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Niklas Cole

Adrian Leon
Maravel Payne
Kambri Sifford
Rodrigo Vargas

An Introduction that identifies the research question or hypothesis:

The University of New Mexico faces multiple problems regarding safety on campus. This
problem stems from the location of the University but obviously we can’t just pick up our campus
and move to a safer location, so we have come to other solutions to this problem. One of those
solutions being to get more security on campus in general. Increasing security patrol around
campus will help the students feel safer. Another solution is to put more lights around campus
because at night a lot of spots on campus are not well lit. The last solution we have concluded
will increase safety on campus is provide an escort service to students who don’t feel safe
walking back to their dorm or cars at night.

A methodology that explains step-by-step how the research was conducted:

For our research we took a survey of students that go to UNM in order to see just how big of a
problem it actually is. We asked 40 students (20 males and 20 females) if they felt safe on
campus. We looked into what other universities have done to improve safety on their campus
and tried to think of ways we can incorporate those tactics onto our campus and did research on
what that is going roughly going cost UNM.

Cost of Improving Campus Security

The University of New Mexico, much like other public universities, get almost all of their funding
from state and local governments. A very small percentage of their funding actually comes from
student’s tuition. With the increase of violence in school environments within the past nine or ten
years, state and federal governments are mainly focused on gathering funds to ensure safety of
our student youth elementary through college. Roughly $25-$30 million grants are given to
state governments to fund programs that focus on school security. Out of that money,
universities receive a grant of about $100-$150 thousand dollars to improve campus security.
Also, universities put a percentage of the money from tuition towards campus security.

Results that present the facts, data, and evidence collected while doing research:
If there is more UNM PD walking around campus then that will help our escort services because
it won't take them that long to get to the person that wants the escort. We can also make it more
accessible to the students by just having them text a certain thing to a number and we can have
that on flyers around campus. We also need to announce that UNM has that service at
freshman orientation.

Escort Ideas
To solve the problem attached to the danger of walking to cars and housing at night, we suggest
UNM implant a CAPS style escort service. Through this service students can obtain a ride or
someone to walk with them on campus via the style of a rideshare app. Students can access it
by simply entering in their LoboID. In order to avoid the liability associated with some random
person picking you up, we will have students workers who go through extensive training.
Through research we found many solutions by other universities, but they all broke down and
didn’t work in some context. The only one that stayed constant was the practice of supplying
personal safety via rides.
In order to start a new organization at UNM, it is necessary to submit your proposal to the SAC.
After being approved obtaining charter would be the next step. If all of this were to go through
successfully, starting this program should run smoothly.

Research on lights:

There are many areas around UNM campus that remain either unlit or are poorly lit for
pedestrians-- especially in between buildings. Increasing lighting around the Kiva, duckpond,
and walkways going beside buildings would not only help with visibility, but safety as well. This
is a relatively inexpensive solution with a range of possible lighting options that are outlined

Graphics, graphs, and tables that illustrate the results of the research:
From the Annual Clery Report 2018
We surveyed 40 students that currently attend UNM and simply asked if they felt safe on
campus and this was their response:
Out of 20- 13 males feel safe on campus and 7 feel unsafe
Out of 20- 16 females felt unsafe while 4 felt safe
29 out of 40 students felt unsafe on campus

Discussion of the results, relating them to the research question or hypothesis:

Based upon our results, the problem of making our campus safer does not seem as daunting.
Many students did feel unsafe on campus, based on our student surveys. Getting the honest
opinion of those affected offers a much more real perspective, than just research statistics.
Other universities have had very successful programs, that were very helpful. Counting out
other escort style services based upon past failures helped in narrowing down our solution.
There was a concern about random people offering rides so the idea of students with extensive
training came up. Implementing more officers on campus and actually making them do their
job, did not seem too difficult of a process. Although obtaining government funding could prove
difficult. Overall, students on campus do not feel safe. There are large costs surrounding
improving safety on campus, but what is the price of students safety?

Conclusions that state the report's main point and make recommendations:
We have come to a conclusion that in order to make the University of New Mexico a safer
campus we need to implement a better and more impactful escort service along with better
security that walks around campus. We also believe putting more lights around campus would
make the university safer especially at night. We would recommend ordering about 100 lights
for campus. The lights we recommend ordering is WP2x100 which is about $100 per light.
Works Cited

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