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Explain Study
● 9 Highschool males (1 transgender male)
● Met every Thursday at 12-1 in any classroom that was available.
● Provided Pizza and candy every time (huge incentive for the kids to come)
● We met one time before the curriculum started and the pretest for a get to know you

● The survey was a modified version of the pre existing surveys strong kids provided due
to the learning needs of the population.
● Instead of a lengthy survey with a lot of words and answer choices I tried my best to
simplify this to address multiple learning styles
● The test was also split into two day to avoid feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

● I was pleased with my results as they were pretty significant for only working with the
kids 6 weeks with the curriculum.

● Dissagregated the surveys by level of social perception and level of empathy.

● Students could either score a high level, moderate level, or low level of each dependant
● With the first half of the survey I tested empathy and all of those answer choices were
the same , Agree, I don't know , disagree.
● Each question on the survey was designed to have a Desirable Answer (DA) that would

consider that person to have a high level of empathy. For the Empathy portion of the
survey, means scores were calculated according to how many Desirable Answers that

student had.

Social Perception Improvements

from Pre to Post Test

Parallel to the empathy portion of the

survey, the Social Perception section

of the survey was designed to have a

Desirable Answer which would

indicated a high level of social

perception. Mean scores were calculated to find the average levels (good, moderate, low) of

social perception before the the Strong Kids curriculum was introduced and after the six weeks

of lessons were finished except for questions S3,S4,S5 and S6 as those questions were scored to

only have a Good Level or Low Level of social perception due to the nature of the question. A
total of 83% of students reported having a good level of social perception before the curriculum

while post test results showed 100% of students scoring between 83%-100% desirable answers.

The remaining results show an 11% decrease from pre (22%) to post test (11%) for the moderate

level of Social Perception and followed by a 7% decrease for low level for 18% for the pre test

and 11% for the post test. Details are shown in Figure 2 below

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