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3.1 Research Design

In this research, the researcher will use quantitative method. It will be an experimental

research. According to Cresswell (2014:156),” an experimental design is to test the impact of a

treatment on an outcome, controlling for all other factors that might influence that outcome”.

Here, PowerPoint is chosen as a treatment to teach descriptive text. Furthermore, kind of

experimental research that will be used is a quasi-experiment or semi experimental design.

According to Cresswell (2014:158), in quasi experiment, the researcher uses experimental and

control groups but does not randomly assign participant.

According to Mackey and M.Gass (2005:146), “A typical experimental study usually uses

comparison or control groups to investigate research questions.”. The research design is shown

as follows:


Research Design

Experimetal Group Group 1 Pre-test PowerPoint Post-test

Control Group Group 2 Pre-test Text Book Post-test

3.2 Variables

Since it is quasi experimental, there are two variables. The variables consist of independent

and dependent variable. The followings are the definition:

a. Independent variable
“Independent variable is the factor that is measured, manipulated, or selected by

the experimenter to determine its relationship to an observed phenomenon” (Tuckman

was cited in Irma, 2014, p.53). The independent variable is introduced on both groups.

Independent variable is stimulus variable or input. The independent variable is the use of

PowerPoint in teaching Descriptive text.

b. Dependent variable

“Dependent variable is the factor that is observed and measured to determine the

effect of the independent variable, that is, the factor that appears, disappears, or varies as

the experimenter introduces, removes, or varies the independent variable” (Tuckman was

cited in Irma, 2014, p.54). Dependent variable is a response variable or output. The

dependent variable of this study is the students‟ ability in writing descriptive text.

3.3 Population and Sample

3.3.1 Population

Population is a potential group of participants whom that want generalize the results of a

study (Salkind, 2014:95). The population of this research is all of students in eighth grade

students of SMPN 5 Jambi City in academic year 2015-2016. The population of the research is

shown in the table below:

No Classes Number of Students

1 VIII A 37
2 VIII B 36
3 VIII C 38
4 VIII D 37
5 VIII E 38
6 VIII F 37
7 VIII G 38
8 VIII H 38
9 VIII I 36
10 VIII J 37
11 VIII K 36
Table 2

The population of Research

3.3.2 Sample

Sample is a sub-group of a potential group that will be used by researcher (Salkind,

2014:95). In this research, the researcher will use cluster sampling. Cluster sampling is deciding

sample based on which units of individuals rather than individual themselves (Salkind,


In this research, since the researcher decides to use cluster sampling, the sample of the

research is VIII F and VIII G. Class F will be an experimental class while Class G will be a

control group. It decides based on alphabetical.

3.4 Technique of Data Collection

The researcher uses the data collection such as recording, interview, questioner, or test. In

this research, the test is used as the instrument for collecting the data. The researcher will

conduct pre-test for both groups to know their ability in writing descriptive text before doing


In conducting the research, before giving the treatment, the researcher will conduct a pre-

test. It is conducted on writing test. In this test, the researcher asked the students to write a

descriptive text about ”my mother” to know their skill in writing in order to make the materials

more appropriate with the need of students. On the treatment, the experimental class is taught by

using PowerPoint that contains all materials related the topic; on the other hand, the control class

is taught by using pictures and a textbook. Then, the post-test will be conduct to measure the
students’ abilities after the treatment. The test will contain the same criteria in writing a

descriptive text as in the pre-test.

3.4.1 Pre-test

In pre-test, students will write a descriptive text. They will write descriptive text based on

the topic. The topic for pre-test is “My Mother”. The students have 40 minutes to complete the


3.4.2 Post-test

The procedure for pre-test and post-test is similar. In post-test, students will be asked by

researcher to write down a descriptive text. The students will write a descriptive text based on the

topic which is given by the researcher. The topic is “My Best Friend”. The tests will be available

for experimental class and control class. The students have 40 minutes to complete the test.

3.5 Treatment Procedure

The treatment will be taken in eight meetings. Before starting to the learning activity,

researcher will greet and motivate to the students. Then, researcher will give explanation about

the purpose and significant of learning. In experimental class, the researcher will give

explanation about material by using PowerPoint. After that, they will be asked to write a

descriptive text. In doing the activity, the researcher will control and remind them that when the

time is up they must collect their written. For control group, the researcher will use text book as

media in teaching and learning activities. The researcher will give explanation about the material

and then ask students to write a descriptive text. At the end, the researcher will ask each student

to collect their text.

3.6 Instrumentation
The instruments of this research will use written test. The researcher tends to use essay

test. There will be a pre-test and post-test. The materials will be taken from the text book “Smart

Steps” written by Ali Akhmadi and Ida Safrida published by Ganexa Exact and “English

Activities” written by Nur Zaida published by Erlangga. There will be six topics. The topics are

describing my beloved thing, my favourite place for holiday, my home, my favourite animal, my

mother, and my favourite figure.

3.7 Validity and Reliability

3.7.1 Validity

In testing, the test should be as valid as possible, whether it is for informal classroom test

or public examination, even for this research. The test will be valid if it measures accurately what

should be measured (Hughes, 2003:26). For this research, it will use content in validity.

According to Hughes (2003:26) the test which has content validity must contain a representative

sample of the language skills, structures, etc. In other words, the content must be appropriate to

the materials that have been though.

3.7.2 Reliability

Reliability in test must be considered. According to Ary (2006:239) reliability concerns

in consistent of what should be measured. Reliability focuses on consistency in testing. In this

research, the researcher will choose inter-rater reliability. This kind of reliability is to know

whether the data of the writing score given by two assessors are variable. The first rater will be

the researcher and the second rater is Yunita who is the English teacher of the class.
In this research, researcher uses Pearson product moment to know correlation between

two raters. In inter-rater reliability, it will find out reliability coefficient between the raters who

use rating scale. Phakiti (2014:250) suggests that inter rater coefficient should be obtained at

least 0.70. Here is the formula inter-rater reliability: (Arikunto in Minarsih, 2012:33).

∑ ¿}
r xy = ¿
∑ ¿ }{N ∑ ¿
{N∑ ¿

∑ ¿¿

rxy = Reliability of the test

X = score given by the first rater

Y = score given by the second rater

XY = the result of multiplication between X and Y in each respondent

X2 = quadrate of the students’ score given by first rater

Y2 = quadrate of the students’ score given by second rater

N = the total amount of respondent

In order to determine the level of the instrument reliability, the form of categorizing the

reliability coefficient was employed. The researcher will use SPSS 16 to find out the inter rater-

reliability. The rate of value in the instrument reliability is presented in the following Table:

No Reliability Coefficient Category

1 0.800-1.000 High
2 0.600-0.800 Fair
3 0.400-0.600 A bit low
4 0.200-0.400 low
5 0.000-0.200 Very low

Table 3

Realibility Coefficient

3.8 Technique of Data Analysis

3.8.1 Scoring System

The scoring system of test will be analytic score. Researcher will use analytic score

method that proposed by Heaton like in table 3.

No Component Score Definition

1 Form 3 Excellent : Flowing style – very easy to understand –
both complex sentences very effective.
2 Fair : Style reasonably smooth–not too hard to
understand and enjoy complex sentences–fairly
1 effective.
Unacceptable : Very jerky – hard to understand –
cannot enjoy reading – almost all simple sentences –
2 3 complex sentences – excessive use of “and.”
Grammar 2 Excellent : Mastery of grammar taught on course –
only 1 and 2 minor mistakes.
Fair : Only 1 major mistake but a few mistakes.
Unacceptable : Numerous serious mistakes – no
3 3 mastery of sentences construction – almost all
2 unintelligible.
Style Excellent : Use of wide range of vocabulary taught
1 previously.
Fair : Attempts to use words
Unacceptable: Very restricted vocabulary –
4 3 inappropriate use of synonyms–seriously hinders
Content Excellent : All sentences support the topic-highly
organized–clear progression of ideas-well linked-like
1 educated native speakers.
Fair : Some lacks of organization – re-reading
5 3 required for classification of ideas.
2 Unacceptable : Lack of organization so serve that
communication is seriously impaired.
Mechanic Excellent : No errors.
Fair : Several errors – some interfere with
communication – not too hard to understand. .
Unacceptable: Numerous errors – hard to recognize
several words – communication made very difficult.
Table 4

The scoring table

adapted from Heaton in Habsari (2014:38)

There are five items and each is scored 3. The maximum score will be 15. The result is raw

scores so that it is necessary to multiply them by two then divided by three to get more

meaningful numerical data.

The measurement of the students’ achievement that is suggested by Harris (in Setya 2007:44)

can be interpreted with the following table.

Criteria of mastery Grade

91-100 Excellent
81-90 Very good
71-80 Good
61-70 Fair
51-60 Poor
Less than 50 Very poor

Table 5 Classification of Scoring Grade

According to Djiwandoro (in Minarsih 2012:37) from the calculation between inter-raters,

the researcher combines the result of scoring by using the formula.

P1+ P 2


J : Total score

P1 : score from Rater 1

P2 : score from Rater 2

To find each student percentage of interpretation scoring of writing test, the following

formula is utilized (Sugiyono in Minarsih, 2009:37).

X= x 100


X : Score in certain category

R : Students score in certain category

N : Total sample

3.8.2 Hypothesis Testing

This testing is to find out whether the hypothesis of this research can be accepted or not.

The analysis will be done by using t-test. The result of t-test will be compared to score to the

score in t-table. If there is a significant effect in using multimedia PowerPoint on students’ ability

in writing descriptive text, hypothesis I is accepted. If there is no significant effect, hypothesis 0

is accepted. Here is the formula of t-test (Sugiyono in Minarsih, 2012:38):

X́ 1− X́ 2

√( SS1 + SS2
n1+ n2−2 )( 1 1
n1 n2 )

Here is the formula to look for X1, X2, SS1, and SS2 as the following:

X́ 1=
∑ X1

X́ 2=
∑ X2

( ∑ X 1)
ss 1=∑ X − 2

2 ( ∑ X 1)
ss 2=∑ X − 2


t : the value of t-calculated

n1 : the number of sample in experimental class

n2 : the number of sample in control class

X1 : the mean of experimental class

X2 : the mean of control class

SS1 : the variance of experimental class

SS2 : the variance of control class

The researcher makes the t-test formula using SPSS 16.0 (Statistical Pocket of Social

Science) for windows. The Application and the result of the investigation will be discussed in

chapter IV.

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