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The uses of cognitive training technologies in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders
Sam V Wass and Kaska Porayska-Pomsta
Autism published online 15 October 2013
DOI: 10.1177/1362361313499827

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The uses of cognitive training 0(0) 1­–21

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technologies in the treatment
DOI: 10.1177/1362361313499827
of autism spectrum disorders

Sam V Wass1 and Kaska Porayska-Pomsta2

In this review, we focus on research that has used technology to provide cognitive training – i.e. to improve performance
on some measurable aspect of behaviour – in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. We review technology-
enhanced interventions that target three different cognitive domains: (a) emotion and face recognition, (b) language and
literacy, and (c) social skills. The interventions reviewed allow for interaction through different modes, including point-
and-click and eye-gaze contingent software, and are delivered through diverse implementations, including virtual reality
and robotics. In each case, we examine the evidence of the degree of post-training improvement observed following
the intervention, including evidence of transfer to altered behaviour in ecologically valid contexts. We conclude that
a number of technological interventions have found that observed improvements within the computerised training
paradigm fail to generalise to altered behaviour in more naturalistic settings, which may result from problems that people
with autism spectrum disorders experience in generalising and extrapolating knowledge. However, we also point to
several promising findings in this area. We discuss possible directions for future work.

autism, technology-enhanced behavioural interventions

[…] you’re so patient, but a computer is even more patient, The fact that so many individuals with ASD enjoy tech-
computers are great in comparison to you. When I was five I nology and technology-mediated interaction makes it a per-
could already write and do sums, but nobody noticed because fect medium for providing interventions; people always
[…] I was scared of people, because I was unable to speak.1 perform better in situations in which they feel secure and
motivated (Dweck, 1986). Furthermore, there are numerous
(Sellin, 1993) practical advantages (Bishop, 2003; Murray et al., 2005).
The heterogeneity of symptom severity in people with ASD
Insofar as the bewildering heterogeneity of neurological can pose practical difficulties for care providers (Myers et
and histochemical abnormalities associated with autism al., 2007); technology has the potential to provide individu-
spectrum disorders (ASDs) can combine to cause a single, ally tailored interventions that are suitable for a wide variety
autistic cognitive phenotype, this is found in the tendency of abilities (Bishop, 2003). Some technologies, such as
of individuals with ASD to prefer systematisable, rule- cheap imitative robots or gaze-contingent environments, are
based situations (Baron-Cohen, 2002; Cohen, 2007). being developed for potential use even by severely impaired
Individuals with ASD commonly report that they enjoy individuals, with need for supervision only from a parent or
using technology, since this requires attention to detail, is care-giver. Technological interventions allow the user to work
generally highly predictable and is affect-free per se (El at different speeds and locations, and never lose patience
Kaliouby et al., 2006; Picard, 1997, 2009; Picard et al.,
2004). The past two decades have seen an explosion of 1Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, UK
activity from individuals with ASD using technology as a 2Institute of Education, London Knowledge Lab, UK
medium to interact online, with an Autism Liberation Front
Corresponding author:
active on Second Life,2 countless online autism community Sam V Wass, Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences
groups3,4 and online video diaries from individuals with Unit, 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge CB2 7EF, UK.
autism that have reached almost a million views.5 Email:

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2 Autism 0(0)

with the frequent repetition that many people with ASD Gennaro Reed et al., 2011) and neurofeedback (e.g.
desire (Wilkinson et al., 2008). This offers the opportunity Kouijzer et al., 2009)
to reduce some of the crippling personnel costs associated • Inclusion of an evaluation study to assess the effec-
with autism care (Foundation for People with Learning tiveness of the intervention. These do not include
Disabilities, 2007). While the initial development costs of single case studies.
technological interventions can be high, the scalability costs
are comparatively low (Bishop, 2003). To our knowledge no study fitting our inclusion criteria
Technology is being used in increasingly varied peda- has been excluded, with two exceptions. First, when sev-
gogical contexts, both as assistive technologies and as tools eral articles have been published by the same research
for helping us understand better user motivation (Arroyo group about a particular intervention, only one representa-
and Woolf, 2005; Cramer et al., 2011; Du Boulay, in press; tive article – the one carrying the largest scale intervention
El Kaliouby and Robinson, 2004; Keay-Bright, 2006; trial – has been summarised in Table 1. Second, we have
Kientz, 2012; Kientz et al., 2009; Yannakakis and Hallam, not included all the computer tutors for literacy that are
2006). In this review, we focus on uses of technologies in available for individuals with ASD. In this area a compre-
ASD that have an explicit cognitive training component, hensive specialised review has recently been published by
that is, technologies that aim to improve performance on Pennington (2010); this covers a large number of studies
some measurable aspect of behaviour. This can include both that are technologically similar. Here, we include only a
explicit knowledge (e.g. ‘what does the word “umbrella” representative selection of these studies, and refer inter-
mean’?) and implicit knowledge (e.g. an individual’s ability ested readers to Pennington (2010).
to cope with sensory overload). Our discussion is organised
around three specific and discrete learning goals: (a) emo-
Evaluating the effectiveness of the
tion and face recognition, (b) language and literacy and (c)
social skills. This structure overlaps with, but is not identical
to the three core components of ASD – social skills, com- The following assessment methods are typical for cognitive
munication and restricted behaviours (American Psychiatric training interventions across all research fields (Green and
Association (APA), 1994); restricted behaviours are not Dunn, 2008): a group (as homogenous as possible) is iden-
included because very few technological interventions have tified, whose performance is assessed at pretest. Half of this
addressed them directly, although some have indirectly (see, group is then randomly assigned to receive the intervention
for example, Hetzroni and Tannous, 2004). (the trained group); the other half (the control group) ide-
ally attends the same number of intervention visits and
receives an ersatz intervention. Finally, the performance of
Inclusion criteria all individuals is assessed again (post-test). If the group that
Studies were identified for inclusion in this review follow- received training has improved at post-test relative to pre-
ing searches conducted on PubMed and Google Scholar test more than the control group, then it is judged that the
using the following search terms: ‘technology and autism’, improvement is attributable to the training that was admin-
‘software and autism’, ‘virtual reality and autism’ and istered. It is desirable for the individuals participating in the
‘robotics and autism’, as well as from relevant articles (e.g. study, as well as parents and researchers administering the
Kientz et al., 2007; Parsons and Cobb, 2011; Pennington, study, to be blinded as to group allocation, in order to pre-
2010; Wainer and Ingersoll, 2011). Our inclusion criteria clude any possibility that expectation of change might
for this review were as follows: influence outcomes.
Studies in which the control group receives an ersatz
• Presence of an explicit cognitive training compo- intervention are preferable to studies in which the control
nent, that is, studies that aim to improve individuals’ group receives no treatment, because research has shown
performance on some measurable aspect of behav- that the expectation of improvement can, by itself, sub-
iour by presenting training tasks in which the diffi- stantially change behaviour (the placebo effect; for exam-
culty of the task varies contingent on the performance ple, Beauregard, 2007). Furthermore, in a ‘no treatment’
of the individual (Green and Dunn, 2008). control group design, the trained group will have received
• Delivery of the training largely mediated by com- more total training/testing sessions by post-test; this risks
puter (including mobile computers and robotics), substantially biasing post-test performance. Finally,
and requiring only a technician or parent to be pre- although several studies included in this review have
sent during the administration of the intervention. included a typically developing (TD) trained group, we
Interventions that additionally require a trained cli- consider the inclusion of such groups to be substantially
nician to be present for each training session were less informative than the inclusion of a non-trained ASD
excluded (e.g. video modelling (reviewed in Di control group.

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Table 1.  Summary of the studies featured in this review (each study is split across two pages).

Authors Title Year Specific Description of training Training Pre- and post-tests N–trained
target period subjects
Wass et al.

Bauminger- Increasing social engagement in 2012 Social skills Two computer programs (one 12 45-min (a) Problem-solving and concepts 22
Zvieli et al. high-functioning children with ASD tabletop and one laptop) designed lessons clarification measures; (b) assessment of
using collaborative technologies in to teach social conversation based Theory of Mind; (c) observation during a
the school around principles of Cognitive shared drawing task
Behavioural Therapy
Bernard-Opitz Enhancing social problem solving 2001 Social skills Animated scenes representing 10 sessions Only report on within-game perfor- 8
et al. in children with autism and normal social problems (do not say mance measures
children through computer-assist- how long)
ed instruction
Bölte et al. The development and evaluation 2002 Emotion Pictures of faces 2 h per week Ratings from an independent library of 5
of a computer-based program to recognition for 5 weeks faces and emotions
test and to teach the recognition
of facial affect
Duquette Exploring the use of a mobile 2008 Imitation Interactive games with a robot Three sessions Video-coded imitation of facial expres- 2
et al. robot as an imitation agent with per week over sions, body movements and familiar
children with low-functioning 7 weeks actions
Escobedo MOSOCO: a mobile assistive tool 2012 Social skills Mobile augmented reality ap- 25 min per day Video interviews 3
et al. to support children with autism plication, containing interactive for 7 weeks
practicing social skills in real-life features to encourage eye contact
situations and other social skills
Faja et al. Becoming a face expert: a comput- 2008 Emotion Black and white photographic Up to 8 ses- Standardised measures of face process- 5
erized face-training program for recognition stimuli accompanied by explicit sions lasting ing; self-report; experimental measure of
high-functioning individuals with rule-based instruction 30 min to 1 h configural vs featural processing

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autism spectrum disorders
Feil-Seifer and Robot-assisted therapy for 2008 Imitation Interactive games with a ro- Do not report Video-coded interaction with the robot 4
Mataric children with autism spectrum bot – robot either responded
disorders interactively (blowing bubbles on
a button press) or not (blowing
bubbles at random)
Golan et al. Enhancing emotion recognition 2009 Emotion DVD for home use, also a con- At least three Emotional vocabulary; familiar close gen- 20
in children with autism spectrum recognition solidation information pack for episodes per eralisation (familiar situations from the
conditions: an intervention using parents day for 4 series to facial expressions of familiar
animated vehicles with real emo- weeks. characters from the series); unfamiliar
tional faces close generalisation (novel situations
with novel situations from the trans-
porter characters); novel situations with
novel expressions using a selection of
human non-transporter faces
Table 1. (Continued)

Authors Age (in years) Diagnostic Controls (also ASD unless Improvements within the Generalised improvements at trained Transfer to other tasks
criteria stated) training paradiagm task
Bauminger-Zvieli Mean 9.8 (stand- ASD None Not reported 
Improvements on concept clarifica-  Some improvements
et al. ard deviation = tion and problem-solving, some on social engagement
10.7) improvement on ToM
Bernard-Opitz 6–8 HFA None (8 TD also took part in   
et al. training)
Bölte et al. 16–40 HFA/AS 5 − no treatment   
Duquette et al. 5 LFA – no 2 underwent a matched num- () Increased shared atten-   
language ber of sessions with a human tion, increased imitation
mediator of facial expression. But
other measures, for
example, imitation of
body movements, not
Escobedo et al. 8–11 ASD None Videoed behaviour and  
coded changes, for exam-
ple, in time spent interact-
ing while the technology
was in use
Faja et al. 12–32 HFA 5  A lthough do report differences in  
sensitivity to configural relationships
Feil-Seifer and 2–12 ASD None  More interactions when   
Mataric the robot was responding
Golan et al. 4–7 ASD 18 ASD, 18 TD (NB just did   Large effect sizes for all measures  
pre- and post-test)

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Golan and Baron- Adults AS/HFA Exp 1 (N = 22 ASD, 28 TD)    
Cohen – just pre–post; Exp 2 (N = 13
ASD) – undertook social skills
Grynszpan et al. 12.1 HFA None (10 TD subjects also Trained improvements () Although pre–post task was very  
trained) greater in the no-face similar to training set
Grynszpan et al. 13–31 HFA None (14 TD also trained) () Gaze-contingent manipu-  No effects of gaze-contingent manipu-  
lation lead to altered eye lation on comprehensibility of ambigu-
movement behaviour in ous sentences reported
TD, weaker changes in
HFA group
Autism 0(0)
Table 1. (Continued)

Authors Title Year Specific Description of training Training period Pre- and post-tests N–trained sub-
target jects
Wass et al.

Golan and Systemizing empathy: 2006 Emotion Silent movie clips, voice clips, written Minimum of 10 h (a) Faces and voices included in the Exp1 − 19, Exp2
Baron- teaching adults with recognition descriptions (separate modalities) over 10 weeks intervention but presented using dif- − 13
Cohen Asperger syndrome or ferent software; (b) faces and voices
high-functioning autism not included in the invention; (c)
to recognize complex clips from feature films
emotions using interac-
tive multimedia
Grynszpan Multimedia interfaces for 2008 Social skills Text-based software that trained subjects 13 sessions over Comprehension of dialogue that 10
et al. users with high function- to understand dialogues that contain 3 months (do contained pragmatic subtleties (NB
ing autism: an empirical pragmatic subtleties, sometimes with not report how a different version of the training
investigation a static computer-generated face and long each session software)
sometimes not was)
Grynszpan Self-monitoring of gaze in 2012 Eye gaze Gaze-contingent feedback (blurring of Single session − – 13
et al. high functioning autism behaviour screen except for an area around the fo- 20 trials without
cal point of the participant) during admin- gaze-contingent
istration of Avatar-based single-trials in feedback, 20
which sentences were spoken that could with, 20 without
be interpreted in two distinct ways
Herrera Development of symbolic 2008 Symbolic VR showing imaginative transformations Twenty-eight Behavioural assessment of functional 2
et al. play through the use of play 20–30 min ses- play and pretend play
virtual reality tools in sions over 2.5
children with autistic months
spectrum disorders: two
case studies

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Hetzroni Effects of a computer- 2004 Echolalia Structured one-on-one play environment 18 sessions, Recorded the child’s behaviour in 5
and Tannousbased intervention pro- requiring comprehension of recorded 10–25 min per school, video-coded for echolalia
gram on the communica- spoken language session
tive functions of children
with autism
Holsbrink- Using a computer learn- 2001 Social skills Software designed to teach social-com- 11 sessions (do Other computer-presented as- 20
Engels ing environment for municative problem-solving (e.g. giving not say how sessments of social-communicative
initial training in dealing negative feedback to employees) long) problem-solving
with social-communica-
tive problems
Josman et al.Effectiveness of vir- 2008 Crossing VR exercises on road safety Eight 10–30 min Video-taped participants crossing a 6
tual reality for teaching the road sessions street in a protected area
street-crossing skills to
children and adolescents
with autism

Table 1. (Continued)

Authors Age (in years) Diagnostic Controls (also ASD unless stated) Improvements within the training Generalised improvements at trained Transfer to other
criteria paradiagm task tasks
Herrera G 8–16 ASD None  () Improvement in structured () Parental report
et al. pretend play reported, but no of generalised
statistics improvements in
1 child
Hetzroni and 8–12 ASD None N/A   
Holsbrink- 18–28 ASD None (21 TD also received an  () But pre–post tests very similar to  
Engels instructional program without trained set
computer-based role-plays)
Josman et al. 8–16 ASD None (6 TD also trained) () Report that 3 of 6 showed im-  
provements, no statistics reported
Jung et al. 5–6 ASD None (20 TD subjects also   
Lacava et al. 8–11 AS None Not reported  Improvement on all measures ad-  
Massaro and 8–13 ASD (Within-subjects design) More learning occurred with the N/A N/A
Bosseler Avatar than without
Mitchell et al. 14–16 ASD, AS Within-subjects design (3 video () Several instances of virtual  
assessment sessions; half the environment improving the
subjects did VE training between decision about where to sit; also
video session 1 and 2, others instances of improvements in
between video session 2 and 3) social reasoning
Moore et al. 8–16 Do not None   
Moore and 3–6 Do not 7 (did similar behavioural treat- 
Also greater than behaviour N/A N/A

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Calvert report ment drill) package
Piper et al. 12.75 (standard mixed ASD/ None 
Conversation analysis of within-  
deviation = 1.04) AS/other game dialogue
Rajendran and 23 AS 2 subjects with behavioural and () No improvements on Vineland  
Mitchell emotional difficulties also did interpersonal scales; one subject
training showed improvements at WCST
Sansosti and 6–10 AS/HFA None  () (1 of 3 subjects) – social commu-  
Powell-Smith nicative skills coded from videoed
Schlosser and 8–12 ‘mild autism’ None  Although no statistics reported Tested generalisation to novel words, N/A
Blischak but no stats
Autism 0(0)
Table 1. (Continued)

Authors Title Year Specific Description of training Training Pre- and post-tests N–trained subjects
target period
Wass et al.

Jung et al. The application of a sensory 2006 Sensory VR with three components, coor- 10 h (do None 11
integration treatment based on Integration dination ability, social skills train- not say how
virtual reality-tangible interac- Therapy ing, sensory integration therapy long)
tion for children with autistic (see notes
spectrum disorder on Dawson
and Watling,
Lacava et al. Using assistive technology to 2007 Emotion Same as Golan et al., 2006 Average of Recognising emotions from faces and 8
teach emotion recognition recognition 10.5 h over voices
to students with Asperger 10 weeks
Massaro and Read my lips: the importance 2006 Vocabulary Avatar, pictures, recorded sounds,Do not Vocabulary assessment tests 5
Bosseler of the face in a computer- learning spoken responses report
animated tutor for vocabulary
learning by children with
Mitchell et al. Using virtual environments for 2007 Social skills Scaffolded virtual environment 1.5 h Showed videos of a café or bus, par- 6
teaching social understanding at graded difficulty levels. Subject ticipants had to judge where to sit
to 6 adolescents with autistic had to choose an appropriate
spectrum disorders place to sit
Moore et al. Collaborative virtual environ- 2005 Emotion Avatar (NB only 4 emotions – Do not Only tested within-game performance 34
ment technology for people recognition happy, sad, angry and frightened) report
with autism
Moore and Brief report: vocabulary 2000 Vocabulary Word teaching drills accompanied About 10 Retention of taught words; visual at- 7

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Calvert acquisition for children with learning by small animations min per day tention; reported self-motivation
autism: teacher or computer for 5 days
Piper et al. SIDES: a cooperative tabletop 2006 Social skills Tabletop computer game encour- Single ses- None 8
computer game for social skills aging turn-taking and other social sion
development skills
Rajendran and Computer mediated interac- 2000 False belief Interactive cartoon-strip encoun- 1 h per Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales; 2
Mitchell tion in Asperger’s syndrome: ters presenting versions of false week for 6 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)
the Bubble Dialogue program belief situations weeks
Sansosti and Using computer-presented 2008 Social skills Computer-presented social sto- Do not – 3
Powell-Smith social stories and video models ries and video models report
to increase the social com-
munication skills of children
with high-functioning autism
spectrum disorders


Table 1. (Continued)

Authors Age (in years) Diagnostic Controls (also ASD unless Improvements within the Generalised improvements at trained Transfer to other tasks
criteria stated) training paradiagm task
Silver and 12–18 ASD/AS 11 () NB similar to training set  
Swettenham 6–8 ASD None (8 TD, 8 Down’s also    
did training)
Tanaka et al. 10.5 ASD, AD PDD-37 (just did pre- and post-   Only parts/whole identity  
NOS test)
Tartaro and 7–11 ASD Within-subjects design Turn-taking increased  
Cassell during the course of
interaction with the
virtual peer, not during
the interaction with the
real peer
Whalen et al. 3–6 ‘severe ASD’ 22 (teaching as usual) 15 of the 22 mastered () Younger students improved on × No improvements on
lessons within the train- some but not other standardised general scale, although a cor-
ing program vocabulary measures; older children relation was noted between

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did not time spent on training and
improvement on general
Autism 0(0)
Wass et al.

Table 1. (Continued)

Authors Title Year Specific target Description of training Training Pre- and post-tests N–trained subjects
Schlosser and Effects of speech and print 2004 Spelling Word learning using synthetic speech Do not Retention of taught words 4
Blischak feedback on spelling by children output and orthographic feedback report
with autism
Silver and Evaluation of a new computer 2001 Emotion recogni- Pictures of faces and objects, text 10 30-min Facial expression photographs, 11
Oakes intervention to teach people tion descriptions of situations sessions over cartoons depicting emotion-laden
with autism or Asperger syn- 2 weeks situations and non-literal stories
drome to recognize and predict
emotions in others
Swettenham Can children with autism be 1996 False belief Animated computer games presenting Two sessions Other false belief computer 8
taught to understand false belief a version of the Sally-Anne false belief (do not say games; Sally-Anne task using dolls;
using computers? task how long) other games testing performance
per day for 4 on false belief tasks
Tanaka et al. Using computerized games to 2010 Face recognition Interactive computer games targeting 20 h (stand- Face recognition and emotion 42
teach face recognition skills to face recognition skills played at home ard deviation recognition from faces
children with autism spectrum = 10.3 h)
disorder: the Let’s Face It! (≥100 min

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program per week)
Tartaro and Playing with virtual peers: boot- 2008 Imitation and Interactive games with a virtual peer Single sessionVideo-coding of turn-taking with 6
Cassell strapping contingent discourse turn-taking the virtual peer
in children with autism
Whalen et al. Efficacy of TeachTown: basics 2010 Vocabulary and Computer lessons using a discrete 20 min per Standardised vocabulary tests; 22
computer-assisted intervention other curriculum trial format, correct responses trigger day for 3 ASD and general behavioural rat-
for the Intensive Comprehen- elements animated reward sequences months ing scales
sive Autism Program in Los
Angeles Unified School District

VR: virtual reality; ASD: autism spectrum disorder; TD: typically developing; HFA: high-functioning autism; AS: Asperger syndrome; LFA: low-functioning autism; PDD-NOS: pervasive developmental
disorder–not otherwise specified.
10 Autism 0(0)

All of the studies included in this review involve some al., 2010). Most of these applications operate via desk-
form of evaluation along the lines described above. In Table 1, top and laptop computers, although we also include
we document a number of parameters of these evaluations, touch-screen devices such as iPads that are in use in
such as the number of individuals participating and the ongoing research (e.g. Fletcher-Watson et al., 2013).
design used for the control group. We have also evaluated Once developed, these software packages can be distrib-
the techniques used for measuring performance improve- uted electronically at negligible cost, and many can be
ments as a result of the training, in order to assess the used by anybody at home. The scalability costs are there-
degree to which training improvements translated to fore very low. Software can automatically email records
improved performance in more ecologically plausible set- of a user’s participation after each session (e.g. Tanaka et
tings, that is, outside of the lab environment. In Table 1, we al., 2010). This allows clinicians to check each user’s
have divided these evaluations into three categories: compliance and progress, and to adjust the nature of the
training set if necessary. Other online features, such as a
• Were improvements observed at the task being high-scores website (Tanaka et al., 2010) and online
trained over time? ‘Within-task’ improvements can games, can also be used to encourage motivation and
be assessed only in the trained group. participation. These software applications have signifi-
• Were improvements observed at non-trained tasks cant potential scalability. For example, the Fast ForWord
that were similar to the task being trained? For program, an auditory perceptual training software pack-
example, if the intervention trained emotion recog- age for children with specific language impairment, has
nition, was improved emotion recognition also been used by over a million students in over 40 coun-
observed for faces that were not part of the training tries7 (Merzenich et al., 1996; Tallal et al., 1996; Temple
battery? et al., 2003), although other authors question its effec-
• Were improvements observed on tasks that were tiveness (Bishop et al., 2006).
substantially different to those included in the train- One typical example of a behavioural intervention
ing battery? For example, if the intervention was package that uses these methods is the Mind Reading soft-
intended to improve emotion recognition, were ware reported by Golan and Baron-Cohen (2006) (see
improvements also observed for other aspects of Figure 1; see also Lacava et al., 2007). A total of 412 emo-
social cognition, such as language or spontaneous tions are divided into 24 emotion groups and 6 difficulty
social attention? levels. Each emotion is defined and demonstrated using
silent films of faces, voice recordings and written exam-
ples of situations that evoke this emotion. The user has the
Overview of article structure choice either to browse through the emotion library using
This review is organised into two sections. The section a traditional point-and-click computer interface, to take
‘Different technologies used to provide cognitive training’ structured lessons, or to play one of five different educa-
discusses the different technologies used to provide the tional games.
cognitive training interventions evaluated in this review.
The interventions that meet our criteria can be divided into Virtual reality
four groups: ‘Point-and-click software’, ‘Virtual reality’,
‘Gaze-contingent interfaces’ and ‘Robotics’. Behavioural intervention packages for ASD such as
The section ‘Evaluation’ evaluates evidence of the effi- Treatment and Education of Autistic and related
cacy of these interventions. Our discussion is structured Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH)
according to three predominant training foci: ‘Emotion and (Mesibov and Shea, 2010) and applied behaviour analysis
face recognition tutors’, ‘Language and literacy tutors’ and (ABA) (Howard et al., 2005) place a heavy emphasis on
‘Social skills tutors’. In relation to each focus, we compare structure and repetition, and on establishing a background
different interventions and evaluate evidence of their rela- environment that children do not find overwhelming.
tive efficacy. Virtual reality (VR) offers the potential for presenting
learning tasks that are realistic, but that are presented within
a simplified environment. VR environments range from
Different technologies used to three-dimensional (3D) environments that use a joystick
provide cognitive training and a home computer (e.g. Mitchell et al., 2007) through to
fully immersive environments with a headset display, body
Point-and-click software tracker and 3D hand controls. Large-scale commercial
The most readily available approach for providing development by computer game developers has recently
behavioural interventions in ASD is through CD- or seen the cost of these items plummet, with headset-mounted
Internet-delivered software applications (e.g. Golan and displays and motion sensors available for only several hun-
Baron-Cohen, 2006; Grynszpan et al., 2008; Tanaka et dred dollars per unit.8

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Wass et al. 11

Figure 1.  A screenshot of the training software presented in Golan et al., 2006.

VR has been used to provide training for specific situa- Gaze-contingent interfaces
tions for individuals with ASD (see Parsons and Cobb, 2011,
for a recent review). One example of this is the work of Research has consistently reported atypical patterns of eye-
Mitchell et al. (2007; see also Parsons, 2005; Parsons et al., gaze behaviour in ASD, ranging from very early in devel-
2000, 2004) who used virtual environments (3D computer opment (during infancy; Elsabbagh and Johnson, 2007,
representations of real environments, which users could 2010; Elsabbagh et al., 2009; Wass et al., under review)
manipulate their way around with a joystick) to train sub- through to adulthood (e.g. Senju, 2012). For example, atyp-
jects in choosing a place to sit in a crowded canteen. VR ical eye-gaze behaviours have been noted, particularly dur-
environments have also been used to train other practical ing the viewing of dynamic scenes that relate to social
skills such as crossing the road (Josman et al., 2008; anxiety (Speer et al., 2007; Corden et al., 2008). Instructing
Strickland et al., 2007)). Another example comes from individuals with ASD to fixate on the eyes increases activ-
Tartaro and Cassell (2008), who presented six high-func- ity within the fusiform gyrus, the cortical area specialised
tioning ASD children aged 7–11 years with a virtual peer in face processing (Hadjikani et al., 2004).
(i.e. a computer-animated virtual child, displayed life-size Grynszpan et al. (2012; see also Trepagnier et al.,
on a screen). This virtual peer was controlled using a 2005, 2006) investigated the effect of gaze-contingent
‘Wizard of Oz’ interface, that is, a human operator hid manipulations on eye-gaze behaviour during presenta-
behind a screen and controlled how the virtual peer reacted. tions of scenes in which virtual animated characters
Note that although the operator can be a technician rather spoke sentences that were ambiguous (i.e. interpretable
than a fully trained clinician, this inclusion of a human oper- in two ways), and in which the context was provided by
ator nevertheless substantially increases the scalability costs the character’s facial expressions that enabled disam-
of the intervention. VR has also been incorporated with biguating the sentence and resolving the ambiguity.
other technologies, for example, to enable gaze-contingent During the presentation of social scenes in which ambig-
interaction between a system and the user (Grynszpan et al., uous sentences were spoken, they investigated the effect
2008; see section ‘Language and literacy tutors’). of blurring the screen except for the area around the

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12 Autism 0(0)

Figure 2.  Photos of the training phase from Billard et al., 2007.

point where the participant was looking. They did this in movements of their ‘human friend’, and this line of
order to increase participants’ awareness of whether they research is still thriving (see, for example, Breazeal et al.,
were looking at the face of the character who was talk- 2005). This form of interaction is intended as a stepping
ing. They identified altered eye movement behaviour in stone to turn-taking and to other aspects of human-to-
the TD group, with smaller changes in the high-function- human interaction. In robotics, the costs vary considera-
ing autism (HFA) group. No effects of the gaze-contin- bly depending on the complexity of the application. Of the
gent manipulation on the comprehensibility of ambiguous robots used in the interventions described here, one (from
sentences were reported; however, the manipulation was Billard et al., 2007) is commercially available at a cost of
only presented for a very short period of time (20 US$3000 per unit.10
trials). Several examples of the use of robotics come from the
In comparison to implementations that use traditional AuRoRA project11 (Dautenhahn, 2000). One version of this
point-and-click interfaces, gaze-contingency additionally project used a robot with a rectangular body and four
offers the opportunity for more immersive training environ- wheels, exploiting the preference of many children with
ments that are also suitable for the very young and the ASD for mechanical objects. More recent versions (Billard
severely impaired. For example, Wass et al. (2011) used a et al., 2007; see Figure 2) feature Robota, a humanoid doll
commercially available eyetracker to develop a battery of that uses infrared signals to mirror human body move-
training paradigms intended to improve attentional control ments, is able to learn simple motor sequences, and has
during infancy. This work offers the future potential for a bidirectional communication capability (i.e. can invite imi-
range of early interventions aimed at infants at high risk of tation and imitate herself) (see also Costa et al., 2013 for
developing ASD as well as other conditions, targeted at more recent work from this group). Other examples of
early stages of development when brain plasticity is highest robots for ASD include Keepon (Kozima et al., 2007) and
(Wass et al., 2012). work from Feil-Seifer and Mataric (2008) and Duquette et
Although gaze-contingent applications are currently al. (2008; see Figure 3).
mainly lab-based, new, low-cost eyetrackers are currently
coming onto the market at a cost of approximately US$500
that will open up these applications for home use.9 Evaluation
In this section, we review evidence of the relative efficacy
Robotics of the different types of technology-enhanced interven-
tions discussed in the section ‘Different technologies used
The use of ‘robot friends’ for children with ASD dates to provide cognitive training’. For reasons of space, not all
back to 1976 (Weir and Emanuel, 1976). Interaction with of the articles included in the Table are mentioned in the
robots tends to be predictable and repetitive, which are the text. Our discussion is structured by learning target:
sorts of interactions that some individuals with ASD pre- ‘Emotion and face recognition tutors’, ‘Language and lit-
fer (Thakkar et al., 2008). The early studies that have eracy tutors’ and ‘Social skills tutors’, although each of
been conducted in this field tend to take the form of the categories we consider is itself substantially
imitation interactions, that is, robots that copy the heterogeneous.

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Wass et al. 13

Figure 4.  A screenshot from the educational DVD presented

in Golan et al., 2009.

subsequent language development (Brooks and Meltzoff,

2005); similar relationships have been observed for other
forms of learning (e.g. Nation and Penny, 2008; Reid and
Striano, 2005).
The interventions reviewed here mostly take the form of
home-deliverable tutoring systems, based on varying com-
binations of photographic stimuli, movie clips, voice clips
Figure 3. The robot used for training in Duquette et al., 2008. and written descriptions of social situations. In several
cases these are accompanied by explicit instructions on
how to recognise faces and emotions (e.g. Faja et al., 2008).
Emotion and face recognition tutors Several studies in this area have administered evaluation
Section summary: Several interventions have provided studies that contain control groups and substantial sample
home-delivered software or DVD packages that use photos, sizes (Golan and Baron-Cohen, 2006 − trained N = 32;
video clips and text descriptions to teach face recognition Tanaka et al., 2010 – N = 42), and some have also tested
and the recognition of emotion from faces. The majority how far learning effects generalise to other areas. For
have found that subjects improve within the trained envi- example, in their pre- and post-testing battery, Golan and
ronment, but that these improvements do not generalise to Baron-Cohen (2006) include some of the faces and emo-
performance of the same task in a real-world environment. tions from the training set, some faces and emotions not in
The reasons for this are discussed. One recent study (Golan the intervention, and some clips from feature films. In this
et al., 2009) used a DVD-based approach with younger particular study (experiment 2), the effect of training was
children (aged 4–7 years) and reported strong generalisa- administered relative to a control group who undertook a
tion in a number of areas. social skills course for a matched amount of time.
Differentiating one face from another is a subtle, and Almost every study has found that the performance of
highly specialised, perceptual discrimination task (Johnson, participants within the trained environment improves over
2010; Johnson et al., 2009; Tarr and Gauthier, 2000). time. However, it is striking that three controlled studies
Abnormalities in identifying faces and in recognising the (Golan and Baron-Cohen, 2006; Faja et al., 2008; Tanaka et
emotions contained on faces and in voices have been vari- al., 2010) have reported that these improvements fail to
ously identified not just in autism (Dawson et al., 2005; generalise to face and emotion recognition tasks that use
Kleinman et al., 2001; see also Jemel et al., 2006) but also different faces and emotions to those included in the train-
in schizophrenia (Feinberg et al., 1986), depression (Gur et ing set (although Faja et al., 2008 and Tanaka et al., 2010
al., 1992) and various agnosias, including prosopagnosia report some relatively minor changes in face processing
(Damasio et al., 1982), Down syndrome (Annaz et al., strategies). In other words, these studies have failed the test
2009) and even Williams syndrome (Annaz et al., 2009) of distal generalisation (see, for example, Green et al.,
(see also Pascalis and Bachevalier, 1998). 2010).
Being able to ‘read’ faces and voices and to glean infor- The one study that has reported distal transfer of training
mation from them is fundamental to learning during devel- effects is by Golan et al. (2009; see Figure 4, see also
opment (Karmiloff-Smith, 1992, 1998). For example, gaze Baron-Cohen et al., 2007), who developed an animated TV
following during infancy (i.e. the tendency to look where series called The Transporters12 in which the faces of human
other people are looking) has been shown to correlate with actors are morphed onto trains. This specific design was

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14 Autism 0(0)

aimed to encourage and motivate children with ASD, who behavioural treatment drill. In another small study (trained
often prefer mechanical objects that move in a repetitive – N = 5), Massaro and Bosseler (2006) found that words
and predictable manner. The design consists of fifteen presented concurrently with a computer-animated face that
5-min episodes each focusing on a different key emotion or spoke the words for the child were retained better than
mental state. In a small-scale (trained N = 20) evaluation of words presented alone on screen. Schlosser and Blischak
this approach, Golan et al. (2009) reported that 4- to 7-year- (2004) looked at whether adding synthetic speech output
old children who had watched at least 3 × 5-min episodes a and orthographic feedback improved the efficacy of their
day for 4 weeks showed improvements in emotion recogni- spelling tutor; they found that it did, but they did not per-
tion, even using faces and emotions that were not part of the form statistical tests on their small sample (trained N = 4).
trained set. These results are encouraging; however, one Hetzroni and Tannous (2004) developed a tutor that
reservation is that the control groups only took part in pre- focused on the pragmatics of language communication. It
and post-testing. The trained group, in addition, also was based on structured, turn-based, play that involved par-
received a booklet encouraging parents to spend one-on- ticipating in recorded sentences reflecting real-world situa-
one time with their children discussing the emotions con- tions and pressing buttons to indicate their responses in
tained in each episode; parents were also encouraged to everyday situations (such as going to a restaurant). They
participate in monitoring their child’s participation in the tested it on five children with ASD that had a tendency
intervention. This increased level of parental involvement towards echolalia – repeating spoken words or parts of
does not appear to have been replicated in the wait-list con- words, which is a normal developmental phase, but which
trol group. is often excessive and maladaptive in ASD (Wing and
Gould, 1979). Even after a relatively small amount of time
playing the games (18 × 10- to 25-min sessions), video-
Language and literacy tutors coding of the children’s behaviour in a free play environ-
Section summary: Several studies have presented explicit ment demonstrated a reduced tendency towards echolalia.
word- or spelling-tutoring software for children with ASD, Unfortunately, again, sample sizes are small and no control
featuring virtual characters acting as tutors and providing group was included.
phonological/orthographic feedback. Technological inter- Whalen et al. (2010) administered TeachTown, a training
ventions are well positioned to provide the sorts of frequent system that relies on the principles of ABA to remediate
repetition that many subjects with ASD often request; they specific learning deficits such as receptive and expressive
are also suitable for one-on-one tutoring and can be vocabulary. The software, which took a trial-by-trial for-
adapted to a range of abilities and learning speeds. mat, was presented for 20 minutes per school-day for 3
However, many of the studies evaluating the effectiveness months to 22 three- to six-year-old children, and the effects
of these training packages have only a small sample size were assessed relative to a ‘no treatment’ control group.
and are insufficiently controlled to provide the basis for Younger children improved on some standardised language
strong conclusions as to their effectiveness. assessments post-training, but older children did not show
Language development is one of the core areas of defi- such improvements. No changes were identified on global
ciency in ASD (APA, 1994; Happé and Ronald, 2008). behavioural rating scales (the Brigance Inventory of Early
However, there is considerable heterogeneity with regard to Development and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale),
the exact nature and severity of the language impairments although relationships were observed on some measures
reported (Kjelgaard and Tager-Flusberg, 2001; Rice et al., between progress within the training package and progress
2005; Tager-Flusberg and Joseph, 2003). on global behavioural scales.
For a recent review that focuses on language and liter-
acy-based technology interventions for ASD, we recom-
Social skills tutors
mend Pennington (2010), who includes 15 studies. In Table
1, we include five studies focusing on teaching vocabulary Section summary: a variety of methods have been used to
and spelling; other computerised tutors have focused on train social skills in ASD subjects. The tasks vary from false
other areas of language such as grammar and pragmatics belief tasks to social situations such as choosing where to
(Grynszpan et al., 2008). These have been excluded from sit in a crowded canteen. Computer-generated human faces
the present review, but have been described in detail in have been used, and virtual environments, as well as more
Pennington (2010). Word teaching drills are variously traditional point-and-click software packages, that work
accompanied by object animations (Schlosser and Blischak, either via text descriptions, videos/animations or a combi-
2004) and a computer-animated face that speaks words as nation of media. As with the emotion and face recognition
they are presented (Massaro and Bosseler, 2006). In a tutors, no study has conclusively shown that within-task
small-scale study (trained N = 7), Moore and Calvert (2000) improvements can generalise to a real-world environment.
found that retention of taught words was better for com- Swettenham (1996) designed animated computer games
puter-presented words than for those taught in a based on text and drawn pictures of different social

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Wass et al. 15

Figure 5.  A screenshot from the software presented in Mitchell et al., 2007.

situations aimed to teach children with ASD the Sally-Anne

false belief task, which is classically used to assess Theory
of Mind, the understanding that others have mental states
discrete from their own (Baron-Cohen et al., 1985).
Swettenham (1996) measured the performance of children
within the trained task, and then, in another thorough
experimental design, tested how far the trained improve-
ments had generalised using a graded variety of computer-
ised and real-world false belief tasks. They also found that
children with ASD were able to improve within the training
paradigm, but that these improvements did not transfer to
more real-world assessments.
Mitchell et al. (2007, see Figure 5; see also Parsons,
2005; Parsons et al., 2000, 2004) used VR to train sub-
jects in choosing a place to sit in a crowded canteen. Figure 6.  A child using the ECHOES software, taken from
Generalisation of training improvements was assessed Bernardini et al. (in press).
by asking individuals with ASD to make decisions based
on video recordings of real-life situations and to justify that had not been part of the training battery; they also
their choices. Several instances of improved judgements reported some improvements in social engagement as
as well as improvements in the quality of the social rea- coded from observation of a shared drawing task. Although
sons given to justify their choices were identified. these results are encouraging, the fact that no control group
Duquette et al. (2008; see Figure 3) found that expos- was included in this study means test–retest effects cannot
ing two children with ‘low-functioning’ ASD to struc- be discounted; furthermore, the large variance in the age of
tured play with a robot that imitated facial expressions, the participants included (mean = 9.8 years, standard devia-
body movements and familiar actions led to more shared tion = 10.7 years) means that the results reported need to be
attention and imitation of facial expression with their treated with caution.
‘robot friend’ than the human-trained children, although Bernardini et al. (2012) report on the development of an
other measures such as imitation of body movements autonomous virtual agent that children with autism inter-
were not improved. act with via a touch-screen interface (the ECHOES pro-
Bauminger-Zvieli et al. (2012) report on two programs ject; see Figure 6). A total of 12 different activities are
designed to teach social conversation, based on the princi- presented using this agent, aimed to encourage turn-taking
ples of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). One of and joint attention, specifically focusing on children’s ini-
these was administered on a tabletop display and the other tiations of bids for interaction and responding to bids for
on a laptop; they were administered over twelve 45-min interaction. Pre- and post-testing involving 19 children
training sessions to 22 children with ASD. Pre–post meas- mirrored the structured turn-taking interaction with a real-
ures that showed significant training improvements life peer. Although the number of social initiations (e.g.
included performance on experimental assessments of bids for joint attention) in a real-life setting did not change
problem-solving, concept clarification and Theory of Mind pre to post, some within-environment change for a

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16 Autism 0(0)

subgroup of children with ASD was observed. The number that ASD is not simply a problem of subjects lacking spe-
of initiations to both the virtual agent and human facilitator cific pieces of declarative knowledge (e.g. ‘not knowing’
within ECHOES increased in eight children, with seven what emotions are), but rather one of applying what they
unchanged and four showing a decrease. The improve- know in noisy, overwhelming real-world settings (e.g.
ments that were observed reached significance for the Doherty-Sneddon et al., 2002; Doherty-Sneddon and
social behaviours using (a) gaze for social referencing (the Phelps, 2005; Senju, 2012; Speer et al., 2007; see also
child looks towards a partner for information) and (b) Grandin, 2006; Sellin, 1993). Similarly, within neurosci-
social sharing (the child initiates joint attention through a ence, researchers are increasingly viewing ASD as a condi-
combination of gaze and gesture to convey enjoyment and tion in which abnormal neural connectivity patterns,
interest) and for children’s speech to the agent (see also possibly accompanied by excitatory/inhibitory neurotrans-
Rajendran et al., 2013). mitter imbalances, lead to a ‘noisier’ brain – that is, a brain
that is less able to filter out signals from noise (Rippon et
al., 2007; Rubenstein and Merzenich, 2003; Wass, 2010).
Discussion These new approaches suggest that rather than attempt-
… I hear too much and see too much but my sense organs are ing to ‘solve’ autism by remediating specific pieces of
ok – it’s just that inside it all sets off – words, sentences, ideas declarative knowledge that are lacking, interventions
get torn apart and jumbled up … (Sellin, 1993)13 should instead concentrate on helping individuals to apply
knowledge within the context of the world as it feels to
Of the studies we have reviewed, it is striking that the stud- them, where self-reports of ‘sensory overload’ and ‘over-
ies that explicitly tested for distal transfer, that is, the gen- stimming’ are common (e.g. Grandin, 2006; Sellin, 1993).
eralisation of training improvements to non-overlapping Technology offers countless possibilities here. The amount
but similar tasks outside the trained set, have generally of background distraction can be adaptively varied depend-
reported negative results (Faja et al., 2008; Golan and ing on how well the subject is performing the task (cf.
Baron-Cohen, 2006; Swettenham, 1996; Tanaka et al., Mitchell et al., 2007), in a way that is virtually impossible
2010). This is in contrast to the results of other studies that in a real-world environment. In particular, VR offers the
are more encouraging, but for which there are reservations possibility of gradually integrating multimodal information
about the control groups (such as Bauminger-Zvieli et al., (proprioceptive, visual, auditory and tactile) at a pace that
2012; Golan et al., 2009). is defined by the user. These may represent fruitful targets
The lack of distal transfer observed in the studies to date for future work. One irony is that the simplified nature of
may reflect the well-documented problems that many indi- technological environments may be both the reason why
viduals with ASD experience in generalising and extrapo- individuals with ASD like them (due to their simplified
lating their experiences (Cohen, 2007; Golan and nature, which avoids ‘sensory overload’) and the reason
Baron-Cohen, 2006; Grandin, 2006; Plaisted, 2001). Thus, why learning has difficulty transferring to real-world set-
for example, individuals with ASD might learn to solve a tings. (Similar debates also take place in the design of tod-
training task that trains at recognising emotions that are dler-directed TV, where simplified cartoon and puppet-like
presented in a simplified fashion on an avatar face by using faces are easier to parse (and so preferred by young view-
particular cues that are present in an Avatar face but absent ers) but are also less semantically informative than ‘real’
in a ‘real-world’ face. Thus, improvements are observed faces (Wass and Smith, under review)). In the case of VR,
within the computerised training paradigm, but these however, the development of increasingly complex, photo-
improvements are not found in ‘real-world’ environments realistic environments means that it may one day be possi-
(Cohen, 2007). ble to bridge the gap between simplified, ‘virtual’ and
Future work should concentrate on helping individuals complex, ‘real’ environments.
with ASD to bridge this gap between computerised and Another area that we believe should be explored in
real-world environments, and on understanding what future is that of early interventions. A number of authors
aspects – together and individually – of the virtual environ- have concluded that early, intensive interventions are most
ments, including the communication modalities facilitated likely to be successful because neural and behavioural plas-
through them, type of rendering used (e.g. photorealistic vs ticity is greater earlier in development (Dawson, 2008;
cartoonish, two-dimensional (2D) or 3D), their adaptability Heckman, 2006; Myers et al., 2007; Wass et al., 2012).
and adaptivity, the control that the user has over them, and Many of the most promising technological interventions we
their portability, bring the greatest promise. It may be that have reviewed have targeted young individuals with ASD,
some types of knowledge that are procedural and rule- although the number of studies in this area is very small
based (such as how to cross a road) can be shown to transfer (Golan et al., 2009 − 4- to 7-year-olds; Whalen et al., 2010
whereas other types of knowledge (such as what anger is) − 3- to 6-year-olds). We have also discussed work from
do not (Parsons and Cobb, 2011). Wass et al. (2011) who administered gaze-contingent atten-
However, we additionally wish to propose a more subtle tional control training to 42 TD 11-month-old infants and
way of addressing this issue. Convergent evidence suggests found in an active-controlled, medium-scale trial that 75

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Wass et al. 17

minutes of training over four training sessions led to imme- and behavioural plasticity is highest and (c) the wider
diate improvements in a number of different aspects of adoption of rigorous, properly powered and controlled
attentional control. Interventions targeting infants at ele- experimental designs for assessing an intervention’s
vated risk of developing ASD and young toddlers with effectiveness.
early diagnosed ASD should be a focus of future work, tak-
ing advantage of the potentials offered by robotics and Acknowledgements
gaze-contingent environments. The authors thank Thusha Rajendran and Emily Jones for reading
We have pointed out that many of the studies included in drafts of this article.
this review have lacked adequate control groups and blind-
ing procedures. Well-designed intervention trials (with a Funding
randomised, matched clinical control group including
This work was supported by a Bloomsbury Consortium student-
either current best practice treatment groups or technology ship, by Medical Research Council (UK) Programme Grant
placebos (Kaptchuk et al., 2000), adequate sample sizes G0701484 to Professor Mark Johnson, by TLRP/EPSRC grant
and a large enough training period) are expensive and time number RES-139-25-0395 and by a British Academy Postdoctoral
consuming to run, but are vitally useful in assessing the Fellowship.
utility of interventions. This allows for the long-term refine-
ment and development of training targets.
Finally, in attempting to facilitate the transfer of skills
between the virtual and the real worlds, it is wise to con- 1. ich staune wessen geduld aber grosser ist deine oder die von
sider the exact context within which the given technology einem computer die vom computer ist doch unaufrichtig ganz
may be placed, specifically the role that other persons fast ehrlich dagegen die von dir tatsache ist ich konnte mit
fast fuenf jahren auch schon schreiben und sogar rechnen
(practitioners, parents, peers) may play in the intervention
aber es hat niemand gemerkt weil ich so chaotisch war aber
process. The importance of considering not only the exact
das war ich einfach aus angst vor den menschen gerade weil
intervention that a technology might deliver, but also the ich unfaehig war zu reden fiel mir das lesen so leicht. (transla-
wider context in which it might be used, has been high- tion by S Wass)
lighted by many researchers in the area of the Learning 2.
Sciences (e.g. Sawyer, 2006) in relation to educational 3.
technologies in general. Just as a book may not be used in 4.
isolation from the remaining learning experiences of a 5.
pupil, a piece of technology will involve different forms of 6.
interaction with others, which may influence the success of 7.
an intervention (both the process by which the intervention 8.
is delivered and its possible outcomes) – an issue that
emerged during the ECHOES technology-enhanced autism 11.
intervention project (e.g. Bernardini et al., 2012; Porayska- 12.
Pomsta et al., 2012), and which also constitutes the focus of 13. … ich kann ein wenig zu viel hoeren and zu viel sehen aber
the Shape project14 (Guldberg et al., 2013). Shape investi- die sinnesorgane sind o.k. einfach innen geht ein durchein-
gates how teachers and children use different, indepen- ander leider los woerter saetze ideen werden so auseinander-
dently evaluated technology-enhanced approaches to gerissen und zerissen die einfachsten dinge werden aus dem
promote social interaction without interference or instruc- zusammenhang der wichtigen wirklichen einzelnen anderen
tions from researchers. The potential impact of others’ aussenwelt gerissen … (translation by S Wass)
involvement in a technology-enhanced intervention on dis- 14.
tal transfer is also highlighted through the Golan et al. shape/index.aspx
(2009) study, where children’s parents were encouraged
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