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Exercise is Medicine

Exercise in the Prevention and Treatment

of Breast Cancer: What Clinicians Need to
Tell Their Patients
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Jennifer L. Kraschnewski1 and Kathryn H. Schmitz2

a recent meta-analysis of 43 studies (26).

ABSTRACT Combined obesity and physical inactivity
In 2016, nearly a quarter-million women were diagnosed with invasive breast can- account for an estimated 25% to 33% of
cer, the second deadliest cancer type. Lifestyle behaviors are well-established risk all breast cancer (18).
factors for both the development of, and negative outcomes from, breast cancer. Factors known to be protective for breast
New findings demonstrate that engaging in even minimal amounts of exercise is cancer include maintaining a healthy weight
protective against breast cancer. Further, numerous studies have identified the role and engaging in regular moderate or vigor-
of exercise in the treatment of breast cancer and improvement in treatment side ef- ous exercise. Unfortunately, exercise remains
fects, quality of life, and overall survival. Unfortunately, few patients are physically an underused preventive strategy, with ob-
active due to multiple barriers. Physicians may be helpful in engaging patients in jective studies observing fewer than 10%
being more active. Further research is necessary to identify programs and approaches of US adults engaging in the recommended
to help patients both with, and at-risk for, breast cancer to engage in exercise. amount of physical activity (9,34). Patients
who are concerned about their cancer risk,
as well as those who are cancer survivors, represent an impor-
tant target population given the additional impact exercise can
INTRODUCTION have in improving their health. Further, patients affected by
Nearly a quarter-million women were diagnosed with inva- cancer may be particularly motivated to exercise if made
sive breast cancer in 2016 (1). Further, an estimated 40,000 aware of these potential health benefits. Clinicians can play a
women lost their lives to breast cancer, making it the second dead- critical role in motivating patients to make behavioral changes
liest type of cancer (1). Over the past decade, incidence rates of for healthier lifestyles (25). Unfortunately, the rate of clinician
breast cancer have largely remained stable, although mortality counseling for exercise has declined in the face of the obesity
rates have slightly declined (1). Despite these positive changes, epidemic (15).
more work is necessary to better understand how to prevent Primary care clinicians serve on the frontline of patient care,
and treat breast cancer to improve overall population health. and therefore, can benefit from the latest findings in the field of
Lifestyle behaviors have long been identified as risk factors breast cancer prevention and treatment. The purpose of this re-
for both the development of, and negative outcomes from, can- view is to highlight recent articles that examine the impact of
cer. For example, obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30 kg·m−2 exercise on breast cancer prevention and treatment. Under-
or higher) is associated with a 20% to 40% increased risk of standing the current literature in this area can help clinicians
breast cancer in postmenopausal women (22). Further, in pa- understand how best to interpret study results for patients and en-
tients diagnosed with breast cancer, obesity is associated with courage exercise counseling. Successfully engaging more women
a 33% increased risk of recurrence and all-cause mortality in in exercise can decrease breast cancer morbidity and mortality
and ultimately improve the health of the US population.
Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics and Public Health Sciences, College of
Medicine, The Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, PA, and 2Penn State Can- Role of Exercise in Prevention of Breast Cancer
cer Institute, The Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, PA Although physical activity is well known to decrease risk of
heart disease and all-cause mortality (11,21), the association with
Address for correspondence: Kathryn H. Schmitz, PhD, FACSM, Penn
State Cancer Institute 500 University Drive, Mailstop CH69, Hershey, PA 17033
cancer risk has only recently been better understood. Given in-
(E-mail: creasing scientific literature in this area, the World Cancer Re-
search Fund, in partnership with the American Institute for
This article originally appeared in Curr. Sports Med. Rep. 2017; 16(4): 263–267. Cancer Research, updated their 1997 report to include physical
2379-2868/0215/0092–0096 activity in 2007 — “Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the
Translational Journal of the ACSM Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective”(36). The second rec-
Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine ommendation of this report is to “be physically active as part of

92 Volume 2 • Number 15 • August 1 2017

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
everyday life,” given the increased awareness that physical activity increased chance of feeling physically recovered 3 wk postopera-
is protective against cancers as well as weight gain, overweight, tively (relative risk [RR], 1.85; 95% CI, 1.2 to 2.85) (24). How-
and obesity. With particular regard to postmenopausal breast ever, no difference was demonstrated at 6 wk, due to the fact
cancer, this literature review identified sufficient evidence from that most women felt physically recovered. Further, no difference
prospective studies that higher levels of physical activity, with a was found in length of sick leave or self-assessed mental recovery
dose-response relationship, lowered the risk (36). Further, the between patients who were inactive versus active (24).
American Cancer Society also recommends engaging in a physi- A Cochrane Review was conducted in 2016 to assess the effect
cally active lifestyle, in line with the 2008 Physical Activity Guide- of aerobic or resistance exercise interventions during adjuvant
lines for Americans (16). Physical activity impacts cancer risk treatment for breast cancer on treatment-related side effects (6).
through various mechanisms, including metabolic (i.e., caloric This review was an update of the original Cochrane review pub-
balance), hormonal, and immune effects (19). lished in 2006 and included randomized controlled trials of exer-
A recent study by Moore and colleagues (20) pooled data from cise interventions on outcomes including physical deterioration,
12 prospective US and European cohorts with self-reported phys- fatigue, quality of life, depression, and cognitive dysfunction. A
ical activity measures to determine the association of physical ac- total of 32 studies were included with 2626 randomized women.
tivity with incidence of 26 types of cancer. A total of 1.44 million The review concluded that physical exercise during adjuvant treat-
participants with 186,932 cancers were included in the analysis. ment for breast cancer probably improves physical fitness (stan-
Leisure-time physical activity was determined for each individual dardized mean difference [SMD], 0.42; 95% CI, 0.25 to 0.59,
and examined for contrast in those individuals with either high (at moderate-quality evidence) and slightly reduces fatigue (SMD, −0.28;
the 90th percentile) or low (at the 10th percentile) activity levels. 95% CI, −0.41 to −0.16). Unfortunately, exercise led to little or
High versus low levels of physical activity was associated with no improvement in health-related and cancer-specific quality of
lower risk of 13 cancers, including breast cancer (hazard ratio life and depression. The study authors concluded that exercise
[HR], 0.9; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.87 to 0.93). Further, can be regarded as a supportive self-care intervention with proba-
this study extended current understanding of high levels of physi- ble improvement on fatigue and physical fitness. However, at least
cal activity and its inverse association in patients with estrogen nine current studies were ongoing at the time of the review to help
receptor-negative breast cancer (20). The study authors concluded answer the questions of if, and how much, exercise helps with
that health care professions should emphasize with patients the both these and other treatment side effects.
benefits of being physically active in cancer prevention, even in A second Cochrane Review published in 2017 focused on the
the setting of high BMI or smoking history. role of yoga in improving health-related quality of life, mental
Understanding how to help women be more physically active health, and cancer-related symptoms in women diagnosed with
to reduce cancer risk remains a challenge. Technology-based inter- breast cancer. Although also a form of exercise, yoga additionally
ventions have been explored as an avenue for women at risk for incorporates meditation and breathing exercises as well as spiri-
breast cancer. Hartman and colleagues (10) tested the efficacy of tual practice and is a complementary therapy often recommended
a 3-month social cognitive theory grounded Internet-based physi- for patient with cancer. This review included 24 randomized con-
cal activity targeting sedentary women with a family history of trolled trials with a total of 2166 participants. Moderate-quality
breast cancer. Given that this intervention was delivered entirely evidence supported yoga as having a short-term (≤12 wk effect
through technology, it overcomes several barriers of program dis- improving health-related quality of life (SMD, 0.22; 95% CI,
semination, including being time intensive and having expensive 0.04 to 0.4), reduced fatigued (−0.48; 95%CI, −0.75 to −0.20),
delivery channels. The intervention was modified from a print- and reduced sleep disturbances (SMD, −0.25; 95% CI −0.4 to
based physical activity intervention and included an Internet-based −0.09). However, the review did not find that yoga reduced de-
program with brief telephone counseling for personalized goal pression or anxiety or improved health-related quality of life and
setting and discussion. Participants were encouraged to work up fatigue in the medium term (30 to 48 months).
to 45 to 60 min of moderate intensity physical activity most days
Another treatment-related side effect of breast cancer that exer-
of the week. Participants (n = 56) had a mean age of 42.6 yr, pre-
cise may address is lymphedema. Breast cancer-related lymphedema
dominantly white (93%) with a mean BMI of 27.3 kg·m−2. At
is the accumulation of fluid in the interstitial tissues in the arm,
3 months, intervention participants had significantly greater in-
shoulder, neck, or torso attributed to the damage of lymph nodes
creases in minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical ac-
during breast cancer treatments involving radiation and axillary
tivity (approximately 14 to 213 min·wk−1) as compared with
node dissection (23). Nelson (23) conducted a systematic review
the participants in the control arm (30 to 129 min·wk−1). Signifi-
of the literature of randomized controlled trials investigating the
cant differences were maintained at 5 months, 2 months after the
effect of resistance exercise in those with, or at risk for, breast
intervention ended. Study authors suggested that the maintained
cancer-related lymphedema. A total of six good quality random-
benefit after the conclusion of the intervention was a result of im-
ized controlled trials were identified, including 805 breast cancer
provement in self-efficacy (10). Understanding effective interventions
survivors. Strong evidence was identified that breast cancer survi-
utilizing Internet-based programming has tremendous potential
vors can perform resistance training exercise to produce signifi-
for future dissemination.
cant gains in strength without risk of incidence or exacerbation
of lymphedema. Practical applications suggested by this review in-
Role of Exercise After a Diagnosis of Breast Cancer cluded that progressive resistance exercise training can be safely
Numerous recent studies have investigated the role of exercise performed two to three times a week on nonconsecutive days.
after a diagnosis of breast cancer, demonstrating improvement However, medical approval was recommended before initiation
for perioperative outcomes, treatment side effects, quality of life, of a resistance exercise training program.
and overall survival. In addition to impacting treatment side effects, evidence suggests
Given that postoperative recovery is important for both pa- that physical activity decreases breast cancer recurrence and over-
tients and society through health care expenditures, understand- all mortality. A systematic review of 16 prospective studies of breast
ing how exercise can be of benefit is important. Preoperative cancer survivors found a summary relative risk of total and breast
exercise may be useful for perioperative outcomes among women cancer mortality of 0.77 (95% CI, 0.69 to 0.88) and 0.77 (95%
with breast cancer. A study of 220 patients undergoing breast can- CI, 0.66 to 0.9), respectively, for cancer survivors with the highest
cer surgery found that women who were more active had an 85% versus lowest levels of prediagnosis physical activity (29). For Translational Journal of the ACSM 93

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
postdiagnosis physical activity, the summary RR of total and breast the control group (33). Despite the small magnitude of these changes,
cancer mortality were 0.52 (95% CI, 0.42 to 0.64) and 0.72 (95% the reverse findings were identified in the usual care group as ex-
CI, 0.60 to 0.85), respectively. Further, survival was incrementally pected for women on aromatase inhibitors. In this way, the exer-
tied to amount of exercise: each 10 metabolic equivalent task- cise program successfully combated the changes typically associated
hour per week increase in postdiagnosis activity was associated with aromatase inhibitors. Importantly, the HOPE study demon-
with 24% (95% CI, 11% to 36%) decreased total mortality risk strated the feasibility of an exercise program in breast cancer survi-
among breast cancer survivors. Schmid and Leitzmann’s review vors with arthralgia and supports referral of this target population
also demonstrated that benefit for survivors who were sedentary to community-based exercise programs, such as LIVESTRONG®
before diagnosis: survivors who increased their physical activity at YMCA. Sharing the ways exercise can combat the negative side
by any level from prediagnosis to postdiagnosis showed decreased effects of aromatase inhibitors with patients and providers may
total mortality risk (RR, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.46 to 0.80) compared help overcome barriers of concern about the ability to engage in
with those who did not change their physical activity level (29). physical activity.
Borch and colleagues (2) further added to this evidence in their
study of 1327 women with breast cancer from the population- TOWARD THE GOAL OF CONSISTENT PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AFTER
based Norwegian Women and Cancer study. Although they did BREAST CANCER
not find an association of prediagnostic physical activity levels
Unfortunately, being physically active during times of good health
with all-cause or breast cancer-specific mortality, postdiagnostic
is challenging, and barriers are even greater during times of per-
physical activity level was associated with a significant decrease.
sonal illness. Engaging and remaining engaged in physical activity
Specifically, all-cause mortality (HR, 1.76; 95% CI, 1.21 to 2.56) posttreatment for breast cancer remains particularly challenging
and breast cancer-specific mortality (HR, 2.05; 95% CI, 1.35 to for survivors. Despite the importance placed on exercise by orga-
3.10) increased among women who were less active after diagno- nizations, such as the Institute of Medicine (IOM), American Can-
sis. These findings highlight the importance of integrating physical cer Society, and American College of Sports Medicine, similar
activity postdiagnosis, regardless of prediagnosis activity level. rates of breast cancer survivors (10%) participate in physical ac-
Clinicians may find that sharing this evidence with patients who tivity as the general population (8,27,31,35). Henriksson et al.
are currently sedentary may be particularly motivating. (12) recently studied the perceived barriers to, and facilitators
In addition to the side effects outlined above, treatment for breast of, exercise during adjuvant cancer treatment. Semistructured focus
cancer also is associated with increased body fat and decreased group and individual interviews were conducted with 23 patients.
lean body mass, unfortunate changes which increase the risk of Three categories were identified: 1) physical and emotional bar-
obesity and resultant increased risk of cancer recurrence and mor- riers, 2) perspective and attitudes, and 3) support and practicalities.
tality (5). Zhu and colleagues (38) conducted a meta-analysis of Patients identified physical and emotional barriers to exercise, in-
randomized controlled trials investigating the effects of exercise cluding the side effects of cancer treatment, comorbid conditions,
intervention in breast cancer survivors. Thirty-three trials met in- and emotional distress. Perspectives and attitudes included self-
clusion criteria and were included with a total of 2659 patients. In efficacy and self-image, preference of exercise type (i.e., something
addition to results demonstrated in the Cochrane Review (quality enjoyable), concerns and expectations about being physically ac-
of life, self-esteem, and depression and anxiety symptoms), exer- tive, experiences with physical activity, and cancer as a “teachable
cise was found to increase muscular strength and improve body moment.” Patients also identified support and practicalities as
composition, including reducing BMI and fat mass and increasing both potential barriers and facilitators, including overprotective
lean mass (38). supports inhibiting physical activity, environmental support and
Aromatase inhibitors, guideline-concordant treatment for post- practical issues (i.e., time), motivational support, and strategies
menopausal women with hormone receptor-positive breast can- to help engage in exercise (12). An improved understanding of
cer, are associated with several negative side effects. Up to 50% the barriers and facilitators specific to patients with cancer can
of patients treated with aromatase inhibitors have associated ar- aid in the development of future successful exercise interventions
thralgias, resulting in poor medication adherence and increased for this important target population.
mortality. Breast cancer treatment with aromatase inhibitors also Motivation plays an important role in being physically active,
is associated with decreased bone mineral density, a risk factor for particularly in patients dealing with the challenge of a breast can-
osteoporosis and fragility fractures (28,37). The Hormone and cer diagnosis. Courneya et al. (3) studied patient motivation for
Physical Exercise (HOPE) study examined the effects of an exer- different types and doses of exercise during breast cancer chemo-
cise intervention on severity of aromatase inhibitor-induced ar- therapy in a randomized controlled trial. Patients with breast can-
thralgia (primary outcome)(14) and bone mineral density (33). cer initiating chemotherapy (n = 301) were randomized to a
The HOPE study was a randomized controlled trial of exercise standard dose of 25 to 30 min of aerobic exercise, a higher dose
versus usual care involving 121 postmenopausal women within of 50 to 60 min of aerobic exercise, or a combined dose of 50 to
0.5 to 4.0 yr of diagnosis of hormone receptor positive stage I to 60 min of aerobic and resistance exercise. Despite varying before
III breast cancer taking an aromatase inhibitor before enrollment. initiation of exercise program, motivational outcomes after the
The yearlong exercise intervention engaged participants in a twice three interventions were similar. This is an important finding, sug-
weekly supervised resistance training at a local health club with gesting that clinicians can recommend any of these exercise pro-
instructions to complete 150 min of moderate-intensity aerobic grams for patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy
exercise at home (primarily brisk walking). At the end of the trial, (3). Further, higher rates of motivation can be expected to im-
women reported increasing their exercise by 159 min·wk−1 (SD, prove rates of continuation and better long-term outcomes for
136 min·wk−1) and attended 70% of strength training sessions. breast cancer survivors.
Women in the exercise intervention had decreased worst joint pain Despite the many benefits of physical activity after a diagnosis
scores and pain severity and interference compared with increased of breast cancer, health care professionals face barriers to pro-
pain in women in the control intervention (P < 0.001) (14). moting exercise. Smith-Turchyn and colleagues (32) conducted
Further analysis of the HOPE women explored the effect of ex- a qualitative study with health care professionals who care for
ercise on body composition and bone mineral density. The women breast cancer survivors. Semistructured interviews were con-
in the exercise group had a 1.4% decrease in percent body fat and ducted with 24 professionals to investigate both the barriers
a 0.32-kg increase in lean body mass as compared with those in and facilitators of exercise promotion. Five main categories were

94 Volume 2 • Number 15 • August 1 2017

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
identified, including: 1) institutional barriers, 2) health care pro- entitled, “A survivor's perspective on the power of exercise af-
fessional barriers, 3) perceived patient barriers, 4) facilitators (re- ter a cancer diagnosis,” described the shock and fear after her
source and service needs), and 5) patient characteristics. Overall, diagnosis and how exercise helped her cope, adjust and regain
barriers were similar to those identified by health care profes- hope throughout her treatment. “It would be a game changer
sionals in general. Institutional barriers reported included limited
if we could prescribe exercise for patients with cancer and give
time with patients and a lack of funding for exercise interventions
and appropriate rehabilitation professionals within the institu- them the resources they need to be healthier as they navigate
tion. Health care professional barriers were similar, including lack treatment” (13).
of knowledge, low priority, personal limitations, and forgetting to Significant barriers are faced by both patients for engaging
discuss exercise. Perceived patient barriers echoed the findings de- in exercise and health care professionals in promoting exercise.
scribed above by Henriksson et al., including cost, lack of accessi- Despite the many benefits of exercise in the prevention and
bility, transportation, time, patient side effects and symptoms, and treatment of breast cancer, an inability to successfully engage
a negative attitude toward exercise. Health care professionals did patient and health care professionals will drastically limit any
identify institutional supports as facilitators of exercise promo- impact on public health. Therefore, future research is necessary
tion, including inclusion of a rehabilitation professional as part to determine innovative approaches to address and overcome
of the breast disease site team and exercise programs housed within
these barriers. Research across disciplinary lines, such as con-
the institution. Health care professional education and champion
leaders were additionally identified as supportive. Individual sup- ducted by the National Cancer Institute’s Transdisciplinary
ports discussed included patient-facing educational materials, such Research on Energetics and Cancer (TREC) Centers, has the
as pamphlets, posters, prescription pads, and handouts (32). These potential to identify innovative approaches to engaging pa-
institutional and individual supports are important to note, given tients in physical activity for both the prevention and treat-
that they may be successfully implemented in similar clinical set- ment of breast cancer (30).
tings with the necessary resources.
The authors declare no conflict of interest and do not have any
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96 Volume 2 • Number 15 • August 1 2017

Copyright © 2017 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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