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Fantasy Life Walkthrough

FAQ Creator: Mark Hohmann (GospelEXE)

Platform: Nintendo 3DS

Company: LEVEL-5

Release Date: October 24, 2014


This document is Copyright © 2014 Mark Hohmann. All Rights Reserved.


Table of Contents


[0100] History

[0200] Introduction

[0300] To-Do List

[0400] Using This Guide

[0500] Controls

[0600] Stats

[0700] Life

[0701] Paladin

[0702] Mercenary

[0703] Hunter

[0704] Wizard

[0705] Miner

[0706] Woodcutter
[0707] Angler

[0708] Cook

[0709] Blacksmith

[0710] Carpenter

[0711] Tailor

[0712] Alchemist

[0800] Walkthrough

[0801] Prologue

[0802] Chapter One

[0803] Chapter Two

[0804] Chapter Three

[0805] Chapter Four

[0806] Chapter Five

[0807] Chapter Six

[0808] Final Chapter

[0900] Bliss

[0901] Storyline Progress

[0902] Butterfly's Request

[0903] Milestones

[0904] Bliss EXP Chart

[0905] Bliss Bonuses

[1000] Challenges

[1001] Paladin Challenges

[1002] Mercenary Challenges

[1003] Hunter Challenges

[1004] Wizard Challenges

[1005] Miner Challenges

[1006] Woodcutter Challenges

[1007] Angler Challenges

[1008] Cook Challenges

[1009] Blacksmith Challenges

[1010] Carpenter Challenges

[1011] Tailor Challenges

[1012] Alchemist Challenges

[1100] Quests

[1200] Skills

[1300] Shops

[1400] Items

[1401] Consumables

[1402] Materials

[1403] Tools

[1404] Weapons

[1405] Armor

[1406] Decor

[1407] Key Items

[1500] Creations

[1501] Cook Creations

[1502] Blacksmith Creations

[1503] Carpenter Creations

[1504] Tailor Creations

[1505] Alchemist Creations

[1600] Monsters

[1700] Bounties

[1800] EXP Table

[1900] Questions and Answers

[2000] Credits


| |

| [0100] History |

| |

[12/16/2014] [v1.2]:

- Reformatted Table of Contents.

- Reformatted Lifes Section, added Command List, reformatted NPC


- Moves Stars Charts to Challenges sections.

- HUGE update on Challenges.

- MASSIVE installation on Creations.

- GREAT amount of work on additional items. (Tools, Weapons, Armor)

- Moved Crafting/Creations info from Prologue to Creations Section.

- Uploading this for now. Very content with this update.

- Upload Size: 431K ---> 575K!

[12/09/2014] [v1.0]:

- Finished Final Chapter.

- Finished all Butterfly's Requests.

- Huge update on Challenges with special thanks to RyouSuzuki.

- Wrote up on things unlocked after the game.

- Some quest information written up, descriptions coming later.

- Filled out Life EXP Tables using the Fantasy Life Wikia.

- Finished up some shops.

- Upload size: 395K ---> 431K

[12/08/2014] [v0.8]:

- Finished Chapter Six.

- Butterfly's Quests for pre-Chapter Seven.

- Notes section of the guide removed, as I have several other documents

for my personal use for this now.

- Updated Bounties

- Upload size: 349K ---> 395K

[12/02/2014] [v0.7]:

- Finished explorable areas up to Chapter Five, along with some Bounties

that were not previously covered that may be possible at this point.

(At least according to my level. At this point, I am probably severely

overleveled due to my exploration that I have been doing.)

- The main focus of this guide will be mostly on the story and

explorable areas due to the fact that the FAQ Bounty deadline is

approaching. The Challenges, quests, etc. will be recorded, but not


- Added a few healing items to the Item Compendium.

- Updated appropriate Bounties.

- Minor updates on some previous tables that was missing data.

- Upload size: 269K ---> 349K

[11/26/2014] [v.0.65]:

- Finished Chapter Four.

- Butterfly's Requests for pre-Chapter Five.

- Shops updated up to Al Maajik.

[11/22/2014] [v.0.6]:

- Grand update on the Quests. There are two missing quests located in

the notes in which I am unable to find the original location and/or

name of NPC.

- Huge update on Challenges. I've done up to the challenges that I have

unlocked myself. Paladin and Wizard coming in one of the next updates.

- Lava Cave and Nautilus Cave information now provided before Chapter


- More Bounties are always nice!

- Question and Answers section added.

- History format changed in bullet form.

- Upload size: 195K ---> 269K

[11/19/2014] [v.0.55]:

- Butterfly Requests for pre-Chapter 4 completed.

- EXP Table completed.

[11/17/2014] [v.0.5]:

- Some EXP Table updated.

- Some challenges uploaded.

- Guide is complete up to Chapter Three.

- First uploaded version: 195K

[11/12/2014] [v.0.2]:

- Finished Chapter One. Making progress on Chapter Two.

- To-Do List constructed.

- 100 KB surpassed. Yay milestones?

[11/06/2014] [v0.1]:

- Prologue finished.

- Bliss Chart constructed.

- Items list changed to a table.

[11/04/2014] [v0.05]:

- Began construction of the FAQ.

- Basic structure of Items, Monsters, and Quests laid out

- Wrote up sections for, History, Introduction, Using This Guide, and



| |
| [0200] To-Do List |

| |


These are the many things that I still need to touch up on in this

FAQ. You can feel free to look at this, but this is more for my

reference and for me to share with you guys.

- Life (EXP Tables filled out, need to work on rewards.)

- Ally List

- Bliss (List Completed, need to fill out EXP Chart)

- Challenges (Massive Update!!!)


| NOV | FLE | APR | ADE | EXP | MAS | HER |


| Paladin | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |

| Mercenary | X | X | X | X | | | |

| Hunter | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |

| Wizard | X | X | X | X | | | |

| Miner | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |

| Woodcutter | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |

| Angler | X | X | X | X | | | |

| Cook | X | X | X | X | | | |

| Blacksmith | X | X | X | X | X | | |

| Carpenter | X | X | X | X | | | |

| Tailor | X | X | X | X | X | | |

| Alchemist | X | X | X | X | X | | |


- Other Quests (Updated!)

- When and where to find NPCs (Day and Night)

- Skills (EXP Charts Predicted, All Skills listed, Need to revise)

- Shops (Updated up to post-game shops, still need to work on some

Master shops.)

- Items (MASSIVE Update!)

- Monsters List

- Dosh drops from Monsters

- Bounties (Updated)

- Crafting/Recipe lists (Added/MASSIVE update!)

- Arrange a list for field items, Red Chests, and Purple Chests in areas.

- Organize many different things/Make consistent formats.

- Think of more things to put on the To-Do List. There's a lot to do.


| |

| [0300] Introduction |

| |


I first wanted to start writing an FAQ out of pure desire. One day I

was looking around GameFAQs, seeing that I want to do a lot more than

just browse the Boards and look at the creative work other users have

contributed. I wanted to change that by contributing something myself.

Making Walkthroughs and FAQs is no joke. It does take a lot of time

and dedication, but with enough of that, anything can happen.

This is not by any means my first attempt in doing this. I have had

several years of watching and listening to different gameplay videos

and commentaries that follow by a few people. With me being a huge RPG

fanatic, HCBailly is certainly one that I can count on in order to

learn how to go about explaining some different situations or

mechanics of the game, perhaps think of several ways to strategize for

some fights and whatnot.

After a while, I figured that this is something that I want to do in

order to kill time. Another plus for me is that this is also very

beneficial for me in order to figure out where to obtain some items

(Monster drops, farming spots, etc.) and to further categorize some

useful database-like information.

My experience with Fantasy Life has been like what no other game has

made me witness. The artwork and overall structure of the game is

fairly cutesy, which is completely okay with me since I am already

used to anime/chibi-like artwork from games like MapleStory. I

initially purchased the game near its launch date in North America

with my girlfriend who was more obsessed with the game than I was. I

can't say that I initially was going to write a guide for this, but

it's not necessarily a bad thing!

The great areas to explore in Fantasy Life show that there is a lot to

to and utilizes all of the Lives all over the world. The connections

between each Life just motivates me to select all of them, so that I

can use the ores and wood that I find in my adventure to convert them

into materials needed for Blacksmithing. Or perhaps I want to cook up

a few delicious meals for healing? Not only is this wonderful for

simple fun, but they also say that time is money.

So why the non-HTML format? I have always been a fan of the notepad

format that people have been using since the ancient times of

GameFAQs. Although extremely limited in space, I loved the ASCII

format of guides in which you can make fancy designs and there are a
lot more possibilities. Don't get me wrong, the HTML format is pretty

neat and is very useful for large guides if you want to jump to a

certain section right away, but I thoroughly enjoy my block

Consolas characters.

E-mails are more than welcome here!

I ask that all e-mails begin with the Subject [GameFAQs] so that I can

easily filter my inbox, or I may not see it! You can e-mail me

anything, whether it be questions, comments, suggestions, whatever

you can think of! Alternatively, you can also send me a PM on GameFAQs



| |

| [0400] Using This Guide |

| |


I want to design a guide that is very easy, and most importantly, as

spoiler-friendly as possible. A VERY important note to remember is

that this guide will NOT cover the DLC portion of the game. Once I

finish up this guide, I may be compelled to write up a separate DLC

section for this game.

I would first like to point out that I am not a writer by any means

necessary, nor do I intend to write this guide in the form of some sort

of story. Therefore, you may encounter MANY areas that may seem

extremely repetitive, especially with parts such as "Go <direction>..."

or "Travel..." or anything affiliated with directions. This is a guide

to simply guide you on where everything is to the best of my abilities,

not a storyteller.

The walkthrough is a plain and simple guide as to what to do, where to

go, what you need, and I am going to try my best as to write out some

preparations that may be needed.

The Life, essentially your job classes for the game, that are settled

within the game have a skill list for each appropriate Life. Along

with each section of Life also lists the Challenges that are in each

one of the Lives, along with rank requirements and some tips on how to

advance to the next title most effectively.

Items are currently listed in the order that I find them in the

Inventory screen. However, when the time comes, I will sort them

alphabetically for your convenience in finding them.

In order to go to the section that you are looking, use the Find

function on your web browser (Ctrl + F) and type in the appropriate

four character bracketed code with the brackets included. Sure, you

could just look for the term itself, but these terms might be spread

throughout the entire FAQ, which could also lead into accidental

spoiler. Search at your own risk!


| |

| [0500] Controls |

| |

Circle Pad .... Movement

D-Pad ......... Gestures (In town), Weapon Select (In combat)

A ............. Confirm, Examine

B ............. Cancel, Dashing/Sneaking

X ............. Charge Attack/Special Attack

Y ............. Menu (Out of combat) / Change Target (In combat)

L/R ........... Rotate Cameras

Start/Select... Snapshot


| |

| [0600] Stats / Terms |

| |


There are a bunch of general stats that help out with just about

everything in order to help you out with your Skills. The stats that

Life require are distributed into one primary stat and two secondary

stats per Life.

Level - This is the level of your character. The maximum level is 99.

EXP - Experience Points - The number of EXP required to advance to the

next level is displayed in your status page. Once you fulfill enough

EXP, you raise your level by one.

HP - The total amount of damage you are able to sustain from enemies.

Once your HP reaches 0, you are knocked out.

SP - SP is used for skills such as Dashing, Mining, Woodcutting, or

Fishing. Special techniques throughout several combat skills also

require SP.

There are six main stats that are used throughout the game in which

you can distribute Stat Points in. You gain two Stat Points per level

with the exception of every 10 levels, you gain three Stat Points.

Strength | Improves sword attacks, mining, and woodcutting.

Vitality | Improves carpentry, blacksmithing, and defense.

Intelligence | Improves magic and alchemy.

Focus | Improves fishing and cooking.

Dexterity | Improves bow skill, dagger skill, and sewing.

Luck | Improves rate of critical hits.

Dosh - The main currency of the game.

Bliss - Bliss is obtained through meeting several different requests,

such as milestones, story progression, or Butterfly Requests. Bliss

can be used to obtain upgrades for your character, such as inventory

space expansions, storage expansions, pets, and more!

Stars - The EXP system for your Life. Once you obtain enough stars

through challenges, you get promoted to the next rank and obtain

more stat bonuses and special abilities.


| |

| [0700] Life |

| |

Life is essentially the job class system of the game. At the beginning

of the game, you start yourself out with one of the twelve Lives.

A very neat feature of this game is that you can change your Life at

any time in any of the Guild Hall whenever you are not progressing

through the main story quests.

In addition to this, your EXP in your Skills are also retained where

they are and you are able to use those Skills at any time, so as long

as you know them.

Each Life has certain challenges that you accomplish in order to

become promoted to the next rank. However, in order to report these

challenges as completed, you must switch to the appropriate Life and

talk with your Master.

There will also be several NPCs affiliated with your master. These are

indicated with a (?) above their heads. When given the opportunity,

talk to these people! They may give you wonderful tips, or even

better, free items upon specific promotional ranks.

Here are a list of the choices of Life. Initially there was the list of

Stars required to move to the next rank, but that has been moved to the

Challenges sections of the guide since I felt that was a little more

appropriate. Enlisted in each of the Lives is the in-game description

that is provided. There is also a list of special moves that the Life

can learn.

| |

| [0701] Paladin |

| |


Monster and creatures of evil never take a holiday, and neither does

the valiant Paladin. With weapon in hand, become a shield of the

innocent and the sword of the weak.


| Command List |


| Left Slash | (A) |

| Right Slash | (A) X 2 |

| Down Strike | (A) X 3 |

| Rising Swing | After Down Strike (A) |

| Crescent Strike | During Rising Swing (A) |

| Jump Strike | Following Rising Swing (A) |

| Dash Attack | While moving forward (A) |

| Raise Shield | With shield equipped (X) Hold down |

| Spinning Attack | (A) Charge (A) Release |

| Tornado Spin | (A) Long charge (A) Release |

| Lightning Strike | With shield unequipped (X) Charge (X) |

| | Release |

| Final Fulmination | With shield unequipped (X) Long Charge |

| | (X) Release |

| Luminaire | Special Skill fully charged (X) |

| Sword of Light | (Master and up) S. Skill fully charged |

| | (X) |


| NPC Name | Location | Rank | Reward |


| Mustang | Paladin's | Master | Paladin's Trophy |

| | Hold | | |

| | | | |

| Tad | Paladin's | Expert | Outlaw In Challenge |

| | Hold | | Golden Glory |

| | | | Challenge |

| | | | |

| Isobel | Castele | Expert | Party Invite |

| | Square | Master | Captain's Sword |



| |

| [0702] Mercenary |

| |


Allegiance to none, a soldier to all. You only need your trusty blade

and keen skills to get the job done. Oversized claymore totally



| Command List |


| Left Swing | (A) |

| Right Swing | (A) X 2 |

| Cleaver | (A) X 3 |
| Cross Cut | After Cleaver (A) |

| Hurricane | During Cross Cut (A) |

| Tornado Shot | Following Cross Cut (A) |

| Charge Attack | While moving forward (A) |

| Full Swing | (A) Charge (A) Release |

| Heavy Swing | (A) Long charge (A) Release |

| Shockwave | (X) Charge (X) Release |

| Super Shockwave | (X) Long charge (X) Release |

| Earthquake | Special Skill fully charged (X) |

| Volcano | (Master and up) S. Skill fully charged |

| | (X) |



| NPC Name | Location | Rank | Reward |


| Santos | | Adept | Attack of the |

| | | | Turtanic! challenge |



| |

| [0703] Hunter |

| |


Let your hunting instincts guide you as you stalk your prey deep in

forests or out under the scorching desert sun.

| Command List |


| Sharpshooting | (A) |

| Sharpshooting 2 | (A) X 2 |

| Sharpshooting 3 | (A) X 3 |

| Jump Shot | After Sharpshooting 3 (A) |

| Arrow Swarm | During Jump Shot (A) |

| Hero Shot | After Jump Shot (A) |

| Piercing Arrow | Set arrows to Normal (A) Charge (A) |

| | Release |

| Ultra Piercing Arrow | Set arrows to Normal (A) Long charge |

| | (A) Release |

| Sleep Arrow | Set arrows to Sleep (A) Charge (A) |

| | Release |

| Deep Sleep Arrow | Set arrows to Sleep (A) Long charge |

| | (A) Release |

| Poison Arrow | Set arrows to Poison (A) Charge (A) |

| | Release |

| Deadly Poison Arrow | Set arrows to Poison (A) Long charge |

| | (A) Release |

| Stun Arrow | Set arrows to Stun (A) Charge (A) |

| | Release |

| Stun Strike Arrow | Set arrows to Stun (A) Long charge |

| | (A) Release |

| Scattershot | (X) Charge (X) Release |

| Super Scattershot | (X) Long charge (X) Release |

| Arrow Rain | Special Skill fully charged (X) |

| Arrow Storm | (Master and up) S. Skill fully charged |

| | (X) |


| NPC Name | Location | Rank | Reward |


| Lucky | | Fledgling | HP Potion x3 |

| | | Adept | Party Invite |

| | | | |

| Huntin' Pete | South | Fledgling | Honey Pudding x3 |

| | Castele | Apprentice | Party Invite |

| | | | |

| Granny Cotton | South | Apprentice | Quilted Boots |

| | Castele | | |

| | | | |

| Fletcher | West Grassy | Apprentice | Wonderful Bow Stand |

| | Plains | Hero | Party Invite |

| | | | |

| Roy | Port Puerto | Expert | Sugar Bow |

| | Palace Way | | |

| | | | |

| Fern | East | Hero | Wings of Darkness |

| | Castele | | |

| | | | |

| King Erik | Castele | Hero | Hunter Equipment Set |



| |

| [0704] Wizard |

| |

Harness the power of the elements to perform a variety of potent

healing and attacking spells. Now that's magic!


| Command List |


| Fairy Fire | Set magic to Fire (A) |

| Snowball | Set magic to Water (A) |

| Windcutter | Set magic to Wind (A) |

| Sapling Heal | Set magic to Earth (A) |

| Fireball | Set magic to Fire (A) Charge (A) |

| | Release |

| Firesplosion | Set magic to Fire (A) Long Charge (A) |

| | Release |

| Fire Storm | Set magic to Fire (X) Charge (X) |

| | Release |

| Wall of Fire | Set magic to Fire (X) Long Charge (X) |

| | Release |

| Icy Breath | Set magic to Water (A) Charge (A) |

| | Release |

| Snapfreeze | Set magic to Water (A) Long Charge (A) |

| | Release |

| Ice Storm | Set magic to Water (X) Charge (X) |

| | Release |

| Blizzard | Set magic to Water (X) Long Charge (X) |

| | Release |

| Air Sickle | Set magic to Wind (A) Charge (A) |

| | Release |

| Razor Wind | Set magic to Wind (A) Long Charge (A) |

| | Release |

| Thunder Storm | Set magic to Wind (X) Charge (X) |

| | Release |

| Cosmic Thunder | Set magic to Wind (X) Long Charge (X) |

| | Release |

| Flower Heal | Set magic to Earth (A) Charge (A) |

| | Release |

| Healing Forest | Set magic to Earth (A) Long Charge (A) |

| | Release |

| Healing Meadow | Set magic to Earth (X) Charge (X) |

| | Release |

| Nature's Bounty | Set magic to Earth (X) Long Charge (X) |

| | Release |

| Falling Star | Special Skill fully charged (X) |

| Shooting Star | (Master and up) S. Skill fully charged |

| | (X) |



| NPC Name | Location | Rank | Reward |


| Jinx | East | Apprentice | Earthly Encounter |

| | Castele | | Challenge |

| | | | |

| Hazel | | Novice | Pumpkin Pie |

| | | Adept | Beat the Heat |

| | | | Challenge |

| | | | |

| Esmerelda | Al Maajik | Apprentice | Palm Wand |

| | Spelltown | Adept | Gust of Ghoul |

| | | | Challenge |

| | | | |
| Nox | East | Fledgling | SP Potion x3 |

| | Castele | Apprentice | Party Invite |

| | | Adept | Blaze of Glory |

| | | | Challenge |



| |

| [0705] Miner |

| |


Arm yourself with your trusty pickaxe, and get ready to rock some

rocks! A cornucopia of precious metals lie in wait deep underground.

Can you dig it?


| Command List |


| Swing | Mash Button (A) |

| Fierce Swing | After a full charge (A) |

| Smash Hit | (X) |

| Ore Breaker | (X) Charge (X) Release |

| Ore Buster | (X) Long charge (X) Release |

| Terra Former | Special Skill fully charged (X) |

| Earthly Treasures | (Master and up) S. Skill fully charged |

| | (X) |


| NPC Name | Location | Rank | Reward |


| Ruby | Artisan | Fledgling | Steak x2 |

| | District | | |

| | | | |

| Rocque | Al Maajik | Master | Have a Little Heart |

| | Outskirts | | Challenge |

| Angela | Al Maajik | Expert | Earthly Wings |

| | Sandtown | | Challenge |

| | | Master | Party Invite |



| |

| [0706] Woodcutter |

| |


Arm yourself with an axe, and take to the forest for that authentic

lumberjack Lifestyle. Remember, if you respect nature, nature will

respect you!


| Command List |


| Axe Swing | Mash Button (A) |

| Full Swing | After a full charge (A) |

| Axe Bomber | (X) |

| Mettle | (X) Charge (X) Release |

| Mega Mettle | (X) Long charge (X) Release |

| Axe-Copter | Special Skill fully charged (X) |

| Lumberjack's Spirit | (Master and up) S. Skill fully charged |

| | (X) |



| NPC Name | Location | Rank | Reward |


| Elmie | | | Tree Stump & Axe |

| | East | Expert | Making a Splash |

| | Castele | Master | Sparkle Axe |

| | | | |

| Reyho | East | Master | Woodcutter's Trophy |

| | Castele | | |

| | | | |

| Bracken | East | Hero | Stained-Glass |

| | Castele | | Butterfly |

| | | | |

| King Erik | Castele | Hero | Woodcutter Hero |

| | Castle | | equipment set |



| |

| [0707] Angler |

| |


Grab your trusty fishing rod, and traverse the land in each of fishing
spots! Fishing may seem like an easy job, but if you come home empty

handed, you'll be going to sleep hungry.


| Command List |


| Pull It Close | (A) Hold down |

| Counter Hook | When the float sinks, Time with (A) |

| Quick Pull | (X) Charge (X) Release |

| Focus Pull | (X) Long charge (X) Release |

| Midair Rod Fishing | Special Skill fully charged (X) |

| Go with the Flow | (Master and up) S. Skill fully charged |

| | (X) |



| NPC Name | Location | Rank | Reward |


| Marina | | Apprentice | Fish-for-Life Flag |

| | | | |

| | | Fledgling | Pine Rod |

| | | Adept | Draw Your Sword |

| | | | Challenge |



| |

| [0708] Cook |

| |

Become a gourmet Cook, and entice even the king with the heavenly

taste of your signature dishes! Spice up your Life with,



| Command List |


| Chef's Special | Special Skill fully charged (X) |

| Dream Meal | |

| Seasoning Skill | |



| NPC Name | Location | Rank | Reward |


| Pedro | | Fledgling | Qualitine |

| Jill | The Spice | Adept | Plenty of Pudding |

| | Rack | | Challenge |

| | | | Honey Pudding Recipe |



| |

| [0709] Blacksmith |

| |


What would a Paladin do without a sword, or a Miner without a pickaxe?

Blacksmiths are simply indispensable in every town! Forge the finest

tools, weapons, and armor!


| Command List |


| Heavy Strike | Special Skill fully charged (X) |

| Dancing Hammer | |

| Extra Materials | Allows you to add extra materials |

| Artisan | |



| NPC Name | Location | Rank | Reward |


| Sebastian | | Apprentice | Iron-Arms Artisan |

| | | | Challenge |

| | | | |

| Fyra | | Apprentice | Plains Iron x8 |

| | | | |

| Magmia | | Apprentice | Boiled eggs x2 |

| | | | |

| Ironsmith | | Novice | Criticaline |

| | | Expert | Captain's Guard |

| | | | Challenge |

| | | | |

| Ignatius | Castele | Expert | Party Invite |



| |
| [0710] Carpenter |

| |


Weapons and armor of steel and alchemical elixirs? No, yours is a more

practical craft. What good is a Paladin if she has no bed to sleep in?

All other craft rest on the prduct of your skills. Literally.


| Command List |


| Hop 'n' Chop | Special Skill fully charged (X) |

| Chop Till You Drop | |

| Extra Materials | Allows you to add extra materials |

| Wood Worker | |



| NPC Name | Location | Rank | Reward |


| Beavy | Artisan | Fledgling | Pine Nuts x3 |

| | District | | |

| | | | |

| Poppy | Artisan | Novice | Boiled Eggs x3 |

| | District | Fledgling | Carpenter's Choice |

| | | | Challenge |

| | | Apprentice | Barrel Role |

| | | | Challenge |

| | | | |

| Lyra | Port Puerto | Adept | His and Hers |

| | Fashion | | Beachwear Challenge |

| | Boutique | Expert | Ladies' Loungewear |

| | | | Challenge |



| |

| [0711] Tailor |

| |


Fashion. Everyone wants it, but few can truly "get" it. You can

double-stitch your way to the center of any fashionista's wardrobe.

And you look FAB-U-LOUS doing it!


| Command List |


| Sewing Machine | Special Skill fully charged (X) |

| Fashion Fervor | |

| Appliqué Stitch | Allows you to add extra materials |

| Name Brand | |



| NPC Name | Location | Rank | Reward |


| Chic | | Fledgling | Cashmere |

| | | | |

| Spoolie | | Apprentice | Animal Hide x5 |

| | | | |
| Zippy | Castele | Expert | Shark Chic |

| | Square | | Shark Hat Recipe |



| |

| [0712] Alchemist |

| |


It's not magic, I say! No, not a scam either! Alchemists can really

turn weeds and hte like into usable items!


| Command List |


| Quick Mix | Special Skill fully charged (X) |

| Instant Mix | |

| Liquid Lessons | Allows you to add extra materials |

| Chemist | |



| NPC Name | Location | Rank | Reward |


| Fizz | | Fledgling | Grilled Eel x2 |


| |

| [0800] Walkthrough |

| |


Upon starting up the game, you can create your avatar with a great

variety of looks.

Gender: Male or Female

Body: Choose your figure and skin color. There are five different body

structures and ten different skin colors.

Head: Choose your face type. There are six different face types to

choose from.

Hairstyle: Choose your hairstyle and hair color. There are 48

different hairstyles and 40 different hair colors.

Face: These are separated into six different categories:

Eyes: There are 54 different eye styles and 20 different eye

colors to choose from.

Eyebrows: There are 18 different eyebrows to choose from.

Nose: There are 18 different noses to choose from.

Ears: There are 6 different ears to choose from.

Mouth: There are 30 different mouths to choose from.

Other: There are 12 other features that you can include on your

avatar, such as smudges, moustaches, lucky star on the

cheek, beauty spot, and more!

Voice: There are six different voices provided for your character. Tap

on the icon to listen to it.

Name: Name your character whatever you want with a maximum of six

characters. Note that this is the avatar name that will be

visible for local play and online play!

Life: You can choose from any one of the twelve Lives to play as. Note
that you are able to change your Life throughout the game!


| |

| [0801] Prologue: Welcome to Reveria! |

| |



Castele Square


The game begins with a white screen and text, explaining Reveria, a

land of peace, magic... and dreams. Lunares is also referenced which

is the moon that lives behind Reveria.

"At the break of dawn, a call will go out for a new hero. A hero who

now tosses and turns in an uneasy dream..."

There are many possibilities that you can choose from, but the only

way to find out how to go about your adventures is to start your

story right now!


You wake up with yourself... on the ground. Perhaps a bad dream? Pam

comes in due to you crashing on the floor in your sleep, making sure

that you are alright. She is relieved that you are okay, so now she

has you go downstairs and check the mailbox.

(Friendly tip: I would advise you to start working on your Dash skill

right away by always running when you can, especially since you have

no other use for your SP at the moment as it is, besides Sneaking...)

You go outside as the mailman delivers the Letter from the King, whom

humbly requests your presence once you obtain your License for your

Life. Talk to Pam and she will tell you to go to the Guild Office in

order to obtain your License. She will also give you Pam's Candy.

Head inside the Guild Office and talk to the Guild Master and you will

obtain the License for whatever Life you selected at the character

creation. The game explains that there are separate Masters for each

Life that you must go to. Upon completing challenges, you will rank up

your Life to the next rank. Furthermore, you are also allowed to keep

the skills that you have already learned and use them while you are

a different Life.

As you are about to go to the Castle, you hear a commotion outside of

the Guild Office. Head to the Square and you will notice Pierre and

Butch picking on poor litte Butterfly. The two will then nab your

Pam's Candy that you have in your inventory. Or, if you already ate

the candy, then they will reveal the empty candy wrapper that you

carried in your pocket.

Head due North to the Castele Castle Reception Hall. You try to get in

but no luck. Head back downstairs and you will meet and team up with

Butterfly. With that being done, head back upstairs and go through the

guards who are absolutely astonished with your new looks. Talk to King

Erik and he will start you off with 300 Dosh, a World Map, and a new

set of clothing depending on what Life you chose.

--- Prologue COMPLETE! ---

From here on out, Butterfly decided to join you, whether you like it

or not. The game gives you a tutorial on the map and how to check out

the Locations around you. You can even use the map to travel to a

Master's Location (once discovered), to the Guild Office, or to Go

Home. You can also manipulate time by going to the Inn or your bed and

choose to Rest up if you want to wake up that evening, or to Sleep the

day away into the next morning, both of which can be used to

manipulate time.

The game will also prompt you to have here!

From here, follow the red arrow on the minimap of your bottom screen

to go to your Master's location.

Paladin | Castele Square, right outside of the castle

Mercenary | Shopping District, bottom right

Hunter | East Castele, a little above the Woodcutter

Wizard | East Castele, below the top entrance

Miner | East Castele, very bottom right

Woodcutter | East Castele, near the bottom

Angler | West Castele, bottom

Cook | Shopping District, top left

Blacksmith | Artisan District, top left

Carpenter | Artisan District, top left

Tailor | Artisan District, top left

Alchemist | Castle Square, right outside of the castle.

Here is a little guidance to show you the general locations of

Castele. I drew this in accordance to the map that was given to you

in-game. Since I am not the greatest ASCII artist at all, I did the

best I could.


________ _____________ _________

| | ________ | | ___________ | |

| || | | Castele | | || |

| West |-|Shopping|-| Square |-| Artisan |-| East |

| Castele| |District| | | | District | | Castele |

| | |________| |_____________| |___________| | |

| | || | |

| | ________________|_|___________________ | |

| || || |

| |-| South Castele |-| |

|________| | | |_________|

|________________ _________________|

| |

| |

| |

| |

\ \_____________________

\ East Grassy Plains


In generosity, I also drew out the map of Castele Square before

thinking that drawing out all of the maps would take quite a bit of
time and patience. But here's one of them!


| |

| Castele |

| Castle |

| |

______________| |______________

Paladin Alchemist

______________ ______________

| |

_____| |______

/ \

/ ________ \

| / \ |

_________________| | | |_________________

Shopping \________/ Artisan

District District

_________________ __ __ _________________

| |__| |__| |

__________| |________

| Guild __ Save __ |

| Office |__| |__| |

| ____________ ___________ |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | Inn | | | |

| |____________| | Pam | |

| |___________| |

|__________________ |

| _________________|
| |

| South |

| Castele |

Talk with your Master and he will brief you on a tutorial for your

Life. You will obtain a piece of equipment according to your Life,

whether it is one of the eight tools, or one of several weapons.

Follow through the tutorial that the Master(s) give you. If you chose

any one of the last five Lives (Cook, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Tailor,

or Alchemist), you will partake in crafting items which is further

explained in the Creations section of the guide. The game itself will

walk you through easily in how to craft your items.

Once you go through the tutorial, you will obtain 500 Dosh, 100 Stars

for completing your first challenge which will automatically promote

you from a Novice to a Fledgling, and obtain more recipes/techniques

for your Life. Additionally, you will also obtain 50 EXP, which should

bring you right to level 2! You should also talk to people with a (?)

bubble above their heads, as they are affiliated with your Life Master

and may even reward you for your hard work.

Because you leveled up, you also obtained two (2) stat points for your

stats! For my first playthrough, I chose myself to be an Alchemist,

thus I put in my points into Intelligence because it improves Alchemy.

However, I wouldn't necessarily advise this. Rather, I would focus a

little on the combat statistics first. If you are using swords, pour

some points into Strength. If you're using a Dagger or Bow, put the

points into Dexterity. Quite straightforward, magic users (Wizards)

ought to put points into Intelligence.

You should return to your room now, only to notice that Pam is in your

room waiting for you. Pam will give you a Worn-Out Chair for you to

put in your room for decoration. You can customize your room by

pressing the "My Room" button on the touch screen and tap "Arrange",

which is your next objective.

Talk to Butterfly and she will inform you that she can perform Bliss

Checks for you, which are required through various parts of the game.

Perform a Bliss Check with Butterfly and you will receive your first

Bliss Bonus. After that, you guys decide to rest up and the opening

cinematic for the game will start playing.


Wake up the next morning, crashed on the floor and Butterfly will

greet you as well. She says that there is mail outside in the mailbox,

so do that for your next objective. You will also obtain Butterfly

Quests, which are required in order to advance through the main story

quests. Concurrently, you should also try to work on your Life a

little and try to do as much as you can with that. From here, you are

free to explore all over Reveria with a few restrictions on certain

areas that will unlock throughout the course of the story.

I will also list all of the Butterfly Requests that need to be done

in order to advance through the plot.

_ _


\ () / \

(_/\_) Butterfly Requests |



Tale of the Goddess 10 Bliss [BTFL11]


For your first Butterfly Request, you just simply have to go to the

Goddess statue in Castele Square a little before Castele Castle.

Examine the schedule to start a dialogue between Butterfly and Gramps.

Butterfly will then ask you what you wish for in three separate

categories of Dosh, Bliss, and Stars. This wish is more for your

personal use in your StreetPass profile. Even though this has no

in-game effect, you are not able to change this later on, so choose


The game instructs you about Other Quests. If you run into a character

with a (...) above their head, that means they have a request that

they would like out of their hands. Most of the time, this will be a

hunting quest, handing in a quantity amount of basic items, or maybe

they want a piece of equipment of a certain quality.

Gramps will hand you over a Charm, an equipable Accessory. Once that

is done, that concludes this Butterfly Request.


Once you complete that Butterfly Request, you will unlock some more

Butterfly Requests to do before moving onto the main plot. We have

also gained our first area that we can explore, the East Grassy

Plains. Check out your mailbox to see that you have a new message

from Lettina, stating that you can now use passwords at the Post
Office to obtain different sets of items and equipment. Before

exploring, let's get the Butterfly Request section out of the way:

_ _


\ () / \

(_/\_) Butterfly Requests |



What's a... Guild Office? 10 Bliss [BTFL12]


Walk into the Guild Office and the Guild Master will talk to you.

Butterfly comes out to join in the conversation regarding the ruckus

from earlier. From now on, you are able to try out a different Life if

you want.

A good recommendation would be to have at least one combat-based Life

(Paladin, Mercenary, Hunter, or Wizard) and most, if not all of the

gathering Lives (Mining, Woodcutting, and Fishing/Angler). Throughout

your adventures, you will be encountering many objects that you can

obtain materials from, essential for crafting. And what's in it for

easy crafting? Lots of money! However, if you just want to stick with

pure combat, you can do that as well. You can choose your Life however

you want!

Not only will this help you in the long run, but this will also help

you early on, as each time you obtain a new License, you also obtain

50 EXP and 500 Dosh every time, which will gives you some early money

and levels. Another great plus is that you don't have to do the
tutorial like you did with the first job. You can choose to completely

ignore the quest and get the License right away!

The Guild Master also tells you about the Bounty Clerk. The way

Bounties work are that if you defeat a tough enemy marked with a crown

in its name, or take out a large piece of resource (Woodcutting,

Mining, etc.), you are able to take in that piece for a Bounty through

the Bounty Clerk. Each Bounty is bound to give you some Dosh and an

item. You claim that Bounty by pressing (A) to it, and there is only

allowed three Bounties per map. Also, enemies may try to go after your

Bounty if they have aggressive (Aggro) behavior, so protect your

Bounties at all costs! If you obtain a fish Bouny, you can talk to

the plant, Lionel Lippes, that is on the desk of the Bounty Clerk.

In the back of the Guild Office are three communication counters. The

left counter registers you for StreetPass for the game. The right

counter enables Multiplayer Mode with other players. The middle

counter utilizes Ally Mode, Snapshots, and online Multiplayer. Ally

Mode and Snapshots will become available once you talk to the middle


Looking for an insect repellent, the Guild Master hands over x3 Mini

Bombs to you. You are also now able to return to the Guild Office at

any time through the Map icon, which ought to be useful for

transferrings a Life over to the next one, then teleporting to your

Life Master's location.


Shop Till We Drop! 10 Bliss [BTFL13]

Head over to Castele General Goods to initiate a scene between the

Shopkeeper and Butterfly, trying out all the samples and goods from

the shop. After sampling some of these, the shopkeeper hands you some

samples on the go which include x3 HP Potions, x3 SP Potions, and a

Life Cure.


Time for Adventuring! 10 Bliss [BTFL14]


You can only do this quest when it is day time. Attempting this at

night time will only result in a Paladin guard blocking your path.

Head straight South in South Castele and follow the path into the East

Grassy Plains.

A cutscene will play showing off the different animals and monsters

that occur within the fields, including a ginormous yawning dragon.

Butterfly spots a sleeping Paladin at the end of the path, so you guys

venture off to see him. The game then shows you the field and combat

controls. He then hands over 5 Healweeds to you.

If you would like, you can explore and fight monsters here on the



Items: Sheep Fleece, Healweed, Carrot, Common Grasshopper, Cows' Milk,

Castele Bloom, Dandelion Puff, Forest Mushroom,


| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Oak Tree | 9 | Oak Log, Antidote Berries |

| Copper Deposit | 5 | Castele Copper, Minty Ore |


| Fish List | EXP |


| Castele Crucian | 4|

| Castele Carp | 9|

| Ornamental Carp | 15 |


As you look all over Castele, there are several shops to look through.

Due to the number of shops there are in Castele (14 shops!), all shops

are located in the Shops section of this guide, indicating where each

shop is (Located in either Castele Square, Shopping District, or

Artisan District), and what each shop sells.

Another good stop that you want to make is the Royal Castele

Workshop, which is where the Blacksmith, Tailor, and Woodcutter

Masters are all at. Look inside of the bottom left of the building

to find a purple chest containing Artisan's Mitts. Throughout the

fields, you will encounter Red Chests, which may contain random loot.

Purple Chests are unique and can only be opened once while Red Chests

can be opened once per visit.

It is also good to point out a few key locations in Castele. On your

way to the East Grassy Plains, there is a Castele Apple tree which

drops 2-4 Castele Apples every time. There is also a rock path in the

river which contains 3 Springwaters every time, and next to the waters

and guards are a couple of Healweeds that you can pick up. Especially

if you are an Alchemist, this can make some incredibly easy HP Potions
early on in the game and save you a lot of money. I would pick these

up whenever you gain the opportunity.

Paladin Guides are spread throughout the towns that enable you to

fast travel to several spots if you don't feel like walking. Inside

the Guild Office is your storage in which you can store excess items

that you do not want to carry in the event that your inventory is

getting full.

Now that you have completed the Butterfly Requests, you can move on

with the plot! If you want to start developing yourself into getting

new Licenses and obtaining a variety of Life, this would be the time

to do so! Once you start a chapter of Tale of Lunares, you are not

able to switch your Life until you have completed that chapter. In

addition, some of the maps might be different from the freeroaming

maps that you might see.

I will often point out items or areas in which you can examine in

order to obtain a one-time item. For example, head over to the

Angler Master. Inside the cabin, Isaac's House, you can examine the

fire place in order to obtain a free Grilled Crucian. Who doesn't

love free stuff, right?

For the sake of this guide, I am going to list some of the optimal

areas of opportunity that would be good to explore before making some

story progression. However, if you want to skip this section and just

get straight to the story walkthrough, go to the appropriate section

in the guide.

East Grassy Plains



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| White Woolie | 4 | Mutton, Sheep Fleece |

| Carrotty | 4 | Antidote Berries, Carrot |

| Worker Bee | 6| |

| Catterpillo | 6 | Straw Thread |

| Road Runner | 7 | Chicken Eggs |

| Sandzard | 7 | Little Tail |

| Red Wolf | 8 | Animal Hide |

| Bandit | 8 | Sack of Copper, Springwater |

| | | Mountain Springwater |

| Dragon Mustard | 8 | Mustard, Wake-Up Berries |

| Coyote | 12 | Animal Hide |

| Bandit Leader * | 14 | Springwater, |

| | | Mountain Springwater |

| Spooky * (N) | 15 | Magic Powder |

| Carrotella * | 22 | Rejuvenating Berries |


* Bounty

(N) Night Only


| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Oak Tree | 9 | Oak Log, Antidote Berries |

| Copper Deposit | 5 | Castele Copper, Minty Ore |


| Fish List | EXP |


| Castele Crucian | 4|

| Plains Sweetfish | 5|

| Elderwood Trout | 9|

| Castele Carp | 9|


Items: White Butterfly, Yellow Butterfly, Common Grasshopper, Royal

Grasshopper, Redbell, Healweed, Dandelion Fluff

This is a nice typical plain area to start off the game. The enemies

here are nice and basic, and nothing too complicated. You will want to

be careful with any Bounties that you encounter. Bounties are

indicated usually as a larger enemy, or a leader looking enemy of the

pack, but more importantly, they are specified with a crown in their

name. Speaking of crowns, the Napdragon will have a crown, which is

a Bounty. However... when the Paladin says to not attack it, he means

do not attack it. Not because you shouldn't bother it because it

doesn't bother you... but because he will kill you. Terribly.

Along the way, here's a good point of interest: Stick around the

bottom half of the map and keep heading West. You will eventually hit

a patch of sand that have three Copper Deposits. Heading North a

little more, there will be a tree that contains 2-4 Grassland Honey.

If you have picked up any Bounties, you may return them to the Bounty

Clerk in the Guild Office. Only catch is that you cannot use the map

teleporting system to go over there. You have to do it the old

fashioned way by walking if you are carrying any Bounties! You also
cannot dash with the (B) Button to make your travels faster either,

otherwise you will end up dropping the boxes behind. You can, however,

use Sneaking if you wish.

Around the Southwestern area is the Haniwa Caves that you can visit,

which also has a great amount of resources that could be useful for

getting some very easy early money.


Haniwa Caves



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Cobalt Frog | 6 | Sleep Powder |

| Weedling | 6| |

| Skullblob (N) | 20 | Magic Upgrade Stone |


(N) Night Only


| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Oak Tree | 9 | Oak Log, Antidote Berries |

| Copper Deposit | 5 | Castele Copper, Minty Ore |

| Sup. Copper Deposit | 6 | Castele Copper, Minty Ore |

| | | Yellow Stone, Topaz |

| Great Copper Deposit | | Castele Copper, Minty Ore |

| | | Sulfur * |
| Amazing Copper Deposit | 6 | Yellow Stone, Sparking |

| | | Topaz * |


| Fish List | EXP |


| Castele Crucian | 4|

| Plains Sweetfish | 5|

| Elderwood Trout | 9|

| Castele Carp | 9|

| Catfish | 9|


Items: Lifeweed

There aren't a whole variety of enemies in here, but if you are

looking for an area for Yellow Stones and Topazes, then this would be

the place. There are several Superior and Great Copper Stones

containing these items, including the Great Copper Deposits with the

Sulfur Bounty, which also contain Yellow Stones. These can sell for an

easy 250 Dosh a piece and are rather common to encounter.

Skullblob is an uncommon enemy in the center of the cave. With a few

points into your proficient combat stat, you should be able to take it

down easily for some decent EXP. Sadly, it is not a Bounty.


Castele Square


At this point, you should consider changing your Life into a combat
Life (Paladin, Mercenary, Hunter, or Wizard.) Reason being is because

you can kill enemies that concurrently meet the requirements for your

challenges in order to rank up. Remember that once you talk to

Butterfly in order to begin a new chapter of Tales of Lunares, you

will not be able to change your Life until you complete the chapter.

Go back to your room and talk with Butterfly in order to progress, in

which the game will also prompt you to save. After the white screen

dialogue, you wake up to a very loud crash nearby. Turns out that a

dark-looking stone crashed on the roof of your home.


| |

| [0802] Tale of Lunares: Chapter One |

| |



Castele Square


Walk down the stairs of your house to initiate another dialogue.

Professor Hughes comes and then makes his exit once his henchmen

confiscates the stone. Pam comes over with some bad news. Talk to her

when prompted to. She informs you of another Doomstone that has landed

in the plains, in which Pierre and Butch overhear her, along with a

little boy that was standing on the other side. With all due haste,

let's make our way to the East Grassy Plains!

Once you cross the bridge to head to the East Grassy Plains, the boy

will be running up behind you and then runs past you as he is being
pursued by General Mustang. Mustang scurries off and the boy is saved,

forcing his way into your party as you two are looking for the same

objective. Now you can head over to the East Grassy Plains.


East Grassy Plains


A cutscene is initiated with Pierre and Butch where the Doomstone in

the field has landed. Claiming they are Professor Hughes' henchmen,

they confiscate the stone and hide it in a nearby cave. Little do we

know, we head over across the Grassy Plains and go to the stone's

original point.

Head over to the bridge on the East and you will see yet another

Paladin sleeping on his post. You learn that the stone is just across

the bridge, so head over there. Professor Hughes arrives at the scene,

stunned that the stone is gone. Asking for your cooperation, Hughes

leaves the scene to look for the stone.

Your next destination is the cave that Pierre and Butch have hidden

the Doomstone in. I think it's pretty difficult to miss the sign right

in front of the entrance of the cave that says "Keep Outta Haniwa

Cave!" But who's going to listen? Head inside the cave.


Haniwa Cave

You enter the cave to a screeching sound nearby. Butch's little pet

Chompy appears to have gone out of control. Butterfly wants to check

out the action that is going on.

Walk down the sets of stairs to run into Pierre and Butch. They claim

to have hidden the stone and Pierre threatens Butterfly to not

interfere while Butch cries over possessed Chompy. With that being

done, the two retreat out of the cave and we now have to go to the

central island to check out the commotion. Chompy is flying next to

the Doomstone, engulfed in a dark shadowy aura.


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Chompy | 20 | |

| Doomstone | 20 | |


This fight is fairly simple, especially with two companions. With not

much HP, you should be able to tackle Chompy fairly easily. Or if you

would rather, just head straight for the Doomstone, which is your

primary objective.

The Doomstone was concluded to be dangerous. Hughes enters the cave,

with Pierre and Butch shortly behind them. The gir... boy... Girboy

leaves your party once the others fleet the scene as well. Since your

job here is done, you can go back to Pam's House and report to her.

In doing a good job, you receive 1000 Dosh and 100 EXP.

--- Chapter One COMPLETE! ---

A very short cutscene initiates with a mysterious figure examining the

body-like shape on the ground near the Doomstone impact site. The

white screen with the dialogue appears again, saying "Yuelia. My name

is Yuelia."

You now obtain more Butterfly Requests!

Before continuing on with the story, I do want to take the time to

revisit the Haniwa Caves. At this point, you should at least be able

to afford an Iron or Pine Weapon, whatever is applicable for your

Life. Or, if you prefer, which is highly suggested, craft it with a

new Life and the resources that you have been gathering! If you

haven't been gathering them, then you can always go exploring before

tackling the Butterfly Requests.

_ _


\ () / \

(_/\_) Butterfly Requests |



The History of Castele 25 Bliss [BTFL21]


Walk into the Library (look for the Alchemist sign near the front of

Castele Castle) in order to trigger this event. You and Butterfly walk

in, astonished by the amount of books that the librarian Paige has in

store. Going through this event earns you a pair of Round Specs.

A Visit to the Pet Shop! 25 Bliss [BTFL22]


The Pet Vendor is in the east part of the Artisan District. Talk to

him and he will explain that you can have a pet (or more!) in your

home, starting with a cat and a dog. These pets do require Bliss in

order to keep (via obtaining the appropriate upgrade.) In order to

make your pets feel more at home, the Pet Vendor will give you a

Simple Wall: Green and Simple Floor: Green.


Attic with a View 25 Bliss [BTFL23]


Go to Pam's House (right below your home) to initiate some dialogue

here. She is suggesting that you go out and get another place to live

in instead of... an attic. There is a place in the southeast Artisan

District area, next to Steele's House, and a house near the stables in

South Castele, next to Falcon's Hangar. This will require a move-in

fee, but moving in general is not required. After listening to a bunch

of blabbering, you will get another Pam's Candy.

You can talk to Pam in order to move out to a new place from now on.

If you want to move out, you will have to remove everything from your

room and have enough Dosh to meet the move-in fee. To move into the

Dilapidated House in the Artisan District, you will need 6,000 Dosh,

and to pay for the Log Cabin in South Castele, you will need 12,000



Ride like the Wind! 25 Bliss [BTFL24]


Talk to Beth in the Horse Stables in South Castele. Immediately, she

has you take three Springwaters and three Grassland Honeys, both of

which are for recovering SP. Horses can be used to get around quickly

without consuming SP. Much like with pets, you will need the upgrade

appropriate for riding a Horse in Castele. When the Horse is obtained

Beth will even let you name it!


Pierre and Butch 25 Bliss [BTFL25]


Pierre, Butch, and Chompy will be on the right side of Pam's House.

Talk to Pierre and the three will thank you for saving Chompy back in

the cave. Chompy will give you a Big Egg, which could be used for

Gramps' quest if you haven't done it already.


The Adventure Continues! 25 Bliss [BTFL26]


We want to head over to the West Grassy Plains which is just past the

Doomstone impact site in the East Grassy Plains. There will be a girl

near a ranch. Jewel has a bunch of vegetables and eggs if you ever

want to stop by the area and pick some out. She will also give you

five baskets of Royal Eggs.


Once you complete the Butterfly Requests, you can go ahead and move

on with the plot, but I would like to note a couple of locations that

would be nice to explore. Continuing from "The Adventure Continues!"

Butterfly Request is Farley's Plantation, which you can head in where

Jewel was.


Farley's Plantation



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Pine | 19 | Pine Log, Pine Nuts |

| | | Elder Pine Log |


| Fish List | EXP |


| Plains Sweetfish | 5|


Items: Chicken Eggs, Potato, Carrot, Onion, Cabbage, Daikon Radish,

Energizing Flower, Lucky Flower, Running Flower, Dandelion Puff,

Greenbell, Redbell, Castele Apple, Rainbow Apple

You can come here if you want to obtain a few free vegetables and

fruits, especially the Rainbow Apples which are required for a quest

and Energizing Flowers which are a four-star rarity item.

A Bounty Clerk is also here if you want to turn in any Bounties around

the West Grassy Plains, which is useful for not having to travel all

the way back to the East Grassy Plains and then talk to the Guide

Paladins in order to turn in the Bounty.

There are several resources in here, and there is an easy way to farm

all of this stuff as well. Fantasy Life has a "Two Screen Rule", where

if you transition two screens away from a certain map, that map will

reset its resources for you. All you have to do is exit Farley's

Plantation, head east into the East Grassy Plains, then back into

Farley's Plantation in order to start farming this stuff easily,

especially for some of the rarer items needed for quests such as

Running Flowers.


Castele Square


At this point, you are probably done and you want to continue with the

story. Just a friendly reminder that it is probably recommended to

change your Life to a combat one in order to fulfill your Challenge

requirements in order to get promoted.

Once you have finished everything that you can think of, which can

range anywhere from crafting items and trying out a new Life (or

two... or twelve...) or just finishing up all of the Challenges and

Other Quests that you can muster, talk to Butterfly in your building

in order to progress with the plot.


| |

| [0803] Tale of Lunares: Chapter Two |

| |


Castele Square


Your own personal dialogue will appear, stating how wonderful life is

in Castele. Check your mailbox to recieve an anonymous letter

requesting help from the castle. Butterfly insists that the both of

them head over to the castle.


Castele Castle


You will be stopped by the Minister, especially after a hint with

something symbolized by an apple. Head over to the Royal Court to

watch a little cutscene between Mustang, Hughes and King Erik. Once

that section of the dialogue is over, walk up to the group to join in

the conversation. Speaking of the apple symbol once more, the three

are completely shocked to have mentioned the stationery. Head back out

of the room and speak with the Minister.

After riddling his side Paladins, head on over to explore the Castle

Gardens. On the top right of the central garden area is a Purple

Chest containing a Smiley Flower, a decoration that you can place in

your room. Head over to the waypoint which is the top right room of

the entire Castle Garden being guarded by two Paladins. Butterfly

suspects that something is going on, so we need to find a way to get

inside Princess Laura's room. Head to the center of the garden to talk
to Ophelia. Hinting that Princess Laura needs a snack, she gives you a

baked Apple Pie from her handmaid Rosemary. With this being a Key

Item, this cannot be consumed.

With the alarming smell of the item in possession, the guards allow

you into Princess Laura's Chambers. Laura reveals herself to be the

girboy. Not wanting Professor Hughes to interfere with the Napdragon

in the plains, Laura wants to try to plot an escape in order to stop

him. Our next goal is to find a Rope Ladder for escape, located in

the King Erik's Chambers which is the room right next to Laura's room.

Search in the nightstand with the flowers on the right of King Erik's

bed in order to find it and return to Laura.

She reveals a hidden passage for escape behind a wall with the apple

insignia. After showing the way out, Laura joins your party. Look

inside of Laura's closet to the left of the escape point in order to

obtain a Coral Necklace. Head over to the Grassy Plains.


East Grassy Plains


Our next stop is to climb Mount Snowpeak. Stick to the right side

that leads towards the mountains. The path right before the brown area

of the mountain often has a Sandzard. Continue through the path and

you will eventually come across a campsite with a few Paladins.

Examine the campfire and you can steal yourself a Campfire Roast, then

head north to the bottom of Mount Snowpeak.


Mount Snowpeak



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Razorbeak | 8 | Pine Nuts, Chicken Meat |

| | | Chicken Eggs |

| Rock Serpent | 10 | Snake Scales |

| Cashmeer | 12 | Goat Fleece |

| Buffalo | 16 | Beef |

| Lava Catterpillo | 20 | |

| Black Panther * | 35 | Hard Claw, Thick Claw |

| Fanged Ape * | 45 | Strong Fang |


* Bounty


| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Pine | 19 | Pine Log, Pine Nuts |

| | | Elder Pine Log |


| Fish List | EXP |


| Plains Sweetfish | 5|

| Elderwood Trout | 9|


Items: Mountain Mushroom, Lifeweed

Red Chest: Leather Gauntlets, Leather Boots

Laura mentions a custodian in the mountain is holding the key to get

into the summit of the mountain. Follow the path and you will

eventually meet a bunch of branches paths in the center of the mountain

shortly up ahead. To the east will be the Waterfall Cave, the

west is the Lava Cave, and north is the Mountain Summit. In order to

go out of track on our story objective, I will be focusing on the

Mountain Summit for now and the other two areas will be covered when


In the center is a Traveling Seller, along with a Bounty Clerk and a

little hut. Around this central area can often spawn the Black Panther

Bounty, which you can turn in right then and there.

Head inside the little hut known as Champion's House. You will find

yourself in a conversation with Gladstone, Laura's grandfather.

Being the eccentric character that he is, he easily hands Laura over

the Mountain Pass Key.

Leave Champion's House and head to the top left path which will lead

towards the top of the mountain. Eventually, you will hit a

lake-looking area with a couple of Cashmeers, along with an almighty

Fanged Ape Bounty, which can be turned in for some nice Dosh and a

fairly useful crafting item. Shortly after that is the key to the


Mount Snowpeak Summit


Items: Whitebell, Mountain Springwater

Red Chest: Iron Shield, Sack of Silver

Follow the path until you reach an area with a cabin. There you will

encounter Professor Hughes. With something being suspected, Laura

wants to go check out the cabin that is supposedly infiltrated. Enter

the Royal Cabin to confront Hughes, claiming that no harm is being

dealt to the Napdragon. Rather, he is stating that a Doomstone has

crashed in the area. A Paladin comes into the cabin and announces that

the Napdragon is going on a rampage, causing Laura to run out and

leave your party.

Head inside the well to the right of the cabin and you will find Moley

who is a Mine-related shop. There is a little pond southwest of the

cabin where you can obtain some Mountain Springwater. Later on at

this point, if you want to farm these, then you can talk to the Guide

Paladin that is right next to the snowman right by the cabin to go

to the entrance of Mount Snowpeak, then talk to the Guide Paladin over

there to respawn the Mountain Springwater. Head to the right arm of the

pond and you can identify a spot to reveal a secret Purple Chest

containing a Sack of Copper. (Special thanks to my girlfriend for

accidentally finding this!)

Once you are finished with whatever you might be doing, keep

continuing up the path to the left and across the bridge. You will

encounter Laura with the Napdragon up on the northern part of the

map, the Napdragon being uproared. King Erik arrives with Mustang

saying that this isn't exactly the highest point of the mountain, but
where the highest point is is where the Napdragon nest is. Laura

rejoins your party.

If you walk around the frozen lake that you are on the edge of and

head a little more down, you will encounter a Traveling Seller.

Initially, I would tell you to get this set, as it gives a good

Defense boost along with a Water Element up per piece of armor, but

there will be another set of armor that gives a better Defense Boost,

also with a Water Element boost for a cheaper price, so I would save

your money here.

Once you are done, head to the right side to reach the top portion of

Mount Snowpeak. The Napdragon's Nest is within the mountain itself.


Napdragon's Nest


You will encounter another Doomstone directly in the Napdragon's

nest, which calls for more trouble. The three baby dragons have been

taken over by the Doomstone, which is causing the Napdragon to go



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Shadow Baby Dragon (x3) | 40 | |

| Doomstone | 30 | |

With Laura at your side, this fight should be fairly easy, despite the

numbers. For how weak the Shadow Baby Dragons are, they give a fairly

good amount of EXP, so I would definitely go for them. Of course, if

you don't feel like doing so, you can go straight for the objective

that is the Doomstone itself.

The baby dragons will return to normal. For your rewards, the

Napdragon wants you to have whatever is contained in the giant chest.

Walk up to it and collect the Goddess Cog. A mysterious floating woman

appears before your eyes upon obtaining the treasure, bringing word

from Lunares. Once she disappears, you hand over the Goddess Cog and

Laura leaves your party.

From here, you can talk to the Paladin by the ropes to guide you back

to Castele. Alternatively, you could just use your map to fast travel.


Castele Square


Talk to Pam to report your duties for the day. Thinking that Butterfly

is talking all nonsense about the day, she has you go to bed and rest

up. Delivered by King Erik to Pam, you will obtain a wonderful 2500

Dosh and 300 EXP for your efforts.

--- Chapter Two COMPLETE! ---

A scene with a pirate is shown here known by the name of Olivia. She

senses something is off. But whatever could it be...?

Another day is another adventure. Check your mailbox for any unread

messages. You now have access to Air Reveria, allowing you to cross

the East Grassy Plains in a flash by going to Falcon's Hangar in South

Castele. This will permit you to instantly travel to Mount Snowpeak,

The Elderwood, and the West Grassy Plains instantly for the cost of

80 Dosh.

Of course with a new chapter about to begin, this calls for more

Butterfly Requests. While working on these, try to build up your

Ranks in your Licenses. At this point, you should be able to get a

combat Life to an Adept.

At this point of the game, I basically got myself to have one combat

License and have all of the Crafting and Harvesting Licenses at hand

to about an Apprentice level. If you have that, or even more, then

more power to you! Just remember that you can do whatever is most

comfortable for you, since it is your Life!

There are a few areas that I want to go over that seem to be

appropriate for your level at this point. The first one being the

Elderwoods and the second one being the Waterfall Caves in Mount

Snowpeak. You can travel to the Elderwoods through the East Grassy

Plains by traveling directly North until you come across a Paladin in

front of a bridge. Go across the bridge and keep following the path

into the Elderwood.




| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Gingery | 8 | Ginger |

| Mushface | 9| |

| Hootwink (N) | 10 | Fine Feather |

| Timber Tinder | 12 | Pine Nuts |

| Forest Panther | 14 | Animal Claws |

| Spirit of Earth | 14 | Tool-Upgrade Kit |

| | | Earth Mana |

| Applejack Ape | 24 | Castele Apple |

| | | Rainbow Apple |

| Plains Bear * | 36 | Plateau Honey |


* Bounty

(N) Night Only


| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Oak Tree | 9 | Oak Log, Antidote Berries |

| Great Oak Tree | 18 | Oak Log, Great Oak Tree * |

| Great Elderwood Tree | 69 | Giant Tree Nuts |

| | | Great Elderwood Tree * |


| Fish List | EXP | Drops |


| Plains Sweetfish | 5| |

| Elderwood Trout | 9| |

| Rainbow Trout | 18 | |

| Forest Lordfish * | 86 | Forest Lordfish Moss |

Items: Vitalweed, Grassland Honey, Forest Mushroom

At this point, this area should be absolutely no problem for you.

If you wanted to, you could have even come here earlier, but I feel

that this is a little more on par with Mount Snowpeak. On the left,

you can find a Grassland Honey tree that drops 2-4 items per shake.

Around the area, you will find the items listed.

Keep following the path and you will meet a split eventually: The one

across the couple of bridges leads to the Deep Elderwood. You will be

restricted from coming in here for quite a while, so don't even try

to go in there. If you have a decent Angler class (maybe around

Apprentice), there is a Bounty fish that you can collect right before

the Deep Elderwood. The other leads to the Great Elderwood Tree, which

can also be collected for Bounty. You probably won't be able to do

this until you get a good level in your Woodcutting Skill.


Go back to Mount Snowpeak and meet up with that four-way intersection

that I had mentioned when first arriving there. The destinations in

the four ways are as follows:

Southwest: Lava Cave - This cave is a little advanced for your level.

If anything, you might be able to tackle the Lava Catterpillos at

the entrance of the cave, but don't expect much more, as they are

the weak enemies of that area. They still pack quite a punch at this


Southeast: This leads you back to the East Grassy Plains where you
came from.

North: Mount Snowpeak Summit - This area will be reintroduced with

enemies this time around. I will not be covering this area in this

section quite yet, but I will soon enough.

East: Waterfall Cave - This is the area that I want to head over to.

It's not exactly drawn to scale, but here is the general layout that

you can use.


Mount Snowpeak Summit | | |

___________ | | |

\ \ |______/ |

\ | Waterfall Cave /

| | ________________/_____

| \__________/_____________| \

| East Grassy Plains \

| ______________ \

\ _____________/ \ |

/ / | \ |

/ / | | |___

/ / \ |

/ / \_____|______

Lava Cave


Waterfall Cave


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Cave Bat | 10 | |

| Mountain Jelly | 10 | Green Gel |

| Licky Gecko | 14 | Little Tail |

| Pitchfork Piranha | 14 | Fish Scales |

| Feely Catterpillo | 16 | Silk Thread |

| Armored Croc | 38 | Big Tail |

| Iron Golem * | 80 | Plains Iron, Aquamarine |



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Iron Ore Deposit | 11 | Plains Iron Ore, Minty Ore, |

| Superior Blue Ore Dep. | 14 | Plains Iron Ore, Minty Ore, |

| | | Blue Stone |

| Great Iron Ore Deposit | | Plains Iron Ore, Minty Ore, |

| | | Toolstone * |

| Amazing Blue Ore Dep. | 14 | Minty Ore, Blue Stone, |

| | | Aquamarine, Pure Gemstone * |

| Wind Wingstone | 57 | Blue Stone, Wind Mana + |

| | | Wind Elemental Rock |


Red Chest: Sleep Antidote, Stun Antidote, Poison Antidote,

Sack of Copper, Cape, Claw Necklace, HP Potion, SP Potion, Life Cure,

Iron Helm

This area does have decent quantity of mobs, so it would be best to

have at least one AoE (Area of Effect) attack for an easier time in

the cave.

Head inside the cave and follow the path. You will eventually be

blocked by some stalactites, which you must defeat the three Dark

Bats around the area in order to progress. In the next room, there

will be three Licky Geckos that also block your path. Defeat those

in order to move on.

There are two paths from here:

Head into the upper path for a watery area. Where the waterfall is

may contain a treasure chest or two. Keep going and you will encounter

a large group of five Mountain Jellies. Defeat those and press forward

into the water where you will encounter a few Pitchfork Pirahnas and

an Armored Croc. Though these are not required to defeat, you are more

than welcome to do so, especially if you are a Mercenary with the

appropriate quest. Keep moving forward into the Phosphlower Cave for a

great amount of Iron Ore and Blue Ore Deposits of various qualities.

Head to the right from the split paths and you will be forced to

defeat a group of two Dark Bats and two Licky Geckos. The room after,

you will need to defeat the Iron Golem that stands, which might be a

very tough at this point, but you are welcome to try to tackle it.

Once you defeat him, you can head on over to the Cave of the Talking

Sword. In the room contains a few treasure chests of loot and the

Talking Sword itself, Durandal. It seems like there's a significance

to a Paladin...

Head on back to the East Grassy Plains and head all the way to the

western part of the map where the Doomstone impact site is. Since you

will be encountering this part several times soon enough anyways, I

might as well go over this section right now.


West Grassy Plains



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Radishy | 8 | Daikon Radish |

| Black Woolie | 10 | Sheep Fleece |

| Field Frog | 10 | Poison Powder |

| Splash Frog | 12 | Stun Powder |

| Grass Serpent | 12 | Snake Scales |

| Beetle Baller | 12 | |

| Tortortoise | 14 | Turtle Shell |

| Bull | 20 | Beef |

| Killer Bunny (N) * | 38 | |

| Taurus * | 40 | Beef |

| Radishella * | 42 | Rejuvenating Berries |


* Bounty

(N) Night Only


| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Sacred Earth Tree | 51 | Earth Log, Earth Mana +, |

| | | Sacred Earth Tree * |


| Fish List | EXP | Drops |


| Castele Crucian | 4| |

| Plains Sweetfish | 5| |

| Plains Eel | 15 | |


Items: Common Grasshopper, White Butterfly, Yellow Butterfly, Redbell,

Greenbell, Dendelion Puff, Healweed, Cureweed, Little Shell,

Durable Shell, Bigbeak Egg, Castele Apple

Red Chest: Pine Wand, Pine Bow, Snakeskin Helm, SP Potion

Expanding from East Grassy Plains, this area is a lot bigger than its

opposite counterpart, and certainly has tougher bounties to be careful


When walking into the field, immediately to the north as forementioned

previously is Farley's Plantation. Keep on going and there are two

split paths: The bottom path is just two bridges with small islands

containing three Field Frogs on the first one and a Splash Frog on the

other one. Keep going through the upper path and past the bridge to


The area around here contain several Radishys, with the possibility of

their Bounty counterpart, Radishella. Keep heading North through the

bridge to start encountering Grass Serpents. There will be a couple of

paths split here: One going north, one going west. Head over to the
northern area to head into Florina's House surrounded by a few Black

Woolies. Heading over to the eastern part of this area will also have

a Killer Bunny at night time.

From Florina's House, you can go around from the top area and loop

back down. On the way, you will also encounter a beach that contains

a few Tortortoises. Head back down and you will come to the east path

of that split you met up with earlier with the dirt path forming a

triangle. Head to the path that's on the top left of the triangle to

encounter a good source of fish, Black Woolies, and a few chests on

top of the hill along with a Splash Frog.

Head back down to the triangle and head southwest. Keep walking down

the path and you will meet another split road. Going west will lead

you to Port Puerto, but that will be explained soon. Head south for

more field exploration. Beetle Ballers will be around this area.

Go south in your next split to encounter another beach with more

Tortortoises and even a Sacred Earth Tree on the tip of the peninsula.

Be warned that there may also be a Bigbeak Bird spawned near the tree.

Just ignore it as it will not aggro you so as long as you don't hit


Keep heading west from the previous split and then head north through

a few bridges and island, which contains many more frogs, chests, and

a Castele Apple tree. Keep on following the path to the west and you

will come across a campsite in which has a Shopkeeper, Bounty Clerk,

a Hunter and a save point. There is even an NPC named Bo right next

to the Hunter in a bush that is also a merchant. Heading through the

southwest branch from here will lead to a desert which is inaccessible

at this point.

Castele Square


Once you are done with whatever you want to do, let's start working on

the Butterfly Requests.

_ _


\ () / \

(_/\_) Butterfly Requests |



The Apple Princess 50 Bliss [BTFL31]


Head into Laura's room in Castele Castle. You will hear her wish that

she desires. From now on, you are able to invite Laura to your party!


Dinky Dad 50 Bliss [BTFL32]


Meet King Erik in the Royal Chambers to watch him be humiliated with

the many different events between him and Ophelia. Seems like he isn't

the brave king that you might think he is to be. Nonetheless, there

are dangerous events ahead of you, in which he hands you 10 Hi-HP

Potions! Also having his approval, he insists that you take Princess

Laura on your adventures with you.


Professor Hughes 50 Bliss [BTFL33]


Head over to Professor Hughes's Room, located to the right of Laura's

Room, which is convenient for completing immediately after The Apple

Princess. He hopes to study more about the Goddess Cog in peace and

quiet, also lacking a lot of sleep apparently due to his researches.

However, his pick-me-up is an Elixer that he gives you. You will also

hear his wish afterwards.


Life Master of...Everything? 50 Bliss [BTFL34]


Head back over to Champion's House in Mount Snowpeak. Why? Well...

why not? Just pay him a visit. He says that he said something fell

from Lunares unlike anything that he has seen before and that we are

all in big trouble. To protect you in your adventures, he will hand

you a Cape. Why? Just because.


Mysterious House on the Plains 50 Bliss [BTFL35]


Go all the way to Florina's House in the West Grassy Plains. She

will talk about how she can change your hairstyle and color to

anything you want that is listed in the game. In order to do this, you

will need the appropriate upgrade through the Bliss in order to do so

for a fee of 1000 Dosh. The same goes for dyeing your items a

different color when you walk to Lily Lippes. You will also need the

appropriate upgrade (which is the upgrade after the hairstyle change)

to change your item's colors. You will obtain Simple Curtains after

the dialogue between Florina and her flower.


| |

| [0804] Tale of Lunares: Chapter Three |

| |


Something is going on with Lunares, according to a group of Paladins

standing post outdoors. An animated cutscene will play with Knig Erik,

Laura, a mysterious pirate companion, and some antagonists of a dark

side, along with more creatures of nature. Finally, they show the full

moon that is Lunares... with an X mark?

You get another letter in the mailbox for you to read. King Erik has

yet another request for you, so go visit him in the Royal Court. As

you try to enter, you are stopped by the Paladins again due to the

fact that there is a long line of people requesting audiences with the

King. Hughes comes to the rescue and lets you in.

Laura comes into the Royal Court as well and joins in the

conversation. Although it is quite inviting, she is turning down

your adventure per King Erik's Request to go to Port Puerto. You will

obtain King Erik's Letter to hand over to the governor.

Butterfly seems to be excited to go to Port Puerto. Without any

further ado, let's head on over there!

West Grassy Plains


Follow the path up until the bridge. You will see that someone is in

trouble. You can choose to fight, or not fight. It's nothing more than

a pack of three Coyotes.

If you save him, he will give you his thanks. He introduces himself as

Andy Pescado from Port Puerto and invites you to his palace when you

come around. Keep following the path through the West Grassy Plains to

head over to Port Puerto.


Port Puerto



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Silver Ore Deposit | 19 | Port Puerto Silver, |

| | | Minty Ore, |

| | | Quality Minty Ore |

| Palm Tree | 17 | Palm Log, Palm Nuts |


| Fish List | EXP |


| Sardine | 10 |

| Puerto Bream | 15 |

| Pirate Carp | 25 |

Items: Royal Eggs, Sunny Puff, Port Puerto Bloom, Energizing Flower,

Running Flower, Rhino Beetle, Iron Stag Beetle, Scarab Beetle,

Healweed, Bluebell, Port-Town Orange, Little Shell

You will be introduced at the entrance by a man by the name of Ahab.

He will explain that there is quite a bit to explore. Walking forward

on the path, there will first come a Turtle Yard in which you can

ride a Tortoise around the area, similar on how you can ride a Horse

in Castele. Only catch is that you will need to get the Bliss upgrade

for it, which is the one after the Horse upgrade. The four-way

intersection will contain a save point, and head south to run into

a Shopkeeper. Going more south leads to Tortuga Archipelago, but you

are blocked by a plot wall for now. Head west through that four-way

intersection to reach the Pilot that will take you around Port Puerto.

There is also a lighthouse that is locked. Going southwest into the

water contains several Silver Ore Deposits that you can mine from.

Up north is the Marina. This will be your main shopping area for

this town. While this area does not contain all of the shops in the

area, it still contains most of the materials that you might need.

You have six shops and an inn in the central area of the Marina, the

docking bay on the west side which also contains some shops along

with carpentry and blacksmithing. The east side has an Alchemy shop

that you can go in and find some Stylish Specs on the table to the


The weapons and armor shop is well worth visiting as they have the

Mermaid armor set, both cheaper and better in terms of stats compared

to the Frigid set in Mount Snowpeak Summit. At this point, it should

be fairly affordable to you. If not, you can do some easy quests to

get that money, one particular one being "Calumnus's Prophecy 1 by

Polkovich" in Port Puerto Beach District, rewarding you for a massive

9,000 Dosh for 3 Earth Mana from the Spirits of Earth in the

Elderwood. Another easy one to tackle is "Drive Away the Bandits"

by Prospero in Castele Square, where you only have to kill 10 Bandits

to be rewarded 2,000 Dosh.

On the lower level of the docks next to the steps to The Eyepatch and

Cutlass shop are some boxes in the corner. Examine the boxes to find

a hidden Purple Stone. The east side of the Marina contains Alchemy

and world travel which is not available at the moment.

Head to the north part of the Marina into the next map, Port Puerto

Palace Way. Immediately in front of you is the Guild Office with the

Bounty Clerk. A little more ahead is a furniture store, along with a

few more shops in the northern part of the Palace Way. The west part

also has a boat that can take you to the Beach District as a small


Go to the east part of the Palace Way and there will be a house

with a stairway on the left. Examine the plant at the top of the

stairs to discover a hidden Rainbow Shell. Head west a little and down

to where the Wizard Cluster is. Going down there will lead to another

Purple Chest with a Moon Cluster. In the center of town there is a

windmill. You can examine behind the windmill to find a Stunning Coral.

Go through the northwest path from the center of the Palace Way and

reach the end. There will be a hidden switch that you can examine in

the corner of the water on your right. This will reveal a Purple Chest

containing a Sack of Silver.

There is a little connection that you might want to keep in mind as

well. Enter the Item Shop and there will be a Gentleman blocking the

path in the upper level, but he is saying that you need to gain more

levels to bypass that area. Heading back to the Guild Office, there is

a board on the wall to the left of the Guild Master. Examine it and it

contains a hint on how to get into Snoop's super-duper secret Shop.

"Subtract 40 from 70 and multiply by 1. LEVEL UP!

- A Mysterious Benefactor"

*** NOTE: I have yet to reach this point of the game myself! This ***

*** portion will be worked on in the near future! ***

Travel north through that map into the palace. Andy will be there

waiting for you. His assistant Luciano comes over to join your

conversation. Andy has you go back to the western part of the Marina

to meet his sister Olivia. Go to the top left part of the room to open

a Purple Chest containing a Silver Dagger, which is good if you have

been working on your Dagger Skill level up to this point.

Go to the Marina area and head to the western part to meet up with

Olivia who is seemingly in trouble. If you choose to fight the

Pirates, Olivia will join your party.


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Pirate (x2) | 30 | |

| Pirate | 40 | |

Olivia will thank you, although she did not need your assistance, and

leaves your party. However, Butterfly noticed that it was Andy's

sister that they were looking for. Before heading inside the ship to

chase after her, head to the lower left portion of the dock and

open a Purple Chest containing Seafarer's Capris. Go inside the ship

to talk to Olivia. You hand over King Erik's Letter and you will be

introduced with a flashback dialogue featuring her mother. Olivia

tells you that she will meet you in the outskirts of town which is

located in the southwestern area of the Beach District.

Head to where the Silver Ore Deposits are in the southwest area and

you will notice that Ahab is standing in front of the statue in the

center of the water. Walk up and talk to Ahab and then you will be

hinted that the treasure will be where "Lunares marks the spot!"

Ahab will leave and then Olivia will show up and join your party.

Your next destination is in Tortuga Archipelago which is south of the

Beach District.


Tortuga Archipelago



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Toothy Pirahna | 18 | Fish Scales |

| Turtortle | 22 | Thick Shell |

| Octoshell | 22 | Little Shell, Pretty Coral |

| Punching Palm | 24 | Palm Nuts |

| Spirit of Water | 26 | Def.-Upgrade Stone |

| Chop-Chop Pirahna | 26 | |

| Zombie Pirate | 26 | Saltless Seawater |

| | | Sack of Copper |

| | | Sack of Silver |

| Bitey Shark | 30 | |

| Island Shark | 32 | |

| Electro Jellyfish (N) | 35 | Moon Cluster |

| Green Gator | 38 | |

| Croc | 54 | Beast Tail |

| Angry Zombie * (N) | 62 | Sack of Silver |

| Turtanic * | 105 | Vivid Coral, Ancient Shell |


* Bounty

(N) Night Only


| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Silver Ore Deposit | 19 | Port Puerto Silver, |

| | | Minty Ore, |

| | | Quality Minty Ore |

| Great Silver Ore Dep. | 24 | Port Puerto Silver, |

| | | Minty Ore, |

| | | Quality Minty Ore, |

| | | Strifestone * |

| Palm Tree | 17 | Palm Nuts, Palm Log |

| | | Elder Palm Log |

| Great Palm Tree | 34 | Palm Log, Palm Nuts, |

| | | Elder Palm Log |

| | | Great Palm Tree * |

| Sacred Water Tree | 87 | Water Log, |

| | | Sacred Water Tree * |


| Fish List | EXP | Drops |


| Sardine | 10 | |

| Flying Fish | 20 | |

| Swordfish * | 130 | Swordfish Fin |


* Bounty

Items: Little Shell, Durable Shell, Healweed, Cureweed, Bluebell,

Port-Town Orange, Sleep Antidote, HP Potion, Blizzard Egg,

Campfire Fish

Red Chest: Coral Necklace, Life Cure

This area is quite huge, so I will be going through this in a

clockwise motion, covering as much of that area within that degree as

possible, indicating whether it's more towards the outer part of the

location or more towards the center. Along the way, you will encounter

a Turtanic Bounty. Due to their high HP and especially Defense, it is

not exactly advised to tackle on these guys just yet. However, their

rewards, including EXP, Dosh, and the wonderful Bounty Reward:

Whirlpool Rod may seem pretty nice. You can use Olivia to tank them if

you can deal enough damage to it.

Head directly west and you will run into Alejandro's Beach Hut. Here

will be Alejandro and Mary Anne, a Cook. Often times at the end of the

dock, there will be a Red Chest. Keep heading directly west from the

hut and you will come across Nautilus Cave which is covered later on
in the guide. However, look for a darker patch of sand on the top right

of the island. You should be able to examine something around there to

reveal a hidden Purple Chest containing a Sack of Silver.

Head clockwise to more on the south side of the map to encounter a

Pirate with a campfire. You can take the Campfire Fish if you wish.

An Angry Zombie horde can often spawn here at night. North to the dock

from here will be the Swordfish Bounty, which you should be able to

handle at around the Adept level.

Head more southwest to reach a territory of Punching Palms. Keep

following the path and you will be lead to the Deepsea Cave, also

later discussed in the guide when the appropriate time comes.

Continue clockwise through the area and you will find a path of

shallow water that you can walk on leading to Spirit of Waters guarding

a Sacred Water Tree. Keep going and there will be an area of Crocs and

Green Gators, which are more on the tougher side of the Archipelagos.

Keep heading east in the clockwise motion that you have been moving in

and you will eventually encounter a bridge in which you can go under.

You will also notice that this is the waypoint that you want to be

going to. However, I will first provide the rest of the tour for you.

Travel east a little more and you will be able to reach land and go

uphill. Follow the path west to encounter a few Punching Palms, a

Port-Town Orange tree, and at the end you will be able to collect a few

Red Chests and a Blizzard Egg.

Travel east into the northeast region of the map and you will encounter

a Bounty Clerk and Phileas who is a merchant. There will often be a

Blizzard Bird spawned over here. It will be a very long time until

you are prepared to fight that thing, so just ignore it for now.

If you have the money for it, you can buy the Coastal set for a

little more defense with Wind Element attributes. But if you are

simply looking for raw Defense and Magic Defense, then I would

upgrade the Port Puerto Shopping list as soon as possible, as they

sell armor a little more substantial for this area.

Keep heading in the clockwise motion and you will return to the

entrance of the area. Now that we've gotten the tour out of the way,

let's go to our destination that the map indicates to the north. A trio

of sharks will be infected with the Doomstone that has landed in front

of the ship.


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Shadow Shark (x3) | 60 | |

| Doomstone | 40 | |


They shouldn't prove to be too difficult. Especially if you are a

Hunter, a few Scattershots should do the trick. As usual, defeating

the Dreamstone is the only real requirement for this fight, but the

sharks give very nice EXP for how difficult they are. After the fight,

You will notice that there was a click on the door of the Shipwryck

that you were fighting in front of. Olivia is very curious to go check

it out, which is your next destination.




You guys enter the Shipwreck and now Olivia is interested in the

treasure. Although physically present, she leaves your party in order

to do her own investigation of the ship. If you talk to Butterfly,

she will say "That Lunares will show us where the legendary pirate

treasure is hidden." That being said, you will have to wait until

night time in order to progress. If you entered the Shipwreck during

the day time, you can go back out to Tortuga Archipelago to kill some

time and grind/hunt for some materials for a bit. Once the Shipwreck

is surrounded by four Zombie Pirates, then that is your cue to go in.

You will notice a little beam of light aiming at a small hole in the

back of the entrance that you came in from. If you have any bounties

with you, be sure to take them with you! Examine it and you will find

a journal that is worn out. After Olivia examines it, you will obtain

the Great Pirate's Journal.

Once you read the rules, there will come a realization that this

wasn't too helpful to find the treasure for now, but could be a clue

to lead to another treasure. The name of Ahab rings a bell inside of

Butterfly's head. As you hand the book back, Olivia joins the party

again and decides to head to town.


Port Puerto

Olivia departs yet again and tells you to go to the Inn to rest up.

Talk to the Inn Master and he will inform you that Olivia already has

things prepared for you. Head out once you have rested up to the

wooden docking station on the west and Olivia will be waiting for you.

A small group of pirates on the docks, along with a few other

characters, appear and surround the scene, including Captain Ahab

himself. He will mention that the book has a riddle. With Olivia still

confused, Ahab wants you to go meet him at the lighthouse in the Beach


As the dialogue progresses, the group talks about the past of Olivia's

mother, also noting that there is indeed a riddle written within the

rules of being a pirate. They all go outside again and pronounce

Lady Olivia as the Lady Pirate. For your great help, you obtain the

Goddess Anchor. With all of this resolved, Olivia wants you to meet

her in the Palace Parlor in order to obtain Olivia's Letter to return

to King Erik.


Castele Castle


Return to King Erik and upon arrival, you will hand over Olivia's

Letter that she wrote for you. You will be praised by King Erik once

more and be awarded 5,000 Dosh and a whopping 600 EXP! After another

successful mission, Butterfly has you report to Pam about this

adventure today and rest up for the day. A very short cutscene

involving Damien will be shown, followed by the voice in the white

screen again.
--- Chapter Three COMPLETE! ---

After resting up, you will obtain more Butterfly Requests that you

must completely before advancing through the Story Quests. In addition

to that, the road to Al Maajik is now open. This could also be a good

opportunity to check out some areas that we have yet to explore. You

will also notice that the pilot in the southwest area of the Beach

District is now available to take you to different areas in Tortuge


First thing's first, a new day means new mail, so you will notice that

there are now three new letters inside the mailbox, including new

services to travel to towns such as Port Puerto faster. This will be

in one of the Butterfly Requests coming up.

There are some more areas in Tortuga Archipelago that are worth

exploring as well. Rather than exploring these first, I am going to

suggest doing the Butterfly Requests first.

_ _


\ () / \

(_/\_) Butterfly Requests |



The Wild Blue Yonder 100 Bliss [BTFL41]


Go to the pilot area in West Castele and talk to the pilot there. He

will take you to all the different areas in the world as you discover
them! For starters, you can now travel all the way to Port Puerto for

a simple 100 Dosh. You will obtain a Portrait of Erik to hang on your

wall if you wish.


Pro Pirate: Olivia Pescado! 100 Bliss [BTFL42]


Go to the Pirate Ship's Cabin in the port of the Marina. Olivia will

be in a new and beautiful dress this time around. You will hear her

wish in becoming a lady with multiple titles as a governor and pirate.

Olivia will now be able to accompany you in your adventures!


Pro Assistant: Andy Pescado! 100 Bliss [BTFL43]


Andy will be waiting for you at the top of the Palace Parlor. Talk to

him. Seems like he has been preparing quite a feast for you guys. You

will hear his wish with his courage shining nice and bright. To further

overcome his fears of the sea, you can now invite him to your party!


Land-Ho! 100 Bliss [BTFL44]


Head over to the port in the Marina and talk to Brutus. Seems like he

has changed a little bit. He will hand you a Pirate-Ship Wall and

Pirate-Ship Floor for your room. You will hear the Pirates' wishes and

the encouragement from Brutus' henchmen.


Elise's Lighthouse 100 Bliss [BTFL45]

Go inside Elise's Lighthouse where we met up with Ahab. He will still

be in there. He will take you to the top of the lighthouse. He will

toss you a Sweetfish Pastry. After hearing his tale, he will wish you

the best to Al Maajik.


Holiday Home: Port Puerto 100 Bliss [BTFL46]


Go to the east side of the Palace Way and there will be Luciano waiting

for you right before the vacant home. Because of your wonderful help,

he is willing to sell the Holiday Home to you! For a mere 50,000 Dosh,

you will be able to add the Holiday Home to your teleportation list on

your map. If you have been saving up money at this point, this should

not be a problem for you to buy.


Once you get the Butterfly Requests out of the way, then you can go

and explore some of the suggested areas here. The reason why I opposed

exploring first is because you can now have Andy and Olivia in your

party, which I would take advantage of during some of the areas to make

your life a little easier. Unless you prefer to go solo, then that is

all up to you! But you know what they say: The more, the merrier!

As mentioned previously, you can get the Shell Armor set for 20,300

Dosh in total. If you can't afford the whole set, then it would at

least be advised to get the Shell Cuirass for a nice Defense boost.

Our first stop of exploration I would recommend, since you are in the

area is the Nautilus Cave. As mentioned before, head directly west in

Tortuga Archipelago, past the hut, and you will eventually reach the

cave. It is also highly recommended that you carry a few Stun Antidotes

on you at this point.


Nautilus Cave



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Dark Bat | 24 | |

| Cave Catterpillo | 26 | Marine Thread |

| Black Octoshell | 30 | Glittering Coral, |

| | | Rainbow Shell |

| Octoshell Knight | 90 | Stunning Coral |

| Crocturtle * | 95 | |

| Rocksalt Golem * | 120 | |

| Pickaxed Golem * | 180 | Bronze Pickaxe, |

| | | Silver Pickaxe, |

| | | Water Shard |


* Bounty


| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Marine Ore Deposit | 32 | Marine Ore, Minty Ore |

| | | Quality Minty Ore |

| | | Amethyst |
| Superior Marine Ore D. | 42 | Marine Ore, Minty Ore |

| | | Quality Minty Ore |

| | | Purple Stone, Amethyst |

| Greater Marine Ore Dep | 42 | Marine Ore, Minty Ore |

| | | Quality Minty Ore |

| | | Purple Stone, Amethyst, |

| | | Blessed Rock* |

| Amazing Marine Ore Dep | 42 | Marine Ore, Purple Stone |

| | | Amethyst, Seadrop * |


* Bounty

Items: Superior Campfire Fish, Suspicious Object, Palm Beam, Durable


Red Chest: Stun Antidote, Sleep Antidote, Hi-SP Potion, SP Potion,

Life Cure, Sack of Silver

Enter the cave and you will immediately notice that you will have two

options to go through: North or South.

I will start with the North. Keep going and straight up and you will

be lead to some mining resources. Head east into the water and you will

encounter a few Black Octoshells. If you go south from the start point,

you will encounter several Dark Bats, along with a Crocturtle on the

side island on the bottom.

Either path you take, with North being the shorter route, you will

come across an area that splits between northeast and southeast. In

this area will be an Octoshell Knight. Be aware when fighting this,

since it is a much tougher normal enemy, and it is able to inflict

Stun on you.
The northeast will only lead to a small room of Cave Catterpillos and

Marine Deposits, so head southeast and you will encounter a Rocksalt

Golem. From here, you can choose between North and South. South leads

to more Cave Catterpillos and a Marine Deposit. Heading north will

take you to the Forgotten Tunnel.

In this area, you will encounter many Dark Bats and Marine Deposits at

your disposal. Going all the way north will lead to a Pickaxed Golem,

a bit tougher than the Rocksalt cousin. Unlike its counterpart, this

Golem will also have a chance to drop a Pickaxe up to Silver. There

will also be a Water Wingstone which you can mine later on.


Let's head back over to Mount Snowpeak, going into the west path in

the four-way path in order to reach the Lava Cave. This area is bound

to have several challenges for your Life(s) at this point.


Lava Cave



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Lava Weedling | 18 | Combustion Powder |

| Mushflame | 20 | Cave Mushroom |

| Lava Catterpillo | 20 | |
| Lava Jelly | 22 | Red Gel |

| Spirit of Fire | 24 | Fire Shard |

| Magma Golem * | 140 | Dragon Shard |


* Bounty


| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Magma Ore Deposit | 32 | Magma Ore, Minty Ore, |

| | | Quality Minty Ore, Ruby |

| Superior Magma Ore Dep | 42 | Magma Ore, Minty Ore, |

| | | Quality Minty Ore, Ruby |

| Amazing Magma Ore Dep. | 42 | Magma Ore, Minty Ore, |

| | | Quality Minty Ore, Ruby, |

| | | Incandescent Gemstone * |

| Sacred Fire Tree | 108 | Fire Log, Fire Mana + |

| | | Sacred Fire Tree |

| Dragon Scab | | Magma Ore, Dragon Scab * |


| Fish List | EXP | Drops |


| Redgill | 32 | |

| Lava Prawn | 50 | |

| Volcanic Tuna | 140 | Volcanic Fin |


* Bounty

Red Chest: Iron Shield, Iron Gauntlets, Iron Leg Guards, SP Potion,

Fire Mana
Follow yourself down the path until you reach a circle area. This

circle requires you to defeat a group of three Lava Weedlings and three

Lava Catterpillos before advancing. From here, you have two paths:

Let's go up north first, which will lead you to Secret Smithy. You

will find an Assistant that is also a shop here. Feel free to mine out

the couple of Magma Ore Deposits in this room as well.

Head out, back into the circle and head southeast of the circle. Follow

the path and it will lead you to a group of three Mushflames and a Lava

Golem which you must defeat in order to progress. Up north from here is

a Dragon Scab, which you can mine out, but will require quite a high

level in order to even damage it.

Travel east through the Lava Golem room and follow the path. There

will be a split path where the Sacred Fire Tree is: Despite it being

shallow lava, you can still walk on it with no consequence, but

heading in that direction will lead to a group of three Spirit of

Fires and an almighty Blaze Wraith. You can try to kill the Spirits

for Fire Shards for quests or crafting, but the Blaze Wraith might

have to wait a little.

Heading south from the Sacred Fire Tree will lead to a few Lava Jelly

groups and fishing areas (Yes, as odd as it sounds, there are fish in

the lava here.)


Once you are done with everything, switch over to your optimal Life,

once again, preferably a combat one, and talk to Butterfly at your


| |

| [0805] Tale of Lunares: Chapter Four |

| |


You will receive a letter as usual from the Postman. King Erik

requests your audience again, so head over to the Royal Court and

see him. With two of the three Goddess Treasures, you must obtain

the third one located in the desert town of Al Maajik, where the

Dark Sultan resides in. Although quite the dangerous journey, you

are obliged to take on the task and retrieve it. He will give you

King Erik's Letter again to give to the Dark Sultan himself.

As mentioned previously, you can reach Al Maajik through the West

Grassy Plains. Go to where the Port Puerto entrance is and go

southeast to reach the campsite. Keep heading South to go to the

Desert Ravine.


Desert Ravine



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Gemzard (N) | 24 | Little Tail |

| Jackal | 28 | Beast Hide |

| Killer Horn | 115 | |


Items: Lifeweed

You immediately come across trouble when you enter the Ravine. You are

given the choice to fight a group of three Jackals.


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Jackal (x3) | 30 | |


These guys should give you no trouble at all at this point. If so,

then you might either want to level up some more, obtain better

equipment, or find some better way to distribute your stat points.

Once you finish with those three Jackals, another group of four

Jackals will show up. A dark knight in... shining black armor will

appear before your eyes and slay the Jackals in one swing. But now you

can move on as he casually walks away.

This area is really pretty straightforward. You have one of two paths:

Either the upper path, which contains less enemies, or the upper path

which has the Jackal horde with the Killer Horn Bounty. During the

night time, there is also the uncommon spawn of a Gemzard, which upon

defeat can reward you with 250 Dosh. The enemy does flee, so you might

have to chase it down and corner it in order to hit it. Or, if you like

me and enjoy long ranged classes, then you can use a bow or magic to
target it easily.

You can go to the next area that is Al Maajik itself once you reach the

bottom of the map.


Al Maajik



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Sugar Tree | 23 | Sugar Log, Sugar Nuts |

| Gold Deposit | 26 | Al Maajik Gold, Sandstone |

| | | Emerald |


| Fish List | EXP | Drops |


| Black Bass | 21 | |


Items: Sweet Potato, Yellowbell, Sunny Puff, Energizing Flower,

Desert Pear, Vitalweed, Steel Stag Beetle

Enter the town and you will notice that there is some sort of

defenseless knight in golden armor talking away. He goes by the name

of Magnificus and he wants to go to the Dark Sultan as well.

Al Maajik offers quite a bit around this area. Much like with Port

Puerto, the town is split into three sections. The first section you
enter in from the Desert Ravine is Al Maajik Outskirts. The area on

your first left offers some Sweet Potatoes as well as some quests that

you might want to take on. The west side of town offers transportation


Head more towards the middle of the town where the lake is and head

south for a group of Sugar Trees, the next level of trees for you.

Travel more southeast before the Aridian Desert and you'll run into a

small group of Gold Deposits. Move along north on the east side and

there will be a Camel stall, much like the Horse and Tortoise stalls.

Right above it is a Desert Pear tree. To the northeast will be a

teleportation device that is inaccessible at the moment.

Go to the next screen into Al Maajik Sandtown, the central area of

the town for shops. A cutscene will initiate here between Magnificus

and Butterfly. But once that is over, on the left side of town, you

will first encounter the Inn and Guild Office. Keep following the

path for the General Goods shop of the town and Prof. Snooze's

Laboratory. Walk around the laboratory in a clockwise motion and

examine the pot to obtain a Star Cluster. Head up the stairs next to

the General Goods Stop and head down to the southwest for a Purple

Chest containing a Green Cactus. Head along east on the upper level

of the Sandtown and there will be a Purple Chest a little more down

between the Shady Shop Clerk and the clothes store which will contain

a Desert Headdress.

The right side of the Sandtown contains more shops, including your

Carpenter/Blacksmith/Tailor trio on the edge. There will be a huge

fire on the lower level of the area. There will be a little area which

you can examine to the bottom left of the fire post to reveal a Purple

Chest containing a Sack of Gold.

Al Maajik Spelltown is the next area of the town. Directly ahead is

the Al Maajik Library. In the northwest part of town will be a Wizard

hideout. Examine the bottom left cabinets to obtain a Magical Pie. The

right side of town contains material and ingredient shops for your

crafting needs. You will probably also notice that Khubz in the

food/cook area might have a quest, but if you talk to him from the

front, you will be taken to the shop menu. In order to accept the

quest, head inside The Spice Rack and there will be another entrance

to the left. Go through that entrance in order to go to the vendor


Head north of the Spelltown to the Al Maajik Bridge. Keep heading up

and the great Dark Mage Eldred will appear before you. He will summon

two small Maajiknights and a large Maajiknight for you fight if you

wish to do so. However, it's not necessary to fight them as they do

not give any EXP.


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Maajiknight (Small) x2 | 0 | |

| Maajiknight (Large) | 0 | |


After that, Damien will be talking from behind the castle doors.

With Magnificus making up more excuses and Damien granting you

permission to enter the cancel, Magnificus leaves your party. Head on

inside the castle.


Dark Sultan's Fortress


In the middle, there is a little teleporter that will take you

directly to the Dark Sultan's Throne Room. Turns out that Damien

isn't all that terrible like people seem to make him. You hand over

King Erik's Letter. You will learn that a Doomstone has fallen nearby,

with the monsters being affected by it.

Demona, Damien's mother walks in. Once she finished her spiel with her

son, she exits and talks about the trials he must undergo. Damien

summons Odin, the knight in black armor who rescued you earlier and

escorts you out. Another talking butterfly appears on the top left

corner of the room and follows your group. Odin will tell you that you

can rest in the Al Maajik Inn. Rather than paying the normal 120 Dosh

to stay, the stay is on Damien!


Al Maajik


Go ahead and rest at the Inn that Damien has provided for you. After a

good nights rest, head on back over to his Fortress. Before going

back, you will be stopped by Magnificus. He tells you that everyone

has headed off towards the Aridian Desert to undergo the Trial.

Begging for your help, Magnificus joins your party again. Go to the

southeast area of the Outskirts to reach the Aridian Desert.


Aridian Desert



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Spearhead Pirahna | 28 | Fish Scales |

| Pterodactyl | 30 | Sharp Claws |

| Sandspider | 30 | Flax Thread |

| Sand Runner | 32 | Royal Eggs |

| Sandshark | 34 | |

| Angry Cacto | 34 | Sugar Nuts, Green Cactus |

| Outlaw | 36 | Sack of Copper |

| Armordillo | 40 | |

| Burly Gorilla | 42 | |

| Killer Bee * | 150 | |

| Outlaw Leader * | 160 | |

| Sand Golem * | 220 | |



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Sugar Tree | 23 | Sugar Log, Sugar Nuts |

| Great Sugar Tree | 46 | Sugar Log, Sugar Nuts |

| | | Great Sugar Tree |

| Sacred Wind Tree | 87 | Wing Log, Wind Mana + |

| | | Sacred Wind Tree |

| Gold Deposit | 26 | Al Maajik Gold, Sandstone |

| | | Emerald |

| Fire Wingstone | 78 | Al Maajik Gold |

| | | Fire Elemental Rock * |


| Fish List | EXP | Drops |


| Sandfish | 20 | |

| Desert Tuna | 27 |

| Bass of Darkness | 240 | Dark Scale |


Items: Lifeweed, Thunder Egg, Sack of Copper, Sack of Silver

Red Chests: Hi-SP Potion, Stun Bomb

You will see the group together as Damien steps on a teleporter to

undergo his trial. Once again, I will be going in a clockwise motion

due to the size of the map. Head a little north at this point and you

will notice that there is a little path that goes uphill which will

contain a few Pterodactyls and a Thunderbird Bounty and Thunder Egg.

This area contains a lot of strong enemies that will aggro you,

particularly the Lord of the Dark, which at this point can deal a good

100 damage at least, which is well stronger than a tame Napdragon, so

be sure not to let it see you. Outlaws, much like their Bandit cousins,

also aggro, and they can come in bigger packs. The enemy density

overall in the Aridian Desert is larger than any of the areas that we

have come across so far.

Follow the path clockwise and you will run into a few Spearhead

Pirahnas and some bones which you can examine to obtain Sack of Coppers

and Sack of Silvers. You will come eventually come across a Sand Golem
if you continue down a little more. At the end of this path, you will

reach the Cave of Bones, but we aren't going in there quite yet.

Go back to the start of the area and this time I will be going

counter-clockwise southeast. Not too far south from the save crystal

will be an area that you can examine to reveal a hidden Purple Chest

containing a Sack of Treasure. Go along the edge and you will come

across a few more of the paths that go up a small peak, which will

have some more Pterodactyls and possibly a Thunderbird. Eventually

you will have a path that will head downhill to the south which will

lead to the Mediterranean Sea guarded by a couple of Burly Gorillas.

Keep going counter-clockwise for another uphill path containing a

Sacred Wind Tree. In the far southeast corner will be a merchant and a

Bounty Clerk. Around this area on the southeast of the grassy area will

be a spot that you can examine for a hidden Purple Chest that holds an

almighty Elixer. Next to Abahkus is a Superior Campfire Roast that you

can steal right from the campfire.

Still remaining in the southeast area, but more towards the east, you

will encounter a little dock that has the Bass of Darkness Bounty in

the quicksand, and going further down will have a greedy cactus in the

middle of the island, but nothing that we can do over here just yet.

Going to the northeast corner will contain a path that is completely

blocked at the moment by one of the Maajiknights, so we can't do

anything quite yet. But going more counter-clockwise to the north you

will see a Fire Wingstone that you can mine out.

Your destination will be in the center of the map where the three NPCs

are. Odin will be with two of the Maajiknights. After a conversation

between Odin, Butterfly, and Magnificus, Odin goes in the circle and

disappears. With Magnificus being a coward yet again, he leaves your

party and it is up to you to go after Odin and Damien. Examine the

circle and you will go inside.


Ancient Ruins


Red Chest: Tool-Upgrade Stone, Def.-Upgrade Stone

Once you enter, Odin will join your party. Keep going straight and you

will eventually run into Damien and Demona being attacked by a Lord of

the Dead that is possessed. The talking Butterfly that was following

behind you will appear at the entrance and will reveal the Doomstone

that is possessing the creature. With that being said, Damien also

joins your party.


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Shadowsaurus | ?| |

| Doomstone | 50 | |


Chances are that you will be incredibly weak against the Shadowsaurus,

as in dealing mostly streams of 0 damage with a few 1s here and

there. I'm pretty sure the game does not intend you to defeat this

possessed being. Even with Damien and Odin in your party, they won't
be able to dent it much themselves. Just focus on the Doomstone and

finish the job. Once you defeat it, the Lord of the Dead will return

to normal as usual.

The other talking Butterfly will be transform into a human-like

figure and identify herself as Noelia, while your Butterfly will be

recognized as Yuelia. Magnificus enters the scene and seems

completely different. Noelia disappears once she retrieves the

Doomstone with her new servant. Demona heads into the Trial Chamber

and Damien leaves your party.

Follow Damien into the Treasure Chamber up ahead. The group,

particularly Damien, will talk to the statue of the Elder Dark Sultan,

who talks back. Swearing oath to the Elder Dark Sultan, Damien becomes

the new Dark Sultan. He then asks for your assistance. You join him and

Odin leaves your party in order to make Damien's wish come true.


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Dark Sultan Effigy | 150 | |


First off, the statue will not do anything. Grab the couple of Red

Chests that sit on the top portion of the map. Just simply attack and

destroy the statue and move on. The Elder Dark Sultan will turn into

a dark floating figure, proving Damien's power as the Dark Sultan.

Everyone is now teleported to the Spirit Oasis. After a long

dialogue, Damien will present a wonderful reward for your bravery and
friendship once you meet him outside the gates of Al Maajik. He

leaves your party and you are to go to where he suggested.


Dark Sultan's Fortress


Everyone is now teleported to the Spirit Oasis. After a long

dialogue, Damien will present a wonderful reward for your bravery and

friendship once you meet him outside the gates of Al Maajik. He

leaves your party and you are to go to where he suggested.

You will notice that the Spirit Oasis, formally known as the Garden of

Shadows, is connected to the back of the Fortress entrance. Head

outwards down the Bridge and into the Spelltown.


Al Maajik


Go to the Outskirts and Damien will be waiting for you. He hands over

the third and final Goddess Treasure, the Goddess Compass. He will also

hand over Damien's Letter of his own. Fortunately, Magnificus is

feeling all better after being possessed himself. Report back to King

Erik and be done with your adventures for today!


Castele Square

Go to Castele Castle and into King Erik's Royal Chambers. After

discussing the "fierce" battle, you hand over the Goddess Compass and

Damien's Letter. For your hard work, you will obtain a wealthy 10,000


After your audience with the King go see Pam and update your adventures

to her. For that, you have also earned a wonderful 1000 EXP!

--- Chapter Four COMPLETE! ---

A cutscene with Leafe will initiate, then some more dialogue. Guess

what time it is now? You guessed it. Butterfly's Requests! The Ancient

Ruins and Deep Elderwood will also be open at this point of the game


Check your mailbox and you will obtain three letters: One notifying you

about the Magic Carpet transportation system that they have in Al

Maajik, another letter indicating that you can now use the Air

Reveria's Blimp Division to travel to Al Maajik, and the last one from

Eldred for his gratitude in helping out him and Damien and to meet him

in the west side of Spelltown.

Since there is a lot of business to be done in Al Maajik, let's go back

over there and take care of the Butterfly Requests that we obtained.

_ _


\ () / \
(_/\_) Butterfly Requests |



Friends with the Sultan 150 Bliss [BTFL51]


Damien is in his Sultan's Throne Room as usual. Looking for peace, he

makes his wish and although he does not hand you his permission to

become his ally on your adventures, you still get Damien's Cape.


Honor and Friendship 150 Bliss [BTFL52]


Odin will be on the top of the Spelltown. You can get there easily by

taking the now activated teleportation systems that are located within

the Spelltown and Outskirts of Al Maajik that were previously disabled.

Odin's wish will be heard. And afte a good humorous "talk," you can

now invite Odin to your party!


Easy Come, Easy Go 150 Bliss [BTFL53]


Magnificus will be on the Al Maajik Bridge on your way to the Fortress.

Talk to him for some dialogue and almost get into a fight, but of

course the magnificent Magnificus realizes that you are still allies.

You will hear his wish and gain his companionship in a party whenever

you wish it. The road to Cacto Road will also open up.


Of Magic and Flowers 150 Bliss [BTFL54]


Head to the Garden of Shadows in the back of the Fortress Hall and you

will encounter the Elder Dark Sultan again. For making him free, he

will give you an Enchanted Wall and a Cursed Floor for your room before

talking about his fears.


Maajikal Library 150 Bliss [BTFL55]


Walk into the library and Demona will walk towards you and Butterfly

making noise in the Butterfly. Talking about her dear son and his

training, her wish is heard. Found free in the desert, she will give

you Dark Sultan's Lamp.


Holiday Home: Al Maajik 150 Bliss [BTFL56]


Eldred will be in the northwest part of town in front of a vacant

house. You know what that means, right? That's right! Eldred is willing

to sell the property that stands before him so that you are able to

teleport between towns easily. You will also obtain a Portrait of

Damien for your help to Eldred earlier. Talk to the Estate Agent and

you can buy the house. However, it won't run you too cheap. It will be

a massive 100,000 Dosh in order to purchase the Holiday Home. Since I

had plenty of money at this point due to Bounties, quests, etc., I

decided to take it. As usual, though, you don't have to.


At this point of the game, you might be getting several challenges for

your combat Life(s) in the Adept/Expert level. But with many stronger
allies at your hand, you can team up with them and tackle on the larger

Bounties that roam around the fields of Reveria, which I will list






| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Earth Wraith * | 280 | |


The Earth Wraith is located where the Great Elderwood Tree is past the

entrance to the Deep Elderwood. You could even go for this Bounty on

your way to the Deep Elderwood and get some nifty EXP from this Bounty

and the Great Elderwood Tree itself. At this point in the game, you

probably won't have any Earth Element + attributes in your armor, but

the Bounty itself shouldn't be that bad. The Earth Wraith has a linear

lined attack and a front AoE attack, both which can hit multiple times

and characters. The Earth Wraith also has the ability to heal itself

from time to time for about 150 damage, which can make the boss a

little more lengthy.


West Grassy Plains


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Bigbeak * | 320 | |


The Bigbeak is located where the Sacred Earth Tree is in the southwest

area of the West Grassy Plains. Equip some Wind Element + armor such as

the Coastal set. This will help greatly reduce the damage from its

Wind-Elemental attacks, one being the Bigbeak unleashing a twister that

moves forward and can hit you multiple times if you get in the way.

There are also some powerful physical attacks that you will want to

watch out for, dealing about 40 damage or so for a typical character.


Lava Cave



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Blaze Wraith * | 360 | |


Despite its EXP that it gives, this Wraith can be a little difficult.

When it lifts itself up in the air, it's ready to charge for an

explosion attack that has a pretty large radius. Just run around when

he goes up in the air and you cannot damage it, then get ready to

attack once the explosion lands. Fire resistant gear and a weapon with

a Water Element + attribute should make this fight a little easier.


Aridian Desert



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Spirit of Wind | 28 | Qualitine |

| Desert Spooky * | 180 | |

| Gale Wraith * | 440 | |


Revisit this area and you will be introduced with new enemies. The

group of Spirit of Winds and the Gale Wraith leader can be found where

the Ancient Ruins portal was in the center of the map. With two allies

and a decent level, you might be able to tackle on the challenge of

this. An armor set with Wind Element + properties, such as the Coastal

gear, can also help greatly reduce damage dealt by its attacks.


This time around I want to head back to Mount Snowpeak Summit to

revisit that area with new enemies. An easy way to get over there is to

go to South Castele and use the Pilot to go over to Mount Snowpeak.

In this area, there will be a Guide Paladin that will take you

directly to the Summit.


Mount Snowpeak Summit



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Snowflake Bunny | 22 | Monster Dung |

| Snow Runner | 24 | Magic Eggs |

| Glaciowl | 26 | Moon Cluster |

| Iced Jellyfish | 28 | |

| Silverwing | 32 | Big Egg |

| Snow Leopard | 58 | Deadly Claw, Sturdy Fang |

| Ice Spooky * | 150 | |

| Silverfang * | 300 | Dino Meat, Giant Horn |



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| White Fir | 29 | Fir Log, |

| | | Rejuvenating Berries |

| Great Fir Tree | 58 | Fir Log, Elder Fir Log, |

| | | Great Fir Tree * |

| Platinum Ore Deposit | 40 | Platinum Ore, Minty Ore, |

| | | Quality Minty Ore |

| | | Sapphire |

| Great Platinum Deposit | 52 | Platinum Ore, Minty Ore, |

| | | Quality Minty Ore |

| | | Sapphire |

| | | Divine Powerstone * |

| Superior Platinum Dep. | 52 | Platinum Ore, Minty Ore, |

| | | Quality Minty Ore |

| | | Sapphire |


| Fish List | EXP | Drops |


| Smelt | 30 | |

| Frosty Fish | 52 | |

| Coldwater Tuna | 152 | Icy Scales |


Items: Whitebell

Red Chest: Hi-SP Potion, Life Cure

The path is generally the same from the previous visit. Follow the

path and you will eventually reach a hut in the middle, unless you took

the Guide Paladin, then this will be the location where you are

teleported at. Keep going up the bridge and over the north area on your

way to the very top of the mountain.

Keep going and you will come across a Snow Leopard, slight stronger

than the normal enemies roaming around here. Eventually blocking your

path to the west on the way will be the Silverfang Bounty which you

must defeat in order to progress. Equip some Water Element armor to

prevent a good portion of the damage from its breath attack.

There will be a path going downhill all the way to the east of the map

that will lead to a nice bundle of Platinum Deposits inside the Cave of

Ice. Head over to the very top of the mountain, in which you may

encounter an Ice Spooky Bounty on the way, and head inside

Napdragon's Nest.

Napdragon's Nest



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Fairy Dragon | 36 | Star Cluster, |

| | | Cave Strawberries |


Items: Cave Strawberries

Red Chest: Sack of Gold, Hi-SP Potion,

This area isn't particularly too interesting. Inside will be a group

of three Fairy Dragons and also a few Red Chests around the area.



Tortuga Archipelago


Flying around these islands is the Blizzard Bird that we couldn't take

on before. With Water Element armor and some team members, you might be

able to stand a chance. Be very cautious about its physical attacks as

it can still deal damage in the mid 70s and even the elemental hits can

deal around 20 damage per hit with this armor.

This Bounty is on the high end of the list here, so if you don't want
to take on that challenge just yet, feel free to at least check out

the Deepsea Cave. Head over to the southwest part of the map and follow

the path to the east to arrive at the entrance.


Deepsea Cave



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Spirit of Water | 26 | Water Mana |

| Jelly | 32 | Blue Gel |

| Spiked Jellyfish | 36 | |

| Great Serpent * | 180 | |

| Jellking | 180 | King Gel |

| Sea Wraith * | 660 | |



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Mangrove | 36 | Mangrove Log, |

| | | Elder Mangrove Log |

| Great Mangrove | 72 | Mangrove Log, |

| | | Elder Mangrove Log |

| | | Great Mangrove * |


| Fish List | EXP | Drops |

| Prawn | 20 | |

| Squid | 25 | |

| Deepsea Lordfish * | 210 | Antenna Lantern |


Items: Cave Mushroom, Saltless Seawater, Little Shell, Durable Shell,

Red Chest: Sack of Silver, Palm Wand, Palm Bow, HP Potion, SP Potion,

Life Cure

Head out and there will be a four-way intersection here. Going due

north/northwest will lead to a dead end with a Red Chest and a couple

of Jellies. Most of the southern area of the cave will contain

connected rooms with each other, mostly guarded by Spiked Jellyfish

that must be defeated in order to unlock the adjacent rooms. In the

middle of the water rooms, there will be sparkling spots where you

can loot three Saltless Seawaters per spot.

In the southwest room, there will be the Sea Wraith and its three

Spirit of Water companions. Even though this should probably be taken

on after the end of the next chapter, I will list it here so I won't

have to repeat the sections in such a short amount of time.

Heading back towards the middle, heading west will lead to another back

entrance of the cave. A little towards north from the left of the

middle part of the cave you can catch a Deepsea Lordfish Bounty.


We can now explore the three areas of the Aridian Desert. To follow the
guide simply, I'll go in the order that the Magic Carpet services

provide, which can also be used to simply teleport to that location. Of

course, if you want to just walk over there, that is also an option.


Cave of Bones



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Gem Beetle Baller | 24 | |

| Skeleton | 26 | Fossil Shard, Sack of Gold |

| Hootlum | 30 | |



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Gold Deposit | 26 | Al Maajik Gold, Sandstone |

| | | Emerald |

| Superior Gold Deposit | 33 | Al Maajik Gold, Sandstone |

| | | Emerald |

| Great Gold Deposit | 33 | Al Maajik Gold, Sandstone |

| | | Emerald, Gold Stone * |

| Ancient Fossil | 40 | Minty Ore, Dragon Vertebrae |

| Enormous Ancient Fossil | | |


Red Chest: HP Potion, SP Potion, Poison Bomb, Stun Bomb, Sack of Gold,

Energizing Stone,
When you walk in, there will be a few Gem Beetle Ballers, which can

drop some decent money. Go up the first hill and if you go to the

left hill directly after that you can encounter an Ancient Fossil

that you can mine out. You will also encounter a Hootlum over there,

which can also put you to sleep if you get hit by its supersonic


Keep following the path and you will come across several Skeletons

along the way. The room near the top will be locked by three enemies,

so defeat those. There is also another path from here to the east at

the top that you can take, leading to an Enormous Ancient Fossil for

you to mine.

Travel east to where those locked paths were and continue upwards.

Defeat more of the skeletons in this area to reveal more of the path

ahead of you and into the Giant Fossil Hall. Inside this room will just

contain even more Skeletons and another Ancient Fossil at the very top

of the room, past the dinosaur skeleton.


Up next is the Subterranean Lake, which you can go to the south of the

Aridian Desert to go over there.


Subterranean Lake



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Toxic Jelly | 34 | Purple Gel |

| Arachne | 34 | Pink-Silk Thread, |

| | | Earth Shard |

| Crimson Frog | 36 | |

| Ironstone Golem * | 250 | Al Maajik Gold |

| Behemoth * | 440 | |



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Desert Tree | 29 | Desert Log, |

| | | Anti-Stun Berries |

| Great Desert Tree | 58 | Desert Log, |

| | | Elder Desert Log, |

| | | Anti-Stun Berries, |

| | | Great Desert Tree * |

| Earth Wingstone | 120 | Quality Minty Ore, |

| | | Earth Elemental Rock *


| Fish List | EXP | Drops |


| Coming soon | | |


Items: Cave Mushroom, Life Weed

Red Chest: HP Potion, Sleep Antidote, Sack of Gold

The area will be introduced with Toxic Jellies, which judging by their

name, can poison you. Go alongside the bridge and you will notice that
there is an opening that you can go through which takes you through a

set of stairs that leads to a Red Chest.

Head to the path in the west and you will find a tiny island with a

Desert Tree and a few Crimson Frogs in the next island. Keep heading

down to the east through the bridges of more of the toxic enemies.

Either one of the paths, south or east will lead to the same large

island in the middle. Speaking of island in the middle, search the

middle of that island where the lighter water is to reveal a Purple

Chest containing an Elixer.

The bridge on the north of the island will lead to a Red Chest, while

the path on the east will continue your adventures. Defeat the three

Arachne that surround the Desert Tree to reveal the paths. Heading

south from here will lead to the Earth Wingstone. Continue northeast to

encounter an Ironstone Golem. Defeat it and continue into the Jade



Jade Waterfall



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Nightmare Bat | 40 | |

| Behemoth * | 440 | |


Items: Arch Alcheweed

Red Chest: Savage Gauntlets, Savage Boots

This is your source for Nightmare Bats and the great Behemoth. This

can be a tough Bounty at this point. It has a few dark attacks that can

hit you pretty hard, as well as very powerful physical attacks. Once

you finish that fight, feel free to loot the Red Chests that surround

the area.


Remember that path in the northeast that was blockaded earlier in

the Aridian Desert? Now you are able to go through it due to your

glorious acts. This will lead to the Ancient Ruins Path, leading to

the Ancient Ruins itself.


Ancient Ruins



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Mummy | 36 | Sack of Treasure |

| Desert Jelly | 48 | Yellow Jelly |

| Wingmon | 48 | Suspicious Object |

| Chiromon | 55 | Mysterious Object |

| Vampire Bat | 58 | Evil Wings |

| Shadow Spider | 60 | |

| Flame Moth | 64 | |

| Killer Cacto | 70 | |
| Moth Queen * | 190 | |

| King Cobra * | 230 | |

| Big Spooky * | 240 | |

| Gilded Golem * | 270 | Sack of Gold |

| Metal Jelly | 320 | Black Gel |



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Magic Ore Deposit | | Magic Ore, Sandstone, |

| | | Black Onyx |

| Superior Magic Ore Dep | | Magic Ore, Sandstone, |

| | | Black Onyx |

| | | Ancient Rock * |

| Dark Heart | | |


Red Chest: Sack of Gold, Gold Dagger, Gold Gauntlets, Life Cure,

Panacea, Hi-HP Potion, Superior Hi-SP Potion

This area is very huge and mazey. Fortunately, the generous user

Sepiolith posted up a map for these Ruins, also locating some of the

major Bounties that you can find in this dungeon. I won't be going into

great detail, but I will try to provide enough detail on what you need

to know.

Head straight and defeat the Mummy that is blocking the three doors.

Once unlocked, you have those three routes to go through. There are

many locked doors in this dungeon, so I'll be using some shortcuts,

such as this room being room 3A (for the first room (A) with three
locked doors.)

I went with the right route the first time around, and I will do so in

this guide as well since it is the least branched. Keep going and you

will encounter a King Cobra Bounty, as well as a Dark Heart Ore that

you can mine out, but you are probably severely underpowered at this

point. Keep following the path and you will need to defeat the Shadow

Spiders blocking these two doors. The left path from here may lead to

some Red Chests, but lead to dead ends in the upper level of the giant

sand room. The right path leads to several Magic Ore Deposits, that

also contains a hidden Purple Treasure in the middle of the room

containing a Sack of Treasure. Keep going and you will be lead to one

of the three almighty bosses in the dungeon, Calamitus, that will

absolutely slaughter you, so walk away for now to Room 3A.

The north room from Room 3A isn't all too special, but it can lead to

the Dark Heart Ore room from both sides. Keep heading north and

follow the path to eventually hit a Red Chest.

The west room has the largest branches. Keep going and you will have to

defeat the two enemies here in order to progress. This four-way room

will be referred as Room 4B. The north room is nothing more than a

dead end, so head on over to the west room.

Follow the path and this next room will be guarded by a Killer Cacto.

You will need to be careful with fighting these monsters since they

are able to stun you. Defeat this and unlock the doors (Room 2A) to

move on. Going to the west of this room will lead to another room

containing three more Killer Cacto that need to be defeated in order

to progress. Moving beyond this point is not advised since the next

room contains another one of the bosses in the dungeon, the Golden
Dragon. Go back to Room 2A and take the east door. Heading south down

the hallway will lead to a Red Chest if you want to gather some loot.

There will be four enemies guarding the room up ahead. Once you settle

that, head on over to the final room of this branch to loot a couple

more Gold Chests.

Return to Room 3B and head to the final eastern door. Keep going and

you will hit the giant sand room that you ran into the couple of times

on the upper level, only this time you will be exploring the lower


Surrounding this room, and within the room itself is a great density

of Desert Jellies. Also in this room, there is also a chance to

encounter a rare Metal Jelly, which is very fast and can run away.

However, it has very low HP and once defeated, it can reward you with

a lot of EXP. Even more in this room is the Gilded Golem Bounty, which

can also give a lot of Dosh when defeated.

You will run through a series of locked doors here, containing nothing

more than Mummies. The first room will be guarded by two Mummies,

followed by three for the second room, and five for the third room,

which is a great source of Mummies if you have any quests or

challenges that require you to defeat a large amount of Mummies, or

if you want to gamble your way to get some money. However, the next

room will contain another dungeon boss, Gigante.

There's nothing more in this dungeon for now, so I'll go ahead and

cover the next area.

Go to the bottom of Al Maajik Outskirts and there will be a boat

service. This will take you to Cacto Cove. It costs 50 Dosh to go

there and you will need 100 Dosh to make the trip back.


Cacto Cove



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Cacto | 32 | Green Cactus |

| Flowering Cacto | 38 | Pink Cactus |

| Spirit of Darkness | 38 | M. Def.-Upgrade Stone |

| Starry Catterpillo | 38 | Starry Thread |

| Lovely Jelly | 45 | |



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Starry Tree | 54 | Starry Log |

| Great Starry Tree | 108 | Starry Log, |

| | | Great Starry Tree * |


| Fish List | EXP | Drops |


| Sardine | 10 | |

| Flying Fish | 20 | |

| Sea Bream of Love | 75 | |

| Sweetfish Pastry | 80 | |

Items: Superior Campfire Fish, Dragonfly, Island Honey, Angelic Puff,

Marriage Rose, Little Shell, Rainbow Shell, Soulweed

Head to the west to Melusine's House and there will be Melusine, a

Mercenary NPC, with her pet dragon. Keep going west and you will

encounter the Cave of Shadows, which will contain Spirit of Darkness

and also a little art on the wall that reminds you of some place...

Going up the hill, there will be a tree that contains Island Honey

before the second set of the wooden path going up. Spiralling at the

very top is a Travelling Merchant.



Castele Square


Now that all of that is taken care of, let's finally make some story



| |

| [0806] Tale of Lunares: Chapter Five |

| |


Go and read the letter in the mailbox. As usual, King Erik wants to see
you (See a pattern in this?) This time King Erik and Hughes has news

on the Goddess treasures that you brought back. Rather, there is a

fourth Goddess Treasure out there. Right now it is your job to go find

The Great Spirit, Datuna, inside a forbidden forest. A Paladin comes in

reporting another Doomstone around the Elderwood area.

Walk out and Ophelia will stop you to explain the spirits in the

Elderwood. She will give you Ophelia's Letter. Once she finishes

talking, head out of the castle and meet up with Laura and she will

join your party. Head on over to the Elderwood.




You will encounter Butch, Pierre, and Chompy in the middle of the

Elderwood, but Pierre is acting very strangely. You will also notice

that there are no enemies vacant in this area this time around.

Instead, there are a bunch of Paladins all around the Elderwoods. You

will also come across Hughes a little more towards the end of the

Elderwoods. A mysterious figure appears before you, warning you not to

enter the forest, then disappears again. Press on forward to the deeper

areas of the Elderwood.


Deep Elderwood


You immediately hear a scream in the near distance. Follow the path to
the next destination marker. A little girl is attacked by two Shadow

Monsters. Once again, you can choose to fight, or not.


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Shadow Wolf | 20 | |


These guys should have nothing on you two. The girl will introduce

herself as Leilah. She offers to have you go with her to her village

in order to retrieve more information on the objectives you have, so

she joins your party. Head towards the north to a cave, which is the

entrance to Leilah's village.

Go inside the cave known as Elderwood Grotto and go to the wall with

the marking on it. Leilah will be doing some talking to the spirits,

which will reveal the passage to her village.


Elderwood Village


Items: Blackbell, Whitebell, Energizing Flower

The kid from before will be in the village. Leilah calls his

attention to her guests, identifying him as Pino, also Leilah's

brother. The Leafes are the spirits of the forest. Despite saving

Leilah's life, Pino still will not permit you to visit the Village.
However, he still wishes to speak with you. Head inside his house and

talk to him and he will escort you out of the village. As you are about

to exit the flower, Butterfly asks another question and hands over

Ophelia's Letter.

A spirit will come forth and alert everyone that Ophelia has collapsed,

possibly through the effects of the Shadow monster that bit her

earlier. Butterfly will attempt to heal her by transforming into her

Yuelia form. Pino will join your party and will tell you where the

Doomstone fell.


Deep Elderwood


Go back inside the Grotto and into the Deep Elderwood. Go directly

south and you will notice the clown duo and their dragon will be there.

With Pierre still out of his mind, Noelia will appear to check on their

progress. Once the groups dispatch themselves, head due east to the

bridge that divides the lighter part of the woods and the darker parts

of the woods. Along the way, you might still encounter a Shadow Wolf

or two.


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Shadow Wolf (x2) | 20 | |

| Boss Wolf | 60 | |
| Doomstone | 60 | |


The Boss Wolf isn't all that much stronger than the Shadow Wolf, and

you have a party of three people this time rather than two. Shatter the

Doomstone to remedy the darkness within the monsters. You grab one of

the shards of the Doomstone and now it is time for you to head back

to the Elderwood Village.

Head towards the village and Yuelia will be standing in front of the

entrance to stop you. Shortly behind you will be the clowns with the

rest of the ingredients to save the girl.


Elderwood Village


Everyone will be gathering around Leilah to have Yuelia and Noelia try

to revive her to her good old self. With the recipe made and applied on

Leilah, the darkness is diminished from her body. Noelia disenchants

Pierre and then leaves the scene. With everything resolved, Pino and

Laura leaves your party.

Go talk to Yuelia to the left and she will explain her history with

Noelia. Pino will soon enough come down saying that The Great Spirit

wishes to speak with you. You can go to the north of the village once

Laura and Yuelia joins your party.

You will learn more about Yuelia when talking to The Great Spirit.

Pierre's group will be eavesdropping in the corner, hidden behind some

trees and then Ophelia and Hughes will come up behind you to talk to

The Great Spirit as well. After the long talk, The Great Spirit will

hand over the Goddess Deck Wheel to you, which you then hand over to


Pino will now guide you to the Spirit Tree. With everyone accompanying

us, he will lead us to the Goddess Ship, which now belongs to us. As

our first duty, let's go investigate it. Go inside the door and another

cutscene will unfold.

Once you finish with that, exit the Goddess Ship and you will notice

that King Erik and Mustang will be waiting outside and join the group

on the Goddess Ship. With the whole group collaborating together, they

want to try to get the ship working once again. Laura will leave your

party while Yuelia still accompanies you.


Castele Square


Yuelia still wants to go talk to Pam, so as usual, that is your next

and final duty. Seems like King Erik dropped off 15,000 Dosh for you at

Pam's door, which will conclude the chapter and award you with 1500


--- Chapter Five COMPLETE! ---

First up, you will need to go through the Deep Elderwood in order to

get to the Elderwood Village, so I will go over the usual statistics



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Sharp Weedling | 30 | |

| Burrly Bramble | 36 | Duffle |

| Eyes of Darkness * | 150 | Moon Cluster |

| Killer Bear * | 190 | Monster Hide |

| Forest Wraith * | 780 | Giant Fang |



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Blue Oak Tree | 9 | Oak Log, Antidote Berries |

| Great Oak Tree | 19 | Oak Log, Antidote Berries |

| | | Great Oak Tree * |

| Sinister Tree | | |


| Fish List | EXP | Drops |


Items: Blackbell, Duffle, Healweed, Soulweed

Alternatively, there is a Guide Paladin in the East Grassy Plains

before the bridge before the entrance to the Elderwood that can also

teleport you to the Elderwood Village. Likewise, there is a Leafe by

the Save Crystal at the entrance of the Elderwood Village that will

teleport you back to the East Grassy Plains.

There isn't really any other order of business for this chapter other

than the Butterfly Requests, so I'll get straight to those.

_ _


\ () / \

(_/\_) Butterfly Requests |



Forest Life 200 Bliss [BTFL61]


Talk to Pino in the middle of the Elderwood Village. Talking about his

adventures through all of the towns in Reveria, he wishes to keep on

protecting them. He will then ask you to accompany him on his

adventures, making yet another ally!


In the Shade of the Forest 200 Bliss [BTFL62]


Leilah will be inside Pino's house. Simply talk to her to hear her

little "adventure" she has been having. You will hear her wish and now

you will be able to invite Leilah to your party.


In Mother's Footsteps 200 Bliss [BTFL63]


Ophelia will be in the Castele Castle Inner Gardens, the room that

leads to King Erik's, Laura's, and Hughes's rooms. Talking about

decorations in the garden, Ophelia will give you a Forest Wall and
Woodland Floor for your room. She will then discuss what she wants

most to you and Yuelia.


Emotions Running High 200 Bliss [BTFL64]


Go to the north of the Elderwood Village and talk to your new fuzzy

bear friend, Datuna. He wishes to have someone to play with. After a

nice little talk, you will finish the request and Datuna will give you

a Durable Charm.


The Lunares Airship 200 Bliss [BTFL65]


Head over to the Spirit Tree and Butch and Chompy will be at the

entrance. Pierre has apparently gotten bad with something that he ate,

so Butch gives you a sample of five Truffles. You will hear Pierre come

on over and hear him pour his heart over Leilah, his greatest desire.



Castele Square


Now that your order of business is all set here, go ahead and talk to

Butterfly/Yuelia in your house.

| |

| [0807] Tale of Lunares: Chapter Six |

| |


You will get a letter from King Erik, requesting your presence at the

Great Hall for the trip to Reveria Summit. Start heading to the castle

and Yuelia will want to go from her butterfly form to her human-like

form and join your party.

Head inside and Odin and Mustang will be in the middle of the Castle.

Keep walking up the stairs and you will all be assembled in the Royal

Chamber with everyone else. Yuelia will give a speech to everyone

regarding the impending doom that the world is about to meet.

After a few flashbacks and more discussion, Hughes mentions that the

Goddess Ship will not fly without the appropriate fuel. Falcon will

come in and create a commotion, also revealing some vital information.

Terra Nimbus will be your next stop.

Right now, go talk to Falcon in South Castele. Once Falcon is done

pouring his words out of his mouth, go talk to Pam and she will give

you some more information. After that, head back into Castele Castle

inside the Great Hall. Once the cutscene is over, exit the Castle and

teleport to Port Puerto.


Port Puerto

Head on over to Cocina Rica to see Crankshaft. Once Aurora joins your

party, head to the workshop in the right part of Port Puerto Marina

and go inside after the cutscene. Aurora will break down and run off,

leaving your party. Go and find her at the bridge on the west side of

the Beach District and she will give you a Keepsake Floatstone once

you calm her down a little. Travel back to Crankshaft to give him the

Keepsake Floatstone.

Once he comes to his senses, he will go to the Workshop and help

troubleshoot the plane problem that Robin is having. Once they get the

ship working, talk to Robin and you can now head on over to Terra



Terra Nimbus



| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| Skytree | 76 | Skytree Log |

| Great Skytree | 153 | Skytree Log, |

| | | Elder Skytree Log, |

| | | Rejuvenating, |

| | | Great Skytree * |

| Celestial Tree | ??? | |

| Rainbow Ore Deposit | 85 | Celestial Ore, Diamond |

| Superior Rainbow Ore D | 110 | Celestial Ore, Diamond |

| Amazing Rainbow Ore D. | 110 | Celestial Ore, Skylight * |

Items: Superior Campfire Fish, Happy Daisy, Blackbell,

Stained-Glass Butterfly, Champion Beetle

Red Chest: Reinforced Charm, Superior Crit Aid,

Once you barely make it to the island, Yuelia and the airship are

missing. Robin will join your party for your adventures. Head on

upwards and you will be given a beautiful view of the entire island

itself. There will be a Plushling that will run away to the east, so

go ahead and follow it into the camp.


Plushling Camp


The airship will be almost as good as new in the campsite. Once Larkin

comes into the scene and talks with you, Robin will stay behind to

look after the ship, but he will really be there to take you back to

Port Puerto.

In the village, you can steal a Superior Campfire Fish, but most

importantly, check out the store in Terra Nimbus. If you have all of

the Shopping Bliss bonuses, you will be granted with wonderful

equipment for most of the Lives that's probably better than what you

already have. Quite expensive, ranging from around 20,000-30,000 Dosh

a piece, but they are well worth it, and Dosh will become rather easy

to come across soon enough, if not already. The Sky-High Headwear is

especially nice for the SP-recovery speed + ability in it.

Go back out to East Terra Nimbus and head due north to the Mysterious

Abandoned Shack. Noelia will turn into her human form and join your

party in your search inside the pigsty. There will be three different

journals that you can look through, but the one that you want to

examine is the one in the top left cabinets.

There will be a loud crash outside. Go outside to see three Plushlings

warning you about a Doomstone that has crashed in the west field. Go

to the map in the west and follow the path down the hill. Normally,

there are three bridges that lead to other areas, but those areas will

be blocked off by the Plushlings.


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Shadow Wolf | 30 | |

| Boss Wolf | 90 | |


Once Noelia lifts the seal from the entrance of the forest, head inside

into West Terra Nimbus to encounter a few Shadow Wolves. Along the way,

you will also encounter a Boss Wolf in the middle of a large circle

room of the forest. With you and Noelia, go and follow the path

northeast and you will come across a bridge.

Noelia will discover another seal. Failing to remove it, a Furlin will

approach you two and states that you have to lift another seal in order

to remove this one. It will join your party. Head southeast from the

giant circle room and examine the sculpture. Noelia will lift the seal
in this location, then it is your cue to head back to the bridge to

have her lift that weakened seal. With the shortlived accompaniment,

the Furlin will leave your party.

Cross over the long bridge to hear a scream from Yuelia up ahead. She

will join your party for the fight ahead.


| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Doomstone | 70 | |

| Shadow Baby Dragon x3 | 80 | |

| Shadow Dragon | 800 | |


You got three Shadow Baby Dragons and a giant Shadow Dragon. Feel free

to go after the minions for a little extra EXP, but the Shadow Dragon,

much like the Shadowsaurus, is unbeatable, so don't even bother. Just

go right after the Doomstone as usual.

... Okay, this time around, you MIGHT be able to beat the Shadow

Dragon, but if you want to be very well prepared for this fight, bring

PLENTY of Power Aids. In fact, probably a couple dozen or so. If you

can deal damage in the teens, then feel free to test your patience.

The good news about this fight is that you will have Yuelia, who will

constantly heal you about 100~120 HP every time. If you got your combat

class to a Hero, the equipment should be good enough so that you suffer

damage in the lower teens, with its physical attacks dealing around the

low 20s. My opinion on this fight, should you actually take it on? Fun

for the challenge, but not really worth the trouble for only 800 EXP.
A fun little fact that I discovered: If you head south out of the room

and then head back in, the Baby Shadow Dragons and the Shadow Dragon

itself will all respawn in that room.

Yuelia is eager to show you something up ahead, so follow her to the

north. Up ahead will be the Floatstone that they all need for the

Goddess Ship. The skies will thunder as Noelia and Yuelia's father,

Divinus, speaks to them. He will give a little family history lecture

to the two daughters about what their mother did for them.

After that whole adventure, you finally get the ultimate key needed to

save the world, the Terra Nimbus Floatstone. The three of you take it

back to the Plushling Camp to see Robin and Larkin. Once everything is

all packed up, it's time to head back home to Port Puerto!


Port Puerto/Castele Castle


Here is to another mission accomplished! You are teleported to

Crankshaft's workshop, then after the brief discussion, you are now

allowed to go back to Terra Nimbus whenever you'd like.

Once you finish talking, you now have to return to Castele Castle to

meet with the Reveria Summit group in the Great Hall. Yuelia hands over

the Terra Nimbus Floatstone over to the group to show. Falcon and

Gladstone will come in, and after all the serious and silliness that

goes on in the planning of invading Lunares, King Erik will give you

20,000 Dosh to spend.

Of course, there is no chapter conclusion without talking to Pam. Go

to her to finish up the chapter and recieve 2,100 EXP.

--- Chapter Six COMPLETE! ---

Now it is time to make our final preparations! Check your mailbox and

you will have a letter from Larkin, saying that you can now use their

services for Terra Nimbus. That is the first area that I will want to

go over, since you will need to go through the paths in order to go

back to the Plushling Camp, so go over to the east side of the Marina

and talk to Larkin to go to Terra Nimbus, free of charge!


Central Terra Nimbus



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Terror Weedling | 60 | |

| Brutal Blossom | 62 | |

| Mothoon | 70 | |

| Spirit of Light | 76 | |

| Violent Violet | 76 | |

| Trihorn | 84 | |

| Lightning Spirit * | | |


| Resource | EXP | Drops |


| See Section in Terra Nimbus from Chapter Six. |


| Fish List | EXP | Drops |


| Sky Sardine | 75 | |

| Floaty Puffer Fish | 80 | |


Items: See Section in Terra Nimbus from Chapter Six.

Red Chests: Energy Powder, Healing Powder

You will start off in Central Terra Nimbus. One of the first things

that you will encounter is the Pet Vendor here, but in order to access

it, you will need the Origin Islands DLC to purchase pets from him.

Remember those three bridges that were blocked off earlier? You will

be in that area. Headout of that bridge and go to the south bridge to

face a couple of Trihorns and obtain a couple of Red Chests. Keep

going upwards to progress through more bridges.

This first bridge to the north will have a cloud fishing spot, followed

by three more bridges here. The west bridge is broken, whereas the

other two bridges will lead to other places. The northeast bridge leads

to Spirit of Lights and the Lightning Spirit Bounty, extraordinarily

tough at this point. Going down the southeast bridge from here leads to

Violent Violets and a Heavenly Peach Tree.

Either going to the northwest bridge from the broken bridge split or
the west bridge from the Lightning Spirit room will lead to the same

room which is out in the plains where the Plushlings were guarding the

bridges earlier. Going down, the third bridge just leads to some flower

enemies, a fishing spot, and a Red Chest.

If you keep following the path, you can go up the mountain into West

Terra Nimbus, which can be good if you need Bunny Killers for a

Challenge, but this contains a monster that is a bit tough at this

point, so I am going to do my best to avoid the fight for now.

Instead, I'm going to keep going up the hill on the northern path

towards Plushling Camp. This area will be your source for Mothoons, and

follow the bridge into East Terra Nimbus.


East Terra Nimbus



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Mantis | 80 | |

| Flower Mantis | 90 | |

| Pandamonium | 105 | |


Nothing has changed inside the Mysterious Abandoned Shack, or the path

in general, really. Throughout the path is mostly Mantises with a few

Pandamoniums, giving pretty high EXP. Down at the lake where you first
crashed has a group of three Mantises and a Chimera boss that I am

going to avoid for now. Head to our destination that is inside

Plushling Camp.


Now that we know what Terra Nimbus is up to now, let's start by

getting plenty of Bliss from Butterfly's Requests.

_ _


\ () / \

(_/\_) Butterfly Requests |



A Little Robin Told Me 300 Bliss [BTFL71]


Robin will be inside the Goddess Ship with Falcon. The two talk,

wishing for the best adventures in Lunares. Robin would love to

accompany you in your adventures as well, so that is another ally made

for you!


Back in Business 300 Bliss [BTFL72]


Go inside Crankshaft's Workshop and he will be with Aurora, only he is

all better than ever. Both, Crankshaft and Aurora will wish for

something and hope to repay you for your hard work for Reveria.

Crankshaft will give you a Long Cape and you can now invite Aurora to
your party whenever you wish!


Tiny Village in the Sky 300 Bliss [BTFL73]


Head inside Plushling Camp provided by the directions and information

given above. You, Yuelia and Larkin will visit the camp, complimenting

their cuteness. Staying positive, Larkin gives you 10 Happy Daisies and

the Plushlings' wishes will be heard by Yuelia.


Moon Girl and the Beast 300 Bliss [BTFL74]


Talk to Furlin in the Elderwood Village on the east side. It will be

with Noelia. Speaking the Furlin language that it speaks, Yuelia enjoys

a little conversation with the furry thing and you can now invite the

Furlin to your party whenever you want!


Noisy Engine 300 Bliss [BTFL75]


This can be done immediately after the "A Little Robin Told Me"

Butterfly Request. Examine the Engine and it will start talking to

Yuelia. Due to her being a desendant of Celestia, the Engine is more

than willing to help us out to save the world. Seems like something got

stuck in one of the gears of the engine, which you recieve the Diamond

Ring from it.


Before we move onto the final mission, have you tried tackling on that
infamous Napdragon yet? Let's try to go for it now!


East Grassy Plains



| Monster | EXP | Drops |


| Napdragon * | 760 | Giant Scale |


Napdragon has quite a bit of HP, and Defense is no joke either.

However, this is the moment anyone has dreamed of. It has a couple of

physical attacks, which at this point should deal around 40-50 damage

or so. It also has a fire breath attack, so fire-resistant gear is very

optimal for this fight to reduce that damage greatly. Once Napdragon

reaches about half its HP, it will unleash a roar. If it unleashes it

again, explosions will plummet around the Napdragon as it walks around,

dealing heavy damage. As a Hunter, this should be no problem as long

as you keep your distance. Once you defeat it, you can collect your

lovely bounty, which especially is good for a Paladin, as there is a

good chance you can collect the Paladin's Sword as a Bounty reward.



Castele Square

Once you have finished your preparations, go ahead and talk to Yuelia

in your home. You will notice later on that she will go missing. Go

searching for her by stopping by Pam's House, only to find Roland in

front. He will hand over a letter to you from Yuelia.


| |

| [0808] Tale of Lunares: Final Chapter |

| |


Something doesn't seem right to you. Go inside Pam's House and talk to

her. She says that Gramps often talks to her late at night, so that's

your next stop in the middle of the Square. Gramps will say that she's

quite the scholarly type, so head on over to the Library and talk to

Paige. She thinks that she has gone to head over to the Castle to see

the Princess Laura. Now Laura seems pretty worried about Yuelia, so

she will accompany you to go and find her.

Head all the way directly south and you will eventually see Butch,

Pierre and Chompy. Preparations are complete except for Yuelia. Noelia

will come in to speak of Yuelia's whereabouts. Noelia will join your

party in place of Laura to help you find Yuelia.

Go north all the way to the fountain in Castele Square to find Yuelia.

After a small talk, she will join your party as well. You will then be

teleported to the Elderwood Village for your final mission.

Elderwood Village


Start heading towards the Goddess Ship in the Spirit Tree. Before

heading off, you guys will say your farewells to The Great Spirit. Once

you finish talking with him, head to the Spirit Tree and everyone will

be waiting for you. It's finally time to board the Goddess Ship, so go

inside and Robin will be inside waiting for you. Yuelia and Noelia will

transform into their Butterfly forms, so talk to Robin once you are all

prepared to board for Lunares.

A cinematic will play featuring the departure of the Goddess Ship.

Cutting the clock by the second pretty close, you make it across the

other side of the shell of Reveria and into Lunares. The Engine needs

a little bit of a break, so Yuelia joins your party in your adventures

on the new planet.


Starlight Garden


Go to the middle of the Starlight Garden to spot Noelia and Robin.

Noelia will explain that you can get back to the airship through the

portal on the left. At long last, the God Divinus himself stands

before you. Remember all of those wishes that you have been collecting

throughout the entire game? Now they're finally being put to good use!

Using the Terra Nimbus Floatstone and the wishes the two daughters have

gathered, Celestia appears from the Floatstone as well. After a small

talk and a boosting confidence to the girls, Celestia goes back to the
form of the Floatstone. Unfortunately, there is not enough power in the


Noelia will leave your party at the end of the dialogue, so go ahead and

talk to Yuelia now. She will go over all the good times she has had with

you and she will have a wish on her own. Noelia and Divinus will talk

for a little bit, then a cutscene will initiate of you and Yuelia

returning to the newly restored Reveria, and the Doomstones have been

completely purified.

At this point, the credits will roll and you have officially beaten

Fantasy Life! However, are you done just yet? No, you are not. There

is still more to do!


Castele Square


Postman will come and deliver a letter for you from Divinus. Inside the

letter contains a message asking to take care of Yuelia, and also a

massive 30,000 Dosh!

Go and head on over to Castele Square. Walk up to Yuelia who is in front

of her favorite fountain. She will transform into her Butterfly form and

stick with you in your adventures. For completing the entire storyline,

you will get 2,800 EXP as well.

--- Tale of Lunares COMPLETE! ---

Once you go through that, you will have a couple more final Butterfly

Requests to take care of. Also from this point on, you can now invite

Yuelia to your party any time you want!

_ _


\ () / \

(_/\_) Butterfly Requests |



We're Back, Pam! 500 Bliss [BTFL81]


Pam will most definitely be happy to see that you are back safe and

sound, especially to report your adventures to her! Everyone will be in

mutual agreement to go back to Lunares and see what's going on. After

a nice talk, Pam will give you the third and final Pam's Candy in the



Crashing the Castle 500 Bliss [BTFL82]


Go inside Castele Castle and Laura will be there waiting for you at the

center of the entrance. Being relieved that Yuelia is staying in

Reveria, Laura takes you to see King Erik. He now commands you to take

him on your adventures now, which makes another ally!

Now there are even more letters in your mailbox, so go back home and

check them out!

- A letter from Laura indicating that her Father tidied up the Manor

House in the Shopping District for you to move in for 30,000 Dosh.

- A letter from Olivia saying that there is a secret shop inside

Snoot's Emporium.

- A letter from Damien notifying you that they have unsealed the

Repository of Forbidden Books underneath the Library of Al Maajik.

Underneath it is the Tome of Shadows. There are two different

services that the Tome of Shadows can provide: During the day time,

it is a merchant that sells upgrade stones and other goodies. During

the night time, it will allow you to reset your Stat Points so you

can respec them however you wish in case you messed up previously!

- A letter from Odin challenging you to the entrance of the Cave of

Shadows that was once blockaded with several Shadow Monsters.

- A letter from Noelia to let you know that Divinus granted you

permission to use the Goddess Shop to travel to Starlight Garden at

any time.

Very nice features unlocked! Especially that last one, which seems to

take quite a bit of priority. We did say we would go back, so let's

make that our next stop to Starlight Garden. Go to the Goddess Ship in

the Spirit Tree in the Elderwood Village and examine the steering wheel

to go over there.

Starlight Garden


Walk inside the Starlight Garden and you will now see that this place

is somewhat being run by... Plushlings. Seems like Noelia really loves

these things, doesn't she? The Plushing to the left of Divinus is a

Shopkeeper that sells Holy Equipment. Very expensive, but essentially

the best equipment in the game for melee classes like Paladin and

Mercenaries especially.

Talk to Noelia in the bottom of the map and you can now invite her to

your party whenever you want! And for whatever reason whatsoever, if

you want to watch that long and dreadful ending again, you can talk to

the Ending Plushling right by your ship.


| |

| [0900] Bliss |

| |


You obtain Bliss through certain milestones and Butterfly Requests

you meet throughout the game. Upon reaching enough Bliss points, you

will obtain several different kinds of upgrades to help you, ranging

from inventory and storage expansions, new pets and riding licenses,

and more!

| |

| [0901] Storyline Progress |

| |



| Description | Bliss |


| Met the king at the castle. | 10 |

| Learned about Doomstones. | 50 |

| Listened to King Erik's Lovely speech. | 100 |

| Found the shipwrecked treasure. | 200 |

| Met the Dark Elder Sultan. | 300 |

| Met The Great Spirit in the Elderwood. | 400 |

| Learned the secret of Lunares. | 500 |

| Met Divinus on Lunares. | 1000 |



| |

| [0902] Butterfly's Request |

| |



Tale of the Goddess 10 Bliss

Went to see the Goddess Statue.


Have you ever seen the Goddess Statue in Castele Square? Just looking

at it makes me feel nostalgic. Why don't we go and find out more about

See [BTFL11] for details on how to complete this task.


What's a...Guild Office? 10 Bliss

Toured the Guild Office.


I saw lots of different conters at the Guild Office. I was wondering

what they're all for... Let's go take a look!

See [BTFL12] for details on how to complete this task.


Shop Till We Drop! 10 Bliss

Visited Castele General Goods.


Castele is an amazing place, full of all sorts of shops. I'd love to

check out Castele General Goods in the square. Should we go and take

a look together?

See [BTFL13] for details on how to complete this task.


Time for Adventuring! 10 Bliss

Went to the East Grassy Plains.


If you follow the road south from Castele, you come to the East

Grassy Plains. Let's explore that area! Be careful, though! I've heard

monsters abound!
See [BTFL14] for details on how to complete this task.


The History of Castele 25 Bliss

Talked to the librarian at the library.


I really must learn more about Castele's history! I know! I bet I

could learn lots in the library. It's just outside the castle. Let's

check it out!

See [BTFL21] for details on how to complete this task.


A Visit to the Pet Shop 25 Bliss

Learned about pets.


Do you know anything about pets? I heard there's a Pet Vendor in the

Artisan District. Shall we go and take a look?

See [BTFL22] for details on how to complete this task.


Attic with a View 25 Bliss

Learned about moving homes.


Pam said she wanted to talk to us about something. She kept asking,

"Don't you need some more space?" I wonder what she means...

See [BTFL23] for details on how to complete this task.

Ride like the Wind! 25 Bliss

Found out about the stables.


Apparently, there's somewhere in South Castele where you can borrow a

Horse. That sounds like it could be mighty useful.

See [BTFL24] for details on how to complete this task.


Pierre and Butch 25 Bliss

Heard Butch's wish.


I'd like to see what's going on with Pierre and Butch. They seem like

they've been through a lot together. They ususlaly loiter somewhere in

Castele Square...

See [BTFL25] for details on how to complete this task.


The Adventure Continues! 25 Bliss

Went to the West Grassy Plains.


Did you know the Grassy Plains stretch far out to the west? Well, what

are we waiting for? Adventure awaits!

See [BTFL26] for details on how to complete this task.


The Apple Princess 50 Bliss

Became an ally with Laura.


I'm so glad Laura isn't stuck inside the castle anymore. Maybe we

could take her out on an adventure with us...

See [BTFL31] for details on how to complete this task.


Dinky Dad 50 Bliss

Earned King Erik's trust.


Don't you want to know how Princess Laura and the Napdragon are doing

now? Let's go and see King Erik in the Royal Court!

See [BTFL32] for details on how to complete this task.


Professor Hughes 50 Bliss

Heard Hughes's wish.


I wonder if Professor Hughes has turned up anything with his

research. Let's pay him a visit and see!

See [BTFL33] for details on how to complete this task.


Life Master of...Everything? 50 Bliss

Met Indubitabe Crowned Champion.


I'd like to hear more of what the Indubitable Crowned Champion has to

say. Why don't we go and see him? The fresh mountain air would do us

good too!
See [BTFL34] for details on how to complete this task.


Mysterious House on the Plains 50 Bliss

Learned about the beauty salon.


There's a litlte house surrounded by flowers over in the West Grassy

Plains. I heard you can get your hair styles there! We must go!

See [BTFL35] for details on how to complete this task.


The Wild Blue Yonder 100 Bliss

Learned how to travel by airship.


I've got some big news! Apparently, the airshop in West Castele is

finally ready for takeoff! Let's get over there and check it out!

See [BTFL41] for details on how to complete this task.


Pro Pirate: Olivia Pescado! 100 Bliss

Became an ally with Olivia.


Apparently, Olivia's spending a lot of time in her ship's cabin. Do you

think she chose the pirate Life after all? Perhaps we should go and see


See [BTFL42] for details on how to complete this task.


Pro Assistant: Andy Pescado! 100 Bliss

Got to know Andy better.


We forgot something very important! We never went to one of Andy's

banquets! Do you think the offer still stands? Let's hurry to the

palace in Port Puerto!

See [BTFL43] for details on how to complete this task.


Land-Ho! 100 Bliss

Heard the wish of the pirates.


Port Puerto's future seems to hang on Olivia's relationship with the

pirates. Shall we go and see how things are going at the port?

See [BTFL44] for details on how to complete this task.


Elise's Lighthouse 100 Bliss

Earned Ahab's trust.


I'd love to look out across the sea and see the horizon in the

distance. Where can we get a nice view of it all?

See [BTFL45] for details on how to complete this task.


Holiday Home: Port Puerto 100 Bliss

Viewed the Port Puerto Holiday Home.


Apparently, someone called Luciano would like to speak with us... Who

was he again? He says he's waiting on the east side of Port Puerto

Palace Way.

See [BTFL46] for details on how to complete this task.


Friends with the Sultan 150 Bliss

Became friends with Damien


I think we should go and see Damien. We don't need a specific reason to

see our friends! Let's just go!

See [BTFL51] for details on how to complete this task.


Honor and Friendship 150 Bliss

Made Odin laugh.


I would have liked to speak more with Sir Odin. He's silent and looks

quite frightening, but if you actually talk to him, I'm sure he's a

nice person.

See [BTFL52] for details on how to complete this task.


Easy Come, Easy Go 150 Bliss

Got to know Magnificus better.


I wonder how Magnificus is doing, now that we know the Dark Sultan is
actually a good guy. Maybe we should try and find him a new foe to


See [BTFL53] for details on how to complete this task.


Of Magic and Flowers 150 Bliss

Earned the Elder Dark Sultan's respect.


THe Garden of Shadows was quite a sight! And the Elder Dark Sultan

turned out to be a nice guy. Why don't we go and see him again?

See [BTFL54] for details on how to complete this task.


Maajikal Library 150 Bliss

Earned Demona's respect.


I've heard that Library Al Maajik is much bigger than the library in

Castele! Let's check it out! You can carry the books for me, hee hee!

See [BTFL55] for details on how to complete this task.


Holiday Home: Al Maajik 150 Bliss

Visited the Al Maajik Holiday Home.


Did you check your mail? I think you got a letter from Eldred. I wonder

what he wants us for...

See [BTFL56] for details on how to complete this task.


Forest Life 200 Bliss

Became allies with Pino.


I wonder if The Great Spirit will be attending the Reveria Summit. If

so, what about the food? And the doors! We should talk to Pino and

find out.

See [BTFL61] for details on how to complete this task.


In the Shade of the Forest 200 Bliss

Heard Leilah's wish.


I'd love to go and visit Leilah again just to make sure she's all

right. It would set my mind at east to know she's feeling OK.

See [BTFL62] for details on how to complete this task.


In Mother's Footsteps 200 Bliss

Earned The Great Spirit's trust.


The Great Spirit seemed to know my mother quite well. I'm a bit scared

to ask her what she knows...

See [BTFL63] for details on how to complete this task.


Emotions Running High 200 Bliss

Heard Ophelia's wish.


Sometimes I feel very lonely... Laura is really lucky to have a strong

mother like Queen Ophelia. I think I'd like to talk to the queen a

little bit. Is that OK?

See [BTFL64] for details on how to complete this task.


The Lunares Airship 200 Bliss

Learned more about the Goddess Ship.


I wonder how the repairs to Mother's ship are going. Why don't we go

to the Spirit Tree and have a look? Of course, we'll have to stay out

of the way!

See [BTFL65] for details on how to complete this task.


A Little Robin Told Me 300 Bliss

Heard Robin's wish.


The airship is finally ready to go! All the gears and cogs seem to be

working nicely. Just the pilot left to check! Let's go and see Robin!
See [BTFL71] for details on how to complete this task.


Back in Business 300 Bliss

Heard Crankshaft's wish.


Everyone is doing what they can to save Reveria, so we can't just sit

here and do nothing! Let's go and see if we can help out at

Crankshaft's Workshop!

See [BTFL72] for details on how to complete this task.


Tiny Village in the Sky 300 Bliss

Had fun at the Plushling Camp.


I've heard the wishes of people, spirits, monsters... What else is

there... Ah! What about Plushlings?! Let's go to Terra Nimbus and ask


See [BTFL73] for details on how to complete this task.


Moon Girl and the Beast 300 Bliss

Found the Furlin.


Noelia said she and the Furlin had someone to see in Elderwood

Village. Let's track them down. I want to see what she's up to.
See [BTFL74] for details on how to complete this task.


Noisy Engine 300 Bliss

Motivated the old engine.


Of course I knew that engines can speak! Even if... they can't

normally. Uh...let's not get bogged down in specifics. Let's check the

engine in Mother's airship!

See [BTFL75] for details on how to complete this task.


We're Back, Pam! 500 Bliss

Reunited with Pam.


Let's go and see Pam! I'm sure she'll be surprised to see me back here

in Reveria!

See [BTFL81] for details on how to complete this task.


Crashing the Castle 500 Bliss

Reunited with everyone at the castle.


We managed to save Reveria! We should go and tell the king what

happened. After all, I'm a citizen of Castele now!

See [BTFL82] for details on how to complete this task.


| |

| [0903] Milestones |

| |



| Description | Bliss |


| Started a new Life as an Angler. | 10 |

| Became an Apprentice Angler. | 50 |

| Became an Adept Angler. | 100 |

| Became an Expert Angler. | 150 |

| Became a Master Angler. | 200 |

| Became a Hero Angler. | 300 |

| Became a Legendary Angler. | 500 |

| Started a new Life as a Hunter. | 10 |

| Became an Apprentice Hunter. | 50 |

| Became an Adept Hunter. | 100 |

| Became an Expert Hunter. | 150 |

| Became a Master Hunter. | 200 |

| Became a Hero Hunter. | 300 |

| Became a Legendary Hunter. | 500 |

| Started a new Life as a Blacksmith. | 10 |

| Became an Apprentice Blacksmith. | 50 |

| Became an Adept Blacksmith. | 100 |

| Became an Expert Blacksmith. | 150 |

| Became a Master Blacksmith. | 200 |

| Became a Hero Blacksmith. | 300 |

| Became a Legendary Blacksmith. | 500 |

| Started a new Life as a Woodcutter. | 10 |

| Became an Apprentice Woodcutter. | 50 |

| Became an Adept Woodcutter. | 100 |

| Became an Expert Woodcutter. | 150 |

| Became a Master Woodcutter. | 200 |

| Became a Hero Woodcutter. | 300 |

| Became a Legendary Woodcutter. | 500 |

| Started a new Life as a Tailor. | 10 |

| Became an Apprentice Tailor. | 50 |

| Became an Adept Tailor. | 100 |

| Became an Expert Tailor. | 150 |

| Became a Master Tailor. | 200 |

| Became a Hero Tailor. | 300 |

| Became a Legendary Tailor. | 500 |

| Started a new Life as a Paladin. | 10 |

| Became an Apprentice Paladin. | 50 |

| Became an Adept Paladin. | 100 |

| Became an Expert Paladin. | 150 |

| Became a Master Paladin. | 200 |

| Became a Hero Paladin. | 300 |

| Became a Legendary Paladin. | 500 |

| Started a new Life as an Alchemist. | 10 |

| Became an Apprentice Alchemist. | 50 |

| Became an Adept Alchemist. | 100 |

| Became an Expert Alchemist. | 150 |

| Became a Master Alchemist. | 200 |

| Became a Hero Alchemist. | 300 |

| Became a Legendary Alchemist. | 500 |

| Started a new Life as a Cook. | 10 |

| Became an Apprentice Cook. | 50 |

| Became an Adept Cook. | 100 |

| Became an Expert Cook. | 150 |

| Became a Master Cook. | 200 |

| Became a Hero Cook. | 300 |

| Became a Legendary Cook. | 500 |

| Started a new Life as a Mercenary. | 10 |

| Became an Apprentice Mercenary. | 50 |

| Became an Adept Mercenary. | 100 |

| Became an Expert Mercenary. | 150 |

| Became a Master Mercenary. | 200 |

| Became a Hero Mercenary. | 300 |

| Became a Legendary Mercenary. | 500 |

| Started a new Life as a Carpenter. | 10 |

| Became an Apprentice Carpenter. | 50 |

| Became an Adept Carpenter. | 100 |

| Became an Expert Carpenter. | 150 |

| Became a Master Carpenter. | 200 |

| Became a Hero Carpenter. | 300 |

| Became a Legendary Carpenter. | 500 |

| Started a new Life as a Wizard. | 10 |

| Became an Apprentice Wizard. | 50 |

| Became an Adept Wizard. | 100 |

| Became an Expert Wizard. | 150 |

| Became a Master Wizard. | 200 |

| Became a Hero Wizard. | 300 |

| Became a Legendary Wizard. | 500 |

| Started a new Life as a Miner. | 10 |

| Became an Apprentice Miner. | 50 |

| Became an Adept Miner. | 100 |

| Became an Expert Miner. | 150 |

| Became a Master Miner. | 200 |

| Became a Hero Miner. | 300 |

| Became a Legendary Miner. | 500 |

| Leveled up for the first time. | 10 |

| Reached level 10. | 100 |

| Reached level 20. | 200 |

| Reached level 30. | 300 |

| Reached level 40. | 400 |

| Reached level 50. | 500 |

| Reached level 60. | 600 |

| Reached level 70. | 700 |

| Reached level 80. | 800 |

| Reached level 90. | 900 |

| Reached level 99. | 1000 |

| Reached level 15 with one skill. | 100 |

| Reached level 15 with five skills. | 250 |

| Reached level 15 with 15 skills. | 500 |

| Reached level 15 with 25 skills. | 1000 |

| Made an ally for the first time. | 50 |

| Made 5 allies. | 100 |

| Made 10 allies. | 150 |

| Made 15 allies. | 200 |

| Made 20 allies. | 250 |

| Made 25 allies. | 300 |

| Made 30 allies. | 350 |

| Made 40 allies. | 500 |

| Had a visitor over for the first time. | 10 |

| Had five visitors over. | 100 |

| Had 10 visitors over. | 200 |

| Had 15 visitors over. | 300 |

| Had 20 visitors over. | 400 |

| Had 25 visitors over. | 500 |

| Had 30 visitors over. | 1000 |

| Spent an hour in Reveria. | 20 |

| Spent 10 hours in Reveria. | 100 |

| Spent 50 hours in Reveria. | 500 |

| Spent 100 hours in Reveria. | 1000 |

| Made 1,000 Dosh. | 100 |

| Made 10,000 Dosh. | 200 |

| Made 20,000 Dosh. | 300 |

| Made 50,000 Dosh. | 400 |

| Made 100,000 Dosh. | 500 |

| Made 1,000,000 Dosh. | 1000 |

| Stayed at the inn in Castele. | 10 |

| Stayed at the inn in Port Puerto. | 30 |

| Stayed at the inn in Al Maajik. | 50 |

| Stayed at the inn in the Elderwood. | 100 |

| Stayed at the inn in Terra Nimbus. | 200 |



| |

| [0904] Bliss EXP Chart |

| |



| Bonus # | Bliss | Bonus # | Bliss |

| 1 | 20 | 12 | 6000 |

| 2 | 100 | 13 | 7000 |

| 3 | 300 | 14 | 8000 |

| 4 | 600 | 15 | 9000 |

| 5 | 900 | 16 | 12000 |

| 6 | 1200 | 17 | 15000 |

| 7 | 1500 | 18 | 18000 |

| ?8 | | 19 | |

| 9 | 3000 | 20 | |

| 10 | 4000 | 21 | |

| 11 | 5000 | 22 | |



| |

| [0905] Bliss Bonuses |

| |



| Bliss Bonus Name | Description |


| Bigger Bag | Hold up to 100 items in your bag. |

| Even Bigger Bag | Hold up to 200 items in your bag. |

| Amazing Bag | Hold up to 300 items in your bag. |

| Bigger Storage | Hold up to 500 items in your storage. |

| Even Bigger Storage | Hold up to 750 items in your storage. |

| Amazing Storage | Hold up to 1000 items in your storage. |

| Life with a Pet | Have up to one pet. |

| Life with More Pets | Have up to two pets. |

| Horse Riding | Rent a Horse from Castele Stables. |

| Tortoise Riding | Rent a Tortoise in Port Puerto. |

| Camel Riding | Rent a Camel in Al Maajik. |

| My Own Horsey | Own your very own horse living in the |

| | Castele Stables. |

| Shopping + | Assortment of items in Castele shops |

| | increase. |

| Port Shopping + | Assortment of items in Port Puerto |

| | shops increase. |

| Desert Shopping + | Assortment of items in Al Maajik shops |

| | increase. |

| Shopping on the Go | Assortment of items in Elderwood shops |

| | increase. |

| Hairdressing | Change your hairstyle with Miss |

| | Florina in the West Grassy Plains. |

| Clothes Dyeing | Speak with Lily Lippes in Miss |

| | Florina House to dye your clothes. |

| Mystery Fairy | Mysterious merchant fairy will appear |

| | in West Grassy Plains. |

| Happy Audio Theater | You'll be able to listen to songs from |

| | the game in your room! |

| Happy Movie Theater | Watch your favorite event animations |

| | anytime you want in your room! |



| |

| [1000] Challenges |

| |

Throughout the game of Fantasy Life, you will obtain dozens of

challenges for you to complete through each Life. Whenever you complete

a challenge, you will obtain Stars. Simply enough, get enough stars and

you will advance to the next Rank, which will not only allow for bigger

stat bonuses when you are a certain Life at the moment, but also better

techniques and features in order to make your Life easier, whether it's

charged attacks or Special Skills to make your Creations a lot faster.

Enlisted through each Life is a Stars Chart that is needed for each

rank, along with each individual challenge. I will also do my best to

list the conditions needed in order to unlock the challenge, although if

you are able to fulfill the conditions for the challenge even if you

have not "unlocked" the challenge, you will still obtain the Stars for

it. These instances can easily occur if you have not talked to the

appropriate NPC that challenges you to a specific task, or if you

complete a challenge of a higher rank.


| |

| [1001] Paladin Challenges |

| |



| Rank | Stars | Life Bonuses |


| Novice | 0 | N/A |

| Fledgling | 100 | Max HP +10, Vitality +2 |

| Apprentice | 300 | Max HP +20, Vitality +4 |

| Adept | 1000 | Max HP +30, Vitality +6 |

| Expert | 3000 | Max HP +40, Vitality +8 |

| Master | 6000 | Max HP +60, Vitality +12 |

| Hero | 10000 | Max HP +90, Vitality +16 |

| Legend | 18000 | Max HP +120, Vitality +20 |



Novice Challenges


Paladin's Honor

Visit Captain Mustang at the Paladin's Hold, and begin your journey.

100 Stars


Fledgling Challenges


Whirling Skirmish

Use Spinning Attack ((A) charged attack) to defeat 10 monsters.

30 Stars


As a Paladin, defeat a Catterpillo in the East Grassy Plains.

40 Stars

Expert Exterminator

As a Paladin, defeat 5 Catterpillos in the East Grassy Plains.

50 Stars
Bandit Bustin'

As a Paladin, defeat a Bandit in the East Grassy Plains.

60 Stars

And Justice for Three!

As a Paladin, defeat 3 Bandits in the East Grassy Plains.

90 Stars

Baddest of the Bad

As a Paladin, defeat a Bandit Leader in the East Grassy Plains.

100 Stars

Ten Apples a Day

Gather 10 Castele Apples from trees in and around Castele.

50 Stars


Apprentice Challenges


Shockingly Effective!

Use Lightning Strike ((X) charged attack) to defeat 10 monsters.

50 Stars

Play Ball

As a Paladin, defeat a Beetle Baller in the West Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

Big-Time Baller

As a Paladin, defeat 5 Beetle Ballers in the West Grassy Plains.

80 Stars

Slither Thither

As a Paladin, defeat a Grass Serpent in the West Grassy Plains.

50 Stars


As a Paladin, defeat 5 Grass Serpents in the West Grassy Plains.

80 Stars

Mount Snakepeak

As a Paladin, defeat a Rock Serpent on Mount Snowpeak.

50 Stars

Piece of Snake

As a Paladin, defeat 5 Rock Serpents on Mount Snowpeak.

80 Stars


As a Paladin, defeat a Feely Catterpillo in Waterfall Cave on Mount


50 Stars

Cave Cleaner

As a Paladin, defeat 5 Feely Catterpillos in Waterfall Cave on Mount


80 Stars

Monkeying Around

As a Paladin, defeat an Applejack Ape in the Elderwood.

100 Stars
Ape Scrape

As a Paladin, defeat 3 Applejack Apes in the Elderwood.

150 Stars

Doshing through the Snow

As a Paladin, defeat a Fanged Ape on Mount Snowpeak and then cash in

the Bounty.

150 Stars

Iron Will

As a Paladin, defeat an Iron Golem deep within Waterfall Cave and then

cash in the Bounty.

200 Stars

Garden of Eatin'

Gather 3 Rainbow Apples from the tree at Farley's Plantation.

100 Stars


Adept Challenges


Lava Bravo

As a Paladin, defeat a Lava Catterpillo in Lava Cave.

80 Stars


As a Paladin, defeat 5 Lava Catterpillos in Lava Cave.

150 Stars

Zombie Zlap

As a Paladin, defeat a Zombie Pirate on Tortuga Archipelago.

100 Stars

A Wave of Zombies

As a Paladin, defeat 3 Zombie Pirates on Tortuga Archipelago.

200 Stars

Worm Your Way Out

As a Paladin, defeat a Cave Catterpillo in Nautilus Cave.

80 Stars

Worm Burner

As a Paladin, defeat 5 Cave Catterpillos in Nautilus Cave.

150 Stars

Zombie Aplomb

As a Paladin, defeat an Angry Zombie on Tortuga Archipelago and then

cash in the Bounty.

150 Stars

Hot Rocks

As a Paladin, defeat a Lava Golem within Lava Cave and then cash in

the Bounty.

200 Stars

Salt of the Earth

As a Paladin, defeat a Rocksalt Golem within Nautilus Cave and then

cash in the Bounty.

200 Stars

Axe Attack

As a Paladin, defeat a Pickaxed Golem within Nautilus Cave and then

cash in the Bounty.

300 Stars


As a Paladin, defeat the Napdragon roaming the East Grassy Plains.

500 Stars

Orange You Glad?

Gather 10 Port-Town Oranges from the trees in and around Port Puerto.

50 Stars


Expert Challenges


Tornado Warning

Use Tornado Spin ((A) supercharged attack) to defeat 10 monsters.

150 Stars

Shining Blade

Use Final Fulmination ((X) supercharged attack) to defeat 10 monsters.

150 Stars

Ooh, Shiny!

As a Paladin, defeat a Gem Beetle Baller in the Cave of Bones.

150 Stars

All That Glitters

As a Paladin, defeat 5 Gem Beetle Ballers in the Cave of Bones.

250 Stars

Bone to Pick

As a Paladin, defeat a Skeleton in the Cave of Bones.

150 Stars

Skull Crusher

As a Paladin, defeat 5 Skeletons in the Cave of Bones.

250 Stars

Wanted Man

As a Paladin, defeat an Outlaw in the Aridian Desert.

150 Stars

Sand Sheriff

As a Paladin, defeat 3 Outlaws in the Aridian Desert.

250 Stars

Gorilla Thrilla

As a Paladin, defeat a Burly Gorilla in the Aridian Desert.

150 Stars

Gorilla Warfare

As a Paladin, defeat 3 Burly Gorillas in the Aridian Desert.

250 Stars

Fairy Challenging
As a Paladin, defeat a Fairy Dragon within the Napdragon's Nest on

Mount Snowpeak.

150 Stars

Fairy-Tale Ending

As a Paladin, defeat 5 Fairy Dragons within the Napdragon's Nest on

Mount Snowpeak.

250 Stars

Star Maker

As a Paladin, defeat a Starry Catterpillo on Cacto Cove.

150 Stars

Star Power

As a Paladin, defeat 5 Starry Catterpillos on Cacto Cove.

250 Stars

Outlaw In

As a Paladin, defeat an Outlaw Leader in the Aridian Desert and then

cash in the Bounty.

350 Stars

Golem Gold

As a Paladin, defeat a Sand Golem in the Aridian Desert and then cash

in the Bounty.

400 Stars

The Serpent King

As a Paladin, defeat a Great Serpent in Deepsea Cave and then cash in

the Bounty.

300 Stars
Pearfect Pears

Gather 5 Desert Pears from the tree in Al Maajik.

100 Stars


Master Challenges


Bright Idea

Use Sword of Light ((X) with a full Special Skill Gauge) to defeat 10


150 Stars

Demonic Disaster

As a Paladin, defeat a Wingmon in the Ancient Ruins.

150 Stars


As a Paladin, defeat 5 Wingmons in the Ancient Ruins.

400 Stars

Lights Out

As a Paladin, defeat the Chiromon in the Ancient Ruins.

150 Stars

Sandy Bandages

As a Paladin, defeat a Mummy in the Ancient Ruins.

150 Stars

That's a Wrap!
As a Paladin, defeat 5 Mummies in the Ancient Ruins.

400 Stars

Banana Belt

As a Paladin, defeat a Banana King in the jungles of West Terra Nimbus.

200 Stars

Banana Beast

As a Paladin, defeat 3 Banana Kings in the jungles of West Terra


500 Stars

Debut Dragonslayer

As a Paladin, defeat a Dinky Dragon, typically seen with the Silver

Dragon in West Terra Nimbus.

200 Stars

Dinky Domination

As a Paladin, defeat 5 Dinky Dragons, typically seen with the Silver

Dragon in West Terra Nimbus.

500 Stars

Starting Small

As a Paladin, defeat a Dragon Hatchling, typically seen with the

Golden Dragon in the Ancient Ruins.

200 Stars

Break a Few Eggs

As a Paladin, defeat 5 Dragon Hatchlings, typically seen with the

Golden Dragon in the Ancient Ruins

500 Stars
Heavy Metal

As a Paladin, defeat the Ironstone Golem deep in the Subterranean Lake

and then cash in the Bounty.

650 Stars

Snake Harmer

As a Paladin, defeat the King Cobra deep in the Ancient Ruins and then

cash in the Bounty.

650 Stars

Challenge locked!

700 Stars

Challenge locked!

1200 Stars

Challenge locked!

1200 Stars

Challenge locked!

300 Stars


Hero Challenges


Challenge locked!

500 Stars
Challenge locked!

1500 Stars


| |

| [1002] Mercenary Challenges |

| |



| Rank | Stars | Life Bonuses |


| Novice | 0 | N/A |

| Fledgling | 100 | Max HP +10, Strength +2 |

| Apprentice | 300 | Max HP +20, Strength +4 |

| Adept | 1200 | Max HP +30, Strength +6 |

| Expert | 3600 | Max HP +40, Strength +8 |

| Master | 7500 | Max HP +60, Strength +12 |

| Hero | 18000 | Max HP +90, Strength +16 |

| Legend | 21000 | Max HP +120, Strength +20 |



Novice Challenges


The Mercenary's Path

Meet Master Mercenary Cervantes and learn to swing a sword.

100 Stars

Fledgling Challenges


Full Power!

Time to power up! Use Full Swing ((A) charges attack) to defeat

10 enemies.

30 Stars

A Monster...Carrot?

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Carrotty in the East Grassy Plains.

30 Stars

Slicin' and Dicin'!

As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Carrottys in the East Grassy Plains.

40 Stars

Carrot King

As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Carrottys in the East Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

Masked Menace

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Dragon Mustard in the East Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

Back to Your Roots

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Carrotella in the East Grassy Plains.

100 Stars

Apprentice Challenges


Shocking Strength!

Use Shockwave ((X) charged attack) to defeat 10 enemies.

50 Stars

Cut 'Em Down!

Can you make the cut? Use Cross Cut (press (A) four times to chain

four hits) to defeat 10 enemies.

50 Stars

Gingery Greetings

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Gingery in the Elderwood.

50 Stars

Gingery Slicer

As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Gingerys in the Elderwood.

70 Stars

The Gingery Guru

As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Gingerys in the Elderwood.

90 Stars

Simply Radishing

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Radishy in the West Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

Totally Rad...ish

As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Radishys in the West Grassy Plains.

70 Stars

As a Mercenary, defeat 10 Radishys in the West Grassy Plains.

90 Stars

Tortortoise Trouble

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Tortortoise on the beaches of the West Grassy


50 Stars

Tortortoise Trauma

As a Mercenary, defeat 3 Tortortoises on the beaches of the West

Grassy Plains.

70 Stars

Tortortoise Tormentor

As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Tortortoises on the beaches of the West

Grassy Plains.

90 Stars

Crocodile Capers

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Armored Croc in Waterfall Cave.

50 Stars

Croc Killer

As a Mercenary, defeat 3 Armored Crocs in Waterfall Cave.

70 Stars

Crocodile Champ

As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Armored Croc in Waterfall Cave.

90 Stars
Savage Salad

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Radishella in the West Grassy PLains and then

cash in the Bounty.

150 Stars


As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Plains Bear in the Elderwood and then cash

in the Bounty.

200 Stars


Adept Challenges


Hurricane Hero!

Use Hurricane (press (A) five times to chain five hits) to defeat 10


80 Stars

Turtortle Trials

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Turtortle on the beaches of Tortuga


80 Stars

Turtortle Tour

As a Mercenary, defeat 3 Turtortles on the beaches of Tortuga


120 Stars
Turtortle, or Not Turtortle?

As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Turtortles on the beaches of Tortuga


150 Stars

Angry Alligators

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Green Gator on the shores of Tortuga


80 Stars

See Ya Later, Alligator!

As a Mercenary, defeat 3 Green Gators on the shores of Tortuga


120 Stars

The Eradigator

As a Mercenary, defeat 5 Green Gators on the shores of Tortuga


150 Stars

In a While, Crocodile!

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Croc on Tortuga Archipelago.

180 Stars

Crocodile? Turtle? ...Crocurtle?!

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Crocturtle in Nautilus Cave and then cash in

the Bounty.

250 Stars

Attack of the Turtanic!

As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Turtanic somewhere on Tortuga Archipelago

and then cash in the Bounty

400 Stars

The Silverfang

As a Mercenary, defeat the Silverfang on top of Mount Snowpeak and

then cash in the Bounty?

500 Stars


As a Mercenary, defeat 1 Behemoth in the Subterranean Lake.

500 Stars


Expert Challenges


Coming soon!


Master Challenges


Coming soon!


| |

| [1003] Hunter Challenges |

| |


| Rank | Stars | Life Bonuses |


| Novice | 0 | N/A |

| Fledgling | 100 | Strength +1, Dexterity +2 |

| Apprentice | 500 | Strength +2, Dexterity +4 |

| Adept | 1500 | Strength +3, Dexterity +6 |

| Expert | 4000 | Strength +4, Dexterity +8 |

| Master | 7000 | Strength +6, Dexterity +12 |

| Hero | 10000 | Strength +8, Dexterity +16 |

| Legend | 16000 | Strength +10, Dexterity +20 |



Novice Challenges


Hunting for a New Life

Meet Master Fern, and prove what you've got what it takes to be a


100 Stars


Fledgling Challenges


Shoot That Piercing Arrow

Use Piercing Arrow, the (A) charged attack, as the felling shot for 10


30 Stars

First Woolie

As a Hunter, defeat a White Woolie, found in the East Grassy Plains.

30 Stars

Hunting for Woolies

As a Hunter, defeat 5 White Woolies, found in the East Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

First Bee

As a Hunter, defeat a Worker Bee, found near flowers in the East

Grassy Plains.

30 Stars

Shooting Down Bees

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Worker Bees, found near the flowers in the East

Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

First Road Runner

As a Hunter, defeat a Road Runner, found near the water in the East

Grassy Plains.

30 Stars

Hunting Road Runners

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Road Runners, found near the water in the East

Grassy Plains.

50 Stars
First Wolf

As a Hunter, defeat a Red Wolf, found in the East Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

Wolf Takedown

As a Hunter, defeat 3 Red Wolves, found in the East Grassy Plains.

80 Stars

First Coyote

As a Hunter, defeat a Coyote, found in the East Grassy Plains at


50 Stars

Chase Down Coyotes

As a Hunter, defeat 3 Coyotes, found in the East Grassy Plains at


80 Stars

Sweet Reward (Huntin' Pete)

Gather 10 Grassland Honeys, found in the trees around the Grassy


50 Stars


Apprentice Challenges


Scattershot Skills

Use Scattershot ((X) charged attack) to defeat 10 monsters.

50 Stars

First Black Woolie

As a Hunter, defeat a Black Woolie in the northern part of the West

Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

Stalking Black Woolies

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Black Woolies in the northern part of the West

Grassy Plains.

80 Stars

First Buffalo

As a Hunter, defeat a Buffalo at the base of Mount Snowpeak.

50 Stars

Big Catch of Buffalo

As a Hunter, defeat 3 Buffalo at the base of Mount Snowpeak.

80 Stars

First Cave Bat

As a Hunter, defeat a Cave Bat in Waterfall Cave on Mount Snowpeak.

50 Stars

Bringing Down the Bats

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Cave Bats in Waterfall Cave on Mount Snowpeak.

80 Stars

Stalk a Hootwink

As a Hunter, defeat a Hootwink, which can be found in the Elderwood

at night.
100 Stars

Hootwink Hunt

As a hunter, defeat 3 Hootwinks, which can be found in the Elderwood

at night.

150 Stars

First Bull

As a Hunter, defeat a Bull in the West Grassy Plains.

120 Stars

Bow Hunt for Bulls

As a Hunter, defeat 3 Bulls in the West Grassy Plains.

180 Stars

Attack of the Killer Bunny! (Fern)

As a Hunter, defeat a Killer Bunny in the West Grassy Plains. Then

cash in the Bounty. (Night only.)

250 Stars

First Black Panther

As a Hunter, defeat a Black Panther on Mount Snowpeak and then cash in

the Bounty.

250 Stars


Adept Challenges


First Cashmeer
As a Hunter, defeat a Cashmeer on the cliffs of Mount Snowpeak.

80 Stars

A Trio of Cashmeer

As a Hunter, defeat 3 Cashmeer on the cliffs of Mount Snowpeak.

150 Stars

First Panther

As a Hunter, defeat one of the Elderwood's Forest Panthers.

80 Stars

Panther Pursuit

As a Hunter, defeat 3 Forest Panthers, found in the Elderwood.

150 Stars

First Jackal

As a Hunter, defeat a Jackal in the Desert Ravine.

80 Stars

Jumping Jackals

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Jackals in the Desert Ravine.

150 Stars

First Dark Bat

As a Hunter, defeat a Dark Bat in Nautilus Cave.

80 Stars

Prowling for Bats

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Dark Bats in Nautilus Cave.

150 Stars
First Snow Runner

As a Hunter, defeat a Snow Runner at the top of Mount Snowpeak.

80 Stars

Trudging for Runners

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Snow Runners at the top of Mount Snowpeak.

150 Stars

First Snowflake Bunny

As a Hunter, defeat a Snowflake Bunny at the top of Mount Snowpeak.

80 Stars

Bring Down the Bunnies

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Snowflake Bunnies at the top of Mount Snowpeak.

150 Stars

First Taurus

As a Hunter, defeat a Taurus in the West Grassy Plains and then cash

in the Bounty.

300 Stars

The Horned Menace

As a Hunter, defeat a Killer Horn in the Desert Ravine and then cash

in the Bounty.

350 Stars

The Biggest of Beaks

As a Hunter, defeat the vicious Bigbeak in the West Grassy Plains.

500 Stars

Honey from On High

Gather 5 Plateau Honeys from trees on and around Mount Snowpeak.

150 Stars


Expert Challenges


Dancing Arrows

Use Super Scattershot ((X) supercharged attack) to defeat 10 monsters.

150 Stars

First Hootlum

As a Hunter, defeat a Hootlum in the Cave of Bones.

150 Stars

Hootlum Havoc

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Hootlums in the Cave of Bones.

250 Stars

First Pterodactyl

As a Hunter, defeat a Pterodactyl on the plateaus of the Aridian


150 Stars

Ptero Times Five

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Pterodactyls on the plateaus of the Aridian


250 Stars

First Snow Leopard

As a Hunter, defeat a Snow Leopard at the top of Mount Snowpeak.

150 Stars

Spotting the Leopards

As a Hunter, defeat 3 Snow Leopards at the top of Mount Snowpeak.

250 Stars

First Glaciowl

As a Hunter, defeat a Glaciowl at the top of Mount Snowpeak.

150 Stars

Cracking the Glaciowl

As a Hunter, defeat 3 Glaciowls at the top of Mount Snowpeak.

250 Stars

First Sand Runner

As a Hunter, defeat a Sand Runner in the northeast part of the Aridian


150 Stars

Sand Runner Safari

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Sand Runners in the northeast part of the

Aridian Desert.

250 Stars

First Silverwing

As a Hunter, defeat a Silverwing at the top of Mount Snowpeak.

150 Stars

Silver Showdown

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Silverwings at the top of Mount Snowpeak.

250 Stars

Sting Before Stung

As a Hunter, defeat a Killer Bee in the northeast part of the

Aridian Desert and then cash in the Bounty.

400 Stars

The Night Watch

As a Hunter, defeat an Eyes of Darkness in the Deep Elderwood and then

cash in the Bounty.

400 Stars

Survive a Blizzard

As a Hunter, defeat a Blizzard Bird atop the islands of Tortuga


750 Stars

The Sweet Life

Gather 5 Island Honeys from trees around Cacto Cove.

250 Stars


Master Challenges



Use Arrow Storm ((X) with a full Special Skill Gauge) to defeat 10


150 Stars
First Nightmare Bat

As a Hunter, defeat a Nightmare Bat in the depths of the Subterranean


150 Stars

Stopping the Nightmares

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Nightmare Bats in the depths of the Subterranean


400 Stars

Staking the Bats

As a Hunter, defeat a Vampire Bat in the Ancient Ruins.

150 Stars

Bloodthirsty Worker

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Vampire Bats in the Ancient Ruins.

400 Stars

First Mothoon

As a Hunter, defeat a Mothoon in the hills of Terra Nimbus.

150 Stars

Multitude of Mothoons

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Mothoons in the hills of Terra Nimbus.

400 Stars

First Flame Moth

As a Hunter, defeat a Flame Moth in the Ancient Ruins.

150 Stars

Flame Moth Frenzy

As a Hunter, defeat 3 Flame Moths in the Ancient Ruins.

400 Stars

First Bunny Killer

As a Hunter, defeat a Bunny Killer in the forests of West Terra Nimbus.

150 Stars

Island Protector

As a Hunter, defeat 5 Bunny Killers in the forests of West Terra


400 Stars

Fall of the Queen

As a Hunter, defeat a Moth Queen in the Acient Ruins and then cash in

the Bounty.

600 Stars

Challenge locked!

1000 Stars


Hero Challenges


Howling in the Shadows

As a Hunter, defeat 15 Shadow Wolves, often found in the Dark Void on

Cacto Cove.

300 Stars

Howling in the Depths

As a Hunter, defeat 3 Shadow Wolf Bosses in the Dark Void on Cacto


500 Stars

Wings of Darkness

As a Hunter, defeat a Shadow Bigbeak in the Dark Void on Cacto Cove.

1500 Stars


| |

| [1004] Wizard Challenges |

| |



| Rank | Stars | Life Bonuses |


| Novice | 0 | N/A |

| Fledgling | 100 | Intelligence +2, Focus +1 |

| Apprentice | 400 | Intelligence +4, Focus +2 |

| Adept | 1200 | Intelligence +6, Focus +3 |

| Expert | 3500 | Intelligence +8, Focus +4 |

| Master | 7500 | Intelligence +12, Focus +6 |

| Hero | 12000 | Intelligence +16, Focus +8 |

| Legend | 16000 | Intelligence +20, Focus +10 |



Novice Challenges

Fledgling Wizard

Visit the Wizard Master, Jinx, and learn how to cast spells.

100 Stars


Fledgling Challenges


Fire Power

Use Fireball ((A) charged attack with Fire Magic) to defeat 10

monsters. Deal the final blow with Fireball!

30 Stars

Water Power

Use Icy Breath ((A) charged attack with Water Magic) to defeat 10

monsters. Deal the final blow with Icy Breath!

30 Stars

Wind Power

Use Air Sickle ((A) charged attack with Wind Magic) to defeat 10

monsters. Deal the final blow with Air Sickle!

30 Stars

Weed Killer

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Weedling in Haniwa Cave on the East Grassy


30 Stars
Weeding Out the Weedlings

As a Wizard, defeat 5 Weedlings in Haniwa Cave on the East Grassy


50 Stars

Cobalt-Hearted Killer

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Cobalt Frog in Haniwa Cave on the East Grassy


30 Stars

Cobalt Conquest

As a Wizard, defeat 5 Cobalt Frogs in Haniwa Cave on the East Grassy


50 Stars

The Skullblob Job

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Skullblob in Haniwa Cave on the East Grassy

Plains at night.

100 Stars

Spooky Specter

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Spooky, found at night in the northern part of

the East Grassy Plains.

100 Stars


Apprentice Challenges


Master of Fire

Use Fire Storm ((X) charged attack with Fire Magic) to defeat 10

50 Stars

Master of Ice

Use Ice Storm ((X) charged attack with Water Magic) to defeat 10


50 Stars

Master of Wind

Use Thunder Storm ((X) charged attack with Wind Magic) to defeat 10


50 Stars

Froggy Fields Forever

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Field Frog on the West Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

Ferocious Frog Fight

As a Wizard, defeat 5 Field Frogs on the West Grassy Plains.

80 Stars

Ribbit Gambit

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Splash Frog near the shores of the West Grassy


50 Stars

Final Croak

As a Wizard, defeat 5 Splash Frogs near the shores of the West Grassy


80 Stars
Malignant Mushface

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Mushface, found among the trees in the Elderwood.

50 Stars

Mushface to Face

As a Wizard, defeat 5 Mushfaces, found among the trees in the


80 Stars

Quelling the Jelly

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Mountain Jelly in Waterfall Cave on Mount


50 Stars

Mountain Jelly Melee

As a Wizard, defeat 5 Mountain Jellys in Waterfall Cave on Mount


80 Stars


As a Wizard, defeat 1 Timber Tinder, found among the trees in the


50 Stars

Timber Tinder Takedown

As a Wizard, defeat 5 Timber Tinders, found among the trees in the


80 Stars

Earthly Encounter

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Spirit of Earth in the Elderwood.

100 Stars

Earth Wraith Wrecker

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Earth Wraith, found at night in the Elderwood.

200 Stars


Adept Challenges


Lava Drama

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Lava Weedling in Lava Cave on Mount Snowpeak.

100 Stars

Ashes to Ashes

As a Wizard, defeat 5 Lava Weedlings in Lava Cave on Mount Snowpeak.

150 Stars

Fire-Breathing Fungus

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Mushflame in Lava Cave on Mount Snowpeak.

100 Stars

Mushflame Massacre

As a Wizard, defeat 5 Mushflames in Lava Cave on Mount Snowpeak.

150 Stars

Felling the Jelly

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Lava Jelly in Lava Cave on Mount Snowpeak.

100 Stars
Jelly Warfare

As a Wizard, defeat 5 Lava Jellys in Lava Cave on Mount Snowpeak.

150 Stars

Beat to the Punch

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Punching Palm on the isles of Tortuga


100 Stars

Pummeling Palms

As a Wizard, defeat 5 Punching Palms on the isles of Tortuga


150 Stars

Beat the Heat

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Spirit of FIre, found deep within Lava Cave.

150 Stars

Wind Chagrin

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Spirit of Wind in the Aridian Desert.

150 Stars

Ghost of a Chance

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Desert Spooky at night near the Ancient Ruins

and then collect the Bounty.

250 Stars

Snowpeak Spooky

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Ice Spooky at the summit of Mount Snowpeak and

then collect the Bounty.

250 Stars
Gust of Ghoul

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Gale Wraith somewhere in the Aridian Desert.

300 Stars

Blaze of Glory

As a Wizard, defeat 1 Blaze Wraith deep within Lava Cave.

300 Stars


Expert Challenges


Coming soon!


Master Challenges


Coming soon!


| |

| [1005] Miner Challenges |

| |


| Rank | Stars | Life Bonuses |


| Novice | 0 | N/A |

| Fledgling | 100 | Strength +2, Focus +1 |

| Apprentice | 500 | Strength +4, Focus +2 |

| Adept | 1200 | Strength +6, Focus +3 |

| Expert | 4000 | Strength +8, Focus +4 |

| Master | 8000 | Strength +12, Focus +6 |

| Hero | 12000 | Strength +16, Focus +8 |

| Legend | 17500 | Strength +20, Focus +10 |



Novice Challenges


Newbie Miner

Meet Miner Master Duglas and learn the art of mining.

100 Stars


Fledgling Challenges



Use Smash Hit (press (X)) 10 times while mining.

30 Stars

Castele: Mines Excavated!

Mine 5 pieces of Castele Copper in the Castele Outskirts or the Grassy


30 Stars

Don't Stop Minin'!

Mine 10 pieces of Castele Copper in the Castele Outskirts or the

Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

Topaz Trouble

Mine 1 Topaz from the Superior Copper Deposits in Haniwa Cave.

50 Stars

Haniwa Shuffle

Mine 3 Topazes from the Superior Copper Deposits in Haniwa Cave.

80 Stars

Mellow Yellow

Mine 1 Yellow Stone from the Superior Copper Deposits in Haniwa Cave.

50 Stars

Rock-Hard Lemon

Mine 3 Yellow Stones from the Superior Copper Deposits in Haniwa Cave.

80 Stars

An After-Mining Mint

Mine 10 pieces of Minty Ore. Try mining in the Castele Outskirts or

the Grassy Plains for starters.

100 Stars

Rocky Path
Mine a total of 50 times. This can be done anywhere, and any ore will


80 Stars


Apprentice Challenges


Ore Breaker

Use Ore Breaker ((X) charged attack) a total of 10 times.

50 Stars

Plains Iron: Excavated!

Mine 1 piece of Plains Iron in Waterfall Cave.

50 Stars

Ironing Things Out

Mine 5 pieces of Plains Iron in Waterfall Cave.

80 Stars

Don't Forget to be Ore-some

Mine 1 Aquamarine from the Superior Blue Ore Deposits in Waterfall


100 Stars


Mine 3 Aquamarines from the Superior Blue Ore Deposits in Waterfall


150 Stars
Feeling a Little Blue

Mine 1 Blue Stone from the Superior Blue Ore Deposits in Waterfall


100 Stars

Out of the Blue

Mine 3 Blue Stones from the Superior Blue Ore Deposits in Waterfall


150 Stars

Refreshingly Tough!

Mine 10 pieces of Quality Minty Ore. Try Silver or Platinum Deposits

for starters.

100 Stars

Pebbles in the Wind

As a Miner, mine 1 Wind Wingstone from the caves of Mount Snowpeak and

then cash in the Bounty.

150 Stars

Ho Ho! A Miner's Life for Me!

Mine a totalof 100 times. This can be done anywhere, and any ore will


100 Stars


Adept Challenges


Port Puerto: Excavated!

Mine 1 piece of Port Puerto Silver from the Port Puerto Beach District

or Tortuga Archipelago.

80 Stars

Slip Me Some Silver

Mine 5 pieces of Port Puerto Silver from the Port Puerto Beach

District or Tortuga Archipelago.

150 Stars

Ocean Ore

Mine 1 piece of Marine Ore from Nautilus Cave.

150 Stars

Ocean's Bounty

Mine 3 pieces of Marine Ore from Nautilus Cave.

250 Stars

Is It Hot Here, Ore Is It Just Me?

Mine 1 piece of Magma Ore from Lava Cave.

150 Stars

Ocean's Bounty

Mine 3 pieces of Magma Ores from Lava Cave.

250 Stars

Like a Grape, but NOT!

Mine 1 Purple Stone from the Superior Marine Ore Deposits in Nautilus


180 Stars

Pretty in...Purple?
Mine 3 Purples Stone from the Superior Marine Ore Deposits in Nautilus


250 Stars

Royal Ruby

Mine 1 Ruby from the Superior Red Ore Deposits in Lava Cave.

180 Stars

Ruby Red

Mine 3 Rubies from the Superior Red Ore Deposits in Lava Cave.

250 Stars

The Dreamstone

Mine 1 Amethyst from the Superior Marine Ore Deposits in Nautilus


180 Stars

Violet Attack

Mine 3 Amethysts from the Superior Marine Ore Deposits in Nautilus


250 Stars

Water Wingstone

As a Miner, mine 1 Water Wingstone from Nautilus Cave and cash in the


300 Stars

Dragon Scab Scramble

As a Miner, mine 1 Dragon Scab from Lava Cave on Mount Snowpeak and

cash in the Bounty.

450 Stars
Pickaxe the Pace!

Mine a total of 200 times. This can be done anywhere, and any ore will


250 Stars


Expert Challenges


Bust Some Ore!

Use Ore Buster ((X) charged attack ) 10 times while mining.

150 Stars

Al Maajik Gold: Excavated!

Mine 1 piece of Al Maajik Gold in the Al Maajik Outskirts or the

Aridian Desert.

150 Stars

Gleaming Gold

Mine 5 pieces of Al Maajik Gold in the Al Maajik Outskirts or the

Aridian Desert.

250 Stars

The Hip Bone's Connected To...?

Mine 1 Dragon Leg Bone from the Cave of Bones.

300 Stars

The Bone Collector

Mine 1 Dragon Vertebrae fossil from the Cave of Bones.

300 Stars

Bone-a Fide Expert!

Mine 1 Dragon Skull from the Cave of Bones.

300 Stars

Sand Rocks!

Mine 5 pieces of Sandstone in the Al Maajik Outskirts or the Aridian


150 Stars

Mean Green

Mine 1 Emerald in the Al Maajik Outskirts or the Aridian Desert.

200 Stars

Green with Envy

Mine 3 Emeralds in the Al Maajik Outskirts or the Aridian Desert.

400 Stars

Challenge locked!

600 Stars

Challenge locked!

800 Stars

Challenge locked!

900 Stars

300th Time's a Charm

Mine a total of 300 times. This can be done anywhere, and any ore will

300 Stars


Master Challenges


Push It to the Limit

Use Earthly Treasures (press (X) with a full Special Skill Gauge) 10


250 Stars

Playing with Platinum

Obtain 1 piece of Platinum Ore by mining at the summit of Mount


250 Stars

Take It to the Top

Mine 5 pieces of Platinum Ore from the summit of Mount Snowpeak.

400 Stars

Simply Enchanting!

Mine 1 piece of Magic Ore from the Ancient Ruins.

300 Stars

Arcane Minerals

Mine 3 pieces of Magic Ore from the Ancient Ruins.

500 Stars

Sapphire Saver

Mine 1 Sapphire from the summit of Mount Snowpeak.

400 Stars

Bathed in Blue

Mine 3 Sapphires from Superior Platinum Deposits at the summit of

Mount Snowpeak.

600 Stars

Gather, Ye Darkness!

Mine 1 piece of Black Onyx from the Ancient Ruins.

400 Stars

I'll Get Right Onyx!

Mine 3 pieces of Black Onyx from the Ancient Ruins.

600 Stars

Have a Little Heart

As a Miner, mine 1 Dark Heart from the Ancient Ruins and then cash in

the Bounty.

1200 Stars

Miner 4 Life

Mine a total of 400 times. This can be done anywhere, and any ore will


500 Stars


Hero Challenges


Celestial Ore: Excavated!

Mine 1 piece of Celestial Ore on Terra Nimbus.

500 Stars

The Sky's the Limit

Mine 5 pieces of Celestial Ore on Terra Nimbus.

800 Stars

Diamond: Excavated!

Obtain 1 Diamond by mining on Terra Nimbus.

500 Stars

Challenge locked!

500 Stars


| |

| [1006] Woodcutter Challenges |

| |



| Rank | Stars | Life Bonuses |


| Novice | 0 | N/A |

| Fledgling | 100 | Strength +2, Dexterity +1 |

| Apprentice | 300 | Strength +4, Dexterity +2 |

| Adept | 1100 | Strength +6, Dexterity +3 |

| Expert | 4500 | Strength +8, Dexterity +4 |

| Master | 9000 | Strength +12, Dexterity +6 |

| Hero | 15000 | Strength +16, Dexterity +8 |

| Legend | 24000 | Strength +20, Dexterity +10 |



Novice Challenges


Fledgling Woodcutter

Visit Heyho, the Woodcutter Master, and learn how to swing an axe.

100 Stars


Fledgling Challenges


Chop Chop

Use the Axe Bomber technique (press (X)) 10 times.

30 Stars

Oak's on You

Cut and gather 5 Oak Logs from around Castele.

30 Stars

Strong as Oak

Cut and gather 10 Oaks Logs from around Castele.

50 Stars

Going for Oak

Cut and gather 15 Oak Logs from around Castele.

100 Stars

Aged to Perfection

Cut and gather an Elder Oak Log from around Castele or in the


80 Stars

Elder and Wiser

Cut and gather 3 Elder Oak Logs from around Castele or in the


160 Stars


Apprentice Challenges


Charge It

Hold down (X) and release to perform a powerful charged attack 10


50 Stars

A Pine Reward

Cut and gather a Pine Log from areas such as Mount Snowpeak or the

West Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

Pining Away

Cut and gather 5 Pine Logs from areas such as Mount Snowpeak or the

West Grassy Plains.

80 Stars
Pine Pro

Cut and gather 10 Pine Logs from areas such as Mount Snowpeak or the

West Grassy Plains.

120 Stars

Aged like a Fine Pine

Cut and gather an Elder Pine Log from a Great Pine on Mount Snowpeak.

160 Stars

Aged like a Fine Pine

Cut and gather 3 Elder Pine Logs from Great Pines on Mount Snowpeak.

180 Stars

Pine Solved

As a Woodcutter, cut down a Great Pine on Mount Snowpeak and then cash

in the Bounty.

160 Stars

Fifty Felled

Fell 50 trees.

180 Stars

Sacred Harvest

As a Woodcutter, cut down a Sacred Earth Tree in the West Grassy

Plains and then cash in the Bounty.

250 Stars


Adept Challenges

Palm Down

Cut and gather a Palm Log from areas such as Port Puerto or Tortuga


80 Stars

Palm Down

Cut and gather 5 Palm Logs from areas such as Port Puerto or Tortuga


120 Stars

Pine o' Palm

Cut and gather 10 Palm Logs from areas such as Port Puerto or Tortuga


250 Stars

Precious Palm

Cut and gather an Elder Palm Log from a Palm Tree or a Great Palm


250 Stars

Palm Trio

Cut and gather 3 Elder Palm Logs from Palm Trees or a Great Palm


300 Stars

Palm It Off

As a Woodcutter, cut down a Great Palm Tree on Tortuga Archipelago

and then cash in the Bounty.

300 Stars
Taste of Sugar

Cut and gather a Sugar Log from areas such as the Al Maajik Outskirts

or the Aridian Desert.

100 Stars

Sap Happy

Cut and gather 5 Sugar Logs from areas such as the Al Maajik Outskirts

or the Aridian Desert.

200 Stars

Sweet Success

Cut and gather 10 Sugar Logs from areas such as the Al Maajik


or the Aridian Desert.

300 Stars

Sugar Buzz

Cut and gather an Elder Sugar Log from a Sugar Tree or a Great Sugar

Tree in the Aridian Desert.

300 Stars

Sugar Stash

Cut and gather 3 Elder Sugar Logs from Sugar Trees or Great Sugar

Trees in the Aridian Desert.

400 Stars

Sappy Ending

As a Woodcutter, cut down a Great Sugar Tree in the Aridian Desert and

then cash in the Bounty.

400 Stars
Elderwood's Eldest

As a Woodcutter, cut down a Great Elderwood Tree in the Elderwood and

then cash in the Bounty.

500 Stars


Expert Challenges



Hold down (X) to double-charge and then release to perform a more

powerful attack 10 times.

100 Stars

Digging Deep

Cut and gather a Desert Log from the Subterranean Lake south of the

Aridian Desert.

100 Stars

Lumber from Down Under

Cut and gather 5 Desert Logs from the Subterranean Lake south of the

Aridian Desert.

150 Stars

Water Logged

Cut and gather 10 Desert Logs from the Subterranean Lake south of the

Aridian Desert.

300 Stars
Old Sand

Gather an Elder Desert Log from a Desert Tree or Great Desert Tree in

the Subterranean Lake.

300 Stars

Cut and Dried

Gather 3 Elder Desert Logs from Desert Trees or Great Desert Trees in

the Subterranean Lake.

500 Stars

Grand Sand

As a Woodcutter, cut down a Great Desert Tree in the Subterranean

Lake and then cash in the Bounty.

500 Stars

Snow Easy Task

Cut and gather a Fir Log from the Mount Snowpeak Summit.

120 Stars


Cut and gather 5 Fir Logs from the Mount Snowpeak Summit.

200 Stars

Ten Fir 10

Cut and gather 10 Fir Logs from the Mount Snowpeak Summit.

350 Stars

Fir Believer

Cut and gather an Elder Fir Log from a White Fir or a Great Fir Tree

on the Mount Snowpeak Summit.

350 Stars
Fir Sure

Cut and gather 3 Elder Fir Logs from a White Fir or a Great Fir Tree

on the Mount Snowpeak Summit.

500 Stars

Final Fir

As a Woodcutter, cut down a Great Fir Tree on the Mount Snowpeak

Summit and then turn in the Bounty.

500 Stars

Challenge locked!

750 Stars

Challenge locked!

750 Stars


Master Challenges


Charge 'n' Chop

With your Special Skill Gauge full, press (X) to perform your Special

Skill 10 times.

150 Stars

Meet the Mangroves

Cut and gather a Mangrove Log from Deepsea Cave on Tortuga


150 Stars
Mangrove Trove

Cut and gather 5 Mangrove Logs from Deepsea Cave on Tortuga


250 Stars

Mangrove Madness

Cut and gather 10 Mangrove Logs from Deepsea Cave on Tortuga


400 Stars

Old Mangrove

Collect an Elder Mangrove Log from an Mangrove or a Great Mangrove

in Deepsea Cave.

400 Stars

Mangrove Master

Collect 3 Elder Mangrove Logs from Mangroves or a Great Mangroves

in Deepsea Cave.

600 Stars

Manly Mangrove

As a Woodcutter, cut down a Great Mangrove in Deepsea Cave and then

cash in the Bounty.

600 Stars

Lone Star

Cut and gather a Starry Log on Cacto Cove off the coast of Al Maajik.

150 Stars

Star Me Up
Cut and gather 5 Starry Logs on Cacto Cove off the coast of Al Maajik.

250 Stars


Cut and gather 10 Starry Logs on Cacto Cove off the coast of Al Maajik.

150 Stars

Star Struck

Cut and gather an Elder Starry Log from a Starry Tree or a Great

Starry Tree on Cacto Cove.

400 Stars

Three Peat

Cut and gather 3 Elder Starry Logs from Starry Trees or Great Starry

Trees on Cacto Cove.

500 Stars

Solar Flair

As a Woodcutter, cut down a Great Starry Tree on Cacto Cove and then

cash in the Bounty.

500 Stars

Challenge locked!

900 Stars

Terrifying Timber

As a Woodcutter, cut down a Sinister Tree deep within the Elderwood

and then cash in the Bounty.

1200 Stars

Hero Challenges


Touch the Sky

Cut and gather a Skytree Log from the floating island of Terra Nimbus.

200 Stars

Sky Five

Cut and gather 5 Skytree Logs from the floating island of Terra Nimbus.

400 Stars

Touch the Sky

Cut and gather 10 Skytree Logs from the floating island of Terra


600 Stars

Sky Sage

Cut and gather an Elder Skytree Log from a Skytree or Great Skytree

on Terra Nimbus.

600 Stars

Wise Skies

Cut and gather 3 Elder Skytree Logs from a Skytrees or Great Skytrees

on Terra Nimbus.

800 Stars

Clearing the Air

As a Woodcutter, cut down a Great Skytree on Terra Nimbus and then cash

in the Bounty.

800 Stars
Axe to the Max

Fell 500 trees.

1000 Stars

Sky Spirit

As a Woodcutter, cut down a Celestial Tree on Terra Nimbus and then

cash in the Bounty.

2000 Stars


| |

| [1007] Angler Challenges |

| |



| Rank | Stars | Life Bonuses |


| Novice | 0 | N/A |

| Fledgling | 100 | Intelligence +2, Focus +1 |

| Apprentice | 400 | Intelligence +4, Focus +2 |

| Adept | 900 | Intelligence +6, Focus +3 |

| Expert | 2700 | Intelligence +8, Focus +4 |

| Master | 5500 | Intelligence +12, Focus +6 |

| Hero | 8000 | Intelligence +16, Focus +8 |

| Legend | 13000 | Intelligence +20, Focus +10 |


Novice Challenges


Fishing for a New Master

Prove yourself to the Fisherman Sage by showing off some Angler


100 Stars


Fledgling Challenges


Counter Hook!

Execute a Counter Hook 10 times, which is one by pressing the (A)

Button the moment the fish bites.

30 Stars

First Batch of Fish

Catch 5 Castele Crucians, which can be found in waters around Castele.

30 Stars

Crucian Expert

Catch 10 Castele Crucians, which can be found in waters around Castele.

50 Stars

Your First Carp

Catch a Castele Carp, which can be found all around Castele.

30 Stars
A Haul of Carp

Catch 5 Castele Carp, which can be found all around Castele.

50 Stars

Your First Sweetfish

Catch a Plains Sweetfish, which can be found in the Grassy Plains.

30 Stars

School of Sweetfish

Catch 5 Plains Sweetfish, which can be found in the Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

What a Trophy!

Catch the rare Ornamental Carp, which is said to swom in the Castele


50 Stars

A Juicy Catch

Catch an Applefish on the Grassy Plains.

50 Stars


Apprentice Challenges


Pull It Quickly!

Use Quick Pull ((X) charged attack) 10 times when fishing.

50 Stars

Your First Eel

Catch a Plains Eel, which is sometimes found in the West Grassy Plains.

50 Stars

Your First Eel

Catch 5 Plains Eels, which is sometimes found in the West Grassy


70 Stars

Your First Elderwood Trout

Catch an Elderwood Trout, which can be found in the Elderwood.

50 Stars

A Haul of Elderwood Trout

Catch 5 Elderwood Trouts, which can be found in the Elderwood.

70 Stars

Your First Catfish

Catch a Catfish, which can be found in Haniwa Cave.

50 Stars

A Cache of Catfish

Catch 5 Catfish, which can be found in Haniwa Cave.

70 Stars

The Rare Rainbow

Catch a rare Rainbow Trout, which is sometimes found in the Elderwood.

80 Stars

Lord of the Forest

As an Angler, catch a Forest Lordfish and then cash in the Bounty.

150 Stars

Adept Challenges


First Puerto Bream

Catch a Puerto Bream, sometimes found in waters around Port Puerto or

Tortuga Archipelago.

50 Stars

Catch 5 Puerto Bream, sometimes found in waters around Port Puerto or

Tortuga Archipelago.

80 Stars


Catch the ultrarare Pirate Carp, sometimes sighted in waters around

Port Puerto.

120 Stars

Small Fry of the Sea

Catch a Sardine, commonly found in waters around Port Puerto.

80 Stars

Big Catch of Small Fry

Catch 5 Sardines, commonly found in waters around Port Puerto.

120 Stars


Expert Challenges

Coming soon!


Master Challenges


Coming soon!


| |

| [1008] Cook Challenges |

| |



| Rank | Stars | Life Bonuses |


| Novice | 0 | N/A |

| Fledgling | 100 | Focus +2, Dexterity +1 |

| Apprentice | 500 | Focus +4, Dexterity +2 |

| Adept | 2200 | Focus +6, Dexterity +3 |

| Expert | 6000 | Focus +8, Dexterity +4 |

| Master | 15000 | Focus +12, Dexterity +6 |

| Hero | 25000 | Focus +16, Dexterity +8 |

| Legend | 59800 | Focus +20, Dexterity +10 |


Novice Challenges


Now You're Cooking!

Prove your cooking skills to Master Cook Alfredo.


Fledgling Challenges


A Basic Egg

Make a Boiled Egg.

50 Stars

Grill Some Meat!

Make 3 grilled meat dishes, such as Roast Mutton or Chicken Kebabs.

40 Stars

Fry Some Fish!

Make 3 grilled fish dishes, such as Grilled Crucian or Grilled


40 Stars

Serve Up Veggie Soup

Make 3 vegetable soups, such as Carrot Soup.

40 Stars

Fish Up Some Soup

Make 3 seafood soups, such as Fish Soup.

60 Stars

Quality Mutton

Roast some Mutton to make a high-quality Roast Mutton dish.

100 Stars

Roll Out That Egg

Make an Egg Roll

100 Stars

Apple Juicer

Make a bottle of Apple Juice

100 Stars

Fledgling Excellence

Make 5 dishes using the Fledgling recipes your Master taught you.

80 Stars

A Healthy Winter Stew!

Make a Winter Stew from Chicken Meat, Cows' Milk, and Carrots.

30 Stars


Apprentice Challenges


Rustle Up Some Burgers

Make 3 burgers, such as a Well-Done Burger.

70 Stars
Fish with Rustic Flair

Make 3 rustic seafood dishes, such as Rustic Trout.

70 Stars

Eggspertly Fried

Make 3 omelets, such as a Fluffy Omelet.

A Stew of Veggies

Make a high-quality Vegetable Stew from a Carrot, a Potato, and an


150 Stars

Make a high-quality Fluffy Omelet from Chicken Eggs, Cows' Milk, and a


150 Stars

A Quiche of Quality

Make a high-quality Mushroom Quiche from Chicken Dggs, Cows' Milk,

and a Forest Mushroom.

150 Stars

A Most Delightful Chicken

Make a high-quality Chicken Delight from Chicken Meat and Pine Nuts.

150 Stars

Cook Up a Fish Head

Make a Grilled Tuna Head or Swordfish Head.

250 Stars

Sashimi Times Three

Make 3 sashimi dishes, such as Tuna Sashimi. Sashimi Sets don't count
as multiple dishes.

150 Stars

Triple Quiche Special

Make 3 quiches, such as Mushroom Quiche.

200 Stars

Boil Those Veggies

Make Boiled Veggies from Carrots, Broccoli, and a Mountain Mushroom.

200 Stars.

Nutty Mutton

Make a high-quality Juicy Lamb dish, which is made from Mutton and

Pine Nuts.

200 Stars

Apprentice Excellence

Make 10 dishes based on Apprentice recipes.

250 Stars

A Superlative Soup

Make a high-quality Tomato Soup from a Tomato, Springwater, and a Bell


200 Stars

Perfect Those Veggies

Cook a high-quality Boiled Veggies dish, made from Carrots, Broccoli,

and Mountain Mushrooms.

Adept Challenges


Poultry Pairing on Rice

Cook a Chicken & Egg on Rice, which is made from Royal Eggs, Chicken

Meat, and Port Rice.

250 Stars

Bursting with Southern Flavors

Cook a Southern Stew, which is made from Mutton, Cows' Milk, and a


250 Stars

Sardine Special

Make a Sardine Pâté dish from Sardines and Palm Nuts.

250 Stars

Taste of Summer

Make a Summer Nectar from a Port-Town Orange, a Southern Papaya, and a

Wilk Kiwi.

250 Stars

Gratin Times Three

Make 3 gratins, such as Prawn Gratin or Port-Town Gratin.

300 Stars

Plenty of Pudding

Make 3 puddings, such as Honey Pudding.

300 Stars

Smoking-Hot Prawn
Make a Hot Prawn Bisque from the Lava Prawns found in Lava Cave.

250 Stars

Juide of the Wood

Make a Barley Juice from Grassy Plains Barley and Giant Tree Nuts,

found in the Elderwood.

250 Stars

Dino-Dish Rampage

Make 3 on-the-bone dinosaur dishes, such as T-Rex Leg.

600 Stars

Slippery Meal

Make a Grilled Eel with a Plains Eel, found in the West Grassy Plains.

900 Stars

Sushi Expert

Make 3 sushi dishes, such as Flying Fish Sushi.

450 Stars

Sunny-Side Up

Cook 3 sunny-side-up dishes, such as a Giant Fried Egg.

450 Stars

Cornucopia on the Cob

Make 10 Corn on the Cob or Legendary Corn.

450 Stars

Adept Deliciousness

Make 15 dishes using Adept recipes.

600 Stars
Cabbage on a Roll

Make a Cabbage Rolls dish from Cabbage, Beef, and Cows' Milk.

300 Stars


Expert Challenges


Coming soon!


Master Challenges


Coming soon!


| |

| [1009] Blacksmith Challenges |

| |



| Rank | Stars | Life Bonuses |


| Novice | 0 | N/A |
| Fledgling | 100 | Vitality +2, Focus +1 |

| Apprentice | 500 | Vitality +4, Focus +2 |

| Adept | 1500 | Vitality +6, Focus +3 |

| Expert | 6000 | Vitality +8, Focus +4 |

| Master | 16000 | Vitality +12, Focus +6 |

| Hero | 30000 | Vitality +16, Focus +8 |

| Legend | 59760 | Vitality +20, Focus +10 |



Novice Challenges


Ready Your Hammer!

Head to the smithy and meet with Vulcan to learn the art of tempering


100 Stars


Fledgling Challenges


Copper Basics

Use a workbench to forge 3 Bronze Ingots from Castele Copper.

30 Stars

Bronze Buddy

Craft 3 bronze tools or armor pieces, such as a Bronze Needle or a

Bronze Pickaxe.

70 Stars
Craft a Bronze Sword!

Use your skills to craft a Bronze Sword at a workbench.

30 Stars

Craft a Bronze Dagger!

Use your skills to craft a Bronze Dagger at a workbench.

30 Stars

Craft a Bronze Shield!

Use your skills to craft a Bronze Shield at a workbench.

10 Stars

Craft a Bronze Claymore!

Use your skills to craft a Bronze Claymore at a workbench.

30 Stars

Craft Leather Armor!

Craft a Lether Jerkin using Animal Hide.

30 Stars


Craft 3 leather items, such as a Leather Jerkin or Leather Boots.

80 Stars

Coppersmith Extraordinaire

Use your skills to craft a quality Bronze Hammer at a workbench.

150 Stars

Just Getting Fired Up!

Craft a total of 10 items as a Blacksmith

200 Stars


Apprentice Challenges


Iron Basics

Use a workbench to forge 5 Iron Ingots from Plains Iron.

200 Stars

Craft an Iron Hammer!

Use your skills to craft an Iron Hammer at a workbench.

150 Stars

Craft an Iron Pickaxe!

Use your skills to craft an Iron Pickaxe at a workbench.

80 Stars

Craft an Iron Needle!

Use your skills to craft an Iron Needle at a workbench.

120 Stars

Craft an Iron Frying Pan!

Use your skills to craft an Iron Frying Pan at a workbench.

80 Stars

Craft an Iron Shield!

Use your skills to craft an Iron Shield at a workbench.

50 Stars
Iron-Arms Artisan

Craft 3 iron weapons, such as an Iron Sword or an Iron Dagger.

150 Stars

Craft Iron Leg Armor!

Use your skills to craft an Iron Leg Guards at a workbench.

60 Stars

Craft an Iron Helm!

Use your skills to craft an Iron Helm at a workbench.

60 Stars

Craft an Iron Hand Armor!

Use your skills to craft an Iron Gauntlets at a workbench.

60 Stars

Craft an Iron Boots!

Use your skills to craft an Iron Boots at a workbench.

60 Stars

Premium Ironsmith

Use your skills to craft a quality Iron Hammer at a workbench.

200 Stars

Craft a Set of Iron Armor!

Use your skills to craft an Iron Cuirass at a workbench.

100 Stars


Adept Challenges

Craft Savage Leg Armor!

Craft a pair of Savage Leggings using Beast Hide.

120 Stars

Craft a Savage Headpiece!

Craft a Savage Cap using Beast Hide.

120 Stars

Craft a Savage Gauntlets!

Craft a pair of Savage Gauntlets using Beast Hide.

120 Stars

Craft a Savage Boots!

Craft a pair of Savage Boots using Beast Hide.

120 Stars

Craft Savage Armor!

Craft a Savage Brigandine using Beast Hide.

200 Stars

Craft Mermaid Leg Armor!

Craft a pair of Mermaid Leggings using Fish Scales.

250 Stars

Craft a Mermaid Helm!

Craft a Mermaid Helm using Fish Scales.

250 Stars

Craft a Pair of Mermaid Gloves!

Craft a pair of Mermaid Gloves using Fish Scales.

250 Stars

Craft a Pair of Mermaid Boots!

Craft a pair of Mermaid Boots using Fish Scales.

250 Stars

Craft a Set of Mermaid Armor!

Craft some Mermaid Mail using Fish Scales.

400 Stars

Silver Basics

Use a workbench to forge 10 Silver Ingots from Port Puerto Silver.

600 Stars

Craft a Silver Hammer!

Use your skills to craft a Silver Hammer at a workbench.

200 Stars

Sleek Silver

Use your skills to craft a Silver Dagger at a workbench.

150 Stars

Challenge locked!

150 Stars

Fight Silver with Silver

Use your skills to craft a Silver Pickaxe at a workbench.

150 Stars

Craft a Silver Needle

Use your skills to craft a Silver Needle at a workbench.

150 Stars

Have a License for That Thing?!

Use your skills to craft a Silver Claymore at a workbench.

250 Stars

Behold, the Silversmith!

Use your skills to craft a quality Silver Hammer at a workbench.

800 Stars

Shiny Protection

Use your skills to craft a Silver Shield at a workbench.

400 Stars

Two-Handed Fury

Use your skills to craft a quality Silver Claymore at a workbench.

1200 Stars


Expert Challenges


Gold Basics

Use a workbench to forge 10 Gold Ingots from Al Maajik Gold.

800 Stars

Craft Shell Armor!

Craft a Shell Cuirass using Durable Shells.

300 Stars
Challenge locked!

500 Stars

Golden Guard

Use your skills to craft a Gold at a workbench.

450 Stars

A golden Opportunity

Craft 5 gold items, such as a Gold Sword or a Gold Pickaxe.

1200 Stars

Craft a Gold Hammer!

Use your skills to craft a quality Gold Hammer at a workbench.

450 Stars

Platinum Basics

Use a workbench to forge 10 Platinum Ingots from Platinum Ore.

1000 Stars

Platinum Hit!

Use your skills to craft a Gladiator's Cuirass at a workbench.

350 Stars

Bling! Bling!

Craft 5 platinum items, such as a Fashionista's Needle or items from

the Glatiator's armor set.

1200 Stars

We Just Went Platinum!

Use your skills to craft a quality Super Hammer at a workbench.

450 Stars

Captain's Guard

Use your skills to craft a Captain's Shield and a Captain's Sword at a


1600 Stars

Straight to the Points

Use your skills to craft a Rogue's Dagger at a workbench.

1000 Stars


Use your skills to craft a Bone Sword at a workbench.

1000 Stars

The Beast Defense

Craft a Beastly Brigandine using Monster Hide.

500 Stars

Hungry like a Beast

Craft 5 pieces of Beastly armor, such as a Beastly Brigandine or a

Beastly Cap.

1200 Stars

All Clammed Up

Use your skills to craft a quality Clamm Frying Pan at a workbench.

1000 Stars

Furnace-Side Fashion

Use your skills to craft a Fashionista's Needle at a workbench.

450 Stars

Master Challenges


Coming soon!


| |

| [1010] Carpenter Challenges |

| |



| Rank | Stars | Life Bonuses |


| Novice | 0 | N/A |

| Fledgling | 100 | Vitality +2, Dexterity +1 |

| Apprentice | 600 | Vitality +4, Dexterity +2 |

| Adept | 2000 | Vitality +6, Dexterity +3 |

| Expert | 8000 | Vitality +8, Dexterity +4 |

| Master | 18000 | Vitality +12, Dexterity +6 |

| Hero | 30000 | Vitality +16, Dexterity +8 |

| Legend | 59830 | Vitality +20, Dexterity +10 |



Novice Challenges

Fledgling Carpenter

Visit Woody, the Carpenter Master, and learn how to use a saw.

100 Stars


Fledgling Challenges


Starter Saw

Make 3 Oak Beams from Oak Logs.

50 Stars

Fisherman's Friendly

Make an Oak Rod using an Oak Beam.

50 Stars

Magic Mate

Make an Oak Wand using an Oak Beam.

50 Stars

Have a Seat

Make a Wooden Chair using an Oak Beam.

50 Stars

Carpenter's Choice

Make 3 items from the Wooden furniture range, such as a Wooden Chair or

a Wooden Low Table.

150 Stars
Chop Shop

Make an Oak Axe using an Oak Beam.

50 Stars

Bow Wow

Make an Oak Bow using an Oak Beam.

50 Stars

Tools of the Trade

Make a high-quality Oak Saw using an Oak Beam.

150 Stars

Mini Master

Make 3 small items of furniture, such as a Wooden Crate or a Rubbish


150 Stars

Beam Dreams

Make a high-quality Wooden Bed from Oak Beams.

100 Stars


Apprentice Challenges


Fine Pine

Make 5 Pine Beams from Pine Logs.

100 Stars
Reel Impressive

Make a Pine Rod using a Pine Beam.

100 Stars

It's Magic

Make a Pine Wand using a Pine Beam.

100 Stars

Patch Pro

Make a Pine Rod using a Pine Beam and an Oak Beam.

100 Stars

Choppin' Time

Make a Pine Axe using a Pine Beam.

100 Stars

Target Practice

Make a Pine Bow using Pine Beams.

100 Stars

Help Yourself

Make a high-quality Pine Saw using a Pine Beam.

230 Stars

Palm Down

Make 5 Palm Beams from Palm Logs.

150 Stars

Coastal Chair

Make a Port-Town Chair using Palm Beams.

100 Stars
Tile Style

Make a Tiled Dining Table, a Tiled Low Table, and a Tiled Cabinet.

350 Stars

Port-Town Portfolio

Make a Port-Town Bed, a Port-Town Couch, and a Port-Town Wardrobe.

350 Stars

Treasured Chest

Make a Tiled Chest using Palm Beams.

100 Stars

Plenty o' Palm

Make a Palm Rod, a Palm Axe, a Palm Bow, and a Palm Wand using Palm


100 Stars

Barrel Role

Make 4 Barrels using Pine Beams.

250 Stars

I Saw That

Make a high-quality Palm Saw using a Palm Beam.

350 Stars


Adept Challenges

Sugar Rush

Make 10 Sugar beams from Sugar Logs.

400 Stars

Sweet Stroke

Make a Sugar Axe using a Sugar Beam.

400 Stars

Sweet Shot

Make a Sugar Bow using Sugar Beams.

400 Stars

Reel Sweet

Make a Sugar Rod using a Sugar Beam.

400 Stars

Sweet Spells

Make a Sugar Wand using Sugar Beams.

400 Stars

Starlight Seat

Make a Starry-Night Chair using Sugar Beams.

400 Stars

Full of Stars

Make 5 items of Starry-Night furniture, such as a Starry-Night Chair

or a Starry-Night Low Table.

400 Stars

Sweet Dreams

Make a high-quality Starry-Night Bed using Sugar Beams.

800 Stars

Mangrove Madness

Make 10 Mangrove Beams from Mangrove Logs.

600 Stars

Captain's Chair

Make a Pirate Chair using Mangrove Beams.

400 Stars

You Are a Pirate

Make 5 items of Furniture from the Pirate range, such as a Pirate Bench

or a Pirate Dining Table.

1500 Stars

Davy Jones's Locker

Make a Pirate Cabinet and a Pirate Chest using Mangrove Beams.

800 Stars

Pirate Perch

Make a Pirate Bench using Mangrove Beams.

400 Stars

Berth Right

Make a high-quality Pirate Berth using Mangrove Beams.

1200 Stars

Cutting Edge

Make a high-quality Sugar Saw using a Sugar Beam.

750 Stars

Expert Challenges


Coming soon!


Master Challenges


Coming soon!


| |

| [1011] Tailor Challenges |

| |



| Rank | Stars | Life Bonuses |


| Novice | 0 | N/A |

| Fledgling | 100 | Intelligence +1, Dexterity +2 |

| Apprentice | 500 | Intelligence +2, Dexterity +4 |

| Adept | 2000 | Intelligence +3, Dexterity +6 |

| Expert | 5000 | Intelligence +4, Dexterity +8 |

| Master | 13000 | Intelligence +6, Dexterity +12 |

| Hero | 25000 | Intelligence +8, Dexterity +16 |

| Legend | 58450 | Intelligence +10, Dexterity +20 |



Novice Challenges


Fledgling Tailor

Visit the Tailor Master, Madam Purl, and learn how to sew.

100 Stars


Fledgling Challenges


Cotton Creation

Make 3 pieces of Dandelion Cotton using Dandelion Puffs.

30 Stars

Dandelion Scion

Make 3 cotton items of clothing, such as a Castele Blouse or a Castele


30 Stars

Castele Ladieswear

Make a Castele Blouse and a Castele Skirt.

50 Stars

Castele Menswear
Make a Castele Shirt and a pair of Castele Slacks.

50 Stars

Artisanal Ambitions

Make an Artisan's Apron and a pair of Artisan's Puffy Shorts.

30 Stars

Boho Chic

Make 3 pieces of Woven-Straw Fabric using Straw Thread.

50 Stars

Castele Boho Chic

Make 3 Woven-Straw Fabric items, such as Castele Slacks or a Castle


100 Stars

Teeming Tailor

Make 10 clothing or furniture items using the Fledgling patterns your

Master taught you.

100 Stars

Highland Habit

Make a Highland Top, a Highland Kilt, a Highland Beret, and a pair of

Highland Loafers.

150 Stars

Artisan's Accoutrements

Make 1 quality Artisan's Apron.

100 Stars

Apprentice Challenges


Have You Any Wool?

Make 5 pieces of Wool from Sheep Fleece.

100 Stars

Three Bags Full

Make 3 Wool items, such as Harbor Honey/Harbor Hunk pieces or Dueling

collection pieces.

120 Stars

Harbor Honey Style

Make a Harbor Honey Blouse and a Harbor Honey Skirt.

120 Stars

Harbor Hunk Style

Make a Harbor Hunk Doublet and a pair of Harbor Hunk Slacks.

120 Stars

Quilt While You're Ahead

Make a Quilted Coat and a pair of Quilted Bottoms.

50 Stars

Cozy Clothes

Make a Quilted Hat, a pair of Quilted Mittens, and a pair of Quilted


150 Stars

Dueling Dressers
Make a Dueling Doublet, a pair of Dueling Bottoms, and a pair of

Dueling Boots

150 Stars

Boardwalk Catwalk

Make a pair of Harbor Sandals.

50 Stars

Slick Silk

Make 5 pieces of Silk from Silk Thread.

100 Stars.

Silk Stars

Make 5 items of clothing out of Silk, such as a Netted Hat or a

Seafarer's Doublet.

200 Stars

Tireless Tailor

Make 10 clothing or furniture items using the Apprentice patterns your

Master taught you.

300 Stars.

En Garde!

Make 1 quality Dueling Doublet.

150 Stars

High-Class Honey

Make a quality Harbor Honey Blouse and Harbor Honey Skirt.

400 Stars

Port Puerto Patterns

Make a Seafarer's Doublet, Seafarer's Capris, a Netted Hat, and a

pair of Warrior's Sandals.

150 Stars


Adept Challenges


Avant-Garde Garb

Make a Twin-Tail Jacket, a pair of Watermeloons, and a pair of

Ribbon-Laced Shoes.

200 Stars

Call for Cotton

Make 10 pieces of Sunny Cotton out of Sunny Puffs.

250 Stars

Sunshiny Finery

Make 5 Sunny Cotton items, such as a Puffy-Sleeved Top or something

from the Chic Maajik line.

300 Stars

Cap in hand

Make 1 Cup Cap.

200 Stars

Bobbin's Bear

Make 1 Teddy Bear. Ask Bobbin for the pattern!

200 Stars
Desert Designer

Make a Chic Maajik Loose Top and a Chic Maajik Skirt.

250 Stars

Dapper Desert Don

Make a Chic Maajik Top and a pair of Chic Maajik Capris.

250 Stars

Sea Silk

Make 10 pieces of Marine Silk out of Marine Thread.

400 Stars


Make a pair of Mules and a pair of Beach Sandals.

150 Stars

His and Hers Beachwear

Make a Holiday Top, a Sea Sarong, a Holiday Shirt, and a pair of Sea


200 Stars

Coast of Arms

Make 1 Coastal Brigandine.

150 Stars

Spinnin' Linens

Make 10 pieces of Linen out of Flax Thread.

500 Stars

Tailor Made

Make 10 clothing or furniture items using the Adept patterns your

Master taught you.

500 Stars

Bobbin's Cuddly Turtle

Make 1 Cuddly Sea Turtle. Ask Bobbin for the pattern!

250 Stars

Desert Designs

Make a Linen Tunic, a pair of Linen Bottoms, a Desert Headdress, and

a pair of Moccasins.

350 Stars

Fine Frosty Fashion

Make 1 Frigid Brigandine.

200 Stars


Expert Challenges


Gift of the Goat

Make 10 pieces of Cashmere out of Goat Fleece.

600 Stars

Lap of Luxury

Make 5 items of clothing out of Cashmere, such as a Tuxedo or a Pretty

Princess Dress.

700 Stars

Skirting the Issue

Make a Sunshine Skirt, a Striped Skirt, a Lined Skirt, and a Checkered


400 Stars

Fancy Pants (and Shoes)

Make a Tuxedo, a pair of Formal Slacks, and a pair of Formal Dress


200 Stars

Belle of the Ball

Make a Pretty Princess Dress and a pair of Castele Heels.

200 Stars

Short and Sweet

Make 1 Short Cape.

150 Stars

Golden Sheep

Make 10 pieces of Flare Wool out of Golden-Sheep Fleece.

600 Stars

Flair for Flare Wool

Make 5 items of clothing out of Flare Wool, such as Magic Mittens or

something from the Sandy line.

900 Stars

Bobbin's Toy Camel

Make 1 Toy Camel. Ask Bobbin for the pattern!

300 Stars

Challenge locked!
500 Stars

Ladies' Loungewear

Make a quality Pretty Princess Dress and a pair of Castele Heels.

500 Stars

Adventurer's Garb

Make 1 Sandy Brigandine.

400 Stars

Work Your Magic

Make a pair of Magic Mittens and a pair of Magic Shoes.

600 Stars

All Smiles

Make 1 Grinning Hat.

400 Stars

Black Goat's Gift

Make 10 pieces of Black Cashmere from Black-Goat Fleece.

1200 Stars

Extra Extravagance

Make 5 items of clothing out of Black Cashmere, such as something from

the Grotto line.

2000 Stars

Skirt Skills

Make a Banded Skirt and a Denim Long Skirt.

1200 Stars
Shark Chic

Make 1 Shark Hat.

400 Stars

Well-Trained Tailor

Make 10 clothing or furniture items using the Expert patterns your

Master taught you.

800 Stars

Grotto Aficionado

Make 1 Grotto Brigandine.

500 Stars

Majestic Maharaja

Make a Maharaja Robe, a pair of Maharaja Bottoms, a Maharaja Turban,

and a pair of Maharaja Shoes.

2000 Stars

Fire Meets Water

Make a Flame Robe, a Flame Hood, an Aqua Robe, and an Aqua Hood.

2000 Stars


Master Challenges


Coming soon!

| |

| [1012] Alchemist Challenges |

| |



| Rank | Stars | Life Bonuses |


| Novice | 0 | N/A |

| Fledgling | 100 | Intelligence +2, Dexterity +1 |

| Apprentice | 700 | Intelligence +4, Dexterity +2 |

| Adept | 2200 | Intelligence +6, Dexterity +3 |

| Expert | 6500 | Intelligence +8, Dexterity +4 |

| Master | 13000 | Intelligence +12, Dexterity +6 |

| Hero | 25000 | Intelligence +16, Dexterity +8 |

| Legend | 58620 | Intelligence +20, Dexterity +10 |



Novice Challenges


Fledgling Alchemist

Visit the Master Alchemist, Flamel, and learn the basics of alchemy.

100 Stars


Fledgling Challenges

Heal Thyself

Make 3 HP Potions from Healweeds and Springwater.

50 Stars

Poison, Begone!

Make 1 Poison Antidote from a Cureweed, Antidote Berries, and


50 Stars

Stun Undone

Make 1 Stun Antidote from a Cureweed, Antistun Berries, and


50 Stars

Rise and Shine

Make 1 Sleep Antidote from a Cureweed, Wake-Up Berries, and


50 Stars

Charmed, I'm Sure

Make 1 Charm from a Suspicious Object and a Leather String.

20 Stars

Quality Control

Make 1 quality HP Potion from a Healweed and Springwater.

50 Stars

Bombs Away!

Make 1 Mini Bomb from Minty Ore, Green Gel, and Animal Droppings.

100 Stars
Perpetual Pep

Make 3 SP Potions from Vitalweeds and Springwater.

150 Stars

Flask Task

Make 1 Science Flask from Blue Stones, Springwater, and a Castele


100 Stars

Notorious Alchemist

Make 10 alchemy items using the Fledgling formulas your Master taught


50 Stars

Make a Spectacle

Make 1 pair of Round Specs from Yellow Stones and Castele Copper.

Claw Chic

Make 1 Claw Necklace from Animal Claws, an Animal Fang, and a Leather


150 Stars

Flamel's Favorite

Make 1 quality Mini Bomb from Minty Ore, Green Gel, and Animal


150 Stars


Apprentice Challenges

HP Times Three

Make 3 Hi-HP Potions from Healweeds and Mountain Springwater.

100 Stars

Nap Attack

Make 1 Sleep Bomb from Minty Ore, Blue Gel, and Sleep Powder.

100 Stars

Flask in a Flash

Make 1 Inventor's Flask from Blue Stones, Green Gel, and Rejuvenating


100 Stars

Quality Time

Make 1 quality Hi-HP Potion from Healweeds and Mountain Springwater.

150 Stars

Back to Life

Make 1 Life Cure from Lifeweeds, Little Tails, and Mountain


100 Stars

Savage Style

Make 1 Savage Necklace from Hard Claws, a Thick Fang, and a Leather


200 Stars

Aquamarine Dreams

Make 1 Aquamarine Ring from an Aquamarine and an Iron Ingot.

50 Stars

Topaz Triumph

Make 1 Topaz Ring from a Topaz and an Iron Ingot.

50 Stars

Sweet Stamina

Make 3 Hi-SP Potions from Vitalweeds and Mountain Springwater.

300 Stars

Assiduous Alchemist

Make 10 alchemy items using the Apprentice formulas your Master taught


150 Stars

Flamel's Fiery Jewels

Make 1 quality Aquamarine Ring and 1 quality Topaz Ring.

600 Stars


Adept Challenges


Stylish Sight

Make 1 pair of Stylish Specs from Blue Stones, Blue Gel, and Port

Puerto Silver.

150 Stars

Implicit Crystals

Make 1 Amethyst Ring from an Amethyst, Water Mana, and a Silver Ingot.
50 Stars

Sea to Believe

Make 1 pair of diving Goggles from Purple Stones, Glittering Coral,

and Beast Hide.

100 Stars

Fanciful Flower

Make 1 Flower Hair Clip from Port Puerto Blooms, a Fancy Ribbon, and a

Rainbow Shell.

100 Stars

Heal to Heal

Make 3 Healing Powders from Healweeds and Magic Powder.

500 Stars

More Power to You

Make 1 quality Power Aid from Alcheweeds, Hard Claws, and Saltless


300 Stars

Impossible to Resist

Make 1 quality Resistance Aid from Alcheweed, Saltless Seawater, and a

Thick Shell.

300 Stars

Magic Touch

Make 1 quality Magic Aid from Alcheweeds, Saltless Seawater, and a

Mysterious Object.

300 Stars
Dangerous Detonation

Make 1 Poison Bomb from Quality Minty Ore, Purple Gel, and Poison


200 Stars

Blown Away

Make 1 Stun Bomb using Quality Minty Ore, Yellow Gel, and Stun Powder.

200 Stars

Burst Your Bubble

Make 1 Bubbling Flask from Purple Stones, Blue Gel, and a Port Puerto


200 Stars

Ingenious Alchemist

Make 15 alchemy items using the Adept formulas your Master taught you.

700 Stars

Coral Creation

Make 1 Coral Necklace from Pretty Coral, Little Shells, and a String.

200 Stars

Bombs Away! Part 2

Make 1 Medium Bomb from Quality Minty Ore, Red Gel, and Combustible


350 Stars

Bundle of Energy

Make some quality Energy Powder from Vitalweeds and Magic Powder.

450 Stars
Rejuvenation Salvation

Make 3 Panaceas from Cureweeds, Saltless Seawater, and Rejuvenating


800 Stars

Sovereign of the Sea

Make 1 Marine Necklace from Stunning Coral, Durable Shells, and a


350 Stars

Charm Challenge

Make 1 Durable Charm from Mysterious Objects and a Leather String.

500 Stars

Bomb Batch

Make 1 quality Poison Bomb, 1 quality Stun Bomb, and 1 quality Sleep


1000 Stars


Expert Challenges


Healing Potion Notion

Make 3 Maxheal Dusts from Healweeds, Magic Powder, and Giant Tree Nuts.

800 Stars

Beastly Behavior

Make 1 Beastly Necklace from Sharp Claws, a Strong Fang, and a Leather

350 Stars

Power Play

Make 3 Power Sprays from Arch Alcheweeds, Sharp Claws, and Demonic


800 Stars

Pièce de Résistance

Make 3 Resistance Sprays from Arch Alcheweeds, a Timeworn Shell, and

Demonic Powder.

800 Stars

Magic Machinations

Make 3 Magic Sprays using Arch Alcheweeds, a Curious Object, and

Demonic Powder.

800 Stars

Challenge locked!

300 Stars

Industrious Alchemist

Make 15 alchemy items using the Expert formulas your Master taught you.

1800 Stars

View Ado

Make a quality Classy Monocle from Blue Stones, Yellow Gel, and Al

Maajik Gold.

350 Stars

Fashion Glasses

Make 1 pair of quality Black-Rimmed Glasses from Blues Stones, Black

Gel, and Platinum Ore.

450 Stars.

Rise of the Ruby

Make 1 Ruby Ring from a Ruby, Fire Mana, and a Platinum Ingot.

150 Stars

Sapphire Desire

Make 1 Sapphire Ring from a Sapphire, Wind Mana, and a Platinum Ingot.

150 Stars

Emerald Enthralled

Make 1 Emerald Ring from an Emerald, Earth Mana, and a Platinum Ingot.

150 Stars

Coral Exam

Make 1 quality Sea Necklace from Glittering Coral, Rainbow Shells, and

a String.

450 Stars

Accessor Treasury

Make 1 Reinforced Charm from Curious Objects and a Wonderful String.

150 Stars

Energy to the MAX!

Make 3 Hi-Energy Powders from Vitalweeds, Magic Powder, and Giant Tree


1000 Stars

Jewel Renewal

Make 1 quality RUby Ring, 1 quality Sapphire Ring, and 1 quality

Emerald Ring.

1100 Stars


Master Challenges


Coming soon!


| |

| [1100] Skills |

| |


For now, I am using this format for the skills. Once I touch some

things up, I will be putting all of this in a more tidied up table

format, as I have noticed that some jobs share the same EXP table.

EXP Values marked with an astericks (*) are predicted values. This

game seems to follow certain patterns for numbers in their EXP Charts,

and these Skills are no different. If there are any mistakes, please

let me know! I will leave this chart here and eliminate the astericks

as I play myself. (The reason why there are *'s in some gaps is due

to me leveling up the skill without even realizing it, resulting me in

losing the value for the previous level. This is what happens when I

have fun...)

Common Skills





Press (B) while moving to break into a full sprint. Raise your skill

level to decrease the amount of SP consumed when dashing.

Level 1 / 500 EXP

Level 2 / 700 EXP

Level 3 / 1000 EXP

Level 4 / 1400 EXP

Level 5 / 1900 EXP

Level 6 / 2500 EXP

Level 7 / 3200 EXP

Level 8 / 4000 EXP

Level 9 / 4900 EXP

Level 10 / 5900 EXP

Level 11 / 7000 EXP

Level 12 / 8200 EXP

Level 13 / 9500 EXP

Level 14 / 10900 EXP

Level 15 / MAX EXP




Press and hold (B) to switch to the Sneaking stance, so that you can
sneak past monsters. Raise your skill level to reduce the amount of SP


Level 1 / 500 EXP

Level 2 / 700 EXP

Level 3 / 1000 EXP

Level 4 / 1400 EXP

Level 5 / 1900 EXP

Level 6 / 2500 EXP

Level 7 / 3200 EXP *

Level 8 / 4000 EXP *

Level 9 / 4900 EXP *

Level 10 / 5900 EXP *

Level 11 / 7000 EXP *

Level 12 / 8200 EXP *

Level 13 / 9500 EXP *

Level 14 / 10900 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *




Your proficiency at mining. Raise your skill level to increase your

selection of pickaxes and your ability to mine larger, more difficult


Level 1 / 500 EXP

Level 2 / 700 EXP

Level 3 / 1000 EXP

Level 4 / 1400 EXP

Level 5 / 1900 EXP

Level 6 / 2500 EXP

Level 7 / 3200 EXP

Level 8 / 4000 EXP

Level 9 / 4900 EXP

Level 10 / 5900 EXP

Level 11 / 7000 EXP

Level 12 / 8200 EXP *

Level 13 / 9500 EXP *

Level 14 / 10900 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *




Your proficiency at woodcutting. Raise your skill level to increase

your selection of axes and chop down sturdier trees!

Level 1 / 500 EXP

Level 2 / 700 EXP

Level 3 / 1000 EXP

Level 4 / 1400 EXP

Level 5 / 1900 EXP

Level 6 / 2500 EXP

Level 7 / 3200 EXP

Level 8 / 4000 EXP

Level 9 / 4900 EXP

Level 10 / 5900 EXP

Level 11 / 7000 EXP *

Level 12 / 8200 EXP *

Level 13 / 9500 EXP *

Level 14 / 10900 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *




Your proficiency at fishing. Raise your skill level to increase

your selection of fishing rods and catch more elusive fish!

Level 1 / 500 EXP

Level 2 / 700 EXP

Level 3 / 1000 EXP

Level 4 / 1400 EXP

Level 5 / 1900 EXP

Level 6 / 2500 EXP

Level 7 / 3200 EXP

Level 8 / 4000 EXP *

Level 9 / 4900 EXP *

Level 10 / 5900 EXP *

Level 11 / 7000 EXP *

Level 12 / 8200 EXP *

Level 13 / 9500 EXP *

Level 14 / 10900 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Battle Skills


Dagger Skill


Your proficiency with daggers. Raise your skill level to increase your

selection of daggers and boost your attack power!

Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Longsword Skill


Your proficiency with longswords. Raise your skill level to increase

your selection of swords and boost your attack power!

Level 1 / 800 EXP

Level 2 / 1100 EXP

Level 3 / 1500 EXP

Level 4 / 2000 EXP


Shield Skill


Your proficiency with shields. Raise your skill level to increase your

selection of shields and decrease the damage taken when blocking!

Level 1 /

Level 2 / 600 EXP


Greatsword Skill


Your proficiency with greatswords. Raise your skill level to increase

your selection of greatswords and boost your attack power!

Level 1 / 500 EXP *

Level 2 / 800 EXP *

Level 3 / 1100 EXP *

Level 4 / 1500 EXP

Level 5 / 2000 EXP *

Level 6 / 2600 EXP

Level 7 / 3300 EXP *

Level 8 / 4100 EXP *

Level 9 / 5000 EXP *

Level 10 / 6000 EXP *

Level 11 / 7100 EXP *

Level 12 / 8300 EXP *

Level 13 / 9600 EXP *

Level 14 / 11000 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Archery Skill


Your proficiency with a bow and arrow. Raise your skill level to

increase your selection of bows and boost your attack power!

Level 1 / 500 EXP

Level 2 / 800 EXP

Level 3 / 1100 EXP

Level 4 / 1500 EXP

Level 5 / 2000 EXP

Level 6 / 2600 EXP

Level 7 / 3300 EXP

Level 8 / 4100 EXP

Level 9 / 5000 EXP

Level 10 / 6000 EXP

Level 11 / 7100 EXP

Level 12 / 8300 EXP

Level 13 / 9600 EXP

Level 14 / 11000 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *

Magic Skill


Your proficiency with casting magic. Raise your skill level to

increase your selection of wands, boost spell damage, and decrease

the SP cost of spells.

Level 1 / 500 EXP

Level 2 / 700 EXP


Fire Magic


Your proficiency at casting fire magic. Raise your skill level to

strengthen your fire elemental spells!

Level 1 / 400 EXP


Water Magic


Your proficiency at casting Water magic. Raise your skill level to

strengthen your Water elemental spells!

Level 1 / 400 EXP


Wind Magic


Your proficiency at casting Wind magic. Raise your skill level to

strengthen your Wind elemental spells!

Level 1 / 400 EXP


Earth Magic


Your proficiency at casting Earth magic. Raise your skill level to

strengthen your Earth elemental spells!

Level 1 / 400 EXP


Creation Skills





Your proficiency at cooking. Raise your skill level to increase your

selection of frying pans and improve your cooking speed!

Level 1 / 500 EXP

Level 2 / 700 EXP

Level 3 / 1000 EXP

Level 4 / 1400 EXP *

Level 5 / 1900 EXP *

Level 6 / 2500 EXP *

Level 7 / 3200 EXP *

Level 8 / 4000 EXP *

Level 9 / 4900 EXP *

Level 10 / 5900 EXP *

Level 11 / 7000 EXP *

Level 12 / 8200 EXP *

Level 13 / 9500 EXP *

Level 14 / 10900 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Meat Cuisine


Gives you access to meat recipes. The higher your skill level, the

better your chanes of cooking high-quality meals!

Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Seafood Cuisine


Gives you access to seafood recipes. The higher your skill level, the

better your chances of preparing high-quality meals!

Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Egg & Veggie Cuisine


Gives you access to egg and vegetable recipes. The higher your skill

level, the better your chances of crafting high-quality items!

Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *




Your proficiency at smithing. Raise your skill level to increase your

selection of hammers and improve your crafting speed!

Level 1 / 500 EXP

Level 2 / 700 EXP

Level 3 / 1000 EXP *

Level 4 / 1400 EXP *

Level 5 / 1900 EXP *

Level 6 / 2500 EXP *

Level 7 / 3200 EXP *

Level 8 / 4000 EXP *

Level 9 / 4900 EXP *

Level 10 / 5900 EXP *

Level 11 / 7000 EXP *

Level 12 / 8200 EXP *

Level 13 / 9500 EXP *

Level 14 / 10900 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Weapon Smithing


Gives you access to metal-weapons crafts, like swords and daggers. The

higher your skill level, the better your chances of crafing

high-quality items!

Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Armor Smithing


Gives you access to defense-equipment crafts, like shields and armor.

The higher your skill level, the better your chances of crafting

high-quality items!

Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Metal Smithing


Gives you access to crafting-tool crafts, like pickaxes and needles.

The higher your skill level, the better your chances of crafting
high-quality items!

Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *




Your proficiency at carpentry. Raise your skill level to incrase your

selection of saws and improve your crafting speed!

Level 1 / 500 EXP

Level 2 / 700 EXP

Level 3 / 1000 EXP *

Level 4 / 1400 EXP *

Level 5 / 1900 EXP *

Level 6 / 2500 EXP *

Level 7 / 3200 EXP *

Level 8 / 4000 EXP *

Level 9 / 4900 EXP *

Level 10 / 5900 EXP *

Level 11 / 7000 EXP *

Level 12 / 8200 EXP *

Level 13 / 9500 EXP *

Level 14 / 10900 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Furniture Carpentry


Gives you access to furniture crafts, like tables and beds. The higher

your skill level, the better your chances of crafting high-quality


Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Weapons Carpentry


Gives you access to wooden-weapons crafts, like wands and bows. The

higher your skill level, the better your chances of crafting

high-quality items!

Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Tools Carpentry

Gives you access to wooden-tools crafts, like fishing rods. The higher

your skill level, the better your chances of crafting high-quality


Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *




Your proficiency at sewing. Raise your skill level to incrase your

selection of needles and improve your crafting speed!

Level 1 / 500 EXP

Level 2 / 700 EXP

Level 3 / 1000 EXP *

Level 4 / 1400 EXP *

Level 5 / 1900 EXP *

Level 6 / 2500 EXP *

Level 7 / 3200 EXP *

Level 8 / 4000 EXP *

Level 9 / 4900 EXP *

Level 10 / 5900 EXP *

Level 11 / 7000 EXP *

Level 12 / 8200 EXP *

Level 13 / 9500 EXP *

Level 14 / 10900 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Garment Tailoring


Gives you access to clothing crafts, like shirts and dresses. The

higher your skill level, the better your chances of crafting

high-quality items!

Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Fabric Tailoring


Gives you access to fabric crafts, like curtains and rugs. The higher

your skill level, the beter your chances of crafting high-quality


Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *

Misc. Tailoring


Gives you access to Miscellaneous crafts, like hats and shoes. The

higher your skill level, the better your chances of crafting

high-quality items!

Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *




Your proficiency at alchemy. Raise your skill level to increase your

selection of flasks and improve your crafting speed!

Level 1 / 500 EXP

Level 2 / 700 EXP

Level 3 / 1000 EXP

Level 4 / 1400 EXP

Level 5 / 1900 EXP *

Level 6 / 2500 EXP *

Level 7 / 3200 EXP *

Level 8 / 4000 EXP *

Level 9 / 4900 EXP *

Level 10 / 5900 EXP *

Level 11 / 7000 EXP *

Level 12 / 8200 EXP *

Level 13 / 9500 EXP *

Level 14 / 10900 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Medicinal Alchemy


Gives you access to medicinal- and offensive-item crafts. The higher

your skill level, the better your chances of crafting high-quality


Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP

Level 5 / 900 EXP

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


Accessory Alchemy


Gives you access to accessory crafts, such as rings. The higher

your skill level, the better your chances of crafting high-quality


Level 1 / 200 EXP

Level 2 / 300 EXP

Level 3 / 450 EXP

Level 4 / 650 EXP *

Level 5 / 900 EXP *

Level 6 / 1200 EXP *

Level 7 / 1550 EXP *

Level 8 / 1950 EXP *

Level 9 / 2400 EXP *

Level 10 / 2900 EXP *

Level 11 / 3450 EXP *

Level 12 / 4050 EXP *

Level 13 / 4700 EXP *

Level 14 / 5400 EXP *

Level 15 / MAX EXP *


| |

| [1200] Shops |

| |


There are two separate lists per shop. The first list is the default

shopping list. The list below it indicates the shops that unlock when

you purchase the appropriate Bliss Bonus for it.

** NOTE: I am also still working with the game! If you want to **

** see the full shop lists in detail, Jadebell has a Shop **

** List Guide for you to look at. **


Castele General Goods - Castele Square



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Healweed | 10 |

| HP Potion | 60 |

| Vitalweed | 30 |

| SP Potion | 120 |

| Poison Antidote | 120 |

| Stun Antidote | 160 |

| Sleep Antidote | 200 |

| Life Cure | 1500 |

| Mini Bomb | 300 |

| Bronze Pickaxe | 1000 |

| Oak Axe | 1050 |

| Guppy Rod | 400 |

| Oak Rod | 900 |

| Bronze Hammer | 1160 |

| Oak Saw | 1100 |

| Bronze Needle | 800 |

| Bronze Frying Pan | 840 |

| Science Flask | 2800 |

| Teddy Bear | 1800 |


| Hi-HP Potion | 320 |

| Hi-SP Potion | 440 |

| Panacea | 1800 |

| Sleep Bomb | 800 |

| Iron Pickaxe | 1800 |

| Pine Axe | 1900 |

| Pine Rod | 1600 |

| Iron Hammer | 2100 |

| Pine Saw | 1980 |

| Iron Needle | 1440 |

| Iron Frying Pan | 1520 |

| Inventor's Flask | 3400 |



Castele Fashion Boutique - Castele Square


| Item Name | Dosh |


| Castele Blouse (Female Only) | 420 |

| Castele Shirt (Male Only) | 420 |

| Highland Top | 800 |

| Artisan's Apron | 1800 |

| Castele Skirt (Female Only) | 600 |

| Sunshine Skirt (Female Only) | 2000 |

| Castele Slacks (Male Only) | 600 |

| Highland Kilt | 800 |

| Artisan's Puffy Shorts | 1600 |

| Highland Beret | 480 |

| Artisan's Hat | 1400 |

| Artisan's Mitts | 1200 |

| Lowtop Shoes | 480 |

| Highland Loafers | 800 |

| Artisan's Shoes | 1200 |

| Cape | 800 |

| Round Specs | 6300 |

| Charm | 720 |


| Dueling Doublet | 2600 |

| Quilted Coat | 2400 |

| Striped Skirt (Female Only) | 1800 |

| Dueling Bottoms | 2200 |

| Quilted Bottoms | 2000 |

| Formal Slacks | 16000 |

| Quilted Hat | 1400 |

| Quilted Mittens | 1380 |

| Dueling Boots | 2000 |

| Quilted Shoes | 1200 |

| Castele Heels | 12000 |



Goodwood - Castele Square



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Green Dining Table | 500 |

| Wooden Dining Table | 2400 |

| Wooden Low Table | 2800 |

| Green Chair | 400 |

| Wooden Chair | 600 |

| Wooden Sofa | 2800 |

| Wooden Wardrobe | 1500 |

| Wooden Chest | 2000 |

| Wooden Cabinet | 2000 |

| Green Bed | 800 |

| Wooden Bed | 2400 |

| Simple Curtains | 800 |

| Castele Curtains | 960 |

| Simple Carpet | 2000 |

| Woven Castele Rug | 3000 |

| Simple Mat | 1000 |

| Woven Castele Mat | 3000 |

| Simple Wall: Green | 1200 |

| Wooden Wall | 400 |

| Simple Floor: Green | 1200 |

| Wooden Floor | 2400 |

| Umbrella Tree | 800 |

| Candle | 1600 |

| Teddy Bear | 1800 |

| Basket | 600 |

| Wooden Crate | 960 |

| Rubbish Bin | 400 |


| Pink Dining Table | 500 |

| Pink Chair | 400 |

| Pink Bed | 800 |

| Simple Wall: Peach | 1200 |

| Traditional Castele Wall | 2000 |

| Simple Floor: Peach | 1200 |

| Brick Floor | 4000 |

| Terra-Cotta Floor | 15000 |

| Smiley Flower | 2000 |



Castele Fine Arms - Castele Square



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Novice's Dagger | 200 |

| Bronze Dagger | 580 |

| Squire's Sword | 400 |

| Bronze Sword | 800 |

| Novice's Claymore | 400 |

| Bronze Claymore | 1100 |

| Hunter's Bow | 400 |

| Oak Bow | 1200 |

| Novice's Wand | 400 |

| Oak Wand | 1500 |

| Paladin's Shield | 400 |

| Bronze Shield | 1600 |

| Leather Jerkin | 800 |

| Leather Leggings | 800 |

| Leather Hat | 960 |

| Leather Gauntlets | 480 |

| Leather Boots | 480 |


| Iron Dagger | 640 |

| Iron Sword | 1600 |

| Iron Claymore | 1800 |

| Pine Bow | 1800 |

| Pine Wand | 2500 |

| Iron Shield | 2000 |

| Iron Cuirass | 1200 |

| Iron Leg Guards | 1200 |

| Iron Helm | 1000 |

| Iron Gauntlets | 840 |

| Iron Boots | 840 |


Fish Market - Castele Shopping District



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Castele Crucian | 60 |

| Plains Sweetfish | 80 |

| Castele Carp | 120 |


| Elderwood Trout | 120 |

| Applefish | 1000 |



Meat Market - Castele Shopping District



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Mutton | 40 |

| Chicken Meat | 60 |

| Chicken Eggs | 20 |

| Cows' Milk | 20 |


| Beef | 100 |

| Big Egg | 600 |

| Extra Creamy Milk | 60 |


Fruit/Vegetable Market - Castele Shopping District



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Carrot | 20 |

| Daikon Radish | 40 |

| Potato | 30 |

| Onion | 40 |

| Castele Apple | 20 |

| Grassy Plains Barley | 20 |


| Port Rice | 20 |

| Maajik Beans | 20 |



The Crown - Castele Shopping District



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Barley Juice | 600 |

| Roast Mutton | 240 |

| Chicken Delight | 720 |

| Boiled Egg | 60 |


| Juicy Lamb | 560 |

| Bandit Steak | 1400 |



Alfredo's Bristo - Castele Shopping District



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Carrot Soup | 60 |

| Fluffy Omelet | 200 |

| Well-Done Burger | 400 |

| Steak | 500 |

| Winter Stew | 500 |

| Grilled Crucian | 150 |

| Salt | 20 |

| Sugar | 20 |

| Pretend Frying Pan | 400 |

| Bronze Frying Pan | 840 |


| Boiled Veggies | 400 |

| Giant Fried Egg | 1000 |

| Juicy Burger | 1200 |

| Dreamy Steak | 3000 |

| Rustic Trout | 400 |

| Butter | 50 |
| Iron Frying Pan | 1520 |



Appleseed Café - Castele Artisan District



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Apple Juice | 100 |

| Honey Pudding | 300 |

| Castele Apple | 20 |


| Mushroom Quiche | 320 |

| Sweet Potato Pie | 480 |



Buttonhook - Castele Artisan District



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Dandelion Puff | 10 |

| Straw Thread | 40 |

| Sheep Fleece | 40 |

| Dandelion Cotton | 40 |
| Woven-Straw Fabric | 160 |

| Wooden Buttons | 40 |

| Cute Ribbon | 40 |

| String | 40 |

| Training Needle | 400 |

| Bronze Needle | 800 |


| Wool | 160 |

| Metal Buttons | 80 |

| Fancy Ribbon | 80 |

| Iron Needle | 1440 |



Fine Woods and Leather - Castele Artisan District



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Oak Log | 60 |

| Pine Log | 80 |

| Pine Nuts | 20 |

| Oak Beam | 120 |

| Pine Beam | 240 |

| Leather String | 80 |

| Animal Hide | 120 |

| Worn Axe | 400 |

| Oak Axe | 1050 |

| Makeshift Saw | 400 |

| Oak Saw | 1100 |


| Elder Oak Log | 360 |

| Pine Axe | 1900 |

| Pine Saw | 1980 |



What's Mine is Ores! - Castele Artisan District



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Castele Copper | 40 |

| Plains Iron | 80 |

| Minty Ore | 40 |

| Bronze Ingot | 80 |

| Iron Ingot | 220 |

| Yellow Stone | 500 |

| Blue Stone | 1000 |

| Beginner's Pickaxe | 400 |

| Bronze Pickaxe | 1000 |

| Fledgling's Hammer | 400 |

| Bronze Hammer | 1160 |


| Quality Minty Ore | 80 |

| Topaz | 1000 |

| Iron Pickaxe | 1800 |

| Iron Hammer | 2100 |



Oddities and Ends - Castele Artisan District



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Healweed | 10 |

| Vitalweed | 30 |

| Cureweed | 20 |

| Springwater | 10 |

| Antidote Berries | 10 |

| Antistun Berries | 20 |

| Wake-Up Berries | 40 |

| Castele Bloom | 20 |

| Combustible Powder | 270 |

| Little Tail | 60 |

| Animal Claws | 40 |

| Animal Fang | 60 |

| Green Gel | 60 |

| Suspicious Object | 200 |

| Animal Droppings | 10 |

| Experimental Flask | 400 |

| Science Flask | 2800 |


| Forest Mushroom | 20 |

| Grassland Honey | 10 |

| Inventor's Flask | 3400 |



Traveling Merchant - East Grassy Plains



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Grassland Honey | 10 |

| Castele Apple | 20 |

| Springwater | 10 |

| Healweed | 10 |

| HP Potion | 60 |

| Vitalweed | 30 |

| SP Potion | 120 |

| Life Cure | 1500 |

| Poison Antidote | 120 |

| Stun Antidote | 160 |

| Sleep Antidote | 200 |

| Mini Bomb | 300 |

| Castele Copper | 40 |

| Oak Log | 60 |



Traveling Merchant - Mount Snowpeak


| Item Name | Dosh |


| Springwater | 10 |

| Plateau Honey | 30 |

| Healweed | 10 |

| HP Potion | 60 |

| Vitalweed | 30 |

| SP Potion | 120 |

| Life Cure | 1500 |

| Poison Antidote | 120 |

| Stun Antidote | 160 |

| Sleep Antidote | 200 |

| Mini Bomb | 300 |

| Plains Iron | 80 |

| Blue Stone | 1000 |

| Green Gel | 60 |

| Oak Log | 60 |

| Pine Log | 80 |



Moley - Mount Snowpeak



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Power Aid | 1200 |

| Castele Copper | 40 |
| Plains Iron | 80 |

| Magma Ore | 200 |

| Minty Ore | 40 |

| Quality Minty Ore | 80 |

| Yellow Stone | 500 |

| Blue Stone | 1000 |

| Ruby | 2500 |

| Aquamarine | 1500 |

| Topaz | 1000 |

| Beginner's Pickaxe | 400 |

| Bronze Pickaxe | 1000 |

| Iron Pickaxe | 1800 |

| Miner's Cuirass | 400 |

| Miner's Frock | 400 |

| Rock Bottoms (Male) | 400 |

| Miner Short-Shorts (Female) | 400 |

| Miner's Helmet (Male) | 400 |

| Miner's Puffy Helmet (Female) | 400 |

| Miner's Mitts | 400 |

| Miner's Shoes | 400 |


Power Spray 2000

Port Puerto Silver 120

Al MAajik Gold 160

Platinum Ore 240

Marine Ore 200

Magic Ore 300

Celestial Ore 400

Purple Stone 2000

Amethyst 1500

Emerald 2800
Sapphire 3000

Silver Pickaxe 2900

Gold Pickaxe 4800

Lava Pickaxe 8000

Mole Pickaxe 26000

Champion's House – Mount Snowpeak


| Item Name | Dosh |


| Squire's Sword | 400 |

| Bronze Sword | 800 |

| Iron Sword | 1600 |

| Paladin's Shield | 400 |

| Bronze Shield | 1600 |

| Iron Shield | 2000 |

| Iron Helm | 1000 |

| Iron Cuirass | 1200 |

| Iron Leg Guards | 1200 |

| Iron Gauntlets | 840 |

| Iron Boots | 840 |

| Paladin's Cuirass (Male Only) | 400 |

| Paladin's Breastplate (Female Only) | 400 |

| Paladin Leg Guards (M) | 400 |

| Paladin Leg Guards (F) | 400 |

| Paladin's Gauntlets | 400 |

| Paladin's Boots | 400 |

| Cape | 800 |


Traveling Merchant - Mount Snowpeak Summit



| Item Name | Dosh |


| HP Potion | 60 |

| Hi-HP Potion | 320 |

| SP Potion | 120 |

| Hi-SP Potion | 440 |

| Life Cure | 1500 |

| Panacea | 1800 |

| Mini Bomb | 300 |

| Medium Bomb | 1000 |

| Smelt | 220 |

| Icy Squid | 360 |

| Platinum Ore | 240 |

| Fir Log | 160 |

| Frigid Headwear | 4600 |

| Frigid Brigandine | 5600 |

| Frigid Bottoms | 4400 |

| Frigid Gloves | 3000 |

| Frigid Boots | 3000 |


Mountain Springwater 50

Redgill 240

Magmafish 480

Frosty Fish 440

Lava Prawn 420

Ruby 2500

Sapphire 3000

Flame Hood 10000

Flame Robe 10000


Traveling Merchant - West Grassy Plains



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Big Egg | 600 |

| Campfire Roast | 600 |

| Grassland Grapes | 30 |

| Healweed | 10 |

| Vitalweed | 30 |

| Life Cure | 1500 |

| Poison Antidote | 120 |

| Stun Antidote | 160 |

| Sleep Antidote | 200 |

| Mini Bomb | 300 |

| Snake Scales | 200 |

| Poison Powder | 120 |

| Stun Powder | 400 |

| Sleep Powder | 180 |

| Snakeskin Helm | 1400 |

| Snakeskin Mail | 2000 |

| Snakeskin Leggings | 2000 |

| Snakeskin Gloves | 880 |

| Snakeskin Boots | 880 |



Bo and Fletcher the Hunter - West Grassy Plains



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Grassland Honey | 10 |

| Plateau Honey | 30 |

| Fine Feather | 100 |

| Glossy Feather | 200 |

| Animal Hide | 120 |

| Beast Hide | 600 |

| Animal Claws | 40 |

| Animal Fang | 60 |

| Hunter's Bow | 400 |

| Oak Bow | 1200 |

| Pine Bow | 1800 |

| Hunter's Tunic (Male Only) | 400 |

| Huntress Top (Female Only) | 400 |

| Hunter's Trousers (Male Only) | 400 |

| Huntress Bottoms (Female Only) | 400 |

| Hunter's Hat (Male Only) | 400 |

| Huntress Hat (Female Only) | 400 |

| Hunter's Shoes | 400 |

| Claw Necklace | 1200 |


| Master Hunter Items |


| Island Honey | 60 |

| Crit Aid | 2500 |

| Coal-Black Feather | 400 |

| Monster Hide | 900 |

| Hard Claws | 240 |

| Thick Fang | 360 |

| Palm Bow | 2400 |

| Sugar Bow | 4800 |

| Orca Bow | 12000 |

| Flaming Bow | 15000 |

| Savage Necklace | 7000 |



Mysterious Fairy - West Grassy Plains



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Castele Bloom | 20 |

| Port Puerto Bloom | 40 |

| Al Maajik Bloom | 60 |

| Running Flower | 300 |

| Lucky Flower | 300 |

| Energizing Flower | 300 |

| Yellowbell | 10 |
| Greenbell | 10 |

| Bluebell | 10 |

| Blackbell | 10 |

| Redbell | 10 |

| Whitebell | 10 |

| Criticaline | 6000 |

| Guardine | 6000 |

| Qualitine | 1000 |

| Energizing Stone | 2000 |

| Round Specs | 6300 |

| Stylish Specs | 8000 |

| Black-Rimmed Glasses | 10000 |

| Red-Rimmed Glasses | 12000 |

| Classy Monocle | 10000 |

| Mini Specs | 19000 |

| Cape | 800 |

| Long Cape | 8000 |

| Short Cape | 9800 |

| Teddy Bear | 1800 |

| Cuddly Sea Turtle | 3000 |

| Toy Camel | 7000 |

| Big Bunny Plushie | 12000 |

| Patched Hole | 1600 |



Bar Shopkeeper - Port Puerto Beach District



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Summer Nectar | 500 |

| Barley Juice | 600 |

| Little Shell | 60 |

| Pretty Coral | 40 |

| Flower Hair Clip | 2400 |

| Diving Goggles | 6400 |


| Glittering Coral | 360 |



Meat Shopkeeper - Port Puerto Marina



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Mutton | 60 |

| Chicken Meat | 60 |

| Chicken Eggs | 20 |

| Big Egg | 600 |

| Cows' Milk | 20 |


| Beef | 100 |

| Royal Eggs | 60 |

| Extra Creamy Milk | 60 |


Fine Woods and Leather - Port Puerto Marina



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Pine Log | 80 |

| Palm Log | 100 |

| Mangrove Log | 160 |

| Pine Beam | 240 |

| Palm Beam | 300 |

| Mangrove Beam | 450 |

| Pine Nuts | 20 |

| Palm Nuts | 40 |

| Leather String | 80 |

| Animal Hide | 120 |

| Snake Scales | 200 |

| Pine Axe | 1900 |

| Palm Axe | 3045 |

| Pine Saw | 1980 |

| Palm Saw | 3190 |


| Beast Hide | 600 |

| Fish Scales | 400 |



Fish Shopkeeper - Port Puerto Marina


| Item Name | Dosh |


| Sardine | 140 |

| Squid | 180 |

| Prawn | 240 |

| Tuna | 300 |

| Flying Fish | 320 |


| Puerto Bream | 600 |

| Parasol Fish | 800 |



Ore Shopkeeper - Port Puerto Marina



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Plains Iron | 80 |

| Port Puerto Silver | 120 |

| Minty Ore | 40 |

| Quality Minty Ore | 80 |

| Iron Ingot | 220 |

| Silver Ingot | 360 |

| Yellow Stone | 500 |

| Blue Stone | 1000 |

| Purple Stone | 2000 |

| Aquamarine | 1500 |

| Iron Pickaxe | 1800 |

| Silver Pickaxe | 2900 |

| Iron Hammer | 2100 |

| Silver Hammer | 3300 |


| Amethyst | 1500 |



Fruits and Veggies Shopkeeper - Port Puerto Marina



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Cabbage | 40 |

| Bell Pepper | 40 |

| Eggplant | 40 |

| Tomato | 30 |

| Broccoli | 40 |

| Port-Town Orange | 50 |

| Port Rice | 20 |


| Southern Papaya | 60 |

| Beach Watermelon | 150 |

| Grassy Plains Barley | 20 |

| Maajik Beans | 20 |


The Buttonhook's - Port Puerto Marina



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Dandelion Puff | 10 |

| Straw Thread | 40 |

| Silk Thread | 80 |

| Marine Thread | 120 |

| Sheep Fleece | 40 |

| Goat Fleece | 160 |

| Dandelion Cotton | 40 |

| Woven-Straw Fabric | 160 |

| Silk | 320 |

| Wool | 160 |

| Wooden Buttons | 40 |

| Metal Buttons | 80 |

| Cute Ribbon | 40 |

| Fancy Ribbon | 80 |

| String | 40 |

| Iron Needle | 1440 |

| Silver Needle | 2300 |


| Sunny Puff | 80 |

| Sunny Cotton | 320 |

| Marine Silk | 480 |

| Cashmere | 640 |

| Seashell Buttons | 100 |

| Wonderful Ribbon | 1000 |

| Wonderful String | 1000 |



Weapons and Armor Shopkeeper - Port Puerto Marina



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Iron Dagger | 640 |

| Silver Dagger | 2000 |

| Iron Sword | 1600 |

| Silver Sword | 3600 |

| Iron Claymore | 1800 |

| Silver Claymore | 3800 |

| Pine Bow | 1800 |

| Palm Bow | 2400 |

| Pine Wand | 2500 |

| Palm Wand | 3500 |

| Iron Shield | 2000 |

| Silver Shield | 3600 |

| Mermaid Mail | 3200 |

| Mermaid Leggings | 2200 |

| Mermaid Helm | 2400 |

| Mermaid Gloves | 2100 |

| Mermaid Boots | 2200 |


| Azure Rose | 10000 |

| Orca Bow | 12000 |

| Mooncrest Wand | 12000 |

| Rose Shield | 8200 |

| Shield Cuirass | 4400 |

| Shell Bottoms | 4200 |

| Shellmet | 4000 |

| Shell Gauntlets | 3800 |

| Shell Boots | 3900 |



Oddities and Ends - Port Puerto Marina



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Healweed | 10 |

| Alcheweed | 20 |

| Vitalweed | 30 |

| Cureweed | 20 |

| Lifeweed | 40 |

| Grassland Honey | 10 |

| Plateau Honey | 30 |

| Pine Nuts | 20 |

| Antidote Berries | 10 |

| Antistun Berries | 20 |

| Wake-Up Berries | 40 |

| Combustible Powder | 270 |

| Little Shell | 60 |

| Turtle Shell | 100 |

| Pretty Coral | 40 |

| Suspicious Object | 200 |

| Scrap of Cloth | 10 |

| Port Puerto Bloom | 40 |

| Inventor's Flask | 3400 |

| Bubbling Flask | 5200 |


| Arch Alcheweed | 200 |

| Saltless Seawater | 100 |

| Palm Nuts | 40 |

| Rejuvenating Berries | 100 |

| Durable Shell | 300 |

| Thick Shell | 240 |

| Stunning Coral | 180 |



The Eyepatch and Cutlass - Port Puerto Marina



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Southern Papaya | 60 |

| Barley Juice | 600 |

| Steak | 500 |

| Rice-Stuffed Squid | 900 |

| Grilled Tuna Head | 700 |

| Giant Fried Egg | 1000 |


| Pirate Gumbo | 7000 |

| Swordfish Head | 7500 |



Fine Furnishings - Port Puerto Palace Way



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Blue Dining Table | 500 |

| White Dining Table | 500 |

| Tiled Dining Table | 3800 |

| Tiled Low Table | 3000 |

| Blue Chair | 400 |

| White Chair | 400 |

| Port-Town Chair | 2400 |

| Port-Town Couch | 3200 |

| Port-Town Wardrobe | 4000 |

| Tiled Chest | 4200 |

| Tiled Cabinet | 3000 |

| Blue Bed | 800 |

| White Bed | 800 |

| Port-Town Bed | 4200 |

| Lace Curtains | 4000 |

| Port-Town Rug | 5000 |

| Port-Town Mat | 3800 |

| Simple Wall: Blue | 1200 |

| Simple Wall: White | 1200 |

| Plaster Wall | 1600 |

| Simple Floor: Blue | 1200 |

| Simple Floor: White | 1200 |

| Marine Floor | 2500 |

| Yucca | 2000 |

| Bottles | 300 |

| Barrel | 1200 |


| Pirate Dining Table | 5800 |

| Pirate Low Table | 4000 |

| Pirate Chair | 2000 |

| Pirate Bench | 4600 |

| Pirate Wardrobe | 5500 |

| Pirate Chest | 4200 |

| Pirate Cabinet | 3200 |

| Pirate Berth | 6000 |

| Pirate-Ship Window | 6000 |

| Ship-Deck Rug | 13000 |

| Pirate Mat | 10000 |

| Concrete Wall | 4000 |

| Pirate-Ship Wall | 9000 |

| Concrete Floor | 4000 |

| Pirate-Ship Floor | 8000 |



Anglers' Association - Port Puerto Palace Way


| Item Name | Dosh |


| Fish Scales | 400 |

| Guppy Rod | 400 |

| Oak Rod | 900 |

| Pine Rod | 1600 |

| Palm Rod | 2600 |

| Carp Smock (Male Only) | 400 |

| Carp Tunic (Female Only) | 400 |

| Carp Trousers (M) | 400 |

| Carp Trousers (F) | 400 |

| Fishy Green Hood (Male Only) | 400 |

| Fishy Pink Hood (Female Only) | 400 |

| Angler's Goggles | 4800 |


*** There are no more items even after the Port Shopping + upgrade. ***


Fashion Boutique - Port Puerto Palace Way



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Harbor Honey Blouse (Female Only) | 2200 |

| Harbor Hunk Doublet (Male Only) | 2800 |

| Seafarer's Doublet | 4800 |

| Harbor Honey Skirt (Female Only) | 1800 |

| Lined Skirt (Female Only) | 2800 |

| Harbor Hunk Slacks (Male Only) | 1800 |

| Seafarer's Capris | 4000 |

| Netted Hat | 3800 |

| Holiday Top (Female Only) | 4200 |

| Holiday Shirt (Male Only) | 4000 |

| Sea Sarong (Female Only) | 4200 |

| Sea Trunks (Male Only) | 4000 |

| Flower Hair Clip (Female Only) | 2400 |

| Diving Goggles (Male Only) | 6400 |

| Harbor Sandals | 720 |

| Warrior's Sandals | 1800 |

| Beach Sandals (Male Only) | 3600 |

| Mules (Female Only) | 4800 |

| Cape | 800 |

| Stylish Specs | 8000 |

| Coral Necklace | 2800 |


| Twin-Tail Jacket | 6400 |

| Frilly Skirt (Female Only) | 5000 |

| Watermeloons | 3800 |

| Ribbon-Laced Shoes | 3300 |

| Tuxedo | 22000 |

| Formal Slacks | 16000 |

| Formal Dress Shoes | 12000 |

| Pretty Princess Dress | 26000 |

| Long Cape | 8000 |

| Marine Necklace | 4500 |


Cocina Rica - Port Puerto Palace Way



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Salt | 20 |

| Sugar | 20 |

| Red Peppercorns | 100 |

| Vinegar | 50 |

| Black Pepper | 100 |

| Butter | 50 |

| Forest Mushroom | 20 |

| Mountain Mushroom | 50 |

| Cave Mushroom | 100 |

| Pretend Frying Pan | 400 |

| Bronze Frying Pan | 840 |

| Iron Frying Pan | 1520 |

| Silver Frying Pan | 2400 |

| Chef's Apron (M) | 400 |

| Chef's Apron (F) | 400 |

| Pan-Fried Helm (Male Only) | 400 |

| Potluck Helm (Female Only) | 400 |

| Cook's Gloves | 400 |


*** There are no more items even after the Port Shopping + upgrade. ***

| Item Name | Dosh |


| Tomato Soup | 300 |

| Fish Soup | 500 |

| Southern Stew | 750 |

| Prawn Gratin | 1200 |

| Tuna Sashimi | 600 |

| Flying Fish Sushi | 1400 |

| Sardine Pâté | 1000 |

| Rice-Stuffed Squid | 900 |

| Giant Fried Egg | 1000 |

| Salt | 20 |

| Sugar | 20 |

| Vinegar | 50 |

| Ginger | 100 |

| Mustard | 150 |

| Iron Frying Pan | 1520 |

| Silver Frying Pan | 2400 |


| Port-Town Gratin | 1600 |

| Bream Sashimi | 2000 |

| Puffer Fish Sashimi | 3200 |

| Seafood Stew | 2000 |

| Sashimi Set | 3000 |

| Chicken & Egg on Rice | 720 |



Snoot's Emporium - Port Puerto Palace Way



| Item Name | Dosh |


| HP Potion | 60 |

| Hi-HP Potion | 320 |

| SP Potion | 120 |

| Hi-SP Potion | 440 |

| Poison Antidote | 120 |

| Stun Antidote | 160 |

| Sleep Antidote | 200 |

| Life Cure | 1500 |

| Mini Bomb | 300 |

| Sleep Bomb | 800 |

| Iron Pickaxe | 1800 |

| Silver Pickaxe | 2900 |

| Pine Axe | 1900 |

| Palm Axe | 3045 |

| Pine Rod | 1600 |

| Palm Rod | 2600 |

| Iron Hammer | 2100 |

| Silver Hammer | 3300 |

| Pine Saw | 1980 |

| Palm Saw | 3190 |

| Iron Needle | 1440 |

| Silver Needle | 2300 |

| Iron Frying Pan | 1520 |

| Silver Frying Pan | 2400 |

| Invento's Flask | 3400 |

| Bubbling Flask | 5200 |

| Aquamarine Ring | 4000 |

| Amethyst Ring | 6000 |

| Classy Monocle | 10000 |

| Cuddly Sea Turtle | 3000 |


| Healing Powder | 1000 |

| Energy Powder | 1200 |

| Panacea | 1800 |

| Medium Bomb | 1000 |

| Emerald Ring | 12000 |



Phileas - Tortuga Archipelago



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Beach Watermelon | 150 |

| Healweed | 10 |

| HP Potion | 60 |

| Hi-HP Potion | 320 |

| Vitalweed | 30 |

| SP Potion | 120 |

| Hi-SP Potion | 440 |

| Life Cure | 1500 |

| Poison Antidote | 120 |

| Stun Antidote | 160 |

| Sleep Antidote | 200 |

| Panacea | 1800 |

| Mini Bomb | 300 |

| Sleep Bomb | 800 |

| Marine Ore | 200 |

| Palm Log | 100 |

| Mangrove Log | 160 |

| Elder Palm Log | 600 |

| Coastal Headwear | 4000 |

| Coastal Brigandine | 4800 |

| Coastal Bottoms | 4800 |

| Coastal Gloves | 2400 |

| Coastal Boots | 2400 |



Secret Smithy - Lava Cave



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Resistance Aid | 1200 |

| Bronze Ingot | 80 |

| Iron Ingot | 220 |

| Fledgling's Hammer | 400 |

| Bronze Hammer | 1160 |

| Iron Hammer | 2100 |

| Silver Hammer | 3300 |

| Gold Hammer | 5520 |

| Blacksmith's Beanie | 400 |

| Blacksmith's Cap | 400 |

| Blacksmith's Shoes | 400 |

| Furnace Apron (M) | 400 |

| Furnace Apron (F) | 400 |

| Block Floor | 9000 |

| Stone-Paved Floor | 5000 |



Al Maajik General Goods - Al Maajik Sandtown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| HP Potion | 60 |

| Hi-HP Potion | 320 |

| Healing Powder | 1000 |

| SP Potion | 120 |

| Hi-SP Potion | 440 |

| Energy Powder | 1200 |

| Mega Aid | 2500 |

| Poison Antidote | 120 |

| Stun Antidote | 160 |

| Sleep Antidote | 200 |

| Panacea | 1800 |

| Life Cure | 1500 |

| Mini Bomb | 300 |

| Sleep Bomb | 800 |

| Poison Bomb | 1000 |

| Stun Bomb | 1200 |

| Iron Pickaxe | 1800 |

| Gold Pickaxe | 4800 |

| Pine Axe | 1900 |

| Sugar Axe | 5040 |

| Pine Rod | 1600 |

| Sugar Rod | 4300 |

| Iron Hammer | 2100 |

| Gold Hammer | 5520 |

| Pine Saw | 1980 |

| Sugar Saw | 5280 |

| Iron Needle | 1440 |

| Gold Needle | 3800 |

| Iron Frying Pan | 1520 |

| Gold Frying Pan | 4000 |

| Inventor's Flask | 3400 |

| Wisdom Flask | 6000 |

| Toy Camel | 7000 |


| Power Aid | 1200 |

| Resistance Aid | 1200 |

| Medium Bomb | 1000 |



Prof. Snooze's Laboratory - Al Maajik Sandtown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Green Gel | 60 |

| Blue Gel | 120 |

| Red Gel | 240 |

| Magic Powder | 400 |

| Suspicious Object | 200 |

| Experimental Flask | 400 |

| Science Flask | 2800 |

| Inventor's Flask | 3400 |

| Bubbling Flask | 5200 |

| Wisdom Flask | 6000 |

| Alchemical Jacket (Male Only) | 400 |

| Alchemical Dress (Female Only) | 400 |

| Alchemist's Bandana | 400 |

| Alchemist's Shoes | 400 |


*** There are no more items even after the Desert Shopping +

upgrade. ***


Shady Shop Clerk - Al Maajik - Al Maajik Sandtown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Healweed | 10 |

| Alcheweed | 20 |

| Arch Alcheweed | 200 |

| Vitalweed | 30 |

| Cureweed | 20 |

| Lifeweed | 40 |

| Pine Nuts | 20 |

| Palm Nuts | 40 |

| Sugar Nuts | 60 |

| Antidote Berries | 10 |

| Antistun Berries | 20 |

| Wake-Up Berries | 40 |

| Rejuvenating Berries | 100 |

| Al Maajik Bloom | 60 |

| Magic Powder | 400 |

| Combustible Powder | 270 |

| Suspicious Object | 200 |

| Scrap of Cloth | 10 |

| Green Gel | 60 |

| Blue Gel | 120 |

| Green Cactus | 72 |

| Monster Dung | 20 |

| Inventor's Flask | 3400 |

| Wisdom Flask | 6000 |


| Demonic Powder | 600 |

| Mysterious Object | 500 |

| Purple Gel | 180 |

| Yellow Gel | 300 |

| Yellow Cactus | 360 |


Clothes Shopkeeper - Al Maajik Sandtown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Twilight Top (Female Only) | 4400 |

| Desert Top (Male Only) | 4200 |

| Chic Maajik Loose Top (Female Only) | 6200 |

| Chic Maajik Top (Male Only) | 4000 |

| Linen Tunic | 3200 |

| Desert Diva Skirt (Female Only) | 2400 |

| Chic Maajik Skirt (Female Only) | 7600 |

| Banded Skirt (Female Only) | 9000 |

| Loose Trousers (Male Only) | 3600 |

| Chic Maajik Capris (Male Only) | 2800 |

| Line Bottoms | 4000 |

| Cup Cap (Male Only) | 5200 |

| Desert Headdress | 4800 |

| Gold Bangles | 3800 |

| Pair of Babouches | 3200 |

| Comfy Slippers | 4200 |

| Moccasins | 6000 |

| Short Cape | 9800 |

| Classy Monocle | 10000 |

| Claw Necklace | 1200 |


| Puffy-Sleeved Top | 6000 |

| Maharaja Robe | 20000 |

| Denim Long Skirt (Female Only) | 12000 |

| Checkered Skirt (Female Only) | 12000 |

| Loose Stripies | 4000 |

| Maharaja Bottoms | 15000 |

| Jade Turban | 3000 |

| Maharaja Turban | 14000 |

| High-Toe Boots | 9400 |

| Maharaja Shoes | 14000 |

| Savage Necklace | 7000 |



The Water Hole - Al Maajik Sandtown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Southern Papaya | 60 |

| Barley Juice | 600 |

| Magical Milkshake | 1000 |

| T-Rex Leg | 2000 |

| Corn on the Cob | 400 |


| Monster Roast | 2700 |

| Dreamy Steak | 3000 |



Sewing Shopkeeper - Al Maajik Sandtown


| Item Name | Dosh |


| Dandelion Puff | 10 |

| Sunny Puff | 80 |

| Straw Thread | 40 |

| Silk Thread | 80 |

| Flax Thread | 160 |

| Sheep Fleece | 40 |

| Goat Fleece | 160 |

| Dandelion Cotton | 40 |

| Sunny Cotton | 320 |

| Woven-Straw Fabric | 160 |

| Silk | 320 |

| Linen | 640 |

| Wool | 160 |

| Cashmere | 640 |

| Wooden Buttons | 40 |

| Metal Buttons | 80 |

| Gemstone Buttons | 400 |

| Cute Ribbon | 40 |

| Fancy Ribbon | 80 |

| String | 40 |

| Iron Needle | 1440 |

| Gold Needle | 3800 |


| Golden-Sheep Fleece | 300 |

| Black-Goat Fleece | 300 |

| Flare Wool | 1200 |

| Black Cashmere | 1200 |

| Wonderful Ribbon | 1000 |

| Wonderful String | 1000 |



Fine Woods and Leather - Al Maajik Sandtown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Pine Log | 80 |

| Sugar Log | 120 |

| Desert Log | 140 |

| Pine Beam | 240 |

| Sugar | 350 |

| Desert Beam | 400 |

| Leather String | 80 |

| Animal Hide | 120 |

| Beast Hide | 600 |

| Pine Axe | 1900 |

| Sugar Axe | 5040 |

| Pine Saw | 1980 |

| Sugar Saw | 5280 |


| Elder Sugar Log | 720 |

| Monster Hide | 900 |


Ore Shopkeeper - Al Maajik Sandtown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Plains Ore | 80 |

| Al Maajik Gold | 160 |

| Minty Ore | 40 |

| Quality Minty Ore | 80 |

| Sandstorm | 120 |

| Iron Ingot | 220 |

| Gold Ingot | 480 |

| Yellow Stone | 500 |

| Blue Stone | 1000 |

| Purple Stone | 2000 |

| Aquamarine | 1500 |

| Ruby | 2500 |

| Amethyst | 1500 |

| Iron Pickaxe | 1800 |

| Gold Pickaxe | 4800 |

| Iron Hammer | 2100 |

| Gold Hammer | 5520 |


| Emerald | 2800 |

| Sapphire | 3000 |

| Black Onyx | 3500 |


Furniture Shopkeeper - Al Maajik Sandtown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Yellow Dining Table | 500 |

| Black Dining Table | 500 |

| Starry-Night Table | 6800 |

| Starry-Night Low Table | 6000 |

| Yellow Chair | 400 |

| Black Chair | 400 |

| Starry-Night Chair | 5200 |

| Starry-Night Sofa | 6000 |

| Starry-Night Wardrobe | 7200 |

| Starry-Night Chest | 7000 |

| Starry-Night Cabinet | 4800 |

| Yellow Bed | 800 |

| Black Bed | 800 |

| Starry-Night Bed | 12000 |

| Starry-Night Curtains | 10000 |

| Starry-Night Rug | 11000 |

| Starry-Night Mat | 9000 |

| Simple Wall: Yellow | 1200 |

| Simple Wall: Black | 1200 |

| Al Maajikan Wall | 8000 |

| Simple Floor: Yellow | 1200 |

| Simple Floor: Black | 1200 |

| Desert Floor | 7000 |

| Cloth Bag | 700 |

| Water Jug | 800 |


| Bloodthirsty Table | 6000 |

| Occult Low Table | 7800 |

| Chair of Atonement | 6200 |

| Treacherous Sofa | 20000 |

| Otherworldly Wardrobe | 7000 |

| Nightmare-Eating Chest | 7000 |

| Ominous Cabinet | 14000 |

| Nightmare Bed | 8000 |

| Netherworldly Curtains | 20000 |

| Underworld Rug | 14000 |

| Mat of Darkness | 18000 |

| Enchanted Wall | 14000 |

| Cursed Floor | 9000 |

| Treasure Chest | 3000 |



Al Maajik Fine Arms (Weapons) - Al Maajik Sandtown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Iron Dagger | 640 |

| Gold Dagger | 3000 |

| Iron Sword | 1600 |

| Gold Sword | 5000 |

| Iron Claymore | 1800 |

| Gold Claymore | 5800 |

| Pine Bow | 1800 |

| Sugar Bow | 4800 |

| Pine Wand | 2500 |

| Sugar Wand | 5500 |


| Maajik Blade | 19000 |

| Arcana Blade | 16000 |

| Flaming Bow | 15000 |

| Star Wand | 15000 |



Al Maajik Fine Arms (Armor) - Al Maajik Sandtown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Iron Shield | 2000 |

| Gold Shield | 4200 |

| Iron Cuirass | 1200 |

| Gold Curiass | 3800 |

| Iron Leg Guards | 1200 |

| Gold Leg Guards | 3800 |

| Iron Helm | 1000 |

| Gold Helm | 3200 |

| Iron Gauntlets | 840 |

| Gold Gauntlets | 1900 |

| Iron Boots | 840 |

| Gold Boots | 1900 |

| Savage Cap | 2800 |

| Savage Brigandine | 3000 |

| Savage Leggings | 3000 |

| Savage Gauntlets | 2800 |

| Savage Boots | 2800 |


*** There are no more items even after the Desert Shopping +

upgrade. ***


Mercenary Merchant - Al Maajik Spelltown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Beef | 100 |

| Dino Meat | 500 |

| Little Tail | 60 |

| Big Tail | 300 |

| Novice's Claymore | 400 |

| Bronze Claymore | 1100 |

| Iron Claymore | 1800 |

| Slugger's Helm (Male Only) | 400 |

| Plain Helmet (Female Only) | 400 |

| Cloth Merc Armor (Male Only) | 400 |

| Light Merc Armor (Female Only) | 400 |

| Mercenary's Greaves (M) | 400 |

| Mercenary's Greaves (F) | 400 |

| Merc Gauntlets | 400 |

| Mercenary's Boots | 400 |


*** There are no more items even after the Desert Shopping +

upgrade. ***


Esmerelda's Academy of Magic - Al Maajik Spelltown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Magic Aid | 1500 |

| Fire Mana | 3000 |

| Water Mana | 3000 |

| Earth Mana | 3000 |

| Wind Mana | 3000 |

| Novice's Wand | 400 |

| Oak Wand | 1500 |

| Pine Wand | 2500 |

| Sugar Wand | 5500 |

| Mage's Hood (Male Only) | 400 |

| Witch's Hood (Female Only) | 400 |

| Mage's Robe (Male Only) | 400 |

| Witch's Robe (Female Only) | 400 |

| Wizard's Shoes | 400 |

* This shop only appears during the day time.

*** There are no more items even after the Desert Shopping +

upgrade. ***


Khubz's Food Shop - Al Maajik Spelltown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Pumpkin Soup | 840 |

| Juicy Burger | 1200 |

| Magical Pie | 1600 |

| Magical Omelet | 1400 |

| Sweet Potato Pie | 480 |

| Magical Pudding | 2400 |

| Salt | 20 |

| Sugar | 20 |

| Red Peppercorns | 100 |

| Black Pepper | 100 |

| Iron Frying Pan | 1520 |

| Gold Frying Pan | 4000 |


| Dark Sultan's Stew | 3200 |

| Monstrous Sauté | 2500 |

| Desert Fish Stew | 4000 |

| Pumpkin Quiche | 1500 |



Seafood Shopkeeper - Al Maajik Spelltown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Black Bass | 180 |

| Sandfish | 260 |

| Electric Eel | 480 |

| Desert Tuna | 600 |


| Cave Catfish | 700 |

| Cactus Fish | 1000 |



Meat Shopkeeper - Al Maajik Spelltown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Mutton | 40 |

| Chicken Meat | 60 |

| Beef | 100 |

| Chicken Eggs | 20 |
| Royal Eggs | 60 |

| Cows' Milk | 20 |

| Extra Creamy Milk | 60 |


| Dino Meat | 500 |

| Magic Eggs | 400 |



Fruits and Vegetables Shopkeeper - Al Maajik Spelltown



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Sweet Corn | 40 |

| Pumpkin | 40 |

| Sweet Potato | 40 |

| Desert Pear | 80 |

| Maajik Beans | 20 |


| Maajik Melon | 300 |

| Grassy Plains Barley | 20 |

| Port Rice | 20 |



Travelling Merchant - Cacto Cove


| Item Name | Dosh |


| Wild Kiwi | 200 |

| HP Potion | 60 |

| Hi-HP Potion | 320 |

| SP Potion | 120 |

| Hi-SP Potion | 440 |

| Life Cure | 1500 |

| Panacea | 1800 |

| Summer Nectar | 500 |

| Medium Bomb | 1000 |

| Starry Log | 160 |

| Marine Thread | 120 |

| Pink-Silk Thread | 240 |

| Starry Thread | 600 |

| Marine Silk | 480 |

| Pink Silk | 960 |

| Green Cactus | 720 |

| Black Gel | 420 |

| Lucky Cactus | 4000 |


| Angelic Puff | 240 |

| Angelic Cotton | 960 |

| Pink Cactus | 700 |

| Tidal Helm | 18000 |

| Tidal Cuirass | 24000 |

| Tidal Leggings | 24000 |

| Tidal Gauntlets | 14400 |

| Tidal Boots | 14000 |

| Marine Necklace | 4500 |

| Sea Necklace | 9000 |



Woodcutter - Elderwood Village



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Power Aid | 1200 |

| Oak Log | 60 |

| Pine Log | 80 |

| Palm Log | 100 |

| Sugar Log | 120 |

| Earth Log | 500 |

| Water Log | 1000 |

| Wind Log | 1500 |

| Fire Log | 2000 |

| Pine Nuts | 20 |

| Sugar Nuts | 60 |

| Palm Nuts | 40 |

| Giant Tree Nuts | 200 |

| Worn Axe | 400 |

| Oak Axe | 1050 |

| Pine Axe | 1900 |

| Palm Axe | 3045 |

| Sugar Axe | 5040 |

| Sparkle Axe | 8400 |

| Forest Longcoat (Male Only) | 400 |

| Forest Dress (Female Only) | 400 |

| Forest Pantaloons (Male Only) | 400 |

| Forest Bottoms (Female Only) | 400 |

| Cutter's Cap | 400 |

| Cutter's Shoes | 400 |


| Master Woodcutter Items |



Furniture - Elderwood Village



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Grotto Headwear | 9000 |

| Grotto Brigandine | 12000 |

| Grotto Bottoms | 12000 |

| Grotto Gloves | 7800 |

| Grotto Boots | 7800 |

| Forest Dining Table | 3000 |

| Forest Low Table | 6800 |

| Forest Chair | 1600 |

| Forest Sofa | 5800 |

| Forest Wardrobe | 6000 |

| Forest Chest | 6000 |

| Forest Cabinet | 5600 |

| Forest Bed | 9000 |

| Forest Curtain | 8000 |

| Clover Rug | 14000 |

| Leaf Mat | 10000 |

| Forest Wall | 3200 |

| Woodland Floor | 2000 |

| Bushy Tree | 1500 |


| Key Cutter | 12000 |

| Earth Hood | 15000 |

| Earth Robe | 17000 |

| Beastly Cap | 12000 |

| Beastly Brigandine | 16000 |

| Beastly Leggings | 16000 |

| Beastly Gauntlets | 14000 |

| Beastly Boots | 14000 |

| Beastly Necklace | 14000 |

| Wonderful Bow Stand | 12000 |

| Tree Stump & Axe | 12000 |



General Store - Elderwood Village



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Healweed | 10 |

| Vitalweed | 30 |

| Cureweed | 20 |
| Lifeweed | 40 |

| Alcheweed | 20 |

| Arch Alcheweed | 200 |

| Soulweed | 600 |

| Forest Mushroom | 20 |

| Cave Mushroom | 100 |

| Grassland Grapes | 30 |

| Rainbow Apple | 100 |

| Duffle | 20 |

| Elderwood Trout | 120 |

| Rainbow Trout | 240 |

| Giant Tree Nuts | 200 |

| Magic Powder | 400 |

| Angelic Puff | 240 |

| Black-Goat Fleece | 300 |

| Golden-Sheep Fleece | 300 |

| Angelic Cotton | 960 |

| Black Cashmere | 1200 |

| Flare Wool | 1200 |

| Monster Dung | 20 |


| Cave Strawberries | 240 |

| Elder Oak Log | 360 |

| Elder Pine Log | 480 |

| Elder Palm Log | 600 |

| Elder Sugar Log | 720 |

| Elder Desert Log | 840 |


General Store - Terra Nimbus



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Heavenly Peach | 420 |

| Jungle Bananas | 40 |

| Wasabi | 200 |

| Hi-HP Potion | 320 |

| Mega Aid | 2500 |

| Hi-SP Potion | 440 |

| Elixer | 3500 |

| Panacea | 1800 |

| Life Cure | 1500 |

| Soulweed | 600 |

| Arch Alcheweed | 200 |

| Medium Bomb | 1000 |

| Starry Thread | 600 |

| Skytree Log | 200 |

| Sky-High Headwear | 11000 |

| Sky-High Brigandine | 18000 |

| Sky-High Bottoms | 16000 |

| Sky-High Gloves | 10000 |

| Cirrus Boots | 11000 |

| Durable Charm | 4000 |


| Ultima Alcheweed | 400 |

| Great Bomb | 1800 |

| Celestial Ore | 400 |

| Diamond | 4000 |
| Ancient Pickaxe | 20000 |

| Giant's Axe | 19800 |

| Sea-Cloud Rod | 23400 |

| Spark Hammer | 29000 |

| Ancient Saw | 28000 |

| Adventurer's Sword | 30000 |

| Wyvern's Breath | 24000 |

| Dragon's Tail | 28000 |

| Dragon Helm | 28000 |

| Dragon Mail | 32000 |

| Dragon Leggings | 29000 |

| Dragon Gloves | 26000 |

| Dragon Boots | 25000 |

| Reinforced Charm | 15000 |



Snoot's Secret Shop - Port Puerto Palace Way



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Aquamarine | 1500 |

| Ruby | 2500 |

| Amethyst | 1500 |

| Emerald | 2800 |

| Sapphire | 3000 |

| Black Onyx | 3500 |

| Diamond | 4000 |
| Deepsea Pickaxe | 13000 |

| Marine Axe | 13650 |

| New-Wave Needle | 15000 |

| Sea Saw | 14300 |

| Crystal Sword | 16000 |

| Gaudy Jacket | 36000 |

| Gaudy Bottoms | 32000 |

| Gaudy Hat | 32000 |

| Gaudy Gloves | 30000 |

| Gaudy Shoes | 28000 |

| Mini Specs | 19000 |

| Topaz Ring | 3000 |

| Aquamarine Ring | 4000 |

| Ruby Ring | 13000 |

| Amethyst Ring | 6000 |

| Emerald Ring | 12000 |

| Sapphire Ring | 13000 |

| Black-Onyx Ring | 20000 |



Agent of Divinus - Starlight Garden



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Moon Cluster | 1200 |

| Star Cluster | 1200 |

| Sun Cluster | 1200 |

| Holy Helm | 90000 |

| Holy Cuirass | 82000 |

| Holy Leggings | 82000 |

| Holy Gauntlets | 62000 |

| Holy Boots | 62000 |

| Castele Momento | 8000 |

| Port Puerto Momento | 8000 |

| Al Maajik Momento | 8000 |

| Elderwood Momento | 8000 |

| Terra Nimbus Momento | 8000 |

| Lunares Momento | 8000 |



Tome of Shadows - Al Maajik Library



| Item Name | Dosh |


| Tool-Upgrade Stone | 1000 |

| Attack-Upgrade Stone | 1000 |

| Magic-Upgrade Stone | 1000 |

| M. Def.-Upgrade Stone | 1000 |

| Fire Mana | 3000 |

| Water Mana | 3000 |

| Earth Mana | 3000 |

| Wind Mana | 3000 |

| Green Gel | 60 |

| Blue Gel | 120 |

| Yellow Gel | 300 |

| Red Gel | 240 |

| Purple Gel | 180 |

| Black Gel | 420 |

| Rockcrsher Hammer | 21000 |

| Gothic Needle | 22000 |

| Forbidden Flask | 15000 |

| Bone Sword | 21000 |

| Demonic Void | 34000 |

| Batastic Wand | 24000 |

| Prisoner's Hat | 7200 |

| Prisoner's Shirt | 7200 |

| Prisoner's Pants | 7200 |

| Spikeband | 18000 |

| Spike Tank Top | 22000 |

| Punk Bottoms | 7200 |

| Slash Bangles | 12000 |

| Platform Boots | 10000 |

| Damien's Cape | 14000 |



| |

| [1300] Quests |

| |


There are several Other Quests that you can take on in the world of

Reveria. The format I will be using for this is categorized by the

major map that the quest is in. Each sub-categorized map that the
quest is located in is in a third set of slashes.

Essentially, the format is this:

Quest Name // Issuer // Location (If not in the main map)

Quest Description



Castele Square


A Big Egg for Gramps // Gramps

Gramps is hankering for 1 Big Egg, which should feed the old man for a

week! You might find it in the Grassy Plains, among other places.

Reward: Bronze Dagger, 500 Dosh, 10 EXP

Old Man's Mustard // Gramps

Gramps is craving Mustard, so be a helpful lad and get him some. Just

defeat a few Dragon Mustards in the Grassy Plains, and take him 3 jars

of Mustard!

Reward: Dueling Bottoms, 200 Dosh, 20 EXP

Sweetfish Bones // Gramps

Gramps needs some help reliving his childhood. Go catch him 1 Giant

Plains Sweetfish to help him recapture his youth.

Reward: Dueling Doublet, 200 Dosh, 40 EXP(?)

Drive Away the Bandits // Prospero

Prospero cannot leave his post and wants you to take care of 10 Bandits

in the East Grassy Plains.

Reward: Life Cure, 2000 Dosh, 10 EXP(?)

Bring Down the Bandit Leaders // Prospero

Bandit Leaders have been causing trouble lately. Defeat 3 of them to

put a stop to their criminal activities, and report back to Prospero.

Reward: x? Life Cure, 2500 Dosh, 20 EXP(?)

Justice Will Prevail // Prospero

Reward: Durable Charm, 3000 Dosh

Sleeping on Duty // Helmut

Helmut can barely keep his eyes open. Help him out with 3 Sleep

Antidotes. Fledgling Alchemists can easily make them!

Reward: 700 Dosh, 10 EXP

Sleeping on Duty Again // Helmut

Helmut is still too sleepy to keep his eyes open. Find him 3 Superior

Sleep Antidotes!

Reward: 1000 Dosh, 20 EXP(?)

Still Sleeping on Duty // Helmut

Helmut has given up trying to stay awake. Now he needs 3 Superior

Sleep Bombs. Apprentice Alchemists can make them!

Reward: Silver Dagger, 3300 Dosh, 20 EXP

Castelian Veggies, Please // Celine

Celine, a visitor from Port Puerto, would like to sample Castelian

cuisine! Get her a Superior Boiled Veggies. Apprentice Cooks should be

able to whip it up.

Reward: Coral Necklace, 200 Dosh, 20 EXP

Scholarly Curiosity 1 // Paige

Paige read about Sun Clusters, and now he wants to see some up close.

He wants 3 Sun Clusters. Get them from the golems in Aridian Desert!

Reward: Book Stack, 2300 Dosh,

The Bug Boy 1 // Timmy

If you catch Timmy a Royal Grasshopper, he'll tell you a fun factoid

about bugs! Good luck!

Reward: 10 Castele Apples, 200 Dosh,

The Bug Boy 2 // Timmy

If you can catch a Rhino Beetle for Timmy, he'll tell you another fun

factoid about bugs! Good luck, though. They're tough to catch!

Reward: Rainbow Apple, 200 Dosh,

Beret Nice // Samantha // Castele Fashion Boutique

Someone needs to make this girl a Good-Quality Highland Beret. A

Fledgling Tailor could sew one!

Reward: 500 Dosh,

Castelian Duds 1 // Fernando

Fernando wants to commission an Apprentice Tailor for a pair of

Good-Quality Dueling Boots. He's really into Castele style right now!

Reward: Amethyst, 2100 Dosh,

Castelian Duds 2 // Fernando

Fernando wants to commission an Apprentice tailor for a pair of

Good-Quality Dueling Bottoms to further explore Castele styles.

Reward: Emerald, 1900 Dosh,

Castelian Duds 3 // Fernando

Reward: Sapphire, 2400 Dosh,

Shiny Golden Sword // Marshal // Castele Fine Arms

Marshal wants a Great-Quality Gold Sword for his weapon collection.

Expert Blacksmiths can craft them!

Reward: Marine Ore, 8100 Dosh,

Crucial Request // Rooftop Kitty

The Rooftop Kitty wants 5 Castele Crucians. Fledgling Anglers can catch

in Castele!

Reward: x5 Yellow Butterfly, 200 Dosh, 10 EXP

Trout for Kitty // Rooftop Kitty

The Rooftop Kitty wants 3 Elderwood Trout. Apprentice Anglers can catch

them in the Elderwood!

Reward: x2 Scarab Beetle, 200 Dosh, 20 EXP

Postbox of Lovely // Posty

Posty thinks 1 Sea Bream of Love will improve his unlucky love Life.

You can catch one for him on Cacto Cove...

Reward: Treasure Chest, 600 Dosh,


Castele Shopping District


Produce Private Eye: Case 1 // Reggie

Reggie wants to know how Farley's crops measure up to his own. Bring

him 5 Cabbages!
Reward: 200 Dosh, 10 Chicken Eggs, 10 EXP

Produce Private Eye: Case 2 // Reggie

Reggie needs to know how Port Puerto's crops measure up to his own.

Take him 5 Eggplants!

Reward: 200 Dosh, 20 Chicken Eggs, 20 EXP(?)

Eels for Dinner // Selma

Selma wants 3 Plains Eels from the Grassy Plains for dinner. An

Apprentice Angler should have no trouble catching that!

Reward: 300 Dosh, 10 EXP(?)

Mutton, Please // Juliet // The Crown

Juliet would like 10 chops of Mutton. Would you be so kind as to fetch

that for her? Mutton comes from sheep, in case you didn't know...

Reward: 400 Dosh, 10 EXP

Rice, Please // Juliet // The Crown

Juliet wants rice, but not just any rice will do. She wants 15 boxes

of Port Rice from Port Puerto.

Reward: 200 Dosh, Highland Beret, 20 EXP(?)

Lovely Eggs // Tilly // Alfredo's Bistro

Help Tilly help her beloved Flapjack by collecting 10 baskets of

Chicken Eggs for her. You should find them around Castele!

Reward: 200 Dosh, 10 EXP

Gimme Mutton // Biff

Biff wants 1 Superior Roast Mutton chop to go with his Barley Juice.

A Fledgling Cook should be able to handle it!

Reward: 400 Dosh, 10 EXP

Gimme Lamb // Biff

Biff wants 1 Superior Juicy Lamb chop. An Apprentice Cook should be

able to whip one up!

Reward: 200 Dosh, x? Dino Meat

Cursebreaker 1 // Cassandra

Take Cassandra a Great-Quality Royal Dining Table, so that she may

life the shadow of DOOM that plagues your soul!

Reward: 17000 Dosh, x2 Elixer


Castele Artisan District


Honey for Pancake Paul 1 // Paul

You can't let a man eat dry pancakes, right?! So get 4 pots of

Grassland Honey for Paul to drizzle on his "snacklet." Find honey in

the Grassy Plains.

Reward: 200 Dosh, 10 EXP

Fangs! // Barker

Barker thinks he'd be the top dog in Castele if only he had 2 Animal

Fangs. Get them from the Forest Panthers in the Elderwood!

Reward: 200 Dosh, 2 Royal Grasshoppers

A Gift from Granny // Mona

Mona wants to sew some pretty clothes for her granddaughter, and she

needs 3 spools of Wonderful Ribbon. You can buy them in Port Puerto!

Reward: 3600 Dosh, 20 EXP

Plushy Iron Hammer // Tufts

Reward: 3000 Dosh, 20 EXP


Castele Castle


The Charming Paladin 1 // Marco // Reception Hall

Bravery can be tough to come by, and Marco has asked you for a

Good-Quality Charm to bolster his backbone. It's a snap for a

Fledgling Alchemist.

Reward: Apple Appliqué, 800 Dosh,

The Charming Paladin 2 // Marco // Reception Hall

Reward: Shield Appliqué, 500 Dosh,

Scholarly Monocle // Chambers // Hughes's Room

Chambers wants to give poor, overworked Hughes 1 Classy Monocle. An

Expert Alchemist could surely make one!

Reward: 11000 Dosh, Superior HP Potion


South Castele


Firewood, Please // Barley

Barley needs 5 Pine Logs--the kind you get on Mount Snowpeak.

Woodcutters can chop their own!

Reward: 300 Dosh, 10 Castele Blooms, 10 EXP(?)

More Firewood, Please // Barley

Barley needs 5 Palm Logs--the kind you can get from Port Puerto. Adept

Woodcutters can chop their own!

Reward: 200 Dosh, x? Rejuvenating Berries, 20 EXP(?)

Yet More Firewood, Please // Barley

Reward: x10 Lucky Flower, 200 Dosh, 80 EXP

Yet More Firewood, Please // Barley

Barley needs 5 Fir Logs as soon as possible. Check the Mount Snowpeak


Reward: 200 Dosh, Lucky Flower

Apples for Pom // Pom

Pom wants 10 Castele Apples. Check the trees around Castele or in the

Grassy Plains!

Reward: 200 Dosh, 10 Oak Logs, 10 EXP

Rainbow Apples for Pom // Pom

Pom's hungry for apples, but not just ANY apples. Head to Farley's

Plantation to get 4 Rainbow Apples.

Reward: 200 Dosh, Elder Oak Log, 20 EXP(?)

99 Apples for Pom // Pom

Pom needs some sustenance, but he's too busy chopping! Can you fetch

him 99 Castele Apples?

Reward: 1000 Dosh, Palm Axe, 40 EXP(?)

A Shady Request // Hamsvich

Hansvich needs 5 pinches of Sleep Powder. You should be able to get

that from the Cobalt Frogs in Haniwa Cave!

Reward: 800 Dosh, 3 Sleep Antidotes, 10 EXP

A Shadier Request // Hamsvich

Hamsvich needs 5 pinches of Poison Powder, which you can get from the

Field Frogs in the West Grassy Plains!

Reward: 500 Dosh, 3 Poison Antidote

An Even Shadier Request // Hamsvich

Hamsvich needs 5 pinches of Stun Powder, which you can get from the

Splash Frogs in the West Grassy Plains!

Reward: 2100 Dosh, Stun Antidote

Carrot Catcher 1 // Giles

Giles can't sell his Carrots because the Carrottys are giving him a

bad rep. Defeat 5 of the beasts in the East Grassy Plains.

Reward: 1000 Dosh, x5 Carrot, 10 EXP

Carrot Catcher 2 // Giles

Giles's Carrots are being mistaken for the vicious Carrottys in the

East Grassy Plains. Defeat 15 of the beasts for him!

Reward: 1500 Dosh, x15 Carrot, 10 EXP

Bronze Gaites // Gaites

Gaites needs 1 Good-Quality Bronze Shield to better protect the

kingdom. A Fledgling Blacksmith could make one!

Reward: 2300 Dosh, 10 EXP(?)

Cast-Iron Gaites // Gaites

Gaites needs 1 Good-Quality Iron Shield to better protect the kingdom.

An Apprentice Blacksmith could make one!

Reward: 2700 Dosh, x? Port Puerto Silver, 20 EXP(?)

Silver Gaites // Gaites

Reward: Al Maajik Gold x3, 4900 Dosh, 40 EXP


East Castele


Gimme Milk! // Llaeth

Llaeth wants to chug 5 bottles of Cows' Milk. Doesn't sound like a

good idea, but why don't you just get them anyway?

Reward: 200 Dosh, 10 EXP

Gimme More Milk! // Llaeth

The cows on Farley's Plantation make the creamiest milk in Reveria.

Please get Llaeth 3 bottles of Extra Creamy Milk!

Reward: 200 Dosh, Cape, 20 EXP(?)


East Grassy Plains


Furious Fowl // Hansel

Mount Snowpeak is absolutely overrun with monsters. Go and defeat 10

Razorbeaks there to even out the odds a little bit.

Reward: 3 SP Potions, 1000 Dosh, 20 EXP

Snake Along the Mountain Road // Hansel

Help out Hansel by defeating 5 Rock Serpents on Mount Snowpeak. That

place is a mess!

Reward: Hi-SP Potion x3, 1500 Dosh,

Protector of the Plains // Terry

Defeat a Red Wolf in the East Grassy Plains. No, wait! Defeat 10 of


Reward: x? HP Potion, 1000 Dosh, 10 EXP(?)

Paladin Savior // Terry

Defeat 5 Coyotes in the East Grassy Plains at night. They're

frightening the travelers!

Reward: x? Hi-HP Potion, 1500 Dosh, 20 EXP(?)

Spooked-Out Paladin // Terry

Terry is a bit afraid of ghosts, so please defeat 1 Spooky for him.

They appear in the EAst Grassy Plains at night.

Reward: x? Life Cure, 2000 Dosh, 20 EXP(?)


West Grassy Plains


The Serpentine Way of Life // Fluffin

You seem stressed. Defeating 6 Grass Serpents shoulds put you at ease!
You can find them in the West Grassy Plains.

Reward: 2000 Dosh, 3 Hi-HP Potions, 20 EXP


Farley's Plantation


The Freshest Around // Farley

Farley's thirstier than a dog in the desert! If you fetch him 3

bottles of Springwater, he'd appreciate it mightily.

Reward: 200 Dosh, 5 Cabbages, 10 EXP


Port Puerto Marina


Dino Meat and Greet! // Karin

Help Karin keep all those pirate bellies full. Take her 3 pieces of

Dino Meat!

Reward: 1400 Dosh, Sack of Silver

Swanky Barrel // Sami

Sami wants to dress her apartment. Take her a classy Top-Quality


Reward: 200 Dosh, Maharaja Turban, 20 EXP

Cheer Me Up! // Pepperonita

Cheer up Pepperonita by taking her 3 Amethysts from Nautilus Cave.

Reward: 5400 Dosh

Snakeskin Scallywag // Swabbie // Pirate Ship Hold

Take Swabbie a pair of Great-Quality Snakeskin Boots so he can sail the

salty seas in style!

Reward: 200 Dosh, x3 Earth Shard, 40 EXP

Snakeskin Scallywag 2 // Swabbie // Pirate Ship Hold

Help Swabbie fill out his all-snakeskin wardrobe with a Great-Quality

Snakeskin Helm.

Reward: 200 Dosh, x3 Fire Shards,

Let's Play Pirates! Pt. 1 // Bomba

Give Bomba the Plushling 30 Mini Bombs so he can play pirates with

his plush friends.

Reward; 10000 Dosh, Pirate Appliqué,

A Sea-Scented Elder Log // Emilio // Floating Workshop

Emilio needs an Elder Palm Log to build a new ship. Harvest one from a

Palm Tree or a Great Palm Tree, and then take it to him!

Reward: 700 Dosh


Port Puerto Palace


Polly Wants Some Palm Nuts // Polly

Help Polly track down 15 Palm Nuts. Get out your axe, and start

raiding the local Palm Trees!

Reward: 200 Dosh, x5 Glittering Coral, 20 EXP


Port Puerto Palace Way


Speedy Postman // Gibbs

Gibbs the Postman is looking for 5 Running Flowers. Can you deliver?

Reward: 200 Dosh, x5 Medium Bomb, 40 EXP

Mules for Pepita // Pepita

Take Pepita a pair of Good-Quality Mules for easy beachside lounging.

Reward: 5900 Dosh, Shellmet

Honey, Fetch Me a Bow! // Honey

Track down a Great-Quality Pine Bow for Honey the dog so she can give

it to her master, Roy.

Reward: 2500 Dosh, Forest Lordfish Moss, 10 EXP(?)

Leave Everything to Honey! // Honey

It turns out that Honey the dog acutally needs a Great-Quality Sugar

Bow for Roy. Track one down and give it to her.

Reward: 7300 Dosh, Antenna Lantern

The Truth about Crocturtle // Lilac

Help Lilac get to the bottom of the Crocturtle controversy. Take her a

Timeworn Shell.

Reward: 200 Dosh, x5 Life Cure, 40 EXP

Quality Lava Prawns // Cashew // Cocina Rica

Cashew is looking to spice up the menu at Cocina Rica. Can you make

him 3 Lava Prawns?

Reward: 200 Dosh, Superior Prawn Gratin


Port Puerto Beach District


Calumnus's Prophecy 1 // Polkovich

Polkovich requires 3 Earth Mana from the Spirits of Earth in the

Elderwood. Reveria is counting on you to find them!

Reward: 9000 Dosh, Daredevil Aid, 20 EXP

Calumnus's Prophecy 2 // Polkovich

Now Polkovich needs 3 Water Mana to save Reveria. Defeat some Spirits

of Water on Tortuga Archipelago to obtain them. Do it for Reveria!

Reward: 8800 Dosh, Crit Aid,

Archipelago Conversation // Jack

Help keep Tortuga Archipelago free of Punching Palms. Defeat 10 of the

monsters for Jack.

Reward: 2000 Dosh, x3 Energy Powder, 40 EXP

Monster-Free Archipelago // Jack

Continue Jack's Tortuga Archipelago conversation efforts by defeating

16 of the Jellys that overpopulate the Deepsea Cave.

Reward: 2500 Dosh, x3 Hi-Energy Powder, 40 EXP

Scurvy Pirate's Proposal // Eduardo

Eduardo wants to propose to his lass. Take him a Good-Quality

Aquamarine Ring.

Reward: 5700 Dosh


Tortuga Archipelago


Zombie Cleanup // Shelldon

Shelldon needs your help removing 15 Zombie Pirates from the peaceful

shores of Tortuga Archipelago.

Reward: 3000 Dosh, Mega Aid

Zombie Cleanup 2 // Shelldon

Shelldon has another security job for you. Take out 5 Angry Zombies and

help make Tortuga Archipelago a safer place.

Reward: 3500 Dosh, x5 Mega Aid

Piranha-Free Waters // Danny

Danny needs you to defeat 8 Toothy Pirahnas to make the nearby waters

safe for his kids!

Reward: 2000 Dosh, x3 Healing Powder, 20 EXP(?)


Al Maajik Sandtown


Al Maajik Medicine Run // Omar

Reward: Superior HP Potion x5

| |

| [1400] Items |

| |


This is still a huge work in progress. However, if you want to see an

item list, you can take a look at Jadebell's Item Drop List and Shop



| |

| [1401] Consumables |

| |



| Item Name | Rarity | Effect |


| Springwater | | Restores 5 SP |

| Mountain Springwater |* | Restores 10 SP |

| Saltless Seawater | ** | Restores 15 SP |

| Forest Mushroom | | Restores 10 HP |

| Mountain Mushroom |* | Restores 15 HP |

| Healweed | | Restores 10 HP |

| Vitalweed |* | Restores 10 HP |

| Cureweed |* | Restores 15 HP |

| Lifeweed |* | Restores 30 HP |

| Grassland Honey | | Restores 5 SP |

| Plateau Honey |* | Restores 10 SP |

| Beef | ** | Restores 50 HP |

| Chicken Meat |* | Restores 20 HP |

| Mutton | | Restores 25 HP |

| Castele Crucian | | Restores 10 HP |

| Castele Carp |* | Restores 20 HP |

| Plains Sweetfish | | Restores 15 HP |

| Elderwood Trout | ** | Restores 30 HP |

| Rainbow Trout | *** | Restores 40 HP |

| Catfish | ** | Restores 20 HP |

| Tuna | ** | Restores 40 HP |

| Applefish | *** | Restores 30 HP |

| Giant Castele Crucian | | Restores 20 HP |

| Giant Elderwood Trout | ** | Restores 40 HP |

| Giant Catfish | ** | Restores 30 HP |

| Chicken Eggs | | Restores 15 HP |

| Royal Eggs | ** | Restores 30 HP |

| Magic Eggs | *** | Restores 45 HP |

| Big Egg |* | Restores 60 HP |

| Blizzard Egg | **** | Restores 120 HP |

| Bigbeek Egg | *** | Restores 90 HP |

| Cows' Milk | | Restores 10 SP |

| Extra Creamy Milk |* | Restores 15 SP |

| Grassy Plains Barley | | Restores 10 HP |

| Maajik Beans | | Restores 10 HP |

| Carrot | | Restores 5 HP |

| Potato | | Restores 5 HP |

| Daikon Radish | | Restores 5 HP |

| Cabbage |* | Restores 10 HP |

| Bell Pepper |* | Restores 10 HP |

| Broccoli |* | Restores 15 HP |

| Onion | | Restores 10 HP |

| Castele Apple | | Restores 10 HP |

| Port-Town Orange | ** | Restores 20 HP |

| Ginger | ** | Restores 15 HP |

| Mustard | ** | Restores 15 HP |

| HP Potion | | Restores 50 HP |

| Superior HP Potion | | Restores 75 HP |

| Hi-HP Potion |* | Restores 100 HP |

| Superior Hi-HP Potion |* | Restores 150 HP |

| SP Potion |* | Restores 25 SP |

| Superior SP Potion |* | Restores 40 SP |

| Hi-SP Potion | ** | Restores 50 SP |

| Superior Hi-SP Potion | ** | Restores 75 SP |

| Elixer | **** | Fully restores HP and SP |

| Life Cure |* | Revives once fallen |

| Daredevil Aid | **** | Temp. prevent knockback |

| Poison Antidote | | Cures Poison |

| Superior Poison Antidote | | Cures Poison & restores HP |

| Stun Antidote | | Cures Stun |

| Superior Stun Antidote | | Cures Stun & restores HP |

| Sleep Antidote | | Cures Sleep |

| Superior Sleep Antidote | | Cures Sleep & restores HP |

| Pam's Candy |* | Restores 15 HP |

| Mini Bomb |* | Places bomb & damages enemies |

| Steak | ** | Restores 90 HP |

| Roast Mutton | | Restores 60 HP |

| Chicken Delight | *** | Restores 90 HP |

| Juicy Lamb | *** | Restores 80 HP |

| Campfire Roast |? | Restores 60 HP |

| Superior Campfire Roast | ? | Restores 90 HP |

| Sup. Grilled Sweetfish | | Restores 45 HP |

| Grilled Eel |? | Restores 60 HP |

| Sup. Grilled Tuna Head | ** | |

| Grilled Crucian | | Restores 30 HP |

| Superior Rustic Trout |* | Restores 90 HP |

| Campfire Fish | ** | Restores 60 HP |

| Superior Campfire Fish | ** | Restores 90 HP |

| Sup. Chicken/Egg/Rice |? | Restores 225 HP |



| |

| [1402] Materials |

| |


Coming soon...


| |

| [1403] Tools |

| |



| Name | Lv | Stats | Equip | Special Effects |


| Bronze Hammer | 1 | SMT 9 | All | |

| Iron Hammer | 2 | SMT 12 | All | |

| Silver Hammer | 3 | SMT 16 | All | Higher quality rate |

| | | | | +1% |

| Gold Hammer | 4 | SMT 20 | All | |

| Super Hammer | 5 | SMT 24 | All | |

| Spark Hammer | 8 | SMT 44 | All | Higher quality rate |

| | | | | +20% |

| Beginner Pickaxe | 1 | MIN 6 | All | |

| Bronze Pickaxe | 1 | MIN 9 | All | |

| Iron Pickaxe | 2 | MIN 12 | All | |

| Silver Pickaxe | 3 | MIN 16 | All | |

| Gold Pickaxe | 4 | MIN 20 | All | |

| Lava Pickaxe | 5 | MIN 24 | All | Wingstone damage + |

| Ancient Pickaxe | 7 | MIN 36 | All | Great-deposit |

| | | | | damage + |

| Mole Pickaxe | 8 | MIN 44 | All | Sweet Spot area + |


| Bronze Needle | 1 | SEW 9 | All | |

| Iron Needle | 2 | SEW 12 | All | |

| Silver Needle | 3 | SEW 16 | All | Higher quality rate |

| | | | | +1% |

| Gold Needle | 4 | SEW 20 | All | |

| Fashionista's Needle | 5 | SEW 24 | All | |

| Hornet Needle | 6 | SEW 28 | All | Higher quality rate |

| | | | | +15% |


| Bronze Frying Pan | 1 | COK 9 | All | |

| Iron Frying Pan | 2 | COK 12 | All | |

| Silver Frying Pan | 3 | COK 17 | All | Higher quality rate |

| | | | | +1% |

| Gold Frying Pan | 4 | COK 22 | All | |

| Clam Frying Pan | 5 | COK 28 | All | Higher quality rate |

| | | | | +5% |


| Oak Rod | 1 | FSH 9 | All | |

| Pine Rod | 2 | FSH 12 | All | |

| Palm Rod | 3 | FSH 16 | All | |

| Sugar Rod | 4 | FSH 20 | All | |

| Whirlpool Rod | 7 | FSH 36 | All | Sea-fish damage + |

| Sea-cloud Rod | 8 | FSH 44 | All | Sky-fish damage + |


| Worn Axe | 1 | WOD 6 | All | |

| Oak Axe | 1 | WOD 9 | All | |

| Pine Axe | 2 | WOD 12 | All | |

| Palm Axe | 3 | WOD 16 | All | |

| Sugar Axe | 4 | WOD 20 | All | |

| Sparkle Axe | 5 | WOD 24 | All | Sacred-tree |

| | | | | damage + |

| Giant's Axe | 7 | WOD 36 | All | Great-tree damage + |

| Goddess Axe | 8 | WOD 44 | All | Sweet Spot area + |


| Oak Saw | 1 | CPT 9 | All | |

| Pine Saw | 2 | CPT 12 | All | |

| Palm Saw | 3 | CPT 16 | All | |

| Sugar Saw | 4 | CPT 20 | All | |

| Ancient Saw | 8 | CPT 44 | All | |


| Science Flask | 1 | ALC 9 | All | |

| Inventor's Flask | 2 | ALC 12 | All | |

| Bubbling Flask | 3 | ALC 16 | All | Higher quality rate |

| | | | | +1% |



| |

| [1404] Weapons |

| |


| Name | Lv | Stats | Equip | Special Effects |


| Novice's Dagger | 1 | ATK 4 | All | |

| Bronze Dagger | 1 | ATK 8 | All | |

| Iron Dagger | 2 | ATK 12 | All | |

| Silver Dagger | 3 | ATK 16 | All | |

| Gold Dagger | 4 | ATK 22 | All | |

| Rogue Dagger | 6 | ATK 30 | All | Wind element + |


| Squire's Sword | 1 | ATK 6 | All | |

| Bronze Sword | 1 | ATK 12 | All | |

| Iron Sword | 2 | ATK 20 | All | |

| Gold Sword | 3 | ATK 36 | All | |

| Azure Rose | 4 | ATK 40 | All | Dexterity +4 |

| Captain's Sword | 4 | ATK 48 | PAL | Vitality +4 |

| Key Cutter | 5 | ATK 45 | All | |

| Bone Sword | 5 | ATK 54 | PAL MER | Earth element + |

| | | | MIN WOD | |

| | | | COK BLK | |

| | | | CPT | |

| Paladin's Sword | 5 | ATK 58 | PAL | Max HP +20 |


| Novice's Claymore | 1 | ATK 12 | All | |

| Bronze Claymore | 1 | ATK 20 | All | |

| Iron Claymore | 2 | ATK 32 | All | |

| Silver Claymore | 2 | ATK 46 | All | |

| Gold Claymore | 3 | ATK 60 | All | |

| Paladin's Shield | 1 | DEF 3 | All | |

| Bronze Shield | 1 | DEF 6 | All | |

| Iron Shield | 2 | DEF 9 | All | |

| Silver Shield | 2 | DEF 12 | All | Vitality +2 |

| | | MDF 6 | | |

| Gold Shield | 3 | DEF 17 | All | |

| | | MDF 8 | | |

| Captain's Shield | 4 | DEF 24 | PAL | Vitality +2 |

| | | MDF 10 | | |

| Rose Shield | 4 | DEF 16 | All | Dexterity +2 |

| | | MDF 16 | | |


| Hunter's Bow | 1 | ATK 4 | All | |

| Oak Bow | 1 | ATK 8 | All | |

| Pine Bow | 2 | ATK 12 | All | |

| Palm Bow | 2 | ATK 17 | All | |

| Sugar Bow | 3 | ATK 22 | All | |

| Orca Bow | 4 | ATK 28 | ARC | Water element + |

| Flaming Bow | 5 | ATK 34 | ARC | Fire element + |

| Wyvern's Breath | 6 | ATK 42 | ARC | |


| Novice's Wand | 1 | MAT 4 | All | |

| Oak Wand | 1 | MAT 8 | All | |

| Pine Wand | 2 | MAT 12 | All | |

| Palm Wand | 2 | MAT 17 | All | |

| Sugar Wand | 3 | MAT 22 | All | |



| |
| [1405] Armor |

| |



| Name | Lv | DEF | MDF | Equip | Special Effects |


| Head Gear |


| Leather Hat | -- | 4 | 0 | All | |

| Mage's Hood (M) | -- | 1 | 2 | WIZ | |

| Iron Helm | 5 | 9 | 0 | All | |

| Snakeskin Helm | 5 | 6 | 2 | All | Poison Resistance |

| Coastal Headwear | 7 | 8 | 8 | All | Wind element + |

| Mermaid Helm | 7 | 11 | 4 | All | Water element + |

| Savage Cap | 7 | 12 | 4 | All | Strength +1 |

| Sandy Headwear | 10 | 11 | 11 | All | Fire element + |

| Shellmet | 10 | 15 | 7 | All | Water element + |

| Gold Helm | 10 | 18 | 5 | All | |

| Sky-High Headwear | 15 | 14 | 14 | All | SP-recovery speed+ |

| Beastly Cap | 15 | 18 | 10 | All | Strength +2 |

| Gladiator's Helm | 15 | 24 | 3 | PAL MER | |

| Tidal Helm | 20 | 30 | 15 | PAL MER | Water element + |

| | | | | MIN WOD | |

| | | | | BLK CPT | |

| Sniper's Hat | 30 | 28 | 15 | ARC | Critical rate + |

| Avalanche Helmet | 30 | 30 | 15 | MIN | Focus +4 |


| Body Gear |


| Leather Jerkin | -- | 7 | 0 | All | |

| Mage's Robe (M) | -- | 5 | 6 | WIZ | |

| Iron Cuirass | 5 | 14 | 0 | All | |

| Snakeskin Mail | 5 | 9 | 2 | All | Poison Resistance |

| Coastal Brigandine | 7 | 12 | 12 | All | Wind element + |

| Mermaid Mail | 7 | 17 | 6 | All | Water element + |

| Savage Brigandine | 7 | 18 | 6 | All | Strength +1 |

| Sandy Brigandine | 10 | 16 | 16 | All | Fire element + |

| Shell Cuirass | 10 | 23 | 10 | All | Water element + |

| Gold Cuirass | 10 | 28 | 8 | All | |

| Gladiator's Cuirass | 15 | 38 | 6 | PAL MER | |

| Beastly Brigandine | 15 | 32 | 15 | All | Strength +2 |

| Tidal Cuirass | 20 | 48 | 24 | PAL MER | Water element + |

| | | | | MIN WOD | |

| | | | | BLK CPT | |

| Sniper's Tunic | 30 | 46 | 20 | ARC | Dexterity +4 |

| Grand Miner's | 30 | 46 | 20 | MIN | Strength +4 |

| Cuirass | | | | | |


| Legs Gear |


| Leather Leggings | -- | 5 | 0 | All | |

| Iron Leg Guards | 5 | 10 | 0 | All | |

| Snakeskin Leggings | 5 | 7 | 2 | All | Poison Resistance |

| Coastal Bottom | 7 | 10 | 10 | All | Wind element + |

| Mermaid Leggings | 7 | 13 | 5 | All | Water element + |

| Savage Leggings | 7 | 15 | 5 | All | Strength +1 |

| Sandy Bottoms | 10 | 13 | 13 | All | Fire element + |

| Shell Bottoms | 10 | 17 | 8 | All | Water element + |

| Gold Leg Guards | 10 | 20 | 8 | All | |

| Gladiator's Leg | 15 | 30 | 4 | PAL MER | |

| Guards | | | | | |
| Beastly Leggings | 15 | 24 | 12 | All | Strength +2 |

| Tidal Leggings | 20 | 34 | 18 | PAL MER | Water element + |

| | | | | MIN WOD | |

| | | | | BLK CPT | |

| Sniper's Culottes | 30 | 35 | 12 | ARC | Dexterity +4 |

| Grand Miner's | 30 | 35 | 12 | MIN | Vitality +4 |

| Bottoms | | | | | |


| Arms Gear |


| Leather Gauntlets | -- | 4 | 0 | All | |

| Paladin's Gauntlets | -- | 2 | 0 | PAL | |

| Iron Gauntlets | 5 | 8 | 0 | All | |

| Snakeskin Gloves | 5 | 5 | 2 | All | Poison Resistance |

| Coastal Gloves | 7 | 7 | 7 | All | Wind element + |

| Mermaid Gloves | 7 | 9 | 3 | All | Water element + |

| Savage Gauntlets | 7 | 10 | 4 | All | Strength +1 |

| Sandy Gloves | 10 | 9 | 9 | All | Fire element + |

| Shell Gauntlets | 10 | 11 | 5 | All | Water element + |

| Gold Gauntlets | 10 | 14 | 6 | All | |

| Gladiator's | 15 | 22 | 3 | PAL MER | |

| Wristbands | | | | | |

| Beastly Gauntlets | 15 | 16 | 8 | All | Strength +2 |

| Tidal Gauntlets | 20 | 24 | 14 | PAL MER | Water element + |

| | | | | MIN WOD | |

| | | | | BLK CPT | |

| Sniper's Gloves | 30 | 24 | 12 | ARC | Critical rate + |

| Grand Miner's Mitts | 30 | 24 | 12 | MIN | Strength +4 |


| Feet Gear |

| Leather Boots | -- | 4 | 0 | All | |

| Paladin's Boots | -- | 2 | 0 | PAL | |

| Wizard's Shoes | -- | 1 | 2 | WIZ | |

| Iron Boots | 5 | 8 | 0 | All | |

| Snakeskin Boots | 5 | 5 | 2 | All | Poison Resistance |

| Mermaid Boots | 7 | 9 | 3 | All | Water element + |

| Coastal Boots | 7 | 7 | 7 | All | Wind element + |

| Savage Boots | 7 | 10 | 4 | All | Strength +1 |

| Sandy Boots | 10 | 9 | 9 | All | Fire element + |

| Shell Boots | 10 | 11 | 5 | All | Water element + |

| Gold Boots | 10 | 14 | 6 | All | |

| Gladiator's Metal | 15 | 22 | 3 | PAL MER | |

| Boots | | | | | |

| Beastly Boots | 15 | 16 | 8 | All | Strength +2 |

| Tidal Boots | 20 | 24 | 14 | PAL MER | Water element + |

| | | | | MIN WOD | |

| | | | | BLK CPT | |

| Sniper's Boots | 30 | 24 | 12 | ARC | Focus +4 |

| Grand Miner's Shoes | 30 | 24 | 12 | MIN | Vitality +4 |


| Accessories |


| Charm | -- | 1 | 2 | All | Luck +2 |

| Round Specs | -- | 1 | 2 | All | Intelligence +1 |

| Stylish Specs | -- | 2 | 2 | All | Intelligence +1 |

| Diving Goggles (M) | -- | 4 | 0 | All | |

| Flower Hair Clip | -- | 4 | 0 | All | |

| Coral Necklace | 5 | 0 | 2 | All | Dexterity +1 |

| Topaz Ring | 5 | 1 | 4 | All | Earth element + |

| Aquamarine Ring | 5 | 1 | 4 | All | Vitality +1 |

| Amethyst Ring | 5 | 1 | 4 | All | Intelligence +1 |

| Ruby Ring | 5 | 1 | 4 | All | Fire element + |

| Classy Monocle | 5 | 2 | 5 | All | Intelligence +2 |

| Claw Necklace | 5 | 3 | 1 | All | Strength +1 |

| Black-Rimmed | 5 | 3 | 1 | All | Intelligence +2 |

| Glasses | | | | | |

| Long Cape | 5 | 4 | 0 | All | |

| Marine Necklace | 10 | 1 | 3 | All | Dexterity +2 |

| Red-Rimmed Glasses | 10 | 3 | 3 | All | Intelligence +4 |

| Savage Necklace | 10 | 4 | 2 | All | Strength +2 |

| Durable Charm | 10 | 4 | 4 | All | Luck +4 |

| Damien's Cape | 10 | 9 | 6 | All | |

| Sea Necklace | 15 | 4 | 8 | All | Dexterity +4 |

| Beastly Necklace | 15 | 8 | 4 | All | Strength +4 |

| Sapphire Ring | 20 | 2 | 6 | All | Water element + |

| Emerald Ring | 20 | 2 | 6 | All | Wind element + |

| Reinforced Charm | 20 | 6 | 6 | All | Luck +10 |



| |

| [1406] Decor |

| |


Coming soon...


| |

| [1407] Key Items |

| |


| Name | Description |


| World Map | A map showing all of Reveria. |

| King Erik's Letter | A letter from King Erik of Castele. |

| Mountain Pass Key | A key for the door that leads to the |

| | summit of Mount Snowpeak. |

| Damien's Letter | A letter from Damien, Dark Sultan of |

| | Al Maajik. |

| Goddess Compass | A treasure entrusted to the denizens |

| | Al Maajik by the Goddess. |

| Keepsake Floatstone | A small Floatstone that Crankshaft |

| | gave to Aurora. |


This section will be further expanded at some point. At the moment, I

am prioritizing the main portion of the FAQ before I move onto other

sections of the guide, especially since this will be huge portion of

the guide. If anything, I will be working on this as I am working on

the FAQ concurrently.


| |

| [1500] Creations |

| |


There are five jobs that have a list of Creations that you can craft
from: Cook, Blacksmith, Carpenter, Tailor, and Alchemist. There will

be several different activities for each Life, all which have three

different actions throughout three different stations:


Go to your Menu > Gears > Tools to equip!

(I mean... the worst that'll happen is that the game

will tell you equip it.)

- There will be a station where you will have to rapidly press (A)

- There will be a station where you will have to hold (A)

- And a station where a cursor will go from left to right back and

forth. Press (A) when that cursor overlaps the (A) icon in the


Here are the stations set up for each job labeled as Rapid, Hold, and

Press respectively:

Cook | Hold, Rapid, Press

Blacksmith | Hold, Press, Rapid

Carpenter | Hold, Rapid, Press

Tailor | Rapid, Press, Press (Faster)

Alchemist | Hold, Rapid, Press

On the bottom left of the top screen will label what station you must

go to. You can change stations with either the control stick, D-Pad,

or use L and R to change. You must completely all of these tasks in

order to craft the item. Failing to do so will not make you lose your
items. Should you prevail and completely the tasks on time, you will

successfully craft the item. Flawless/Perfect runs of crafting and/or

crafting the items in a fast time will result in creating higher

quality items, Superior items (for consumables), and even multiple

copies of the item. You will also gain EXP for your attempts.

HL? = High Level?


| |

| [1501] Cook Creations |

| |



| Name | Rank | HL? | Materials Needed |


| Fruits & Veggies |


| Carrot Soup | Fledgling | No | Carrot x2 |

| Apple Juice | Fledgling | No | Castele Apple x2 |

| Vegetable Stew | Apprentice | No | Carrot x1 |

| | | | Potato x1 |

| | | | Onion x1 |

| Tomato Soup | Apprentice | No | Tomato x2 |

| | | | Bell Pepper x1 |

| | | | Springwater x2 |

| Boiled Veggies | Apprentice | Yes | Carrot x2 |

| | | | Broccoli x2 |

| | | | Mountain Mushroom x2 |

| Summer Nectar | Adept | No | Port-Town Orange x1 |

| | | | Southern Papaya x1 |

| | | | Wild Kiwi x1 |

| Barley Juice | Adept | Yes | Grassy Plains Barley x1 |

| | | | Giant Tree Nuts x1 |

| | | | Mountain Springwater x1 |

| Cabbage Rolls | Adept | No | Cabbage x2 |

| | | | Beef x1 |

| | | | Cows' Milk x1 |

| Pumpkin Soup | Adept | No | Pumpkin x1 |

| | | | Maajik Beans x2 |

| | | | Cows' Milk x1 |

| Corn on the Cob | Adept | No | Sweet Corn x1 |

| | | | Sugar Nuts x1 |


| Eggs |


| Boiled Eggs | Fledgling | No | Chicken Eggs x1 |

| Egg Roll | Fledgling | No | Chicken Eggs x3 |

| Fluffy Omelet | Apprentice | No | Chicken Eggs x2 |

| | | | Cows' Milk x1 |

| | | | Tomato x1 |

| Mushroom Quiche | Apprentice | No | Chicken Eggs x2 |

| | | | Cows' Milk x1 |

| | | | Forest Mushroom |

| Chicken & Egg on Rice | Adept | No | Royal Eggs x2 |

| | | | Chicken Meat x1 |

| | | | Port Rice x1 |

| Giant Fried Egg | Adept | Yes | Big Egg x1 |

| | | | Palm Nuts x2 |

| Pumpkin Quiche | Adept | No | Royal Eggs x3 |

| | | | Cows' Milk x1 |
| | | | Pumpkin x1 |


| Meat |


| Roast Mutton | Fledgling | No | Mutton x1 |

| Chicken Kebab | Fledgling | No | Chicken Meat x2 |

| Winter Stew | Fledgling | Yes | Chicken Meat x2 |

| | | | Cows' Milk x2 |

| | | | Carrot x2 |

| Well-Done Burger | Apprentice | Yes | Mutton x1 |

| | | | Onion x1 |

| | | | Grassy Plains Barley x1 |

| Juicy Lamb | Apprentice | No | Mutton x2 |

| | | | Pine Nuts x3 |

| Chicken Delight | Apprentice | No | Chicken Meat x2 |

| | | | Pine Nuts x3 |

| Steak | Adept | No | Beef x1 |

| | | | Pine Nuts x4 |

| Southern Stew | Adept | No | Mutton x2 |

| | | | Cows' Milk x2 |

| | | | Tomato x2 |

| Juicy Burger | Adept | Yes | Beef x2 |

| | | | Onion x2 |

| | | | Grassy Plains Barley x2 |

| T-Rex Leg | Adept | Yes | Dino Meat x1 |

| | | | Pine Nuts x1 |


| Seafood |


| Grilled Crucian | Fledgling | No | Castele Crucian x1 |

| Grilled Sweetfish | Fledgling | No | Plains Sweetfish x1 |

| Fish Soup | Fledgling | No | Elderwood Trout x2 |

| | | | Daikon Radish x1 |

| | | | Springwater x1 |

| Rustic Trout | Apprentice | Yes | Elderwood Trout x1 |

| | | | Grassy Plains Barley x3 |

| | | | Carrot x1 |

| Grilled Tuna Head | Apprentice | Yes | Tuna x1 |

| Tuna Sashimi | Apprentice | No | Tuna x1 |

| Seafood Stew | Apprentice | No | Puerto Bream x1 |

| | | | Springwater x1 |

| | | | Little Shell x1 |

| Rice-Stuffed Squid | Apprentice | No | Squid x2 |

| | | | Port Rice x1 |

| Sardine Pâté | Adept | No | Sardine x2 |

| | | | Palm Nuts x1 |

| Hot Prawn Bisque | Adept | No | Carrot x1 |

| | | | Lava Prawn x1 |

| | | | Cows' Milk x1 |

| Prawn Gratin | Adept | No | Prawn x2 |

| | | | Broccoli x1 |

| | | | Cows' Milk x1 |

| Grilled Eel | Adept | Yes | Plains Eel x1 |

| | | | Pine Nuts x1 |

| Rustic Rainbow Trout | Adept | Yes | Rainbow Trout x1 |

| | | | Grassy Plains Barley x2 |

| Bream Sashimi | Adept | No | Puerto Bream x2 |

| Port-Town Gratin | Adept | No | Prawn x3 |

| | | | Eggplant x2 |

| | | | Cows' Milk x2 |

| Flying Fish Sushi | Adept | No | Flying Fish x2 |

| | | | Port Rice x1 |


| |

| [1502] Blacksmith Creations |

| |



| Materials |


| Bronze Ingot | Fledgling | No | Castele Copper x2 |

| Iron Ingot | Apprentice | No | Plains Iron x2 |

| Silver Ingot | Adept | No | Port Puerto Silver x2 |

| Gold Ingot | Expert | No | Al Maajik Gold x2 |

| Platinum Ingot | Expert | No | Platinum Ore x2 |


| Weapons |


| Bronze Dagger | Fledgling | No | Bronze Ingot x1 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| Bronze Sword | Fledgling | No | Bronze Ingot x2 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| Bronze Claymore | Fledgling | No | Bronze Ingot x3 |

| | | | Oak Beam x1 |

| Iron Dagger | Apprentice | No | Iron Ingot x1 |

| | | | Wool x1 |

| Iron Sword | Apprentice | No | Iron Ingot x2 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| Iron Claymore | Apprentice | No | Iron Ingot x3 |

| | | | Pine Beam x1 |

| Silver Dagger | Adept | No | Silver Ingot x1 |

| | | | Silk x1 |

| Silver Claymore | Adept | No | Silver Ingot x3 |

| | | | Palm Beam x1 |

| Gold Dagger | Expert | No | Gold Ingot x1 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| Gold Sword | Expert | No | Gold Ingot x2 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| Gold Claymore | Expert | No | Gold Ingot x3 |

| | | | Sugar Beam x1 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| Rogue's Dagger | Expert | Yes | Platinum Ingot x1 |

| | | | Rainbow Feather x1 |

| | | | Monster Hide x1 |

| Captain's Sword | Expert | Yes | Platinum Ingot x3 |

| | | | Earth Shard x1 |

| | | | Emerald x1 |

| Azure Rose | Expert | Yes | Platinum Ingot x3 |

| | | | Moon Cluster x1 |

| | | | Aquamarine x1 |

| Bone Sword | Expert | Yes | Platinum Ingot x3 |

| | | | Fossil Shard x1 |

| | | | Demonic Powder x1 |

| Key Cutter | Expert | Yes | Gold Ingot x3 |

| | | | Sun Cluster x1 |

| | | | Sack of Treasure x1 |


| Tools |


| Bronze Hammer | Fledgling | Yes | Bronze Ingot x2 |

| | | | Oak Beam x1 |

| Bronze Pickaxe | Fledgling | No | Bronze Ingot x2 |

| | | | Oak Beam x2 |

| Bronze Needle | Fledgling | No | Bronze Ingot x1 |

| | | | Straw Thread x1 |

| Bronze Frying Pan | Fledgling | No | Bronze Ingot x2 |

| | | | Woven-Straw Fabric x1 |

| Iron Hammer | Apprentice | Yes | Iron Ingot x2 |

| | | | Pine Beam x1 |

| Iron Pickaxe | Apprentice | No | Iron Ingot x2 |

| | | | Pine Beam x2 |

| Iron Needle | Apprentice | No | Iron Ingot x1 |

| | | | Straw Thread x1 |

| Iron Frying Pan | Apprentice | No | Iron Ingot x2 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| Silver Hammer | Adept | Yes | Silver Ingot x2 |

| | | | Palm Beam x1 |

| | | | Animal Hide x2 |

| Silver Pickaxe | Adept | No | Silver Ingot x2 |

| | | | Palm Beam x2 |

| Silver Needle | Adept | No | Silver Ingot x1 |

| | | | Silk Thread x1 |

| Silver Frying Pan | Adept | No | Silver Ingot x2 |

| | | | Silk x1 |

| Gold Hammer | Expert | Yes | Gold Ingot x2 |

| | | | Sugar Beam x1 |

| | | | Beast Hide x2 |

| Gold Pickaxe | Expert | No | Gold Ingot x2 |

| | | | Sugar Beam x2 |

| Gold Needle | Expert | No | Gold Ingot x1 |

| | | | Flax Thread x1 |
| Gold Frying Pan | Expert | No | Gold Ingot x2 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| Super Hammer | Expert | Yes | Platinum Ingot x2 |

| | | | Fir Beam x1 |

| | | | Monster Hide x2 |

| Fashionista's Needle | Expert | Yes | Platinum x1 |

| | | | Marine Thread x2 |

| Clam Frying Pan | Expert | Yes | Platinum Ingot x2 |

| | | | Rainbow Shell x2 |

| | | | Sapphire x1 |


| Armor |


| Bronze Shield | Fledgling | No | Bronze Ingot x1 |

| | | | Oak Beam x1 |

| Leather Hat | Fledgling | No | Animal Hide x2 |

| | | | Animal Claws x1 |

| Leather Jerkin | Fledgling | Yes | Animal Hide x3 |

| | | | Animal Claws x1 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| Leather Leggings | Fledgling | No | Animal Hide x2 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x2 |

| Leather Gauntlets | Fledgling | No | Animal Hide x2 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| Leather Boots | Fledgling | No | Animal Hide x2 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| Iron Shield | Apprentice | No | Iron Ingot x1 |

| | | | Oak Beam x1 |

| Iron Helm | Apprentice | No | Iron Ingot x2 |

| | | | Animal Claws x1 |

| Iron Cuirass | Apprentice | Yes | Iron Ingot x3 |

| | | | Bronze Ingot x1 |

| | | | Wool x1 |

| Iron Leg Guards | Apprentice | No | Iron Ingot x2 |

| | | | Wool x2 |

| Iron Gauntlets | Apprentice | No | Iron Ingot x2 |

| | | | Wool x1 |

| Iron Boots | Apprentice | No | Iron Ingot x2 |

| | | | Wool x1 |

| Snakeskin Helm | Apprentice | No | Snake Scales x3 |

| | | | Iron Ingot x1 |

| Snakeskin Mail | Apprentice | Yes | Snake Scales x5 |

| | | | Iron Ingot x1 |

| | | | Woven-Straw Fabric x1 |

| Snakeskin Leggings | Apprentice | No | Snake Scales x2 |

| | | | Woven-Straw Fabric x2 |

| Snakeskin Gloves | Apprentice | No | Snake Scales x2 |

| | | | Woven-Straw Fabric x1 |

| Snakeskin Boots | Apprentice | No | Snake Scales x2 |

| | | | Woven-Straw Fabric x1 |

| Silver Shield | Adept | No | Silver Ingot x2 |

| | | | Palm Beam x1 |

| Savage Cap | Adept | No | Beast Hide x1 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| | | | Hard Claws x1 |

| Savage Brigandine | Adept | Yes | Beast Hide x2 |

| | | | Animal Hide x2 |

| | | | Cashmere x1 |

| Savage Leggings | Adept | No | Beast Hide x2 |

| | | | Cashmere x2 |

| Savage Gauntlets | Adept | No | Beast Hide x2 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |
| Savage Boots | Adept | No | Beast Hide x2 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| Mermaid Helm | Adept | No | Fish Scales x3 |

| | | | Silver Ingot x1 |

| Mermaid Mail | Adept | Yes | Fish Scales x5 |

| | | | Silver Ingot x1 |

| | | | Silk x1 |

| Mermaid Leggings | Adept | No | Fish Scales x2 |

| | | | Silk x2 |

| Mermaid Gloves | Adept | No | Fish Scales x2 |

| | | | Silk x1 |

| Mermaid Boots | Adept | No | Fish Scales x2 |

| | | | Silk x1 |

| Shellmet | Expert | No | Durable Shell x1 |

| | | | Little Shell x2 |

| | | | Silver Ingot x1 |

| Shell Cuirass | Expert | Yes | Durable Shell x4 |

| | | | Silver Ingot x1 |

| | | | Marine Silk x1 |

| Shell Bottoms | Expert | No | Durable Shell x2 |

| | | | Marine Silk x2 |

| Shell Gauntlets | Expert | No | Durable Shell x2 |

| | | | Little Shell x1 |

| Shell Boots | Expert | No | Durable Shell x2 |

| | | | Little Shell x1 |

| Gold Helm | Expert | No | Gold Ingot x1 |

| | | | Silver Ingot x1 |

| Gold Cuirass | Expert | No | Gold Ingot x3 |

| | | | Silver Ingot x1 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| Gold Leg Guards | Expert | No | Gold Ingot x2 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x2 |

| Gold Gauntlets | Expert | No | Gold Ingot x2 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| Gold Boots | Expert | No | Gold Ingot x2 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| Gold Shield | Expert | No | Gold Ingot x2 |

| | | | Sugar Beam x1 |

| Captain's Shield | Expert | Yes | Platinum Ingot x2 |

| | | | Fir Beam x1 |

| | | | Silver Ingot x1 |

| Rose Shield | Expert | Yes | Platinum Ingot x2 |

| | | | Mangrove Beam x1 |

| | | | King Gel x1 |

| Gladiator's Helm | Expert | Yes | Platinum Ingot x1 |

| | | | Gold Ingot x1 |

| | | | Coal-Black Feather x1 |

| Gladiator's Cuirass | Expert | Yes | Platinum Ingot x3 |

| | | | Gold Ingot x1 |

| | | | Strong Fang x1 |

| Gladiator's Leg Guards | Expert | No | Platinum Ingot x3 |

| | | | Monster Hide x1 |

| Gladiator's Wristbands | Expert | No | Platinum Ingot x1 |

| | | | Gold Ingot x1 |

| | | | Monster Hide x1 |

| Gladiator's Metal | Expert | No | Platinum Ingot x1 |

| Boots | | | Gold Ingot x1 |

| | | | Monster Hide x1 |

| Beastly Cap | Expert | Yes | Monster Hide x1 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| | | | Sharp Claws x1 |

| Beastly Brigandine | Expert | Yes | Monster Hide x2 |

| | | | Beast Hide x2 |

| | | | Black Cashmere x1 |

| Beastly Leggings | Expert | No | Monster Hide x2 |

| | | | Black Cashmere x2 |

| Beastly Gauntlets | Expert | No | Monster Hide x2 |

| | | | Black Cashmere x1 |

| Beastly Boots | Expert | No | Monster Hide x2 |

| | | | Black Cashmere x1 |



| |

| [1503] Carpenter Creations |

| |



| Materials |


| Oak Beam | Fledgling | No | Oak Log x2 |

| Pine Beam | Apprentice | No | Pine Log x2 |

| Palm Beam | Apprentice | No | Palm Log x2 |

| Sugar Beam | Adept | No | Sugar Log x2 |

| Mangrove Beam | Adept | No | Mangrove Log x2 |


| Weapons |


| Oak Wand | Fledgling | No | Oak Beam x2 |

| | | | Blue Stone x1 |

| Oak Bow | Fledgling | No | Oak Beam x2 |

| | | | Straw Thread x2 |
| Pine Wand | Apprentice | No | Pine Beam x2 |

| | | | Yellow Stone x2 |

| Pine Bow | Apprentice | No | Pine Beam x2 |

| | | | Straw Thread x2 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| Palm Wand | Apprentice | No | Palm Beam x2 |

| | | | Ruby x1 |

| Palm Bow | Apprentice | No | Palm Beam x2 |

| | | | Silk Thread x2 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| Sugar Wand | Adept | No | Sugar Beam x2 |

| | | | Purple Stone x2 |

| Sugar Bow | Adept | No | Sugar Beam x2 |

| | | | Flax Thread x2 |

| | | | Monster Hide x1 |


| Tools |


| Oak Rod | Fledgling | No | Oak Beam x1 |

| | | | Straw Thread x3 |

| Oak Axe | Fledgling | No | Oak Beam x1 |

| | | | Bronze Ingot x2 |

| Oak Saw | Fledgling | No | Oak Beam x1 |

| | | | Bronze Ingot x1 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| Pine Rod | Apprentice | No | Pine Beam x1 |

| | | | Straw Thread x3 |

| | | | Pine Nuts x1 |

| Pine Axe | Apprentice | No | Pine Beam x1 |

| | | | Iron Ingot x2 |

| Pine Saw | Apprentice | No | Pine Beam x1 |

| | | | Iron Ingot x1 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| Palm Rod | Apprentice | No | Palm Beam x1 |

| | | | Silk Thread x3 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x2 |

| Palm Axe | Apprentice | No | Palm Beam x1 |

| | | | Silver Ingot x2 |

| Palm Saw | Apprentice | No | Palm Beam x1 |

| | | | Silver Ingot x1 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| Sugar Rod | Adept | No | Sugar Beam x1 |

| | | | Flax Thread x2 |

| | | | Linen x2 |

| Sugar Axe | Adept | No | Sugar Beam x1 |

| | | | Gold Ingot x2 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| Sugar Saw | Adept | No | Sugar Beam x1 |

| | | | Gold Ingot x1 |

| | | | Ruby x1 |


| Decor |


| Wooden Crate | Fledgling | No | Oak Beam x2 |

| Rubbish Bin | Fledgling | No | Oak Beam x1 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| Wooden Chair | Fledgling | No | Oak Beam x2 |

| | | | Woven-Straw Fabric x1 |

| Wooden Low Table | Fledgling | No | Oak Beam x2 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | Castele Bloom x1 |

| Wooden Dining Table | Fledgling | Yes | Oak Beam x3 |

| | | | Woven-Straw Fabric x1 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| Wooden Cabinet | Fledgling | No | Oak Beam x3 |

| | | | Pine Nuts x1 |

| Wooden Sofa | Fledgling | Yes | Oak Beam x3 |

| | | | Woven-Straw Fabric |

| | | | Dandelion Puff x3 |

| Wooden Bed | Fledgling | Yes | Oak Beam x5 |

| | | | Elder Oak Log x1 |

| | | | Woven-Straw Fabric x3 |

| Wooden Chest | Fledgling | No | Oak Beam x4 |

| | | | Yellow stone x2 |

| Wooden Wardrobe | Fledgling | No | Oak Beam x6 |

| Basket | Apprentice | No | Pine Beam x1 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| Patched Hole | Apprentice | No | Pine Beam x1 |

| | | | Oak Beam x1 |

| Barrel | Apprentice | No | Pine Beam x2 |

| | | | Iron Ingot x1 |

| Port-Town Chair | Apprentice | No | Palm Beam x2 |

| | | | Silk x1 |

| Tiled Low Table | Apprentice | No | Palm Beam x2 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| | | | Port Puerto Bloom x1 |

| Tiled Dining Table | Apprentice | Yes | Palm Beam x3 |

| | | | Silk x1 |

| | | | Durable Shell x1 |

| Tiled Cabinet | Apprentice | No | Palm Beam x3 |

| | | | Pretty Coral x1 |

| Port-Town Couch | Apprentice | Yes | Palm Beam x3 |

| | | | Silk x2 |
| | | | Sheep Fleece x3 |

| Port-Town Bed | Apprentice | Yes | Palm Beam x5 |

| | | | Elder Palm Log x1 |

| | | | Silk x3 |

| Tiled Chest | Apprentice | No | Palm Beam x4 |

| | | | Blue Stone x2 |

| Port-Town Wardrobe | Apprentice | No | Palm Beam x6 |

| | | | Moon Cluster x1 |

| Starry-Night Chair | Adept | No | Sugar Beam x2 |

| | | | Flare Wool x1 |

| Starry-Night Low Table | Adept | No | Sugar Beam x2 |

| | | | Linen x1 |

| | | | Al Maajik Bloom x1 |

| Starry-Night Table | Adept | Yes | Sugar Beam x3 |

| | | | Linen x1 |

| | | | Moon Cluster x1 |

| Starry-Night Cabinet | Adept | No | Sugar Beam x3 |

| | | | Sandstone x1 |

| Starry-Night Sofa | Adept | Yes | Sugar Beam x3 |

| | | | Linen x2 |

| | | | Sunny Puff x3 |

| Starry-Night Bed | Adept | Yes | Sugar Beam x5 |

| | | | Elder Sugar Log x1 |

| | | | Flare Wool x3 |

| Starry-Night Chest | Adept | No | Sugar Beam x4 |

| | | | Topaz x1 |

| | | | Linen x1 |

| Starry-Night Wardrobe | Adept | No | Sugar Beam x6 |

| | | | Star Cluster x1 |

| Pirate Chair | Adept | No | Mangrove Beam x2 |

| | | | Marine Silk x1 |
| Pirate Low Table | Adept | No | Mangrove Beam x2 |

| | | | Iron Ingot x1 |

| | | | Purple Stone x1 |

| Pirate Dining Table | Adept | Yes | Mangrove Beam x3 |

| | | | Iron Ingot x2 |

| | | | Timeworn Shell x1 |

| Pirate Cabinet | Adept | No | Mangrove Beam x3 |

| | | | Durable Shell x1 |

| Pirate Bench | Adept | Yes | Mangrove Beam x3 |

| | | | Marine Silk x2 |

| | | | Durable Shell x1 |

| Pirate Berth | Adept | Yes | Mangrove Beam x5 |

| | | | Elder Mangrove Log x1 |

| | | | Marine Silk x3 |

| Pirate Chest | Adept | No | Mangrove Beam x4 |

| | | | Marine Silk x1 |

| | | | Timeworn Shell x1 |

| Pirate Wardrobe | Adept | No | Mangrove Beam x6 |

| | | | Ancient Shell x1 |



| |

| [1504] Tailor Creations |

| |



| Materials |

| Dandelion Cotton | Fledgling | No | Dandelion Puff x2 |

| Woven-Straw Fabric | Fledgling | No | Straw Thread x2 |

| Silk | Apprentice | No | Silk Thread x2 |

| Wool | Apprentice | No | Sheep Fleece x2 |

| Sunny Cotton | Adept | No | Sunny Puff x2 |

| Marine Silk | Adept | No | Marine Thread x2 |

| Linen | Adept | No | Flax Thread x2 |

| Cashmere | Expert | No | Goat Fleece x2 |

| Flare Wool | Expert | No | Golden-Sheep Fleece x2 |

| Black Cashmere | Expert | No | Black-Goat Fleece x2 |


| Top & Bottoms |


| Castele Blouse (F) | Fledgling | No | Dandelion Cotton x2 |

| | | | String x1 |

| Castele Shirt (M) | Fledgling | No | Dandelion Cotton x2 |

| | | | String x1 |

| Castele Skirt (F) | Fledgling | No | Woven-Straw Fabric x1 |

| | | | String x1 |

| Castele Slacks (M) | Fledgling | No | Woven-Straw Fabric x1 |

| | | | String x1 |

| Artisan's Apron | Fledgling | Yes | Woven-Straw Fabric x1 |

| | | | Wooden Buttons x1 |

| | | | Animal Hide x2 |

| Artisan's Puffy Shorts | Fledgling | No | Woven-Straw Fabric x1 |

| | | | Wooden Buttons x1 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Highland Top | Fledgling | No | Dandelion Cotton x2 |

| | | | Cute Ribbon x1 |

| | | | Castele Bloom x1 |

| Highland Kilt | Fledgling | No | Dandelion Cotton x2 |

| | | | Cute Ribbon x1 |

| Sunshine Skirt (F) | Fledgling | No | Dandelion Cotton x2 |

| | | | Woven-Straw Fabric x1 |

| | | | Castele Bloom x1 |

| Dueling Doublet | Apprentice | Yes | Wool x2 |

| | | | Animal Hide x2 |

| | | | Fine Feather x1 |

| Dueling Bottoms | Apprentice | No | Wool x2 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Harbor Honey Blouse | Apprentice | No | Wool x1 |

| (F) | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | Seashell Buttons x1 |

| Harbor Honey Skirt (F) | Apprentice | No | Wool x1 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | String x1 |

| Harbor Honey Doublet | Apprentice | No | Wool x1 |

| (M) | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | Seashell Buttons x1 |

| Harbor Honey Slacks | Apprentice | No | Wool x1 |

| (M) | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | String x1 |

| Quilted Coat | Apprentice | Yes | Wool x3 |

| | | | Wooden Buttons x1 |

| | | | Sheep Fleece x3 |

| Quilted Bottoms | Apprentice | No | Wool x3 |

| | | | Wooden Buttons x1 |

| | | | Sheep Fleece x2 |

| Striped Skirt | Apprentice | No | Silk x2 |

| | | | Whitebell x1 |

| | | | Redbell x1 |
| Seafarer's Doublet | Apprentice | No | Silk x2 |

| | | | Pretty Coral x1 |

| | | | String x2 |

| Seafarer's Capris | Apprentice | No | Silk x2 |

| | | | Little Shell x1 |

| | | | String x1 |

| Lined Skirt | Apprentice | No | Wool x2 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | Bluebell x1 |

| Twin-Tail Jacket | Adept | Yes | Silk x2 |

| | | | Marine Silk x1 |

| | | | Wonderful Ribbon x1 |

| Watermeloons | Adept | No | Silk x2 |

| | | | Wool x1 |

| | | | Beach Watermelon x1 |

| Holiday Top (F) | Adept | Yes | Marine Silk x1 |

| | | | Gemstone Buttons x1 |

| | | | Port Puerto Bloom x1 |

| Sea Sarong (F) | Adept | No | Marine Silk x2 |

| | | | Wonderful Ribbon x1 |

| | | | Port Puerto Bloom x1 |

| Holiday Shirt (M) | Adept | Yes | Marine Silk x2 |

| | | | Wonderful Buttons x1 |

| | | | Redbell x1 |

| Sea Trunks (M) | Adept | No | Marine Silk x1 |

| | | | Wonderful String x1 |

| | | | Bluebell x1 |

| Chic Maajik Loose Top | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x2 |

| (F) | | | Blue Stone x1 |

| | | | Purple Stone x1 |

| Chic Maajik Skirt (F) | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x2 |

| | | | Wonderful String x1 |

| Chic Maajik Top (M) | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x2 |

| | | | Wonderful Buttons x1 |

| Chic Maajik Capris (M) | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x2 |

| | | | Al Maajik Bloom x1 |

| Puffy-Sleeved Top | Adept | Yes | Sunny Cotton x2 |

| | | | Marine Silk x1 |

| | | | Silk x1 |

| Loose Stripies | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x2 |

| | | | Silk x1 |

| Frilly Skirt (F) | Adept | Yes | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Marine Silk x1 |

| | | | Port Puerto Bloom x1 |

| Twilight Top (F) | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | Red Peppercorns x1 |

| Desert Diva Skirt (F) | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | Red Peppercorns x1 |

| Desert Top (M) | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | Black Pepper x1 |

| Loose Trousers (M) | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | Black Pepper x1 |

| Linen Tunic | Adept | No | Linen x2 |

| Linen Bottoms | Adept | No | Linen x2 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| Coastal Brigandine | Adept | No | Marine Silk x3 |

| | | | Fish Scales x1 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |
| Coastal Bottoms | Adept | No | Marine Silk x2 |

| | | | Fish Scales x1 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| Frigid Brigandine | Adept | Yes | Cashmere x3 |

| | | | Glossy Feather x1 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| Frigid Bottoms | Adept | Yes | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Glossy Feather x1 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| Pretty Princess Dress | Expert | Yes | Cashmere x2 |

| (F) | | | Marine Silk x2 |

| | | | Wonderful Ribbon x2 |

| Tuxedo (M) | Expert | Yes | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Marine Silk x2 |

| | | | Wonderful Buttons x2 |

| Formal Slacks (M) | Expert | No | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Marine Silk x2 |

| | | | Wonderful String x2 |

| Checkered Skirt (F) | Expert | No | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Flare Wool x1 |

| | | | Yellowbell x1 |

| Maharaja Robe | Expert | Yes | Cashmere x3 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x2 |

| | | | Emerald x1 |

| Maharaja Bottoms | Expert | No | Cashmere x3 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| | | | Gemstone Buttons x1 |

| Banded Skirt (F) | Expert | No | Black Cashmere x1 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x2 |

| | | | Wonderful String x1 |

| Denim Long Skirt (F) | Expert | No | Sunny Puff x3 |

| | | | Starry Thread x3 |

| | | | Bluebell x3 |

| Sandy Brigandine | Expert | Yes | Flare Wool x3 |

| | | | Sandstone x1 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| Sandy Bottoms | Expert | No | Flare Wool x2 |

| | | | Sandstone x1 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| Grotto Brigandine | Expert | No | Black Cashmere x3 |

| | | | Coal-Black Feather x1 |

| | | | Monster Hide x1 |

| Grotto Bottoms | Expert | No | Black Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Coal-Black Feather x1 |

| | | | Monster Hide x1 |

| Flame Robe | Expert | Yes | Flare Wool x3 |

| | | | Sunny Cotton x2 |

| | | | Fire Mana x1 |

| Aqua Robe | Expert | Yes | Flare Wool x3 |

| | | | Marine Silk x2 |

| | | | Water Mana x1 |


| Other |


| Lowtop Shoes | Fledgling | No | Animal Hide x1 |

| Artisan's Hat | Fledgling | No | Woven-Straw Fabric x1 |

| | | | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | Redbell x1 |

| Artisan's Mitts | Fledgling | No | Animal Hide x1 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Artisan's Shoes | Fledgling | No | Animal Hide x2 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |
| Highland Beret | Fledgling | No | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | Sheep Fleece x1 |

| | | | Greenbell x1 |

| Highland Loafers | Fledgling | No | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| Cape | Fledgling | Yes | Dandelion Cotton x2 |

| | | | Straw Thread x1 |

| | | | Redbell x2 |

| Dueling Boots | Apprentice | No | Wool x1 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Quilted Hat | Apprentice | No | Wool x2 |

| | | | Sheep Fleece x2 |

| Quilted Mittens | Apprentice | No | Wool x2 |

| | | | Sheep Fleece x2 |

| Quilted Shoes | Apprentice | No | Animal Hide x2 |

| | | | Sheep Fleece x2 |

| Netted Hat | Apprentice | No | Silk x1 |

| | | | Wool x1 |

| Harbor Sandals | Apprentice | No | Dandelion Cotton x1 |

| | | | Seashell Buttons x1 |

| Warrior's Sandals | Apprentice | No | Animal Hide x1 |

| | | | Palm Log x1 |

| Mules | Adept | No | Beast Hide x2 |

| | | | Leather String x2 |

| Beach Sandals (M) | Adept | No | Beast Hide x2 |

| | | | Seashell Buttons x2 |

| Ribbon-Laced Shoes | Adept | No | Animal Hide x1 |

| | | | Cute Button x2 |

| | | | Redbell x3 |

| Cup Cap | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| | | | Cashmere x1 |

| Comfy Slippers (F) | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| | | | Sunny Puff x1 |

| Jade Turban | Adept | Yes | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Coal-Black Feather x1 |

| | | | Redbell x1 |

| Gold Bangles | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| | | | Yellow Gel x2 |

| | | | Sack of Gold x1 |

| High-Toe Boots | Adept | No | Sunny Cotton x1 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| | | | Yellowbell x1 |

| Desert Headdress | Adept | No | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Linen x1 |

| | | | Al Maajik Bloom x1 |

| Pair of Babouches | Adept | No | Beast Hide x2 |

| | | | Animal Hide x1 |

| Moccasins | Adept | No | Beast Hide x2 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Long Cape | Adept | Yes | Silk x3 |

| | | | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Wonderful Buttons x1 |

| Damien's Cape | Adept | Yes | Linen x3 |

| | | | Cashmere x3 |

| | | | Evil Carp x1 |

| Coastal Headwear | Adept | No | Marine Silk x2 |

| | | | Fish Scales x1 |

| | | | Seashell Buttons x2 |

| Coastal Gloves | Adept | No | Marine Silk x1 |

| | | | Fish Scales x1 |
| | | | Marine Thread x1 |

| Coastal Boots | Adept | No | Marine Silk x1 |

| | | | Fish Scales x1 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Frigid Headwear | Adept | No | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Golden-Sheep Fleece x1 |

| | | | Wooden Buttons x2 |

| Frigid Gloves | Adept | No | Cashmere x1 |

| | | | Golden-Sheep Fleece x1 |

| | | | Silk Thread x1 |

| Frigid Boots | Adept | No | Cashmere x1 |

| | | | Golden-Sheep Fleece x1 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Castele Heels (F) | Expert | No | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Rainbow Shell x2 |

| | | | Wonderful Ribbon x2 |

| Formal Dress Shoes (M) | Expert | No | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Monster Hide x2 |

| | | | Wonderful String x2 |

| Short Cape | Expert | Yes | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Marine Silk x2 |

| | | | Moon Cluster x1 |

| Maharaja Turban | Expert | Yes | Cashmere x3 |

| | | | Red Gel x1 |

| | | | Gemstone Buttons x1 |

| Maharaja Shoes | Expert | No | Monster Hide x2 |

| | | | Wind Mana x2 |

| Grinning Hat | Expert | No | Black Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Demonic Powder x1 |

| | | | Star Cluster x1 |

| Magic Mittens | Expert | No | Flare Wool x2 |

| | | | Magic Powder x1 |

| | | | Wonderful Buttons x2 |

| Magic Shoes | Expert | No | Flare Wool x2 |

| | | | Magic Powder x1 |

| | | | Gemstone Buttons |

| Sandy Headwear | Expert | No | Flare Wool x2 |

| | | | Sandstone x1 |

| | | | Metal Buttons x2 |

| Sandy Gloves | Expert | No | Flare Wool x1 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| | | | Flax Thread x1 |

| Sandy Boots | Expert | No | Flare Wool x1 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Grotto Headwear | Expert | No | Black Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Monster Hide x1 |

| | | | Wonderful Buttons x2 |

| Grotto Gloves | Expert | No | Black Cashmere x1 |

| | | | Monster Hide x1 |

| | | | Cave Mushroom x1 |

| Grotto Boots | Expert | No | Black Cashmere x1 |

| | | | Monster Hide x1 |

| | | | Cave Mushroom x1 |

| Flame Hood | Expert | Yes | Flare Wool x2 |

| | | | Magic Powder x1 |

| | | | Fire Mana x1 |

| Aqua Hood | Expert | Yes | Flare Wool x2 |

| | | | Magic Powder x1 |

| | | | Water Mana x1 |


| Decor |

| Simple Curtains | Fledgling | No | Dandelion Cotton x3 |

| Simple Mat | Fledgling | No | Dandelion Cotton x3 |

| Simple Carpet | Fledgling | No | Dandelion Cotton x6 |

| Castele Curtains | Apprentice | No | Woven-Straw Fabric x2 |

| | | | Straw Thread x1 |

| Woven Castele Mat | Apprentice | No | Woven-Straw Fabric x3 |

| | | | Castele Bloom x1 |

| Woven Castele Rug | Apprentice | No | Woven-Straw Fabric x4 |

| | | | Greenbell x2 |

| Veggie-Plot Rug | Apprentice | Yes | Dandelion Cotton x3 |

| | | | Woven-Straw Fabric x3 |

| | | | Potato x3 |

| Rush Rug | Apprentice | No | Woven-Straw Fabric x3 |

| | | | Straw Thread x3 |

| | | | Pine Nuts x2 |

| Wooden-Log Rug | Adept | No | Palm Beam x3 |

| | | | Leather String x3 |

| | | | Palm Nuts x2 |

| Forest Curtains | Adept | No | Woven-Straw Fabric x2 |

| | | | Healweed x2 |

| | | | Earth Mana x1 |

| Leaf Mat | Adept | No | Woven-Straw Fabric x2 |

| | | | Greenbell x2 |

| | | | Earth Mana x1 |

| Lace Curtains | Adept | No | Marine Silk x2 |

| | | | Silk Thread x2 |

| Port-Town Mat | Expert | No | Marine Silk x2 |

| | | | Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Bluebell x1 |

| Port-Town Rug | Expert | No | Marine Silk x3 |

| | | | Cashmere x3 |

| | | | Bluebell x2 |

| Pirate-Ship Window | Expert | No | Mangrove Beam x2 |

| | | | Desert Beam x2 |

| | | | Scrap of Cloth x2 |

| Pirate Mat | Expert | No | Black Cashmere x2 |

| | | | Monster Hide x2 |

| | | | Scrap of Cloth x1 |

| Ship-Deck Rug | Expert | No | Black Cashmere x3 |

| | | | Mangrove Beam x2 |

| | | | Desert Beam x2 |

| Pirate Flag | Expert | Yes | Black Cashmere x3 |

| | | | Dark Scales x1 |

| | | | Swordfish Fin x1 |

| Starry-Night Curtains | Expert | No | Flare Wool x2 |

| | | | Starry Thread x2 |

| | | | Linen x1 |

| Starry-Night Mat | Expert | No | Flare Wool x2 |

| | | | Starry Thread x2 |

| | | | Yellowbell x2 |

| Starry-Night Rug | Expert | No | Flare Wool x3 |

| | | | Starry Thread x2 |

| | | | Yellowbell x2 |

| Clover Rug | Expert | Yes | Woven-Straw Fabric x3 |

| | | | Earth Mana x1 |

| | | | Water Mana x1 |

| Teddy Bear | Fledgling | Yes | Wool x2 |

| | | | Sheep Fleece x3 |

| | | | Straw Thread x2 |


| |

| [1505] Alchemist Creations |

| |



| Medicines |


| HP Potion | Fledgling | No | Healweed x1 |

| | | | Springwater x1 |

| SP Potion | Fledgling | No | Vitalweed x2 |

| | | | Springwater x1 |

| Poison Antidote | Fledgling | No | Cureweed x1 |

| | | | Antidote Berries x1 |

| | | | Springwater x1 |

| Stun Antidote | Fledgling | No | Cureweed x1 |

| | | | Antistun Berries x1 |

| | | | Springwater x1 |

| Sleep Antidote | Fledgling | No | Cureweed x1 |

| | | | Wake-Up Berries x1 |

| | | | Springwater x1 |

| Life Cure | Apprentice | Yes | Lifeweed x2 |

| | | | Little Tail x2 |

| | | | Mountain Springwater x1 |

| Hi-HP Potion | Apprentice | No | Healweed x3 |

| | | | Mountain Springwater x1 |

| Hi-SP Potion | Apprentice | No | Vitalweed x3 |

| | | | Mountain Springwater x1 |

| Healing Powder | Adept | No | Healweed x3 |

| | | | Magic Powder x2 |

| Energy Powder | Adept | No | Vitalweed x3 |

| | | | Magic Powder x2 |

| Power Aid | Adept | No | Alcheweed x2 |

| | | | Hard Claws x1 |

| | | | Saltless Seawater x1 |

| Resistance Aid | Adept | No | Alcheweed x2 |

| | | | Thick Shell x1 |

| | | | Saltless Seawater x1 |

| Magic Aid | Adept | No | Alcheweed x2 |

| | | | Mysterious Object x1 |

| | | | Saltless Seawater x1 |

| Panacea | Adept | Yes | Cureweed x2 |

| | | | Rejuvenating Berries x1 |

| | | | Saltless Seawater x1 |

| Maxheal Dust | Expert | No | Healweed x3 |

| | | | Magic Powder x2 |

| | | | Giant Tree Nuts x1 |

| Hi-Energy Powder | Expert | No | Vitalweed x3 |

| | | | Magic Powder x2 |

| | | | Giant Tree Nuts x1 |

| Power Spray | Expert | No | Arch Alcheweed x2 |

| | | | Sharp Claws x1 |

| | | | Demonic Powder x1 |

| Resistance Spray | Expert | No | Arch Alcheweed x2 |

| | | | Timeworn Shell x1 |

| | | | Demonic Powder x1 |

| Magic Spray | Expert | No | Arch Alcheweed x2 |

| | | | Curious Object x1 |

| | | | Demonic Powder x1 |

| Explosives |


| Mini Bomb | Fledgling | No | Minty Ore x2 |

| | | | Green Gel x1 |

| | | | Animal Droppings x1 |

| Sleep Bomb | Apprentice | No | Minty Ore x2 |

| | | | Blue Gel x1 |

| | | | Sleep Powder x1 |

| Poison Bomb | Adept | No | Quality Minty Ore x2 |

| | | | Purple Gel x1 |

| | | | Poison Powder x1 |

| Stun Bomb | Adept | No | Quality Minty Ore x2 |

| | | | Yellow Gel x1 |

| | | | Stun Powder x1 |

| Medium Bomb | Adept | Yes | Quality Minty Ore x2 |

| | | | Red Gel x1 |

| | | | Combustible Powder x1 |


| Tools |


| Science Flask | Fledgling | Yes | Blue Stone x2 |

| | | | Castele Bloom x1 |

| | | | Springwater x2 |

| Inventor's Flask | Apprentice | Yes | Blue Stone x2 |

| | | | Rejuvenating Berries x1 |

| | | | Green Gel x2 |

| Bubbling Flask | Adept | Yes | Purple Stone x2 |

| | | | Port Puerto Bloom x1 |

| | | | Blue Gel x2 |


| Accessories |

| Charm | Fledgling | No | Suspicious Object x1 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Durable Charm | Adept | No | Mysterious Object x2 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Reinforced Charm | Expert | Yes | Curious Object x2 |

| | | | Wonderful String x1 |

| Claw Necklace | Fledgling | No | Animal Claws x2 |

| | | | Animal Fang x1 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Savage Necklace | Apprentice | No | Hard Claws x2 |

| | | | Thick Fang x1 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Beastly Necklace | Expert | Yes | Sharp Claws x2 |

| | | | Strong Fang x1 |

| | | | Leather String x1 |

| Coral Necklace | Adept | No | Pretty Coral x1 |

| | | | Little Shell x2 |

| | | | String x1 |

| Marine Necklace | Adept | No | Stunning Coral x1 |

| | | | Durable Shell x2 |

| | | | String x1 |

| Sea Necklace | Expert | Yes | Glittering Coral x1 |

| | | | Rainbow Shell x2 |

| | | | String x1 |

| Round Specs | Fledgling | No | Yellow Stone x2 |

| | | | Castele Copper x1 |

| Stylish Specs | Adept | No | Blue Stone x2 |

| | | | Blue Gel x1 |

| | | | Port Puerto Silver x1 |

| Classy Monocle | Expert | No | Blue Stone x2 |

| | | | Yellow Gel x1 |

| | | | Al Maajik Gold x1 |

| Black-Rimmed Glasses | Expert | No | Blue Stone x2 |

| | | | Black Gel x1 |

| | | | Platinum Ore x1 |

| Diving Goggles (M) | Adept | No | Glittering Coral x1 |

| | | | Purple Stone x2 |

| | | | Beast Hide x1 |

| Flower Hair Clip (F) | Adept | No | Rainbow Shell x1 |

| | | | Port Puerto Bloom x2 |

| | | | Fancy Ribbon x1 |

| Topaz Ring | Apprentice | Yes | Topaz x1 |

| | | | Iron Ingot x1 |

| Aquamarine Ring | Apprentice | Yes | Aquamarine x1 |

| | | | Iron Ingot x1 |

| Amethyst Ring | Adept | Yes | Amethyst x1 |

| | | | Silver Ingot x1 |

| | | | Water Mana x1 |

| Ruby Ring | Expert | Yes | Ruby x1 |

| | | | Platinum Ingot x1 |

| | | | Fire Mana x1 |

| Sapphire Ring | Expert | Yes | Sapphire x1 |

| | | | Platinum Ingot x1 |

| | | | Wind Mana x1 |

| Emerald Ring | Expert | Yes | Emerald x1 |

| | | | Platinum Ingot x1 |

| | | | Earth Mana x1 |


| |

| [1600] Monsters |

| |


Coming soon...


| |

| [1700] Bounties |

| |


Bandit King - East Grassy Plains

Dosh: 300

Mountain Springwater

Spooky - East Grassy Plains

Dosh: 250

Magic Powder

Carrotella - East Grassy Plain

Dosh: 200


Napdragon - East Grassy Plains

Dosh: 5500

Paladin's Sword

Sulfur - Maniwa Cave

Dosh: 100

Yellow Stone

Killer Bunny - West Grassy Plains

Dosh: 700

Animal Droppings

Radishella - West Grassy Plains

Dosh: 600

Daikon Radish

Taurus - West Grassy Plains

Dosh: 750


Bigbeak - West Grassy Plains

Dosh: 2700

Heavy Claw

Sacred Earth Tree - West Grassy Plains

Dosh: 1500

Earth Log

Plains Bear - Elderwood

Dosh: 300

Grassland Honey

Forest Lordfish - Elderwood

Dosh: 600

Forest Lordfish
Great Oak Tree - Elderwood, Deep Elderwood

Dosh: 100

Elder Oak Log

Great Elderwood Tree - Elderwood

Dosh: 1000

Giant Tree Nuts

Earth Wraith - Elderwood

Dosh: 3000

Giant Fang

Black Panther - Mount Snowpeak

Dosh: 450

Hard Claws, Thick Fang

Fanged Ape - Mount Snowpeak

Dosh: 900

Strong Fang

Great Fir Treat - Mount Snowpeak Summit

Dosh: 300

Focus Gem +

Wind Elemental Rock - Waterfall Caves

Dosh: 1500

Wind Shard

Iron Golem - Waterfall Caves

Dosh: 800

Plains Iron
Great Mangrove - Deepsea Cave

Dosh: 300 Dosh

Guardine +

Deepsea Lordfish - Deepsea Cave

Dosh: 1500

Deepsea Lordfish

Turtanic - Tortuga Archipelago

Dosh: 1800

Ancient Shell, Vivid Coral, Whirlpool Rod

Strifestone - Tortuga Archipelago

Dosh: 200

Tool-Upgrade Stone, Attack-Upgrade Stone

Great Palm Tree - Tortuga Archipelago

Dosh: 200

Elder Palm Log

Sacred Water Tree - Tortuga Archipelago

Dosh: 1500 Dosh

Water Log

Swordfish - Tortuga Archipelago

Dosh: 1000


Angry Zombie - Tortuga Archipelago

Dosh: 750
Saltless Seawater, Sack of Silver

Rocksalt Golem - Nautilus Cave

Dosh: 1100

Port Puerto Silver

Pickaxed Golem - Nautilus Cave

Dosh: 1200

Iron Pickaxe

Blessed Rock - Nautilus Cave

Dosh: 300

Def.-Upgrade Stone +

Crocturtle - Nautilus Cave

Dosh: 750

Timeworn Shell

Water Elemental Rock - Nautilus Cave

Dosh: 1000

Water Shard

Lava Golem - Lava Cave

Dosh: 1000

Magma Ore

Volcanic Tuna - Lava Cave

Dosh: 800

Volcanic Tuna

Incandescent Ore - Lava Cave

Dosh: 600


Sacred Fire Tree - Lava Cave

Dosh: 1500

Fire Log

Blaze Wraith - Lava Cave

Dosh: 3600

Giant Fang

Dragon Scab - Lava Cave

Dosh: 1000

Dragon Shard

Outlaw Leader - Aridian Desert

Dosh: 800

Toy Camel, Sack of Silver

Killer Bee - Aridian Desert

Dosh: 900

Sugar Nuts, Hornet Needle

Sand Golem - Aridian Desert

Dosh: 1500

Al Maajik Gold

Great Sugar Tree - Aridian Desert

Dosh: 400

Elder Sugar Log

Bass of Darkness - Aridian Desert

Dosh: 2000

Bass of Darkness

Gale Wraith - Aridian Desert

Dosh: 4200

Giant Fang

Desert Spooky - Aridian Desert

Dosh: 1800

Demonic Powder

Fire Elemental Rock - Aridian Desert

Dosh: 1500

Fire Shard

Sacred Wind Tree - Aridian Desert

Dosh: 1500

Wind Log

Desert Tyrant - Ancient Ruins Path

Dosh: 4500

Giant Horn

Moth Queen - Ancient Ruins

Dosh: 1900

Magic Powder

Gilded Golem - Ancient Ruins

Dosh: 2100

Sack of Gold
King Cobra - Ancient Ruins

Dosh: 1800

Snake Scales

Big Spooky - Ancient Ruins

Dosh: 2000

Spiritual Powder

Ancient Rock - Ancient Ruins

Dosh: 800

M. Def.-Upgrade Stone +

Gold Stone - Cave of Bones

Dosh: 300

Magic-Upgrade Stone

Behemoth - Jade Waterfall

Dosh: 5000

Giant Tail

Ironstone Golem - Subterranean Lake

Dosh: 1800

Al Maajik Gold

Earth Elemental Rock - Subterranean Lake

Dosh: 1500

Earth Shard

Great Desert Tree - Subterranean Lake

Dosh: 400
Elder Desert Log

Great Starry Tree - Cacto Cove

Dosh: 1000

Elder Starry Log

Eyes of Darkness - Deep Elderwood

Dosh: 1500

Snow-White Feather, Black-Rimmed Glasses

Killer Bear - Deep Elderwood

Dosh: 1800

Plateau Honey

Forest Wraith - Deep Elderwood

Dosh: 5000

Giant Fang

Sinister Tree - Deep Elderwood

Dosh: 2000

Sinister Branch

Skylight - Terra Nimbus

Dosh: 2000


Great Skytree - Terra Nimbus

Dosh: 400

Elder Skytree Log


| |

| [1800] EXP Table |

| |


This refers to the total EXP required for the corresponding level.

TGSnowwy messaged me regarding a pattern within the EXP Required.

Because of that, I was able to calculate how much EXP is needed all

the way to level 99 (the max level in the game without DLC.) If there

are any errors within this chart, please let me know!


| Lv | EXP | Lv | EXP | Lv | EXP | Lv | EXP |


| 01 | 0 | 26 | 21750 | 51 | 137250 | 76 | 424625 |

| 02 | 50 | 27 | 24050 | 52 | 144925 | 77 | 440800 |

| 03 | 130 | 28 | 26505 | 53 | 152880 | 78 | 457380 |

| 04 | 245 | 29 | 29120 | 54 | 161120 | 79 | 474370 |

| 05 | 400 | 30 | 31900 | 55 | 169650 | 80 | 491775 |

| 06 | 600 | 31 | 34850 | 56 | 178475 | 81 | 509600 |

| 07 | 850 | 32 | 37975 | 57 | 187600 | 82 | 527850 |

| 08 | 1155 | 33 | 41280 | 58 | 197030 | 83 | 546530 |

| 09 | 1520 | 34 | 44770 | 59 | 206770 | 84 | 565645 |

| 10 | 1950 | 35 | 48450 | 60 | 216825 | 85 | 585200 |

| 11 | 2450 | 36 | 52325 | 61 | 227200 | 86 | 605200 |

| 12 | 3025 | 37 | 56400 | 62 | 237900 | 87 | 625650 |

| 13 | 3680 | 38 | 60680 | 63 | 248930 | 88 | 646555 |

| 14 | 4420 | 39 | 65170 | 64 | 260295 | 89 | 667920 |

| 15 | 5250 | 40 | 69875 | 65 | 272000 | 90 | 689750 |

| 16 | 6175 | 41 | 74800 | 66 | 284050 | 91 | 712050 |

| 17 | 7200 | 42 | 79950 | 67 | 296450 | 92 | 734825 |

| 18 | 8330 | 43 | 85330 | 68 | 309205 | 93 | 758080 |

| 19 | 9570 | 44 | 90945 | 69 | 322320 | 94 | 781820 |

| 20 | 10925 | 45 | 96800 | 70 | 335800 | 95 | 806050 |

| 21 | 12400 | 46 | 102900 | 71 | 349650 | 96 | 830775 |

| 22 | 14000 | 47 | 109250 | 72 | 363875 | 97 | 856000 |

| 23 | 15730 | 48 | 115855 | 73 | 378480 | 98 | 881730 |

| 24 | 17595 | 49 | 122720 | 74 | 393470 | 99 | 907970 |

| 25 | 19600 | 50 | 129850 | 75 | 408850 | -- | ------- |



| |

| [1900] Questions and Answers |

| |


Some questions and answers that some of you might consider:

Q: What made you write up a guide for this game in the first place?

A: I have always been inspired with GameFAQs. The formats that people

use always inspired me to make some of these guides myself for

games. I just never really had the patience for things like that

and would just rather play the game itself. I randomly started this

guide when I was at work, simply because there was nothing else to

do. I made a basic layout on what was needed throughout the guide.

I wanted to cover as much as I could.

Q: Why is the formatting of this guide different than other sections?

It makes the page look inconsistent.

A: Yes, some of the formats are a little bit inconsistent. Due to

GameFAQs' character limit per line, I can only do so much with

tables. However, the formats listed will not be finalized. It is

simply information of interest that people would want to look for.

Formatting and organizing will be one of the final tweaks to this


Q: Why is this section incomplete? You are missing a lot of


A: Sections that contain data, especially the inventory will be one

of the last things that I will do. Although there is a Shop Guide

available, I am still doing that as much as I can while working

with the walkthrough.

Q: You said you would have this done at this milestone. Where is the


A: These things take precious hours of my time throughout the day to

complete. On top of that, the processing time since submission to

the appropriate website also takes time. I am a human being and

have a life, but I am doing my best to meet these goals as soon as

I can. These goals will be adjusted accordingly. Although as a

confession, I do tend to get distracted and often procrastinate at

times, so there is that, too...

Q: These Bounties are a lot tougher than I thought. What can I do to


A: Focusing on your main statistic will help increase the damage output

you deal. Additionally, protect yourself with whatever appropriate

armor you have (if you are facing a Water-based monster, equip some

Water Element armor). Additionally, throughout the game there are

several allies that you can recruit and invite to your party. Use

them to your advantage. Alternatively, if you are able to play

online or local multiplayer with other people, there is nothing

wrong with that, as well. As they say, the more the merrier!

Q: Why the EXP Table?

A: Some people, such as myself, love statistics and love to spoil how

much of certain points I need in order to reach my maximum goal. In

other words, when EXP becomes completely irrelevant. Plus, I just

love tables.

Q: Where are the Post Office passwords? Why are they not within this


A: I didn't feel the need to provide passwords for a couple of reasons:

First off, the entire list can be seen in the Cheats section of

GameFAQs. Secondly, these items can be obtained within any time

after you do the Butterfly Request, so you can obtain some pretty

advanced gear compared to what you are limited to within crafting

and the shops, so I felt that this would have been used to an

advantage rather than normally.

If you would like to submit a question, feel free to e-mail me or send

a PM on GameFAQs!


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| [2000] Credits |

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These people deserve some special thanks:

Me (GospelEXE33) for taking the time and obtaining the motivation to

start up this monstrous task. This is the first time I have written

up an FAQ like this, so it's quite an accomplishing task to do

something like this.

My girlfriend Maynemo for showing me this game and buying it with me

the day after release. Without you in my life things would not be

this way.

Also thanks to her for the Purple Chest in the Mount Snowpeak Summit


RyouSuzuki for his wonderful contribution on the Challenges for some

of the Lives which saved me a lot of time.

Fantasy Life Wikia for some information I was missing, such as Star

tables for each class, Stat boosts per rank, some missing

Challenges, and more.

GameFAQs for having such a wonderful site like this existing. Though I

have not been a participant in the forums at all, or in GameFAQs in

general, I have always found this to be a wonderful site to be in

for the past decade plus.

CJayC for being the founder of GameFAQs!

These sources also deserve some credit:

The GameFAQs Fantasy Life forums for their vital information. There
were some things that I was not particularly cleared up on, such as

cutting down some of the resource bounties (Great Eldertree Oak).

InfernoCrossing for some of the information on his FAQ, the first one

being submitted for this game. There were some things that I did not

know about, such as utilizing the Guide Paladins.

Jadebell for making the Item Drop List and Shop List FAQs. The

data contained in his guides have helped me so much in verifying

some drops and mining sources.

Sepiolith for the Ancient Ruins Map to help others along with myself

to navigate the mazey dungeon.

TGSnowwy for the formula to calculate the EXP Table.

This URL for the Butterfly ASCII. I attempted it myself... but like I

said, I am no artist.


Notepad++ for interesting statistic counts, such as characters, lines,

and especially helping me find my marginal errors to meet the

GameFAQs' format requirement. Insert function is also extremely

helpful for tables such as the Shop Lists, as opposed to NotePad not

allowing this.

This document is Copyright 2014 Mark Hohmann.

All copyrights and trademarks remain the property of their respective


This FAQ/Walkthrough is allowed in the following websites:



Super Cheats

Cheat Code Central

If you would like this guide to be uploaded somewhere else, let me

know! It would be my pleasure getting this guide around!

If you would like to use my Walkthrough for any purpose, you are more

than welcome to distribute it on your website so as long as proper

credit is given. Should this FAQ be found plagurized in any shape or

form, please e-mail me at gospelexe(at)gmail(dot)com, or send a PM to

me on GameFAQs (GospelEXE33).

This game is made by ©2014 LEVEL-5 Inc.


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