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1. I connect with Tamron hall the most.

I am an African American female and I know how it

feels to be asked the same question over again. She was authentic about her
annoyances with constantly being asked how it feels to be black and in this industry. I
can see how that would be annoying because we have so much more to offer and there
are so many other questions you could ask so the first one shouldn’t be about how it
feels to be black. She was blunt and truthful and straight to the point. She wanted you
to know that we aren’t walk on eggshell and I’m more then my skin color in fact I am a
female that lives and works by her own time and by her own self. I am a person who has
much more to offer. On top of being black I am a female with an education and a high
degree. I worked, and I did different jobs just to make it to this point she is saying don’t
look at my color look at what more I can bring to the table. I also loved how she doesn’t
live on or by a clock. I love that she doesn’t work on anyone else dime and she lives for
herself, yet she plans to get things done. It’s her constant bluntness that makes her so
relatable and someone to connect with students and aspiring journalist in general. Her
thinking and concepts attracted me to her.
2. Broadcast news being televised was a way for them to share every moment and every
second with the people around them. Now people can see them walk in on Birmingham
and can see the hose blow on the people. Now everyone knows just what is going on
and it becomes a topic of conversation. Why is this happening? what has caused this to
happen? People want to understand why we are marching and what we think we will
get accomplished. Weather the conversation is positive or not the battle and thing we
are going through are real. People need to understand that and see that. The
conversation has gotten so big that president elect John F Kennedy spoke about what he
hopes happens in the interview. He said he hopes that things go smoothly and that we
can accomplish multiple things, but he will do whatever it takes. The civil rights
movement now wasn’t just something that black people knew about but something that
everyone could talk about and have opinion on. However broadcast news was able to
voice our wants and needs. We wanted schools intergraded, so they broadcasted Little
Rock Arkansas and you saw us attempting to walk inside the schools and attend classes
with the white folks. It made you look and listen. The point wasn’t to bash or slander the
movement but make it grow. In my opinion if it wasn’t for the broadcast news the
movement might have been big, but I don’t think it would have reached as far as it did
because we wouldn’t have had full access to know what’s going on in the world that we
want to fight for and who is on outside. An the white people wouldn’t know who to look
out for.
3. A 30 min news cast wasn’t able to produce and much content as the shows today. The
shows today can drop 6 news stories in a min and have more people on the field then
normal. They can gather information way more then normal and they have the
opportunity to obtain better sound now then then. The news cast today have people on
the ground and can afford like the old news cast to give news report sets a chance to
actually show case their talents and talk about what’s really going on. They have time to
show they skills unlike they did before. The 30 min news cast wasn’t able to show all
that they could do, and they were limited as to what hard breaking story would actually
break the internet and do damage unlike today. Today they are producing packages
every 2 hours and breaking stories are happening all day long and aren’t hesitating.
While back in the day it was a sense of let’s air the important stuff by the time the news
aired it was old. If something happened as long as it wasn’t dyer you weren’t hearing
about it until the night time show. That’s kind of similar to what we do know that. Even
though we have some 24 hr. shows running that can spit information at you all day if
something important happens then like now your Televison show will be interrupted
and news breaks will appear, and alerts will get to your cell phones and computers.
Nothing has truly changed in the grand scheme of things. For the most part the only
thing that has changed is how many stories are seen on a show at a time and how much
information we can get out there.
4. CNN went from a 30min news break to a 24hr. news break. News was running all day
long and if it was a breaking story they were to have people on the ground first. They
were the first to break all stories because news for them was running all day long. They
had anchors talking fluffy and serious stories all day long and they all wanted to make it
a balance, but they wanted everyone to know that they were the ones to do it first. It
When CNN came in and did this they changed the game for everyone. CNN wanted to
make sure that they were the ones you were watching, and they did that. Other stations
weren’t hip to the 24hr. casting so CNN showed up where others lacked. Instead of
walking into work and watch a soap you had the news playing on your TV all day. You
were always informed an didn’t have to waste until the 6pm or 8pm news story. In the
first news cast what stood out the most was the attempted killing of the civil rights
leader Veron Jordan. This was breaking news and it went out as quickly as it happened.
Everyone was able to see just how impressive it was to have a 24hr. news cast and how
necessary it was to have one as well. That shooting was so important because he was
important to the movement so to hear that he was about to get killed on the radio was
a shock for the host as well as the people watching at home. It’s sad because the same
thing is happening today to our young black men, but they aren’t getting killed because
they are civil rights leaders they are getting killed.
5. IN the day of a life in a news room I learned how they send people to look at stories all
day long. I learned how they had people in helicopters looking for a story early in the
morning. By 9am they had their first morning news meeting. Here reporters would call
in and get assigned their stories for the morning. Then they are partnered with a
photographer and they work together to create a package. Now that all the morning
packages are out they then try and see If they have any hard-hitting news stories that
need to go out or get assigned for the day. If I had a chance to pick a role after watching
a day in the life of a news room I would love to be an executive producer. It was exciting
for me to see what they all can do. It actually made me not want to be a news anchor
and want to run the behind the scenes of a show. They are in control of the camera
angles and the questions if needed that are feed into the anchors ears they run they the
entire show so if something goes wrong if breaking news happens they must let the
anchor know so they can still produce a sooth running show. I would love to have this
title and be in charge like this. It’s important that each thing that happens in the news
room runs nicely and that nothing can fade or go wrong.
6. As stated in my first answer, I feel like Tamron Hall is impressive in her thinking. She
wants to create a mindset and a vision for upcoming journalist that they don’t need a to
ask what it’s like to be black in this industry. They need to know that they are so much
more than the color of their skin and that they have much to offer. For me that
impressive. I think even though it’s hard to grasp the concept of not asking how hard it
being black in this industry it means that I need to stand out while using my color to my
benefit. I am black yet educated, I have knowable and I am strongminded yet know
incite in the “black language” that sets me apart from the regular white anchor. I don’t
think she meant it in a rude way I think she meant in order for us to think outside of the
norm we must grow and exceed the regular day think of color. The asked what bothers
he the most she stated that it was the alarm clock. For me that meat that she doesn’t
want to live or work on anyone else’s time. Living at the hands of time makes you lose
precious moments yet you must work a speedy paste to understand a concept and
follow through with it as well. It comes a point in time when the thought of time and
race become one. if you forget about the color of your skin you become a person with
goals and ambitions and if you forget about the thought of time you are able to live life
day by day. Yet, society has made us believe we need both and she is saying that she
needs to see or be bother with either one to be successful.

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