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Objective :
A 2m long steel cylinder of 12.0 cm in diameter and initially at 8500C is placed in a
water bath at a temperature of 400C for the quenching process with a local heat transfer
coefficient h= 450W/m2K. Find out the temperature distribution of the rod after 50 sec

To compute the transient heat conduction and determine the temperature distribution at the
given time for the given cylindrical rod.

2. Windows 10/8/7/XP/ SP2.


The Biot number is the ratio of the internal resistance (conduction) to the external resistance
to heat convection. Lumped system analysis assumes a uniform temperature distribution
throughout the body, which implies that the conduction heat resistance is zero. Thus, the
lumped system analysis is exact when Bi = 0.
Interior temperatures of some bodies remain essentially uniform at all times during a heat
transfer process. The temperature of such bodies are only a function of time, T = T(t). The
heat transfer analysis based on this idealization is called lumped system analysis. Consider a
body of arbitrary shape of mass m, volume V, surface area A, density ρ and specific heat Cp
initially at a uniform temperature Ti. At time t = 0, the body is placed into a medium at
temperature T∞ (T∞ >Ti) with a heat transfer coefficient h. An energy balance of the solid
for a time interval dt can be expressed as:
Heat Transfer into the body during dt = The increase in the energy of the body during dt
h A (T∞ - T) dt = m CpdT
With m = ρV and change of variable dT = d(T -T∞), we find:
Using above equation, we can determine the temperature T(t) of a body at time t, or
alternatively, the time t required for the temperature to reach a specified value T(t). Note that
the temperature of a body approaches the ambient temperature T∞ exponentially. A large
value of b indicates that the body will approach the environment temperature in a short time.
b is proportional to the surface area, but inversely proportional to the mass and the specific
heat of the body.
The total amount of heat transfer between a body and its surroundings over a time interval is:
Q = m Cp [T(t) – Ti]


Open the Ansys software.

Open workbench module and load transient thermal tool box form the tool box

1. Engineering data
 Select the steel as the material in the materials list
2. Geometry
 Select the required plane.
 Select the look at face.
 Using sketching draw a circle of diameter 12 cm
 Dimensions - Select the general and select the circle and give the dimensions as 12
cm dia
 Extrude the circle to 2 m in length to generate the required cylindrical rod
 Update project.
3. Model
 Give Initial temperature as 8500C
 Go to Analysis setting and give the number of step as 50 in step controls and leave
remaining parameters as default.
 selection convection and select the upper surface of the rod and give convective heat
transfer coefficient as 450 w/m2K and ambient temperature as 300C.
 update the project
 solve the project
4. Solution
 Right click on solution insert insert the temperature and heat flux
5. Results

 Check the temperature and heat flux contors and examine the temperature
distribution after 50 steps.
 Save the project
 Select the save picture option and select the picture format as jpg and select the white
background and save


Hence for given cylindrical steel rod we have analyzed the transient conduction and compute
the temperature distribution by using the Ansys workbench.

Objective :

Consider the flow of oil at 200C in a 30cm diameter pipeline at an average velocity of
2m/s. A 200 cm long section of the pipe line passes through a very cold water of a lake at
00C. Measurements indicate that the surface temperature of the pipe is very nearly 00C.
Disregarding the thermal resistance of the pipe material, Determine the temperature of
the oil when the pipe leaves the lake and the pumping powder required to overcome the
pressure losses and to maintain the flow of the oil in the pipes and also examine the
velocity and thermal boundary layers

Properties of the oil as

ρ = 888 Kg/m3 , v= 901 x 10-6 m2/ s , k= 0.145 w/m. k , cp = 1880 J/kg-k

To compute the convective heat transfer for a internal flow in a circular pipe and examine the
velocity and thermal boundary layers.

2. Windows 10/8/7/XP/ SP2.


Convective heat transfer, often referred to simply as convection, is the transfer of heat from
one place to another by the movement of fluids. Convection is usually the dominant form of
heat transfer in liquids and gases. Although often discussed as a distinct method of heat
transfer, convective heat transfer involves the combined processes of unknown conduction
(heat diffusion) and advection (heat transfer by bulk fluid flow).
Internal and external flow can also classify convection. Internal flow occurs when a fluid is
enclosed by a solid boundary such when flowing through a pipe. An external flow occurs
when a fluid extends indefinitely without encountering a solid surface. Both of these types of
convection, either natural or forced, can be internal or external because they are independent
of each other. The bulk temperature, or the average fluid temperature, is a convenient
reference point for evaluating properties related to convective heat transfer, particularly in
applications related to flow in pipes and ducts. The below figures shows velocity distribution
and thermal distribution of fluid flow in a pipe.

Open the Ansys software.

Open workbench module and load Fluid Flow( Fluent )form the tool box

1. Geometry
 Select the required plane.
 Select the look at face.
 Using sketching draw a rectangle with length 200 cm and width 30 cm ( which is the
cross section of the circular pipe)
 Dimensions - Select the general and select the rectangle edges and give the
dimensions as 200 X 20 cm length.
 Concepts --> Surface from sketches and select the sketch and apply  Generate
 Update project.

2. Meshing
 Select edge selection command and create named selection for the sketch like inlet ,
outlet and wall.
 Click on mesh  high relevance,
 Sizing Relevance center fine, smoothing as fine and spot angle center as fine.
 Generate mesh
 Update the project

3. Setup
 Launch the Fluent launcher
 Select Double precision OK.
 General  Check the mesh
 Models On energy equation and keep the viscous Model as laminar.
 Materials Select Fluid and rename it as oil and specify the properties of the oil
change/edit close.
 Boundary conditions
 Select Inlet  Type Velocity inlet  Edit Momentum  give the velocity
magnitude as 2 m/s and thermal condition Temperature as 293 K.
 Select outlet Type Pressure Outlet
 Select wall Type wall  edit Wall motion stationary wall and shear condition
as No slip .
 Monitors increase the convergence limits
 Solution Initialization  Hybrid Initialization  Initialize
 Run Calculations Number of iterations as 1000
Reporting Interval as 1
Profile update interval 1

4. Results

 Check the temperature and heat flux contours and examine the temperature
 Examine the velocity and thermal boundary layers
 Save the project
 Select the save picture option and select the picture format as jpg and select the white
background and save


Hence computed the convective heat transfer for a internal flow in a circular pipe and
examined the velocity and thermal boundary layers.

Objective :

Air at ambient temperature flows over a 100 cm long flat plate with width of 5cm at a
velocity of 10m/s. Compute the flow over flat plate and examine the velocity boundary
layers and path lines of the flow

To Compute the flow over flat plate and examine the velocity boundary layers and path lines
of the flow

2. Windows 10/8/7/XP/ SP2.


External flows are defined as the flows immersed in an unbounded fluid. A body immersed in
a fluid experiences a resultant force due to the interaction between the body and fluid
surroundings. In some cases, the body moves in stationary fluid medium (e.g. motion of an
airplane) while in some instances, the fluid passes over a stationary object (e.g. motion of air
over a model in a wind tunnel). In any case, one can fix the coordinate system in the body
and treat the situation as the flow past a stationary body at a uniform velocity , known as
upstream/free-stream velocity. However, there are unusual instances where the flow is not
uniform. Even, the flow in the vicinity of the object can be unsteady in the case of a steady,
uniform upstream flow. For instances, when wind blows over a tall building, different
velocities are felt at top and bottom part of the building. But, the unsteadiness and non-
uniformity are of minor importance rather the flow characteristic on the surface of the body is
more important. The shape of the body (e.g. sharp-tip, blunt or streamline) affects structure of
an external flow. For analysis point of view, the bodies are often classified as, two-
dimensional objects (infinitely long and constant cross-section), axi-symmetric bodies and
three-dimensional objects.

The concept of boundary layer was first introduced by a German scientist, Ludwig Prandtl, in
the year 1904. Although, the complete descriptions of motion of a viscous fluid were known
through Navier-Stokes equations, the mathematical difficulties in solving these equations
prohibited the theoretical analysis of viscous flow. Prandtl suggested that the viscous flows
can be analyzed by dividing the flow into two regions; one close to the solid boundaries and
other covering the rest of the flow. Boundary layer is the regions close to the solid boundary
where the effects of viscosity are experienced by the flow. In the regions outside the
boundary layer, the effect of viscosity is negligible and the fluid is treated as inviscid. So, the
boundary layer is a buffer region between the wall below and the inviscid free-stream above.
This approach allows the complete solution of viscous fluid flows which would have been
impossible through Navier-Stokes equation. The qualitative picture of the boundary-layer
growth over a flat plate is shown in Figure.
A laminar boundary layer is initiated at the leading edge of the plate for a short distance and
extends to downstream. The transition occurs over a region, after certain length in the
downstream followed by fully turbulent boundary layers. For common calculation purposes,
the transition is usually considered to occur at a distance where the Reynolds number is about


Open the Ansys software.

Open workbench module and load Fluid Flow( Fluent )form the tool box

1. Geometry
 Select the required plane.
 Select the look at face.
 Using sketching draw a rectangle with length 100 cm and width 5 cm ( which is the
cross section of the rectangular plate)
 Dimensions - Select the general and select the edges and give the dimensions as 100
X 5 cm length.
 Draw the boundary region around the flat plate of any required dimensions
 Concepts --> Surface from sketches and select the sketch and apply  Generate
 Update project.

2. Meshing
 Select edge selection command and create named selection for the sketch like inlet ,
outlet , and flat plate( select all the edges of flat plate)
 Click on mesh  high relevance,
 Sizing Relevance center fine, smoothing as fine and spot angle center as fine.
 Generate mesh
 Update the project

3. Setup
 Launch the Fluent launcher
 Select Double precision OK.
 General  Check the mesh
 Models viscous Model  Select the k-epsilon model( 2 equation )  standard k-
epsilon model Enhanced wall treatment as the near wall treatment and select the
pressure gradient effects in the Enhanced wall treatment options.
 Materials Select Fluid as air
 Boundary conditions
 Select Inlet  Type Velocity inlet  Edit Momentum  give the velocity
magnitude as 10 m/s.
 Select outlet Type Pressure Outlet
 Select Flat plate Type wall  edit Wall motion stationary wall and shear
condition as No slip .
 Monitors increase the convergence limits
 Solution Initialization  Hybrid Initialization  Initialize
 Run Calculations Number of iterations as 1000
Reporting Interval as 1
Profile update interval 1

4. Results

 Examine the velocity and turbulence boundary layers by various countours

 Examine the velocity vectors and path lines of air flow over the plate
 Save the project
 Select the save picture option and select the picture format as jpg and select the white
background and save


Hence computed the flow over flat plate and examined the velocity boundary layers and path
lines of the flow

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