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McDonald's Commercial 2013 - Holding Hands
The effects of Ads on Children: Part 1

Neopets Game

The effects of Ads on Children: Part 2

Motorola - Megan Fox - Super Bowl Ad 2010

The effects of Ads on Children: Part 3
“Access to media seems to
accelerate the problem
with more children being
aware of, and seeking to
emulate the “grown-up”
dress, behavior, and values
of teens and young adults
on the Internet, TV,
movies, music, print, etc.”
“Most little girls feel the
pressure, often brought on
by the media they watch,
to look and act more like
older teenagers.”
(Girls Speak Out, January 2000)

The media is pushing girls

to look, dress, and act
much older than they
-Shorter shorts (some of them
actually go up on the sides like
-shorter shirts that allow you to
see the belly button
-Lower cut shirts in the front to
show cleavage
-Skimpier bathing suits
-Cursing in language
-Talking about sex

-WHY the change?

 “High School Musical, the Disney movie series which features
fashion, teenage crushes and the perils of high school life, has
spawned dozens of spin-off products which appeal to
toddlers, prompting psychologists to warn that Disney is
taking the innocence out of childhood.”
-The Telegraph (2008)
 Nowadays, "programs aimed at my daughter feature kids
twice her age," complains Lisa Rinkus, mom of a 9-year-old
-shows like “Hannah Montana” are about teenagers but
geared for ages starting around 7
 This exposes kids to themes that are too mature for their own
age level!
The hit show
opened up many
people’s eyes to
the reality of the
modern child
pageant and
some people’s
distorted view on
childhood beauty.

-Fake Tan
-Flipper (fake teeth)
-Hair Extentions
-Extensive Make-up
-Fake Eyelashes
-Expensive glitzy
and short dresses
According to People magazine…
“Footage of 3- and 4-year-olds dressed in overly adult
costumes (like Dolly Parton, complete with padded
breasts, or Julia Roberts's streetwalker from Pretty
Woman hit the airwaves, [and] viewers and pageant
skeptics have been expressing horror at an industry that
is now accused of "sexualizing" young girls.” … check
this out and see what they are talking about.
Music videos, movies, reality shows, beer ads, online porn, prostitutes in
video games, sexy doctor shows. Sex is everywhere. And studies show that
the more sexual content kids watch and listen to, the earlier they're likely to
have sex themselves (
 A 2005 Kaiser Family Foundation report found that the
proportion of programs with sexual content rose from
54 percent to 70 percent between 1998 and 2005.
(family circle)
 This means that today’s youth is being exposed to
more and more sex at a younger age…
The Parents Television
Council research shows
that on a per-hour basis,
sexual material is:

› more than three times as

frequent in '99 as it was
in '89.
› references to genitalia
were more than seven
times as frequent in '99.

“There is virtually nothing

our children can't see
and hear in the privacy of
their own bedrooms.”
(center for parent/youth
 “Many parents don't feel it is appropriate for their
child to be thinking or talking about issues like
sexual development and relationships at such an
early age. When parents are not willing to engage
their children on these matters, kids will often turn
to the media for answers to their questions about
life.” (center for parent/youth understanding)

 “But in 2005, out of 68% of TV shows that showed

steamy sexual content, only 15% discussed risk and
responsibility.” (

 This video has some great examples

Gender: Term for the condition of being male or female or neuter. Sex
refers to the biological aspects of male and female. Gender implies the
cultural, social, behavioral and psychological aspects.
Identity: 1. These are the personal qualities that a person has and displays to
others consistently that they part of your essential self. 2. Collective self-
theory. These are the social psychological concepts of personal and
interpersonal factors. People will favor an in-group as it is part of their
Gender Role: The pattern of behavior, personality traits and attitudes
defining masculinity or femininity in a certain culture. Determined by
upbringing that may or may not conform to a person's gender identity.
Gender Identity: The recognition of being male or female resulting from a
combination of biological and psychic influences, family attitudes and cultural
Femininity: A person in possession of social and role behaviors that are presumed to
be characteristic of a girl or woman, as contrasted with femaleness, which is genetically
Masculinity: Behaviors and characteristics which are typically associated with the male
gender and manliness.
Gender or sex role stereotype: The socially determined model which contains the
cultural beliefs about what the gender roles should be. It differs from gender role in
that it tends to be the way people feel 'others' should behave.
Sex Typing: Refers to the differential treatment of people according to their biological
Studies generally “show a high
level of sex-role stereotyping
among young children...Even very
young children can distinguish
between genders. Preschool
children, for example, associate
high power adjectives with boys
such as being strong and fast, as
well as aggressive and cruel to
males, while adjectives such as
needs help, cries a lot,
affectionate, and nice are
attributed to girls.” *1+
There’s no doubt that most
advertisements use gender-
role stereotyping to reach
their desired demographic.
But when this advertisement
method is applied to
children, who have not yet
fully developed their identity,
it can be confusing for them.
If the child doesn’t conform
to the societal norm, and
they know it, they will feel
like there is something “Marketers encourage sex role
wrong with them, which isn’t stereotyping by creating gender specific
true. products, such as Mattel’s Barbie and
Hasbro’s G.I. Joe.” [1]
Perhaps a little girl wants to play with a truck, ad a little boy
wants to play with dolls? But because of advertising in the media,
and other influences in their lives, they might feel this is wrong or
unclear because media and advertisements play into subscribed
gender roles or sex-typing.

“Advertisers are
attempting to socialize
their child viewers into
accepting some sex-typed
activities and behaviors in
order to sell their
products.” *3+
Television teaches children a lot of material about sex-typed behaviors because
it demonstrates easily distinguishable stereotypes into the children’s own home.
A particularly worrying statistic is that during their viewing, “children aged
between two and eleven years of age are exposed to approximately 150 to 200
hours of television advertising each year.” *2+
As a result, children who watch more television have more sex-typed attitudes.
In fact, a study “reports a natural experiment comparing children in towns with
and without television, which shows distinct differences in sex-typed attitudes in
the differing towns. She discovered that prior to the introduction of television in
a town, children had low perceptions of sex-typed roles in comparison with
nearby towns that had television. Two years after the introduction of television,
there was no difference among the towns’ children’s perceptions of sex roles.”
Gender stereotypes can limit a person’s dreams because of self-fulfilling

Stereotype examples: On television, doctors are usually men and nurses are
usually women. What message is this sending? That these imbalances are
based on gender as a professional hierarchy.

This sends a message saying being a Doctor reflects masculinity because

they are more professionally capable, they are more important, represent a
position of power, require more schooling, and make more money.

This sends a message saying being a Nurse reflects femininity because they
are less professionally capable, they are less important, they take orders
from male bosses, are considered “nurturing” or “motherly,” and make less
Because children see these
stereotypes portrayed in the media, If this little girl really wanted to
they replicate it, and it’s sad. A little become a doctor, she probably
girl I once interviewed on this
subject for a Child Psychology class
would be told later in school the
said, “I want to be a doctor when I myth that “Boys are better at math
grow up, but I can’t because I’m a and science than girls.” I remember
girl, and girls are the nurses.” always hearing that as a child. If she
believed that myth, which we
usually do when we are children,
then her math and science scores
would actually go down. This would
happen because the myth she
subscribed to became a self-
fulfilling prophecy. This would
certainly discourage her even more
from following her dream becoming
a doctor, because being a doctor
requires that you are
mathematically and scientifically
One very prevalent stereotype in Children’s media is the
representation of gender in parental figures.
The dad demonstrates masculinity by wearing a suit and goes
to work in the morning, comes home, eats dinner with the
family and goes to bed.
The mom demonstrates femininity by doing all household
chores, shopping, child care, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.
If you actually compared the amount of work and skill
between the father and mother, the mother is more skilled
because of all the things she has to know about children and
household duties in order to be a “homemaker.” The mother
also puts in way more hours than the husband throughout
the day. If a mother was to actually be paid as a
“homemaker” for the amount of time she works and puts
into each skill needed, she would actually make way more
money than her husband.
But actually, today, parents are more likely to both have jobs
and both do household chores, but this isn’t represented
accurately on television.
“Advertisers appear to be continuing to use the
interactions depicted in their advertisements to
frame consumption in accepted or desired social
roles. In the case of advertisements targeted
toward children, the social roles are gendered
consumers. If children want to be good (or
socially accepted) girls and boys, then they will
want the gender appropriate products and they
will relate to one another in the appropriate
(gendered) manner as depicted in the
commercials.” *3+
“Results indicate a link between the viewing of television and gender
stereotyped behavior, and between a child's cognitive developmental and
the impact that gender-related television has. If this is true, then the
cognitive level that the child is at, will influence how he or she will adopt
gender roles, and the likelihood of the children adopting them as a result of
watching television. [Children] who lack understanding and information in an
area, can be considered to be more likely to look to television in order to find
that information, and furthermore, as a result, they will be more vulnerable
to its portrayals. From this argument then, if television portrays biased or
stereotyped gender roles, then that is what such a child will be likely to
adopt.” *3+
This adoption of gendered stereotypes creates personal qualities that a child
has and displays to others consistently that they part of your essential self.
This isn’t a good thing, and advertisement needs to change.
All definitions provided by
As technology advances we rely more and more on
technology. Therefore, children are born into a
technologically advanced world. There are both
positive and negative effects to this new phenomenon.
On the positive side children will be more prepared for
this new world of work. Negatively children are going to
be less socially evolved. The use of iPad's, the new
Common Core Standards, and outdated educational
standards are just a few ways how technology has
effected today's children.
 iPads are starting to take the place of textbooks
in school
 Apple has reported that more than 600 districts
have adopted the use of iPads in the classroom
 iPads can easily be used for research during class
 iPads can make teaching more interactive
between teacher and student
 iPads are more portable than textbooks
 New type of textbook for a new generation of
 Educational Apps take learning to a whole new
 Over 20,000 educational apps in the App Store
 Common Core State Standards provide a consistent
and clear understanding of what kids are expected
to learn
 45 States and the District of Columbia four
territories and the department of defense education
activity have adopted the common core state
 Tests require students to think critically and solve
 STAR testing in California will no longer be in effect
after the 2014-2015 school year
 Test will now be online and will be amped in
getting the child more ready for college and the
real world
 Administration of the Common Core Standards
will be assessed via computer which will allow
for faster turnaround of results
 Parents and teachers will also have access to
these assessment
 With the nation being more technologically
forward and adopting the Common Core State
Standards, states are leaving it up to individual
school districts to decide if they want to teach
 With everything being typed or written in print
writing in cursive may become a lost art
 With students taking notes on laptops, tablets,
and computers the need for cursive is no longer
 Teachers are deciding to prepare students for the
real world by opting out of cursive writing and
teaching computer and typing skills
 Since the 70's the teaching of cursive writing has
declined nationwide across public schools
 Motivates the kids to learn because their life is
already filled with technology
 Getting them ready for the next chapter in their
life whether it be work or higher education
 New generation of children requires new
updated ways of teaching
Technology is here to stay. It will keep advancing
and we must find ways to use and interact with it.
With technology having a huge part in the life of
children we must find ways to use it in the
educational fields to compete in the new global

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