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1. Name .....................................................................................
2. Date of Birth ...........................................................................
3. Academic Qualification ...........................................................
4. Teaching Subjects ...................................................................
5. Previous Experience................................................................

Name of School Subject Taught Duration


6. Date of Joining Mahaveer Public School .............................................................

7. Experience in .......................................................................................................

Session Class Teacher Subject Taught Special Duties


8. Awards / Certificates of Merit received so far.


1. Father's/Husband's Name ...................................................................................

2. Father's/Husband's Occupation/Designation ......................................................

3. Office Address .....................................................................................................

.............................................................................. Mobile ..................................

4. Means of Conveyance ........................................... Vehicle No. ..........................

5. Home Address .....................................................................................................


6. Phone No. .................................................. Mobile .............................................

7. Permanent Address of Home Town .....................................................................


8. Hobbies (Co-Curricular) .......................................................................................

(i) (ii)

(iii) (iv)

9. Reference of two persons intimately known to you (with phone No.)

Address Ph. No.



Class & Subject Total Periods/

Section Week Text Books Remarks
O God, Giver of the gift of Life,
bless me this day as I go to teach.
I thank you for my career,
and for the health and enthusiasm
you have given me.
I thank you for my teaching skill,
and the joy I find in it.
I thank you for using me
to shape the future of the nation.
I thank you for my Students
and friends, in whose company
joys are doubled, sorrows soothed
and weakness changed into strength.
Help me to be cheerful today,
kind and loving to my students
that they may be happy
in my company.

Are good at explaining things.
have a sense of humour.
like people, especially students in the age group in which they intend to teach
are inherently fair - minded
have "common sense"
have a command over the content they teach.
set high expectations for their students and hold the students to those expectations.
Are detail oriented
are good managers of time
can lead or follow, as the situation demands
don't take things for granted.
Teacher's Time Table
Date From .............................. to ..............................

Periods 0 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii

1. Monday

2. Tuesday

3. Wednesday

4. Thursday

5. Friday

6. Saturday

Date From .............................. to ..............................

Periods 0 i ii iii iv v vi vii viii

1. Monday

2. Tuesday

3. Wednesday

4. Thursday

5. Friday

6. Saturday
Date .............................. to .............................. Lesson
Period Class Subject Topic / Unit Learning Points

Any activity becomes creative when you try to do it better than before.
Method of Teaching and Home Work
Teaching aids to be used (Qualitative / Quantitative) Remarks

Teacher's Sign.................

Principal's Sign ...............

Action Plan
List of Bright Students
Month / Class Subject Name Remarks
Action Plan
List of Slow Learners
Month / Class Subject Name Remarks
No one has greater potential for influencing
children than their parents/teachers. You can help
your children to make wise choices in life by

Setting on example of service to others,

Encouraging them to do likewise,
Getting to know your children's interests and abilities,
Building their sense of confidence and self-worth,
Introducing your children to adults who hold stimulating
service-oriented careers.

Don't let your students risk wasting their life.

The future will be here tomorrow ......... so,

Talk about service and careers with them,

Help them achieve their goals,
Direct them to voluntary agencies, where they can
acquire experiences in different fields,
Bring in speakers to talk to the students about their work
and how they prepare for it,
Help them to evaluate their abilities and interests and
Choose fields to try them out,
Induce them to make good use of the libraries.

The only true teacher is

one who can convert oneself
as it were into a thousand
persons at a moment's notice,
who can immediately come
down to the level of the student
and transfer his/her soul to the
student's soul and see through the
student's eyes and hear through
his/her ears and understand
through his/her mind
- Swami Vivekanand

It is to bring out the power latent in every person created by God.
You can help in this task by assisting young people to:

Ddevelop habits of study, hard work, discipline

and self-reliance,
Think for themselves,
Strive for creative-thinking, individual initiatives
and intelligent self-expression,
Use their education in a way that will benefit
themselves and humankind.

God loved us first. He chose us for a particular mission.

Each of us has a job to do that nobody else in the world can do.
Thank You !
Dearest Teachers ,
For all you say and do. Very often these very things
have given us the edge and helped us through. You've
given us purpose, helped us achieve our goals............ and
made us what we are today.

Good teachers, dear guides, we hail you as

reformers of our day, builders of a better society in this
difficult day and age.

We ask god to guard,

and bless
you every single day

- Principal

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