.

In Jesus' name Amen

A few weeks later Heather had a breakthrough and sent this:

Saying "YES" to God opens so many doors.

Years ago I went into ministry because I was told (a few years after marriage),
God was going to use my husband and I. So when the opportunity came we
jumped on it. We never sought God. We "winged" it. God was not the
foundation. Quickly it crashed......

Two years later...... I know God has called me into ministry. I have been
seeking Him. In constant prayer, not only for myself but everyone
involved. Satan has tried to discourage me by reminding me what happen the
last time I got involved. This is what I have to say to that, " HERE I AM GOD

As we ministers, were on a "rest" with God, He gave me visions and I wanted

those visions to start now. God's timing is perfect. He wanted me to "rest",
slow down. He wanted to teach me patience. He wanted to show me when it
is the right time He will let me know, but not to go before Him. I already
experienced going before Him.

One day I was sitting with a friend, her husband is the pastor of the church we
attended as a family. One thing lead to the next and she said to me "you know
in today's world the woman have to work and you know the Proverbs 31
woman worked". As soon as she said this I paused, prayed, and this came
out: “Why are they working outside the home? Because of one "contentious"
wife. She did not want to be told what to do, she did not want to be kept in the
house, she did not want an allowance. She no longer wanted to be
"submissive" to her husband. She wanted to the wear pants. So she invited a
woman to her house and from that one woman, it became the neighborhood,
then the town, then the state and so on till what we see today. (now I might not
be politically correct in this but the point was what came next).

LORD DESIGNED IT? Why can't you and I start, then the neighborhood, then
the county, then the state and so on. Romans 12:2 says, "Do not be
conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that
by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable
and perfect." Let us be those woman, God's called woman. Woman that are
no longer "conforming" to what the world says we should do. Let us transform
this world back to Him.

She was in agreement and said she is looking forward to spending more time
Side note, her and her husband purchased a house a block from me. They
move in the first week of October.

A few weeks went by, that's when God was working patience with me, see I
was anxious to start ministering. His timing is perfect and His plan is not what
we think. God's thoughts, God's plans are so much better than ours. Be Still,
Be Patient, WAIT ON HIM. Slow Down, He has a plan.

On 9/13/13 His PLAN started.

Five BEAUTIFUL woman, plus 2 young girls met in one living room. One
woman was via Skype. We had hours of amazing fellowship!! We talked about
Joseph and how he was used and how God blessed him. We talked about
Abraham and Sarah and their blessing. Elizabeth and her conceiving
John. Mary and her conceiving the Christ child. How we serve the God who
does the impossible. The encouragement and the blessings that went around
the table, I can't express in words. I know God orchestrated the whole night.

We also talked about praying for our children. This is such a spiritual battle and
we need to keep praying for them. Let us not stop praying. As the night went
on, He lead a young lady to sit with us. She expressed interest in reading
"Wise Woman" AMEN!!!

It took one woman to start a "rebellious" movement that has destroyed

families. It took one woman to OBEY GOD and write a book to bring God back
in the home. No "contentious" living anymore.

Ladies, if you have not taken the courses offered through this ministry, I
strongly urge you to. God has given you this journey to be that ONE woman in
your family, in your neighborhood, your state. Don't for one moment say "I
can't", We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us!!!

So back to my vision. God has brought over 15 woman to me from different

STATES and COUNTRIES to be that ONE woman to say "Yes" to God. I was
"thinking" my neighborhood, my town, my state. and He said "BIGGER". There
are no boundaries with God.

Are you going to say "YES" to God and watch where He takes you? Please
don't stop. Take the courses, read His word and say " YES, SEND ME!" It is so
rewarding. It is a lot of fun.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lord I pray for the women that are reading this. I pray they say "yes" to
You. You are the best and I am honored You chose me. Lord I pray for the
hearts of those reading this. That their hearts will be soften, that any rebellious
attitude be removed. That they would study Your word. They would open up to
take these courses.

In Jesus name AMEN

~ Heather in Massachusetts is Minister in Training who was spared in

order to help other women whose lives are also in danger due to their not
letting go and trusting God to lead them to the safety of HIS arms!!

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