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Desiska Silaban

Hanna Monica

Lasria Sri Murniati Marbun

Sarina Kiki Sianturi

Solina Sihombing


This study aims to depictions of the main characters of the Novel Pulang work of
Tere Liye and structure of which is contained in the novel. This research is
qualitative research using the method of content analysis. Forms of literary works
which is famous among people today is a novel. The novel contains fictional
stories in written form which has intrinsic and extrinsic elements. Novel tells life
of living things with their interactions with the environment and fellow. Novelis
a long literary work whose contents contain a series of stories on the life of
certain figures as well as the figures that surround it. Novel accentuating the
character and behavioral traits of every character in the novel.

Keywords : Literary works , Novel, Main characters


Literary works contain a picture about an event experienced someone through

writing so into a fictional story often called a novel. For life man of literary works
in the form of novel can provide a rolevery important. Because of a work closely
related to the teachings ethics, morals, and high morals. A novel built with various
interrelated elements each other so as to form a meaningful literary work. Literary
works can be born from the life or background of the author, this is it causing the
author's background to have an influence on the literary work generated. The
author will use the copyright, taste, and work in the work. The author will capture
the symptoms of the soul and then processed into text and equipped with his
psychology, so that his own experience and experience of living around the author
will be projected imaginatively into literary texts. Similarly, the reader, in
response to literary works will not be separated from their respective psyches.
Creation the literature can be novel, short story, drama, and poetry. Forms of
literary works which is famous among people today is a novel. The novel contains
fictional stories in written form which has intrinsic and extrinsic elements. Novel
tells life of living things with their interactions with the environment and fellow.
Novelis a long literary work whose contents contain a series of stories on the life
of certain figures as well as the figures that surround it. Novel accentuating the
character and behavioral traits of every character in the novel. This research
question are How to analyze the characterization novel “Pulang” by Tere Liye ?
and How to conduct a classification with classified the quotations form sentences
containing the existence of self-actualization character ? This research aims to
depictions of the main characters of the Novel Pulang work of Tere Liye and
structure of which is contained in the novel. This research is qualitative research
using the method of content analysis.

Nurgiyantoro (2012:177) states that from the role aspect and the important
level of character of the story, main character is categorized as the most important
one and appears continually therefore it seems to dominate almost the whole part
of story. The analysis of character is started identifying main character, secondary
character and supporting character. Character is one of the most important aspects
of literary works, which is very interesting to be analyzed because it can guide us
to the author's thought expressed in his or her work however characterization is
the author’s presentation and development of the traits of characters.

Characterization is the process of describing or portraying.

Characterization is also the method by which an author creates the appearance
and personality of imaginary persons and reveals their characters. The story,
whether the character seems designed to fit the plot or the plot is derived from the
character. Wellek and warren (1962:219) state that the simplest form of
characterization is naming. Each appellation is a kind of vivifying, amazing, and
individualizing. In the real world we know that human as people, however in the
novel human called as a character. Robert (1993:20) also explains that characters
are the persons presented in dramatics of narrative work, who are interpreted by
reader as being endowed with the moral and dispositional qualities that are
expressed in what they say and what they do in action. Characterization is the
process of presenting characters by providing it with particular characteristic.
Character is different from but much related to dependent on characterization.
Monner and Rausch (1991:31) explain that character is a person in a literary
works who is unlike a person in real life. A literary character's personal qualities
and action are limited by his or her function in the story. While characterization
is the method by which an author creates the appearance and personality of
imaginary persons and reveals their character.

Type of research used is qualitative research using descriptive method.

Moleong (2010: 4) cites the opinion of Bogdan and Tamit that qualitative
research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of
written words or written from the people and behaviors that are observed.
Meanwhile, according to Nazir (2011: 54) descriptive method is a method in
examining the status of a human group, an object, a set of conditions, a system of
thought, or an existing class of events. Furthermore, Usman and Akbar (2011: 4)
descriptive research intends to make the presentation (systematic) in a systematic,
factual, and accurate about the facts and characteristics of a particular population.
In this study the data collected, compiled, classified, analyzed, and interpreted is
a characteristic description of the characters in Tere Liye's novel "Pulang". The
object of this research is Tere Liye's novel "Pulang". This novel prints IV
published in October 2015 by Republika Publisher with 400 pages. The focus of
this research is the novel parts that describe the character of the character. anat-
stationary instruments in the form of a pen used to record or mark parts of a novel
related to character, a notebook used to record parts of a novel marked with a pen.
This is done to facilitate the workings of researchers in collecting data so that data
collected more accurate research. The researcher's data were obtained by (1)
carefully reading TereLiye's novel "Pulang" with the aim of gaining an overall
understanding of the content of the novel, (2) marking each part of the character
in the novel (3) write about characterization in novel.


Characterization is the combination of all of the things an author does to create

the personality of a character in a piece of literature. There are several techniques
an author can use, and good author's usually use a blending of all of the techniques
in order to create a well-rounded picture of the person.

In fictional literature, authors use many different types of characters to tell

their stories. Different types of characters fulfill different roles in the narrative
process, and with a little bit of analysis, you can usually detect some or all of the
types below.

 Major or central characters are vital to the development and resolution of

the conflict. In other words, the plot and resolution of conflict revolves
around these characters.
 Minor characters serve to complement the major characters and help move
the plot events forward.

Major character is a person or thing that has a big role in the development and
configuration of the story. A none of this character causes the absent of the story.
All elements belong to the story such as theme, plot, atmosphere, etc. are focused
on describing this kinds of character. While a minor character is the existence of
this kind is to support the major one. A minor character plays only small role and
contribution to the development and configuration of the story. Robert Diyyani

1. Bujang (The Pig Forest, Agam) as the main character, told in the
novel The Pig Forest has no fear, independence, and courage. The
following quotes can be taken.
In this quote the Bujang shows a attitude that hass no fear of anything.
Bujang in Tong’s family will be a great man, know by his nickname “The boar
of the forest” who has no fear, has the ability in academic and martial arts. Bujang
was trained to be a sniper with the help of Salonga who became a figitive at the

" Aku tidak takut. Jika setiap manusia memiliki lima emosi, yaitu
bahagia, sedih, takut, jijik, dan kemarahan, aku hanya memiliki
empat. Aku tidak punya rasa takut." (Bab 1, Hlmn.1).

Faith is a belief and trust especially to God. Faith is spoken through oral
and done through actions that are in accordance with the teachings of God. Belief
in this novel can be seen through the following quotation.

“Bisa kalian ambilkan air putih?” aku mendongak ke salah satu pelayan.
Pelayan itu terlihat bingung. Dia sedang membawa nampan sake. “Tentu
saja bisa. Aku lupa soal itu.” Master Dragon yang menjawabnya, terkekeh,
lalu menoleh ke pelayan, “jangan beri dia minuman beralkohol si Babi
Hutan tidak akan menyentuhnya sama sekali. Juga miesoa, jangan ada
daging babinya. Suruh koki memasaknya tanpa daging apa pun. Anak
muda ini punya selera murahan sekali memang.” (PT.KJ32:2015.76)

From the quatations above faith Bujang appears when he did not eat foods
that are forbidden in religion.
Consciousness is a thought that realizes a bad thing ever done, then try not
to repeat again. Consciousness exists in this novel mainly in the following quote:

“Dari jauh-jauh sayup-sayup terdengar suara adzan Subuh. Aku

tersenyum. Tuanku Imam benar, itu panggilan Tuhan bagi siapa pun, tidak
pernah didesain untuk mengganggu. Kali ini, aku bisa mendengarnya
dengan lega. Lebih dari 13.000 hari aku mendengarkan suara adzan, lima
kali sehari, pagi, siang, sore, dan malam. Dari sekian puluh ribu panggilan
itu, kali ini aku baru memahaminya. Aku menyeka wajah yang basah oleh
butir air. Terlambat? Tidak juga. Panggilan itu tidak pernah mengenal
kata terlambat, panggilan itu selalu bekerja secara misterius”.

2. Midah Bujang’s mother

Midah as the Bujang’s mother has a loving character and religious.

"...menyuruhku berhati-hati saat mengambil kayu bakar. Wajah Mamak

yang lembut mengajariku membaca, menulis, dan berhitung." (Bab 12,
Hlmn. 193)

"Aku tergugu, ingat dulu Mamak sering mengajariku mengaji, juga

mengajariku mengumandangkan adzan. Meski aku tidak pernah
melakukannya-" (Bab 12, Hlmn. 194).

3. Tauke Muda / Tauke Besar

Tauke besar as a Tong’s family lead has a hard character. Tauke besar
became a respected figure because a fair and wise leader, one of the quotes that
can be taken is on a conversation from Kopong to Bujang.
"...dia tidak akan pernah membiarkan tukang pukulnya disiksa. Dia
mengirim puluhan tukang pukul ke ruko itu sebgai jawabannya. Enam
aparat militer itu pun dihabisi. Tauke tidak peduli jika itu mengundang
masalah dengan markas militer, dia selalu melindungi kami apa pun
harganya. Tauke tidak pernah mengkhianati kesetiaan anak
buahnya." (Bab 17, Hlmn. 264).


The theme of “Pulang” by Tere Liye is about the Bujang fighting to go away,
the major character in this novel is Bujang. He has a big character in this novel.
In the same time, he pass many obstacles. May character complier this story who
take this novel to be a whole unified story, describes it well because it is supported
by the character given by the author herself.

Tere Liye is able to present scene by scene with detail. Drain emotions and
also choose the hot topic that is developing in the society that is shadow
economic. Sentence by sentence is not made long-winded and right on the theme

Major Minor Character

The main Second Third fourth five character
character Character Character Character
Bujang Tauke Kopong, Baasyir, Samad, Midah, Si
(Protagonis) Muda/ Tuanku Putra Kembar Kiko &
Tauke besar Imam, Guru Keluarga Yuki, White,
Burshi, Lin Parwez, Edwin,
Salonga (Antagonis) Togar,


Analysis the character in “Pulang” by Tere Liye novel which is to fulfill

one of the Requirements . There are two main problems to be analyzed; those are
“how to analyze the characterization novel “Pulang” by Tere Liye ? and “how to
conduct a classification with classified the quatations from sentences containning
the existence of self-actualization character. The purpose of this research are to
identify human characters, to analyze and describe the characterization. In
identifying characters, the writer used Robert Diyyanis’ theory about characters,
in analyzing and describing the characterization, the writer used Perrine’s theory
about major presentation and minor presentation. For analyzing
the data the writer used descriptive method and intrinsic approach.
The results of this research show that there are several human characters
found in the novel such as caring, obedient religion, willing to sacrifice, calm,
understanding, clever, wise, determinated, etc. The method of characterization
found in this novel can be devided in two types: major and minor character.

Wolfreys, Robbins, and Wolfreys, Womack. “Key Concepts in Literary Theory,

2nd ed”. Edinburgh, GBR: Edinburgh University Press, 2006. ProQuest ebrary.
Web. 22 March 2015.

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speeches. Selected Papers from the 2006 Conference of the Australian Linguistic

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